The Oshkosh Northwestern from Oshkosh, Wisconsin • Page 15
- Publication:
- The Oshkosh Northwesterni
- Location:
- Oshkosh, Wisconsin
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 15
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
15 SUMt; BODY'S STiNVUlt an Be Uone By Hay ward Subject to Change Without Notice (-jrrtiht. 11. Pnkll Leaser CV AMSS DOODLE. ILL HAVE Cai'T Bt Camtbe. doaie: what 7 MISS 0t6E.TrlAT ASSlSTAl ASK To COTOOT THAT HATl Do Doaie Boss VWHOS BOSS 'R00A4D HERE? OF HAS GOT TO STOP HOC Buckwheat: what KIMO LAM60A6C IS THAT! ITS SECOAlD HOLY BUCKWHEAT IT ALL DAY UWG ALL I HEAR IS'HOLH- BuCkVHEAT AJATOCE.
To Mt Quote Prices On i Domestic Fuel as Follows: IT THE Like i HOLf BUCKWHEAT OFFIC6 AAlV AAORE. IT'S Soda AWT REFIMED TRANSPORTATION COUNSEL SAYS SCHEME FAVORS WORKERS ONLY. THE DAILY NORTHWESTERN, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 191i irnruu BE BIB YaV if ttrA Acr ..1 21 Roller Screened Anthracite (By Associated Press.) ELECTION OF FRESHMEN HUGE CR8WD AT FAIR. TWELVE-YEAR-OLD IS CALLED WONDER tember down more than 8c. December and May, in which most of the trading took place, fell to the lowest level yet this season.
The close was weak, 24j8c net lower, with September at 11.46 and December at MARKETS PRODUCE. (Quotations reported by local dealers.) POTATOES 65 iff 7 5o peck. COAL. (Quotations reported by local dealers.) NUT 113.00. STOVE 113.00.
J5GO 113.00. PEA 111.76. BUCKWHEAT 110.80. COKE. RANGE AND EGG U1.T1.
NUT 111.76. Washington. The Plumb plan for the tripartite control of the railways under government ownership must be "hurl fcavnn.l all hfinH." If it ia not to be made a "rallying point" for the nationalisation of all Industry, Edgar J. Rich, transportation counsel for the Associated Industries of Massachu setts, declared today, before the house Interstate commerce committee, considering legislation for flnal disposi tion of the railway. I'ERVERSIOH OK SOCIALISM.
Mr. Rlch.t who also anoke for the manufacturers' ablation, of twenty- Bolshevism, was a "perversion of the principle of Socialism, In that It would benefit only one class. The railways under the plan, he said, would be operated "for the benefit of the work' ers," while the public would assume all risk of loss. The greatest defect of the plan, he declared, Is that the two-thirds re pre sentatton given the workers and rail way officers, on the proposed wage fixing board, would enable the work ers to "dominate" the board and fix their own wages, regardless of rev enues, with the public to stand any resultant losses. CMCANl'P ITS WAGES.
"The author of the plan," said Mr, Kteh, "plaints there would be an In oentlve for efficient operation because every worker would be entitled to a share In the surplus. Why should the employes care to accumulate any sur plus one-half of which they esn have, when they oun get the whole and more by adjusting their own wages ARTHUR HENDERSON IS ELECTED TO COMMONS. (By Associated Press.) London. Arthur Henderson, the labor leader who was defeated for re election to parliament at the election I last winter, was elected to the house of commons nt the bve-electlon in or commons nt. me oye-eiection in r' 1' riKANCIAL VOHK-WAU.
STREET. (By Associated Press.) 'w Vork, Recoveries from the ncertain opening of the stock market today pccurred in the first hour, United States Steel being the only important stock to fall behind. Oils became more conspicuous, MexicanrPe-troleum extending- its gain to almost points, Texas company and Royal Dutch raining slightly over three points each. Rails were neglected, out the strength of railway equipments, the motor group, American woolen, Worthlngton Pump and Savage -rms reflected favorable trade conditions. Reactions of one to two points later resulted from the increased heaviness of United States Bteel prices hardened again at noon.
Call money ODened at 8 or Wiunes, ixincastor. Mr, Henderson inowance of his account aa special-polled 11,404 votes, against 10,417 for I administrator o. aald estate. Dated" his oimonent. F.
