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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
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TTTE NEW YOIUv TIMES. TUKKIIAY. FEimnAUY sJLf- wVtv ir Champ 4 a- a fine TAHHAHYilOLDS 0 fmiDT. DTI 1 MEXICO'S ENVOY. trr social SFIXiAl.

RESLRYX cxtca err Only American Champarrne ever awarded Ccld I Medals at Expositions fmrtk SVe ULM ft a sr tof torn ta furs aw PUmmI VaJey WW RlMtan, M. T. i cum uzzii rzzzzzzxi tarranza Appoints Kim Ami jiaar to the United Elites. setal Tu Xw l'erfc Tlsir. "VAS IIINUTuN.

Feb. IZ. Ignacl JlHnllUa. Srcrturr of Communication Leefativ Lflflrs. Sav TheV'V the Mexican Government, ha been a 6 OVERCOME.

1 DEAD mpa thl I See a Cha.nct for Craft in Emrgenc Measure. tcclnted Ambassador to the Cnlted by General Carransa, In successive ta former Am lador-des innate Arredondo. It is nnderetood jUi.v I grata, to th State CITY MAY SELL FORT SlTEitment. lier Hontllas waa a membfr of the il 1 1 an-American Joint Commiaefon En Krj hy'a Me-i Prepart to Fight I ught, but unsuccessfully, to da- BELGIANS FORCED TO WORK AT FRONT Havre Government Say Germans MaJce Them Dig Trenches Along Yser. HAVE INSUFFICIENT FOOD Eme-toyed In Va rioue Indurtriea Compelled ta Civ Up Their rar May Reynold.

ITAVTir. Few, 12. Th Belgian Gov-rament Mr It baa leaned that laborers at Drug are being arrested ia the Streets 0rmM aad are betas aent Imenediatey to the Gcnnaa froat aloes tb Tear, where they a--e forcrJ to do military week, auca aa patting op barbed ertra Neaeee aad UTtn trencbea. It tm eaevrtad Usat 15 per cent, tte frvra vb were competed preaent tbemaetrea ta tb mUtary a atiarltles bare been take for work. Tbeaw mea-are bat www th aca and tX They tbetr bamee Maoday and return Saturday.

On Cselr arrlral bom they ar declared to be greatly depressed because of tavafndaat oourbaieiA. which conalata a ejoarter a loai of war tread In tS tnorninc tra't ouP backine tnade applea and prune at auoa. ibu la said to be ail the ee reretve. Belglaii Goeernmeat afftrma that, eo Vrmry to what the Germane aay. the Oenuans'r eyateaiaUcallr takltc icen ho ar not die.

At a Urge atel rnHl laborer eamJngT from aeeen rroi- a ly hare ben comp-fcel lo eu.t tteir Job aaJ wora for the I mum ili-iarJ to Da-true AorticuUural- waar. At a well-kroan horticultural eatablishroent ol th nam rUraria. eleven wora-ra out ef twentjr-tour hav bvn tkrn ay A diamond cuttrr who r' bi etcvloyee Bine franc a day aw Ihm ail taaea away from him. A foreman wao red been working for one man to tiraes tor twfntT-eeren years was tan frum Vim honv. toaetber with hia two itKr whom wa Hie.

It aiwertea "ini or faiit aaerioi re re tork Tim. ALEANT. Feb. tTharte C. Lock wood bf Kfuga and Aeaembly-Btan Robrrt Marsh of New tn-trodocerl W.U la tk Lrgiaiatur toulgtet to enatlo XIayor MJtchl to provtd a fore of special guaoa to reber th miUtUmec now en doty at th Aahokaa Ilea mo tr and aioag th Aqueduct.

Th Lockwood-Marsh btll came before tb Senate with an mergcy weaaag troea tiorernor Whitman which wouM have made It poaatbie to rush it through to a final heart ng tonight. Tammany netnorrs rut ttus hasty procedure, howerer, la both the Senate and th Aasambiy. a CirmJ consid-crauoo of the meaaurna was put off until tomorrow. tfenaur Kobert Usgaer, minority lal of th i-nat. askol tkat tb bill laid over ao that be could examine It.

