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Palladium-Item from Richmond, Indiana • Page 5

Richmond, Indiana
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THE RICII3IOXI PALLADIU3I AND SU.V TELEG1IA3I, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1910. PAGE FIVE PYTHIAN MEETING G. 0. P. ISJOPEfOL will vote for the rcrublican gubernatorial nomine in November in ordr to make th downfall of Governor Patterson complete.

If the coalition which burled the administration judicial ticket stands un- entertained with a luncheon of sixteen covers yesterday at her apartments in the Wayne flats. The luncheon table was attractively appointed in yellow and white, the same idea being carried out in thf prff'-f mpmi. Spatp.t ITCHED ALL SUMMER. Skin Troubles Cause Great Aggravation in Hot Weather Unnecessary If Poslam is Used. Frequently a skin trouble appearing In the spring and allowed to remain unchecked will afford cause for intense itching all summer long.

When at the WsJa nrf (American News Service) the fall election, it is believed that Jessie Beeler. Miss Alice Newman. Soutb Bethlehem. Aug. 16 the retirement of Governor ranersoa to private life may be accomplished.

1 Republicans in Tennes: Think They Have a Good Chance to Win. TenneSSeeUil Miss H. White, Miss Louise Malsby, I Three days of unusual interest and ac Mrs. Ora Brubaker, Mrs. Dempsey tivity in Pythian circles was inaugur Dennis, Miss Ethel Lock wood.

Mi s-1 ated here todav with the convening oi Edited by Miss Elizabeth R. Thomas poslam, the new skin remedy, is first applied, all itching is stopped, inflaiu- ite governors ouiy nope is ijuis democrats who combined with the republicans in the revest election will return to the rarty fold before November. If they do not. then the elec- the fnrtv-third annual meetine of the 1 mation is allayed, the burning skm is ening was pleasantly spent with music 1 cooled and comforted. Anna Harrington.

HaJcey; and games. A lunch was served. The STATE CONVENTION TODAY Harold, Miss Ethel Marlatt. Mrs. Self fennsyn ania grana locge k.

or r. of Indianapolis and Miss Julia Taylor. The gathering has attracted hundreds For the prompt relief and cure of the many forms of eczema, acne, tet- guests were Miss Edwards, Mis3 Lucy Ford, Miss Minnie Chamberline, Mis tion cf a republican governor In Ten- nessee seems to be not only possible, but probable. of delegates and visitors from ail parts of the State. ter, barber's itch and ail other skin troubles poslam has proved the most American News Service.

Lena King, Miss Madge King, Miss Vera Whitman, Miss Abbie Web Nashville, Aug. ItL-Enthtt-s Tf voa trolifcwi con- rtth siasm appeared to be the kevnote Of itipatum. indtsestioo, bret! cr nr -i rwi.n; ahir.i; from roicftcb trccbie. ceti efficient healing agent yet evolved. In the lesser affections, such as pimples, red noses, complexion blemishes, rash, scalp trouble, itching feet, re- Weak Stomach i the republican state convention which Miss Glenna Karch, Miss Ethel Nel- eon, Mr.

Roy Miller, Mr. Scott Mor-j ris, Mr. Walter Sheffer, Mr. Carl Jenk-! Ins, Mr. Harry Hockett, Mr.

Louis; crSl bo-tie 01 ir. M-rep Persia. positively irKr Wo. PALLADIUM WANT ADS PAY. TO VIStTHERE.

Mrs. C. Williams arrived in the city from Union City, for a few days visit with friends and relatives. si HONORING GUEST. Several informal social affairs will be given this week by differen; hostesses in honor of Miss Mary Day, of Bedford, Indiana, who is the guost of Miss Edna Hoover.

TO CINCINNATI. ik ii.i....... Test Sample cf Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets Free to All. If you have indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dizziness or biliousness, no matter bow long standing. Mi-o-na stomach tablets will cure, or your money back.

