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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • 1

Indianapolis, Indiana
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PRICE TWO CENTS ML H'S fICTOHI RiydlNewYbrk Goverhprship Nominees OPTION PLEA WINS 'l lecjj of Weather Man GRATIIES BRYAN SHALL I MSC 41 7 OREIGN LIQUOR MEN AID DELAWARE CONTEST CLOSE THE Other Elections Cause Little SUMMARY The Indianapolis Star THURSDAY SEPT 17 will to i i is of the late Hi'intor McCain publicans' nr QUITS WIE OR AINITY A INDIANIAN CONESSES LOVE TO IlIfDKEN Counties 1 BY win (oppose county local option Bittton Green who repreuen Dr Allen miss the first one In Star CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 COLUMN ft CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 COLUMN 3 CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 COLUMN 4 I 1 Twelve Counties Will Vote as nominee Bryan is points to 0 48 64 86 Into best have the Government the bankers need more suffer from publican been mud' The The The 1 i 1 4 OR de sub and the to ad INDIANA TO ELECT LEGISLATORS TODAY INDIANAPOLIS THURSDAY' SEPTEMBER' 17 1908 i i a BBEWTBY ENVOYS BEGIN SCOOT WORK Rivalry Some Candidates Being Unopposed suit of Call for Special Session for the governorship? of New York and Lieutenant Governor were attend Arrivalf of Members for Special Session Signal for Anti County Local Option Talk Large Contributions Being Made to Defeat Reform but Repub licans Are Sanguine kV A vlr' Kto Only One Note of Discord Sounded in Convention Held in Rochester' STAR ADS Will show you the best bargains In Automobiles Ta Seth At I ho supper of himself and1 prate Dclnwaro apd succeed Represo tn 1 1 res aulk net tnlchael and Wade respectively Contest In Delaware Commoner Introduces New Opponent as Gov emor of New wise clxsls In Laporte oiinty will be no opposition tn Joftn bls four Through tn hete 1 was 'LrGoW' LEW? WHlR Mussel In ox River at Elgin III Worth i ortune ELGIN 'Sept Clam diggers at work In the ox River within llurecity limits of Elgin today discovered a mussel containing 843 pearls The gems wore pronounced by 'n local jeweler to be of unusual purity and to average three eighths of a carat In weight They are worth a fortuMs Cain of Kentland as Newton White and McCnlit resigned Samuel Btinz son Bents from Crawford Dubois nod Petry Counties Is a candidate to hueceod bls father The three counties ate usually IX inocnitle by largo plurnlli lea and It IS tonteded Benz will rb'Ctid 1 STATE JOURNEY TRIUMPHANT GIVES $4000000 TO OUR SINGER DIVIDES $16000000 CiRMPMiqN Oft OR PUR POlESfl STAR ADS MV Are the quickest and surest sen ers of your tused articles 'J tomtit K' iy Thu above snapshot of the new rivals SfntP tnknn while thpv as Governor Ing a recent tennis tournament In New York city Irremovable Priests of Diocese Will Ask Pope Not to Accept Resignation 111 Sept The Rt Rev John Lancaster Spalding bishop of the diocese of Peoria may continue at the head of the church in this section In spite of the resignation he recently forwarded to the church alithorftles at the Vatican in 'i This decision was made at a meeting of the eleven irremovable priests of the diocese who were called in conference at the residence yesterday These eleven are the priests who would be called upon to recommend three priests from whom the pope would select a suc cessor to the bishop In the event that his resignation was accepted The hlshop was present After a heart to heart talk It was decided to recom mend to the pope that the resignation of the distinguished Peorlan be refused when it reaches him RESOLUTIONS TO THE best known and oldest In PITTS1MBG' IKON KINO AT GOLDEN WEDDING ANNKERSAKY PRE RENTS CHECKS HONDS AND DEEDS 26 normal 4 king simply his chll famlly home to assist In celc gold widding date oji May Sixty Days ON Peanuts and Lemonade Mr Taft argues TELLS WOMAN WHO BECAME HIS BRIDE WHEN 14 YEARS OI SHE MUST SHELTER USURPER golden wedding wife II Singer an iron millionaire distributed $16000600 among I children each getting $4000000 the filing of certain papers Allegheny County Court House day this was revealed and later mltted by the Singer family which Is among the Pllthbuig The Iron dren to the hratirue the 27 None but the children was invited and each found by his or her jilate a small dinner checks brtnds and deeds amounting to $4000000 each Everyeffort has been made by the aristocratic Singer connections to keep the matter quiet and they succeeded until today when the filing of papers made 11 public The Singer childrep who received $4000000 each are: Wiliam Henry Singer Jr landscape paintei' now In Norway George Singer an' iron manu facturer of Pittsburg: Mrs William Ross Procter wife of a Philadelphia architect and Marguerite Singer a young