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Richmond Weekly Palladium from Richmond, Indiana • 1

Richmond, Indiana
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Cf If. RATES THE PALLADIUM. mm ff One square one insertion 1 00 tf iff i i i i hi I for Kh sunttFqutmt Insertion per id XS7 PtTBUBarD EVERT WEDNESDAY BT B. TY. PAVIS, DAVIS, Froprletora 2 t'O ine s'juare three ti to On square six months isiequarr one year a One-fourth of a column one iaf -it, 00 Me-balf of a column one year 52 00 "BE JUST AND FEAR NOT! LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY GOD'S, THY COUNTRY'S AND TRUTH'S I TEKT1.

One year, in SI So Six moultr 7ft j'hre months 40 Three-fourths of a column one 7i 00 One column, one jear, changeable Quarterly low 00 Xotirea 10 renin per Hi f. PJCHMOND, WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA, JUNE 2, Slo. vol: xlv. NO. 12 MR.

AVID. The Trump'. Harvest. took pace JJOj, ana will Ion Spring has come, and the tramps be remembered as one ot the most "It is a guinea," answeied Sam, "which the great etatettmau, Billy Pitt, as he was familiarly failed, gave my father, one day, when he was hur-ryini: in hot hasto to London on im obstinate and hard fought battles ir The A miction or Mrs. Lincoln.

The following, from the New York Tribune, is supposed to be from the pen ot John llay, formerly private secretary to President Lincoln The fympathv of the nation, which look longingly Westward tor festivity and plunder. A tramp by profes ''What, you here yet, old fellow?" naid Jack Rapid to Saru the hostler, whohadtangbt lum how to clean a horse, and put him in a carriage, writ Jack a dirty little urchin,'L-inir iinu lev ennner.s in the sion now in ew iork. has been so ofteu swinging around the circle that portant business, iuy latner 8 roan the history of Indian warfare. After the thickest and mor desier ate of the" ficht was over, Chamber- lain, weary with fighting, thirsty and faint under the heat ol the sun, had it is that he can now set tye handsomely for the Cherokee Nation's paper; while a Philadelphia tramp is i I I I race week, aud at the lair tune, and retired to the edge of the pond tt- ner and readiness pleased Mr. Pitt, has been too grudgingly given to the and be gave him a guinea, which my widow of Abraham Lincoln, will cer-father declared should be 'the last tainly Ite no longer withheld now that fieee of money he would ever spend.

a court of justice has declared her be-t has come to me, aud I am deter-1 reft of reason. It has long been mined I will never run so near ground known to those nearest to her that as to need that ruiuea to float ine. her miud never entirely recovered knnwn as bavins- thousand drink and to wash out his cuu. which ems in an old Duteh settlement in had grown so foul with frequent firing. that at last he could not make it go Ohio, where especially fine gin is dis ROT WAITED.

Boys of spirit, boys of will, Boys of inuxcle, brain and power; 'i Fit to cope with feverytliliig They are wanted every hour. Not the weak and whining drones. That all troubles magnify Not Ui6 walciiwqrd, of "I can't," But the nobi one, "I'll try." 1H) whateVrytni bav to do With a tru and earnest real; Bend your Slnewi to the task, Put your shoulder to the wheel. Though yonr duty may be Look not on it as an 111; If it be an honest task, Do it with an honest will. 1 At the anvil, on the farm, Wheresoever you may be; Frun your future efforts, lxiys, Comes a nation's destiny.

A natural revolutionist the earth. An affecting sight barrel ia tiem Ibat guinea, Rapid, has made me jlrom the shock ot the President as off. Scarcely had he arrived there when lo, from the thicket, at a short distance from him, emerged the statelj tilled which pays no tax. and is cer-t linly, in respect to price, "the poor man's friend." Fun, isn't it? iu days wnen tue ingei was full of company and farmer' carta nearly filled the inn yard. "You here yet, in thia dull o'd place?" The hostler at first did not recognize his pupil Jack.

How should he? it rescmbl inee was there between lanky and ragged little lad and the swell who now accosted him? Old Sam took a careful inventory of Wail Time Table. OOINO NOHTII Including all placessup-' piled irom the Chicago It. and thei I. Vayne IU closcsatliMiOa. in.

liOIVU SOUTH 1. Including HneinfiaH anl nil poinM beyond. 2. lncludiu all plao-ssuppliwu from tho Cincinnati KallnmU,) p. m.

UOIXO EAST Including all places tmn- plled irom the Columbus R. ami all Eastern and iVntral States, clows at a. in. Via l)u ton nnd Xenia UaU-road, cliwei a. m.

UOISO WEST 1. Including I mil Mia poll and all points beyond, clows UWH) a. 2. mime as above, closes 7:00 p. 3.

tit-i eluding nil point supplied by tueludl-' an'tpolis Itailroad, 3.01) p. m. i and ah point went and north-' west, elims p. m. I To Webster, Williamsburg and Bloomings-port, on Ynesd ay, Thursday ana Sntur-! day, at 2:00 p.m.

To Cox's Mill. Whit Wator.Bothel and Ar- ba, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. at m. To Abington, Clifton nnd Liberty, on day und Friday, at 7:00 a. m.

To Boston, Reechymlre, flood win's Corner. and College Corner, on Tuesday ami Friday, at 12:30 m. MAILS ARK OPKS At a. m. from fndlftiiapolis and Cincinnati and ln-yond.

