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The Richmond Item from Richmond, Indiana • Page 2

The Richmond Itemi
Richmond, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EVENING ITEM The Item acknowledges a ne honor and one which it bigl ly appreciates, in the sh pe of a pi ce music namid after it. It was coxr-po3ed by Al. solo alto in he Citizens' corutt band. The cth- night when the ha- marched to St. Andrew's ha'l, they played a new march so fall of melody, origin-aMt-, a that ry dts'rab'e quality worth re all Amprica same thing.

nev qu ckly ran cu the ccean they lived scrap-thrown away but af er hndiog dir not know how to g-t tven tha Chey could talk to no one and quickly starved in the midst of wtalh p'enty, and In sight of food at ever sta'ion; This is the most sickening and dia'ressing story we have had record many a dy and m.9 a -rangement should le made by tbt govnment if by no one else to prevent its Last niht wai apparently a ii Id ght in Richmond, and one of the loveli st we have had this seasoD. First and foremcst came the ladbs Lord bless 'em they were all out, dressed in their neatest ard ccoh st; and when chmond ladies are on CO i tn 1 Hi Ci larsh carriage works Strattan's on Stand, 158 ani 160 Ft. Ayenne, lie invites the attention of the public to Works and asks an'examination of nit Stock. He manufactures CARRIAGES OF ALL DIFFERENT STYLES IPHAE10NS. JAGGERS.

BUCGIES. SURREYS. ETC. BUS Quality warranted equal to any in the market. Repaiting done promptly aad in" tin best manner.

Prices Low. SECOND-HAND BICYCLESf For Sale on WEEKLY PAYMENTS. Published Everv Evonlns. Sundays: Exoeotei O77I02 OVEii 805 HAI2I ST. Katsrsd at the Post-offlce at Richmond IMOftd-cUli mail matter.

will be delivered subscribers Ifce city at the rate of cents perweek. The Official Paoor'oGthe City Tuesday August.1 19. 1SS4. There is much good in the world even in a cimnaurn year. A Providence bride of Iras ttan a week, got drunk tbe other day and sloped, taking her hmband's best suit of cloth.Jffersonian.

Some people become cynical when they sit down and coolly stud' their own dispositions. They believe thpy are about the best people in the world and yet lind themselves rotten to the core, bence conclude everything aad everybody infinitely more roiten. A.LT hough one wrK revising the old testament is tiiiahel, savs the Critic, "an i the? revisers have eaten a cimmemorative dinner, the result of their appear before April. Of the tweaty-seven original members of the committee, two have resigned and ten have died since the work was begun. An old traveler telli a pretty story about boiog lost in the woods with'his where he could tad mthlng to eat, and he hid to cutoff ih9d04's tail, which he boiled for hinne and afterwards gave the dog the Done, We would rather borrow a hunlred dollars than to believe tbat stnrv.

W. H. CnADwicK, cashier of the Tjiciflic bank, Bar lUrbw, discovered some time ago in a cellar of his old house, five barrels of gold and silver. Iu fixing the foot of his stairs he hid oscasion to remove a tilt 8lone there Sdiscovered the first birrel, anion digging deeper discovered fmr more. Mr.

Chadwick is quite impervious in regard to the mv.ter. Now thatthe country has discovered that the Greely arctic party did actually sustain life by precisely the same means that starving men have done in all ages of the world and win continue 10 ao as iong as men continue to live on that eirh's surface, and all the smart people have had their say about it, isn't it about time to let the nutter drop? We woxild think it a much wiser plan aid more conducive to good to turn the public mind into the cm-rent of inquiry as to who is to blatn, if anybody, for this awful state of The present discussion is bootless, ha might produce go Supposing the BiuueucAndal and the Cleveland scandalo be equally true, the latter candidate would suffer severely in Innor aid morals when compared with his illustrious opponent. The truth of the former is not rally believelby thinking people, while all men who have any considerable 1 nowledge of the world discovered at ooce, in the latter, the ear irks of truth. Tn say the leas, a party isjmighty "hard up when it is obliged to attack the purity of the wife of a presidential candidate in order to had political abuse to heap on her husband' head. A shocking circumstance ha fust come ti light in iavenworth, Kansas.

