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The Oshkosh Northwestern from Oshkosh, Wisconsin • Page 6

Oshkosh, Wisconsin
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6 THE MKKItAKKR. TARTIXQ FOR HOME, nmnmw.mmwtmm terrene to reestablish peace and order, Interretitioti will be undertaken only aa a lst resort, of course, but this country cannot afford to long tolecste the menacing and disturbing condition, which promise to culminate at any time in a serious International crisis. A wsr of eonipiest is out of the question, but at the same time United Males, with its Urge snd Importnut interests in the republic of Mexico, is bound to see that the Metlcan people establish and maintain stable and orderly conditions in their own country. And In esse tliejr fail to do so, and particularly if American lives or property are placed in Jeop Spring Medicine There Is no other season whe medicine 1 much needed a In the spring. The blood is Impure and Impoverisheda condition Indicated by pimples, bolls end other eruption on the face end body, by deficient vitality, lose of appetite, lack of strength.

The great fprlng medicine, according to the experience nnd teatlmony of thousand annually, la Hood's Sarsaparilla It purifies and enriches the blood, cures eruption, build up the yetem. Get It toddy Itl unual liquid form or chocolated tablet known ft Ssrsatabs. etier every way than the ready ma de foods The Daily Northwestern Eetaelishea luurr IsSs. STATR ASD OTTER iTRKETi Two Editions Daily. DobarrlntloM kr Mull, roetpald.

DAILT. fnr Three li.SS DAILT. i Month! DAH-T. per Tear 0 Strictly la advance. It sol paid In -vance.

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One Tr sx.aa 1AILT. by Carrier. Sis Montha DAU.X. by Carnar. Tar WhU Publlahe4 at Tour and Five Celiw aTT afternoon, esrept Sunday, tor tha Hlcki Printing Company.

In The Northwestern Uulluine. Bute and Oltar Mireete. Osbkosb. Wlauonatn. Sintered as Second Claaa Matter at tha Poatofdce at OahKoah.

under Aot of Harch I. J.7t. Circulation In Wlnnobea-e County Ctueran-ad to ba at Tan Tlmaa aa at that of anr Otliar Paper, and In lha Stale vl Wlsconeln. Larger than that any Wlbar fa par Outside of Milwaukee. Tha Northwestern la a Full Member of tha Aeaoclated rreee.

and reeelvee tha Full Leased Wlra Service ovar Ita Telegraph Vvira, lit Miles In l.enth. WABHIXOTON OFFICB 1411 Now Tork Avenue. Frank Connor. Manager. NEW VOKK OrKICK II Waal lad Street.

Payne Youns. Manasere. CHICAOO OKFH'Ifl 74T-T4I Marquette Building. Farna Touna. Manaaara, IN OJICAOO Tha Dally Northwestern la en aala In Chlrass at tha Empire Nawa Stand.

Cornar Jeokeon Boulevard and bear-born Btreete, from 7 a. m. to 1 p. and Corner Stale and Uulncr Straata. I la.

to Midnight. Telephone Numhere Buslneea office. No. Ill Editorial Hooma, No. IK.

fee? of Tartar ifel MJe from, Grape Vol. 48. a. OSHKOSH WIICOMIIK Tueariar, April 16, llU. Hr.

Broad Beclna His Retara Joar-bof aad Falls I with Some Interesting People, Including Mr. and Mrs. ewlywd. (By Mall to The Northwestern.) Steamer Berlin, on the Atlantic. March 29.

I left Professor Trentanove In the station at Florence and took the train for Genoa. The weather was threatening and In a couple of hours the rain began and we had a steady down-pour until late at night. Passing through Pisa, the famous cathedral with Its leaning tower Impressed me Jisst as It did in November when I saw it on my way to Florence. "Is that the famous leaning tower? That little weather-beaten thing?" For I notice that any great building or antiquity that 1 have heard much about or read about always seems disappointing when I come to look at It. Seen from a distance the great tower of Pisa appeared quite small and Insignificant Our train stopped at a great many stations.

I noticed one thing In the management of thee Italian railroads that was different from the American system. As we, passed through the station after seeing to the weighing of my trunk and paying for the freight on It, for no baggage carried free except hand-baggage, we proceeded to the train which was waiting. No one Is allowed to pass the gate without a ticket and Trentanove had to buy a ticket to accompany me to the cars. A moment' consideration will show some advantages of this system. When the train arrive at a station, no one Is along-side the track except railroad servants.

