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The St. Joseph Weekly Gazette from St. Joseph, Missouri • 7

St. Joseph, Missouri
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THE ST. JOSEPH WEEKLY GAZETTE, FBIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBEB 29, 1899. IXGAI. HGUINBLDO QHLY TGQL DEWEY QLflD TO BE HUE Rear Admiral Sampson and his staff went aboard. They were received by Admiral Dewey, Captain Lambevton, Lieutenant Brumby aad the officer of the deck, the full marine guard and und being paraded.

i The officers went I to the admiral's cabin. Rear Admiral Sampson said that he was delighted with the evident good health of Admiral Dewey, and he told the admiral that looked much younger than most of the portraits made him out to be. Rear Admiral Sampson remained on board for more than hour, and after returning: to the Dolphin he said: i "Admiral Dewey is delighted, as is time. They are a very queer people a very queer mixture. Many of them are quite civilized and good people, but I do not think they are fit for self-government just yet.

But1 when I say that I must add at the same time that it is my candid opinion they are more fitted frr it than the Cubans, that they are a better people than the Cubans in every way. I do wish, however, that the whole business was settled, and I think that after a little the Filipinos will take kindly to us." ft was suggested to the admiral that the Democratic slate had been settled with Admiral Dewey for the presidency and General Wheeler for the vice presi-tlency. "Well," said the admiral, "we should make a pretty mess of it. General Wheeler, of course, has had some training in the political school, but then he is a West Pointer. I had forgotten that.

He would want to run everything as he would a regiment, and, of course, would make a splendid mess of it. You cannot run a government as you would a regiment." "Well, admiral," suggested the reporter, "it would not be such a change from the ship Olympia to the ship of state." "Yes," said he admiral, "it would be a very great change. I dm not politician; I am a sailor: my training has The first critical period in a "woman's life comes at the passing of her girlhood. How to preserve the daughter's health at this crisis is the problem that confronts ever) mother of girls. Mrs.

J. MRiggs, of Car-terville, solved the problem. She says: 'My daughter Joslo durinf the winter of 1S37-1, sutrered complete breakdown in littulib. btie van thin end pale, had no appetite, and hi weak that the was unable to walk to schooL Those who knew her condition suij tbat nhe waa In the firt 6tages of consumption. Shortly atter school cloeed, on tue advice of a neighbor, we began giving her lr.

Williams' Tink Tills for Pale People The effect on her condition was marvelous. Before she had taken a box her condition was improved, and she kept on paining appetite, strength and llesa until Bhe was ent Irely well, "She took three bottles of the pills and to-day there is not a healthier, more robust looking girl in Carterrille. She is tieahierand healthier than ever before la her life." Mrs. J. M.

Riggs. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this 15th day of October, 1S9S. Wm. Wolcott, Notary From the Journal, Carterville, Mo. in low One i Saved lj i Dr.

Williams Pink mu for Tale Teople contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases us locomotor tax Li, partial pnralysia, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia rheumatism, nervons headache, the after-effects of la srrippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms ot weakness either in male or female. Or. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pals People are nser sold by the dozen er hundred, but alwsts in pack-Egos.

Atall druggists, or direct from the Or. Williams Medicine Company. SchenecUdy, N. E0 cents per box, 6 boxes S2.SQ. ADMIRAL DEWEY TALKS OF PHILIPPINE AFFAIRS.

FILIPINOS NOT CAPABLE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT. The Insurgent Leader is a Good Fellow Was Formerly a Naval Yard Clerk He is Being Used by a Clique of Lawyers Filipinos Are Above the Cubans in Political Intelligence The Admiral Tells How the Archbishop of Manila Changed His Mind About American Sailors. New York, Sept. 20. The Evening Post prints the following interview with Admiral Dewey: "They are a splendid the admiral said, speaking of his men.

"The very pick, the finest in our navy, and that means the best in 4he world. Before I got to Manila, the archbishop, with whom I afterward became very intimate, said that the American sailors were the scum of the earth, a bloodthirsty lot of cutthroats, who would destroy everything in their path. "Later on when I did get there," said the admiral with a knowing smile, "the archbishop came on board one day while I had a battalion at drill, the very same battalion that will parade in New York. The archbishop went on the tiridge and watched them closely. I knew he was admiring them, and I said to him: "'Well, what do you think of our American 'They are he said, 'I have seen the men of most navies, but never anything like these.