In the Asaemoiy Joah At. Callahan: th Democratic leader, mad thi protaet: "I hav not had. Urn study this btn. A haaty peruaal of lb measure haa eonrrnc! tm that It la not entirely free from poiiUca. It It with extreme rl Jctanc that I'maka this atatement." Tli biil.

which was drawn after a conference be.tween. Governor Whitman and kUyor klitchel at the Hotel HU a X' a. l. tii i' mAm- xvtri in -w a tTts- rivea the Pollc CoramlwiontT of I Neir Tork power, where th Mayor, with the approval of th Governor, cer, tiris that necessity exists, to appoint ane number of epclsoliceTnen necessary to guard th water supply of the city. The special-policemen may be appointed without prior civil service examination.

They wLI not participate ta the heneflta of th pension system le the Pollc Department. They may be kept at work until the Mayor cerT tlfie that they are not neeued- The alarv provided 1 1. year, unless th Board of Katimat fixes another rAM3blvniu Callahan aald after the session that In hi opinion the absolute power eeated ta the I'olic Commissioner to make many appointments open avenues to graft. t'oder an emergency message from Governor Whitman the Senate tonight paseed th bill, giving the City of New Tork tr rtght to d-spo ffUni at Rockaway Hlnl. wanted by tb Federal Government fw the erectlorl or fortification to guard the approaches to New Tork Bay: The bill waa passed withnot dumu mrA wl3 be sent to the Assembly Tr concurrence tomorrow.

A companion mil mtroouceo wun in of uyor iincnei. si vi nu Is taken given by make de- itayor llitchei. giving tne my rlfct to sll or convey in ma Interest or th city lan unoer water in th of Brooklyn ami Queens to upland owners, was held up in the Keuate by Minority 1-eailT Wacncr. It is tmdeatiod that th Tammauy men w.a fight tos kill unkrs they are aaie tat It will oot in any way affect property beloniTiiig to WlUiam II-KeynoUla of Brooklyn. MOBILlZir COLUMBIA FOR WAR Labontorics RcaJy for Oovemraent -Alumni Plan Offiferi' School.

Officers ef Columbia University, amplifying plana recently adopted for a cr.u of students for possible enlistment in the aritar. 'decided at a meeting yesterday to offer to th nation the use Trie universuy mu war with Germany. The statieflcal department of the anlversity. at th same time, ready to collect such data fee the Government as may be nee1ei. The meeting was atlended by all the rjember of the special coroniittee re-certly arpoin'rd by iTestnent Nw hola Vuriav LuUer.

who preald-d, AHhotiah MiurviA waa atartea ernmeat. 1 b-tter ire rurai ai WW.B the returns are not rowpiert. t-in. wher all the sons of farm-ce are to airelerate the ttseo away taa every Monday rk Not rmly the studnta at the 11 imwi si brtversitv. hut ITS is.v aiumoi hen etnuoyera rniknds In behalf ef the military write them that they ar e.sroeed to retum workers on oondiuon teat th enrpkiyera designate nnem-1 1 rr tnesi for ecb etnsieywl woramea tr-eratad.

tu aiiuanon. nays i. trr th two countries that would be satLvfacMrr ta both. Gt-neral Carrama feftised to accept the rtS -col prepared bv the commit slon. and It waa tflsaolved The new AAbasaador la expected In Washington within ten day.

lie la a native and arisen of th State ot Ho- Coal in Dutch Steamer Burns and Gases Stupefy Members of the Crew. rVnrV OBJECT TO TOUi JY CUhB. mA Vn Oitn tivinV eIV IWM It Mil M'l you trying to Build lip inio tite nolil. tnev touncl 'tit oiiis so deep In tiie coal Ihat flooding the hold was nceisa ry Ti flrt'tnn found no that the fire wan Incendiary. -V eombiiMiion prot-ably Wfis iZ.

