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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 7

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ED TO FIGHT Projector of New Flin Hep for Natior. TARJS. Xov. 19. It 11 HOLD Ff.r.CE FOI.

FRAUD. Thft strt fe "-y TrtateJ ay D.ij a-a. r. t. u.

ENDED BY SOLDIERS Guardsmen, Aldsd by Veterans1 Organizations, Tcur City in Closing Demonstration. br Trrtu-. c. I.Ljn-. Nov.

a a Jrr. cell f.r Mrko-Uu. von MkIakorf. Wv, cf Go-ta.

has ba In rrar.kfart oa ch.rre. tt fral.j, a tn. cnca ram. WecUni- yeWd.y of repre.enta-Jve. ef American.

Btlitah. and French preMied over ty Won a conierecca in prtj There Models Not On (i i ililM )Al Ltej purpoe of form'r an iAll-tuW Ka.i 1 r. la CMrt.J wtlH sv 3 l5ruo of wt.1 be a.Ie-iMV: I rven. rroruiir k-r. 1) fc In lian'i l.

fT- HAVE NOT "REACHED COAL Inefficient Number of Worker Stated t( Raaion Thro OU vUIorta to Continue Cnvs. A Store cflrJlvidal SJ.zps Fifth Avenue, 37th snJ Street TO First New Torfc UatjoneJ mS -4W etM. icimcaii, VT CUefy, cavalry, alrnal ocrpa. fiU hca-pltal and ainbolaac corps. wpt th.

city from th Battery to the' Harlem EiTr yeeterday af tarnooa and Ut la aid of th TUrd ReS-Cro Roll CsJL Xamfcere of th Anserlcaa Letion. the Oraad Army of the Republic, Vetrr. tt Spanish-American and R4 Crass worker also participated In the Th movement was divided into two ycrMa-MM from 5 P. M. to p.

set th other ftroaa p. M. to 11 A) P. whan all of th column converted oa Times Square and invaded tfc theatr district to aoliclt Red Croaa eukacriptloa. Th movrr.r,t- waa prescribed by Brl.

Gen. Georf R. 'Dyr is General Orders No. A3 of th columns wer accompanied tends and flanking- partita, tbo corared th and took subscriptions. At different point through-at tha city th march waa fcaiUd fur fcKlnis.

Sn demonstration marked th official ciM or to Red Croaa drive," althouch tia memberahlp campaign will be oou tinned for another weak. BrfaV Cen. Cyar decided last nlrht thai. th feaulta of th campaign had been felt- that tha ce sail must tad officially. However, tha Industrial and MercantH Division, tt vaa announced, would keep np their Ctfasalsa la office, factories 'and 'other raantfle establishments, and the District Division Would continue 1U can-vea of the residential sections, The caavass by the booths and la th-j streou tadad last nicht.

Aa insufficient number of workers said to tha reason tor th fail-or of th campaign to obtain th de-aSrtd membership. -Thar ha been naa of subscribers to the different headquarters and. many of them have atid that they have not found canvass-, era to the streets. Th Metropolitan set l.W.000 memoerVaa its ti and tt was said last rush that ur "were far from that lure, al- UwCh th totals wr nAt tooae in charje of the drlrt could even an approximation of the until further reporU are re-ld. inal tmr wfli it hTZZZl alsiswl a.

mrm pa huui WML eaBSMBSSBBBBBiafcjBBBi TELLS SAD PLIGHT OF JEWS. fallx M. Warburg Say They Wort wit- aancaa-ar me oust ijisinnuuon Committee of Abmt Icaa rands for Jewish War fiufr.nm wb- returnodjseveral days aaro from a inp tirop ror that ortaaHitlon. poouc yesterday some of his fled tat. vtl "The sueceaaiv blows ce eontendlns; mnatcm nave S4i nut broken th back of Pan Jewry." ha said.

and have llr. 2" noeuvaoie pov WO souls, or half the Jewish population The Jewleh peopi throughout ast-era Europe, by sheer aocident of reorra' war. ove sunered saora from tha war tioa. Th potenUal vitality and thiea-. toZ "oif-help that renin na to these r- uv ai uva years is amaa 8 to kTaa reople are deeply moved by th rl Ten them by America, ilr.

