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The Oshkosh Northwestern from Oshkosh, Wisconsin • Page 11

Oshkosh, Wisconsin
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First Order for Craft llarrd Wllh Factory at rhtladelphia. (By United Press.) Washington, I). ('. The first order for fifty naval flying boats placed with the new navy department aircraft factory at Philadelphia, has been completed and the greater part of the machines are now flying over British Mr. Farmer Before plowing plan to use Ground Lime Stone.


my Vnlted Pre Amsterdam. The present battle will decisive, and its result will depend which side has the most reserves available. Captain Salzmann declared. writing in The Vosslsche Zeitunr. "The present battle must be decisive," he said.

"The result will depend upon who has the greatest number of reserves ready at the place where they are most needed. "It would be against our interests let the war drag through the winter, until the Americuns are en masse in France." HO.MB MAIN KOAD. (By John De Caudt, United Press Staff I'uris. (1 p. m.V Franco-American troops are driving at the southern extremity of the Solssons-Kheims salient between Verneull and They have eightened this tip of the pocket until it Is only eight kilometers (less than five miles) width.

French and American aviators bombed the main highroad south of Flames and blocked all traffic for eleven hours. The Ccrmans, after their retirement north of the Mai ne, clung to the north riank, between J.iuIkoiiho and oeuilly, for some time, their artillery and ma chine gunfire preventing the allies from crossing. Gradually the French and Americans established bridge heads on the north bank until the Ger mans dominated the river crossings only from the Vincelles (a mile east of Verneulll to Ouotlly. The above dis patch indicates the allies are uqw shoving the Iloches back from the north bank on the remaining sector. The main hlh roads souih of Fismes runs straight south to Cou- lognes, eight miles north of the Marne.

There it divides and sub divides, reaching the river at various points between Chatillon and Trclous. AIRMAN AC'K TAKEN. (By Frank .1. Taylor, United Tre.s Staff Correspondent.) With (he Americans In France. July 6 (niKhtr Lieut.

Walter Avery of Columbus, in his first air battle, brought down the noted German ace, Captain Mendkopf, north of Chateau Thierry yesterday. The rival aviators came together while patrolling alone. For twenty minutes Mendkopf made futile efforts to gain an advantage by tricky maneuvering. Then Avery got on the German's tail and damaged the plane so that it was forced to land within the American lines. When Mendkopf learned this was Avery's Initial flight, he was enraged.

He sulked and refused to talk. SIXTKKN VICTIMS. Mendkopf Is credited with sixteen victims, including an American. He Is one of only six German aviators who wear the cross of merit. Another airman, after hearing of Avery's exploit, went out hunting on his own hook this morning.

He tackled a Boche and forced him down and landed to complete the cap ture. But he discovered that he was behind the German lines and he him self was made prisoner. American battleplanes are actively strafing the roads back of the German lines, watchlru; enemy troop movements anil driving off hostile planes attempting to perform similar exploits over our lines. Most people are two faced, and a few are three faced. I I iljind Korrr Fplain to iirU About I Ainimn' Whit Hal Rand.

By 1' Presa.) London. 1'nrlo S.un'! airmen have hren gelling ahead with tin girla in a manner in whirl, the envy of their Infantry und artillery colleague. However, the doughboy and the artillerymen had their revenge. Krtitlish girt are not aware that the American airmen wear white band on their hat and cap to diKtinguinh them from the other branches of the service. Thai is where the dough-bo va came in.

They told all the girl that the airmen wore white band to Indicate thev were in "walking Quarantine" lowing to an outbreak of mump at the camp. Fop week now the airmen have been trving to live down their "splendid isolation." AFTER PEACE TAXES Couplo of Billion In Itevcnue Must bo Haiwd Fvery Year by American. (By United Press Washington. I). C.

Tax payers of the United States must expect to provide something like "a couple of bil lion dollars in revenue annually" when peace comes. Based on the present estimated cost of the war the treasury department officials today declared after-the-war expenses would be more than double pre-war expenditures. But the apparently gigantic task of raising $2,000,000,001) each year besides the interests on loans made to our associates In the war Is not regarded as Insurmountable, When compared to the great financial problem faced by Germnny. this government's expense after the war will sink Into significance. The German public debt does not exceed $::0.000,000.000.