'William Van Ifonrn. sent of the lea I lent nlubt. We li.ul taK-n on ait extra mipj'lv of roai If: rir lo hive enough trt m.ike til roui-ii trlir' to Itot- teriiam, ani ttie witttil ef it it." Mr Van lxrn f-Xf'laineii that no aail-! Ing date for the vii-l had he set. RISK LIVES IN RESCUES Firemen at Hoboken Pier Wear i Gaa Maika and Flood Llner'a Hold. DEFINSE COUNCIL MEETS.

Cabinet and Advisory Committee Discus Industrial Mobilisation. f'f-4l to 1 At! Vor rtam. IJ 'oniprehMi-, ive plana for mt.l.iili.itmn of na-j tide's indualri in time of wur were tlia- f.ussivj at a j'mt i.tfoiuiji! Columbia Stiients Against Blow a' KefuMP.l by r'acT Uvj4 jrolsto- Slfln i I vir en war at l.i.iu i. hit uyheM ola Murray Uuller l.aliooal Club of to iaue a ta Iiik I Ilia ndre I losiphy Hall at the Internal "nal irit lh (Hi relutlonn. Tolstoy In tr.e in ittion JeclMIl oi iTof t- of llu- lt'ti-ir to Proteit sir Riqhts.

Suppose You i ln' tvl a j.Jve.altv la: L7JS ic-'-h rrow. It was S3 aaV Vi I VAA a pi invil. 1 PORT ttie Council and IJ Members of lha clew t.f lha I vfrnw an.l Ita I 'ill id' bi if i America liner Noordam. held at hT Mo- i ih uffl- Fecielary snl sn atj boken uler because of stb-i baker to-iay. demot-ratic marine edict, risked w'focation ytf-r- The Advisory of I nora, and Kas been identified with the day reocue elx of their over- a.veo iviliiin.s.

will remain in anliing- Come oy CJea senv vun'i yrtnriti l'" reserve supply of coal fcn her hM. mk.u,iimi oi inouatrsta. whuti ni enlirnjl la lo ii hw oiid Joint nn-eting of tT the six was ono n- roiiitcil 'onimiite net tearlir.t him and another vs removcil ret.u-ie tusker ana Hanicls mibmil-n the hnDltal. Tho reni.iinir tour ted to tla Joint meeting to-lay i i mm hoUted thlrtv feet to the neck Ot i f. revolationary movement In Mexico ever sine tta ginning.

As Secretary of Communications he haa been obliKd to solve the difficult questions relating to the restoration of the telegraph, -Tot Office, and railroad. He la a graduate of the Massarhueetta Institute of Technology, having completed his course there In three years instead of the customary four, a feat accomplished bv his son. Sefior Monlllas w-Ul brine to Wellington his wife and tao grown dautihier. who aceomranit-d hfm at New I.indon and Atlantic City during the aes ona ef the rommlaaion. He'iora iieniilas la an American woman; the sistee ef former Uovernor of Arizona, AIRSHIPS TO WATCH VILLA.

Fleet Will Co Up from Columbus Today In Search of Bandit. COLUMBL'it. X. Keb. 12 -In rder to obtain further Infornureion regarding Villa followers at I'alomas a fleet of airpla-nes wth otmervera.

from th Aero Squad, stationed here, will take the air at daybreak tomorrow and skirt tbe border Owly Owe -BKOMO QriMM" Ta yet iiIb. call fnr full nam. UkXATIVK k'VO onvtNK. l.o fur of W. CKOV (u Advt.

