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Pampa Daily News from Pampa, Texas • Page 2

Pampa Daily Newsi
Pampa, Texas
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N-D A A-P I- 24, 1944. Pom pa News daily except Saturday by 328 W. Foster All clepnrtmWita, MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRfiSS (Fall'Effigd Wire). The Press to exeMHvtlr entitled to the for rob- IjCatiob all hews to It or otherwise credited to this 'fchtl hfeo the reirular nefcs published hore- in Putfipa Post Office in jnd clans matter. THE PAMPA SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CARRIER in Pnmnn 26c per week, tl.tlt per month.

PnH In mlvnnco, $3.00 per 8 ironths. $6.00 per six monthn. $12.00 Dtr year. Price per "Ingle copy 6 cents. No ilrtfl fcrdera accepted' in localities nerved cnrrled delivery.

Power Fight Brewing Another hot utilities fight will probably start in Congress when Secretary Ickes (in his roi of Bureau Of Reclamation gets around to asking- for three billion dollars to reclaim 16 million desert and construct some 200 hydroelectric power plants in 17 western states. Mr. Ickes will probably put forth some good arguments. Besides the new food and power sources, there Will be three-year jobs in actual construction and in construction material production for a half million returned veterans and former war workers. But the opposition will doubtless a few haymakers.

Some likely arguments arc these: the temp- wary construction jobs will mean the permanent end of thousands of jobs for coal miners and railroad workers; hydro-electric power costs more than the steam-electric variety; we are using only about 46 per cent of our theoretical power-production maximum at an unprecedented industrial peak, and Won't need an expanded power system the new government power projects must compete with, not supplement, existing installations. The opposition can also question the need of 16 mil- more arable acres. Based on the efficiency of present in t-owned power the new ones would produce six nncl nine million kilowatts of generating capacity. ducecl from steam instead of wa- 'tcr, it would take from 16 to 24 millions tons of coal. That's a year's work for 16,000 miners, and means 34 million dollars pay at the present rate.

To lhat can be added eight million dollars to railroad workers-for hauling that much coal. opposition could up a 1937 report which -Mr. Ickes (this tirile as chairman of the National Resources Committee) made to the in which it was stated the average over-all cost of producing electricity from water -power was six-tenths of a cent, as against four-tenths of a cent from steam. Mr. Ickes can point out the utter foolishness of hauling coal to the far west, where water power is abundant.

And the opposition can counter that the greatest power demands are in the densely populated east and midwest-right in the coal country. When all this has been thrashed put, the debate will probably boil to the question of private enterprise versus public ownership. The present temper of Congress is rather pro-enterprise. Unless Mr. Ickes can guarantee a great industrial boom in the west, he may find it quite a to pry Congress loose from three in post-war days to come may again look like quite a sizable chunk of money.

BUY BONDS Paper Salvage The paper salvage quota for 1944 is going to be short by 2.000,000 tons at the present rate of collection, we are told by Gen. Brehon Somervell, chief of the army service forces. And that is more alarming than you might think. "Our whole war economy is built on paper," says WPB Chief Donald -M. -Nelson.

And he doesn't mean OPA forms or the inter-office memoranda of government agencies. He is talking about the vital uses to which paper is of them, from plasma containers to bomb fins. Now, the collection of the 8,000,000 tons of paper needed this year is a tremendous task. But there is no reason why all of it has lo be the waste variety. Some of it could just as well be salvaged before it is used, with a consequent saving of money, labor, time and transportation.

The government has already started tor do a job of eliminating its bureaus' needless publications and releases. And it would seem that there are a few civilian items that we could bravely sacrifice, and struggle through to victory. We might, for example, with such things as: Colored calendars, with a picture about five feet by three feet, and a calendar measuring five by three inches. The dust jacket on books. Double-sheet greetings curds.

Paper noisemakers. The thick, slick-paper house or. gtms. Paper doilies. Aiid how about congress giving us" a tax' law that will cut Form 1040 dosvn to one sheet? BUY BONUS 1 The Nation's Press WHY LIGHT VOT1.