At 11:00 a. m. from Cincinnati, way and lliroiii'h mulls. a careful man, and I grieve to think you are throwing away, with both A characteristic tramp is he of the figure ot 1'auuus, covered over with sassination. It would have been a brain of extraordinary force which could have withstood that night ot horrors.

Her husband, to whom, in spite of all cossin to the contrary, sho hands, a fortune on fellows who don't really care a pinch of for you. i Let me beg you, au old friend, to 1 leave Flyaway Hall and live in a festive nature, who walks into a town i dust and blood, making his W3y tc tired, hungry, solemn, sober. aud pen- the water. niiess; poor, but respectable; The warriors, at once knew each but very skillful; shoeless, but with other, t'hamberlaiu'a gun was use-a good understanding; all but hatless, i less, and he thought of rushing upor i was devotedly attached, was shot al! his fine clothes, and probably cast zette. After attaining his majority be was takt as a partner into ti concern.

In 1S27 the GnztU- Comnanv Uiied the paper as a daily, and L'Hcm tnedieu remained with- the; concern, until 1S43, when he retired, with tlx: intention of leading the life of a gentleman, but being of j-etive business habitg.and largely idt mined with the activities of the growing city, he was soon induced by his friends to identify himself with the construction of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad, which was eharb red hi 1846. with a capital of only i'S'in 0:0. He was elected President of the road July 3. 18-18, and by dint of p. effort and untiring energy of diameter, rnised nearly a million of dollars in subscription for the completion if the road.

There was a great di al of trouble about the right of way, but the "untiring Pit worked will: an earnestness and energy which overcame all difficulties, and the road was finally thrown open to the pnhl't: on the 22d of September, 1851. I Iv first year's earning amounted to about 5300,000. In 1SG3 the Dayton and Midm-m road, extending from Dayton to Toledo, was leased perpetually by the Cincinnati. Hamilton and Divton tilroad Company, and the rompany has also a controlling interest in the Cincinnati. Richmond and Clii'-uco road, extending from Hamilton to Richmond.

Air. L'Hommcdieu was President with a remarkable idea box. He ap- Pauaus. with his hatchet, before ho up the sum total ot their value, ere he smaller andmore lucky house, else rt-p'ied: I you will be limping up to th despised "Yes, I'm here, that is certain; but 'Angel' in a few years' time, with who you are 1 can't make out. for the rags on your back, to beg a crust and down at her side in perfect health and t-trenjrth.

Her dress was stainei with his blood. She passed the long 1 ours of his agony at his bedside, re-l'nsineto baiieve thor sentence: of hi? I could load his rifle; but the IndianV plies lor work. life 01 me. You are not unlike lom a job ot old bum. Mr.

Rap'd could hear no more such 1 surgeons, and in the morning, when Henson, who went awajrsix or sevcu p-in was in ine ame- coutuiiou wuu i his own, and he came to the pond fo I quench his thirst, and hastily scour I out his foul rifle. The condition of their guns became immediately known to the warriors, and they mutually all was over, she confronted a los? doleful Jorebi'dines. but hurried away The sun says, with a lisp, thaw drowried. noor fellow. But he was -ober? "Yes." "Know your business?" "Yes." here before?" i0.

"Got any recommendations?" "Lois of em" ''ill At p. m. from East, via Columbus Katl agreed not to attack each other till thev washed them out, and both were road, and Dayton and Xenia Railroad. m. front North, via Chicago Hall-road nnd Fort Wavne Railroad.

At 7:00 p. 7:00 p. stouter than you. You're never he. Something that ought to be put come tck whh pockets lull of gold down carpets.

i from the Gold Coast, are you "Tom Henson? No, I'm Jack Take pleasure in your busuies? and now Dashwood Rapid, it will become your recreation. 0r Flyaway Hall. Don't You ready to to load. They s-lowly .111 li.Ul, tf I such as has been et perienced by few women. For the next few weeks it wis doubtful whether she would ever enieree from the shadow of death in which lay.

Rut everything the did or said 'n that delirium of de-pair wickedly and shameluliy used against her j.fterwards. It was the duty ot the country, out ot regard to its own h-iiorand dignity, to provide for her future. This Con Sedately and calmly he labors uutil and with equal movements, cleaned p. in. from Indianapolis and beyond.

Ofllce open rrom 7:00 a. in. to 7:30 On Sunday, from 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. I 174.


Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. I.ooln ftailwny. PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. IIoe for the best, th'nk for the worst, and bear whatever happens. The "speck of war" is one of the poorest "'specs" a nation can engage in.

Boston Trauscript. remember many years ago, when 1 u-ed to tonic ami help you ou buy "You Jack Rapid?" said the hostler, taking a htep backward to consider the speaker from a new point ol be gets his two weeks' pay; tbn their guns, and took their stations on comes a change in the spirit of his the outer border of the beach, dream. He gatherelh together the' "Now, Paugus," said Chamberlain, other devotee at the shrine of Bac- i "I'll hive you." and with the quick-chus, and not only incapaeiates him-j ness and steadiness of an old hunter, self for fuither work, but demoral- sprang to loading his rifle. "Na," ua," izes.and all but paralyzes for a replied Paugus. "nie have you, me the entire printing interest of the 1 kill von niiick." and he handled his 5 gress ior years rciu-eu to do.

a cent was raised for the purpose ty public subscription. hen at last hy, how can it be that ut- lot the company twenty-two years. view. tie town. Then it i that editors and cun with a dexterity that made the 31 r.

