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Greeley Daily Tribune from Greeley, Colorado • Page 6

Greeley, Colorado
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I'AGE SIX THE TRIBUNE-REPUBLICAN JANUARY 21; MORNING, THE GREELEY DAILY TRIBUNE and THE GREELEY REPUBLICAN Kvcrr Wetk ET I I A I I COMPANY Office: Eighth Colorado. CHARLES HAN3BN--- FLOYD K. MBRRIIiLi-- P. 'MATTHEWS-- -Editor and Manager Editor -Advertising Manager Ent.r.a nmtUr at Clreeloy, Colorado, act of Maroh 1872 gubiorlptlon tuMl In Weli Counljr. 1 14- outildo of Weld County In Colorado.

1 year, ouulde of Colorado, 1 year, tt By 1 IJ.36; 1 month 0e limed to Republican By Qreeley Typographical Union No. ill Inxraham, Coolsy a rVo'lc CbTo Coffin, National Representatives ago. i Syracuse .1 Ajuo FraM Sm the uee for lleattea of all oews ereatted It er mot credited In.tfti* parir tfce local mewa pnMUfced fcercin. rUBLIO FOBim Trlbune'lji fcnypr-to prlai Publte Formm gveli mait be MM tfcun 800 trorAc, count the words to avoid ointment) thcj mMM be addreeecd tbe Tribune, NOT to SOHB iBdU Uaal as of en letteri taer must be signed with tbe name sad ad- of the writer tbs cerreet slanatarea will be printed with thsml tber must Icctfclr written, either typewritten or la very tlear ther emu be lead at a KlaDcet and taer be freni nersejsal attaefca en and nbmee el iadlvtdaala inatltnUena, HATIONAL IDITOMAL ASSOCIAT1OM "HOW DO I LOOK?" Cosmic Power I'rofoasor August Piecord, tho Swiss EcUnUot who goes up into tho alrato- spheto in'nlumlnum balls to stucTy tho cosmic rays, says we may eventually get our 'yjower from them tho wny Split Second Editorials Robert Qufflen Pubflahers "A crlcs'jf SIont luotrl What to do with used razor blades Is always a problem. Looks like a eino opportunity for unemployed sword swallowerg.

These schemes lo mako all men might work out very nicely if Mother Nature could ho persuaded to co-operato. A news item Informs us that Clara Dow wants to write. From S. A. to essay or something.

i i municipal scrip is ono way of making people spend their money at homo. Tuneful auto horns are scarce, hut all factory whistles are equipped to play "Happy Days Are Here Again." many have thought we would get it from ntoma. Tho. mero fact that no- oily seems to know yet Just what osmlc lays are, and where they como rom. does not matter.

Here they are, hooting from outer space onto and nto earth In tremendous (inanities and with tremendous power, and iO practical scientist wants to ECO hat power going to waste. Just how wa'ro going to harness. aya, or waves, or missiles, or what ever they aro, which go right thru everything without leaving a trace, is something to puzzle over during the long winter evening. Somebody may find a way to intercept tho rays and put tlicm to work, oven though, ac- 'REFUGEES' FILL MISSOURI'S from many antes have fl of Mluourl, a farm land ahortagi I tlppl river valley area. A proup of typical refugeti, i and railroad boxcars, Is thowh here.

(Anoclattd I cording to Technocracy, we seem to hnvo too much mechanical energy available already for our own good. Another line of inquiry, no less interesting, Is tho effect that the cosmic rays may have on living things. A physician a i is possible that without them no life would bo possible. There seem to be an enormous lot of things essential to life. Thousands of factors have to combine to create and sustain us.

It's a continual inlr- nclo that we are living at nil. Yet bore wo aro, with all onr apparent weakness and incompetence. Just'about the toughest bits of reality in tho world so enduring that scientists say we've been here millions of years and tvll continue, aa a race, for millions inoro Investing in G. li. S.

There'is nothing like knowing own worth. A popular crooner fore mako i Homo here Instead at In dinner Friday evening in honor of. the birthday anniversary of her daughter Cora Marie. The guesls were Dorothy Anderson, Mary Eva Mcpnnald ana Florida, an they flrsi intended. Mrs.