daughter who Is at home Mr Singer made his fortune In Iron as a member of the firm of Singer Nitpick Co Ho also Is connected with many df the Institutions of Pittsburg and is considered one of the richest men of the country: His wealth remaining after giving away $16000000 probably Is $15000000 i Benz Hcpi esenla I Ives will he chosen In Lh Counties to Car This article in next Star will bo the first of a series of ten on and written for this paper by the famous food specialist Among other subjects he will discuss: What Do You Eat and Why? Simple Diet Staff of Life Raw ood ad Two Meal Plan Diet Cure Jan 1 deficiency BMIMlnlmum SOlMaxlmum SAME DATE LAST YEAH had Re light has Xwt i Elect ions will He hold in twelve coun Hoh todnv to cl inose representatives and st natnis for the seats winch will be runt In special session of I he Mate Heftlfi lalure which will Hswemble riday In and Carroll Counties a suc rrstor to the late Senator arber must be chosen Jasper Newton AX hlte and Starka Coiintito will i a state senator to filled the vnrnney mused bv the resignation of lr Crawford 1 minds Perry will elect a successor io Senator orecast for Indi anapolis and vicinity for air not mudli change in temperature ALMANAC THE DAY Sun rises at sets a 5:51 WEATHER CONDITIONS IN INDIAN APOUS YESTERDAY Precipitation 2 Amount during tho twenty four hours riming at i Total amount since Jan 1 1908 Accumulated departure from nince 5 VOL 6 NO ioi1 1) Bovd Ut'iftibllenn of Delphi has no opposition lor Joint Henaloi tii'in Clin ton and Carroll Counties to su tho fe Into Rmator lolin arber A a i ilk nor Denio' Tat who seeks he same scat in the lluusi oi KnpieaentiHlvpH width ho Yehlgnod 1 Abrnlmrn Ihildc TtepubllcHii loads In lhe ('on tost to succeed likihaid Me senator I mm Jasper Starko 'wuiitieM Mr BENZ DEMOCRAT IN THE LEAD Son of Late Senator Has Good Pluralities In avor In His District 'f rr Av i ej 1 1 fjAawouivni jiiu oupu Zimmerman Republican chairman of Perry County thinks the special Irglsla 1 tlon election called for tomorrow will poll a very light' vote as the members of' neither party feel any active with the Governor action In calling an extra session '7 The three counties comprising this dls i trlet arc heavily Democratic under normal a circumstances and while personal Indlf ferencemny reduen the majority there is practically no question as to tho 'V1 Samuel II Stewart the Republican can i dldate stands square with his party the Issue of county local option o'j AlhirVt 1 Ir'nHH 'IflP nllll I ITlh 1 'A 1 exports less than had the regular vote doh 1 I 1 A 'u Samuel Hons son of the into Senator CARRIES BORROWED BABY AND WINS CASE IN COURT Woman Charged With' Assault and Bat tery Holds Little One In Arms and la Acquitted When Mrs Laura Claffey of 237 East ern: avenue appeared In Police Court yes terday morning she carried In her arms baby about 10 months old Another child about 2 years old played about her skirts as she sat In the courtroorh Mrs Claffey was arrested on a of as sault and battery the result of a neigh borhood quarrel with Mrs aChtherine Moore of 283 Eastern avenue The court discharged the woman and slnj left the courtroom carrying the small bany followed by 1 the little child But a short time afterward another woman was seen In a corridor holding this same baby In her arms The woman was asked whether Mrs Clsffey was the mother of the baby and replied she was not This morning Mrs Moore will be In Police Court to answer a charge of disturbing the peace upon a warrant signed by Mrs Claffey A CLAM C0NTAmS 342PEARLS CHLtRS AND PLtllGl With the special session of the Legis lature at'hiind brewers In other stalos are sending their agents into ludianapnlls to assist the Indiana liquor Interests In bringing about if possible tho defc it of a oountv local option bill liquor in terests have placed an enormous I mid at the disposal of their legislative 'aRmits and thft brewery will leave no stone unturned tn prevent the enactment of further restrictive temperance legisla tion? One of the first arrivals the way of biowerv legislative agents Is had of Chicago representing tho United Slates Brewery Association the parent organi zation of the affiliated brewerfrR nt Chi cago Imnmdlatoly upon his arrival Mr Scliad announced that he had epmc (o see that the enormous Interests of the breweries In Indiana did not suffer cause of tho fanatical Xnovc the preach ers ami the Antt Haloon Simultaneous with Mr arrival Crawfordx airbanks head of 11m Terre Haute Brewing Company arrived in town to remain until the special session Is over Albert Lieber president of the Indian apolis Brewing Company and Thomas Taggapt ex Democratie national chair man were in conference with these men several times yesterday at the Denlsoni Hotel talking over