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The Richmond Item from Richmond, Indiana • 1

The Richmond Itemi
Richmond, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 "-a -r rr NING Vt RICHMOND, SATIRDAV, A I'll 1 1. 6, l80. VOI, XIII NO. TOI. Whole No.

4 I.SSI. i In- piosii ion the California Athletic club fr a contest between John L. Sullhan and Peter Jackson. John VV. Barneit.

iSullivan's manager, said: "Sulliian will accept the oiler on two immmm Troubles. Laborers' conditions: First The must not be divided, the winner must Ladies! take all. Second Sullivan must have a side bet of at least $20,000 and not more iti.A ii Ml 3 No Settlement of the Strike In Chicago. man ouinvan win lorwaru his answer to the California Athletic club early next week. FIGHTING FOR EIGHT HOURS.

Call and see the best assortment of Kid Shoes and Slippers in the city, at E. L. REYNOLDS, 718 MAIN ST. MURDERER. CLAYTON'S tie Confesses to the Crime Just Before.

Th Flmt Day of May Liable to See All Kind of Builiieti at a Standstill A Non-Uulun Carpenter Assaulted Va ed that eighteen had carved their way to liberty during the nigh. They got out by prying up a stone in the floor and tunneling through a two-foot stone wall. The live prisoners are: Jasper N. Watson, held for subornation of perjury; William Henderson and John Ryan, charged with grand larceny, and Olney Shrock and William Nucum, indicted for highway robbery. None have been recaptured.

Shrock and Nucum broke jail last January, but were recaptured last Monday at Troy, O. Among the prisoners who made no attempt to escape was John Sage, charged with murder in the first degree, A Cruel Parent Interfere. Brazil, April 26. At a late hour last night a closely-veiled lemalo appeared at the Vandalia depot, westbound. An attendant gave her name as Acres.

At the instance of her father, William Shoble, she was arrested on a charge of elopement and jailed. Her lather complains that she had been spirited from home, and that she was going to St. Louis to marry one Acres. She is aged 17, and is handsome and bears a good name. Greensburg's Water-Works Satisfactory.

Greexsbi ro, April 26. A tost was made yesterday by the? contractor, Samuel R. Bullock, of our water-works, which proved satisfactory to him and the city. Six streams were thrown at a rious Other Labor Dispatches. the decline in prices continues.

Statistics showing that the accumulation of coal in first hands has been reduced since March 1, have a helpful influence, and encourage the belief that in a few months the policy of restriction ki the output will restore the market to a healthy condition. But its condition is far from healthy at present. No improvement is seen in the woolen manufacture, and dearer cotton does not help the mills. The exports of grain continues large, notwithstanding the advance in prices, and furnish the oulv reasonable excusn for that advance. In any event, a larg.

surplus of wheat will remain on hand July 1, and the reported injury to winter wheat will be, to a great extent, balanced by the increased acreage of spring wheat, which higher prices will cause. Cotton receipts and exports are both falling far behind hist year, and the floods and rains are expected to affect this year's yield ta somo extent. No reason is perceived, lieyond speculative activity, for advance in pork or in oats, but the belief that the currency wdl be greatly expanded tends just now to render all prices somewhat fictitious. The treasury has taken in during the past week $1,000,000 more than it has paid out, but the receipts of money from the interior have kept the New York money market comparatively easy. The figures indicate a heavy excess of imports over exports for the month, but there are no present symptoms of an outgo of specie.

Chicaoo, 111., April 26. The disposi tion to strike for eight hours id becom .75 1.26 2.00 8.50 8.00 1.36 1.60 1.00 See our Kid Opera Slippers at Ties Slippers at Button Shoes at extra Bne, at J. IV Cloyes Hand-sewed Hand turned shoes Misses Kid Shoes at extra quality school Shoes All new spring styles. ing almost universal among the trades notwithstanding the intention of the leaders that all other trades should re main at work until the carpenters had won. But the stockyards and packing house employes, stairbuilders, mill car E.

L. REYNOLDS, Dying a Natural Death. Los Angeles, CaL, April 26. Last winter, during the floods in this section, a rancher named Thomas Hooper died at Kanchito, in this county. It is learned that prior to his death the sheriff's officers here collected evidence sullicient, it is alleged, to implicate him in the murder of John M.