Sumner forced a bill through Congress civing her tho pi til pension of it only passed after COXDKNSKD TIME CAKO. COtCSBCSANDIS- DIANAPOMS DIVISION MJV, 30, 1S74. proprietors and boys and girls have I bold heart ol Chamberlain beat fast, to get out the piper, as the festive and he almost raided his eyes to take It appears that coining copper is: not profitable. The povernmeut has not made a half cent since 1837. Tom Collins wis sent to the penitentiary at Indianapolis the other day, lor petty birceny.

r. his last look unon tho sun. They tramp, having donj all the damage he "Stay, Sam." said Mr. Rapid. "I know it you are go rig to say, and I had rather saj it for you.

How can it be that that little dirty boy has become puch a said Sam. "I don't want to malicious and scurrilous opposition, in the course of wh'eh her enemies which cover (lie entire period id its practical history. He finally resigned the position in lb71 Mid took tin extensive tour of the Old Wovbl. embracing Egypt and the Holy Land. A a newspaper Mr.

L'IIhu mudieu avoided polities, but his a- 001X0 WEST. luoted every utterance and act which No. 2. No. 8. had proceeded, alter her troubles. Don't imagine that you were born to reform the world. You can't split a I be rude; but when I remember what from her disordered bruin. She was entitled to the gen'lest and most mountain with a toothpick.

you were, 1 do wonder how you have triotinn was zealous and steady. He i was, as a party man, a Whig, avd is such became a delegate to the his No. 10 5:20 im tcliipm and to chat with the more congenial landlord. The saucy Titer soon appeared and grumbled at evervth ng in the stable except who looked too resolute to insult By by the smart turnout bowled away; the landlord bowed, and thanked Mr. Rapid tor his patronage; and Sam remained more or less absent all the day.

In less than the time he had fixed. Fly- way Hall wasafuin the scene of Mr. Hammer's toil. Aijain all that valuable furniture, pictures, wines. went to the highest bidder, and Mr.

Rapid disappeared from view. Some time alter a emaciated man kuocked at Sam's door. Of course we know who it was no one else than Rapid, broken, weary, dying. He had no friends; tho-e who had helped to ruin him were scattered every one to his own, nnd uo one cared lor poor Jack Rapid soul. So he bethought him ol the kind-hearted-Old hostler, who had belrietnled hiu in the adversities of his youth, and had given him the best of advice in his mad career of prosperity.

In the house of that good Samaritan poor Jack Rapid breathed his last, conscious of his folly, and taught by Sam to go as a penitent to the Cross, in which the broken-hearted find rest and hope. And when he meets a young man given to loose and lavish ways, he contriTes to conluct him some quiet evening to tho church ard, where besides Ripid's grave, he oints the moral which the prodigal's short lite supplied; and often so sharply that several young men can thankfully date the abandonment of their follies from the still and solemn hour when old Sim's words seemed to go into mounted upward. Why, your horses tender consideration from every de pm' I Columbus n't HMoam Mil'ord 1:11 am pm ant! 73W pm 3:12 am; tip ml Brad Hi am! 0:15 put Urecnv'l. 4:20 am I Kit-lim am am! Cainbri'Ke 11:12 am k'nlw-litVn Dini are worth eighty guineas apiece: cent man; but she was attacked by Congressmen and vilified by a portion continued Sam, with an admiring dance ot the animals Iil.Uii'plls. 1:80 pm! of the press, as if t-he had been an able-bodied politician, courting votes and criticism.

There is no doubt that this treatment had its cfleet hi preventin? her recovery from the GOIXQ EAST. Convention at Philadelphia in where General Taylor was hoiuui-ju A for the Presidency instead of Ilnry Clay, who was our delegate's and choice. In speaking of this circumstance in a sketch of his carc r. a gentlemau well acquainted with hiin writes as follow "His ambition since has been to contribute bis time and talents to the No. 5.

I No. 7. No. 1. I No.

8. rammed their cartridges; and each at the samtMnstant cast his ramrod on the sand; "I'll (have you, shouted Chamberlain, as he almost resolved to rush upon the savage with the breech of his rifl least he should receive his bullet before he couh. load. The woods across the pond echoed back the sound. Paugus trembled as he applied his powder- horn to the priming.

Chamberlain struck his guu breech violently on the ground the rifle "primed itself ho aimed and his bullet whistled through the heart of Paugus. He fell, and as he went down, the ball from the mouth of his ascending rifle tomhed the hair upon the top of Ch imherlain's head, and passed ofl into the bordering wilderness, without avenging the death of its dreadful master. Chamberlain, after recovering from the shock ol such a fearful and imminent encounter, cast a look upon can. moves lor new worlds to conquer. In this way a tramp will bring destruction on a hall dozeu and smashes more temperance pledges in two weeks than are sigued in a year.

Of" a sort as bad, or worse, is the "business lie sells soap, Bibles aud playing cards is age it for several "large metropolitan mercantile houses;" is of a pious turn, anil willing to speak in meeting, lie will take an order for anything, and "rattles up" like a blacksmith just out of his apprenticeship. He is always ready to swap things, keep a sharp eye on well to do widows, aud is been known to run away with a good horse. Sometimes he leaves towu quietly, and at others and raostly he is hustled. If he leaves without having "got into" some one, or without a long spree (by himsell) he is one ol the exceptions. The "vile nostrum is oo well known to -need characterization.