plans presumnlpy inr holding bemouratic recalcitrants in line against county local optkm during the special session and for invading the ranks of the Republican members oi the House In an effort to get votes to bring about the defeat of the proposed bill Leolslator Are Buttonholed Straight wav the word has gone to brewery agents that Republican nu bo is must be frightened and hlufted If pos sible into voting against comity local op tion especially those Republican niembvi who are candidates for re election in No vember f' A number ot Republican login lators were yesterday and were told by men wham the memborn had reason to suspect were btewery that would never ln for tle Republican party to support a county local option bill at the speelal that nt would ttfln the and that publicans who supported such a measure at the session wore candl dates for re election would meet defeat at the polls in November was learned yesterday that Cinftinnatf brewersBare sending large uontt fbutions in Vrnwrarv IntyiMtlli I VH flltld 411(1 that agents from that city will isist in ut tempting to bring about the defeat of the proposed temperame masurt af 1 1 I is! lntu HAAU iar uniy Awnamva puviic hmv announced tot tire 'opening ses sion Tho two branches will cumo to order at 10 Tha sessions will he short and will followed Immediately by a joint session for the purpose receiving the message (fire Governor following his custom may read his mes sage hi person Adjournment may be had early Saturday In order that committeeonsi1 ration may bo glvrn tire bills In troduced 1 Hmmerniic leaders yu stetday asserted that all of the Democratic recalcitrants had lined up against county local option and would stand on the Deniocintlo plat form of ward and township local "option This assertion Is disputed by the olflcers of the Indiana Antl Saloon Jreague who assart positively that there arc nt least twelve Democratic! members of tho Lower House who will support tho county unit local option bill "The league'' said one of the offleerfi "is not going to believe that thesoimen are going to allow themaelves to bo dragged Into tire brewery line of See Democracy In Bad Light Temperahce Democrats who are seek ing to Influence the action of Demo cratic members of the Lower House are Insisting that the Democratic piftty Is getting In a very bud light before tire people' in allowing brewery and brewery attorneys to dictate Its legis lative policy They assert that tho strong est and best possible position for tire Democrats to take 1h that of attempting to divide tho Issues and lire Republican efforts to enafct a county unit local option law by supporting It as a nonpartisan measure for the moral uplift of the state Minton legislative superintend ent of tire Antl League has com pleted his draft of a county unit lorad option bill making but few changes from the original draft A number of tho loading lawyers and i lomporniioe pnipleof the city have seen the bill and indorsed It No announcement has been made as to who will introduce the hill but It Is known that tho of the league prefer that a Democrat introduce It in the House Senator Mattingly will Intro duce his local option bill also Local option bills will be Introduced tomorrow A ward and township local option bill will introduced by Demo crats It is said Tho bills will be intro duced tomorrow In order to give tho Public Morals Committees of both Houses opportunity to consider them and report on Monday The Public Morals Committee of the House consists of Representatives Morton of Howard County chairman Kelley of St Joseph Starke and Pulaski Counties Springer of Sullivan County Loudon of Harrison County (Ulrich of Henry County Iloftel of Monroe and Brown Counties mnn or i uwen Green of Miami County and White pf Johnson County Tho last four are Dem ocrals Ovarwhelmingly for County Option Mo'nroo County' represented by Repre sentative Hottel has gone dry Sentl ment'in his district Is overwhelmingly for county' local option and Hottel Is said to have made many pledges to support legislation of that kind Representative 'Pierson of Clay and Owen counties Is a strong temperance vlews idtt) the Democrats leaders assert that he 'win (oppose county local option rBittton Green who represents Miami County where temperunnq sentiment Is i very strong at tho last session was ab i sent When votes were taken on tempor ance legislation Representative White Is a Democratic recalcitrant whom tire Democratlo lead 1 ers now declare they have lined up In opposition to county local option Repre sentatlve Green is a candidate for re election to represent Miami County and has made many pledges to support leoi during his campnlan Tho Morala Committee of the Senate Includes Senators Mock of Hamil ton and Tipton Counties chairman Moore