A whole family of Pole' man, wife and three children, arrh el there fresh from their Poland tome in a state of absolute starv tion. The mai died the night aft'r their arrival, his wife lingered a'ong for a day and then passed away in spite of everything that could be done, and the children still remain in perilous condition of fx-haustion, though it is hoped can be saved. It seems the fain ly had no idea of the vastn-si of the journey, and paid nearly their last dollar for tickets to Lea veuw.irth, in their ignorance New York and Leaven- a march for brass baids called "biff" iu the vernacular the prc- fession, that many p'ople asked its me. Lat evenii it wa3 given in tbe hall ard loudly app'aud-d, and on Ir quiry we were surprised am that it was the I'em Mire, composed and arranged by AI. McKinley.

It is a success and ar indication of talent in the musical way that will vet, if Mr. McKinlej pursues this l'ing, iead him to r'ch honor. Tj work up to the rank occupied by Ha roll, Beyer, Catlin and Coon, whose marches are found in every band book, is to enter a field by no means crowded with woikers and full of sheckels waitir to be picked up by talent. There are a set of vanda's and petty thieves who nave made it hot for the people residing in the neighborhood of 9 th and south A stree's for some They rob the yards of flowers, when they cun find any left out. C.

B. Hunt's vard was stiipptd of many veluable roses some mouth or two ago. Since then Mr. Bradway suffered the loss of a valuable cherry tree, from one-half of it being split off, just for the purpose of seeing if the fruit was iipe. Last Sunday Mr.

Mc Means had a fine lot of half-ripened grapes stripped from the vines, in broad daylight. His neighbor, Mrs. To'ts, who is away from home, had her garden entered and a fine lot of grapes last inght. Auother source of great discomfort to the neighborhood Is the habits of these villains to enter yards, and, tit iog on front door steps, deposit vast quantities lot vile half-che wed tobacco on steps and ivernent and even sonetimes are much worse deposits. Now, these scoundrels are watched, and about the time they get to think ing they are safe, something Will be heard to "drap." We don't think travelers cn complain for want of a good trunk or satchel now, if they but see the new stock Charley Keys has just put in.

After. all the blow the Cam-gridge papers indulged in with re-bard to a game of ball, the Items challenged the Cambridge nine. They got no reply, and the Cambridge paper comes out with the came excuse tbat Frank Kibbey, of the wherever that club iy be, we have never before heard of it challenged them for a game. "Manager Drischel, of the Greys, answered, offered to play the Richmonds a series of three games, $20 aside, for each game, or to play a friendly series ard to decide who sh6uld pay the incidental expenses. He also off lo play a social same on the CO.h on C.

C. grounds, and would entertain club and pay expen ses. Atterwam Manager Drischel saw Manager Kibbey, of the Rich- nds, a' the frier, dly game was arranged for, dependent on some necessary inf armation, which ws to be telephoned to the Greys. The in formation was not received, owine to imperfect working of telephones, and the game was not played. Then the I rem boys jumped in with what our bojs took to be a challenge to which no reply was made.

In view of the position taken, they could not entertain any proposition from that club." Might it be prop er, Bro. llaidirg, to ask what view of the position they want to take to entertain a proposition from the Items? Ycu may not believe it but it is true: You can go 700 feet in 7 seconds on the coaster. It is a regular sleieh ride in the summer time lie- membT the Cincinnati excursion August 27tb: only $1.50 for the round trip, and a Orsr -class affair in every respect. Special tia will leave Richmor.d at 7:30 a. m.

L.a dip, business men and everybody take a vacation and go to uncmnatl August 27th. It mav be your last cheap opportunity this stason. Remember the new trunks and valisea at Kev', OprosPe Grand Hote1. the street it fairly blossoms with beauty. Then there was the B.

L. drum coips makiDg excellent music and headed by their drum major in a handsome new uniform. Every little while tbe observer met a erroup of the Uniformed Rmk In in their elegant uniforms, awaiting for the hour to arrive to go to drill Later on the citizen's cornet band appeared aod walked down to the Ca'holicfair, filling the air with music as they went. We shall s'e few more agreeable evenngs in RicLmond. In council last evening Mr.

jt- erts stated that he was certain none of the lire cisterns had suiiicitnt wa- er Tand that all but two of the fire wells were dry. This is an alarm-'ng state cf affairs. Supposing that we were to have a big tire duriDg this dry spelt, and the engines were without water, whosg Pss would it be and who would be to blame for it? Couldn't the insurance com pan es who insured the property under the tf presentation that Richmond property had ample fire protection, sue the city for the loss for not pro viding this protection. And what a pitiful spectacle anyway: A city of the size of Richmond drinking the draining of a cemetery, and at the mercy of the rains jr water supply for all purposes, fire included, and hnviug to rlush her sewers with her fire engine! THANKS. Come Again and our Gratitude ill not Ilecegonize Regret.