They are magnificent. I cannot understand it such splendid young fellows. How does it said the admiral, 'we look for the best men, we come closer to our men, we treat them better than other countries do, and we pay them "Then I called a man and said to him, 'how much do you get a "He saluted and said, The archbishop was astonished. You know $80 would pay a whole ship load of Spaniards. "After that the archbishop had a very decent respect for us and became very friendly.

Here I have a picture of General Luna, which was given to me by the archbishop." The admiral then sent an orderly for the picture of the Philippine general who was 'murdered by order of Aguinaldo, as he said. The picture was that of a negro in a sort of military uniform. On the back was an inscription in Spanish to the archbishop of Manila, Father Iiei-nardino Mesalado. It was signed by Luna. Admiral Dewey then said thut Lima was the best man the Filipinos had.

"It was a plot," he said, "to assassinate him. A crack swordsman was placed as sentry, and when Luna appeared he simply stabbed him. But these fellows all." said the admiral, "are a queer lot. They were simply servants and stable men, and Aguinaldo was a junior clerk in the navy yard. He is a pretty smart fellow.

I know him pretty well. In fact wt were great friends. There- are people behind him, some of them lawyers and able fellows, who make a tool of Aguinaldo. Here, by the way, is a cane whic he presented to me," and the admiral produced a thick black stick carved and resembling Irish bog oak more than anything else. "I said the admiral, "that this thing in the Philippines would be over long before this, as it should have been.

I can't imagine how thes have stood on: until now. Of course, there was the rainy season, and I suppose little was done. One great trouble out there has been that General Otis has tried to do too much. I told aim so. He wants to be general, governor, judge ard everything else, to have hold ef all the irons.

man can do that. This is the great trouble. It is enough for a man to do one thing, to be one thing, but when a man tries to do everything and be everything, it is easy to imagine the resu't. "The fight in the Philippines should be easily ended. The people ben so badly treated for such a length ef time by the Spaniards that they are distrustful.

is the great difficulty in dealing with them. Where we have met them and they have been in sii2h trn-tact with us as to learn that v- mean to treat them well; where they have Kern that we mean what we say, there is no trouble. They stand by all the time. All of them will learn this in time They will get from under the imluenee of Aguinaldo. or rather those people viho are behind Aguinaldo, who as I said before, is a mere tool.

"Do I think the Filipinos are fit for eelf-government? Well, no; not just row. They prooably will be in a little WHEN IN DOUBT Executor's Sal. Wherea Daniel Jones, lat of the County of Huchanan ard State of Missouri, t-Mate the owner ef certain jK-rsonal prop-t-rly and swixfd in it-- of the- foUowinK tie-tfcriVd real estate liuate In said cour.tjr of Ituchanan. o-U: The North-et Quarter of -ction Kmhten Kitty-live lUnge Thkty-Mx (S). Als the llist half ot the Quarter ct Section Tiurte-n Toni.ip lU.ige Th-rty-seven where salj testator loqijp.iihel tt hi wife KKsateih Jo of Mi I property for the term cf her natural hl.

eilree ting that the S-ii 1 property be ol after her drain, at public outcry, at th late reFidenee of alJ te'Slator. hi Kx cvutor, anl the thereof eJistntx UteJ to his hc's. And whereas sreld KUah-th Jorse ha s'lii-e this life. Now, there for, by virtue of the iwer au-l authority veste.I In me as Kxeeutnr of the will said Da nie: Jones, tlee ise-d. I wiU at l.i late te-sM'ni- one hiiJ Kasi of the Tjwn of liushvir.e- in salt on Tursday.

the Vih iy of tV-tobrr. pc9. ln-twcrn the hcurs o'clock' A. XI. and o'clock 1.

II. ot that ei.iy .1 at pub'-lo for cash to the h'ght 1I4-dT ail the alove rval and p-rona prop consisting of hoiiwhold and furniture. ALFIIKD It. JONKS. 9-S-t-J.