In American stations numerous accidents occur by reason of the crowd that swarms along the track on the arrival of every train, and the European system prevents this congestion. Tha price of a ticket for admission Inrslda the gates. If one Is accompanying a friend is two cents, Just enough to keep out the crowd. In my compartment was a young couple just returning from Egypt where they had epent the winter. Bags, eolf-aticks and bundles filled the available space in the rackn, for they traveled like all the English, and seemed to enjoy their own company.

The young woman was a rosy-cheeked blonde about twenty-five years old, and her husband was three or four years older. "Paddy," she said, "will you please open the window?" And every few minutes eh! addressed him as Paddy and he called hT Edith, eo It was Paddy and Edith all day long, and they seemed a very devoted couple. Later I opened up conversation with the young man and found him to Vie-very Intelligent. After the Ice was broken, he thawed out nicely and we became quite chummy, but I verily believe that If I had not addrfwod him first we should have traveled to the end of our Journey with as little Intercourse as If one of im had been from Mars nnd the Other from the middle of Russia, Making a summary of our conversation, what he told mo wan something like this; "I am a farmer In Ualway, Ireland. My farm which I Inherited from my father has about 200 acres, but! only about If of It is under cultiva-J tlon.

Our crops are wheat, barley, oabt nun lootueu. t.iur Rinusi uiioeuiiy is the high price of labor. Only a few years ago, we could get an abundance of labor at peven and eight shillings a week, but now we have to pay ten shillings. No, we don't board our laborers. The men board themselves.

Tobacco? yes. It is quite a profitable crop but it is taxed very heavily. Only a few years ago, the cultivation of tobacco was prohibited bylaw with severe penalties, fine and Imprisonment, for any one who broke the law. Sow we are trying to get the heavy tax made lighter, but the government won't help us." Every man has bis troubles and I wondered how a Winnebago county farmer would like It If he could get his labor at $2.30 a week and "board himself." However, to make any compari son at all, all the conditions must be taken into account. Gangs of railroad employes were at work repairing the "track along the route and in many places the wooden ties were being replaced with ties made of cement and In some cases, of Iron.

Whenever wooden ties were put down they were covered with creosote. Everywhere the roadhed and railroad prop erty generally seemed to be in excellent condition, I made about a dozen different Journeys by rail In Italy, Including Sicily, and trains were Invariably on time, cars were clean and comfortable and there was always manifested a conscientious regard for the safety of human life. And all the railways are owned and operated by the government. At Genoa I went to the Hotel Continental. My trunk did not go on the omnibus with me, but I had Identified It and left it In charge of the hotel runner who promised to send it up by the next bus.

Two hours later, as I eat In the reading-room, the hotel concierge, a tall-blond-bearded Swles, came to me and said: "The man telephones from the station that you must send down the key of your trunk. It is hold up on account of the octroi." "Tell him I refuse to have my trunk opened." "Then he will not let It pass." "Hut I came only from Florence." "I know It, but there Is a tariff against Florence." I concluded that discretion was the better part of valor and handed over my bunch of keys with a mental reservation quite unfit for publication In bou fifteen minutes, the concierge returned my key saying: "The man telephones that another gentleman got his trunk through w-ithout examination and so they passed yours." On the Via Garibaldi, the Hotel Continental Is In the busy business part of the city. Through my open window came the noise of scores of omnibuses, carriages, drays and motor cars and the rain continued Its gentle patter. There was a very good dinner after the regulation order, table d'hote, almost exactly like what I had been taking every evening for the psst three months. After dinner, I heard some one playing the piano In one of the parlors, and as I am a member of the American Association for the Suppression of Music, 1 went In.

A tall young woman was manipulating the keys and a demure young man sat In one corner of the room. Turning around, as I seated mv-self, the girl addressed me In French, but as that didn't elicit the right For Freckled, Rough or Spotty Complexions A builder strove from the early dawn To the dusk of the dying day. Erecting by dint of his skill and brswa A house In his own rough way. He hewed each beam with consummats csre. Each joint he made snug and true, And trie fruit of his Isbor was passing fair.

He had done what he'd purposed to do. But a neighbor hailed him with Jibe and Jeat From the door of his tumbling shack. And told him, "Your structure won't stand the test. It will fall at tlx storm's attsek. The rules of sclenre you sore transgress, You've built without plan or chsrt; You've paid no heed to the laws of stress.