That multidinous personification of the most glorious music, the Blaine aad L.ogan glee club, favored the Item's castle with a visit last evening, and with all the power of tbe muses themselves, exerted as if catering for the gods, they poured out a stream of glorious harmony, But alas! tbe was temporarily empty and the I em was at council meeting. Our disappointmtnt is not to be described it baffles There is thing like the B'aine and Logan club music, and while we pour out our thanks tn the club with prodigal profusion, we express the hope that e'er many days they may come again, when our ear may drink the melody and our heart may res-p nd in sentiments of the departed Shelley: My toul is an enchanted boat, Wkich like a sleeping swan doth float Lpon the surer wave of tiy sweet singing, An i thine doth like an angel sit Beside the helm, conducting it, An all the wood with melody is ringing. It seemeth to float ever, forever, Upon the ever winding river, Between mountains, woods, abyss, A Paradise of wilderness." Elmund Lawrence, who went to Indianapjlis SDni9 weeks ago on a visit to Ms daughter, Mrs. Wright, Is now very ill at the home of the latter, and is pcrceptably sinking. Unless he should rally quickly he cannot possibly survive many days.

lie is unable to spe3k except in whispers and was not able to take even a spoonful of nourishment this morning and but two spoonsful yes terday. Ills venerable wife, who is here with her daughter. Mrs. Will F. Hiatr, and has also been quite low for many months, is better for a few days.

Ujth Mr. and Mrs realize the fact that they have about reached the end of life, and are ready and anxious "to be at rest." Rehearsal of the Blaine and Logan glee club to night. Let all com. -All sorts of trunks at 4 C. A.

Keys'. The LIGHT RUNNING "NEW HOME" Has No Equal KrTSp rerrectlj bimple: Simply Perfect! Durable 5M7 mm Easy Running Finest attachments in the world. See it at Repaired D.aThompson's, 7IO Main street Hs. Urates and ENAMELED GRATES Mantels or Grates made in Any Color Design desired, to order, promptly, and tc fit Any Position or Place. All work Fullj Warranted to Stand, and Superior to anj other in the country.

References gladlj given and bampies snown. Mantels reoolished and made irood as new promptly, at the house, at low prices. JCHOLLOPETER 42 Main Street' The proper Way. To attach a stamp to an envelepe is to moisten the envelope and then ap ply trie stamp. Try tnis.

ir we Bll did the proper thing we would use Dr. Jones ited Clover Tonic for dyspepsia, costiveness, bad breath, piles, pimples, ague and malaria dis eases poor appetite, low spirits, headachy or diseases of the kidneys, stomach ana liver. 'rice 50 cents or Wamplek. The Williams Dental Office. The dental business of the late Dr.

J. Burr Williams will be continued by ha brother Dr. George W. Williams, formerly of New York City, wbo shows a class of work equal to any in the present advancement of the profession. 17-tf "Rough on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flips, ants bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.

15 c. Druggist. It is well worth your untie to see those magnij-lemtgas ranges on exhibition and sale at the Gas Office. Screen frame ptade to order any style desired at C. Newman9 16 orth 7th street June2tf n.

C. HETJLGY, Agent for Columbia Bicycle HANDS ORGANS WM.R.SVAN&C0. flew Store, 935 Ulain We deal Direct with tbe Manufacturers And pay no commissions to "middlemen" or "consignment brokers." SeeiBeaatiM Opsra Fiona WM.B.SANi&CO 935 KaiB street. Dennis Second Annual Excursion to Rome City, Ind. Will leave Richmond Saturday morning A.u?.

SOtb, 1884 at 10 a. arriving at Rome City at 3 p. in nice clem special cars. Tickets for the round trip good for ten davs to return on auy regular train $3.00. For ticktts or infurmatL apply to W.

T. Denni, Manager, 404 Main Street. A. Sensible man. Would use Kemp's ba'sam for throat and lungs Itis curing more cases of ough colds asthma bronchitis croup andall thro it and lung troubles than nv other medicine The proprietor has authorized A Luken Co to re fund your money if after taking three fourths of a bottle reltef is.

not obtained Price 50 cents. See 2hose Gas Manges at the Gas Office. Rinehart's Syrup Blackberry will carry your children safely through the summer; free of opiates. Price 23 cents. It is gratifying to sav that those wbo have used Lavarrea Sure Cure, recommend it as a permanent cure for neuralgia and sick headache, bold only on a positive guarantee at Lyon drug store, cor.

of Cth and Main streets. Turtle sotip io-night at Harm Host's,.

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