II. Fisher, the oo- "Ptember 12, A. P. 1919. By the; largest Class Katerlaa Meaaaha Hlarti School Holds Meetlac RaallKM (ilrl to Marry.
(Special to The Northwestern.) Menaaka. With a membership of slxtv, the largest ever entering the Menasha high selmnl, the freshman class met In huatnrea session last evening and elected tlie following of fleers: president, Vernon drove; vice president. John Behlegel: secretary and Measurer, Marie Hi'liinnlta, The class colors are blue ami gold. Homewhere on the Atlantic ocean Mima Beatrice Wilson of Rng. la coming toward the United Htate and when she reaches Menasha ah ill become the bride of Rev.
John Hmthea, pastor of the Methodlnt Kil coiwl church of Ah rams, Win. Mr Hughes Is visiting here at the presen time, a guest of Kev. 8. Cookiton, pas. tor of the Menasha M.
K. church. The wedding Is to mark the culmination of a school day romance which had Its Inception when both the respec tive bride and groom attended school In England. Announcement Is made of the ftp broaching mnrrlnge of Min Mabel Oonyau, daughter of Mrs. Charles Oarrow, Koneinac street, and Oeorge Dederlng.
son of Mr, and Mrs. George Dedertng, Nlcolet boulevard. The wedding Is to take place at the M. K. church In tills city at high noon on September 17.
The funeral of Mrs. Blmon Harold, pioneer resident or the town of Me-nosha, will be held from Bt. Mary's church In this city Huturdey morrtlng at 8 o'clock, Kev, Hummel offl-' Mrs. Miirtln Arno is visiting at Chicago. H.
li. Cllnedlnst paid a fine of 110 untl co.ts In local court for violating the city's automobile ordinance. Mr. Cllnedlnut was charged with driving his machine on the wrong side of a trAfno post at the corner of Naymut and Ahnslp streets. The largest crowd ever present nt social gathering at Ht.
Mary's school hnll attended the card party and tee cream social given by the Christian Mothers yesterday afternoon and luol evening, Mrs. Martin Madsen has re turned to Chicago after a visit of a week with her brother, V. Orove. The work of grading Second street In preparation for the new pavement was started by the C. R.
Meyer ft Hons company on Thursday and excellent progress is being made. Psul Pessen-hofer of Kenosha Is visiting at Mrs. W. B. Carr la receiving treatment at the Clark hospital.
ITALIAN KING ASSIGNS ROYAL PROPERTY FOR USE OF FIGHTING MEN. (Hy Associated Press,) Home, Thursday, Hept. 11 Premier Nlttl tutlay Intrwluced In the chamber of deputies a bill under which King Victor Kinmunuel assigns nil the crown properties for tho benefit of the fighting men and reduces the civil list by three million lire. The announcement of this propound action of the king was greeted with a great demonstration of loyally. The whole chamber stood and cheered and the public gullerlee Joined in the en-thUMlnxm.
An Injury forgiven is better than an Injury revenged. Milwaukee Day Turnout Exceeds Nlne- ty-One Thousand Features of the Program. Milwaukee. All attendance records at state fair on Milwaukee day were broken on Thursday when 11,245 persons paid to see the greatest agricultural exhibition ever staged in Wisconsin. The attendance on Thursday ex ceeded last year's by 15,301.
The at tendance on Milwaukee day In 1918. was 76,944. For the first time in many years, Milwaukee day was unmarred by In clement weather and as a result, th metropolis of the state was able to demonstrate how loyal It Is to thei state fair. The total attendance for the first four days of the fair hna already exceeded last year's by 6,406. Fair officials are confident that the last two days will cause a balance on the right side of the ledger.
The majority of Milwaukee business houses closed at noon and the cool breezes, tempered by the sun, coaxed thousands to the fair. The huge grandstand was inadequate and thousands, of persons were turned away Jarly in the afternoon. This was the nly place which failed to meet the demands of the great attendance. Milwaukee day demonstrated two things, the merit of the state full' and the loyalty of Milwaukee to the state fair," said Secretary Oliver E. Remey.
