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The Le Mars Daily Sentinel from Le Mars, Iowa • Page 1

Le Mars, Iowa
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LEMARS GLOBE-POST 2 Sections Today licial Plymouth County Newspaper established In 188k. Le Mars Globe-Post Issued Monday and Thursday Le Mars. Iowa, Monday. December 21, 1953 Th Fi Of Blizzard Shortest Day Of the Year A Mild Beginning Today is the fust dav of winter, and the Mars ter- very haz- for occa- un inch on the level had fallen bv noon todav. however.

Highwav traffic wasn't ardous, i a little care icy spots. Accoidmg to radio reports, the weather gradually worsened a few miles noiih of hcie. These reports stated that were being closed foi the da around Falls. Bv noon, howevei. the of Heated lo a but a d.

as as Le Mania riloiv it was a verv mild one. Weatherman Dan reports the tempciature at 2 p. m. as JV above ii vvas early this mom- concerned. 2 the same ing.

Mi. iCeig explained his department is planning to come through with a "White Christmas." 'I he change fiom mild, spring- like weather came last night, when fust there was a light followed later bv a little snow. Onlv MOVIE TIME SCHEDULE 'lue News. 7 Is. 9-12 7 -IV 9 4 Wed.

Comedy. 7 20. 9 07. ble Dvnaniue." 747. 9-? 'I bur One Show Onlv 7 I "Jack "Don- NEW STAMP I The Post Office Department i issue a stamp to commemoiate the i two-hundredth anniversary of Col- 1 umbi.i Univeisily thiough the New York.

N. Y. post office on a 4. 1954. The color of the stamp will be I blue.

'I he design of the stamp shows a frontal view of Low orial Library at Columbia i i i against a dark background. Near the uppei left hand coiner, arranged in two hues, is the vvoiding S. and in the opposite coiner the denomination 'I he bottom section shows the vvoiding "Man's nght lo knowledge and the fiee use Stamp collectois and dealers siring first dav e.mcellations of the stamp may send a ie.ison.ible nuin- 1 her of addiessed envelopes to the I'osimastei. New Yoik. N.

Y. i I monev-oidei lemittaiice to cover the I cost of the stamps to be affixed Mi and i Kenneth Hohlke of for the benefit ol de- Coionado. California aie the paients suing stamps of selected quahtv foi ol 10 Ib. boy. bom December philatelic use.

the stamp i I 19. Grandpaients aie Mi and Mrs available at the Philatelic Kav CJolden and Mi and Mrs lo- Olfice Dcp.uiment. Washington 1 seph Hohlke of Le Mats. Mix 2s on and aftei Janu.iiv s. Hohlke is the foimer Kathleen Gold-! 195-1.

and i be available at the i UNDER DOCTORS' CARE What's Wrong With Christmas Today? By PAULA DORR Christmas I would I'ke jeans. 4 tlan- ncl shirt and Jolt brinx ir.v hi other Leave xonu eandv and i 1 ove, BL ITY N. Dear S.nit.1 1 am a i ve.irs old in the grade 1 vscni'd like a a i doll cash register I i i some Cookies utic'er our i i a ticc to i i i i a out liiciul. I 01 VCMIS olj and tried to be Kod I i i I v. ml a vvalljnj: doll, an cap.

also .1 nurse set and a Hillsburv set I i i ind mlk on the table vou "lour little friend, I A I SOII1 I I I I I he Sioux i and Jotir- nal-'l nbtine camels and I ei all customers a i i Hr Santa I am a i i i i i is I he en 'I he babv has a sistei. a i lene. lo welcome him. Mai- I local post office I altei a i a i -4. soon 1954.

as receiv-d Theatre Gift Books Now On Sale At Box Office! ROYAL A I A NOW! Ends TUESDAY! Feature 6:30 7:30 WED. and THUGS." JANE RUSSELL One Show Onlv Christmas At 7:20. AIO: All Slar Comulv "DANCK DUNCK DANCH" Two Big Days Staring Xmas Day! ff -S' KATHRYM HOWARO- GRAYSON KEEL i and Mis. Louis Heidbrmk of Le a i a received word from their son Weslev who stationed at l-oit Lewis Washington. new address is Pvt 1 Weslev Heid bunk.

'I and Co Kiln Signal Hall. Coips. foil Lewis Washington. A I COIIKS a lettci. unsiuned.

about the Chamoei ot Conunercc Santa Cl.uis. which the wnter feels is less than adequate We can be pul on the defensive on this, as we didn't have i to do i it. Bui Paul Iliird backed us inlo a corner about that cilv ad nhieli calls for ur. lie off the streets from midnight to 6 a. so sutm removal can work if ncces- sJrv.