of Putnam Morgnif and Marton Counties Ganlard of Lagtipige and Noble Counties Mattingly of Daviess and Pike Counties Snrlnger of Bartholomow and Decatur CAnntles Moss of Vlay mid Vigo HAMMOND Ind Sept 16 affinity claiming to be the divorced wife of Peter Baker the Gorman comedian broke up a home in Indiana Harbor and is In parts unknown with Garris mill man while the young wife and two children are on their to Apollo Pa the home of her parents The woman wenf under the name of Mrs Walters and once delighted thousands as a ti apeze performer Less than two weeks ago Garris brought the Walters woman to his Hem lock street home and introduced her to Mrs Gairls J'I love this he told his lawful wife "You must allow her to live with us or: I will leave Mrs Garris did not know what to do and appealed to a Chicago attorney from whom she received no satisfaction Tho affinity persisted In alluring Garris and finally decided to open her heart confidingly to Mrs Garris Going to the home she knelt on the floor and sobbing like a child told of the un dying love she telt for her hus band will go hell itself and will suffer the pangs of punishment rather than (give him she said and was finally thrust from the Garris home by the wife Monday Garris gave his wife $25 with which to pay the rent and buy groceries "I am going to Canton he told her I get work I will1 send for you and would advise you to go to your home In Apollo Pa Perhaps I will go to Sharon Pa If not successful at With many tears he left the house and departed on his apparently eastward Journey 1 Mrs Garris has abandoned her home and returned to her parents in Apollo Pa this afternoon taking with her their two small children has led me an awfully hard she said I am sure he will be pun ished for It He married me In the inno cence of my childhood for I was but 14 years of age and I am now on the verge of a nervous breakdown: My life has been a fitting example of married In haste and repent at BISHOP SPALDING MAY CONTINUE AT PEORIA ior cast I MR for Indiana these ciqars for I 1 RBI I rAMOaif oOcon rnurs 1 a and riday' air i nursaay and nrobahlv rid light to fresh south winds ROCHESTER Spt A speech by Bryan Democratic nominee for President in this city tonight on Taft and His and two overflow talks formed the' climax of an eventful day in the present campaign Mr speech followed thc regular proceedings of the Democratic state con vention which unanimously 3 nominated bewis Stuyvesant Chanler for Governor and the remainder of the state ticket as agreed upon by the leaders All the nominations were unanimous except for state engineer which furnished the only discordant note in the convention State Ticket Nominated The ticket nominated is as follows: Governor Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler Duchess Lieutenant Governor John A Dix Wash ington Secretary of State John Whalen Mon roe Attorney General George Palmer Schohariex Controller Martin Glynn Albany State Engineer and Philip arlev Brooklyn Treasdrei' Julius Hauser Suffolk Arriving here shortly after 6 and met by thousands of persons Democ leader was accorded an ovation Along with him from Syracuse came the new Democratic nominee for Governor of New York Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler who was literally lifted from an automo In the street to the car because of the great throng which had assembled to catch a view of Mr Bryan Among those at the station to meet him were National Chairman Normal Mack William Conners chairman of the Democratic state committee Charles Murphy the Tammany chieftain and Daniel Cohalan The principal speech was in Conven tion Hall where the Democratic state convention finished Its labors and which was packed with several thousand on the outside unable to gain admittance Mr Bryan was accorded a great demonstra tion by his audience among whom were the Democratic leaders of the State and most of the delegates to the convention just adjourned "Mr Taft and HI Scares Reverting to his prepared speech upon the topic Mr Taft His Mr Bryan said: Mr Taft confesses that hie arguments are not convincing when he attempts to Intro scares ana to tnreaten tne puoiic witn dlie dUabter if he is not elected A throat is always an admission "'that argument and persuasion have not been effective Measured by this test Mr Taft has already abandoned hope of convincing the public of the right eousnes of his position Let us take up the subjects with which he has beep deal ing On the labor question he 'declares that our demands for a trial by jury In cases of in direct contempt is the most insidious at tack upon the judicial system In tho his tory of the country According to Mr Taft it would very much impair the administra tion of Justice He seems to forget that the very reform which