(New York News) Jt was not Wlllkie llm noble aiv 1 lovable gentleman who was defeated in that (tho Wisconsin) primary. It was Willkio ihe politician and his inlc-rnalionalist He made I hose principles the issue the slowdown came, tho Wisconsin G.D.P. voters snowed these principles under. '-The episode goes to show once more that the talkative fraction of Ihe American frac- includes most news- pa'per and radio commentators and most movie producers is far more ijUernatkmaliy minded than i the non'talkative mass of the peo- The mass of the people just do nu. like lo have 10,000,000 or -more 'of their sons, fathers, husbands and brothers into services ancl to all over the world.

The four freedoms and the Altantic Char- Common Ground Br K. c. "I ipeak the pHMoval, 1 the Hgn of demoflriicy. By (Mi 1 will accept tiAthlnc which cannot their counterpart of on the "frame WHITMAN Name a Good Union, Mr. Johnston Rccenlly I wrote an article pointing out the absurdities oi statements made by Eric A.

Johnston, president of the United States Chamber of Commerce. Tin's speech was reproduced in the April issue of The Reader's Digest. I sent a copy of my criticism to (be directors of the chamber. They replied by sending mo a copy ol his complete speech. When I read the speech I was more convinced than ever that Mr.

Johnston loves to hear the sound of his own voice, but docs not understand the principles on i this government was founded, if his statements are his beliefs. He does not understand the principles that will promote freedom and prosperity. His article is entitled "A Warning to Labor and Management." ffe is a mighty poor man to be warning anyone. In his article lie sets forth what he calls the "seven sins" of some labor unions. Mr says there arc good labor unions, but he does not define what a good labor union is.

SuOO Tn Mr. Johnson I recently made public in this column an offer to give to Edward Keating, manager of Labor, a national newspaper owned by 16 railroad unions, if he ivould name one labor union thai m'd not restrict production by attempting to fix prices artificially, I proposed to leave the decisio'n RS to whether he named a union complying with tho specifications to any professor of mathematics in any college in the United Slates not controlled by the slate. I have a letter from Keating sayinp he is not interested in my offci of $500. So I will gi VP Eric A. Johnston $500 if ho will name one national labor union that is a good union, and by a good union I mean one lhat docs not attempt to interfere in one way or another with some individual's right to trade his services as he believes would be to his best advantage in oilier words, a labor union 'hat does not take away from some individual his natural rights.

A union that does this cannot be a good union. I do not believe there is a union in the United States, excepting company unions, that can qualify as a good union if "goodness" means equal freedom and not attempting to interfere with other people's natural rights. In Mr. Johnston's address he flops not mon I ion one of Hie most serious sins lhat is veiy generally micliced by ijnions. He doc's lot men I ion the sin of seniority.

He seems to think that all labor unions need 10 oo is aamii everybody into tho union who wan la admission. what good would it do to admit a member to the union if all Ihe belter jobs were filled by seniority, and Hie man with ability was not able to advance because he was hold down by senior! I Mr. Johnston also contends that, in the past, organizations have bought up patents and suppressed thorn with the idea of making more money. On Sepl." 32, 1942. I published an article offering 5100 if anyone would name one corporation that had bought up a patent and after it had laid dormant for a period it three years, would not sell it for what they had paid.

No one ever claimed the reward. It is certainly discouraging to think lhat an organization which is supposed to understand business and freedom, as the Unilcd States Chamber of Commerce is supposed lo, would have a man with as little understanding of liberty and principles as Eric A. Johnston going about (he country making speeches. If this line of leadership continues, our country Is hearted for the worst possible kind of crash and catastrophe. It is loo bad wo have men in Important, positions fooling Ihe people, as Mr.

Johnston is doing by his contention thai there arc labor unions and peddling the old idea lhat corporations buy up good patents anif suppress them. No one, of course, can prove this is not true, but if it: be true, and if Mr. Johnston were interested in truth, he would furnish Ihr? evidence or attempt, to tlii- great disservice he is Lu society. HII.VSL' malltT-uf-fuci i They haven't been sold, either, on Ihe idea that this is a purely (Icfcn.sivo war. But immediately after Pearl Harbor, our ruler decided that the best way to defend ourselves against Japan was to throw our main weight first against Germany.

That decision has never set well with most w- understand their reactions. Germany was no immediate threat tr us, because Germany was too busy with Britain and Russia. Had Germany beaten them, it might inter have become a threat to us. But in this war, I be popular American belief is that we are lighting Germany primarily to defend the British Krnpirc; and most Americans do not like lhat." BONDS Around Hollywood PAG.E 2 By ERSKINE JOHNSON Being called the Hecly Lamarr of Santa Monica bench was embarrassing but lucky. Acquiring an English accent in 24 hours was murder.