Clayton, brother of Governor Powell Clayton, of Arkansas. After communicating with Governor Eagle, of Arkansas, they were about to proceed to Kanchito and arrest him when the floods came and cut him off for a few days, and during the time Hooper was taken down with pneumonia and died. It is alleged the deceased told a friend, Charles Lewis, that he had killed two men in Arkansas who were concerned in the lynching of his (Hooper's) father, and that there was a third man whom he would yet kill. That man was John M. Clayton.

penters, gastitters, iron rnolders and harnessmakera have announced their A CLOUD BURST IN TEXAS. One Life Lost ami Thuuannils of Dollars' Worth of Property Destroyed. Gainesville, April A terrific Btorni of rain and hail struck this city last night, deluging the streets tc the depth of three feet, and destroying over worth of property. The cloud burst was preceded by a few hours rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning. A creek which Hows through the center of the town rose up and swept away forty dwellings, but the whole city came to the rescue, and only on life was lost.

This morning washouts were 'reported on all the railroads, and all traffic has leeu suspended ou the Fe. Crops have sullerod, many farms dug undei water. Mrs. (lest man died of fright while bring carried from her home. STARVING SAILORS.

A Shipwtt'i-ked Crew SuMy Landed Aftei Extreme Philadelphia, April 20. After subsisting for seventeen days on banana and Cocoanuts, found on the Island ol Rio Soeo, part of the crew of the wrecked liritish schooner Bloomfield arrived at this port yesterday from an-tiago De Cuba on the steamship Kathleen. The mate. R. C.

Authonv, and tht steward. J. Peters, were sent home, while the others will remain in Cuba until sulliciently able to leave for home. The Hloomlield sailed from Man.avilla, Cuba, with a cargo of sugar for the Delaware breakwater. All went well until March 2r.

when the vessel suddenly sprang a leak and was run ashore neat Cai3 Mays, Cuba, to prevent sinking. MANITOBA CROPS. Indications Never Knvnr.ihle liar at I'resi-iit. April CO. Special crop reports from all parts of Manitoba state that open weather during the three first weeks of April, with the tine three days' rain of the present week, has re 718 MAIN ST.

determination to strike, while the tail ors, shoemakers, plasterers, lathers, corniceuiiike: and metalworkers are ag itating for the purpoae. So that on May 1 there may ultimata be a strike altogether beyond the control of the leaders. time, and to the height of about 100 feet. The supply is from driven wells and seems to be ample for all demands The number of firms involved in the Drouosed strikes is estimated at i i Failures during the past seven davs of the people of this city. 1 he best of for the Lnited States 170, for Canada 31), Total 218, compared with 214 last week machinery is Aised and the plant coat about The ciiy council will ac SPARKS FROM THE WIRES.

and the number of employes in those and in collateral industries that may be out of work after May 1, is estimated at about 200,0000 males and about 23,000 For the corresponding week of last year the figures were loll for the United Convenient Reader. Items of Interest Put in Form for the Hurried cept the plant. Have Received Their Money. females. States, 27 for Canada.

Lebanon, April All the Thomas Gilmore, a non-union carpen trainmen on the Indiana Midland rail ter. of Chicago, on his way to work yes terdav was knocked down and beaten way who went out on a strike the 1st of April and returned to work on condition into insensibility by a squad of union Lebanon, will have natural gas. Ed. Hays was killed by cars at Steuben-ville, O. Four counterfeiters were captured at Stowestown, on the 25th inst.

A 4-year-old child was killed by an Ohio and Mississippi train at Addyston, O. Deputy Sheriff Davis, of Essex county, N. is missing, with $10,000. men, for whom the police are searching. THE DOOM-SEALERS Consider the California Karthquake the Iteglnnlng of the End.

San Francisco, April 20. The earthquake shocks caused the greatest excitement among the "doom-sealers" in this city and Oakland. In East Oakland whole families rushed from their homes that the wages due them since last December be paid within thirty days, have received their money. Nothing was paid the section men and they all went out Thursday, refusing to return Unless the The joint committee, consisting of two members of the carpenters' council arbitration committee, two from the Bosses' association, and several members of Mr. Favor's citizen's commute, held company settled.