Thousands are getting rid cf indi- I assembled in this city todaj for the nomination of candidates for governor and state railroad commissioner. Nev-i er before in the history of the party in Tennessee have the republicans been more hopeful of success than they are now. Predictions of a republican executive to succeed Gov-; ernor Patterson when the terra 1 expires are heard on all sides, Republican confidence is based not so much upon the strength of their own party as upon the disaffection in i the democratic ranks. The result of the recent judicial elections in which the independent candidates were suc-tessful flver those indorsed by the suits are seen overnight, but a small quantity being required. (Nothing is so good for sunburn and mosquito bites.) A special 50-cent package of poslam is prepared for minor uses, and this, as well as the regular $2 jar.

is on sale by all druggists, particularly W. II. Sudhoff's. But no one is asked to purchase poslam without first obtaining a sample package, which will be sent by mail, free of charge, upon request by the Emergency Laboratories, 32 West 25th street, New York City. Mrs.

W. G. Redrow of South Eleventh street has gone to fnr on A r.jl v'-iit trc m'-i' Special Prices In GO-CARTS DUNHAM'S G27-623 Main Here is gestion by using Mi-o-na. what one man writes: "I want to speak a good word for Mi-o-na and what it has done for me. I suffered is a former resident of that place.

w4 OS HELD REUNION. The members of the Bell family held their annual picnic today in the Cosand grove, near Lewisville. CLUB MET. something terrible with dvspepsia and stat? administration, showed ronclus-indigestion. It was almost impossible ivel-v that a restoration of harmony in fnr mil in om-tViino- rvj oft.n a 1 1- i the democratic ranks is out of the I would go without eatinsr' anything.

question for tha present at least. The' Members of the Monday Card club One day I read your ad. in the Bangor republicans retrained irom nominating RUDE-HELMS. The following was received in this office yesterday afternoon too late lor publication: A quiet, but pretty wedding was celebrated Sunday evening, August fourteenth at eight o'clock at the country home of Air. and Mrs.

J. S. Helms, south of the city. The bride was their charming daughter, Miss Hazel Helms and the groom Mr. Terry Rude.

Rev. H. Robert Smith of the First Baptist church performed the ceremony In the presence of about fifty wedding guests, friends and relatives of the young people. The house was artistically decorated for the occasion, sweet peas and ferns being used abundance. The bride wore a beautiful gown of soft white material.

She carried a bouquet of bride's roses. After the ceremony an elegant wedding supper in several courses was served. Mr, and Mrs. Rude left Monday morning forJa honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls. Upon their return a reception will be given In their honor at the country home of Mr.

and Mrs. Lafe Rude. They have the best wishes of their many friend3 in Richmond and vicinity for a most happy future. Among the out of town guests in attendance at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs.

Lafe Rude. Mr. Luther Rude, of near Liberty, Ind Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clevenger and daughter, Ethel of Centerville, Miss Kdith Shoemaker, Mr.

and Mrs. Jesse Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williamson of Liberty, Mr. Fred Hunt and Mr.

Homer Hunt, of Whitley county, Mrs. Mary Weaver, of New Castle, Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce and, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Pierce, of near Milton, Ind. fc fcS HAVE RETURNED. This morning's Indianapolis Star Bays: Misses Maude and Ruth Thistleth-waite. of Richmond, who visited their brother, Mark Thiatlethwaite, returned home Saturday. MRS.

KAUFMAN HOSTESS. Mrs. Thomas M. Kaufman will be hostess for the weekly bridge party to be given Thursday afternoon at three o'clock at the Country club. All members are invited to be present.

PORCH PARTY. Daily News. I got a box. and before a Juaiciai lu-ht-i anu iuk her family, the guests including children and grandchildren. At mid-day a delicious dinner In several coursed courses was served on the lawn.

After dinner an informal reception to friends of Mrs. Kerlin was held. Ice cream and cake were served late in the afternoon. Those bidden to attend the dinner were Mrs. William Bennett, Mrs.

C. H. Williamson, Messrs. Frank, George, Elmer and Charles Kerlin, it was gone I could sit down to the strengtn to tne support oi me umri-m return the repub table and eat anything, thanks to Mi- dent In met today at the Country club. Bridge was played at several tables and Ta-vors were presented.