IIik efc! Htm," the tol'-rable hi lenta freei; I'iiliim tlenl uitlr the niih i rirhta aa uml the vessel and revived. It neitly houra-tater before firemen, protected by gas helmets, ext niKuiahed the smoldeiing hlaxo. The Noortlam, which waa ready to sail for Rotterdam with 8.m tons of grain twiUe days neo. the rotnpany pter at the of Hixtfi street, Ju.f north of the piers of tho North German Uoyd Conipanv. ptiortly before noon Jan Kurpershock, a coal trimmer, waa reported inl.aiiig and rneinbers of the crew, peeling over thewdge of Hatch 3.

saw him llng motionless top of th? reserve supply of roa' below. Kiv otli-r mernlw rs ol" llio crew, ail wtupeflei by the gas. wrie motioning feebly for assistance. Kescuers with ropes tied ahotit their waL-ita wer Ipwrreii Into the hol-l but, themselve nearly etlfled t.y the fumes, were hauled out before tliev had accomplished thlr rr.Ialon. -others swtirnr int.

the liaa and finMliy rt'iielicl tiie mi-n. Kur-rshock wa anl rrsn-Siminoa. anotner eoa! trimmer, wa When Chief Michael Dunn an.l Uttorltle iul to placn I heir a 111- e.nre, a no ties ill trio tiirxai if the Government in nieut, I lnn' ur, in addition to twiplling a Biit earin list of Mil offers, the council and I aertinir cnnuitiitee rona vi the provisltina of he a e. Cu; iM. rnl Lefn act nd the reniling t-roviMoiiH Naval Appn-prwum i a wv -non rmiir mrrtTrn Mil.

give Ihe ITesideni the nxl.t NAVY ARD STRIKE AVERTED. Iii liiiiu eineruency in v. ifd on I'rime. i St'4Voll( I I for i f. (JO III ilc UlUtiona.

wf 'olilit i ill It. i.ur r'rln lI t.i to 'tii on umvefMtv, nUr of ir i nliol 'its t'otumi-ia. The i ai 1 1 ou inileiMiul- utlh nilii thai ny dparl- floli! rho i iiy by hf- th. a'lthoritley ree h.i...k i- inir 1 Tu tn-in lot Combined with OLIVE OIL Tnim preparatkn nrrim Mm saaranty -3 of imntf S'i t5 a p.1. Ttm mm ub.

aw SO Of i- I tt hotu a stl If out OT Mt rmrrj gS I -n urn fanrtua M. lal t. rwe tow it I'PW art. I tMfateSi. It ir.uii V.

mum rth. your doctor. II ro In cm-iiittf witt tut Detr! BtefcfOI At vonr ilnigrtl FilU Uil li Hi I i lUiMiUiUlia iiitiititiona ani Khtpvarua. 'liio Adiiwuy Cr-mtillttae anenunCed I al'ler tle inwtlng that, vtblli it I paring i La program in Washintcton a n. thia t'ave k.

on1, ritr.t liien- le-n to and are in touch with eon.titions le caihd so.ttiat f.e ii uiii'll mji1 toi'iuilllee may reeelve the Work i Hece i i in Get Assurance They Will Double Pay for Overtime. Arcf M'-i lea tolil emploves c.avy lift fr.iMii at th inol benent of their eiirlenc aihi knowledae ib-r in fonnuliiitir the pmram." 'only i All the Cabinet niifrn comprielnr the fene Cuaocil. th irrt.irte War. lui' nn. jn Navr, the Interior.

AgrSrullure, 'om- m-iil a' anil lli.r v.ra ireient at the I am h.i loict M.Kn Six of the civilian men- wo lo I ii. In-. th. ir.t1 In 7 2 tb- p- tt ii a H'a In trt.t 0 (I -S net. i iiHi i I bjT a II I III I i i 'v i-i a i II 1 3Um4TmT- 2' Tt'i 'IS''t wmmii at metlat-iv- fllflll' 7 Cie-Il, lt.lf Ill 1 an 7o f'rt t-" III K-v III III Ill suaraiiioe! I III A 111 rVl ii I II -m 1 1 sr IIS A til i iiliiiiiiliiiiiuiMiUiuiia ill jh'S 1 1 at a Ir.