Executor. Order of Publication. In the Ituehanan County Crrcuit Court. the term thereof. A.

I. State Missouri, founty -f ts. Dora vs. W. K.

Now at this Jay came the plalmiff ty he-r attorm ard It appearing to the of th- of the circuit e-ourt in V. K. i'aimer is a iin ie-si-oVnt of the Slate of and nut reside therein. It is eroVrei that r.m-resu'ionl eli lYn.J.iiit uotilirel publication, as reqiiire-l by law. that p.ainlitS has eomnn-nreil her suit in this court against defendant by anl affidavit, the object anj Kn-ral nature of which is to obtain a de.reee of civoro-i upon the Krounus of non-suppcri an.i wilful desertion, that unless the saij W.

I'almrr shall In and app-ar at the next term of this court, to be he-mm and hl 1 at the court in the city ef iainl Jo seph. in liuchanan County, in the iiate ee Missouri. c.n the Ivh day or September. K-9 en or the thir day cf s-alJ term to answer plaintiff's petition the same hH be taken for corfsr. as to and Judgment rendeTe-1 accordingly.

It is fun he-r ordered, that it eopv of Ms ord-r le published I.i The Joseph We-ekly Uextie. aC newspaper published in the County of Ituchanan. for tour weeks this last insertion which lo at It-ast tiflrer days the iie-xt resular term cf tblaj court. A copy. Attest JOHN T.


Deputy Clerk, J. X. WALK EH. Attorney for Kalntiff. Administrator's Notice.

Notice Is hereby given that letters of ad ministration ujon the estate of EUzabetb Jone-s. deceased, have tt3 printed to th undersigned, by the prcbate court of Ituchanan county. Missouri, bearing date oi the day of -August. All having claims asainst estate are re, quired to the-ni to me fcr within one jear from date of sai Utters, or they may 1 precluded from any benefit of such estate; and If sail claims be not exhibited within two year from the date of the piiblicatioa tfc; notice, they lll be forever twirrel. A.

T. JONES. 9-19-1 td-Siw. Administrator. Public Administrator's Notice.

Notice is hereby given that the! public administrator in and for thai county t.f Huchanpn. ftate of Missouri, ha by v.rtue of an crder of the probate court of sal I county. made and entered of reeorj on the 1.1th day of June. taken charge of the estate of John A. Webb, deceased.

All persons having eUlni said estate are required to legally exhibit them to tne wi.Mn one year the el ite of said crder. or they mr precluded from any lie lit of pticti estate; and If said claims tte not io an presented to the court for a'lowacce two years from sell elate, they ml'l ba forever barred. JAMES A. KlliSOX. I'ubl'c Administrator.

Administrator's Notice Is hereby siren that letters ef administration upon the etate of Kl'zVoetlt Dillon, oeoe aH-d. hve been granted to tha ur de-rsigned. by the probate court cf Buchanan county. Missouri, bearing e'ate ot the day cf August. AH persona b.iwne claim acainst sal I estate are re-eiuired to them to me for allow ance.

within one year frcm d.itee of saM letters, or tluy may be preud-d from any l-netit of noh estate; and if lie not exhibited two ears from the da'e or the ju of 111 notice, thev will le forever oarre wim.iam f. Johnson. t-t-ll w. A Imin'strator. Public Administrator's Notice.

Notice is hereby given that the underpinned pub.ic administrated in and for the' county of Huchanan. stale Missouri, has by virtue of an orler the probate coins of said county, duly in.t le and e-n-t-red cf record the 2th day of June. 1. taken charge of the estate of John II. Rose, deceased.

AH having against sa'd t-stale are to legally uhlliii them to me wJttin nn year from the dale of said order, er they may lie precluded frm any liemf.t of s-ich estate; and if said claims be not exhiblt'd and presented to the court foe within I wo year from yal I elate, they wiil be forever Kirrtd. JAMES A. C.Ii:.ON. PuMT Administrator. Executor's Notice.

Notice Is hereby given that letters testa-m-ritary upen ihe estate of liar.rben "elece.isel. have luin granted to the rnde-rs'gned. by the proSate court of Itu? e-hatt i-i county. Ml-ourI. In-aring elate the '24th Jay of Ausn-t.