You've erred from the very start." Then the builder answered, "I've done my best. I've bullded It ss I reuld. At least my ambition Is manifest, He my hsndiwork bad or good. The talent I had I tried to use White you but to Jeer are prone. The mistakes I have msde will tha world excuse.

But your crime It will not condone." Tho man who lives but to criticise The works of his fellow msn And causes no pile of Ms own to rise, Rut skulks In advancement's van Has no real place In the world's vast scheme. If he blocks In his misplaced zeal The wheel of progress of power supreme He'll be broken upon that wheel. Carleton O. Osrretson, In Leslie's. TATESMEJI, REAL AND HEAR.

By Fred O. Kelly. (The Spice of Life at the National Capital.) Washington, April On. W. H.

Blxby, chief of engineers In tho United BtaUa army, was flred from his first Job back In his boyhood days. He was employed by a wholesale chemical house In Boston. His duties consisted largely In going from one place to another at the bidding of pretty much anybody about the place, ana it was not an Important Job measured ny either the salary or prestige It carried. still, It was a JoD ana HiXDy nceuea 'i and liked It. One morning another boy was on hand when Blxby came around to begin the day's work.

'What are you doing askea Blxby. 1 came to take your place, replied the boy. Hlxby said he guessed not, and tne boy told him how It was. "I don't want the old Job," he said, hut I'm a son of Mr. Msyer, the man that owns this plant, and he wants me to work here a while, and I to take your place." So there was nothing for Blxby to do but get his hat and trudge sadly away.

He told the Meyer Ivoy he didn't hold any grudge against him. Glad to hear It," said the Meyer boy. "See you later." It was nearly forty years later when the two next met. Hlxby had been living In various parts of the country, where his work called him, and had Just returned to Washington to live, A friend took him In to Introduce him to tho secretary of the navy. "The last time we met," remarked Blxby to Secretary Meyer, "was the morning you came around and took my Jobh A bit of red tape holding sway in the District of Columbia provides that the man who collects ashes must not collect waste paper or grass and other refuse from ones yard.

When Senator John Sharp Wllllumu bought a house here a few months ago, he had the back yard all cleaned up and filled the ash bin with graft, tin cans, ashes, and what not. Naturally, the confusion that re sulted was something awful. The ash man couldn carry away ashes all mixed with graee, could he? And how was the man hired to tote off grass and kindred things, to get the grat entirely dlfiwiclated from the ashes? It was a delicate situation, and none of the District employes felt like overleaping precedent and running risk of being without a job. Old John Sharp listened first to the ash man and then to the graft man, and then he went down to headquarters, leaving his usual calm unruffled man ner behind. He made a few general remarks about the Republican administration under which such red tape had grown up, and then declared: "Tomorrow at 3 o'clock I'll separate tiie graes from the aslus with my own hands, and If there's still any objection Ml sift the ashes through a sifter made of the finest silk -silk imported from abroad under a high protective tariff.

Then will you come and haul the ashes away?" Twenty minutes later a man John Sharp never learned whether it was tho ash man or the gra man went out with a wagon and hauled the stuff away. Representative Charles N. Pray of Montana, is keenly interested In the talk that Wu Ting Fang may be returned here as minister from our sister republic of China. The last Pray saw of Wu was on a street car shortly lie-fore the Chinese diplomat left Washington. Pray and another congressman anil tnAlr wtveM wri on tliolp wnv downtown to the theater.

The car was nearly filled; but the congressmen din covered one vacant seat. They told their wives to settle between themselves which one ehould occupy R. But the omen did an conver- sallon, each declaring that she' really and truly would Just as soon stand. While this was going on, Wu Tung Fang got aboard. One glance ebowed him that In a moment the women would come to an understanding and that one would Sit down.

So lie went the length of the car in Just two great strides And sat down In the seat himself. Pray has a theory that If they hesitate too long about picking a minister. Wu will come along and take the Job unto himself. Representative Ploan of Nebraska, will never forget the first law case he ever tried, and probably his opponent never will. The trial was held In the shade of a barn.

Sloan made the opening argument and eat down, wondering If he had acquitted himself reasonably well. While Sloan was sitting down, a Juror igwagged to the Judge and wished to know if he could be excused for an hour or so. "Why, I don't see how," replied the Judge. "You'll mlrs the other argument." But I've decided how I'm going to vote," said the Juror. And Sloan felt considerably encouraged.