Mi ne 1. 1 3 1 at a. nrl 3rm if it tTirrmbia VOiJ I gjf rtJIaSf hor- Kf-fai Ami -fr-rrvf. fat tt tin fA -t-i, rt- im' 04 trifti 'tl i' 'i. th fi- iir irtC a- -ymir i if ittaxJtw I eU.

1 ewf ST'l I hot ut erican Siirety Co. New York ii Kotmded i 00 Broadway Itephon itat't'tr flanlaeoe tirmMfm. llffle ana seortae rouffhout Anwrii-t. 1 -i ii 'IfJ. uitil i- ill; tin wt1 114.1 Of, strike woi lim-n tcrtla the ni-i; Naiy 1 lelf ph.

'Ill I) I'll if the Aiiviaorv I'ommirtee were tro h-e was -ioel h- 1 ovemn. pajil oseni HoHia llo-jfrev of 1'rexel Inaii-1 in; .14 irt le. S.irnu. I'lesitfent of Kede rn ion lluvriTtl of Iietroit. iiw.thl of Clncmio.

Memari i in of l-aleir Ko- la ni. of e. Iin The t'e rr.T. (Ii'- II. -ne II i en Wi.Te IV' r-lil w.r.- tliier not 'Iff serteil, i- it ii info 1 1" X.

CI -IT N--v York, rtwl f'r rrarsklin Martin of Wiilanl. of I thy A hio K.tilroad. th aev-i enth jn-iiilr. vim unahie lo attend the i tnreting tul. the o.

14 'M 1 It i "il Ion i t-e? c. h. re or.l. II hoi; i ii rung. rill be rwTialn without bands cultivation.

iiace In what capacitUs they for this Inform- sanda of cards aakins; for tlon alreatlf. nave Deen seni itudnt. These are beine claaslf red so that the university authorities will. know how manv are willing to bear arms or on mecicai i.i iSo.i and In other capacities. alitlTsiTMr Kvr.

serve and all eofnplaini rem-via i to serve th country. iao- l.or-n ei leas wa sr taken. At k(fib a youth of IS waa th. eWewt of hu crew, which was composed boy of 1 and yea- cf ate. ir chiidrwa Kvwd proai)cie-iul oiaer worxer.

rpa. an i suffer tk mnm InsuXfiCieacy v--' in urvittni-a quri" i bread and aeuy each day. 2 KILLED. IN CRASH ON. PIER.

Dirt Car Brtak Taroagh Chute aad Sink a Scow. Two men were klei sad another probably rnortaUy Injured yesterdays mom-Itg when a train of small dirt car, kauled by an electric Vaeontotlv. brok tSowa a erSMrt th recti which waa being bawled to erows at VUr 4, at tb fwot Wall axil Street, East Kiver. Tha dead Maria. Arthur.

23 years old. laborer. tU Second Avenue. rUvwrmas, Chariea. ZX motorman.

227 East Thirty -evrat4 Street. Jame rUherty. 22 ytxxs olo. a laborer OLD PEOPLE WHO STAY YOUNG Tie way far nen and women btyocd eiiiSd age ta well is to keep tirir llaod rei Pcpo-3Uflyia Eailier cf Red Elood. I .4 HKtliHHKM.

AU s.KTMl-VtKNT. V7" i 3 'r'' I 'j I N' th.i sh Ih 1 thr si' f.l I 1 tiy-it iney wo'jlij re-i1 ii hllf in-ct iiik.s .1 iirrr, riling Willi'! of I ilw itld IhMt if th'tir wTJ, id he fli- nor.n iin I1 li i furt ntt fintiir.iny to jrt of ronipmmlae i jot mi. -sfiil I I ii wain of IM i ii'n irm the niomini: I ivhh the 'riioMo touch w'th hll' 1 Ilr-v r'-f-i i ''eii i ifl Mirth' I i Ill EXHIBITION OP JEWELS LACES BOOKS and ether istoricai Relics rmerlv the Property off Georfefj Martfca VYashington Janti Mortise and Family i ateVtl i BTAN V. KEMCELS, Halaat Mri-et. Phll tiielphin.