With Impaired earning power the Teutonic peoples must pay approximately $5,000,000,000 in taxes each year after the war. The German government had drained its people of gold, Jewels and heirlooms and with all of that the imperial hank carried less than $500,000,000 In gold stocks in Its vaults. May 31, It has heen ascertained. This nation has made no es pecial effort to get gold, yet It has now more than $3,600,000,000 In gold coin and bullion. TEAMS OFjALL-STARS.

(By Associated Tress.) Dultith. Minn. With National. American and American awMoclHtlon players In the lineups, Dulutli White Sox and lilvcrslrie teams will meet Sunday afternoon In the opening game of the Twin Porls-Mesaha league. The While Sox have In their lineup Dolan and Perdue of the National league, Welrtnll and l.lxetle of the American association.

The Blver-slrle team havn Bunny Brief, former National, American and Association slur; M'arner, former catcher for I'lttshurg Nationals; Dcfate. shortstop of the Ht. Paul association team; Brokow of Toledo; Merz of the Western league; Johnson of the American association, and Callahan of the Pacific league. ARSENAL SUPERVISOR. (By United Press.) Washington, I).

John T. Thompson, U. H. retired, waa teday designated as supervisor of manufac. luring arsenals, ordnance depart ment announced.

Colonel Thompson will continue to serve as advisory en gineer to the chief of ordnance. GOURKO REPORT DENIED. (Bv United Press.) London. The German report that the Russian (ieneral (lourko had been appointed coinmiindnr-ln-chlef of the allied armies in the Mtirman district was officially denied here today. INGENIOUS Your wlf la vary Inganlau.

I thould o. It seem to me ihe flndi nw plac to hid my dre oh I rt (tud every tlmo, THE GERMAN FINISH "Da you think tha Gsrmtns win nd tha war this) yrr tf they keep en getting killed nd captured at the preient rate," POOR THIN0 Lily Hlppe (looking In mle-ror for flret time) 1 Tee, he, I never knew I was to beautl ful btfore. ED 4 bad been reduced 140.000.000 Dustieis from last month's government estimate. The close was unsettled. 1 2Uc net higher, with August at $1 (rjllD1 and feptemter at ltfcs, 1.56 oats rose with corn.

Trade, though. was rather limited. After opening He higher, with August at 70 rt 0e. the market continued to harden. Scantiness of offerings hoisted pro visions.

No Important reaction took the later dealings. CHICAGO CAH GRAIV. kieasn. CORN No. 2 yellow.

and No. 3 yellow, No. 4 yellow, nominal. OAT No. i white.

77ff771ic: No. 3 white, new, 76c; standard, 7 4 9Wc. KYK No. 1. $1 65.

BARLEY $1 TIMOTHY $6 CLOVER Nominal. PORK Nominal. LAUD $26.4245 26 50. RIBS $24.12 24.75, CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago.

United States Bureau of Markets Hi )GS Receipts. 7,000: mostly SlOc higher on good hogs; slow and about steady with yesterday's close on others. Butchers, $18.50,: light, 18.70(g is 95: packing 40: rough. $17.001 17 3.1; bulk of sales. $17.85 3 18 85; pigs.

$17.25 I8.O11. CATTLE eceipts. 4.000: compared with last week, steers good and better, 161125c higher; common kind, 25 50c lower; some light priced down butcher cattle below choice unevenly lower: calves ahnut steady; stookers and feeders slow to lower. SHEEP Receipts. 9.000: arrivals practically all direct: best lambs.

10(9-25c lower than a week ago; feeders. 25c higher; sheep, strong to 15c higher. CHICAGO PR ODl'CR. BUTTER Steady. Receipts, 9,094 tubs.

Creamery extras, 43V.C-. firsts. 41V443c; seconds, 384 CHEESS: Steady. Daisies. 2414 Si twins, 4 Vi (5240: Americas.

254c; longhorns, 22; 1323c: September and October, 2424Vic; brick, 27 27 Vic. EGGS Unchanged. Receipts, 12.096 cases. Firsts. ordinary firsts.

35(b 37e; at cases Included, 35 Vi 6 38c. POTATOES Steady Receipts. 12 cars. Virginia, barrels, Cobblers. Minnesota Early Ohios, 2.25; Illinois.

Ohlos. Kentucky Cobblers, Kansas and Missouri Earlv Ohlos, $2.00 (ft 2. 50. POULTRY Live, lower. Fowls.

28c; springs, 82c. DAIRY MARKETS. Milwaukee. BUTTER Market, firm. Tub creamery, 43 Vic: prints, 44c; extra firsts.