I'S. Ail person having c'aims aahi'l sail e-siate tre le-qiKred to exiiiblt item lo me for allowance, it i in one year fre.m date of Habl letters, or they may ii preclvjde-il frem any benefit tf Fin'h estate: and if said claims not exhibited two yearn from the date of tb publication of this notice-, they will le forever barred. MOSES C. STRAl'S. MEYER K.

STKAI S. Executors of Id Etate. WANTED Two traveling salesmen In each south rn state. Exje-rl-n-e not absolutely ne-e-essary. Permanent For uirtlrti'ar a.l-ir- Foe lw.r'as Tobacco Works Itedford City.

V.i. -l-lt i TWENTY FA TIM 5s In Anirfw eourty, Missouri, for sale. Write rtot-her A WiU iiams. Savannah. for and prices.

You cun't afford to buy until you ec their bargain courier. 1-i-d-w-li. Tbxdikceidr.ff. SbottbanJ. Typewrltlrc.

English LrancfcM. Telegraphy, ct lowest rates. Fall terra be cii.s September 4th. Catalogue free. E.

E. FrtrcT3L Seventh and Felix St. Joseph. Ma. Our frtioo BirB DH2DER L.

UBAIII. world. Prices wtd or- 11 vf 1 tram Chirac. Omb 1 Ha It a La ef m. Poi.

lelrd. Writ far frmm aa4 Wl BCITSOBltT WAE3 JL C0n CMiUtO BUT PREPARATIONS FOR HIS RE CEPTION SADDEN HIM. THE IMMENSITY OF THEM GREAT SURPRISE. Admiral Dewey Looks Well, But Says it is Not Good for a Man to Live Twenty-Three Months Aboard Ship He Refuses to Stand for Any Alleged Interviews on Politics or Philippine Affairs The Olympia Looks as Bright as a Yacht Sir Thomas Lipton Had a 15-Minute Talk With the Admiral. New York, Sept.

20. Admiral George Dewey arrived Off New York at dawn and the Olympia is now anchored in American waters in the light of Sandy Hook. The first shout of welcome was from the pilots and crew of pilot boat No. 7, fifteen miles south of the hook lightship. It happened to be Pilot John Peterson's turn, and at 5:50 a.

m. he was put on board the Olympia and brought her around the hook and into the lower bay. The marine observers along the coast had sighted the Olympia in the first light of the morning. The shore batteries of Fort Hancock, manned by gunners called from break fast, let loose 17 guns. The flagship replied with 21 and let go her anchors not far from where the cup challenger Shamrock is moored.

The admiral was in his own country again, atter twenty-tnree montns absence. He had returned with the arduous greatness of things done," and he scarcely seemed to realize it. The pilot had brought aboard the Sun day papers, and a reporter of tffe Associated Press was received by the ad miral in a cabin littered by the illustrated Dewey editions, which, together with hundreds of pages in black and white and in colors, all concerning the reat admiral and the preparations to receive him. "It almost saddens me," he said, "to see what my people are doing for me. The pride and gratification is immense and I cannot express the appreciation I feel.

I did not know, I did not real ly perceive until this morning the splendid welcome that my countrymen are giving me. The governors of many states are coming to see me, and troops from Florida, Georgia and other far away states are on their way to take part in receiving me. The admiral stroked the head of a tawney-haired dog, the chow dog of a Chinese breed that appears in the illustrated interviews with the admiral. "Hob, here," he said, "is not el. He yearns to be ashore.

He is sick to get a little grass and to scamper around. I feel a good deal that way myself. I am mighty glad to get home. It is not good for a man any more than a dog to live on shipboard for twenty-three months." The admiral said that he felt tired, but he did not look so. His complexion is a clear bronze, his hazel eyes bright, his beiring brisk and rather jaunty.

Some dep lines are under his eyes and around his mouth, but his voice is singularly clear and pleasant. Tiie admiral's whole presence is more of a man in his fullest powers. His manner is gentle and kind, but lie is exceedingly wary, and did not permit himself to -wander off into politics or to express' those positive views he no doubt holds about the Philippines and American affairs there. His attention was brought to interviews in which he is described as goin rather fully into the character of the Filipinos and their fitness for self-government. "I cannot stand for any interview giving my opinions on political subjects and the Philippines.