He gets his commission from men great shock which had shattered her Iudla'plls." 7:00 pin iCuiKhiVn 5:59 am t'Ke 9:20 pin itichm'nd pm So. lite. The death of her young boy, whom she idolized, tilled up the measure of her sorrows, and finished the wreck of her intellectual faculties. i) I1' Hrad 7MJ0 am 7:27 am Pioua Urban am "Yes, Ham, times have changed thank my stars for that. Do you know 1 went at last to London, and got a good place at a grand weMt-end hotel, as a waiter in a billiard-room; but that would never have put me where I am, had I got a guinea where I got a threepenny bit.

No; an. old screw of a relation, named Wood, died two years back, and left me his savings, because he was my godfather, and I was uamed John alter him. And now I live at Flyaway Hall, and drive, you see, good cattle, and spend my money like a gentleman, and show my gratitude to old Wood by calling Dishwood. Clever contrivance, that! don't you think so? And, Sam, I'm willing to be a gentleman to you, if vou'll come and be my head croom. ftuopm Milfoi J.

10:50 am. I building up of our goodly city, ts- pecially that portion of it which in I early times seemed to have no advo- i of Main Through the management and iu- fluence of wealthy citizens in llr e.u- tern portion of tho city, the Miami I Canal was mislocated, cairied down CMlumbaa; 11:50 am 11:00 am Pitfburg.J 7:13 pm' I As long as it was possible her son, the worthy inheritor of his father's character, bore with a touching patience and devotion the consequences of this misfortune. Rut it became evident at last that to prevent worse disasters the unfortunate laiy must All other trains Non.1.2, a and 7 run uuiiy Dally Sunday. hi Deer Creek Valley when it s-hould You will never find a man out until he owes you, and jou go to collect the little bills; then you will always find him out. It is an extraordinary fact that when people come to what is commonly called high words they generally use low language.

"Is that elock right over there?" asked a visitor the other day. "Right over said the boy, "tain't nowhere else." A bashful compositor refused to accept a situation in an office where girls were employed, saying he never setup with a girl in his life. The crocus put Its head out from under the snow and said to its companion, "you -lilac everything if you say this is spring." Crawfordsville has a Justice of the Peace nimed Canine. Ili-s decisions are couched in "words with the bark on." Let us suggest to Weston that he start from San Francisco and walk due west 3.000 miles, taking his own time aud making his own terms! The New York World stubbornly maintains that no man ever lived 100 years. And that is the way your own friends lie about you, William Allen.

Rise up! The provisions of the late law paying a bounty for fox and wolf scalps is ol no avail until the Commissioners be put under restraint, aud the pro Richmond nnd C'nlrag-o IMvilon. 'ov. 30, 1S71. 1, ceedings in court were taken, with The first railroad, by the which our readers are familiar. Ihe GOlJid NORTH.

same management, was located in ihe ittempt upon her own life the next day was a terrible confirmation of the their very souls, ana made them con- "Flyaway Hall echoed Sam, sidcr their ways. justice ol the decree of" the court. We hy, you don't mean to say you hve are sure that the lonir-delayea sxmpa- Ihies of the country will attend this No. 2. No.

8. No. 10. Omilnnat 7:30 am 7:00 pm Kiclimond 10:30 a in 10:10 pm Haitemt'n 10:52 pm Newcastle 11:21 pin Anderson 1:10 pm; 12:1 am Kokomo 3:00 pm 1: ant Lotfansp't 4:00 pm I 3:10 am Crown Pt 7:20 pm 6:20 am Chicago 9:00 pm ..1 8:00 am deeply am. cted widow to the retreat the fallen savage.

he paleness ot death come over his copper-colored forehead. He seized upon hi rifle, bullet-pouch, and powder-horn, left him on the lealy sau sought again the lessened ranks of the white men, as they wearily defended them selves against the encircling savages He shouted to them of the fall of The Indians looked about them the tall figure of their chief was nowhere in sight. In grief and despair they ceased their lire, and withdrew into the woods, leaving Chamberlain, and the few who survived the conflict, to retrace their steps to the distant settlement. Wonderful Adventures. which has been provided tor her, where a cure for her nial-tdy may be found, which was impossible as long as she remained in contact with the I.lnrtley Mnrrny.

As many spoke of Robin Hood who never shot with his bow. so many hear of Lindley Murray who know nothing of him but that he cotupjsed a book of Kngiish grammar. He was an American native ot Pennsylvania and realized a competency at New York, partly as a ban ister and partly Little when it should have been in the Great Miami Valley. The City Council, controlled in a great decree by the same influenc.i about, thirty-three years ago, was not willing, in his judgmeut, to do justice to the western portion of the city. I lo wa a member of the Council at the time referred to, aud fought hard tiRninst such neglect, it uot injustice, but without much effect.

This prompted him atterwaid to seek other ways for building the city westward, al at the time his most valuable propel ty was on Main street. Those who hae lived here for a quarter of a century GOINO BOl'TH. who either cannot get their advertise- 1 ments into newspapers; who think they can do better iu this way than by advertising, or who care less for their reputation than they do for their petty profits. And these are the gentlemen some them whom country publishers are to encounter durins the coming season. Let us hope that the tramp will disgrace himself less than usual this year it is so near the Centennial.