Former Congnesman James Tawney Is accredited with this remark to T. Roosevelt a day or so after the latter left the White house. "I Just wish to remark to you that I no longer look down on you," said Tawney. "I am willing to meet you now on a basis of equality. When you were a public servant you were in a measure working for me, and I could regard you only as a servant.

Now that you're your own boss again, I do not foe! above you. There Is no longer a big social chasm between us." (Copyright. 1912. All rights reserved.) Even In these days of short skirts it Is better for a woman to begin to grow stout from ths ground up iur riore Powder XEWS IVOTES. The empress of Russia is 111 with "cramps of the heart." Utah Republicans will meet In Provo, May 15, to elect delegates to the national convention.

Tha annual national Episcopal chufctl congress at St. Louis today, Trades unions and marriage will receive, attention. 1 The county unit system is the dlstln guishing feature of the presidential primary law that has been adopted by tha state of Maryland. Senator La Follette of Wisconsin, Republican presidential aspirant, Is planning a speech-making tour of the Paclfla coast at the end of April. The national administration has repudiated Lorlmer and Penrose, but ths Taft campaign leaders continue to affiliate with the two bosses.

A special election win be held In the First congressional district of Pennsylvania on April 24 to elect a successor to the lute Representative Bingham. Five names of candidates for president will appear on the official primary ballot of New Jersey to be voted for next month. They are President Taft. Champ Clark. Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Robert M.

La Follette. AMOMG THE NEWSPAPERS. Telling a lie starts out easily, but telling a train of lies to protect the first one becomes a burden. Superior Telegram, And still, It Is an even bet that If Taft cannot be nominated the man to be chosen will be one not now seeking votes. Milwaukee News.

One of the wonders of nsture is that a trout weighing half a pound today will scale four pounds when the angler tells about It next week. Milwaukee Sentinel. The countess of Warwick advocates pensions for mothers. But she would leave poor old father to shift fjr himself during the house cleaning season. Racine Times.

When the special session of the legislature Is ended and the new bills are ull passed, then the only thing to da is to wait an' see who pokes tha first holes in 'em. Raclno Journal-News. The revival of the hoop skirt and that European war cloud are not going to have much chance between presidential candidates on the one hand and baseball fans on the other this season. Marinette Eagle-Star. Forty-three of the states are will ing to do what they can for the protection of migratory game birds.

The list should be published to give the birds an opportunity to fly shy of those states In their migrations. Appleton Post. Miss, La Follette likes her father's name better than she does that of hr husband and claims a woman, even If married, should keep her own name. Tj be logical, should she not call herself by her mother's maiden name? Eau Claire Leader. And now It is reported that business will prosper despite the presidential election.

Terhaps Big Business has learned that the politicians are always with us and that prosperity that waits for a lull in politics will never arrive, Milwaukee Journal. Col. John Hicks, veteran editor of The Oshkosh Northwestern, has returned home from an extended trip to the old world. The attraction of the red hot political campaign probably proved a stronger attraction to him than the sights of Europe. Green Bay Gazette.

Now the man who has no property of any kind must pay taxes in Germany the government has Just put a. tax on cats. In this age of taxation not much Is being overlooked. Perhaps the next thing will be a tax on rheumatism a kind of possession which csnnot be concealed like some other forma of ownership. 3uperlor Telegram.

A Berlin young man has sprung a new Industry here the manufacture of mice. It is a common thing to destroy mice and also factories have existed for years to make files the kind they fit with. But a mouse factory, heavens and earth! Hereby hangs the tale (not tall). Ho takes a well fledged pussy willow bud and Btlcks the soft, velvety, mousey thing on a caid. Then with a pen he draws a tail, ears, legs, and presto pussy bud becomes a mouse! It Is a funny stunt.

Try it. Berlin Journal. A smart lawyer Is sometimes able to make an honest man a liar on cross-examination. Ed For Sprains and Bruises It is the first thing to think about when you rieet with an injury. Trial bottle toe Large bottles 25c, 50c 1 I mm ardy, this natiou will surely take a hand, with the not remote possibility tnat Americuri control, once established, may become permanent.

A sudden storm of abuse snd denun ciation has been turned loose by the Taft powers snd aimed at Mr. Roose velt, following the letter's sweeping success In the primaries In Pennsyl vania. This, of course, may have the effect of diminishing Roosevelt chances for securing the nomination, but It will scarcely help the chance of president Taft. The lorsl ball team thin year Is said to he a strong organization of players, which will give a good account of It self during the coming season. And once again the fans are fired with the hope thst the pennant may come to Oshk'ieh this year.