Wisconsin in the last five years has taken Its place In the front rank with Its annual exposition. This year will see no better stale fair than ours. We are going ahead with leaps and bounds, and It Is now a serious problem to provide room for exhibits, "State fair officials are gratified over the fine reoord made on Thursday and feel that is an indication of the confidence our grea state has come to feel in the state fair." There were more than 100,000 "hot during the day, sandwich merchants estimated. Moreover, there were an equal number of "liberty" sandwiches, formerly hamburgers, disposed of, they said. Pop and near beer vendors declared that more than 175,000 bottles of soft drinks were sold.
Meals were served to nearly 100,000 at the various eating Dlaces. temporary restaurants and lunch tents. Shortly after 7 o'clock Thursday night it was Impossible to get a hot meal, as all nupjltea had been exhausted. There was so much to see the crowds were lost. They did not know what to take In first.
The grandstands and bleachers along the race course were filler to capacity long before the hour of the main events and thousands lined the white railing along the track four deep when the races started. During intervals between races and while the thoroughbred wer speed' lng around the track a continuous per formance of vaudeville stars occupied the main stage In front of the grand- THE GREAT Ernest Bingham. bojr wonder of hot AnRelcs. has com-pleted an wijsrht -year course of studiea in just half thut time. He has graduated from tho preparatory school and will enter the Jesuit college in Sep tember.
He is related to Secretary State Robert Lansing. stand, where two concert bands were also Later in the afternoon aeroplanes hovered over the heads of the siiecta-tors performing spectacular stunts, The vast crowd was handled with out any disorder and not an arrest was made. A Chicago detective, detailed to the fair, spotted two known crooks from "his home town" as they entered the gale "Hey, you! Go right on back though those gates, and head for Chicago. Don't top In Milwaukee, either," he admonished. The men without a word turned, and disappeared aboard a city bound car.
Today is automobile and tractor day at the fair. CZECH DELEGATES WILL NOT SIGN TREATY IF INTERESTS ARE LOST. Prnftnc, TlmriMlity, Sept, "If the peace conference decides the Teschon question against the Csechs and does not preserve their Interests, the Czecho-Rlovak delegates to tho conference will refuse their slgna ture and leave to the Prague na tlonal assembly, the right to decide." Premier Tusar announce ment todny In concluding a long statement on the Teschen question to the assembly. Coal, Egg, Stove and Nut, per ton. $13.00 Milwaukee SolvajT Coke, 7 4 til? per ton Victory (Illinois) Coal, per ton $7,731 Pocahontos Mine Run, per ton $8.75 ging (fa pe.
fon We Advise Placing Your Order NOW The Cook Brown Lime Co. PHONE 241 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY? Lr.OAL WOT1CB. COUNTY Court, -Wlhnebago County" Wisconsin In Probate. 1 mate oi Wisconsin, winneoago. County, ss.
Notice is bereby given that at a regular term at the county court to-be held in end for said county at the' court bouse In the city of In said county, on the first Tuesday. (Being me Jtn aayj or uaioser, n. mil, at 10 o'clock a. the follow- lng matter will be beard and consldV The application oi Aioen w. up Auker, administrator of the estate of William J.
Drummond. late of the city. of Oshkosh, In said county, deceased. for the settlement ana allowance his final account as such administrator, and for the assignment of the" residue of said estate to such persons urn law entitled thereto: and" for the determination and adludlca- tlon of the Inheritance tax, ir ld or court. Fred Begllngsr, County Pub.
8ept, 12 1 21. IN Probate. Winnebago County Stats of Wlsoonstn. Wtnnebage. County, ss.
Notice is nereDy given ai a regular term of the county court to be held in ana lor sata oounty a im- In the cltv of Oshkosh Ih. r.t Tu.nv (being the 7th day) of Ootober, A. 11. at 10 o'clock a. the following wl" mnn The application of Helen Hasen.
anmimsiratrix, an bow nun, wim ni ZTllu Vt Vn. VuV Wshiost 'county, deceased, for the set- lamant nil 1 lnwainr of hsDP flnAl of W.VdlJi'lJf to such persons aa are entitled. thereto. Dated September iitn, isi. Bv order of the court.
Fred Begllnger, County Judge. Pub. Bept. lit noticr. I AM Now Prepared to Do Work ef- All Kinds on All Makes or cars at; 61 Mill Street.
