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The Oshkosh Northwestern from Oshkosh, Wisconsin • 4

Oshkosh, Wisconsin
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Charle Miller, who TO TALK CLUB HOUSE. on Kouth street, pleaded guilty 1 td, having lift disorderly. He eated on Klghth street early this Wallach Oalikoah Lodge at LIUs Will Hold llooater Meeting Tlila lOtrnlns at th l.uilae Hall, llir Ktrut llelng 137 Slain Hlrcou jl. WW OH CREDIT soclnl Hraalon The (Jural ln of! Kalare I4nirlrr Hill He Taken I The Program, Oshkoah lodge No. I'X', Ji-m voieut an Prolie.tua Orurr of will h.ive up imnorunt "booster" meeting Hun ey miming.

HI term at the rock pile I twelve day. The other "temporary coijnty employe" I A. Graff, who id. tried guilty to the charge of va-grficy. He wan nrreterj at 5 o'clock tht morning on t'eape treet.

Graff X'ljuurn will In; for elpht day. Jli. A. U'altc, who I an Interna-funal ertiiry of the Y. M.

i'. A. 'irul V. H. U'oneg of Milwaukee, who la i rttary of the hoy' work In Wisconsin, held 11 conference with the Junior Iiovb the local Y.

M. C. A. at tht- aociutiun bulldlrig lat evening They dlMciiMHed the pimfiihilltleis of (loing good Y. f.

A. work among the High ucriool Ktuili nt, 11 nd the Hi-IJh that were open to thl work among the hoy. They also dlsi'iiwied the Institute for hoyn of the Y. M- NEW THINGS FOR SPRING 1910 1 lP Excepting a Very Payment when irig Nothing to Pay Until After EASTER 1 A which will he held at Kond du Ivie Sslorday. Wilfred.

N. Stroud will reiieent thl city at the meeting at Fund du lur. A woman who trie to convince man that ho know more than he does la both clever and dnngerou. In at the tiall tin .11 -t mfrl 1 every number vt 1 1 loiie hua In: mi notllied of the event and mc, to be in ttehdnnee. Tliia event la In i Jiii of a social session and will ifu lode nerving of a reliant.

Hut muri Important than tin- of 'I feature will be a cjler iiHnluil li In futuie quarter of lie Klks ami lion of a clubhouse wlii hi- Jim ihai I It la ltd a decision will In- whether Hits lodge will have it i iub im.n" of lt own or whether It will icniaitt i'i the present i lubrooms by ni.tkiiig umi ii ncedid Ininrnvcmcnta. In fie notice sent out inf-iobe: ron i niliiR tlila evening' bui.atcr amnion, alienliou Is culled in Hit- fail; that (he lease on thy irr.ietit. quarte) i expire In 11 short time unit the 1111100.1 ail! inked to ilerldM whet Iter I hey want 1 heller than id whether tliejr nil! willing to lie In aj ilnovt'llulit hi Reeure 11 hofne Unit can I' I Unl fur Kik' eluj piiriiiixi exclusive-! I'. In also In (In- tho nomination of nffir. rn 11 HI held March II 11 lid thai the iinnn.ii tloli of ofTieer la Charle Nrvltt I to 111 i as chairman of the M'elul session tills eveiilnir.

1 CITY ITEMS. wmmm I SUiidard Pattern at Hurn' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. L'crtaiiil an cxtced-, lnfjly and a Rrcat blessing; to. salaried, people, as Easter Renerally finds many, outlets for money, thus causing all i FI.Ot'R. "Good Halii or Milni'." tiiil.UKN LOAF. Grade Patent II li per Bark. JtJ.10 per liarrel; Second O-ade Patent, 1.M per aek. 5 95 per Barrel. Boyd tz Son. OVflTKIta.

III li iillil MM ill! worry to vanish how to own EASTER 0 A CLOTHES for ev A HtKHU DAILY. tier Vurt; 20o par or Kmbalmlng Huiilt Uced Wtitver. Boyd A Son, City Market, Open Sunday from 30 a li in. nd from I to p. m.