People who cannot afford to travel can at least console themselves with the thought they were not aboard the luxurious liner Titanic. There are some things worse than staying at home. The Titanic wuh regarded as a marvel of luxury and comfort, but when It earna to actual safety she failed to verify the claims that had been made for her. Kvery once In awhile the wnrld Is reminded of the dangetn, the perils and the occasional anguish that come to thoso who "go down to the aea In ships." Prof, "Hilly" Muldoon says this country Ire being ruined by tho "money hogs," And them in certainly a text for many a good political sermon, It was the Irony of fate that the biggest and most costly veesel ever con structed should meet such a tragic end on her maiden trip. The people of Pennsylvania evidently do not think any more highly of Pen-roslsm than do the people of Illinois of Lorlmcrlsm.

Meanwhile, can any one point to anything worth while thst Is being accomplished by congress? The Republican national convention will convene Just two months from tomorrow. As usual, it Is generally the small hoy who goes home with the biggest string of fish. Ice is a fine tiling in the summer, but not in tho path of an ocean steamer. WlSt VSIN AliRIt l.TVltK. Subject for llndger Seliool Commencements.

tTo the Editor.) Madison. April 15. Tho state ooaru or immigration is urging all pub lie schools to have as one feature of tneir commencement a discussion of the topic, ineonaln, Hef Agricultural Hank and Development." Material for mis purpose will li promptly furnished any student by addressing the Immigration board nt Madison. Will you Kindly hack us up In this? u. jiaaer.

commissioner. STATE VKWs. Milwaukee's imn-psrtisan admlnlstrs lion, the nisi of lis kind, took charge of city affairs tins noon. Joseph J. Caldwell, ninety-one years, resident of Milwaukee since 1K60, died yesterday, leaving a widow and seven children, tli latter being more or less prominent.

Ji'hn Hudasack. farmer living; close to Moijuah near Ashland, seeldentally Killed himself while nut hunting. Ha tried to climb a stump and dragged hlj gun after him. Dennis Connolly, agpl twenty-two years, commit led suicide at his home In tho town of Morton, near Waukesha, by Hanging himself in his father's barn. ihe parents are unable to account for the tragedy Attorney tieneral Levi H.

nanernft has ruled, in answer to a query from Secre tary of State Krear, that the automobile registration law requires all number plates for any one year to be uf the saws color. Following a conference of Oconomowoc business men It was decided to close the stores of tho city every evening at 8 clock except ednesday and Saturday. Formerly thn rule was In force only during the winter months Fifty years on the Urent lakes is Ihe record of Capt. Timothy Kelley at Manl towoe, ho Is now master of the Mary land, freighter owned by the Vsnce company of Milwaukee. He started his career at the age of twelve years, A fruit groweia' association Is to he orgimlxed by horticulturists of Sauk All' unimproved lands will be county.

devoted to fruit trees, principally apples of the winter variety. The state univer sity experimental station will assist In the work. Hugo Pleschner, an old and eccentric character of Anligo, who amassed a fortune by harness making but who has horded most of his money, was robbed by three men who came from Milwaukee. He resisted and was badly beaten up by the thugs. Rev.

H. C. Hcngell, pastor of St. Paul's university chapel for Catholic students at the state university. In a sermon Sunday censured the policy of certain members of the university faculty, who be declared are wrongfully advocating sectarianism, referring particularly to the department of philosophy, ITCHING IRRITATION Worst Form of Skin Trouble Quickly Cured bjr Inexpensive Treatment, When you suffer with any skin iroublo even though the Itching hvems unbearable, do not think that It is necessary to use some disgusting greasy ointment Try Hokara, a pure and simple skin food that is guaranteed to contain no grease or acids and which Is so cleanly It does not soil the linen.

Its power to Instantly relieve any Irritation of the skin and make It soft, white and beautiful Is almost miraculous. Not only are minor skin troubles like pimples, blackheads, acne, bar. tier's itch, quickly cured but the worst ulcers or cases of salt rheum or eczema are cleansed and healed by this wonderful skin food. In order that any one may try Ho-Kara at small expense E. A.

