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Greeley Daily Tribune from Greeley, Colorado • Page 1

Greeley, Colorado
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llTHEB W6 Sdcrlu north- 24 "I m. TIIM- Ji, low 17. HOT ONE This musical'composer' at 'the head of tha treasury Is expected to begin laaulng notes 1m-. mediately. THE GREELEY REPUBLICAN 17S MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS QREELEY, FEBRUARY 23,1933 AFTERNOON EDITION WEEKLY TRIBUNE ESTABLISHED Income rom County Gets More Roads! Capitol Heavier lhan Court House cs of tbo Wold tax- tateiidod I.e.ahow-that Irniicnt expenditures nro "elrno burden at all bavo Ushed by officials and em slats offices and bureaus facts that the not show when applied nty aro briefly aa'follows: rtraenl ot slate govern- ittmay department, takes dVounty annually morp rev no lax cost of rernment Including tho road in direct properly Weld county taxpayer is to the cost of coun- bo contributes the i of tho Colorado state exclusive of state mall- Ihe highway department.

Uerllaiice tax and special llualvo of gasoline tax-and Velo licenses) Weld county Tiwiirs into Iho state treas- Koney than the county is viupcr support, hospital Lid mothers compensation. Blals gosoline tax is col- Ite ell? of Greeley alone to lllro tax coat of the.clty gov- '1 is lie lilies enough taxes and lot Weld county to maintain Four cities tbo size Grec- tvo enough lelt over to oper- office In the Weld county to under the present budget, rt Iho hospitals' and tho Ind. o' the county will pay loiters of the state In 1933 (ilely 5100,000 in' gasoline i on POEO 8) Graver Man Is Killed fey Fist Blows Injury Alleged to Have Been Inflicted by Alfred Aicher Kills Louis A very- after Transfusion Fails, Blood Secretary to FordReppfted To Be Missing I of Robbery Here "last ot tb'o trio office for the burg Vincent Hardware store a Tuesday held in jal for Weld county pfficora k'. marks tho cleanup.of Weld. Sheriff's la -has been successful In liip the criminals In tbo ma Icounty burglaries occurrliii I first of the year.

Ingelej and Joe Ortegas ar 1 the county jail for tbo Vin Rep. Douglm ot Arizona (elected by Roosevelt hit budotf director. (Auoclated Preti.Photo) jerntan ow Under Virtual MartialLaw No charges liad'been tiled against Alfred Alchor.of the Grover area Tuesday sheriff's office saying that Aicher detained until such tlmo as his Bister, widow of Loula Avery' wbb died as a result of a tight with Aicher, decides whether'or not slibjwill press prosecution. An" autopsy performed at midnight Monday by Dr. Solon Lovlno of Crpv- or at the direction of Coroner R.

F. Armstrong substantiated tho'previous belief, according to -Armstrong, that Avory dlod of injuries exactly like those'that resulted In the'death of Ernie Scaaat. following his knockout by Prlmo Camera. i was described -as "general compression of the and encephalitis (Intlamallon of the lining of the injury resulted' uot from tho blow, Armstrong said, but from' the jar. occurring when Avery's.

bead the ground. There was a small clot of blood at the base of the brain, There no fracture a kind. No Inquest will bo held. Sheriff deputies expressed the opinion that involuntary manslaughter would be the (AMoerittd Fnttl Dqtroll, Feb. Ernest Q.

Uebpld, general secretary to Henry Ford', was reported missing to the Detroit police at. 2 m. Tuesday. Police a a a xo- quest tor a "quiet Investigation" of bis disappearance was made by 'a man who himself as DID official of the'-Ford Motor company. At the Llobold homo, and at the offices of 'tho Ford company It was said that nolhlug waa'knowii' of.

his appearance. Airs. Llebold was roportod' Husband Sued for Divorce Agrees To Take Wife Back as Housekeeper and Business Manager for Trial Period Berlin, Feb. 28--President von Htn- denburg today placed tho Gorruan ro- niblic under virtual martial law by ilgnlng 'an decree giving be police extraordinary powers to en- orce order. most serious charge filed against Aicher, possible to be tAsoclated Iterlln, Feb.

from fire iiid water to tbe relchgtag building wna unofficially estimated today at more than 6,000,000 marks, at current' exchange). This estimate was, made' pending completion of official Jigilres which' are' expected to- norrow. Berlin, yeb. aw under a police decided upon by tho German cabinet Tuoaday. Tlio cabinet, had b'oeh in 1 session alnce-11 a.

adjourned at 2:30 i. until 6 m. It had heard a report from Wllbelm Gocring, minister without upon the flrejvhicb damaged.tho Reichstag building Monday and tbo result a raid last week :30 today. by police on Karl Llebknecht liouso, communist headquarters. A military slate of emergency- was not announced in order to keep tho reichawehr (atandlng army) out 'of political action, but tho measures to be decreed the effect of placing Germany under a state of emergency with tho sole object of meeting eomnumist danger.