II. H. Hoover of Drlggsdalo stopped In Greeley Tuesday on nor to Boulder to visit friends and to )enver, whero t'ock aliow. At tlie animal meeting of the stock- oldevs of tlio Northern Colorado Building and Loan association, Mony evoning, tho following hoard of directors was chosen: J. Ewtng, E.

P. Cottlnghain, O. B. Uttell, M. J.

S'oill, C. Roberts, K- S. Royor and G. Harris. Mr r.nd Mrs.

F. E. ZInn, who have visiting tho F. H. Elliotts', ro- There must he hell.

Surely tlioso who have jealous mates aro entitled to something better when they die. Couldn't they lessen the contrast by i i somo way to make the new license tags look old- Things have about hit bottom when a crook can Impersonate an officer successfully by demanding money. This year, as usual, Independ- cnco Day will be celebrated with firecrackers made by foreign labor. Americanism: Jailing a man who circulates bum paper money; calling him a financial wizard if tlie paper ha circulates is called bond. Thers aro two classes: Patriots who would save- America at any cost, and those, whoso bank rolls would be nicked by tho schemes suggested.

We still can't seo tho woi-th of education if the college boys didn't know tho kind of bonds they were selling. An English banker says America's gold will prove a boomerang. Isn't a boomerang tho thing that comes back? cast for himself just two years of pop ularlty before oblivion. George Ber nard Shaw, Is said, urged many slio will attend tho turned to their homo In Ault this County Kathleen Neal. Tho four girls drive to Greoley together every day for school and work.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corshorg and Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Corsberg were- dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. C. O. Cors- b'erg Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. A. K. Hammans of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs.

F. Benedict VYeTe 'dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Haymond Sunday. Joyce Crdndall was a guest at a wafflo Meikel homo Wednesday ayoiilng.

West, Pawnee, Jan. sten of Sllg'o shelled corn for Ell -jUnk from La Salic La Sallo. Jan. A. J.

Clark has recently organized 1 a harmonica band among the children of the various grades. Those in the hand are: Melvin Strahmaler, Coral Winter, Hazel Hamond, Ruth Vogelt, Harriett Gels, Shirley Conuoll, Harvey Pless, Margie Hyde, Ruth Hydo, Donald Cummlngs, Lucille Crltes, Victor Paul, Kathoririo FIshor and Nadlne McKenney. 'tito balance of the week with mother, Mrs. Thomas and family. Mrs.

R. A. Adams of Brighton is with her mother, Mrs. Wickes this week taking.treatments from Dr. Kern.

Mrs. Adams Is in very wor health. Mrs. Velda Hill ia very ill with pneu- nonia at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hack Marklejy west of Plattc- billo.

Among those- who attended tho turkey show In Denver Were G. Abbett, John Gllfllhtn, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.

Marquis, Mr. and Mrs. Steadman and Mr. and" Mrs. A.

L. Miller and Elton. Mrs. John Hooper spent last week in Denver. Mr.

and Mrs. T. T. Eccles and Miss Eccles brought lior home. Word received Hall states she icai urday night alter a i Miss Rosanna TtisM Springs la visiting htl Mrs.

Mary Terry Seldom comes nerrirt.1 Sumla'y. Mrs. Mary Hamburger returned a couple of days this week. Carl Paris Is hauling corn Jerry Porter's. Mrs.

Roy McCoy of Snyder Is keep- Ing house for hor son, Dean- JtcCoy, until the return of Mrs. McCoy who is Kersey Kersey, Jan. 20. Friends of Ilov. John R.

Wood will bo interested to know that ho Is no longer living at Oakland, but la In Summerland in cottage ho recently bought-. He calls his place, "Weo Hoos Over the his correspondents to save his letters Sea," and can bereached and them. He Intimated they would find 1 It profitable. Ono of these, Archibald Henderson, who has 'been Shaw's official biographer, took the playwright at his word. Ho made ono of the largest collections of Shaw letters, first editions and manuscripts, a total of 201-itomg.