Horn is stdllng a liberal sised jar at 26c and in addition guarantees to refund trie money if the treatment does not do all that Is claimed for 1L Larger lUe bit cents. It's "In tlw Air." The more the primary result In Pennsylvania In studied, fhe more It fur-nlii'S convincing evidence that th new progressive movement lias taken strong hold with the people of thiri country, In the eet a well as In the wt. For reveral year nm of the western state have shown progressive hut the old-line politicians have Insleted the movement tvnw merely a nporadlc symptom of uiinwt, which they declared would eventually euhside and die out, They have also industriously rliilined the movement would not spread to the eastern slate, at leawt not In proportions sufficient to largely Influence politlr In that election, and they have, trl'd their beet to have this predict ion verified. Yet in the old and conservative slate of Pennsylvania, ewe-ond In population and political import ance only to New York, tho people have now given Indisputable evidence of Insurgency against the bouses and the old order of political control. And great I the wonder and amazement of the old Htm political leaders thereat.

The truth of the mutter lsnnd even tho Reactionary politicians will eoon be forced to admit It the wave of pro grtvnlve political sentiment which orl ginated In the west has rapidly extend ed until It now reache from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and la hacked by an evr Increasing numlier of adherents and followers who firmly believe In the principles and poicle on which this movement In founded. It's "In the air," so to speak, and the evidence of this Is to lie found In thn recently recorded will of the people In such states as Wisconsin, Illinois and North Dakota In the wt, and In Maine and Pennsylvania In the east. Had the votcr of New York been given tho same opportunity to fairly and honestly exprt'Hrt themselves In the recent primary In that stHle. moreover, there is reason to Iwlleve that even there the result would have been similar to the results chronicled In these other status. In other wordu, a new era In politics Is dawning in thin country, und the recently recorded primary results In tlm several state mentioned are mcixdy th Mint scintillating rays of the rising sun of honest representative government and truly popular rule.

The old order of thlmble-rlgged, boss-dlrettud, spo-clal-prlvllrge-eerving polities is bound to pass away, and already the founda tions of this old system are commencing to crumble and disintegrate at an amaz ing rate. The old-time boast and their master, the special privilege Interests, may try their best to stem thla flood, but their hopes will be in vain and their effort wasted, The people aro They believe In lument representative government, In equality of. opportunity and impartial Justice to all alike, and they are about to take the relne of government Into thulr own hand, jta "la the air" and nothing can stop It. Warning to Mexico. It is aigniticaut that the warning which lias been issued President Taft against the sacrifice of American lives or the endangering of American properly in is plainly addressed to "llio people," although, uf course transmitted tlmuiKh the regular diplomatic channels to the authorities vf I lie Mexican gorei'iimcM.

in (his warning i lie president ver.v clearly Bpcciiies Unit "the Mexican people'' will btj held responsible for wanton or Illegal acts perpetrated against Americana, lir asaliisl the property of American citizens. And Id make tlm warning the more emphatic tlm Inngimgo of the diplomatic note repeats thai The Tinted Slates must Insist (list the rules and principles accepted by civilised nations us controlling their actions ill time uf wur shall be observed. Any tlctiatiou from such a course, any maltrealint nt of any American citiiens, will be deeply lewuted by tlm American government and people and must be fully answered for by the Mevicau people." The real meaning of this warning Is plainly, that the nutloii as a whole Is to be held acciiuntoblo to this nation for wilful or wanton disre gard of the rales of civilised warfare. ami that the people, no least tlum the authorities themselves, will have to answer to this government If the warn ing Is unheeded. That conditions approaching genuine anarchy exist In many portions of the Mexican republic la it fact well known to the world at iHtge, and under such conditions peril to Annriinns nnd American Intercuts is imminent.

It will not be suf-tlclent, however, for the Mexican authorities to plead Inability to control the situation, In case harm comes to American cltlr.ens or American Interests, for the president of this nation says the Mexican people themselves must answer for excesses or outrages affecting persons who can rightfully claim the protection of this govern ment. Just how this Mexican situation will terminate is difficult to foretell, but in the minds of many shrewd observers there is growing conviction that this nation will eventually be forced to in- FACE BROKEN OUT? PIMPl.KS kfplackh by smooth, ('LEAK KMX. Try This Hcmetly at Our Kink. I'gly pimples and blotches not only disfigure the face but cause unpleasant comments nnd suspicion. They are a form of ecxema and will not yield to "beauty preparations" but demand rational treatment.

It was In Just such condition that our new soothing, antiseptic skin remedy, Saxon Salve, first proves Its great value. Apply It as directed on going to bed only a few treatments are necessary to show Its marvelous healing power. A remarkable feature that gives special value to Saxon Salve, Is Its ability to penetrate the skin and carry its healing, germ-destroying action to tho very seat of the I 'ease. We give back your money If Saxon Salve does not satisfy you full v. E.