Herr Goerlng reported that material seized 1 in Karl Liebknecht'a houso included forged orders to tbo polico and to Nazi stofln troopers and oven included instructions for poisoning wells and food. According to. the testimony of'lwo riion who arrested, they tola- phoned Monday, evening to the socialist organ, Vorwaets, at tho request of this paper, that Herr Gocring himself bad' arranged for the rolchstag fire. i The Hitler government.ordered prohibition of tlio entire Leftist press, and the arrest of the 100 communist members' of the last, parliament, Tuesday. With reichsl'ag Prussiaji diet elections both bulletin on hia con-1 were regarded'as forerunners, to the Louis 0.

Avery, 47 years old, farm er living 20 miles weat of Grover, lies dead in the Grover morgue and brother-in-law, Alfred. 25, Is h'eld at the county jail here awaiting tho-posBlblo filing of manslaughter charge's "as the sequol to a quarrel and flat flglit which occurred Saturday. Ayery died at the': Grover hospital Monday evening every'effort," including blood -been made to save his When it was realized that the a i the sheriff Is office at Greeloy was notified and Deputy. Sheriff Hunter Grover nud returned with Dr. Solon Leylne of Grover said that death According statements nesses Avery-0113-Alcber their AicbVer; hit Ayery 'on tho chin and Ayery fell backward striking his bead heavily on "ground.

Tbo Injury and Its closely paralleled tho deatb. blow that Ernest Schaaf received from Primo Camera In the prize ring. Mrs. Avery, widow of the dead man, Is a sister of Alfred Atelier. According (Continued on Fagb 8) to bo away from home "Tlio; stato police post at Ypsllantl report of Liebold'a absenco, stating that he' waa last Monday, when he left the Ford.offices in Llebold, for momy years-general secretary to Henry Ford, 1 iiaa been In charge of tho Ford fiscal pollclos.

Ford a tow days ago.assigned-liim to. lu'the organization' work preparatory to forming two now letrqit banka which will be under control of the Fords. Employes at the ford company, including tho'service, de- jartment; said of search tor police in the'Detroit'areaV-to whom a report was early also denied knowledge' of 'the search. State police at-the Lansing headquarters, however, fhe from the Ypsllanti Lieutenant Johri" Hoffman, bead 7 q( the special! investigation Novel arrangement by wlilch husband who bn'a been sued for divorce agrees to.tako his wife'back Into his home as housekeeper and business manager they mako trial resumption of co-resldenco, -was signed In county court hero Monday afternoon by Mrs. Nettlo MoAfeo and her husband, John J.

MoAfeof Brio. Mrs. McAfeo started ault for divorce on Fob. 1, charging mental and physical.cruelty. Judge Robert Q.

Strong signed an order suspending all the divorce case until further notice. Tho agreement which occupies tho large nart of two closely spaced typewritten pages includes tho following terms: a McAfee shall be housekeeper at tho. MqAfeo residence In Erie while is given a chnnco' to "redeem himself." it specifically staled that site.shall not live as.Mr. McAfeo's wife. until such time as aho may decide to do so.

Mr. McAfee Is turn over to her all his Income to be ban- (Senate Asks Contract for Tags Delayed Armstrong Scored for Acting While Prison Bills 1'end; House a State Compensation Fund Investigated Faces Impeachment died by. Mrs. McAtoo for. imymcnt of household expenses and such obligations aa sho deems fit.

Sho is given the delusive management of 'tho household without Interference from him or. Sho inny detcr- mlno who shall bo Included In tho household and exclude any she does not desire. Mr. McAfee agrees to attend church ho la requested by Mrs. McAfee- to dp go and also to EO with her to.

any entertainment alie wishes It sbe feels -that they can afford It. Mrs. 'McAfee- reserves tho right to decide' wlittlior or not sbo shall eventually, return as, wife, and she may leave tlio homo'at'any ttnio sho wishes. The' agreement does not effect squad of the Detroit pollcb depart status 'of tho divorce case, agreement ment, and two detectives left immediately after the report was received tbe Ford offices. In Dear- talk; with Bennett, here- for born, to head-of department.