War-burr hut Ir vTii th emerrency aid now while rnlUiona auo spent Xit (ml xea atva renewed tha bop of five million For nun than tmt the vir i tk SO. TT. rr.r A Stcrt cf Individual Shops Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Streets PARIS -4 Rue ITartel Jewia Cretbtr.t 4V ORIGIN From the Late Fall and Winter Paris Openings Beloiv Cost To Land MaaVaaamnaBsjsaaaasjfsaaa Paris Model Costume Blouses 25.00 aria 50.00 Heretofore H5.00 10 165. -Ti hi4rrl3r fn cocyested centres frm on the Baltic, to 8lonlke, on the Aeeaa will Hiui area oc ut r.

very centra of at taeit JjwUO population. After the cat ci run TL" few years tt Is too much to JW this Jewry to beeoene saU-aus concern ea ertr tnt IKVinn aVifaaa ta Wa k4aul a aw. 1 apvajM tvr tDf tJJ nergncy rauer. ThU formation of r00'ww reoonstructloa eorporaUon. aJtJ.

"would raclilUee for constructlva aid to abroad in th way of loans and at nominal Interest rate. The V11 ort of assistance as a te J0! pur charity is apparent." vVu' rJU'f I1) reoommended by y. Vkarburc Include th establishment avan! pr company to forward ftw.i i-caes irom jews in UUl Heads abroad' of H20.000 worth of fu4 etcUons of Pol. ml vhm 1rtltiitln purcha of la tn Don whereby un-rTi KS of lajd may- ret mJfJ. a plan to reunite that tl-kr CS2LWt, Btt thoa who aootn separated abroad.

fiU' Eatate Uft to Widow. vj Colonel James 3X Ban. auadr-u-Chlef of the Orand Army RapuMo. fllao yesterday la th JnU'a eftlo, Brooklyn. leave th luSifl? 'Vu.

hi widow, Mr. k.VTjt Rby fUt- ao made to childran and Lh eJieeaon ot report GfM iSiP.H. "campment of the UteriM t'1 lT-rt- irvl. ToRK crrr cepot. ntii, Jeann6 Lancret Chrislianc, Jeanne i i Goupf9 ElUc Foret.

XJANDSOME blouses of Georgette: crepe or chiffon-Ai piquant blouses of taffeta; graceful over-blouses of tricot soie, rnany combined with metallic thread or tinsel fringe exquisite satin blouses. ON SALE WOMEN'S BLOUSE SHOP-Third Floor ris- Mol Negligees 95.00 Jand 150.00 Heretofore tlVS.K to S475.90 1: Model from tuck veil hion French hoiuet oj Madeleine and Madeleine, Calvayrac, Conpy, A Boue Socurs, also the English houses of i Reville and Rossiter, and Liberty, QRIGINAL models in negligees of velvet with tho loosely flowing lines of the Moyen Age, others' of classic beauty, -exquisitely draped Stately tea gowns of Georgette crepe or tricolette; some with metallic brocade. ON; SALE WOMEN'S NEGLIGEE SHOF1 jBalcony noor gri a '1 U. a a. et i.

1 -'j Writing Set of atx icces in rose or allk With cold lace tiiininlnc Novelties Christmas Gifts The good taste' which alvrayi characterizc3 McCutcheon ofTcr-ing is especially apparent in the' beautiful Art Novelties displayed thU ttaioa. for a. Handkerchief and GloceBoxtt cCYertd-ith Clllc Brocade, $2.05 ioBSO. Sets Silk Brocade-with l-. cold braid.

trimmina. S5J0 Pov: def Jars ia a ntinbcf of new $3J5 to 75. Scrap Latkttt, Si22 covered with French trlniciinx, $5.75 to 270. 7V7pienc Bock Covers, $2.50 to 4.SS. picture Frames, $1.50 to 10.50.

Tmpestry Starts, $2.85 to 1330. Velour mnd Tapestry Scarfs, tn aiaorted cvloru $45 to 27.50. Velour and 'Tapestry Motes, In good variety of atyl, $3.50 to 2730. Cotrn and Handkerchief Cases, hmd -embroidered ssul NcrrsAndy Lce with French trinsriri' Alao an aaocrtnient cf Fin Traj-i 5c up. CAr-dy Bcxet $1.75 up.