VUtA IIIIY IB-IN( WOOD FOR BAI.B. llllli'il. Onk and Hemlock Blab Wood" iff Loud, per Cord, H.5o: pne gn(j Hemlock, per Load, UCl. par Cord, 1.1 op Alno Other Prompt Iieilvery' drier Any Time. Photin,i ery member of your family like you de- sire.

i'ani'tte. Ji Al TOMOHII.KM, And our extensive assortments in the newest Spring; THE COLONIAL THEATER. Me nr I'lli hoime to Open loiooirotr In Tlila tile la 11 lleant) llrlef Deai-vliitliin of II. Thn new Colonial mm lug pieluro which oiieim lo Hie puhlle tnmoi I one of Hie prtitllt'Ht HillllM'ineiil pi. leu III the Fox liver valley.

The entry, at lid Main afreet, a work 'r h' rmf. will he thrown open tomorrow with the tearing away of the tcmpmaiv i.o.ird ahelter. The wall of the entry are of uliii" Italian niarhle. toppeil with liliiiK clmH' III Ivory tlnta. lteaiillfiil lluhla are 1 lun-lered cioHo to th ceiling.

The Hour in of miiull whltu llllttg. The ticket office l.liST You Forget, lye a Few aec-oial-liaiid Cars Left for 1't'lrea That are Itight, rrom I'jjo to $Ton. Hoaglln Auto-ricblli. 't, 2.13 and Main Btreet creations makes it easy here to wrestle with the Easter and Spring Clothes question. Select Yours Today $3.00 John Stetson Hats Spring Blocks Ask to See Our New Spring "Collegian" Sack Suits In New Gray Effects and Rich Blue Serges $10 to $25 II Vol' MUX WKMl I.K I.KHN THAN IKK AKN AI1VI ItTISIMJ.

connrniaiton suns tor dovs long or AN Interesting That lias No Ivirning Powe Not Crowded. Occupation, a Profession Limit to Your Prolaibl" rs, a Profession That 1 A Complete Course bv pert Advartlner In the wi MoHt ntintry In 47 Htiely Home, vortlser, Care Part. Very Reasonable. If Interested Write Ad-Thl Office. snort pants, in oiue serge and black cheviots $3.95 WANTKI) 200 forri.M.

and lit 'entry door of niantive oak I'oiislnniloii, and IIiiIhIiihI In Holland bin. There are seat lnldn, and tliere i plenty of knee-room. The wall are covered with tlle-pnper In red. and there are tunglen llglit with green glohes along Hie alile wall. Tim hack ipiurter of the floor Rlnpe atageward.

The floor I of hardwood and the alplo. five feet wide, proteeled Willi rnhher inattlni. Tit plana ill will also eeinnimIatn tlm di'iinimor, with hi many hmtriinient. and the alnger. William Plehls.

a noted comic opera harltom, will lie the hous linger. Tlie moving picture machine are being teated today. The ventilation cvalrm of the theater I one of it beat feature. Therm are elitlil register In the lloor. n)MMilng out of nn air ahnft, and the Impure air I driven out through screened opening overhead.

Jenae Hogun manager the theater. WANTKU-JOO Couple to Attend the Annual Waltz and Two-Step party Given hy the Lincoln Club. St. Patrick' Day, Thursday livening. March 17, Woodman Hall.

Waltr. Prlzea of i. Don't Miss It. Music. Arion.

Tickets, tjtic icr Couple; Kxtta Lady. 23c. AUK AND CAXlTv NF.XT Hatiirduy. March 12. Caka and Candy Sale by Mis Jumps' Bible Sehoo! Class at Abram 'Kiiiuelke 2: WashliiKton Street.

Tailors, fine Door West of Oaks' Candy Store. Bale Opens at id a. m. a Doubt. To supply the demand wc received another new lot today in alice and Copenhagen blue, green, maroon, old rose, red, tan and champagne SPRING CRAVENETTES AND Allli HIVKN by tlm Ladle of tlie O.

A. March 17. at G. A. H.

Hall. Four Prlues tlivcii. Dancing Begin at o'clock. Admission, lfe. CAKI) OF THANKS.

HURT BY TROLLEY WIRE. $7.95, $8.95, $9.95, $12.50 MR AND MRS. WILLIAM TRAPP and Family Express Their Appreciation to All Thoe Who 8ent Flower and Who Otherwise Ahowed Klndne and 8ym-pnthy In Their Lato Boreavement, the lth of Their Little Daughter and Sinter, Helen Traiip. TOPCOATS-New Models, New to $25 Genuine Imported Kid Gloves Extra Special Value $1.00 Ft Ut SALE New Seven Room House In (lond Uicatlon, Arranged With Modern Improvement. Immediate Possession Can ho Given.