Ot coirse I'aul can kid people i a stiamlu face, and vou nev- ei tan tell, but he seemed geiunne- Iv indignant he said we'd bet i a Le a i when we accepted the ad. "You want this town to grow, don't lie asked. Nhal do ou want people with kids to do: them as thcv learn to walk? Nc can't rent houses if we have kids, so some of us have to live in anartinuits. And where'll park the ear?" i i seemed i i i too He s.ud lied get even i us lor accepting that ad He said that "when the a i lax mcleis come to I see to it thai the i first one is set up rmht in 11 out of I he Globe-Post olhce." said that would he fine. use il to lunu a funeral wreath for Le Mars.

Also, we'll in even issue to the public for such an inhospitable gesture. I e' Mary Gellerman Mis. M.UV passed avvav in Cheiokec hospital on Decembei i 17 altei a sickness ot manv a I She vvas S-5 vears anil 4 mouths ol age. i M.uv I hielen was bom August 17. IS69 at Steihng.

Illinois "She i to i Gelleim.tii I neai Le a i M.ueh. IfcNV i Gelleim.m piecded her in death I I uncial scivices weie held at 2 in. on Mmdav. Decembei 20 at I Craig a i i Rev I SJimidt i i a Bunal was in I cemeteiv I dei diiection ot the Mauer lunei I home i i i include tluee sons, loan ol lieton. i ol le Mais.

Tievl. Anna and Sophia Gellerman. AUo i i a i i gi.indclnldieti ar.u I three biotheis. i Hen and John 'I hielen Deceased was piecded in death bv hei husband and 4 dauuhte-s Holiday Dance Once moie the people ol the Christian i aie in a ol i i a piepaiation i i lo make themselves and then loved ones have a nienv i i a Hv Deccin- be i 2sth most ev civ one i be com pletelv exhausted and glad the dav is over and the mess ot i and tiees can be cleaned up What's vviona i that kind ol Christmas' How can people who Rive and ic ceive mils be so unhapp) bv the d.iv. 01 be hapov onlv i the newness of their eitts vveuis oil 'I he woild has losi the Chnsi out ot i i a and i i i a lost the iov and happiness that a Chiistian knows and feels in his heat! I he Christ of Chiistmas is out Savioi and thcieforc our K.IIIC On his i i a we are a to God lot the gift ol" his Son and gifts of love lo oui a i It lends and especiallv to less a people.

A behevina child prepares for his Savior's i a bv repenting and asking the Holv Spun to increase his a i and make his heait leadv to icceive the b.ibv Jesus as the one! and onlv Savioi. i It i person in ibis coiinti'. would get leadv lor the holid.iv, season in this w.iv there would be no i mad rushing about to buv man gilts, to trv to out-do else, in i i a piepar.ttuins There would be no bic headaches, no last i dash toi a uift toi someone' lioni vvhom vou expected no gift I I 1 as a i i a child can help put i Christ back into Christmas by mak- mc use of i season prepare loi mv Savior's i a I can he'lp i bv pr.ivmg the Holv Spun lo enlei their hearts and make it a true happv i Chiistmas for I The Plymouth County COURT HOUSE WILL BE CLOSED From Thursday, Dec. 24th at 4:00 P. M.

to Monday Morning, Dec. 28th. Howdv Folks' Winters staling us in the face and a means it's time to get oui equipment in shape toi i We have well trained mechanic who can lundle anv t)pc overhaul job ou We will be glad to pick up and deliver too. II (he a vou cwr heard of "Na Churs" liquid fertilizer? Guarantees increased production over and above cost of fertilizer. or our back.

Can't lose I (in a like that. It's cheaper i fliflir- dry and easier lo 'pTitrtr-ou too. Come in ano sec and i PRATTS FARM SUPPLY 'I he a a holid.iv dance foi a i and students ot the Le a i public high school vvill be held this SaUirdav. Decembei 26. the i erative is i a school gvmnasiuni.

beginning at eight c'clock. 1 he dance i be open at all a i of the public school and their guests, and to current!) cm oiled 'tit- dents of the senior high school '1 he admission puce i be 50 cents for singles and for couples. Tickets may be obiamed at Mount Drug store i i the week 01 at the licJct window in gymnasium lobby S.ittii- day evening. Detoiations for the occasion vul' be piovided by membeis of the Sv.ii lor high school student council. aie sponsoring the Music foi the dance i be fiimishcd Boh lotman's orchestra.

Dress be informal It is the hope of the Student Coun- I cil there he a good turnout ol nlunini and students foi this an; a event. I $9,854 Dividends a I a i i ers i a a i i i i i i a this vear. I hev are icceiving i i dend checks a i $9.8 s.4 fiom i Countv a i a i Loan Association at Le a i The checks rcpiesent a special per cent i i declaied by the associations board of ducetois. a i rv Adams, sccrct.uv-tieastirer, te- poited I a to association membeis was made possible bv a special i i cvcrvonc dend the association received from (he Federal Land Hank of Omaha. 1 a a Doir is in the 6th giade ol i i the local t.nm loan coop- I i a school ot a i i lockhoklci.

I 1 is the daughtei of Mi Direetois ot the association are Mv ion 1 Don of Remseii. I I I I W.iltei I Muecke ol Hmton. presi- I P-'' warren H. Hclmmu savs she, dent. J.