Pin Ouhions, and Party Bits $140 up. pAKii i u.i ORIGINAL PARIS MODELS From the Late Fall and Winter Paris Opening At Extraordinary Price Reductions Jttg. TrtLdt Mtrtt Fifth Avenue, 34th and Sod Streets Paris Model Gowns 95.00 150.00 250.00 Actual Cost to ImiuI 172.50 trrrtniefy. "uii Ona BuHox Model One AiLne Model Ono AlLna Model Oa Aline Model OsaALu Model One Alina Model One Merder. Model One Mertier One Mercitr Modct One Merrier Model One Goupa ttodel Jenny Model One Rolara Ltodcl TTVEim.G reliant uvS 77 trad5 or.

6-f eTTcon av-i! ti-Irur Ir: uc 1,1 i.c aui IT.exf cr JV Coat to Ltad 2SS.C0 2C3.DD 192.03 l.OD 1E0.C0 I 2C5.0D i 154.00 U0.O3 rcaxD 2CS.03 C100 tS.00 C100 100 3.00 CS.CO csoo CS-00 C100 csoo 15.00 ISO. 00 isaoo One Or.e Irrrd Modrl One Mavit-r Mtaitl One Meade. One Mcaicl Or.e Ca. Mudd Or Mciift Or.e Oif-ru: Or.e Mavcri? One AtTira udr On Arr y. Ctl One IV-'tt 212 lSiXO TD CO euto ii t-d3 And 29 Other Mc4r! ax SleiiUr On 5aff Frtnch Gcn Scn, Jlilnt Paris Model Wraps loO.OO 250.00 650.00 Actual Cost to Ixind to 1 130.00 TNCLUDHD are u-rsp djir-e vr rrrrr.

i-i i trl-nmed fur, end tun t-ne a a a 4S One LanvLi Idodel One Bcrr-ard Model One Bernard Model One DuTai Model One Merrier Model' One Chertit One Chenit Model One Bemcrd Model One Berrxrd Model One Beer Model One BuHox J.Todel One Sutanne One Lanvin Model the actuxl ctr.t cf the (js. 9 CoiiuUl -53 U5CO 179X3 21C03 .00 154.25 202J3 SZIJO0 272X0 224.CO 240.CO 224X0 624X0 i ico CiCO C1CO sxo 1S3 CO isaco isaco isaco 1S3.00 isaco 2S0XO Ont Ore Gtxrxjv.o li Or Grrrctv. M-d: Cu'A it-si: O-t One Mi.d- Or.e MAdtlcl' cidrl One X'ttrtt Mdtl Or IV.Tt Mcdtl Or-9 IlraviJ: MndrJ Or Cerut MudcJ One Modrl One Model 04 tvattj jl 9 0 4 ew IdttO I id. CO ivrxo And 25 Other TaHi Moieli SiaiUr ItIurticrt On 5aXe rTomrn'j Cool op, ourtA ilnor Paris Suits and Tliree-Picce Costumes 95.00 150.00 2.50.00 350.00 Actual Cost to Ixind 202.50 to 1 316.00 TN this ejection are and three leet cotton I -t eccr.5 ttrTLV taorrd. CLhen fv On nc.i talc pnc irta thtn Le arrl ctr.t Ct fjr.

Coat t9 U-l One Bernard Model One Bernard fodel Bernard fodr 1 One Premet Model One Premet odel One Bulk yfodel One Beer Todcl One Beer One Bernard Mode! One Jenny MuM 2MC0 216 03 223d 3 202d3 2 1CV CO a 'W 4 m'J CS.CO C1CO tico CS.CO C5X0 I SI CO i 3 co I S3 CO Or.e n---i One I 1. Or.e Jr C-, Pa: dr! a Att: Ci.r. 2d 1 CUmS la a IMCO 2i.Ci3 21:0:0 -coco S3D3 SXD3 croxo co S3 03 1 Si 2 sr. co co co 1 II I .1 im-mm Ij i 4 i 1 1 i tTv rx WTV i.

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