But playing starring roles in two important pictures with practically no acting- experience at nil was just like pulling teeth Gail Russell says. She just returned from the premiere of "The Uninvited" in New- York. A year ago dark-haired, big-eyed Gail Russell was drawing pictures Now she's starring in them She hadn't even thought about acting She was studying to be a commercial artist. Then, as film press agents love to say, Hollywood discovered Gail Six months of coaching was playing Stella, the lovely neurotic in "The Uninvited." and the gay school girl. Cornelia Otis Skinner, in "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay." Heavy drama and light comedy.

Quite an order for a girl who had never seen a movie camera before. Gail said she was paralyzed with fright. She couldn't even remember her lines, let alone try to act with the crew staring at her. So they put up screens beside the camera. Director Lewis Allen babied her.

J-EARNED "ENGLISH" Paramount was all set to film 'The Uninvited" with someone else playing Stella when Director Allen noticed Gail. She had been under contract to Paramount for six months, playing bits in "Lady in the Dark" and a Henry Aldrich film. Allen took her to the Paramount boss, Buddy DcSylva, and said, "This is the girl I want for Stella." DeSylva said the role was hers if she could acquire an English accent in 24 hours. The company bad to leave the next day for location scenes in Northern California "They hired an English coach iiamcd Miriam Greene," Gail said. "We went to a projection room and ran off a lot of English-made pictures for six hours.

I went to sleep the third time I'd seen 'The Young Mr. Miss Greene shook me and woke me up. Then we went to her house and read and read and read. I could hardly keep my eyes open. I almost fainted.

Then we made a record and played it Tor Mr. DcSylva. And what do you think he said? He said my accent was too thick. I could have the part, he said, but 'please, not so niich Gail and her family came to Los Angeles seven years ago from Chicago, where she was born 22 years ago. Her father used to play in an orchestra.

Now he works at Lockheed. DISCOVERED, AS THEY SAY Wonderful Wizards of Washington- In-duct-tease The National Whirligig News Behind The News By KAY TUCKEK tjily and Boston or Philadelphia or ARGUMENT The Roosevelt- Pittsburgh or Cleveland or San Dewcy Presidential contest will be Francisco the scales will be close that the results in two t'PPcd in his favor by a narrow arge cities may determine the win- mnrgin reminiscent of the Wilson- icr, according to the best calcula- Hughes struggle in 191C. nf InrliriiT nn ions of fact-finding politicians on sides. It will be a. city versus juui SH.IU.I.

ju win oc a cicy versus ttcpuoiicnii National ountry lineup, and F. D. R. can Chairman Harrison E. Spangler, on omc out on top if he again sweeps the basis of his reports, maintains ny two great urban centers with that Mr.

Roosevelt cannot carry tho lild nlnrnlitipi pities Kn Kiipppcsfiillv ne lio nld old-time pluralities. cities so successfully as he did The states which realistic dopstcsr against Herbert Hoover, Alt Lan- ive to the Democrats in the latest don nnd Wendell Willkie. Washington surveys have two hun- red five electoral votes, with two Palo Alto, Topeka and Elwood, rcs- umdred sixty-six necessary to pcctivcly they were "political nicks" lect. Those believed to lean toward In comparison with the New York he G. O.

P. at the present moment IJL- w. r. iii, uiu pichciiL moment iiiey uaci scant, appeal, lave three hundred twenty-six seats personally or politically, for the the political college which nomi- dwellers of the tenements. At school Gail was shy.

She liked irt, even went lo private art lally chooses our Presidents. It should be recorded here that all orecasts are advanced with the real- zation that the outcome of a great oattle or the size of casualty lists a few days before the polls open may upset all earlier trends. Here are the states generally listed as 'inclining toward the Rhode Island, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Florida. Georgia, North Carolina, South Caroline, school after regular school. And Louisiana, Mississippi, Virginia, Sunday morning she went; as Montana, Nevada, Arizona, New with the gang to Santa Monica Mexico.

Utah. Wyoming. Washing- swim nnt imt rinoa I ton, West Virginia. 3each to swim and cat hot dogs. Cue clay last year a Paramount talent scout.