I disown any views ascribed to nie on those subjects." Alluding to his arrival two days ahead of the time he was expected Admiral Dewey said: "I am sorry 1 am ahead of the schedule. The Olympia has been steaming at the uniform rate of ten knots an hour since we left Gibraltar. Several days ago we knew that we would arrive before Thursday unless we moderated our speed or went somewhere out of our course. Captain Lamberton, Lieutenant Brumby and I held a consultation. The propriety of running into Hampton Roads or some other port in the south was spoken of, but we concluded that we oiht not to touch land first anywhere except at New York.

It was suggested that we cruise some distance outside of New-York harbor until Thursday, but we knew that if we did that we would be discovered and reported. The weather looked a little squally, and it seemed better to be inside the Hook than outside: but the consideration that really decided us to come into port was to give Captain Lamberton a chance to clean up the ship before our voyage up the harbor. Captain Lamberton and I are very proud of the Olympia, and we wanted enough time at our anchorage to rub her down and to make her look spick and span." The Olympia looks as smart now a yacht. The anchors were hardly down before details of the crew were washing the ship's white sides and touching up tue stains wnn paint. The admiral's first business was to send an officer ashore with telegrams for the navy department, M.iyor Van Vyck and General Butterficld.

announc mg the arrival. He then spent most of the morning in looking over newspaoers and receiving reporters. He just finishing a mid-day breakfast when Sir Thomas Lipton called on him. With Sir Thomas were Dr. Mackay and other iting Englishmen.

"I suppose you have come for tea" said Admiral Dewey, referring to Sir Thomas' gift of five pounds if tea to each man on the ship while at Colombo. "No, you're welcome to that i anybody can drink it," replied Sir Thomas. The admiral and the owner of the cup challenger had a talk. As Sir Thomas and his friends loft the ')ij nipla a half hundred of the ship's crew forward cheered the baronet. "You couldn't stop 'em," cried cut Admiral Dewey, waving his hand at Sir Thomas Lipton.

"They hadn't any orders to do that." Admiral Dewey then had a succession of notable caliers. Rear Admiral J-ainp-son, with Captain Chadwiek. his chief of staff, and Lieutenant Commander Wlns-lovv. his flag lieutenant, came on the Dolphin. When the dispatch boat was a mile away it began tiring an admiral's salute and the Olympia replied with a rear admiral's salute of thirteen guns.

The Dolphin anchored near the Olympia and everyone aboard, to i reach his native shores again. He is much moved by the great kindness and nenthusiasm of the people, and though shrinking from too much ceremony and public display, feels deeply the regdrd of which these are the outcome. In fact, he feels and expresses himself precisely as a man of his fine and modest temperament may be expected to do. The country honors in him these fine qualities as well as those sterner ones which have given him his fame." Rear Admiral Sampson had first learned cf Admiral Dewey's arrival at the Brooklyn navy yard, where he went about 10 o'clock to see Rear Admiral Phillip. Soon after Rear Admiral Sampson had gone.

Rear Admiral Phillip voyaged down the bay in the Narkeeta and made an official call, attended by Commander J. D. Kelley. The rear admhal's salute was not iired in this case by request of Rear Admiral Phillip. Admiral Dewey received these official visits- in undress uniform.

Dr. Sanborn, of the ejort physicians' staff, visited the Olympia and looked at her papers. Eleven of the crew of men have typhoid fever. Some of the cases aie convalescent, and all of them are of a mild type, according to Dr. Percy, the ship's surgeon.

No one has died of the fever and with this exception the sailors and marines are well. Dr. is unable to account for the presence of the fever on the ship. The cases are not numerous or serious enough to cause him alarm, and is probable that the men will be taken ashore to a hospital tomorrow. George Bidwell.

collector of the port, Postmaster Vancott and several of the customs officials visited the admiral and were personally conducted around the ship by him. All day tugs, sail boats and excuvsion steamers came up near the Olympia and took a look at her. Everybody who asked was permitted to come aboard. Some of the parties of sightseers on launches and steamers were invited by the officer of the deck come up the gangway. The Olympia's anchorage was rather a lonely place, and altogether not a great many vessels made a point of going there.