A "description of Llebbld's car, together- with report that lie was all de'teclivea arid' patrolmen at'roll, call morning. Shockey Geti Severe Sentence. (Associated Prfss) Boulder, Feb. 35. Shoekey, 30, pleaded guilty today to a statutory charge, and was sentenced to 16 years alato prison by Judge C.

C. Coffin. Sboeke'y police said, to several attacks JJoulder Ccrmak Somewhat Iter, Says Late New bulletin 'o Irmak's condition at 3:30 favorable progress 1 flayer Ccrmak's condition Improved respiration ah slate. ttrereby has been dlscon- Ificient fluids are being tak- lo warrant cessation of fas glucose solutions." --J Tress) Feb. 28--Mayor Anton Chicago, was described by pv.

Dr. Frank Jirka, as up- vo he "Bomewhat bettei 1 ter attending physicians ia- Boyer To Be a Gandidate for Council Takes Part in Play Puts is Bar on lo-JairWar the outslandlng develop- fno dispute between China Has laken place off the bat- Mtaln announced the appllc- Itemporary embargo on ana ammunition to lo fill contracts' already be' sanctioned. fTM govern ment 'Was repre- ITM il any IPJWided both' the'. United 'reat Britain' fake- part but congress blocked Presl- rs proposal. for e'xecutiye ij an embargo.

The Issue fflscassion by League ltbe fighting 'Jehol 'Chineaa 'r'esistabco rted that th'j aQ- slommed arid that within 10 -days. heB. on the contrary oijte arm ad block- southeastern re- of circumstances that o'litlawing of tbe communist party. I They followed swiftly upon partial destruction the massive- half-cehtury old Reichstag building in a fire 'started' an alleged young Butch communist Monday night. Many "persona thought the i a set by.

others so communists could be blamed. squadrons occupied the building housing the Vorwaerts, principal newspaper of tho socialist party, lor four hours this morning, tru'ckloads of election of the waaf expected to easily 'aGsure Cbaricellor Hitler's party of 'cbntrbl In both the rolchstag and diet to be elected' Sunday. It will take eight months to repair tho Relchafog building; now relchslag will meet" in tha Prussian diet building, mvestigatlon disclosed the Reichstag building, which Includes some offices of Chancellor Hitler and other officials, was fired: In fifteen dlf- feVent began- arresting communist relchatagera early Tuesday morning. ac chalrman It' Tyas impossible to. determine how many.

werertakon.In custody this fore- many have gone Into hiding, A 24-year-old youth per Lubba admitted setting fire toT the. famous parllampnt building. Ho canio from Amsterdahi, where an Inyesllga- t'idn disclosed ha wag known as'a communist, and founded his own party Holland. The youthi also admitted setting tho fire to the kalaer'n palace last Saturday fire was put out befo're "causing much damage. caught running from the Reichstag night by police.

Ho admitted staring one main floor and police believed "he' had. accomplices who "os- cSpetf." Fromlne'nt communist reicb- atagera wore reported aeen fleeing from the building. O. W., lllD'Sixth' street, resident ot Weld county for 24.years and ot Oroclcy for 14 years, announces hla candidacy for alderman as an Independent, not connected with the Independent party, but aa an individual, tfr.

Boyer Is now teaching the Dan- lela school east of Milllkon. Mr. Boyer said: "I believe there should be an im provemcnt. In tho government of this city. I stand for a downward revision of'taxes and salaries of city employes, and a reduction of telephone and elec- rates, and a complete elimination of such public activities as rodeos, street carnivals and gambling dens from tbo stree'ts of Greeley, which drain tha purses of our citizens of thousands of honest and-hard-earned cash each' year.

I stand for economy, efficiency, honesty and a square deal for everyone concerned. "I am Interested tho morals of our children and young people, whom tho greatest assets of city of Greeley," Mr. Boyer is'a taxpayer and a home bwner. was ono of tho pioneer homesteaders of northeast-Weld. Ho taught In the public-schools of Weld county for 11 years.

He was a census enumerator in 1920. Roosevelt Friend Will Be Ambassador to U. S. Paris, Feb. Lefevbre de la Boulaye.

personal Mono" of President-elect Roosevelt will be named ambassador to Washington to ouccesd Paul Claudell, It was learned from semi-official quarters today. Walsh Gets Cabinet Job (Associated Hyda Park, N. Y-. Feb. dent-clecf Roosevelt announced appointment of Thomas J.

Walsh ot Montana as Ma attorney general. Mr. McAfee deeds to her livestock, one quarter Intorest la liis fanning operation with hla son, Max McAfco, and a warranty UeoU to his property In Erie whtcli she fa to retain regardless'of the outcome- of the trial cor-rcsidenco. In her divorce- suit had asked for per month alimony. Dotli had been married previously and havo children, by fornior unions.