William Meiklejohn, up a couple of kids hitch- The Republicans concede several of these commomveaths only for purposes of argument. They think 11 LIJJ (I lirui-IJl. Ul Hi J-llCV UI1111K 'liking to the beach. They got to they have a fifty-fifty chance in talking and Meiklejohn said he was Kentucky. Tennessee, Missouri, Ok- I fnlpnf hont- nf lallOlna.

WoQf Trifrriiiin talent scout. "Ever hear of Gail Russell?" one of the tooys said. Mike admitted he had not. "She's Hedy Lamarr of Santa Monica -icach." the other boy said. "There a girl who oughta be in pic- Mike, amused, wrote down her name and where she was going lo school on the back of a match folder.

Next day Gail was working at her drawing board at art school when the teacher brought her a note. It, read: "Please call Mr. Meiklejohn at the Paramount talent department." That's how Gail Russell got in the movies. BONDS Wipe Thar Sneer Off Ris Face! lahoma, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Under certain circumstances they think they might corral Virginia, but seeing will be believing in regard to the Old Dominion.

One classic oration by the renerable carter Glass for F. D. R. would hold the birthplace of previous Presidents in line. private surveys by realists in both camps have one interesting tendency: They credit President Roosevelt with only a single state north of the Potomac River and east of the little Rhode Island! Naturally, Democratic strategists do not subscribe wholeheartedly to this reckoning except in their' desire to be completely hard-boiled in estimating their minimum and maximum chances.

They note, too, that the electoral strength of two or three large states, combined with the two hundred five votes previously allotted to the President, will furnish him with a victorious majority. The electoral ballots of New York, which has forty-seven, and any one of the following- states would give Mr. Roosevelt enough additional votes to land him in the white House again: New Jersey (sixteen); Massachusetts (sixteen Pennsylvania Uhirl.y-fivcl; Illinois Ctweiity eight); Ohio (twenty-five) Michigan (nineteen); California (twenty-five). Indiana, a Democratic prospect with only thirteen, docs not 'quite make the magic combination. Thus, if the Commander in Chief rolls up sufficient support in the vast metropolitan areas in any two cf these commonwealths New York BLAME Republican National Hailing- from such small places as Governor.

They had scant appeal, G. O. look for a Democratic loss in the urban vote because of the greater defections in labor and the colored population among small businessmen, housewives and racial groups resentful of the Administration's foreign policy as it affects their homelands. Indeed, the Republicans attribute the sixty-six thousand term turnout in Wisconsin's Democratic primary to embittered Germans and Poles and kindred elements. Meanwhile, Mr.

Spangler insists that, his Party will garner a far greater pile of important pieces of paper in the agricultural areas than they did in 1932, 1936 1940. The growers blame their lack of machinery and help and failure to get higher prices for their products on the War Production Board, the Manpower Commission and the Office of Price agencies directly responsible to the man in the White House. David Dwight Eisenhower has the same graciousness and kindliness which have helped to make her distinguished husband so successful in the military world. Before leaving Washington to visit a relative in Texas, who is married to a first lieutenant, she learned that their comfortable quarters had been taken over by a superior major. A friend suggested, halt-humorously that she use her influence to oust the invader.

"Ike," she replied, "would kill me it I did anything like that!" -BUY BONDS-LAN 0 BATTLE ABOVE CLOUDS The "Battle Above the Clouds" was fought during- the civil War It was the Battle of Chattanooga, which General Hooker gained the summit of Lookout Mountain The or the World: Tin Tht MAYBE IT'S HERE: Leaves From The Editors Notebook A lot of very choice bunk about the Emperor of Japan is being spread in this country and seems even to have influenced the state department. The argument is that Hirohito is the direct descendant of a line of emperors, which isn't true; that his person has always been sacred, which isn't true; and that a regenerated Japan may "rally' 1 about him after the war. which is improbable. The truth is that the legend of the sacred emperor is a modern invention; that it was combined with the cult of Shlntoism to serve the purposes of Japan's latter-day tycoons and war lords; and that it is tied in with a twentieth century feudal system which makes for slavery and for war. To some extent Hirohito is a victim of the emperor cult.

He didn't climb into the job. He was born into it. But there is no evidence that he has ever clone anything but go along with the Japanese gangsters who surround him. He has been one of the boys in the backroom. He wears uniform, presides at war councils and must have known in advance of every dirty thing- the Japanese army and navy have planned and done since 1931.