we indorse was Indorsed by the United States Senate twelve years ago and that it was supported by such Re publicans as Senator Sherman of Ohio Sen ator Allison of Iowa Senator Hale of Maine Senator Hawley of Connecticut Senator Mor rill of Vermont and Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota It is not attacking the courts to remove abuses that have grown up under existing methods of procedure His logic If it were sound In cases of In direct contempt would eliminate the jury entirely The criminal Judge does not feel that his dignity Is assailed when the accused is given a trial by jury the common law judge does not feel that It is a reflection on him for a party to a suit to insist upon trial by jury why should it seem such an un lawful thing for Jury trial to be granted lit a vase LIL UKiirecL cvniempr Guarantee of Bank Deposit In discussing the guaranty of bank posits he betrays the same tendency to stitute gloomy forebodings for reason argument He savs: "If the proposals were adopted exactly as the Democratic platform suggests It would biing the whole banking system of the coun try down in i uln What is this direful thing that will de vastate the country if his aspirations for the presidency Is thwarted? It is the pro tection of the depositor who is invited to entrust his savings to the care of banks There are 1500000u depositors in the United States and they are calmly assured that the banking system can only be safe when the depositors are insecure that to secure the depositors would make banking insecure This logic may satisfy the 'big financiers from whom he has drawn his arguments but It will not satisfy the millions whose deposits make banking profitable His theory is that a guarantee fund would invite carelessness but he overlooks the fact that mutual responsibility on the part of the bank would compel a stricter super vision and a better regulation In his anxiety to manufacture a case against the guaranty proposed by the Democrats Mr Taft has made a lu dicrous mistake He has cited the experi ence of New York as an argument against the guaranty system In 1829 a law was passed in the State of New York which provided for the issue of bank notes by state banks and the law provided a fund for the in surance of the circulation The law was loosely drawn and after about twelve years the court held that the guaranty fund covered deposits as well as circulation A panic came on and the guaranty fund was not sufficient and that ought not to be a matter of sur prise A guaranty fund intended to protect note circulation would hardly be sufficient to protect depositors and yet because this fund failed to do a thing that was not In Lriiutiu in Lite ueKiiiiiuiK i that it would be impossible to devise a Cessful guaranty system Oklahoma Plan a Success Tn Oklahoma the plan has been put nnpratlon and It has rpsiiltprt in th regulation of banks that any state has vt attempted and although some seven mo iths have passed the guaranty fund has not been reduced a dollar the only failure was promptly seviieu wiinwui jobs io nnd without inconvenience tn thr and the assets of the bank jvhen col lected It is being would hank Thl would be unfair because the new bank credit would rear upon the guaranty fund eatabllened by the older banks and because It would be unfair It la not permitted In Oklahoma There the banking board fixes the maximum rate of Interest which cun be paid on deposits and 4 per cent on de posits running more than six months This completely answers the most plausible ar gument that has been made against the guaranty system The depositor knows that the ederal Onvernment reoulres security when It de posits In national banks ho knows that the state the county and the city demand se curity when they deposit In banks he knows that the fraternal orders demand security and he Is beginning to ask whybe alone is left unprotected in case of a bank failure and 'the question will be asked with more and more emphasis until he1s answered with sincerity Allow long must we have our country's ftonby sent to Europe to seek safety In the government hanks of tho old world' before our bankers yield to the demands of the penpier now long mum we money order department of tho used an a savings bank before will learn that the depositors security? How long must we POLITICAL Twelve counties hold elections today to fill six vacancies In State Legislature for special session Page 4 Brvan Indorses nomination for Governor of New York and 'Is received enthusiastically in tour of ''Page 1 Taft to make three campaign tours the first beginning with visit farm on Sept 23 2 JamesS Sherman Republican for President declares whole Democratic party and Republican accomplishments Page 10 Connecticut Democrats dominated by ex Governor Waller