A. Horn, Si Main Street, Oshkosh, Wl The Most TVrrllils Otinn Tragedy. Tho world Is shocked and stunned by the news of the terrible tragedy In the low of the palatial ocean liner Titanic, with a. sacrlflcs of human life now estimated at nearly 1,300. This the most stupenduous disaster of tho kind ever recorded, and there are feature connected with It that will arouse Intense Interest all over the world, for one thing If startling to be reminded that with all modern safety devices and aids to navigation, Including the wireless telegraph system, man, when he rave It 11 high seas, In still at the mercy of tit element" to a marked extent.

The same feature of danger and peril that have faced mariner and traveler through all the tint mill haunt the paths of thuwe who "go down to the fea In ahlpa," and a certain proportion of them are bound to meet destruction and death, the same us they alwaye have In tho )int. That thli terrible catastrophe ehould coma to the largmt, the latiwt, the nxmt modern and most costly oan vvsoel ever oomtructed 1 a thing to caua M-rlous thought and reflection. Thio great boat, coetlng eomethlng like wt rupned to ba almost dls-aater-prouf, at least Insofar as ordinary accident were concerned. Vet with double bottom, water-tight compartment, wlrelpiw telPBTaph, and every other kind of device and arrangement euppoaed to add sufety and prevent wreck. lni met her fate on her Very first trip acrntw tha ocean.

And the sam relentless wave that wnhed over this really remarkable example of man' Ingenuity, skill and Inventive genlu alno took the Jive of nearly 1,300 of her crew and piumengei, Including many peravma of widespread prominence and actual distinction. Full details of this great tragedy are still lacking, but the fragementary report indicate a chlvnlrou effort save tti women and children first, following a rule of procedure that has regulated affalie of ihlB character from timet Immemorial. That the full account will relate deeds of heroism and self-sacrifice that will arouse the world hlghenl admiration cannot he doubted, but with thus will ba coupled deep and i widespread etorrow over the fate of the lucklrte victim. Bad, Indeed, I the reflection that so many 'homes will he made deolulo and grief stricken by this terrible catastrophe, which ha et a new record for marine And fervent wllUhe die hope that no duplication of thlei accident will occur, although the way of providence are incrutible and puny man Is forced to take whatever come to him, even to yielding up hi life when the fates demand It. Canada Hids for Immigrant i Iahnr.

It Is a matter of consldersble Interest to the people of this nation to note that Canada has decided to let dow the bars during tho present year for foreigners who can show they actually have Jobs In prospects when they bid for admission to that country. In other words, Canada has established a new Immigration rule which will permit tiie entry of all foreigners to that land between April I and September 1, provided it Is definitely established that the applicants for entry have been engaged to go to work in some part of the Dominion. And it la explained that thla has been done on account of the overwhelming demand for more laborers In Canada at the present time, railroad construction and other development work having created a demand for labor which it has been found Impossible to supply from present sources. It is claimed this new order, which is the most sweeping of Its kind ever issued by the Canadian government, will have a decided effect on the labor market throughout the northwest. Agents of various companies have been In this country for some time past hiring men and It is claimed that hundreds have already been sent out.

As the work progresses It is said that the outflow of men will be a heavy drain on the labor supply on this side of the line. Canada has no contract labor law to cause any complications nfter the men are hired. The I'nlted States has, and the fact thst a man has been hired before entering the country is sufficient ground for his deportation. The only restriction Is that they must be mentally and morally fit. Heretofore It has been next to Impossible for aliens of southern European countries to get Into Canada.

The laws In this respect hsve been very stringent, and It Is stated that the requirements for Immigrants from the countries of northern Europe have also been high. President Tsft, so we are told, is com mencing to get real angry. And as answer, she said in fairly good English, "Does my playing disturb you?" Of course, I assured her that I liked her playing very much. "The piano Is very nasty," she said, and then resumed the sonata that she had begun In some of the hotel music. I was reading a Paris elltlon of The New York Herald In the corridor outside, half an hour later, when the young couple came from the drawing-room and the girl stopped in front of me.

"You live in England?" tdie asked. "No," I said. "I live in America." "I never have been In America. It mutu be a very big place." I awured her that It was a large country. "I live in Venice.

Do you know Venice?" "No. I am sorry to eay I do not." "I am on my wedding Journey." I congratulated her. "Yes. we were married tills morning in church." Then with the unaffected Innocence and nonchalance of a child, she offered me her hand and, smiling, she said, "Good night!" and retired to No. i whither the young man had disappeared when she stopped to talk with me.