Phone 4276. Edwin; A PTOMOMLB WANTKP. WILL Trude Htock In an Old Estab lished Local Concern That Can Show a proHt Every Year Since It Commenced Business for a Late Car of Equal Value, Olre Model and Value In First Letter. Ad-; dress Care This Office. AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, September 17, 1110, at 1 o'clock p.
m. Sharp. On the Above Date, the Undersigned Will Offer For Hale to the Highest Bidder, at Public Auction, on the Farm of A. Mont gomery on the Vlnlena Koaa, one Mile Norm or usnaosn, ma Following Described Property: One Team of Work Horses, one vouoie Harness, Three Hlngla Harnesses, One Sulky Cultivator, One Walking cultivator. One Three-Log Roller, one Aoorn Harrow, Two Drngs, One Walking Plow.
One Milk Wagon. One Three- Inch Tire Wagon. One Top Buggy. One Portland Cutter, One Bet Heavy Sleighs, One Potato Hlller, One Hand Feed Cutter, Two Grindstones, Seventy-five Bushels of Oats, Twenty White Rock Chickens, Five Acres of Corn In Hhork. Seven Tons of Timothy Hay, Numerous Small Farm Tools and Many Other Articles Too.
Numerous to Mention. Terms Made Known at Sale. A. Montgomery, Owa-tr; James Weller, Auctioneer. 1919 FORD SEDAN Will Sell Practically New Car.
Fully Equipped, rA i a KlPftriC LlUntS ana OiaiT- ii pr Demountable KlITlS. Bee A a at uar ai nasnmgwn di li niAA Or jn MWp FOR SALE DininK KOOTfl 7t TaDie ai uig aiue, MUSt 0 OCVll lO tX Appre 4 JK U4 hon Street. FOR RENT Hmall House, Well, CIs- tern. Oas, umaii iai, Water. Modern, Stove Heated, 111.
Call at 1 Ashland Avenue. roil RENT Two Modern Furnished Rooms tor iignt iouriup-Pkone l3. Inquire 174 Bay Street. FOR BALE Single Barrel 12 Oauw Shotgun, Brand new; jui Very Cbeap. Call at ISI Wisoensui Avenue or rnnne iv.
FOR 8ALK Good Sound Work Horses: Bargains. Phone 9U 1 4, It. F. D. 7, Bos si.
FOR 8 A 1. 10 CH A Portieres, Bed ding. Bedroom per, nrj 51.22 1. 23. Oats rose with corn.
Offerings were liberal but were well absorbed. After opening unchanged to high er, including December at the market continued to ascend. Provisions were strengthened by the advance of hoga and grains. Most of the trading was tn lard. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN.
(By Associated Press.) Cfclrago. CORN No. 1 mixed. 11.48 1.54; No. 2 yellow, $1.48 1.53.
OATS No. 2 white, 69 70c; No. 3 white, 6768c. RYBNo. 2.
11.44. BARLEY 11.25 01.38, TIMOTHY 18.60 11.00, CLOVER Nominal. PORK Nominal. LARD 126.00. RIBS Nominal CHICAGO LIVE STOCK.
(By Associated Press thlra.T. HOGS Receipts, slow, unevenly steady to 60c higher than yesterday average. Heavy, 116.0017.76: medium. 116.7618.26: light, light light, 116.50 17.76; heavy packing sows, smooth 116.0015.75; packing bows, rough Pigs. 115.6017.50.
CATTLE Receipts, unsettled. Beef steers, medium and heavy eight, choice and prime, 115.76 17.50 medium and good, 111. 00tf 15.50; common, 18.76 11.00; light, good and choice, J13.76W17.75; common and medium, 18.001S.60: butcher cattle, heifers, 16.50014.76: cows. 16.25 US 13.60; canners and cutters, 5.856.25; veal calves, light and hanvy, 120.00 21.00; feeder steers. 17.0012.26; stocker steers, 16.2510.00; western range beef 18.
0016. 00; cows, and heifers. $6 25612.50. SHEEP Receipts. 10.000; steady.
Iambs. 84 pounds and down, 11 8.60 15.75; culls and common, 18.0013.60; yearling wethers, 110.5012.26; ewes, medium and gbod and choice, 17.00 8.50; culls and common, CHICAGO PnODDCR. (By Associated Press.) Chicago BUTTER Firm. Re ceipts, 6,231 tubs. Creamery extras, 54c; nrsts, 496Zc; seconds, 48c; standards, CHEKSK unchanged.