nominate Judge Rob ertson for state executive and make George Lilley Republican opponent main issue In campaign Page 10 DOMESTIC Singer Pittsburg Iron king: at golden wedding anniversary divides $16000 among four children Page 1 Paper manufacturer tells congressional investigating committee that removal of tariff would spell ruin to American mills as Canadian firms are at less ex pense Page 2 (John Redmond Irish leader In Britislj Parliament here to attend league con vention predicts home rule for his country Page 2 Ogden Armour saves fellow packers $8000000 by preventing their purchase of defunct Booth oyster concern shortly before a receiver was named Page STATE Indiana Harbor man leaves wife for affin ity following demand that new love be allowed to enter his household Page 1 District President Van Horn of United Mine Workers declares Hudson strike not national President Lewis is issue in District No 11 dispute Page 4 Muck fire in Blackford County which has destroyed acres of land believed to have been started by oil worker Page 4 Wabash County man commits suicide by blowing off the top of his head after quarrel with Page 4 LOCAL Col Thayor of Third Indiana procures balloons for scouts in big fort battle tomorrow Page 3 Two men held up and robbed by highway Page 3 i Tarantula leaps from bunch of bananas 1 frightening young woman Page 3 I Mrs Dora Neevleman who falls to prove former husband guilty of bigamy at tmpts to throw herself from eighth floor window of Law Building Page 14 Chicago Hoo Hoos will plav local Hoo Hoos game of ball here Sept 19 Page 14 Meat dealers ask more time for purchase of market meat cases Page 14 Charles Gelsendorff 19 years old is held at police headquarters charged with killing his sister Margaret 16 years old Page 14 Presbyterian Brotherhoods of Indianapolis circulate petitions In "support of county Page 14 Revision of real estate transfers statutes Is urged at meeting of Indiana Title As sociation Page 14 SPORTS Success of Indianapolis Club proves pop ular in other A A towns Carr may be here next season Page 8 Local dealers put in entries for big auto mobile races which are to be held at air Grounds tomortovt and Saturday Page 8 Sumpicrs pitches Detroit to victory over St Louis while Naps wallop White Sox 7 to 0 Page 8 Margaret takes Chamber of Commerce stakes feature of spectacular race pro gram at Page 9 DEPARTMENTS Editorial 6 Social and woman's Page 7 Page 9 Page 12 Page 11 1 Bishop Moore and Other Speakers 'if 1 ft Also Make Strong Declara 4 tions tor Reform 4 BY LOUIS LUDLOW SHELBYVILLE Ind Sept Gm I last appeal to the people of 'Indiana for a' county local optiqn law 'pending the extra session of the Lcgis lature was made here today in an lad dress: to the Indiana Conference of tire Metltodist Church It was a stirring iJ capeech and the enthusiasm was intense ministers waved their handkerchiefs clapped their hands and shouted approv 1 Ing and the re ni4i from start to finish were more earnestly commended than by any other that' has heard him since he issifed the call for a special session (' i AI1 of his meetings haxe been enthusi astlc but this one clapped the climax The conference not only gave him a great ovation and applauded all he nad to say A' sbut It went on record formally by adopt Ing the following resolutions: Whereas Ills t' excellency Governor rank Hanly has been asked to address the' members of the Indiana Conference In the 1 cause of temperance and Whereas During bls term of office as Gov a A emor of the State of Indlana he has waged constant and vigorous warfare against traffic with list deadly and degrading Influence and Whereas A special session of the State Legislature' has been called 'to meet this week to which a bill for county local op tion Is to be presented therefore i Resolved That we express our hearty ap predation of' his able address and the trosxV manly and courageous attacks he has made upon the saloon forces In hts recent cam paign throughout the state urther That we him our earnest support in his effort to secure advanced temperance legislation and we do now liere by earnestly petition our State Legislature the approaching extra session to pass a county local option law urther That we earnestly request that no change be made In our present efficient Nicholson and Moore remonstrance laws tor the regulation of the liquor traffic Tonight after the Governor had made last speech before the issue Is put to a test in tla Legislature he said: ant gratified by the manner in which people are responding to the appeal that has been made to them It shows that the heart of the average man is ylght on this question and that he is more if profoundly concerned about county local option than any other question in the campaign "The sentiment will not