He has just sold the collection at auction for 57,887. One first edition in the collection hears tho following message, written on the dust jacket in Shaw's own handwriting: "My dear Henderson: Sell this while the boom will provide a dowry for your daughter." Perhaps the great man was joking, but it is just as likely he. meant it seriously. And certainly tho advice provoil sound. Many a stockbroker gavo poorer advice In 1929.

at Snmmerland, Calif. Mr. Wood will celebrate his seventy-seventh birthday anniversary Feb. 10. Mr.

and Mrs. Noah Allen were dln- atill In Donve'r convalescing from appendix operation. Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Hensal Wo'd have to see tho woman Aeforo believing that she drove a man to drink this present-day If 3.2 beer doesn't affect a jury of congressmen, what will It prove except that they are congressmen? Notice tho man who' cusses France.

he will protest most when his state Is asked to" pay back Jl. F. 0. loans. Tha census bureau gays there aro 3.34 persons in each family.

Tho 34 per center is tho ono who doesn't know relatives oro coming until they get there- in her latest advance, poor Japan had 16 defend herself from 342 children. Correct this sentence: "A now cabinet was chosen," said the man, "and 16! Tha people had hoard ot every man In it." 19 A AGO From the Flloi of tho Republican Jan. 21, 1914 Manager Paul E. Darrow of the Oree- cy. Gas and Fuel company appearcr eforo the city council last night ani presented a now franchise which that orporatlon would like to have grant no different in chief provision: rom tho ono now In effect, excop hat the company asks the vacation a portion of Fifth avenue bo ween Fourteenth a Flfteentl streets," adjoining which it owns hal a hlock of ground, and for which I offers reductions to tho people of Gree- ey who use gas that will aggregate it Is estimated, approximately $2,23 3 year.

company considers as a rental that will Increase, as the patrons of tho company gain in numbers. Tho plan Is to make Improvements In tho plant which will be greatly facilitated by tho vacation of tho avenue. Fire of unknown origin that utarteO Wednesday In tho McDonald building at Erie destroyed three structures, causing loss of more than $7,000, with 'little Insurance. Tho fire was discovered by Mrs. Drew Woodhury, who turned In an alarm, but because ot lack of equipment, tho firemen, who worked hard, were unablo to save any of the contents of tho buildings, which wero total wrecks in less than an hour.

Tho buildings burned wore tho Miller ner Kiiests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Crandall Sunday.

Mrs. Sally Monson of Denver Is vis- Hing at tho homo ot her niece, Mrs. Hay Cooper. Mr. and Mrs.

Jim Mundy moved to Kansas Sunday. They will farm there. Mr. and Mrs. Geno Neal who recently purchased tho Mundy home moved into it Tuesday.

Mr. C. Q. Corsherg is confined to his bed with a very sovero cold this week. Paul Horbst was a supper guest ot larry Boles Tuesday ovonlng and both oys attended the basketball game In Fort l.upton.

George Burch came homo from tho Wednesday after aking his semester examination. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston moved Oreeley Saturday. Mr and Mrs.

Qono Neal woro guests ot Mr. ond Mrs. Earle Heck in dreelcy evening. Dr. and Mrs.

Mahaffoy of Love- and wcro guesls of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mnlmffey Thursday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. A. J. Dihaln were guests at tho George Trebesh homo 5aturday ovonlng. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Slirlon entertained Mr. and Mrs. Gene 'Neal at din nor Suuday. Mrs.

E. C. Shambo is spending tho week at tho home of her daughter, Mrs- L. T. Reynolds.

Mrs. Clark Webster is organizing a piano class in town. Mr. and Mrs. C.

W. Mains and Theresa May Kreps of Oroeley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krc'ps: Jean Reynolds spent tho week end In Oreeley with friends. Mr.

and Mrs. Durthart spent Sunday In Wcldona with' Mrs. finrk Mrs. Guy Palmor attended tho basket hall game at Carpenter, Tnes-. day evening between the Grovor town tenni and tho Iowa Reamers.

Tho Iowa team won by six points. Mrs. Chris Eoenlg and baby son are staying at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koonlg for a days since leaving" the Grover hospital last Friday.

The following are relatives who called on the mother and new baby Sunday: Mrs. George Polanfl a a children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter 3axson of Hereford, Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Shlt- lett and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shlflett ot Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs.

Cornwell of Hereford wore dinner guests. Sunday afternoon word was received of tho death of John Wilson who had been taken to a Groeley hospital tbo week before. H. 0. Bachtcl took tbe family to Greoley Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stlnson spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luce who live northeast ot Crover.