OS ANNUAL RECITAL. Miss Bessie Buhl of Centerviile, Ind. licans expect that the independent democrats, or a large part of them. o-na." Herbert L. Patterson, Brewer I (Bangor), Mi-o-na stomach tablets are made from the best prescription ever written they cure, to stay cured.

They For up-to-the-minute Office Outfitters See Nicholson Bro. Agents for the Macy Weiss Filing Appliances Miss Nora Kerlin. Miss Grace Bennett, is arranging Miss Alleda Williamson, Messrs. Will recital to be for her fourth annual held some time cving and Everett Williamson, Mr. Clarence this month.

The program will consist Kerlin, Miss Alice Ofmer and Miss Morgan, Mrs. Richard Whitman and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Stanley. jt PENNY CLUB MEETING.

Mrs. C. K. Karnes will be hostess Wednesday afternoon for a meeting of the Penny club at her home, 104 Fort Wayne avenue. All members are requested to be present.

arS 6 IS IN INDIANAPOLIS. Mr. Carl Bernhardt is in Indianapolis for the week. A GUEST HERE. Miss Carrie Nicholson is here for a week's visit with Mr.

and Mrs. John Nicholson and family at their home in East Main street. Miss Nicholson is the daughter of Mr. George Nicholson, of Chicago who is vice president of the Sante Fe system. s8 HAVE RETURNED HOME.

Miss Bertha O'Dell and Walter O'Dell, have returned to their home in Camden, Ohio, after a few days visit with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. O'Dell, 22S South Twelfth street.

JESSUP REUNION. The members of the Jessup family held their reunion today at Glen Miller park. About thir.y-five person3 were in attendance. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Hilbert announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Nellie Rosella Hilbert to Mr. Paul Herbert Hazeltine. The wedding will be celebrated sometime in September. Miss Hilbert is a popular young woman and has a largo number of friends here.

Mr. Hazeltino is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hazeltine and is well known in this city. Their host of friends are glad to extend congratulations.

The wedding will probably be celebrated at the home of the bride in North Seventeenth street. RETURNED TO NEW CASTLE. Mrs. Claude Van Zan; has returned to her home in New Castle, after a few days visit with Mrs. John Bar-tel at her home in South Tenth street.

TO LEXINGTON. Mr. Arthur Hill will leave today for relieve distressed stomach in a fow minutes. They are sold by druggists in every town in America, r.nd by L. II.

Fihe. A large box costs but 50 cents. Test samples freo from Booth's Mi-o-na, Buffalo, X. Y. si-a tea Grips, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Our line consists cf the very newest to be found in all leathers, as the Alligator, Walrus, Seal and Cow-hide leathers, with all the trimnSings which make them the kind you've always wanted, but could never find.

See us before buying as you will certainly want a nice one cn your vacation trip. Grips, to Suit Cases, 90c to $12.00. Miller Harness Store 827 MAIN STREET. The Store for Quality Leather Goods. Cures caiajrh or money back.

Jnst breathe it in. Complete outfit, including inhaler 1 1. Extra bottles 50c Druggist of a number of musical numbers, dialogues, readings and recitations. The following children from this city will participate in the affair: Howard Mes-sick, Mary Carman, William Haber-kern, Katherine Ensminger, Martha Lincoln, Helen Hill and Hilda Farmer. Those from Centerville assisting will be Orville Southard, Beulah Bowers, Ethel Clevenger, Myral Cook, Elizabeth Ward, Ethel Kane, Ada Terry, Fay Southard and Edna Johnston.

ENTERTAINED FOR GUEST. Mrs. Maud Hoffman, assisted by her sister. Miss Flossie Black, entertained inforamlly in honor of Mrs. Pearl Hoffman, of Richmond, Ind.

Mrs. Hoffman and daughters, Dorothy and Geraldine, have been the house guests the week of Mrs. Hoffman, of Eaton. Dayton Herald. GUESTS HERE.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Maynard of Miami, Florida are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gottschall, for several days.