recede but It'4k will grow and Intensify until the final ac tlon by the General Assembly If the bill Is passed the people will rally to its support and save It from repeal They will welcome the enlarged enfranchise xnent it will bring to The closing day of the tour found him In high spirits but In a physical condition that almost warranted a inp to me nospiiai for repairs His voice especially is worn full of holes ae he expressed It and not until he warmed up to the task in his speech today was he able to make himself heard with clearness Standing Room at Premium The Governor addressedfthe conference ar 2 in the irst Methodist Church All of the seats were and many late comers were unable to find standing room Admiring friends of the Governor sent him a mammoth bunch of chrysan themums which he took with him to Indianapolis after the session was over Tire conference before the arrival had given an Inkling of its attl tude on county local option The Rev Edwards superintendent of the Moores Hill district had drawn the fire of the ministers In his annual report he said the saloon business had been hit harder in his district during the vear than ever before It had been driven out of the towns of Patriot Dillsboro riend s' ship and Holton and had been largely re strlcted In Vevay and Milan while good work had been done in advancing the temperance cause In Aurora Greensburg A and Lawrenceburg Then he said: "If all the men who profess to be op posed to the saloon would vote for county local option we would put the dramshops out of every county In the district with one possible exception" This was a that brought loud applause There were other lightning like flashes of county local option sentiment during the forenoon but the storm did not break loose until the arrived He received a royal welcome and was once more given the Chautauqua salute This form of salutation has been employed so frequently since the Governor started to thrash the bushes for county local op tion votes that It would be almost like sec ond nature to him to expftct every man he meets to pull out handkerchief and wave it The proceedings the conference this afternoon began with prayer by the Rev Virgil Tevis It was a fervent and one might almost say a business like prayer It went straight to the point and called forth many a hearty "amen" Mr Tevis in his prayer thanked Prov idence that never in the history of the world has a great moral issue presented Itself but that the people have voted right Such an Issue he said has been reached In the affairs of the State of Indiana It is a tremendous problem and he prayed God to lead the people arlgjit and added: May the cursed liquor traffic be beaten t6 a finish We pray Thy blessing upon the Governor of the state Thou only knoWest his heart We thank Thee that Thou hast given him the courage of his convictions Uphold his hands We pray Thy1 blessings also upon the Legislature May every man do his duty If there Is right on one side and evil on the other there Is only one thing do When we see a head It Is our duty to crush It We thank God for the support of the ministers and may they fight this evil traffic to a finish Grant thgt ten years from mow th4 children of Indiana may say: what was a Immediately after the prayer the teso lutions Indorsing Governor Hanly and memorializing the Legislature to pass tho county local option bill were offered bv the Rev Albert Hurlstonc of Robot tsv i Park Methodist Church of Indianapolis and were adopted by a standing vote A few Prohibition and Democratic ministers did not vote but the'sentlment yvas prac finally unanimous Next on the program was a song eti titled: Saloon Must by' the Vincennes district quartet composed of I the Rev Hutchens A Schell3 Bennett and Ray Ragsdale The song was written 'by Mr Schell for this occasion Almost every sentence of the song was applauded The Ringers were cheered on by cries of that Tire members of the quartet wore mln laterial frock suits and white ties Tin to fore they had concluded the audience was on its feet joining in the chorus 1 '''to: to Governor Hanly was Introduced by to Bishop David Moore the presiding offi or of the conference Bishop Moore took occasion to deliver a very strong address In favor of count ylocal option Bishop Moore said he was very sorry to "an obscure gentleman by the name of Joseph Cannon Is not here this after noon He would learn I think that the Governor of Indiana is a constitutional lawyer or at least a maker of tho Constitution" toile concluded: ever any great movement of this kind Is on foot and they want to shut up our months and put a gag into the jaws of the Christian ministry they Cry out 'Politics polities and heretofore we have generally shrunk like craven cowards from the declaration again and again