For Further Particulars Apply to Wm. D. Luscher. Heal Estate and Loan. Opera Home Rquare.

Genuine Delft Ware Full 8ALK-William Wlelimann's Resl-detiee, and Barn. All Complete nt 158 Kvun Street: Alao Have a Gasoline KtiRlni! Suitable for a Itowboat, Cheap. Phone W9. That I Heporl About a Ilrakeman, lint Hallway Ofltelnla Are I nnlile to (jive Ilelnll. It wan reported today that a brake-man of the name of Luekem, In the employ of the Wisconsin Central railway, wn.1 Injured by contact with a trolley wire In thl city.

According to reports Mr. Luekem wag on a north hound freight train hen ho was Injured. The extent of his injury Is unknown. Inquiry of tlio railway official and of J. P.

Ptillliim. manager of the Wisoonnln F.liHiiio railway, revealed nn further Information. Mr. Iiilllaiii staled this afternoon thai he heard of the accident today, but knew nothing of the details. He also stated that the trolley wire at the High street croerslng, where the nc-lidetit Is reported to have taken place, Ik one foot and three Inches above the height reiulrcd by the state law, and he farther stated that he could not un-doreiand how the man could have been Injured with the trolley wire at such a height.

(Enameled) cumtms muse. Fdll HKNT OR 8A.LK-S0 Acre Farm Near Oshkosh; Good ljind, Good Buildings; a Bargain If Taken Once. Ad-dies N. A. Kasmussen, R.

F. D. No, 6, Oshkosh. or I'tinne lane Ring 1. rtl'll "SALB-W 1 bive-Snmethln (loTid In l-and In Dakota and Montana nnd ntv Doing West With a Hunch of Men Tuesday, March Hi, I9KI.

We Can Get You Cheap Hate on That Date. Come Vp to Our (iff Ice and It Fa Talk It Over With You. A. R. Maxwell 115 Main Street.

Phone 22li. FOlt BALK Four WH. Forty Fiet Wide on Improved Street, on East Side, Wit bin Four Hlocks of Postoff Ice, $723 Faclt; One on Northwestern Ave-nae. Near Mt. Vernon Street, $1,025.

These Hie llargalns. Katon Eaton, Lawyers. At Special Prices FUNERAL OF HELEN TRAPP. Merileea Will lie Held at Hie llovten Slreel Church Thiirmliiy Ifler-iiunii nt Two O'clock. FOR SALKone Mare and One 4-Year-Old Horse; Weight, l.Iiou Pounds Apiece.

M. Fitzgerald, Omi Mllo North of Asylum. The funeral of Helen Trtipn. daughter of Mr. ami Mrs.

William Trapp, was li'id at the Itowen Street Lutheran church at o'clock Thursday afternoon, Foil 8ALK Visible Typewriter at a Great Saerltice; irt First Class Condi tion; Standard Keyboard; Take the Machine With Carrying Case; Must ACTION OVER A DEED. Ill I nae of A. Ileliedlel I I Ilia Non, li. Ileliedlel, run men la A re oiieliided. Argnuiciit.i were terminated In circuit enurt iM'foic lUii'tieil thl tunrii-ing liy 1 he attorney appeiuliiw In the case of Albert Hciu dlct ag.iltiHt hie null, Kdgar A.

lienedhi, botp of ilh-kh. Tlie niiloti was brought by father to mi midc 11 deed beiip'Mtlilng to the mm hi home at Mil Algoiim atrett. A deed was signed by the elder Benedict January while be wan a patient ut St. Mury'n hofl'ltul. run-alileratlon wan that the s.m was to n-atlitie a mortgage for I and a coven- .1.

K.vnti. 1 (Yntnil iivcnui' evening Hoy liililifon utnl I'tuil KhiiiMinltli bit VVeiliieedny ilioruliig for for the i'nliie I I'oiupatiy, The I'iiNt r.ingrcgiitlotiitl and the Kind liu.tin! bow Hug teams will bowl tlila evening at the f. A. nlleya. Hoih tentiiH nro members of tlie liiurcb league Chaih has returned from a three mount' Hip to South Imkotu.

Mia. .1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 went t.i t'ht-cugo to meet her Imntioud. She returned with htm. Itcv. Peter K.

Si ul I'ftstor of Un Algouui Sireet church hit been imilod to go to Washington In May as 11 ilelesate til the World' Snbbiilii School conventliin. Assi lnblymnn William M. Pray will be Sold at Once. Address "Chicago typewriter. Care Dally Northwestern FOR HALF A 20 Foot Launch.