Florence Kerlin. GUESTS IN CAMBRIDGE. Mrs. Jesse Evans and daughter Frances, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Ezra Thompson, in Cambridge City. OS HAVE RETURNED. Mr. and Mrs. C.

W. Genu have returned from a pleasant trip to Minneapolis. LEFT TODAY. Mr. and Mrs.

A. C. Lendemuth, left today for a lake trip. They will be absent from the city for about three weeks. They will go from this city to Toledo, Ohio.

ot ENTERTAINED GUESTS. Miss Margaret Scott entertained a company recently at her home in Dublin. The affair was in the nature of a moonlight picnic, the guests being entertained on trfe lawn at the Scott home. The guests were Misses Margaret and Hazel Ayres, Miss Inez Hall, Miss Goldie Shaw, Miss Celine Og-born, Miss Inez Funk, Jennie Smith, Miss Mary Fackler. Miss Stevens of REXALL A.

B. C. Seltzer This is a fine thing for your headache, and better value than most seltzers. 1 ounce 10 cents. i ounces 25 cents.

Last evening Miss Clara Duning en Adams' Drug Store 6th and Main. "The Rexall Store." tertained with a pretty porch party at her home in South Eleventh street in honor of Miss Minnie Otte, of Marys-ville, Ohio. The spacious veranda, was decorated in a charming manner with Japanese lanterns, greenery and golden glow. Cards were played at seven tables. The tally cards were of a unique design in gold and whita.

The same color scheme ornamented the favors. After the game luncheon was served at small tables, the engagement of Miss Freda Erk and Mr. Carl Duning being announced at this time. The guests enjoying this most KRYPTOK We want you to get thoroughly acquainted with this name;" it belongs to the finest lenses made. If anything better was made we would tell you as we always recommend the very best.

II. The Jeweler. 810 Main Street F. H. Edmunds, Optometrist.

Lexington, where he will spend Richmond and Messrs. Wylie Phelps his vacation the guest of friends and PURE CIDER VINEGAR FOR PICKLING If you want your pickles to keep, use none but the best. Also Pure, Whole Spices that are fresh; Horseradish Root, Etc. Phone 2292. H.

G. HADLEY, GROCER. 1033 Main and Morton Walters. FOR MISS DAY. Honoring her guest Miss Mary Day, of Bedford, Miss Edna Hoover gas 't 3 ESS ad Our ave You lie relatives.

LAWN PARTY. The Knights of St. John of St. Andrew's church will give a social on the church lawn Wednesday evening, August 17. Amusements and refreshments will be a feature.

Richmond City band will give the following program: March, "Second Regiment" Hall Overture, and Barn Dance, "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" Smith Intermezzo, "On the Wings of the Wind" Fillmore Rag Novelty, "Cubanola Glide" Von Tilzer Selection from "The Goddess of Liberty" Howard Potpourri of "Latest Song Hits" Lampe Waltzes, "The Wedding of the Winds" Hall Finale, March, "Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet" Wenrich REUNION FRIDAY. The annual reunion of the Elsbury- Elwood family will be held Friday at Jackson park. HAVE RETURNED. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Kaufman, have returned from a visit in Indianapolis. 9 Yft LEFT TODAY. Mrs. Young andson Yarley Young, Tri inl ol Free attractive social event were: Mif.3 Freda Erk, Miss Louise Erk, Miss Bertha Kemper, Miss Clara Hofheinz, Miss Minnie Otte, Miss Mable Feeger, Miss Frieda Blickwedcl, Miss Gertrude Haner, Miss Edna Frauman, Miss Minnie Grottendick, Miss Oda Sturm, Miss Flora Sturm, Miss Minnie Boes, Miss Lenore Boes, Miss Minnie Loh-man, Messrs. Otto Erk, Howard Thomas, Harry Tubesing, Walter Kunz, Harry Schuermann.