It is, however, near the main ship channel. The North German Lloyd steamer Saale, outward bound, passed close to the Olympia. The Saale passengers crowded to the rail. Admiral Dewey responded to waving pocket handker chiefs by lifting his cap several times. The Saale's band played the "Star Spangled Banner" and the dipped her flag.

The Cunarler Urmia passed out half an' hour afterwards. She fired seventeen sisnal bombs. Ad miral Dewey directed the Olympia's band to play "God Save the Queen. The admiral about o'clock returned Sir Thomas Upton's visit. Lieutenant Bromley and the son.

George G. Dewey, were with him. Sir Thomas met the admiral at starboard gangway with his frjejids." and the entire party went to the after cabin, where the health of the Admiral, the Shamrock, and. of eours the Columbia were drank amid enthusiasm. The admiral remained on board for nearly half an hour, and then started for his ship.

The Erin's crew began to cheer, and as his launch drew away the entire ship's company, guests, officers, crew, servants, Cingalese arid all, led by Sir Thomas, with a hip, hip, hip, gave three honest cheers, the kind the admiral heard from the British warships in Manila bay. Admiral Dewey waved his gold bound cap like a school boy as he stood on the railing of his little white canopied launch, being given a hearty welcome at his own home by a hundred foreigners. Admiral Dewey, unless his plans shall be changed by the reception committee, expects to bring the Olympia up the lower bay and anchor inside the harbor with the squadron of United States warships of Tonipkinrvllle, of which squadron he is now in superior command. Central Hotex. 5est $1.00 a day accommodations in the city, 207 North Sixth, near corner Francis street.

Departments for Philippines. Washington, Sept. 20. It has been definitely determined to create four departments in the Philippines, as outlined in these dispatches a few days ago. The latest plan contemplates two departments in the island of Luzon, one taking in Manila and its environs and extending north, covering the territory occupied by General MacArthur.

The other department probably will be in the north of the island, with headquarters on Lingayen bay. Each of these departments in Luzon will be under a major general. A department probably will be established covering the Vizayan group of islands and another the Sulu group. Through the enterprise of Mr. Thomas Beecham proprietor of the world renowned Btecham's Pills, photo-folios of public buildings, natural scenery, of the British Isk-s now be obtained for the nominal price of cents from the International News company, Duane street, New York city.

To those who have not visited the places of historic irlt-rest which are portrayed in these books, the photographs will be of extreme interest: England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales have all received their attention at Mr. Bcech-am's hands, and iuv book will prove very interesting aruj'jnstructive. graduate: PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COLLEGE IT WITHTATiV WORK TEL.526 S. V. Cor.

6th EDmOflD 3 been all that way. I 'am at home on board my ship. I know my business, or at least should know it, and I do not want to mix up in the affairs of government. I am perfectly satisfied to live and die a simple sailor, who tries to do his duty. Iam not politician.

I cannot mak? a speech even. I wish I could, but I have to be content tvith my lot." Some said just then to the admiral that his son was reported to have made a statement to the effect that his father was a dyed-in-the-wool Republican. The admiral laughed outright and turning around, pointed to' a piec6 of wood laying on the deck some yards away, at the same time saying: "My son knows as much about what my politics are as that piece of stick." The admiral would not say a word about the alleged interference of the German admiral. Diederich, at Manila. The Dewey Heme Fund.

Washington, Sept. 2. The total subscription to the Dewey home fund are Among recent contributions are Joseph Pulitzer of New York, $1,000. H. W.

Corbett of Oregon, Senator James McMillan of Michigan, $roo. J. G. Schmidlapp of Cincinnati, Whitelaw Reid, New York, $500. Chicago firemen, $418.

Chicago police, $82. Welcomed by Secretary Long. Washington, Sept. 20. The naval department has sent the following formal message of welcome to Admiral Dewey: "Navy Department, Washington, Sept.

20. Admiral George Dewey, Sandy Hook: "The department is happy to learn of your safe arrival and extends to you and your officers and crew the most cordial welcome. (Signed.) "JOHN D. LONG." In Honor of Dewey's Arrival. San Francisco, Sept.