Daisies, sou (831c: twins, 2903Oc; Americas, 8131c; longhorns, Sl31c; brick. 32C. EGGS Higher. Receipts, U.2S4 caBes. Firsts, 4446e: ordinary nrsis, 8839c; at mark, cases included, 38 storage packed firsts, 46c.
POTATOES Steady. Arrivals, cars. Minnesota Kany unios, duik and sacked. 12.9503.00: Minnesota and Wisconsin round whites, bulk and sacked. United States grade No.
1, 12.90IB 3. no; Maine Irish UoDbreis, M. 1 13.50iff3.75: Idaho Rurals. sacked, United States grade No. 1, I3.60ifj:3.76.
POULTRY Live, lower, springs, 27c; fowls, 2680o. MILWAUKEE CRAI1 MARKET. (By Associated Press.) Milwaukee. WHEAT No. 1 north ern, 12.40 2.46; no.
nortnern, 2.40; No, 2 nard winter, z.zo. CORN No. 3 yellow, 1.461.47; No. 8 white, 11.44(91.47; No. 3, 11.45 fl1 47: Dec.
11.22: May. 11.20. OATS No. 2 white, 6871c; No. 1 white, 66 70c: No.
4 white, 86 670c: nee. 69c; May, 72c. RYSl No. 2. 81.44Vi1.44.
BARLEY Wisconsin, 11. malting. 11.28 1.42; feed and rejected. 11.20J91.30. MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT.
(By Assor.lnted Press.) Minneapolis-- WHEAT Receipts. E4 ran. compared with 663 cars a year ago. Cash, No. 1 northern, 12.85 2.65.
CCORN No. 3 yellow. 11. 46 147. OATS No.
1 white. 6466c. FLAX 15. 02 5.06. I A POl.
IS FLOC R. (By Associated Press.) FLOUR Unchanged. tn carload lots, standard flour quoted at 111.60 a barrel In 98 pound cotton sacks. Shipments. 61,574 barrels.
BARLEY 11.07(91.12. RYK No. 2. 11.19. BRAN 140.00.
CITY MARKETS. HAT. (Prices quoted by Boyd A Son.) NO. 1 TIMOTHY" 124.00 21. 00.
MtXKD 12J.0OW24.O0. BRIGHT UPLAND 111. SO O20.00. GRAIN. (Quotations furnished by Oshkosh mining WHEAT per bushel, No.
1 north- ern, 12.26; No. 2 northern, 12.20; winter, 12.20. BARLEY Per bushel, I.30V1.. RYE Per bushel. 11.
2S. BUCKWHEAT Per bushel, 11.69. CORN Per bushel, 11.90. OATH Per busnel. new.
tie: old, 70o. FLOUR AND FEED. (Quotations reported by local food dealers.) WHEAT FLOUR Per barrel. 112.00. RYE Per barrel.
110.00. CORN Per bushel, 12.06; cornmeal, tOc oer 10 nound. local mills report BOc a barrel drop in nour within the met two aays. LIVE BTOCK. (Quotations raoarted by local dealers.) BEEF Cows.
ll12o: heifers. 12 Ollc; steers, BPRINC1 LAMHH ll2e. MUTTON Fresh, 14 16a VEAtr Dressed, 14 020c. MKATfl. (Quotations reported by local dealers PLATF, BEEF Wholesale, 160.00 014.00 per barret.
SHOULDER CUT MESS PORK $11.00 per barrel. MBSS PORK 160 0 per barrel. AMOK ED SHOULDER Per pound, SI 24e. DRIED BEEF RF.Tfl 11a WOOP. (Prices made by retailers.
Quotations reported by local dealers.) HARDWOOD BLABS 1 Inch. Ill; 12 inch, 111.00. TttrF. (Quotations reported by local dealers.) OREEN HIDES No. 1.
12a; Ka. CALF SKINS No. 1, 0ef Me, IHe. PKACONH 11 tie 00. SHEEP FELTS 1lc 11.00 BULLS No, 1, He: Kn.