Built hy June 1-a Horde New Last Sum mer: 7 h. p. Termaat Monahan Two- Special Price on GAS MANTELS SATl'llDAY ONLY AT MUELLER 50 Mail St. cylinder Knglne, Reverse Gear. Storage battery, Speed About Ten Miles per Hour; a Bargain.

See Goo. H. Slm- mon. 8,1 Main Street, FOR 8ALK One Small Farm Near the Cltv of Oshkosh. Three Houses in tlie City and One Section of Land In South Itev, Mr.

F.reU ofticintiiig. Interment was tit Uiversiile cemetery. The pallbearers were Vera Welder. Klla Wesen- Chickens, lb. 21c hiiwit inr If m-ik1i1 ihI fmcrn.

Dakota. Must be Sold to Settle an Ks-tnte. Wm. II. Frank, 81 Jefferson Ave.

Foil salTo chkap, hknt or kx- CHANG K-A 7S Acre Farm on Kasy Terms. Will Accept City Property a Pint Payment. Inquire of J. M. 9chu-mokosky, Berlin, VVia.

oetg, an. I i rieda Frank. Among those who sent flower were Mr. and Mrs. A.

Siewert. Mr. ami Mrs. K. Sieweii, Herman Hit ske, Hieske, Mr.

Beef Rib Roast, rolled, lb. 13c to 15c and Mrs. Y. Hunke, Misses Mile. Mr.

mid Mis. Fred lloeske, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cameron, Vent Wolder, Klla Wi'seuberc. Nora Frieda Frank.

LOSTA Small Coral Brooch Thursday Kvenlng Between 574 Algoma Street anil Beef titiick Kotist, lti'ff Stewa, lb 12c Pacini thome cured In mripa), lb ltlc to 10c r. Hi. pall Lard Hoc Main Street. Return to llauman's and Kltoc I-' tills. Drug Store nnd Receive Reward.

SATURDAY, MARCH 12th, 1910 A Pot 44c 75c Coffee Biggin. 50c 80c Kettle ....1.... 53c 66c Kettle for 44c 53c Covered Kettle for 36c 33c Preserving Kettle 22c 39c Milk Can for 26c 90c Rice Boiler. 60c 80c Bean Pot for 53c 85c Tea Kettle for 57c 47c Covered Pail. 32c $1.05 Covered Pail.

70c And many other articles of Delft Ware all at a Discount of 33 Per Cent The Supply Is Limited Come Early. On Ajax (Grey) Enameled Ware for this one day only A Discount of 15 Per Cent All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. 1 FOR HKNT A Nine Room Modern House Near Normal School, Inquire st Kim Sareet. BAKER PASSES AWAY TODAY. ttr llonie llaile Satimigi ate good a gooil meat can make I hem and they fienh every day.

Civ. us a trial order. We make all kinds bartels r-ontlt Mile Muriel. Jilll Dlcgim M. North Mile Market, Utl" Wis.

Au 17. PI Hit. WANTED Apprentice Girls to Urn Millinery. Call nt Once at Carr Mil llnery, 17 Main Street, WANT KD A 1 Inrnessmnker at Once; $14 per Week. Write Meyer's Harness and Nine Simp, Ihile, Wis.

A NTF.D i aht Watchman. Inquire R. Kranu ai sons, v. orner ceupe and Court Street. Kentli of Karl Frederick ntmHa Takes I'lnee nt Fleven O'eloeU Miop on Utah St reel.

Karl Frederick Wjibnitu, a baker, died at 11 o'clock today at his home, High street. He was born March 6, 1SB0. in tiermany. For a number of year Mr. Wabulti ha been a bakery owner In Oshkunh.

having a shop on Oregon street previous to his bulhllns ono on High street. Ho I survived by a wife, two sons, Karl and William, and one brother, and a sister who Is in Germany. Funeral arrangement will be made later. WANTKD A Nurse Girl; One Who Can Go Home Nights. Inquire at 85 Otter Street.

WANTED Kitchen Girla at Athearn Ho tel. lint of life eupport of the father by the son. The contention of the father Is thut Ms attorney, W. F. lit iienew aid.

acting fi a notary public, compiled the document transferring the property and that he (Benedict) ulgtied the deed rwhil 111 and when he did not ktunv what he wn doing. Edgar A. Benedict, the son. maintain that he hB kept his agreement in every liartlcular. Judge ltumell has taken the matter under advisement.