Henrv Lucken of A yote the above i prompting vice-piesident. ot Le Globe-Post, had a story about Mars. Chi is Kloster of Le a i 1 leacher About a vear nao this school II has grown since then, and New berg of Hmton. I Christmas: I he Clobe-Posl. i now tninibers Slippers For The Whole Family GIFTS THEY WILL APPRECIATE! 5Ofh Anniversary Mi and Mis L'lani Chapman will 1 be celebiating their 60th wedding I a i i a Monday.

Decembei 2X i when they i gieet relatives and I fi tends from lo 2 to 5 o'clock at then home. I Hosts at the open house i be I their children No i i a i have been issued. ATLAS COUPON Mihsi niters don't need these. I arc on the list. If ou buv jour Globe- Post from a carrier or store, save these coupons lo uct a new Plvmouih County Atlas.) 50 COUPONS NEEDED Letters To Strata i Dear Ple.isc me a cash IVVQ a vv.iter towei 1 depot.

A ol Anieiic.ui Iocs 8 Lnglis'i soldiei set. Love. 1. LU I J'LNS Deal Santa, I Announcing! A SPECIAL DIVIDEND Amounting To $9,854 To Stockholders Of The Plymouth County National Farm Loan Association of le Mars, Iowa Just before Christmas, this special dividend is being paid to farmers in Plymouth county who have Federal Land Bank loans. The dividend reduces the net cost of their loans to less than You can get full information about this" low-cost, long term farm loan from: Harry Adams, Secretary-Treasurer National Farm Loan Association o'Meinber, Federal Land Bank -System 707 Pierce Street Sioux City; la.

Men's SLIPPERS in felt or leather $2.39 to $4.95 NOIICI: I lie Rav Fiedler Farm i be held I i a a a i 14 at his faun located one mile West and i ol Ovens Staab. i il lUirlage be atictionecis MEMORY Ladies' SLIPPERS in felt, leather or satin. Some styles are Fur Trimmed. $2.25 to $4.95 All Styles in Children's SLIPPERS in felt or leather or corduroy. $1.95 to $3.25 CHRISTMAS vvill the rist- the was to of Gift Wrapping fREf EACHLER OOTERY O.

J. "Chick" CHIC01NE, OWNER 'On e.nth peace, good a i men sang angels on that first Ch mas As we tell again siorv of how Jesus horn to bring new hopi the world hope peace and good i let i.s remember that hope must begin in our hearts. FUNERAL HOME Lc Iowa Pfionc 339 7 tl I Nv.r^fc A 8 0 0 0 Old Live Barn Pigeons 15c EACH Truck will be thru this territory around Jan. 15. Write To: P.

I. NOTEBOOM Maurice, la. (102-6) A Thanks to all those who bought hogs, making it possible for me to say I'M ALL SOLD OUT! Leo Scheitler 4 i I ast of M. Joseph's Church I A Brunsville MONDAY, DECEMBER 28th (Given by Lilllian Gcrdcs LcRoy Menser) Music: 2 Hits A Mrs. Buys Your Christmas Table A (ake Mixes choice 33c DILL PICKLES qt.

jar 33c HAASC'S Stuffed Olives pt. jar 49c A I I OVEN A BISCUITS 1 Chicken Pies ea. HI I) I GRAPES Ib. 19c Sweet Potatoes 2 Ibs. 29c UIRDM.YE String Beans IURDSEYE FRENCH Green Beans ULLI.S ALL I ICE CREAM A 1 I URAM) RAbPUKRRY PIE MIX NOR i TISSUE It) PKG.

29 pkg, 27c gaL 89c box 39c 3 rolls 25c I I A NAVEL ORANGES doz. 59c Head Lettuce 2 for 29c Kadislus Green Onions Crlcrv Carrots a i I omaloes I'arslo Tears Cranberries l.aijsc Dclu'iou- Kull I me of Candies Box Candies. Ml -Ml Kinds of Christinas Nuts for vour Holid.iv Din MEAT DEPARTMENT I RKMI DRI.VM I) 4 to 5 (.. DUCKS Ib. 55c FRESH DRESSED TURKEYS 7 to 8- 12 to 14 Lb.

Avg Ib. 67c 20 to 24 Lb. Avg. Ib. 59c I I I I I 10 to 12 I GEESE Ib.

49c I I.LS ITII)L A I I I Minced Meat Ib. 35c I KI.MI I RI.MI I I 5 lo 6 l.ll. A G. Roasting Chickens Ib. 49c OUL 1 aslnoucil llomt.iii.ule l-or Delicious Drissmu Pork Sausage Ib.

39c Caiulv l-rtiilcil I ullv ll.iked 4 lo 6 l.h. PICNIC HAMS Ib. 59c OYSTERS pint 89c Dorr's Modern Market FREE DELIVERY WE BUY EGGS PHONES 3 or 6.

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