20. The arrival of Admiral Dewey in New York was observed in all of the large cities and towns in this state by the flying of flags, the firing of cannon and the ringing of fire bells. At Sacramento, the state cap ital, the admiral's salute was fired by the order of Governor Gage, and there were other demonstrations in honor of the returned admiral and his flag-ship. Notified of Dewey's Arrival. Washington.

Sept. 20. Admiral Dewey has reported to the navy department the arrival of the Olympia off Sandy Hook. The following has been received at the navy department: Sandy Hook, N. Sept.

20. Secre tary Navy, Washington: Olympia will go to Tompkinsville tomorrow. "DEWEY." Tompkinsville is the anchorage for na val vessels off Staten Island. Independenice Hall Bell Rang. Philadelphia.

Sept. 20. The big bell in the tower of Historic Independence hall rang out a salute at 2 o'clock this af ternoon in honor of Admiral Dewey's ar rival heme. Mayor Ashbridge ordered the ringing of the bell, and seventeen strokes, the admiral's salute, were tolled. National Prison Congress.

Hartford, Sept. 20. At today's session of the National Prison congress J. J. Lyttle of Philadelphia read the re port of the standing committee on dis charged prisoners.

Warren F. Spauld-ing of Boston read a paper on "The Treatment of Criminals." F. H. Mills, superintendent of industries of the state of New York, made an address on pris on work in New York. Secretary Milli gan read extracts from a paper, giving a brief sketch of the pauper, reforma tory and penal institutions of Maryland, written by G.

B. Griffith. 1 Fight May Start Any Minute. Pittsburg, Sept. 20.

The situa tion in Clay county is very serious. The trial of the Griffins, Chadvvells and Bar- netts for the killing of Wash Thacker, was again postponed today. Two bands of forty men each of the Philpots went to Manchester, all heavily armed, this morning. An unexpectedly large force of Griffins are near the town well equipped with Winchester rifles. DR.

E. J. WALSH. Late of Chicaeo. Formerly President of St Anthony's Hospital.

Consumption, Eheurcatlsai, Neuralgia, Dys an liiooa, biver ana tv.inuey Diseases. Womb. Ovaries. Bladder, Kidneys, Nervous sts, entrance on Francis. St.

JoseDb. Mo. gram for Friday, the naval parade except the last detail, which was that he shoulj spend Friday night at the Waldorf-Astoria. He aid: "I will stay on board the ship thit night. Now.

I understand that the committee has done away with the Saturday bieakfast, and that you want to start early on the following morning you want to start before i-reakfast." Mr. Foster here explained that arrangements had been made for a luncheon on board the mayor's steamer. "That is very nice, very satisfactory. I understand I am expected at the city hall at i o'clock." said Admiral D-wey. "Would it be convenient to come lo New York in your own launch or one of the city's boats?" inquired General Carroll.

"My launches are slow. Besides, it might be a ba day and the launch might be washed from the craft In the harbor," replied the admiral. "How about the crew of this shin?" quickly inquired Admiral Dewey. "How will they get ashore? I've got three hundred anil fifty rmn here and they all want to go, and how will they get over from where we are anchored?" Mr. McAdoo explained that the city would supply boats for the transfer.

"That is all right." said the admiral with a smile, "that will be very satisfactory. The men can bo ashore In the morning. I've arrived here a few day in advance of the time." he continued, "but I thought it would be better to be a few days ahead of time than one day behind." soothingly said the admiral to the committee. "You know the state I came from. We have to scratch uravel in Vermont.

I thought it would lie better to spend two or three days lnide here. If we were one day behind it might upset some of the arrangemc nts. I have made it a custom In life to try to be two or three days ahead inte.ij of an hour behind." A suggestion having been made that the admiral come ashore before the celebration, he interrupted the speaker, say-in-: "I shall remain on board this ship until Friday morning, when the mayor calls." The committee, after a brief personal that, withdre and returned to shore. General Heth Dead. Washington.