17 A ft T.t vne i IK. KIP SKINS Jin. 1, SOe; X. DA1HT PRODl'CTS, (PrleeS quoted in eisnmers br laesl frenerai BUTTEH EOOS 4l4le i a IN HONOR OF MITCHELL CiUUmI Mine Workers' Convention Takes Recess for Funeral' of Leader. (By United Press.) Cleveland, Ohio.
In respect to the memory of John Mitchell, former miners' leader, the United States Mine Workers of America convention here took a recesa today. Scores of delegates went to Scranton, where Mitchell was to be buried today. Practically all of the executive committees, however, continued their work. The wage scale com mittee, considered of premier Importance, was without Its chairman. Frank Farrlngton, as he was one of committee appointed to represent the miners at the funeral and to or fer consolence to the family.
The committees and the conven- tion so far have progressed along prepared lines, submitting and endorsing resolutions anticipated and discussed weeks before the convention got into sessions. Many new resolutions are cropping out dally, until today, it was estimated that the total number Is 700. They all revolve around, and are subordinate to, the new wage scale and nationalization of mines Issues. When the latter issue was brought up for a vote on the convention floor, late yesterday, Capt. Fred Morgan, delegate from Cllftonvllle, W.
Va. spoke against It. He was howled down at first, but later permitted to talk. Hla chief objection was the suddenness of the proposed action, although, he sold, he favored having the government ultimately take over the mines. The vote (or nationalization was virtually unanl mous.
EXAMPLE IS SET BY CANADA AND UNITED STATES, SAYS DANiELS. (By Associated Press.) Victoria, B. C. Declaring that Canada and the ntted SUtatea had set an example for world emulation through their "nelghborliness" and the treaty which1 forbids fortifications between the countries, Secretary Daniels, in a speech here last night, said he believed It presaged 'the days in the full fruition of the league of nations," when other countries would have confidence in Inter national justice to abolish their powerful armies and discontinue the building of navies. Secretary Daniels arrived here on the Battleship New Mexico, accompanied by Admiral Hugh Rodman.
MARSEILLES PARALYZED BY SYMPATHETIC STRIKE, (By Associated Press Marselllea, Thuraday, Sent. 1. The life of this, the second city of France, was partly paralyzed today by a strike of the tramway, gas and electrical workers In sympathy with the striking" dock worker. There Is no gas and the greater part of the city was In darkness tonight The metal work ers, bakera and building trade unions have voted solidarity with dock laborers and trie street car men. They will meet tomorrow night to decide whether to Join in the strike move ment.
It Is believed the vote will be favorable. BULGARIA WILL PROBABLY GET THE TREATY TUESDAY. (By Associated Press.) Pari. It Is probable the treaty with Bulgaria will be handed that nation's representatives Tuesday. The Greek and Roumanian delegations have filed additional protests against the territorial and aconomlo sections of the treaty.
No meeting of the supreme council was held today, the departure of A. -J. Balfour, British secretary of state for foreign affairs, be ing apparently reaponslble, neither Viscount Milner nor Andrew Bonar Law having accepted the responsibility of heeding the British delegation. FINAL COUNT ON BONUS. (Special to The Northwestern Madison.
The soldier bonus carried in the state hy a vote of 101,411, with complete returns received from all counties. Pepin county was the only one to defeat the project. The returns show that a total of 223,01 votes were east of which 116,761 were for the bonus and 67,124 against. WANT SEATS FOR BIG GAMES. (By Associated Press.) Ciaetaaatt, Long lines ef par sons gathered en the stairs at the Wiggins block er down the street from the Cincinnati National league baseball offices here this -morning, while ss many as eeuld get In the elutt offices waited their turn te rt-eelvs cards an whleh applleatians fer world's series seels must written, One-fourth ef what a man enable him live- and the ether three-fourths enable his physlclaa te OFFENSIVE ON THE WESTERN FRONT 2 cent.
Changes at the opening of today's tock market indicated a division of sentiment in speculative circles. In the main, however, the tendency was toward materially higher prices, especially among equipments, steels, oils, shippings and leathers. American Locomotive, Crucible Steel, Mexican and California Petroleums. Amur lean International and Atlantic Gulf inane early gains of two to three points. Baldwin Locomotive came forward later with Studebaker and General Motors, also Texas company no several or the high grade tobac ros, notably Lorillard.