Dwlght Junior high music In stcnctor, has group of young folks doing splendid work in the glee club They ara Leola Slapper, Elinor Stew art, Katherina Harold Welch, Glon Clarkson, Lloyd' Maokey, Harold Sholton, Alfred Miller, Micluu lea Kphler, Florence Sullivan, Jeanette- -Love, Leon Bbhlender and Kenneth McWIIllanis. Jan. Mr. and Mrs. M.

H. Mainord and Mrs. J. Qray of Johnstown' attended tho funeral of Tony Darnell, tho former's cousin, In Denver, Mbiiday afternoon. Mr.

Durnoll died at tuscon, where ho had gone in hopes ot improv- and Ing his health, from Fitzsimons hos- home Sunday from a week's visit In Denver. Miss Marie Hamburger Is attending Opportunity School there this winter. Mrs. J. T.

Prltchard is on the alck list this weak. A McArthur Hi 1 v. Co. Phone pital where ho had' taken treatments for some years. Mr.

and Mrs. n. C. Pntrlo attended the Lumbermen's convention In Denver last week representing tho Foster Lumber company of this town, at tho Cosmopolitan hotel. Eight hundred and fifty lumbermen and their faroi- lies'wero In attendance.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Crltchfield "of Elbert svere overnight guests at the A. C.

Brown home Saturday. C. B. Bruce took in the "Sow Belly" dinuor at the Shirley Savoy hotel Wednesday evening. Mrs.

Catharine Davidson of Fairplay arrived Wednesday noon to spend AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE COMPANY Automotive and General Machino Electric and On Welding Phone 698 1012 Eighth Avenue Mrs. A. U. Ayars spent tho day, Thursday with Mrs. J.

R. Burnett of Prairie Center. H. G. Robinson AUTO REPAIRING Sherman Tire Servlco 1021 Eighth Phone 167 E.

8. CHRISTEN8ON ELECTRICAL SERVICE New Location 1010 8th Ave. Phone 7421 Phillips 66 Gas and Bakery, Ibd McDonald barber and the Murle residence. shop Charles N. Holmes and family, who left for Florida snvoral weeks ago, have returned lo Greeley and will hart's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. A. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Robinson spent Tuesday at tho stock show. Mr. and Mrs. William Slitter ot Greeley wero dinner guests of Mr. and Mn Reynolds Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. L- A. Damours and C. Williams and Mrs, Emmii Chample visited Leon Damonrs and George Burch at Fort Collins, Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. Leo Burkhart mado a business trip to Atwood, Mon day. Mrs. W. H.

Smith and Mrs. Estella Brown viallcd friends In Evans Sun day- Paul Corsborg fnade'S business trip to Denver Wednesday. Mr. and Mw. J.

IJ. Chrlstman wero guests 6f Mr. and Mrs. Karle Beck In a Johnson entertained at 66 Motor Oils The only gas with split second starting. One trial is convincing.

Watch foi: the Orange and Black Shield. You will receive prompt and courteous service at all 66 Service Stations. Highest test gasoline at the price of ordinary gasoline. FISCHER AND ZEUBHR, 2nd St. and llth Ave.

PETE ROUKEMA, 9th St. and 12th Ave. ftl. RUDBECK, i Mi. So.

on 85 Highway A. W. BEECHER, 1 ML East on No. 6 Highway W.H. SHORT, La Salle, Colo.

FISCHER AND ZEUBHR, Gilcrest, Colo. BULK AGENCY, Phone 1368, Greeley, Colo; A Direct from the to Your Bin Lump, per ton $175 Up UNRUH SON LUMBER AND COAL 1890W 2 GOOD 11 Cai and Tru at Pri you afford tJ We will tab in trade nnd convenient balance. Open all CHEVRti Bush Moto Special This Week, Good Model CDI.J 1116 8th Ave. 12U1 St. Long Distance Moving, Packing and Shipping The Union Delivery Co.

Ph. 384 YEL1 NIGHT AS SER 1 Trunks a Phonel A I I TO SERVE YOU A GUARANTEE! USED AUTOMOBII Wo have a complete stock of the better make! been carefully reconditioned and tastefully refinisi: chanlcal condition will the rigid Inspec'l" 1 will you. 30 DAY A A it li only logical to believe that you can aave by purchasing your car now. GARNSEY and WHEEl 8th Ave, and 11th St..

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