The remains of the man found in an a meeting yesterday and arranged to call on President Uoldie, of the Carpen alley at Terre Haute, are still uni in their night robes, shouting prayers. dentilied. and ran toward the high ground. A ters' and Builders' association, to adopt At Altoona, Daniel Reitmann number of women fainted. Tillie Jen some method of ending the strike.

sen, a Swedish girl, broke her leg in while under the influence of liquor, attempted to kill his wife, and shot himself From President Uoldie's remarks this moininir it seems probable that some jumping from a second-story window, fatally. 1 i rp EEL wav out of the trouble may be found, It is not improbable that the little earth sulted in the fanners of the province etting an excellen; Btart. and never before were indications at this season ol the year more favorable for a prosperous season. Already a very largo acreage has been sown. On Portage Plains nearly two-thirds of the wheat is sown, while in Brandon district the seeding it The senate anti-trust bill has been fav quake will start the whole excitement The Master Carpenters and Builders association late last night consented to a (A over the prophesies over again.

orably reported to the house as the only legislation possible under the existing cir conference with a committee trom the A number of persons are reported to cumstances. Citizen's association, the New Boss Car- be leaving their homes, and the number of passengers on outgoing trains is con- about complete, heeding in the territo center's association and the striking oar Adam Haskett, a prominent farmer, committed suicide, near Martinsville, Student! Entirely Too Smart. Crawfordsviixe, April 26. The student and townspeople of Bloom-ington, have subscrilied to ferret out the perpetrators of the indecent outrage committed by state university students in the circulation of a publication called "Bogus." Investigation has narrowed down to about eight students, of whom live are probably guilty. Traveling; Suleiman Wanted for Forgery.

Indianapolis, April 26. E. C. Atkins manufacturers of this city, report that a traveling salesman recently in their employ, named J. H.

Stone, has forged their name to a number of checks, which he has cashed in Tennessee, North Carolina and other southern states. Warrants are out for his arrest. Stone is a young man, recently married. ries is scarcely as tar advanced as in penters, with a view to bringing the strike to an end. The old masters, in Manitoba.

suieraoiy greater than usual. John 1'hillipson announced this morn by shooting himself. Despondency Droinisineto meet the three commit was the cause. ing that he had had a revelation in re Pension for Gon. lluell's Widow.

The dairymen of Northern Ohio protest gard to the prophecy. The shock, he tees, made the one condition that they should come separately and appointed Washington. April 2b. The commit. vigorously against the appointment of H.

tee on invalid pensions have favorably the time for each. Tms Is the tlrst con says, was merely the first synipton of the unheaval that is sure to como. He says that Cod will not now reveal the time H. Hyuian, of Cleveland, as assistant dairy and food commissioner. They claim reported a bill giving a pension of a cession made by the masters since the strike was inaugurated.

If a plan of that he is incompetent. monui to me widow ot Gen. George Buell, late colonel of the Fifteenth in arbitration is reached it will take nearly for the destruction of the cities, and that the only way to escape is to leave San I rancisco and Oakland and never re Grounds was broken at Bluffton, Ala. fantry. Gen.

Buell served in the war as a week to settle all the questions now in for the new building of the university of colonel of the itty-eighth Indiana in- turn. the Southland, founded by the Northern dispute. The Pittsburg Strike. Methodist church. lumry, auu commanded a brigade in Gen.

T. J. Wood's division in the Army of the Cumberland with distinguished A Colli ii for a I'resent. Ipswich, April 23. A short is In I IThe widow of President Garfield Pittsbueo, April 28 The Pan-Handle ashington visiting her daughter, Mrs.

ability. Ills death was finally hastened by the effects of a wound received at railroad omcials handed in their retiy to the demands of the Federated grievance J. Stanley Brown. Mrs. Garfield has Lebanon, to Have Natural Gas.

Lebanon, April 26. Eastern capitalists were in the city yesterday closing contracts by which Lebanon is to have natural gas piped from Sheri time since B. P. Glazier, then apparently in the best of health, had a collia loft in his yard. A plate giving the date of his birth and the date ot his death was changed very little in appearand since she committee yesterday.

What its con left the camtal. tents are was not made known, but it is thickamaugua. lCcu Out Ills lli-aiiiK. PiTTSBi KO, April 26. -Robert S.

Mar dan, fifteen miles, within ninetv The Kansas live stock sanitary commis believed to be unfavorable to the men. days. The plant will cost sion has agreed upon an order under which The supreme council of the railroad organizations was summoned by telegraph snau. aceu 4j. ot Min-nn VktQ ctnu which home capital furnishes one-half.

cattle from the eastern states must be Allegheny, committed suicide last night held ninety days at Kansas City at the placed iqion it a few days later. Glazier died within two weeks. Aaron Sanborn, a railroad section boss, had been ejected from the house for attentions to Mrs. Glazier, and the latter says Sanborn arranged the cotlin. The body will probably be exhumed.

and will probably hold their nrst meet inar on Sunday. A HUSBAND'S CRIME. expeme of the owner, and until they shall receive a bill of health signed by the state Dy plowing out his brams. Mr. Marshall was a highly educated man, and his house is tilled with electrical apparatus The local committee has little doubt Ha Shoots His Wife and Then Sends veterinarian of Kansas.