There are- no children from the. present' marriage, John C. Nix cm Is'Mra. McAfeo'a attorney. houso representatives voted Impeachment of Federal Judgi Harold Louder back of San Frinclico for "mlademeanors office" The case went from the to tht -senate for trial.

fAssociated Press Photo) Johnson Splits with Wets on Repeal Plans 1933 Licenses Required; Subject To Arrest with Old (AMpcLBled J'rtaa) Denver, Feb. 'question of -Tuesday was declared by Secretary of State Charles M. Armstrong to be the last 'day on' which 1S32 auto license plates are good-for driving In 1S33. Now plates hnvoiboen duo since Jan. but owing to conditions a little ro than the usual leniency has been how'n by officers in the state.

Weld and Greeley. 'Starting now, till drivers wboao cars bear 1932 licenses will be subject to arrest and fino for tho offense, It was by Gardntr Th'omas who has one of the leading roles In the play, "Sunny Days Farm," which patrons of the school present at the Odd Fellows hall Wednesday evening, Tribune Phone Numbers 3 For Society, Local, Other Editorial. 5 For Business, Job Printing. Subicrlptlona In Greeley Saturday, March 4 In which will be inaugurated demonstration of merchandise values by Greeley' merchants that will help to establish ANEW DEAL! Launched coincident with the hew administration at Washington, It li contemplated to start renewed trade activity In this community at least. Watch Your Tribune For Further Particulars.

Edwards, President of the Greeley Chamber of Commerce. Police officers In Greeley during the few days have been holding cars vllh old licenses until tho owners secured Bond of Seaman As Treasurer Is Filed Bond of H. II. Seaman for $100)000 as acting county treasurer, was filed vlth tho county commissioners office Tuesday, and now need's only tlioir approval to be In full force and effect. The bond is written by "the National Surety company.

Mardi Gras Street Pageant Cancelled (Associated Tress) New Orleans, Feb. the first time In history the century old Mnrdl Gras Rex, ruler of tho. revel, today bowed to adverse weather and can celled tho scheduled'street pageant ol lila krewe, traditional climax of tho fete. Massed thousands jammed In the downtown area huddled under balconies and.wrapped Irt rain coats were disappointed'as a driving rain starting early in tho morning continued Into preventing tho colorful procession of gold leaf floats depicting of the air from tho dayo of Bagdad carpet to present- day transatlantic flying. Five Die In Flames methods for.consideration of ratification pf the Dlalne prohibition repeal resolution found advocates of immediate ratification and Governor Ed.C.

"ohnson In disagreement The governor said today he favored calling special session of tho general sembly to be hold during a recess of he regular session for tbo purpose of passing legislation providing machinery for a constitutional conven- lon. Governor Johnson previously said 10 favored tho election of delegates to constitutional convention at tho regular 19.34 election. Legislative leaders estimated a five day special session would bo. required pass tho necessary legislation for tho constitutional convention. Senator democrat of Iei.

ver sponsored Iri.tho senate, and Hopreaentatlve Bert Keat Ing, democrat of Deliver; who liandlet tho liquor in the house both declared "opposition to the iuter Im special session. They tiuestlonot Lho legality of such' procedure and bb lioved ho chances should be taken which might jeopardize the validity any action taken. By COLIN SCOTT Aitoclated Prcis Staff Writer Deliver, Fob. Colorado general assembly struck nt two state do- 'artmonts--tho secrotary of and" ho compensation Insurance fund--in adopted by tho house and lenato i In the sonato a resolution by Sena- llcadleo, democrat, Mouto Vista; ICnous, democrat, Montroso, a laugh, democrat! Pagos'a Springs, asked that Charles M. Armstrong, secretary of state, recall "all advertisements for bid's and forego any further stop toward purchase automobllo llconso plates for 1934 until tho termination of tlio legislature to the cud that In tho event Mio license plate plant Is authorized at tho state Usuttary tho purchase of plates from other sources may bo avoided.

Several bills are before the assembly authorizing tho setting up of a license plalo-factory at the prison to roplaco tho one destroyed- In disastrous i and flro of October, There were no dissenting votes cm tho resolution. Secretary Armstrong announced Saturday tbo contract fo.r the 1934 platos had been awarded" to tlio Sachs- company of Denver at a bid ot Tills bid was tho highest ot three submitted altho It Is somo $20,000 less than the cost of the plates last year. Armstrong said Sachs-Lawlor was Iho. ohly-company submitting sufficiently equipped to turn out the quality plates demanded. Senator Hcndlee list lie cost of plates In states-- lono of which paid cents imoted for Colorado.