It will be said, of course, that there are good tramps, gentlemanly tramps, wise aud skillful tramps. So be it. To them we have not a word to say. One only wishes that the number were a little larger, it but to leaven the lump of such tramps as shake the printers' pride in the printers' art, and recall to them with regret the happy day when "all printers were gentlemen, and wore swordr." Kx- change. world.

We deem it Dot intrusive to at Flyaway Uallf do, Sam, indeed; and why should I not? "Well," auswered Sam, "I don't know why, if you've got plenty' of money; but, bless me Flyaway Hall must take a mint of cash for coal, if one is to go by the chimneys. And it has ruined two or three sine I first heard of it. There was Lord Oakes well do I remember goinff to his sale. A great auctioneer from London was talking and hammering for three or No. 3.

I No. I. say, also, that the only surviving son 7:50 pm Crown Pt 9:40 pm liosraasp't. 12:45 am as a merchant. The necessities of health obliged him to remove to En ot Lincoln deserves, in this calamity, the respect and consideration of every one.

He has borne himself always with irreproachable dignity and decorum. He has asked nothing 8:20 am 10K)4 am 1:00 pra 2:20 pm; i. 4:11 5)8 pin 1 pml i 9:25 pm gland, where he spcut the last forty years of his protracted life at Hold- 2:00 am 8:42 am 4::8 am Kiclimond 5:50 am Clncinnat. :00 am four days, and the wine and cigars crate. near jcork, a teeble invalid, but from the country which was so deeply indebted to his father.

lie has gained ietohrd enough 4o stock a farm; yet resigned and happy. Besides his well- an enviable position in hie prolession my iora oniy paia nis creunors six- known Liiammar, he wrote a toofc on aud-nincneiice on the pound. the The Power of Religion on the Min i. He was a man of mild and of each county provide lor its pay- meut. A young lady in May6ville.

recently swallowed a lot of percuss. ou caps. She went off next day with a young man named Carbine. It created a big report in the town. and society by his own merit and industry.

He is not a man to give way to misfortune, however sorely know how effective his eSV'its in i direction have been Mr. L'Hommedieu led an active I and useful life. He was a prominent I figure in the history of tho city during one of its most interesting peri-Mis, i and has lived to sec changes and im- provemcnts which converted the -In-1 diati-haunted forests into peaceful gardens, aud the streets of a great No. 10 leaves Richmond daily. No 1 leaves Chlciujo uailv.

All other trains run dally, except Hnmlay. Little Miami Division. Nov.30,lS74. OOINO WEST. temperate nature, entirely beloved by ad connected with him.

In a series tried. 15ut he ousht not to be left to meet this last affl ction without the Mr. Rapid seemed rather disconcerted by these remarks. It was not pleasaut to think of poor Lord Oakes flouudering in the deep waters of shame and ruin; but 31r. Ripid laughed the thought away, and g.ving his white beaver a iunty toss, he look of autobiographical letters, he gives Early Times Struggle.

One of the first settlers of New Hampshire was a man by the name of assurance of the respect and good-will statement as to the nioder.ttion of his desires, well worihy ol being brought A Brown county editor bought his ink by the jug lull, beause he could No. 6. No. 10. No.

No. 2. winch li character, no less than his name, deserves. under general not fee: jret it cheaper, but his wife went to 2:00 pm Pittbnri 1:50 am 7:50 nm 7:2:1 am 1:22 pm out cigar and beg in to smoke. "My views aud wishes with regard Dres June Chauihcriain- He moved trom the I thick settled towns near the seashore, and peuetated into the wilderness of i that State, tar Irutu auv settlement or i 1 1 ti i -i 5:00 am 10:0) am 3:40 pm Coliimli'Sil'Wn'l I'riglilenini: Children.

to property were, in every period oi my lite, contained within a vcrv mod 15 am lndon Nothing can be worse for a child i ine wnties. Here tie built city adorned with the residences ot her opulent citizens, lie was -i nian of cordial manners aud happy disposition. A constant humor about bis tuouth and lent bis lips the charm of many a jest. He eould tell a story well, and wms very fol'p itious in assemblies of old people experience enabled them to appreciate 2:20 am 3:40 am 5:15 am thim to be frightened. The effect of i a cibin.

and though ll)am 4:34 pm 7:10 am 12:15 pml 5::5 pm 1:23 pm! 10:30 am I 7:20 am 12:20 pm 5:45 pm eratc compass. I wis early persuaded that, though a competence is vital to 1 ouht uot to annex to that term the idea ol much property. I he pea re it is slow to recover from: Xenia Morrow Cineinati Xenla I nd 'polls. it remains sometimes until maturity. Dentti of S.

H. Claclnnati Commercial, May 27. How familiar this name, and how familiar the living man was on out streets only a short time ago, but S. L'Hommedieu is dead gone "to ir? the innumerable caravan that move-to ihA mysterious realm," and man friends will mourn his departure even though he lived the allotted time. Mr.