Later, when I to my room which was No. 8. 1 saw two pairs of shoes, one large and one small, outside the donr, although it was early in the evening, and all was still within. Hotels wore filled with tourists who were to take the North German Lloyd steamer Berlin advertised to sail at 10 o'clock In the morning, March 21et, for New York. Then came up the question of money.

All through Italy, Sicily and TunlR, I found American money could be exchanged for Italian or French at a premium. Cook Son allowed five francs and fifteen centimes for every dollar and the banks more than that. But Italian money has little value in the united States and so I endeavored to reconvert all the Italian currency I had left into American money. At Cook's and other placet I was told that American money was all gone nnd I had to take the amount in cngimn gold sovereigns, which are good anywhere in the world. I Intended to devote this letter to a description of the ship, but somehow I have got marly to the end of my string without saying anything about the Berlin.

Last November, I came over from New York In the steamer Hamburg, a clean handsome craft of 12,000 tons. The Berlin Is rated at 20,000 tons and is exceeded in else by only two or three of the North German Llovd fleet of steamers. In the winter season he runs on the Mediterranean route between New York and Genoa, but after May 1st, she begins her trips In the North Atlantic, New York to Bremen with connections at the English and French ports. Sailing about noon, she stopped at Naples the next day from 8 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock at night, and this enabled the passengers to spend considerable time in the largest iiianan city, who had never been there before took the run out to Pompeii mm umem viBiiea me Museum, the Aquarium and tho churches. I availed myself of the opportunity to visit Cock Son's where I waet delighted to get a bunch of letters and a goodly bundle made up of the great family newspaper printed In Oshkosh.

Say, that automobile number was a corker, now, wasn't it? Sandy Broad. PERSOXS AMD THIXGS. Henry L. Stlmson, secretary of war, Is suggested by his friends for second place on the Republican national ticket. Lewis C.

Spooner, a member of the Minnesota legislature, has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor. A. J. Montague, former governor of Virginia, Is a candidate for congress from the Third Virginia district, tiie seat now held, by Cnpt. John Lamb.

Thomas L. Lewis, former president of tho I'nlted Mine Workers of America, is seeking the Republican congressional nomination In the Sixteenth Ohio district. Seventy-nine years old, "Judge" Zenas T. Walnn of South Brooklyn, a retired windmill dealer, passed yesterday, his natal day, in Cleveland, looking for a bargain In coffins. Wilbur Wright, one of the Inventors of the aeroplane, Is forty-five years old today.

Dr. Henry S. Prltchett, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Is fifty-five. Thomas Francis of St. Louis, son of ex-Gov.

David R. Francis, was married to Miss Leila Waters, at Grace Episcopal church, Chicago, over which Institution the father of the bride, Rev. W. O. Waters, Is pastor.

The London Times announces the discovery in Egypt of a papyrus volume containing the text of the greater part of Deuteronomy, the whole of Jonah snd nesrly all the Acts of the Apostles, which It describes as perhaps the most Important Und of all the excavations in Egypt. Father ruefully gated on his last shilling. "Money has wings, and house-rents make it fly," he said. "Yes," said his fifteen-year-old boy-scout son, "and some houses have wings, for I've seen many a house fly." "You're smarter than your old dad, maybe, my son; but I always thought that no. part of a house except the chimney flue!" An unusual person Is one who does not think his rights are not a good deal more than his rights.

One can't Judge a woman's financial standlos by the sixe of Iter purse, (From The Dermatologist) The freckling, discoloring or roughening to which delicate skins arc subject after exposure to wind or sun, often appearing in spring, may readily be gotten rid of. Mercolized wax, spread lightly over the face before retiring and removed in the morning with soap and water, completely peels off the disfigured skin. Get an ounce of the wax at any druggist's. There's no more effective way of banishing freckles or other cutaneous defects. Little skin particles coma off each day, so the process doesn't even temporarily mar the complexion, and one soon acquires a brand new, spotless, girlishly beautiful face.

Wrinkles caused by weather, worry or Illness are best treated by a simple solution of powdered saxollte, one ounce, dissolved in a half pint witch haxel. Bathing the face In this produces a truly marveloug tlOOe there Is a good desl of him to get angry there will probably be a genuine storm when the process is completed. There are timeo when one Is thankful to have eves a good footing on solid frouatU i.

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