We cannot regard him as guilty in the same degree as Hitler. We may suppose that he has been a victim of an unfortunate environment. But we are not called upon to treat him with any more care or respect than any other Japanese who is in arms against us. When Japan surrenders'he should be, like the others, our prisoner. Like the others, ho should cease to command.

We may hesitate to tell Win Japanese What kind of'government they arc to have. We nevertheless owe it to ourselves to tell them that they shall not revive the government which treacherously attacked and butchered our people. We have a right to say that Hirohito must go. There can't be many Americans who don't sooner or later write a letter to a soldier or sailor. The best of such letters tell of what is going on at home.

The serviceman wants to know all about his relatives, friends and neighbors. He would like to know that they are back of him, thinking- of him, doing what they can to help him and not grouching about their own little inconveniences. He wants to feel part of a solid front and home front rolled into one. The treasury department suggests that the serviceman be told of the success of the War Bond drives not the national figures, which he may read about, anyhow, but how they went in the home town. If the town passed its quota he will be proud.

He'll know then that the home folks are backing him up with something besides kind words It's true that they are just lending their money, whereas he is investing his time and risking his skin. But he can be made to understand that they are doing- what they can. Letters to the fighting men might also tell how the Red Cross campaign is going, what is being done to find jobs for discharged soldiers and so on. ice people we will want to make it ice people we will want omake it good news. Our war activities will be carried on in front of the invisible soldier and sailor audience And this very fact ought to stimulate us to a more energetic and unselfish war effort.

UUX 11ONDS OFFICE CAT dkl you shoot your husband bow and arrow. didn't want lo wake tlie children. QUESTION Scclnff women replacing- men In many an occupation Starts a fellow to asking them for a nilionnl explanation What worlt did they do before, and who Now docs what the women used to do. wns Dint Marino you WI.M-O out with last night a lady killer? say he is. Ho starves them to death.

"Don't divorce your wlte," can(ions a writer from Tallahassee, Flu. "Taltc licr a dozen roses. Tlio shock will Kill her, niul you can uie tho roses for tho funeral." far Today By DcWITT MacKENZIK Associated Press War Analyst The kacArthur-Nimitz brother act in New the colorful MacArthur characterizes as Bataah in reverse stole a fair amount of the invasion lime-light at the week-end, though there was enough Allied glory in both European and Pacific theaters to go around. The landing of American troops at Hollandia and Aitape on the north coast of New Guinea advances MacArthur a big step nearer his heart's of i the Philippines. Once Hollandia's air-fields are in our hands, they will provide bases from which our heavy bombers can reach the Philippines.

The landings also isolated another 60,000 Japanese who face annihilation. This makes a total of 140,000 enemy troops which are neutralized in the arch from New Guinea to the lhat are left of the quarter million originally intended for invasion of Australia. Over on this side of the world German military experts profess to believe the invasion of France can come at any time so do a lot of other folk. One of the most encouraging developments is the Allied announcement in London predicting early (instruction of the Nazi air force. The attack on the Nazi aircraft industry, now reaching a climax, is termed a success, though "not yet a complete one." For three months the German fighter force has lost more planes than its plants could manufacture.

This doesn't mean that the Hit- lerites aren't holding- a considerable fleet in reserve for defense on D- day. They dare not face the opening of the invasion without it, and may bo expected to fling everything they have into the air when the big show starts. Hitler's newspaper, Volkisscher Bcobachter, believes the Russians are preparing a new offensive which will synchronize With the invasion of Western Europe, and takes the grim view that the "Reich faces the hardest and bloodiest battles of all time this summer. Leaves From A BONDS So They Say Toclav we arc on Germany's 20- yard line, about midfielcl on the other (Pacific) front, and we have to produce and deliver the number of men and amount of materials required to make the Lieut. Gen.

Brehon B. Somervell, army services forces chief. The magnitude of our total war production is now equal to the combined war output of the rest of the world. War Manpower Director Paul V. McNutt.

Unless management and labor can devise the instruments for pa- War Hotebook By GEORGE TUCKER (Substituting for Mali Boyle) WITH ThE FIF-TH IN ITALY, April 14 "Quigley's Kraut Killers'," are a force of big-boned men with 1. Q. who hold part of the American sector of the main fifth army line. They are a mechanized cavalry unit maintained contact itfith enemy troops 37 consecutive clays, and are commanded by G.apt, Hugh is. Qulg- ley of Nutley, N.