United States Steel held within fractional bounds on moderate pressure. The market became very dull at midday, equipments forfeiting much of their gain with Baldwin, selling under yesterday's closing price and United Slates Steel adding a fraction to Its early setback. Oils and motor specialties were the only features tff interest and comparative strength. KKW YOHK STOCKS. Ouotations furnished hv Hartlav fcompany, 10 Old National Bank ulldiiig.
Oshkosh. Wis. September II, 2:11 p. m. CLOSE.
Allis-Chalmers, 41 American Beet Svgar, 17. American Can, t. American Car Foundry, 135tf. American Hide A Leather preferred 3.75), 127. American Locomotive 1.10), 88.
American Smelting, 77H. American Steel Foundry. American Telephone Telegraph, American USH." American zinc, Anaconda Copper, 67. Atchison, 90. Baldwin Locomotive, Baltimore Ohio.
40 Bethlehem Steel tlH. Butte superior, ze. Canadian Pacific, 161. Central Leather. 99.
Chesapeake Ohio, 56. Chicago Northwestern, 98. Chlno Copper, 44. Crucible Steel, 183j. Colorado Fuel Iron, 44i.
Corn Products Kenning. IS (4. Erie. 15. Goodrich, lift.
Great Northern, 86. Great Northern Ore. 44. Greene Cananoa Copper, Inspiration Copper, 60H. International Paper, Kennecott Copper, 35i.
Lackawanna Steel, 82. Maxwell Motors. 47. Mercantile Marine, 80. Mercantile Marine preferred, 120.
Mexican petroleum, 80v V. I Miami Copper; 27. Midvale Steel. 51. Missouri Pacific, new stock, 17.
New York Central, 71. i Northern Pacific, 86. Ohio Cities Oas. 58. Oklahoma Producing ft Refining 10.
Pennsylvania, 43. Reading, 78. Republic Iron A Steel, 1. Sinclair Oil. 0.
Southern Pacific. 100. Southern Railway. 24. Stuiiebaker, 118..
4 ft. Paul, 42. rniteri States Rubber. 111. pnlted States Steel preferred, 114.
JTnited Food Products, 11. (Union Pacific. 121. 8-tah Copper, 85. Tt'abash preferred, 10.
Western Union. 85. Westlnghouse. 54. Willys-Overland.
31. Wilson A 83. ROKTON TOCK. Copper Range, 52. Hancock, 7.
Lake Copper. 8. Mohawk. 70. North Butte, 15.
Shannon, 1. Superior A Boston. 1. I.ntKItTT BONDS. Liberty 1's.
100.00. -Liberty first 4's, 84.14. Liberty second 4's. 88.12. Liberty first 4's, 85.00.
Wberty second 4'e. 81.11. Liberty third 4 85.20 Liberty fourth 4', 88.12. Victory 1's, 88.76. it A tu ttQ 91 OH THE rnTTO RXCNiNOn.
January. 28.78; March, 21.87: May, JS0O: July. 28.85; October, 28.15; December, 2188. COMMERCIAL CSICAOO RAI SOtSIP. (By Assoclatsd Press.) rn.i- fnrn Prices took an on Ward swing today.
Influenced largely an advance me nog marset. e-idas. prominent traders sxpressed 7'Jhe opinion that selling of late had been over done and had more than .11 t. rl at, fanlnr. rnm i plaints of car shortage tended also to stimulate buyers.
Opening prices, which ranged from the same as yes- terday's finish te le higher, with Heptember at and December at were fol-IawmI bv moderate gains all around. In the later dealings, support became exhausted and the market underwent ft sharp aetbaek which carried Sep- uadcvq nfwxra remove, freo of ttotftk 4 i en mllee fmes tfe cHjr a rT cartage on iheea when deHtered to mr rendering works war die eunarr of ardor aw4 Bex Wis. nrtirft AIR SQUADRON COMING. (Ppeelal to The Northwestern.) Madisott, An airship squadron of tl, TTnttnri Klfhra npmv with A nnnvnv Ul mor iruvaa upwim ii. oonwin within the next ton nays, ao- cording to Information received at the state highway commission.
According the Information received here the! squaaron starts irom inuiannpous ana will go toeahlcago Milwaukee, son. LA Crosse and Minneapolis. The Itlirti MFnf onmrti IhmIim timtm hlu in Airms. tion a. the resu.t of Inquiry for state highway map which will show the best route to be traveled tn reach Itig these "Wisconsin cities.