L'Hommedieu had, for some time, been suffering from asthma. Ou last New Year's Day he caught a very severe cold, and was abed for a few days, but was soon able to walk about and to eoine into the city on business. Sincv thai time he whs more or less ill with the old com plaint, which, under the burden of many years, often rendered him help less. Rut with a naturally robust body and a remarkable buoyancy sp rit, he almost seemed to defy dis ease and advancing age. On Thursday last, Mr L'Hommedieu attended ihe Ladies' Ceutennia: Fair, and on the following day started to New York City, to visit his stepsister, Mrs.

John W. Ellis. When he len homo he was leeling very well. But, under advice of his physician, he was ol the belief, and expressed it. that in the event ot his experiencing a severer attack of his complaint than as is shown by many instances of determined that when I should acquire enough to enable me to main i the point to his stories of early times.

OOINO EAST. tain and provide for my family in a and moderate manner, aud nil the inkstmd one morning and fouud it wasn't ink by a jugfull A certain Western editor, who was presented with a box ot collars in pay for an advertisement, is waiting in daily expectation that some one will present him with a shirt. A country editor cannot be as bold and independent in his paper as his city brother. He has to collect his own rubscription, and almost everybody in the country keep? a dosr. Danbury News.

It was an Irish Coroner who, when asked how he accounted for an extraordinary mortality in Limerick replied sadly: 'l cannot tell. There are people dying this year that never died before." The son of a clergyman was deliv tins according to real and rational not imaginary and fantastic wants I his faculty imparted a glowing interest to his Presidency and membership of the Pioneers' Association which little thought at its ineet-ing that the sturdy, fresh-looking S. S. LTIommedieu would be among the very first for whom they will be called upon to pay the last tribute of and a little to share for the necessities No. 1.

No. 3. No. 5. No.

7. Ind'polis I Klclimud; Day ton. ..1 8:15 am 2:15 pm Xenla I Clnolnntl 7:00 am 8:40 pm Xenla 1 9:35 am 9:45 pin Ixn(lon ...10:13 am 5:03 pm 10:55 pm Columb 's 3:05 am 6:05 pm 11:55 pm DreJunc 2:02 am PlttshuTK 7:15 pin 7:25 am of others, 1 would decline the pursuit ed by hostile Indians and ravenous beasts of prey, he feared uo danger and felt no harm. The roof of his hut was hung about with the flesh of the bear, and he lay at night on ihe fur ol the catamount and panther. He was tall higher than the tallest Indian strong tour of them with their tomahawks, were no match lor him with his heavy hatchet, lie was swift ol foot he could outrun tho moose in 'full trot.

Artf ul and curi-uing, he entrapped the Indinu iu his ambush, and surpassed him in traversing the pathless wilds. The Iu-dians passed autious1y and harmlessly by the dwelling ot Chamberlain; and a score of them would lie still when they watched in ambush, and suffer him to go on unmolested, less of property, and devote a great part of my time, in some way or other, to the i beneht ot my tt-ilow creatures, the sphere of my abilities to serve 1 them. 1 leiceived that the desire ol "Well, but, bum, continued Mr. Itipid, "will you leave this moldy old inn and live with me? For auld lang syne we'll take a cup kindness yet, and say, "Good wages and light By the look of things you must be doing a seedy bu-iness here. My pair seem to be the only horses you've had in the stable to day.

Come, now, out with the secret! How many nags have bitten your corn since last Wednesday a week ago? Why," said Mr. Rapid, laughing at his own conceit, "you've cot your hands in your trowscrs pockets, as if they were at home there, and had nothing else to do!" Aud Mr. Rapid tittered away at his owu wit. Never mind," said Sam, somewhat huffed at the insolent allusion to the declining fortunes'of the but pulling his hands out of his pockets at the same time. "Never mind, sir, we are doing well enough for my contentment, and I must decline with thanks your well-meant offer to find me easy work and good pay at Flyaway Hall." "Well, every man to lire tasle exclaimed Mr.

Rapid; "But remember, Sam, in spite ol your refusal, which is rather affronting, 1 say Flyaway Hall will be always open to you. When you have got to your last shilling, I'll be your friend for the sake of old times. I can always do with an extra hand, and I think of increasing my stud. One knows, you see, so many good fellows, and one likes to Bee their happy faces about one, and Nfw. 1, 2, 6 and 7 run Dally to and from Cincinnati.

All other Trains Dnil y. except Wnnday. W. (ionT PaHsengerand Ticket Agent. C.

K. aft: Ft. Wayne Railroad. great generally expands with the gradua and full attainment of them; and I imagined that charity and a ecm-rous applica tion do not sufficiently correspond ering a college valedictory, when, in pulling out his handkerchief, he pulled out a pack of cards. he exclaimed, "I've got on my father's coatl" OOINO SOITH.

iOISO NORTH. with the mcrease ot property. 1 uiOrhid sensitiveness aud excessive neiyousnes Not unfrpquently, fear is employed as a means of CI ildren are controlled by being made to believe th it sometli ng terrible will happen to them and punished by being shut up in dark rooms, or by being put in places they stand in dread ol. No one, without vivid memory of his own childhood, can comprehend how entirely cruel such tlrnus are. Wc have often beard grown persons tell ol the suffering they have endured, as children, under like circumstances, and leeoitut the irrepirable injury which they are sure they then received.