Who swears occasionally but doesn't smoke. "When my men close with the Krauts they beat their brains out," said Quigley. "They just naturally like to fight. There's not a weak sister in the outfit." Quigley said his men fought together naturally and rely so impli- cily on each other that they'are able to live almost normally relaxed lives except when in actual com- bpt, although their positions are so advanced they can practically look down the Germans' throats. Two -of Quigley's best men are Sgt.

T. Riley, Watervliet, N. and Sgt. Harry "Happy" Lang, Everett, Mass. "These are my two fightin' Irish," Quigley said.

"Lang, tell 'im about the last Kraut you got." Lang, a blue-eyed ex-welder from the Boston navy yard, Shrugged and said, "it wasn't much. We were out on a daylight mission creeping through ft draw. Our advance man said ho heard somebody cough, but we kept on and pretty soon fire from all directions broke out. Spine of the fire was coming from a hay- stnck. So I took aim and dropped a grenade on it.

The boys said the Kraut kicked a little." Rilcy, who exchanged the life of a sports store clerk for the army, said, "the only time I'm bothered 'is just before we hit 'cm. The uncertainty is terrific. But as soon as the shooting starts I'm O. cific settlement of disputes, the public will rightly soon settlement by legislative A. Johnston, president U.

S. C. of C. They i Jap prisoners) seem to cn- ioy our menus, our soap and water. There was an atmosphere of contentment such as you might find in the Army and Navy club after the day's work is Gen.

Bass E. Rowel 1, back from Bougainville. It is utterly ridiculous at this stage of the war to have married men telling their families goodby, siving up their jobs and selling their businesses, only to be told the day it was all a mistake and that they will not be needed. Robert A. Taft of Ohio.

ACTRESS War Savings Bonds Stamps Peter Edson's Column: DEAR C.I.O.-WITH LOVE, A. F. OF L. rromlmim Our willlr cot rimiK CcmiMiiMnlatiiih" al Hi, O'lliill Well, Ain't It Ire nl Mon Will Try Agqin After 34 Yeqrs DALLAS, April 22. Thirty four years ago, Martin Jones of Nac- ogdoche.s was an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor.

Today he announced he wjll again Peek npm- ination in the I9li primaries. "In 1910 i advocated wpman suffrage," he' said in his announcement. "I now think that the women al of Texas should be given the right they. BO desire," By I'ETKIl KDSON The Piimpa News Washington Correspondent Labor leaders frequently protest that the so-called "capitalist-own- cd-and-controlled doesn't irrint the truth about labor to give the working people the true facts of life. Taking a leaf from this book of precepts, it behooves every person who would be well informed to scan the A.

F. of L. and the C. I. O.

press clip sheets and handouts from time to time to see which way the fur flies. The two top editors and public relations experts for these outfits are Phil Pearl for the A. F. of L. and Len De Caux for the C.

I. O. Both have offices in Washington, both used to be newspapermen themselves, both are well and favorably known to the minions of the capitalist press, both are nice guys. They are even friends, and collaborate on many joint labor publicity stunts. Also both write col iimns for their house Hibor newspapers.

PEARLS TROW PEARL If there is anything to this line that only the labor press teJJs the truth, you would therefore expect to find the pure truth, the unvarnished truth! the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the' writings of these two columnists. On this assumption; we shift you now to our listening post in the American Federation of Labor News Service. The next words you read will be -a selection from the column, "Facing- the Facts With Philip Pearl." Mr. Pearl; "No matter how clear, consistent and forthright the policies of the American Federation of Labor may be, the Communist brain trusters in the C. I.

O. and their brothers in intellectual pansyism on the Daily Worker find no difficulty in distorting and r.iisiiitferpreling them. "That's no trick at all for these poys for they have been trained in a school of mental prestidigitation which can denounce the war one day as a sordid imperialistic struggle and embrace the cause of the United Nations next day as holy cnisade for freedom. "With the same magic, the C. I.

O. Communists manage to slap the in -the south with one hand and grasp the paw of Frank Hague with the other. "Caught right in the midst pt villifying the Badoglio regime in Italy by Stalin's sudden recognition of that regime, the C. I. O.

Com- with reptilian euse, squirmed out of the hole and found complete justification for Soviet Russia's action. "How such completely unprincipled and thoroughly hypporitjcal puppets of Moscow pan ever hope to turn the "wprkere of this cou'ntry against the American Federation of Labor, is beyond its." That, ladies and gentlemen, was Mr. Philip Pearl of the A. F. of SAVINGS IVY Dli CAUX We shift you now to the C.