Ilullet Into His Own Head. vu niua lie nuu wen experimenting but that their action will be sustained by the supreme council. This being the case, it remains for the railroad olliciala Rev. S. R.

Long, a Methodist missionary WEATHER. Special to Itbm. t-t Indication for the twenty-roar I I hours cemuiencuig at 80'slock this a. m. I Indianapolis, In.

Altoona, April 26. At 12:30 his father having always kept him well in Uurmah, Is in Pittsburg raising money o'clock yesterday morning Daniel Reitt- supplied with money. It is thought over- to buy a printing press. He says "Bob' A Girl Blow Out the Gas. Paul, April 26.

A servant girl named Amelia Strotman arrived from her home in St. Anna, last night to compromise with the supreme council or a strike will result. oiiiuj- cuiif-csnuii oi mo prain was I April 26, 90:30 a. 190. Ingersoll's works have been translated man, formerly of Cleveland, 35, very much under the influence of me cause ot the suicide.

He leaves tor Saturday, Warmer, falling temperature to-night. Colder, fair into Burmese, and the Brahman priests are The Pennsylvania railroad yard firemen and union station baggagemen widow, whom he married in Diil.I in a rw? a room and took at the indsor hotel i liquor, entered the sleeping apartment of his residence on Second avenue, this using them to show the people that Christianity is a fraud. Mr. Long wants to have also requested an increase in This.morning hotel employes of the hotel discovered the hallway full of gas and upon the gtrl's door boiuK broken open city, and called to his wife: "You have print the Bible in Burmese as an anti wages. The baggagemen ask lor an increase of $10 per month.

At.emp I Highway KoHb-ry. only half an hour to live." dote. she was found dead. Two gas jets were mobile, April 20. While F.

F. Fisher, a prominent merchant nn.i lum Ghhblht. As. Mrs. Keittniau sprang from her Brooklyn Carpenters Get Their Demands.

BASE BALL. bed the drunken man pulled his re turned on aim sue had evidently blown ber dealer, of Grand Day, Mobile county, volver and fired several shots at her as out the name instead ol turning it olf. uu uivng hid iouu yesterday, a she ran from the room. One bullet NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Boston No game; rain.

Brooklyn, N. April 26. The strike of carpenters who were building )he stand at the Brotherhood ball grounds, has Jieen settled by the men Victoria Wood hull and Tcmilo Claflin. shattered her left arm at the shoulder negro, suppo-ieu to De named David Atkins, jumped into the rear of the wagon Tne Very Best Pure At Pittsburg Pittsburg 1, Cincinnati NEW i ORK, April 26. Among the and a second bullet entered at her back.

10. passengers by the Jvorth German Llovd passing almost through her body. Iieitt- At Brooklyn No game; rain. auu vui, t- isuer tnroat. Atkins object was robl)try, but Fisher grappled with him and proved so stout an antagonist joining the union.

THE OVERFLOWED RIVER. BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR, man then fired a bullet into his head. At Cleveland Cleveland 10, Chicago 6. causing instant death. Mrs.

Keittmau steamship lrave, which arrived to-day from Biemen, were Sir Francis Cook and Lady Cook, the latter better known to the American puplic as Miss Tennie C. Claflin, and John Biddulph Martin, will probably recover, lhe couple had -and new Reports from Various Breaks Along the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. At Boston Game postponed; rain. Dec marriea about a year. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 8, Cleveland 9.

MAPLE MOLASSES. Dangerous for Children. the well known London Banker, and At Buffalo Buffalo 8, Chicago 10. At Brooklyn Game postponed; rain. ins wire, who Detoro her marriage was Colorado Sprinok, April 20.

Mrs. ictoria Woodhull. Mrs. Knapp, wife of a prominent citi All the games of the National Phi vers' zen, lett her two vounir children. rialuh.

League was postponed on account of rain. The Shooting Proved Fatal. ageu ana reuaie, aged piaving in Minneapolis, April 26. Jo the nursery. Kahili secured an old pistol Leonard Son's, iiiav mo wrested himself away end fled.