The-senate asked, oo, regarding the of turn- ng out tho 1034 plates In 00 days as provided in the contract. "This gentleman," said Senator leadle'o, referring to Armstrong, "has gone agniii'st'lho will ot tbe senato be- lie" is apparently trying to Jo 't knowlngvfull'well we havo Prominent W. R. C. Lender Dies f-oilgrnont, Fob.

Mary L. Carr. D5. former national president of the.Womon's Ilollef Corps nnd organizer of the Eastern Star in Colorado, died at her home tod'ay from complications which resulted when she foil, and fractured i last Thursday. Mass Meeting of Truckmen Mar.

2 Mass meeting of Independent Truck- men is 'announced for Thursday 'evening, March the auditorium of the Continental building In Denver. Meeting opens at 8 o'clock. Everyone la welcoino'to attend. Senate Votes Bill To Help Debtors (Auoclnted Fres) Washington, Feb. tonight-passed a bankruptcy relief bill setting, up machinery for Individual and farm debtors to get extensive reductions in their obligations and for (Associated I-ros) 9.

Feb. young people burned to death In a two-, story frame house in Poo Mill village early today. of them were trapped in sleep wblle tho fifth died In a heroic rescue attempt. LOCAL BUYERS PAY TO FARMERS Tuesday, Feb. 28 Winter WhMt Spring Wheat 40o 40o 3fx Bye Corn Barley Pinto beam, old Pinto bean, new Small Michigan White Potatoes, white.

36o Potatoes, to 40c Jills Ijoro tor tliojobabilltntlon of the plalo plant." Senator of Colorado' Springs, expressed approval of resolution relative not only to javlug lo the slato of 60 -percent which he estimated, but as an uiue toward Improving tbo morale' at tfifc iionltentlary and providing employment for prisoners. Bannister, democrat of Grand Junction, also spoko briefly J'n, favor of the resolution which was introduced this i and considered Immediately aa a special order of biisl- The bouse- adopted a resolution by James Galloway, democrat of Dreck- enrirtgo, calling for legislative Investigation of the stato compensation fund. He d'eclareq tbe accusation bad been made the funds ot tho department totaling about $3,200,000 in cash and securities were not in 'good condition. "It baa been charged," said Galloway, "that several stale contractors carry Insurance with the fund but pay no premiums. It baa been further charged tho compensation de- a pays nothing it can possibly avoid." Wayne' N.

democrat of Palisade, informed tbo houso -ho had- talked to the officers of tbo fund who said they would welcome a legislative probo of their affalr.H. The senate passed two bills on i a rending today--one wlilch allows state banks to follow tho procedure ot national hanks in providing blanket bonds for all employes rather tbari In-, dividual bonds, nnd a second relative to school districts providing for pupils from other districts under common: agreement. The senate adjourned until at The house passed on i a reading seven fish and game bills adopted on' second" reading yesterday. Gumniings To Be at Confab in Washington Congressman-sleet 'Fred Cummlnga planned to leave Tuesday for Wasli- rallroads facing receivership id re- Ington to attend a democratic con- organize with approval of th6 courts gresslonal organization meeting pre- and Interstate commerce commission, Tht vote wag 44-S. The' bill now goes to the house which has passed a differ bill, on the same matter.

Final approval doubtful. at this session Is Smith Urges Bond Issue Frell) Washington, Feb. Straight from the shoulder counsel from Alfred E. Smith to the senate finance committee today embraced recommendations for a federal bond Issue to finance large public construction, a war debt rnora- par.itory to tho. expected calling of a special session of congress about April 17.

Reports from Fort Collins say.that who' underwent a. lous operation at Mayo Is. recovering and fs able to be about tho house. She expects to accompany' hor husband to Washington wfcen.he goes cast for the special'session. I fa will return homo following tho organization meeting to be held'this week and next, It la Bar'icor'jSpeJlki.

to City Hlnh Gcorgo Barfeary" Instructor at Colorado Teachers" college, spoko' to students at Greeley hjah schpdl 'Monday morning.HIs' aubject was "New foun4- land." Ha'very Interesflnsly tqld of the charocterlstfcs'of a of Newfoundland, h' lorium almert to expand Amorlcan eiporleiices. Mr. Barjcei: has sppken. foreign inarXots, and recognition "of Greeloy high students tvuiy and-: soviet Hussia. he was uaartlly welcomed by' them..

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