Sept. Ceneral Henry Heth, the Confederate chieftain and historian, elkd at his home in this citv today of Brlght's disease. The end hid been expected hourly for several weeks. General Henry Heth was one of the most conspicuous chieftains In the Con-ffderate service. He was a native of Virginia ami was born in He was graduated from West Point In 1M7.

In 1S.V he was made a captain in the Tenth Infantry. With the outbreak of the civil war. he allied himself with the Confederates. He was given a command as brigadier general In the Confederate army. In May.

IN'I, he was commissioned major general. Forty-Six Fever Cases. Key West. Sept. Forty-six new cases of yellow fever were icporte-d today anil two deaths.


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aU 1 in Hi 1 ytUd SHIES HI DIUflEOS SAYS HE WILL STAY ABOARD SHIP UNTIL THE PARADE. WILL NOT SLEEP AT THE WALDORF-ASTORIA. The Admiral Was Dined at Naples and Was Sick for a Week Afterward He is Willing to Fall in With the Reception Committee's Plans in Everything But the Matter of Eating His Solicitude for His Sailors Secures Them a Trip Ashore. New York, Sept. 2.

The unexpected arrival of the cruiser Olympia with Admiral George Dewey, for a time completely upset the elaborate plans of the reception committee. Before proceeding: further in the arrangements for the reception in Dewey's honor It was decided to consult the great naval hero. After a haety meeting: in the city hall, all the numbers of the sub-committee of the reception committee but two, William C. Whitney and Levi P. Morton, this afternoon visited the warship and talked over the plans with the admiral.

When the program was explained to him Admiral Dewey said it was very satisfactory, and hat he would remain aboard the Olympia until Friday morn intc, and would then receive the official visit of Mayor Van Wyck- The police boat Patrol took the subcommittee and Mayor Van Wyck's representative to the Olympia. St. Clair McKelway was chosen acting chairman, lie was accompanied by Richard Croker, Senator Depew, ex-Congressman William McAdoo, Warren W. Foster and Howard Carroll. Mayor Van Wyck was represented by his secretary, Alfred M.

Downs. Anions others on the Patrol were Chief of Police Devery and President York of the police board. Approaching Admiral Dewey's flagship, this message was wigwagged to the warship: "We are the police eteam-boat Patrol, having on board representatives of the mayor of the city of New York. Will you make gangway starboard or No answer was made to this message, but a few minutes later the Olympia's steam launch was alongside the patrol to carry the delegation to the cruiser. The representatives of the city ascended the gangway to the warship's deck, headed by Mr.

Downs. There on the after quarter of the starboard side of the cruiser the visitors were met by Flag Lieutenant Brumby, who introduced them to Admiral Dewey and Captain Lamlierton and the members of the subcommittee. After a hearty handshake with the visitors, Admiral Dewey invited the city's representatives into his cabinet. After seating his callers In a half-circle aliout him. Admiral Dewey also took a chair.

Secretary Cauidwdi of the Olympia. took a place at the admiral's left hand and Flag Lieutenant Brumby at his right. Itecognlzing ex-Assistant Secretary of the Navy McAdoo, Aumtial Dewey remarked, "You remembtr how it was in the navy department to get things done, but it is better now." McAdoo was about to reply, when Actinst Chairman McKelway addressed the explaining that th purpose of the visit wa to submit for the admiral's approval an outline of the plans for the elt'oia'ioii. Admiral Dewey at once ast-ented to the proposal that the maycr call upon him at 11 o'clock Friday morning, saying: "As I wrote to General Bultf rfield. I am entirely in the hands of the committee, and any arrangements that it makes will be agreeable to me.

F.leven o'clock Friday I'll be there, but 1 want to say that 1 hope my strength will hold out through this celebration. On my way lure I did not accept any courtesies excepting at Naples. There I agreed to take one dinner and they persuaded me to take four dinners, and 1 was tack for a wet-k." The admiral agreed to all of the pro CONSULT THE BEST! Health Is Life's Greatest Luxury! II You Want HEALTH Consult the World's Greatest Successful Specialist In Chronic, Nervous, Private and Surgical Diseases ol both ST. JOSEPH, MO. Consultation Free Prompt and Permanent Cures El Our Electric Machine for the Treartn ent of Xerv-ous Diseases, Rheumatism and X-Kay Work.

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