U. L. iMurk of Barber Brotheim fiark appeared for the defendant. W. K.

OruetlewBld of Uruetiewald. Jack-on Uruenewald. represented the plaintiff. Mioar isotks. WANTKD Sash Foreman; One Able to Ley Out Odd Sash and Door and Take Full Charge of the Department.

Addres Vim potiei iruvc nnu Etauiry Wanted. Ouelette Baxter Duluth, Minn. KIIKKIFF'S 8AI.K. I 111 1:1 111 I speak nt the meeting of the Twentieth Century cluli tomorrow afternoon nt -I o'clock. Special music ha been arranged for the meeting.

The civic department lias charge (if the program. At a muss meeting for men to be hold Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the Find Presbyterian church, under the auspices of the tildeims, the music will lie of special character. There will he a mule quartet and also a male octet. The nddress of the occasion will be dellovcrcil by Kev. W.

llendrlckson. The hist of the preliminary indoor athletic meets between the ward schools of the city 111 be held tomorrow afternoon at the Y. M. A. gymnasium.

The teams representing the Park school and the Sixth ward school will be the opponent. A final meet will be held later which will decide the city ward school indoor championship. Cliff W. Stone. Ph.

11., who was graduated from the Oshkosh Normal school In 1S and later from Columbia university, was in the cltv Wednesday evening to visit his "parents and grund-ptirrnt8. Mr. Stone Is at the head of the department of educa WANTED Agents to sell ITc-nn back bar, copper and metal polish. $20 per week and expenses to right party. Call or write 1 1521 Oregon Sireet.

I Hay Hardware Co MIOHT NOTES. Phone 332-75 Main Street IN Circuit Court, Winnebago County, Wisconsin The New German American bank of Osh-kiiah, plaintiff, vs. Ijiis Smith, Elian Hourke and Henry Hughe, defendant. Notice 1 hereby given that bv virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure and order of sale therein contained, rendered In the nbove entitled action on the th day of March. A.

D. IsMl. 1 shall offer for sa'e at public auction and sell to the highest bidder, as the law directs, at the sheriff office in the court house In the city of Oshkosh, Winnebago county, Wisconsin, on the 27th dav of April. D. ItdO.

at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, the followiiiK described real estate ituated In the county of Winnebago and state of Wisconsin, to-wlt: number seven (7) of block three il) In Washburn addition In tho Tenth ward of the cltv of Oshkosh, per Iaeh' map of ism. Dated this 9th day of March. A. D. MO.

John V. llutin. sheriff of Winnebago countv, Wisconsin. Rouek A Hilton, plaintiff' attorney Pub- Mar. H-18 2a, April 1 1.

Charle Oellerich was In Milwaukee jeBterday on buslnest. N. 11. Smith, of spent the day In the city on buslne. Thi? Modern Prlstilln will meet tomorrow with Mrs.

C. F. Hehnke. Tlie board of directors of the Y. M.

C. A. will meet this evening at o'clock. Mrs. Fred B.

Kcke of Milwaukee is visiting Mrs. F. A. Jantz, Wisconsin 8 venue. The Mystic Helping Hand circle will meet with Mr.

Klemmer, 1634 Georgia street Monday afternoon. The ladles' drill team of the K. It. A. will meet at tha homo of Mr.

A. J. K. Mallcry. president of the board of public works, spent yesterday In Appleton where he saw demonstrated the working of the Twentieth Century road grader.

The city council of Oshkosh recently euthorined the purchase of such a grader. Mr. Mallery declares it is a practical and serviceable machine and regret that ot- Is not available now to clear away the snow accumulating near curblngs on the principal streets. Two commitment were made by Judge Goss to the county workhoua'e tion in mo stute normal school at Farmvllle, Vo. He came north and west to attend the N.

K. A. at Indianapolis, and is spending the week studying educational method In the normal schools and universale In the middle west New YorK Wfe Insurance Company p- Office J04 Main St Phone 1236 or 1723. W. Hi Baker, Genera? Agent H.

Davis, B0WLERSATTENTI0N i -s Ji 4- Bl Bowling Tournament SINGLES AND IMJt BLE8, afr the ij i ELITE ALLEYS 63 Min iStr-Entriea Close March wis. 1ST Main Street..

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