Fisher's condition is serious. A White-Cap IVarniuir. Rondout, N. April band of hite Caps, armed with gads and other weapons, visited the house of Luther Dunneck at Halcott's mill, last night, to cha -Use him for his ullege 1 non-support and ill-treatment of his invalid wife and family. On liended knees he implored forgiveness and promised to reform He was then allowed to go, with the warning that if ha did not behave himself the whippers would return.

Chluamoa Defy Our Authorities. San Diego, CaL, April 26. Gen Coon and a posse of ten constables have seph Anderson, the man whom George from another room and shot and killed Indiana State News it. nucnan snot on the street ednesday his babv brother. The mother is nearly Mississippi River.

Baton Rouge, April 26. The relief steanier Lacotah brought in yesterday about itoo pt ople and a large number of cattle from the overflowed district. The people are mostly negroes. They readilv luui employment, as a number of planters from the interior are here looking for hands. The break in the old Mor.anza levee is 600 feet wide, and the break in the Grand levee is 1,000 feet wide and washing rapidly.

The Dacotah will make only one more trip, as the river along Pointe Coupee is falling, and the people mostly prefer to stay there untd the Hood is over. 822 824 Main St. crazea Willi grief. evening miring a quarrel over Anderson's wife, diod at the hospital yester The World Will Continue to Move. Louisville.

April 26. Marv An day. He made a dying statement thai Buchan was the aggressor and drew his revolver first. The statement will be used as evidence on the trial of Buchan Chronicle of Current Events WALL derson a letter to a friend here con firms the report of her engagement to Within Its Borders. 3E 4-iFifflf for murder.

air. isavajro, and declares that she will nev er again a pear on the stage. LARSCST STOCK IN THE CITV AT NICHOLSON S. THE TERRE HAUTE MYSTERY. uccu pun oiling tne irontier to prevent a party of Chinamen from crossing the line from Lower California.

Several at- The Baltimore Goes to Sea. Norfolk, April 26. The new cruiser Baltimore has left for a trip at sea. The ship presented a fine apiear- WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE. Remains of the Mas Found in the Alley PAPER.

ance when moving down the harbor. Dan A ump'ij' Report on the Pienent teuiiia ui me cumamen to enter were frustrated, but at dawn yesterday the Mongolians made a rut-h, forded the Tia Juana riyer, and scattered for the and was saluted enthusiastically by the Condition 'of New York, April 2ti. R. G. Dun shipping and by the people who lined the shores.

Still Unidentified The Mystery In. creasing, With No Prospects of a Solution Various Other State News. Terrb Haute, April 26. Stil Red River Rising. Shkeveport, April 20.

Reports from Upper Hed river, above Fulton, indicate a big rise, caused by the heavy rains. The streams are bank full and if the rise reaches here it will Hood a good deal of low country. Railroad llrldcje Carried Away. MARIN'W, April 26. The river is rising all along this distrct for thirty miles.

The bridge of the Louisiana Company's weekly review of trade save; inns, on oi mem were captured, but a number of other escaped. The markets are all influenced by the G. R. I. R'WY.

Time card for Richmond, in effect Nov. 10, 1388 Gobbled by a Syndicate. Boston, April 26. It is announced pr ppcctK of an incr'ase in currency. Sold His Wife for S10O.

Salt Lake Citv, Utah, April 26. Henry Strauss, of Chicmm. mrili on silver. The street lias assur that the Hammond Dressed Beef com- there is no identification of the man in the morgue here, supposed to have been murdered, who was found in an alley last Monday morning, No less than 600 any, of Chicago, has bsen sold to an ance, in telegrams irom a-Mington. that the bill adopted in caucus will be "English syndicate for $5,000,000.

parsed, and the addition of at least or 800 persons visited the morgue yes- the wife of I ntz lender, of this city for 100. Mrs. Lander and Strauss were' sweethearts in Germany, but became separated by circumstances. The happy couple at once took the train for San Ot OUIllOil notes VtdNV 18 ab'vh. tV.

No. 3, R'd O'd R'ds mail ex. 10:30 a 1, S'd Kt. Wneacc. 6, Kd Mackiuaw ex.

8, R'd it 'ue local tr't a. 4, Ft. W'ne ace. ex. 9:30 a.

O'd U'ds U'd mail ex. 3:60 p. 6, Mackinaw Cy R'd ex. 3:46 a. 10, Ft.

W'ne ocal frt. 4:50 p. Daily; other trains daily except buna Itellef for Flood Sufferers. "Washington, April 26. Rei.resentA- exj ected to l.ft all prices.