No parent, no nurse, capable of alarming the young, is fitted for her position. Children, as near as possible, should be trained not to know the sense of fear, which, above everything else, is to be feared in their education, early and Lite. New York Freeman's Journal. Vice President Wilson, who passed through Toptka, a few days ago, is thus "summed tip." personally, by the Commonwealth of that city: "Mr. Wilson looks like an honest man, who, while he does uot pride himsell on his having started in life a shoemaker, is not as-hamed of that fact, and still entertains a brotherly feeling fur men who work with their hands for their daily bread." (i m'l ex.

10:00 am Portland Portland 9:00 am It m'l ex. 6:25 pm thought, too, that procuring great Take life easy, and don't always be wealth has a tendency to produce an elated independence of mind, little trying to beat the sun up, says an ex change. You may win for a while, (I Consoling. Dr. S.

F. Francis is under the firm conviction that the mosquito is an absolute benefit to mankind; that the industrious aud happy little creature was created for the purpose of driving man out of the malarial rud that no locality where ague prevails can bo made free from the pest. He goes on to reason further that it is pood for people who don't leave such districts to get bit very frequently, as the musical little benefactor administers a remedy. The mosquito inject a little 1 quid which answers two purposes first to render the blood thin enough to tip through its tubes, and second to in- jeet that which possesses the principles of quinine. It is unfortunate that these, beta were not developed before.

Manv an afflicted man who has smudged himself half to death, and thrown pillows 1 1 l. A 1 1 I ART DOBI1IXS, House, Nig-n and Ornamental PAINTERS. GRAINERS, Etc. but in the long run you are sure to be beaten, and some morning it will rise when you don't. connected with that humility which is the ground of all our virtues; that a busy and anxious pursuit ol it often excludes views and reflections of infinite importance, and leaves but little time to acquire that treasure which their rifles might miss his body, and bring him in vengeance upon them; for he valued them as lightly as did Samson the men ol Askolon.

Around the shores of tho largest lake in New Hampshire, there dwelt, at that time, a powerful tribe of Indians. Their chief was Paugus. He was a savage, of gbtm size and rtveugth, swift, cunning, deadly with his rifle and tomahawk, and cruel, vengelul beyond the native vengeance ol the Indians. He was the terror of man, woman aud child, along the frontiers, and even among the small Mr. John Roberts, while out hunt ing last fall, found a hornet nest 28 would make us rich indeed.

213 Main Street, inches long and 40 inches in circum I was persuaded that a truly sincere ference. He took it home and hune mind could be at uo loss to discern the just limits between a sate and RICHMOND INDIANA 18-lv it up in the wood house. The other day he was looking at it when to his competent portion and a dangerous cities on the very edge of the sea. surprise he found the nest occupied prolusion of the good things of hi by mice. These views of the subject I reduced to practice; and terminated my mer cantile concerns when I had sicquired moderate competency.

Uook I an mini mite. iaiu quieiiy inu let the little physicians take the bile all out of his system, and not a cent I to pay for services cither. In-Door Days. The newspaper is the handmaid A friend lately called upon the historian, Runke. in Berlin, and observed: "Well, Professor, I suppose you work as hard as ever in your old age." "Yes," replied the veteran, tenderly: "my wife is dead now, you see, and I have less annoyance and can accomplish more." A man will carry five hundred dollars in his vest pocket, but a woman needs a morocco portinonnaie as larue civiiization.

No family can maintain its place in society without it. The those through which he had passed, he would not survive. From New York City he visited West Point Academy, to. see his grandson. Dis-, patches to friends state that while there, on Tuesday afternoon, after a hearty dinner and a long walk, he was taken unwell.

lie grew worse until ten minutes before 12 o'clock that night, when he died. Mr. L'Hommedieu leave? a wile, ir declining health, to whom he married forty five years ago. Hit surviving children are four sons and four daughters, all of whom are married except the three youngest sons. The sons are Stephen Charles and Louis, of this city, and Harry, of Milwaukee.

Of his daughters are Mrs. General Iiuggles, whose hus band, of the regular army, is stationed at Omaha, and 3Irs. J. J. Slocuin.

of Milwaukee. Mrs. Geo. St. Ledgar, of Chicago, is another daughter.

Mr. L'Horammedieu's sister. Mrs. M. M.

Britton, lives af Hamilton, Ohio. Stephen S. L'Hommedieu was born in Sag Harbor, Long Island, New York, on the 5th of January, 180(5, and was a lineal descendant of a Huguenot family which came to this country as fugitives, after thft battle of Rochelle, at which Richelieu boasted of having engaged the stalwart English. His lather removed to this city in 1810. and engaged in mercantile business, but died in 1813, leaving five children.

Previous to his death he bought a tract of pasture, now built over, and bounded by Seventh, George, Mound and Central avenue a piece of property retained by the fanidysand divided between them in 1828. At the age of twelve years, the sub-l'ect of this sketch was sent to learn business with his uncle, John C. Avery, but three years later, or in the year 1821, he was sent to learn the printing busines-, in the office of the old Liberty Hall and Cincinnati Ga- man needs it for information about i as a fist, and too heavy to carry in the COA Per I1ay at home. Terms free. rt) oZt Address O.

Stinson co jan.19, lMtiu. ly Portland, Maine Manhood: How Lost, How Restored Just published, a Pew edition of iS C'nlverwelPa Celebrated Knaay on the radical one (with-Wiw out medicine) of Hi-ekxatorkhoka orHeminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal iiosses, I.MPOTKNt'Y, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, also, Consumption. Epilepsy and Fits, Indue, by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, Ac. Prioe, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author.