Edward Helmich, Raymond Duning, Howard Schneider, Carl Duning and Lou Duning. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER. 'A miscellaneous shower was given last evening at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Elliott on North street by Miss Genevieve Elliotjt and Miss Lena King, complimentary to Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Newlin, recently Mrs. Newlin was formerly Miss Mona Elliott. The house was decorated with garden flowers and potted plants. The bride and groom received a number of beautiful gifts.

The ev- THE GREAT GOLDEN CROWN TREATMENT For CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, Etc. If you have not, call at our store today let us tell you how to make these hot, suffocating ironing days a pleasure; let us tell you all about this wonderful labor saving, drudge killing -ith Miss Anna Varley left this morning ior ceaar romt tor a two MOT POINT RECTO1C MM weeK outing. TO ATTEND DANCE. A number of young people will go over to Jackson park this evening to attend the dancing" party to be given by the members of the Fm Delta Kappa fraternity. Piano and drums wilt furnish the dance music.

The affair promises to be most enjoyable. WILL GIVE SOCIAL. Thursday evening of this week the members of the Woman'? Relief Corps will give a social at the home of Mrs. C. K.

Barns, 104 Fort Wayne avenue, for the general public. An orchestra has been secured to furnish the music. An excellent program has also And GlV YOU 2 Call us up today by phone; or better still, call at our store, ask for a WeSlkS FFCG TfISI demonstration of the Hot Point Iron. We will tell you why every home in Richmond should have a "Hot Point" Iron. We will tell why, during the past four or five weeks.

600 of this city's housewives have purchased a "Hot Point" Iron. We will also tell you why these best housekeepers prefer the "Hot Point" Iron to all other so-called electric irons. Ask Your Neighbor, SHE Knows. Siie Has a Hot Point Electric Iron. Come in Today.

Get Ouf Free Trial Offer. been arranged to be presented at this time. The proceeds will be used to purchase a flag for the high school. I TO URBAN A. Mrs.

Charles Arrowsmith of South i Seventh street has been called to Urbana. Ohio, by the death of her I mother. I A GUEST HERE. Miss Mary Day of Bedford, is in the city for a few days visit with Irritation and inflammation of the Inner lininars cause stfrnis to brc-l and thrive, producing Inner fevers, in turn destroy the digestive or irasiric Juices, creating: ronxtliiation, loor t-irclilitl Ion. xtttfinant an.

I iou-nl Mood, rtiruiiiii loin, iuxom-nln tiil nrrvoua prostration. The absence of these digestive fluids also cause to form, which inflates auJ prevents the walls of the stomach from comiin In contact with the food, vostsltinsr in iiKltcrxlou, 1 i.ejla, heart palpitation, rhronic ulceration, etc. This Great Uemedy corrects till irouhlcs vi tiie kind ly removinvr the a use. It at once allays all irritation inflaiv.matiou and piners the entire interntil oruaniwm in perfeetly hrnltb. normal condition, thesa same troubles wiiul you.

that have withstood the most persistent and expen-fsive o'd style doctoring for Months, even years, now yield in i few davs under Great (iOLDF.X CROW.V Treatment, nntl at cot not to exceed 25c. Your druggist will refund the price if it fails. llUltis re no iongrer obliged to tisa Kit re Powder. It only helps for an hour or so. then it's srone.

Our Lcctrn Skis I'uixl produces the same effect as powder, and effects are lastinsr. In addition It round out the check, tonrn. often and vlItcn the skin with the first application. If one nrrk'ii line not make you look five enr yonnieer we will sive yirnr money bnrk. Vou should not fail to srtve it a trial.

Lnrare jar. Prtee T.O cen. TUB LKCTUO COMPAXV, hleafta. III. For sate anal Guaranteed njr A.

ti. I.ukrn A. Co. 2 Miss Edna Hoover at her home in the Wayne flats. A GUEST HERE.

Mr. Walter. Kidwell, of Hagerstown was in the city today on business. HOME COMING. A "home coming" was held Sunday at tho home of Mrs.

Eliza Kerlin. north of the city for the wembers of Ma ST PMmlMii (Company III Ufl.

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