That the squadron mny be on Its way Is Indi cated by the fuct that the answer to the inquiry to the state highway com mission Is to be Answered In care of the United mates army recruiting of fice, Milwaukee. The letter la written by U. M. Haldlnger, "commanding all American pathfinders." Take things as they come then call In a physician for further In formation. roo LATE TO CLASSIFY.
HI FOR CASH. TAI.L Cans Carnation Milk, 17c. Yeast I'oarn, 4o pkg. Pure Oder Vinegar, 4ISe gal. Pure White Vlnerar.
24e gal. K. Baking Powder, 2 os ror ue. Pure Knlces In Bulk and Package. Boyd A Hon, Market and Peart TttrNK AND BAO STOWS1.
TlttiNKSTBags and Cases Direct from Factory to Consumer. Repairing Neatly bone. Kxehange Tour Old Trunk for a New One. Everything In the Travelers' Line. Lowest Prices, flo to Bauer's, 11 Msln Street.
Phone Ifln Resldenee Phnn 1SSS. STKAM Vfl.CAWIEHO, ALL Makes of Tires and Tubes Vul-eanlred Stesm. Which is Posi tively the Best Prnoess. Satisfaction Ouaranteed. Ooodyesr-Tires.
Tubes snd Accessories. Oehknsh Tire A Vnlcsnlslng Shop. poJ Mala Street. Addison Allen. Pronrlefor COAL AND WOOD.
TRT Our Christopher Egg Coal for Ftirnaees. 11.00 per Ton. Wood, Coke and Best Soft Coal In the City. in nr. t'ptown Office, A.
Rhrmsnn's. Phone l3 Miln Htreef Meyer-oustavus Fuel Co, Phone I2S7. Tarda Corner Fifth snd Minnesota Streeta. ZJz tn sa A mmtrnv GfVRM by th Younic IiHtllM of fit. I nett C'Ut, lea a fit, V.
DHnHa Sundsy Kvenlng, I Heptemher 14,1019. Admission, lie Door Prise. GLADIOLI for the Neirt Few Days at 10 Cents a Dosen. Delivered, Ueo. Chrlstensen Phone 141.
WANTHI) AT ATHKARN HOTKT Woman to Take (Charge of Store Room. Tske Care of Milk, Cream, Butter and Kaas. Also Groceries and Foodstuffs; Will Pay Good Salary and Steady Kmployment Including Room and Board; One Who Has Hud Kxpa- rlence In Hotel, Restaurant or Boarding House Preferred. For Particulars write or rnnne it. murn, i Two -horse "pray.
Prac tically as noed as New; a Bargain if Taken at Once. Apply to Lools Dlx. Neenah, wis, WANTKJD AT ONCB Dishwasher at Opera Cafe, 11 Monument square. Vo frSAlTkl P'n rere'eTfJuef nSaVRuin 1 li vears Old, Nicely Marked, Fawn and White) Kseellent Breeding; Also Bull Calf Feur Months d. all and Hee Them, Hay, Black Wolf FOR" AI.
10 iWsrn in" tlnn, Wanted te Buy- A Hay's HI-eyole Phone llll er Call at til Ful- nn Street, wTnTKD Waltr-ea and Dish Wash. at 10 Main Htrset, Call at Once, WTn I Flf'tv Men 'tor Street 'Pav. lng Work at Madison and AalilHaai Wsses, lee per Heue, We fan Ale Vmn Hevarat Mnglneara en the Work. ,1, Rasmussen A Sena Hast Seventh Street, A fjT Wnman to Wfh et the Metisei aieaqy aluMsr frNffd, Phwaa III er (li at 111 Uhusek SIMet, I I 1 i 1 I I I I a 1 Shades, Pictures, lee Bos, Case and Mirror. Call at Oreee Street.
Irdaie Vnpai ill. Klther One al a Very rtnasenable Price; Heyee Krwln ricnmioi, FOR SALEA terovele in A-t Ceadlttonr elder Fer RaJr autre Alksa Trammel rrk Avwue, WaTWein SITUATION Yeaaa; Weea- yrun unite I.Ike position as stenegrapiwi dress Care This qftlB .1. auten alnglae Wetks, Afsletea. se PMAUI4 war vw ses. live..
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