but God Almighty now has led us through the Red Sea "God Almighty has Idd us to see that CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 COLUMN Hill A reiiiv sw favor county local option and will vote for It In tho special session If elected Democratic Chairmen Sam Calloway'8 siltl concerning the elertlon 4f 1 "1 rxpeft to see a light vote cast be 1 cause of lack of Interest at this time I txpect hovetai Republicans will ote the mocritib tiiket because tlrev think I do that the special session Is treeless Tn 'all probability the two nominees will break even in this Ben Caret the Republican chairman mnvo nni I nd ttrnfllnf Afl thft tf ft 01 i 1 4 ft I 1 lOHUWlltg jfBun vfl: "In all probability the diet tlon at time will not call out as heavy a as tho November election However I to expect a good per cent of the Republican vote out aniL thlnk White County will to give Hallock a majority fc Governor Hazily Is Given Ovation by Methodists in Conference at Shelbyville onr ai a 1 1 ri rmriniiA TAn a orUilAL iLtl I luno lUUAI LIQUOR LOBBY ON HANOI HALLECK LEADS IN RACE i 4 '4 McCain's Successor In State Senate to Be Chosen Today IlENHSELAER Ind pt lb Tlie election of Abralinm Ihilleek Republicun A It 1r imdlctetl will result at tho special election tomorrow tq succeed State SepaS tor who resigned" The counttel to vote In tire eh '11011110 New ton White mid Staike "After malting 'thorough investigation) In tho Counties of Newton Jasper Stuike and Vlilte comprising the senatorial ills trloi represented by Dr: I A11 4hrtft 4 Via 17 nrvi i HI In'll 11 RM I JL mill HlUb VMM 4 aM4R to rf very active mul are bound to get out 1 jrvxii large Republican vote thus Insuring Jneelection of Abraham Halleck" said Coun ti Chairman Leopold tod iv 1 Ills dis trlet Is strongly Republican undtliera Is no reason why wo should not be sueceas tul In tho coming special ehretlon people ln! this district are dot ermlin that the brewciies shill not dominate in poll tits Many tcmpeianco Democrats and arc going to support the Republican Htnto senatorial and repre sentative tickets they are now firmly convinced' ftom tlieli observations hero In the lust' two days that the breweries are out to win as they have had their agents here on the ground looking afier tlrelr Interests and tho election of Mr Taiw Hie Dsmocratlo nominee i Mr Hal leck If elected will support the county local option i oH I Im 1 1 KNOX Ind Sept Concctnlflg the spri lal i lcction to be hold Stat'ko to County tomorrow for the election of sen ator A oster chnlnrnan of the Rs county committee raid "Tlrero Is vorv little local Interest' in Ibis special clc tlon Thl a Is for vurl 4 ous reasons Iii estimation Starke Counlv will give Abraham Halleck about 100 mniorltv Of course this district w1111 be Republican and naturally enough we want lo be on hand with our share of the goods Aside from the election of Mr Halleck to tho Senate we would be glad of a fair showing at this time for Its supposed effect In November the mont Idea 'you know The vote will be1 vf light oh yes Halleck will be elected all right and Starke will help along the general result by a hundreds oivsuch a inai ter uller Democratic chairman de clined to make a statement MONT TO Ind Sept Hi The spenliil election which will lie held In this county tomorrow lo elect a successor to State Senator McCain hire created little Interest because of the Republican ma jority In the district and the strong tem perance sentiment in these counties Tn White County the Republicans have: been on the alert and expect a lair vote cast a Republicans predict a slight majority In 0 this county for Abraham Hallock they Republican candidate' Mr Halleck Is in lviit ARiflnn tin1 ririll "si depjittors io comenu were sufficient to reimburse tho fund sometimes asserted that a new hank able to promise absolute security draw depositors away from the older by paying a higher rate of Interest ''J 14 to 1 1 xx 4 kV 4 XX 1 ya xs' mcxmmmi iW'y to 1: Ml I y'APxMi 'rvxx a si vv SH 1 I II ir rii II HMtW' I II I' I I ll ''x 'J "to Wil fr 'to 1 I Il sSlI 1 1 I 1 to I 4 illliiii a ilP AMt I I 1 JSK MB Hl 1 Ml I wsaiw iKvb wifeiBB JI 1 IBBBaBBi! bB91 IBMBk TW 1 GOV' CHARLES MH A 'reH 1 i ''T A ill 0 r' k'lto 'l to? fb f' pl "Wf i Vn tB "i 1 i 1 fl 1 I fl I I I 5 fl I 7 a TllMhilmum 69 7 81 (Maximum 86 WEATHER CONDITIONS ELSEWHERE YESTERDAY i Max Mln Weather Atlanta Ga 74 56 Clear Bismark 96 66 Clear Chicago III 72 64 Clear Cincinnati 0 84 64 Clear Denver Colo 84 54 Clear El Paso Tex 86 A 62 Clear Helena Mont 74 50 i Clear Jacksonville la 72 70 Pt Cldy Louisville Ky 90 64 Clear New Orleans La 82 74 Cldy New York 72 54 Cloudy St Louisa Mo 90 66 Cldy Washington 72 1 50 Clear Nashville Tenn 86 66' Clear: i.

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