To ExhibitfftJ in Nw York Mil February 1 4th hy MAX WILLIAMS M.dUfin Avenue st 4th Street, 4n open letter to tue 1 Humorist and Banner a VI a Dear Mr. de: Red-WooJcJ men and women (rrow old ftatrfuMy, rctainiarmuch ol their youth-ul vaot tb the end. Red blood tfowt throufftt their veiai, and red bl.wd drives tLem through tiwr daily tk aBdpleas-are with the yitn A yottii. Ua l'fTerent th men and women wao amployed a one th wrecked ckrs. 4 fj themselves to grow old and waa Injured a seriously that may becaisc they've allowed' their blood rot reewewr.

He was takea Tolunteer TOW oJj inJ wrxkl Tbeif' bearU bare HorttaJ, aufTerins; from a fracture of jou pnping capociry. Tb walls ol th skuXL, I the arteries and eeias have provr. too soft Th thr men comprised th crew OT too hard. And Uv wcaa, thin blood tJ car. Juat aetara reaxUcg tk load-1 'i enoiajh of tbe force of yovfth left to ir.g stag th cars ara hoisted about itK.j cf pitona, or carry th uia-fiviiif feet to a position directly ihrox crfiont the system.

ara were In thi TV. mne wnaiTJe thing to do to pre- Trat oM ape keep th blood youn(f and aymr th scows. I cars wera uw PoKltlow wtvoa foe sw reason which ha not been explained tfcey siiot throaga tn; i-rture. Ta fore Of ne faJ suck PoTe I'seeees were sect froth th Oak F-reet rfni ard SATtoel Allen of i--t eat 13Ath Street. Superintendent In th wora.

waa lovaed up la CU rHie Stafon peodrng an In-; be th Coroner and iubUa; terve-e C-mlaen. i Mbit. Cairtal th scow which wss sunk, waa thrown into th waier. and was saved by mean ot a rope wi.U! was tossed hr-n. Tre accident wa w.umni hy tumired of paasengers a th tt leland ferryboats.

BILL He us Adda to Naval Legislation Authority ta Taka 0yt Plants. seetal Tk JHt Tim ft. WASIUNGTON'. Feb. Hotwe erverwheiiEtnaiy adstd tcwxy special ru: saax-rg in order on th Naval Ap-propriatioa biU' leglalaUoa ajilhurUing tn Praai.leot commandeer shipyards and munltioas tablshnenta mm ef war cr Th rote was il to IX A fw pa iiesoocrata aad, acveral iUi-tiii red by the dally maintenance of the laws ol right livinc- But ii id ae already hat crept upon you, here i a way to renew good part ot your youuu jviaxe sure jau iiy ol aburniint rest aad fresh x'r, moderate excrcis: and diet.

For your blood tonic, taka The Red Blood BaUder CORTISS "AUTOPLANE" An Aerial Limousine cifUt cans, i who jeg.eiaung ry- raie. voted sxaiaM tb reort aa prweeatod bv Hue Owwrottee. th HoUee la eorrnltte ef the whof approved th Padgett amendment delegating to the President authority I ta u-e auca prV vs? establishment, arvl th amen'i-r-nt b-casn a part of th Naval bill. Tb Houa aneaded: th original section st-king ovt tu proviso raiaUos; to th henrs of Ubor of employe engaged emergeney teovernffient work la com. mdee4 wstablUhroents Tb Naval ommitle wggeete iegialation for an e'a-nt-bwr day and time and a half for aa verUBB.

Tka caaua waa eiualaa- The TTous has yet to rote on the A'lsotnistration amenument- which ap-i ropntlcs to acialre the baato paterie- aa airplane. Aceeptaace tn amendment, male in oruer by tte stwxikI rule. i expected. It is rrebeW le Naval Mil. earrybw? a total Jvf e-ary will CO to a final tot lotsxrrrow, j.