In this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty pars' successful practice, that the alarm-Inn consediieneetiofself.ahusetnay be rad-ieally cured w.thout the dangerous une of liit. rnal medicine or the application of the knife; pou Un out a mode of enre at once simple, certain, and effectual, bv means which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should" he lit the hands of every touth and every man in the land Hettt under seal, in a plain envelope to any address, post-paid, on receipt of 'six cents or two post stum ps. Address the publishers, CHAM. J.

KLINE 127 P.owerv, New York; P.O. markets and politics; the woman needs it as a diversion from her tiouse-hold cares and family duties; the young need it for both amusement and instruction. Thousands of families can take but a single newspaper; and that, one should be commended to their consideration which best meets all their needs. they are generally as poor as rats; so I have to mount them all, and the rogues are not content unless they have the best horses and are in at the death." sai-2 Sam. turning away his face and speaking low, ht won't be in at your death, depend upon it." "My death? What do you mean asked Mr.

Rapid, rather sharply. "I mean, sir, your rrin, which, if all you say is true, is not very far distant. Your friends will suck you dry, like the oranges you used to be so tond of when you could get them, and then they will leave you. Fljaway Hall will want Mr. Hammer again, firobably in a year or two, and if 1 eave the old inn on the moor.another will step into my shoes, and when I want them again, I shall have to ask in vain.

No, Mr. Rapid; I'm not a belting man, but I'll wager a crown you are in the court paying your angry creditors so much on the pound before I have to part with my Pitt guinea." 'Your Pitt guinea said Mr. Rapid, now getting seriously vexed, and about to order his pair to be put into his fashionable drag. and to summon his smart tiger Tom from the landsol soldiers had penetrated to the shores of this lake, to find out the retreat of this terrible savage, and. if possible, to iday or take hi.n prisoner.

But he was too cunning, aud always eluded their search; though at one time he came so ne8r that he saw the blaze of his wigwam, as they set it ou fire, snd the smoke of it curling among the tree tops that were theu above his head. Olten had Chamberlain sought, in the Indian battles he was engaged in, to find out the form of Paugus. to make him the mark of his rifle, or to encounter with his hatchet the tomahawk of this fearful warrior. But they never had chanced to meet, although Paugus had learned of his tribe the character aud prowess of Chamberlain. A small body of brave men, under the commaud of Captain were on their way through the wilderness, iu pursuit of the Indians, and by chance passei near the dwelling ot Chamberlain.

He saw them, and learned the object their nnrch, he joined them, and was considered by them all as a great addition to the strength of their devoted little band. They traversed the woods, and encountered an" overwhelming bodv ot Indians near Lovell's Pond. This A Chicago poet, upon hearing that Neilsnu was about to erect cow sheds upon her Peoria lots, has burst forth into the following verse: "Christine, Christine, thy milking do the morn and eve between, and not by the dim religious light of the fitful kerosene; for the cow may plunge, and the lamp explode, and the fire-fiend ride the gale, and shriek the knell of the burning town in the glow ot the moulten pail!" A lady was telling a iriend from the country of a very grand party she had given recently. "We had two generals, one judge, a popular author, and a play "Yes," chimed in her wicked son, "and there was a deputy sheriff too. who said he wanted to see dad, and they went out before supper, and dad hasn't come yet." When that youth went to school the next dav with his head all tied up, he told the boys he had a dreadful toothache.

There are seventy little waifs in the Indiana Orphan Asylum, aud they stick like little waifers. and Our To re It In Germany. Few people have any idea of the extent of forest land in Germany, and most imagine that of the Black Forest little is left except a tradition and a conventional blister of wood'and, so named. On the contrary, in Hanover alone there are 900,000 acres of wood under State management, while nearly a fourth part of the area ot Prussia ia in forest, although half ot that is in private hands. As is well known, the forest administration in particular districts ha long been famous, especially in Thuringia and the Hartx mountains.

In North Germany generally the responsibilities are allotted in districts among a carefully organized body of officers, presided over by a forest director. The London Garden. One of the saddest a things about human nature is, that a man may guide others in the path of life without walking in it himself; that he may be a pilot and yet a cast-awav. pocket, to escort a til ty cent script, a recipe for niakiou jelly-cake, and two samples of dress goods down town and back, every pleasant afternoon. Cowden Clarke tells a story of a gentleman who lately, in making a return of his income to the tax commissioners, wrote on the paper: "For the first three yeais my income has oeen somewhat under j150; in future it will he more precarious, as the man is dead of whom I borrowed the money." It is understood that the badge of the Jefferson Davis Club will be a neatly-contrived representation tf a bearded ice, surrounded by a bonnet, relieved hy a hoop skirt and a tiny halmoral.

From the lower edge will depend a miniature water pail (empty.) The other day a man in Milwaukee found- four boys playing cards on the hay-mow, and he was proceeding to give them "fits," when one of them spoke up and said: "We wan't playing kcerds. Tom Lester's mother is dead, and we were up here showing him the pictures ou the kcerds so he would not feel lonesome." B. YOtSO, Value the friendship of him who stands bv vou in the storm: nt ATTORNEY ND NOTARY. Barne-, Ofilce in room over (Jeorge Grocery, Kiclimond indiaua. What on earth is a insects will snrroucd you in the sun-1 shine.

tap-room lire Pitt guinea? 4.

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