I. O. Union News Service. The next words you read will be a selection from Ihe column. "Looking Ahead," by Len De Caux.

Mr. De Caux: "This column lias always been kind to misunderstood A. F. of L. leaders.

"We know that prainlcss bluster, pigheadedness, emotional tantrums ind apparently aimless malice arc often symptoms' of Some psychological maladjustment. "We can appreciate the inferiority complex that must, develop in those who vainly seek to compete with such a vigorous and modern movement as the C. I. O. "Most of the aging hierarchy of the A.

F. of L. executive council is as much out of step with its; own rank and file as it is with the times. "The scurrilous abuse of the I. the disruptive attacks on labor unity, the 'kowtowing to reaction that mark so many statements issued in the name of 1 the 'A.

F. of represent that movement about as much as Hitler represents the American people." Ladies and gentlemen, you have just read two examples of fearless, honest journalism as practiced 'Qy the labor press. 1 You are urged to eycry word of it, because labor newspapers say they don't print anything that isn't so. A THOUGHT Do more Ilian Mist Do nioi'e than touch Feel Do more than look Observe Do more limn listen Understand Do morn than think Ponder THE STORY OF TWO GIRLS Mary man-led money, and I married love; Mfiry HHW mazunm, I caw stars above. Mnry rides In taxis, I ride tho bus.

Her man's a mino'a name is Gns. Mai'y'a face looks weary, her eyes aro old as time; My love's worth a million, and her'i not ivortli a Jordan BONDS- RATION CALENDAR 1111 APRIL Hit 1 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 1)1 SO 21 22 24 25 il) 27 28 20 1)11 MAY 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 (Hy Tile AaaocUuuU 1'rcsa) Hy Tht 1 Cress Meats, Pats, four red stamps A8 through Q8 valid indefinitely. Red stamps R8, S8 and T8 will be valid May 7 and good indefinitely. Processed four blue stamps A8 through KB now valid indefinitely. Blue stamps L8, M8, P8 and Q8 valid May 1 and good Indefinitely.

four stamps 30 and 31 valid for five pounds indefinitely. Stamp 40 goo'd for five pounds for home canning through Feb. 28, 1945. One stamp 18 valid through April 30. Book three airplane stamp 1 valid indefinitely.

Airplane stamp '2 becomes' valid May 1 and'w')ill be good indefinitely. coupons far three gallons -through 31. B-g, B-3, 0-2, and 0-3 coupons good for five gallons. HORIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured screen actress 10 Perform 13 Huge 14 Simplicity 15 Fish eggs 16 Mother 17 Hen producis 18 Near 19 International language 21 Golf term 23 Be sick 25 Laughter sound 27 Part of circle 29 Friend 30 Narrates 32 Eradicate 34 Each (abbr.) 35 Ocean (abbr.) 36 Peruses 39 Animal 42 Tavern '43 Enemy agent 44 Paid notice 45 Mimic 47 Unusual 49 Id cst (abbr.) 50 Chaldean city 51 Downpour 54 Like 56 Dance step 58 She- is a star 59 Love 02 High card 63 Harvest 61 Species of "poplai VERTICAL Egypt (abbr.) 2 Long Island (abbr.) 3 Sweet potato 4 Fastener 5 And (Latin! 6 Barrel 7 Annoy Bones 9 Xenon (symbol) 10 Skill 11 Company (abbr.) 12 Tellurium (symbol) 17 Erbium (symbol) 18 Morindin dye 19 Rodent 20 Native metal 22 Donkey 24 Frozen water 25 Possesses 26 Beverage 28 Tidy 29 Treaties 31 Boy 33 Decay 36 Narrow inlet 37 Finish 38 Dine 39 Elderly 40 Roof fim'a. 41 Grain 45 Measure of area 46 Great Lake 47 Upon 48 Fathers 50 Employ 52 Winglike part 53 Urchin 55 Soak up 56 Pennsylvania (abbr.) 57 Alternating current (abbr.) 58 French (abbr.) 59 Rough lava 60 Musical, note 61 Half an em SIDE GLANCES ore "If you're drafted, George, don't you dare ask Ul "16.

very WeJU you can'l to be.

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