FrptO'Mangan builds the body tVm if t. i. irzv the red blood rrlls with Jurt the glemcnt they need. Prescribed aad recommended by thouisnJs ol lihyskians as a general blood tonic and appetizer lor the feeble anJ aTiair of all aers. It is exceedingly pleasant to taste, and easily digested.

Don't be taken in by imitations counterfeits of rtfitt-Afsnga. Genuine Pef-Mga i sold only ia the bottle aad ulJ package shown here bearing the name vjuae. For sale by all dzjiit. VL 1. BgOTEyBACH CO- New York ft C3 11 Factory output 191647,520.000.

Increase over last year a.Seo.OOO. Largest gelling- brand of 10c Cigars in th world. fACTOak. aLaNCHSTxJS N.H. ORE wonderful than the Rodman Wandmaker Flying Boat "AMERICA;" more interesting than the huge military planes is this unique and novel product of the inventive genius of Glenn H.

Curtiss, The Curtiss "Aerial Limousine." Since its unveiling on Thursday night at the Aero Show it has been the talk of New York. Epoch making in its conception and design, this wonderful aeroplane is a veritable drawing room on wings, a modern magic couch which can actually whisk you away with the speed of the wind. We urge you to see it before the Show closes next Thursday. The Curtiss exhibit also includes military tractors, flying boats, and hundreds of interesting aeronautical exhibits and photographs. TzkLfoNB-.

Oceanic 1 3 Hi! i INDIANA did a good day's work when she produced you. If she never does anything else, she'll always average up mighty well. She gave us a marl who drives the tears away and puts laughter into our heariis. So shes a good old state and every time the millions laugh at your subtle humor and quaint philosophy, they "jek" naturally IsiilSliSililB 111! I I 1 ill nn think of Indiana. So if Indiana takes credit for pr ininK or inaiana.

inuiana uhwi-ituaiui piv civ-m yv. BI! you can take quite a little, credit for emphasizing Indi ina. I recall IjJJ 1 ...1 L.f,.. on1 AiAn't Lnnu; krniir aMrrc.J the chap who wanted to write you a letter and didn't know so he just wrote: "George Ade, Indiana" and $ou got the Ijttcr. i I i lill 1 i 'OW, it isn't because of these facts going to discuss the Lord Salisbury cigarette.

want the citrarene associated with the cn of life the things we love to remember and whi smiles of pleasure. I am very tond ot the cigare and I am very fond of you. So I'm borrowing a little tto to add to the cigarette. And I'll assure you the cigarette unworthy the association. ducing you.

III! II! C3 that I am but because erful things create our Mr. Ade, your prestige ill never prove I IHI e. iii i re down looms and ONCE in awhile, Mr. when you it Hn-rMfn form whtrr' vour insniration wax sa av at a a -Ii fcawe7 1 .1 ic rTf-ltfA Vjic.hl VfMl VVOUld think of Lord Salisbury and light one now and thdh. I don claim that it win give you any bright thokights, but I hi give you hf pleasure.

iu on a siacjt ords as high 'ii- 280 Madison West Half of Main Floor Grand Central Palace Aero Show 4 vikMffMi SIT vW? iwJVTt fmmmvmft MIL 1 fm 1 do claim it a feit) moments And 1 11 swear to of congressional as vour head, th The Lord Ci trare tte. i 1 ialisbury tade and 1 eTM guaranteeq Dy 1 ne American jTobacco Company, is the only 100 pur All-Turk-ish Tobacio Cigarette in tne world that sells for as little lill a- aw lill 4 A 15 cents ITwornr, TWENTY Cigarettes. money as for TWENTY I I S3.f-.' i 1- t. Vsa. V.

K. Cmckra Asfa. Agmncy lli 1 I A ow eaui i I ,1 I' ll sun.

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