I he average of prices for all commodities ro over I ik.t cent, from tne Itith tives Boatner, Trice and Robinson, of Louisiana, appeared before the house i rancisco. Lander is a to the 2'Jd, butdias since dt chned about and says the money more than cumwn! committee on appropriations vesterdav i i half as much. Cp-nii ns aie much di in supiiort of the ioint resolution i tra oaira iui wit; ioah oi ills wile. vided alout the effect of the silver I ill. .1 duced by Representative Coleman appropriating 100.000 for rliof tK passed, some believing that a brief He Thawed Glitnt Powder.

Leadville. Aoril 2 wwu va 6Ulferers from the flood in Louisiana laliorer employed in the Rio tJrnnH Mississippi and Arkansas. The commit advance in prices will 1 qnickiy followed by a decline when it is found that gold to go al.road, but iiie mur, common lief is that the measure will railway construction gang near here wae tee deciued to report the reaolution fa-Torably and increased the amount appropriated to SloO.000. THK LIliHT, The most elegant, tbe beat, tbe cheapest, is as. Tbe new red action makes It lower in price tliuu lamps aud coal oil.

Gent's I-'u ru labiates. An elegant line of gent's furnishing foods, bhirts, collars, cuffs, ties, un-erwear. We carry the newest and nicest, and sell at lowest prices. The Eldorado Laundry. wo.k safelv si mulatinir prices and com Central rai.way was earned away yesterday.

Much country is submerged, but the levees are holding up welL Hirer Falling: nt Greenville. Greenville, April 26. The river is falling quite rapidly, and the backwater is receding from our streets. A Man of Iron Nerve. ArBl'RN, N.

April 26. Kimmler, the man who is condemned to die by elecricity next week, shows no signs of weakening, in truth lie seems to note all proceedings and final arrangements with an air of abandon that shows him to be a n.n of almost iron nerve, lie does not himself to contemplate hi fate, but busies himself in wrestling, dinging, writing, his autograph and listening to hii keeper read from the Bible or some popular periodical. He take part in religious services daily and manifest a fervor that is surprising to who participate. SnlUvaa Afraid of Jtrkms. mercial activity to me extent, without teruay, but none could identity him, and the police are as much baffled as ever.

The officials are making a search for the two strangers who were seen with the unknown man Saturday and Sunday, but can't, as yet, find trace of them. The belief in a foul murder are increasing, and the accepted theory is that the body was placed in the alley after the deed was committed. Circulars describing the young man are being Bent out They describe the deceased as being about 27 years old and five feet seven inches in height. The man is a fine specimen of physical strength, and would weigh, perhaps, 180 pounds. The body is keptstaudingin the morgue with the clothes on, as in life, strapped to a board to make him look as natural as possible.

Dug- Their Way to Liberty. Marion, Ind, April 88. When Sheriff McFeely called his. prisoners for break fast yesterday morning, it was discover disturbing the gold standard values. Started lp After Seven Tears.

Reading, April 26. The 1 irade reports this week are favorable. excepting lrom the rt bv furnace of the Readine Railroad com pany at Temple, this county, was start the iiovhIs in the vall.v. Great damage to s.igar plantai-ons seen- ed up la-t night after being idle seven mu ui out some sucks ol giaut powder yesterday, an explosion occurred which threw several men some distance from the works. One man was killed, another cannot live, and several others were slightly injured.

A Pugilistic Kveiiu New York, April 20. Jimmy Lynch, the hitherto undefeated 12-. pound pugilist of this city, waa defeated last ni dit by Paddy McBride, of Philadelphia," in two rounda. at Hoboken. Lynch was not in gid condition, while" McEnde Bad been carefully trained and weighed several pounds more than Lynch.

inevitable, three the trunk Wanted. Reliable local and traveling salesmen. Positions permanent. Special inducements now fast selling speclal- years, it is one of the company's best furnaces. I he majority of the furnaces interrupted, and tlu-re Kisses will considerable.

At Calvcstou an i 1 loii-. of the company are now in oteration. business is dull, but a. all northern cen ties. trea of trade the situation is wr sa.u- Brown Approved By the "Washington.

April 26. The world'i! factorv. nurserymen, Chicago, 6-20-9 Illinois. The iron business hvwfui fair bill has becii approved by the presi- 1 Vi tone at fniladeliihii i.i. Baths at the Eldorado, Jkw York, April 26.

Referring Jo.

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