42e; firsts, 40c; seconds. 39c; pricking stock, No. 1, 3C3 31c: No. 2. CHEESE Market, firm.

Twins. 24c: daisies. 24c: young Americas, 25c; longhorns, 2fV4c: brick, fancy, 25c; liniourger, new, 24c. EGGS Market, steady. Fresh firsts.

37Vi 538 ordinary firsts, 34Hr86Vjc: checks, fresh, 24t2o; dirties, fresh, 28ff30c. HAY No. 1 timothy. $22.00 23. 00; light clover mixed.

rve straw, 10.00; oats straw, $8.00 iff 9 00. MILWAUKEE L1VB STOCK. Milwaukee, Wis HOGS Receipts, 500: best hogs. 5o higher; others steadv. Prime heavy butchers, light butchers.

$18. BOW 18.80; fair to prime light. 18.70; fair to best mixed, $17,256 18 fair to selected packers, $17 4fl17.75; rough packers, $15. OOfi 17.25; pigs, CATTLE Receipts, none. Market, steady.

Steers, good to choice, $13.50 ft 17.00! medium to good. ROW 13.00; heifers, good to choice. $8 heifers, medium to good. $7.50 ft 8 25: fair to medium. $6 50W7 50: cows, good to choice.

medium to good, cutters. canners, butcher bulls, bulls, CALVES Receipts, none. Market, steady. Good to choice, fair to good. 50.

SHEEP Receipts, none Market, sfeadv Good to choice spring lambs, $18 onijt 18 50; fair to good general lambs. $13. OOlfj 14.00: clipped lambs, cuty lambs, fS.00iS9.60. MILWAUKEE GRAIN MARKET. Milwaukee.

CORN No. 2 yellow. $1 65; No. 3 white, No. 3.

$1 56W 1 60; July, $155; $156V4. OATS Standard. 77Vi'377ic: No. 3 white, 77 77c; No. 4 white, 773 7714c; July.

76Vc; 70Sc: S9N.C. RYE No. 2, BARLEY Malting and Wisconsin. $1 feed and rejected, 1.10. MINNEAPOLIS FLOCR.

MinnennniisFT.r)t?R Unchanged In carload lots, standard flour quoted at J10.60 a barrel in 98 pound cotton sacks. Hhipments, zo.byi narreis. KYK J1.83'n 1.85. PARLEY BRAN 124.45. MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT.

Minneapolis. WHEAT Receipts. 108 cars, compared with 67 cars a year ago. CORN No. 3 yellow, Jl .591 OATS No.

3 white, 724i573c, 4.67'S4.70. CITY MARKETS. HAT. NO 1 TIMOTHT $50. 00 22.00.

MIXKD 16.00 BRIGHT UPLA NP $14.00. GRAIN. (Quotations furnished by Oshkosh milling companies.) WHEAT Spring, winter. $2.16. OATS Per bushel.

78a. BARIjKY Per bushel. $1,151.20. RTF Per bushel, $1 86. BUCKWHEAT Ver bushel, $2.00.

FLOUR AND FKED. (Quotations reported by local food dealers.) RFR Per barrel, $11 20. CORN Per bushel, $1.60: enrnmeal, 60c per 10 pounds. SEED CORN Per bush'. $10 00.

BRAN $38 0(1 per ton, $1 RSperewt. BKST FT.OI'R MIDDLINGS 110 00 per ton; $2.00 per cwt. t'ltuuui-rj. (Price" made by retailers. Quotation reported by local dealers.) STOCK (Prices made by retailers.

Quotations renorted bv local dealers.) BTCKV Cows. heifers, 17ff 20c; stpers, 18 21c. SPRING LAMBS 3fli31c. MUTTON Fresh. 2224c.

VEAL Live, 14frl6c; dressed. 18 19c. Hoas Live. 17 9 17 Ho: dressed. Jl MR ATS.

(Quotations reported by local deal- PLATE BF-EF 'wholesale, $43.00 per barrel. SHOULDER CUT MESP PORK $4fi 00 per barrel. MESS PORK $42 00 per barret. SMOKED SHOULDERS Per pound, 21 022c. DRIED BEEF PKTS 37e.

WOOD. (Prices made by retailers. Quotation! reported br local IIADDWOOD HIDES. (Quotation reported by local deal- GREEN HIDESMJo. 1, lloi No.

lie. CALF SKINS No. 1, $2oi No. 1. $0Hc DEACONS $1 00 fl 1.75 SHEEP PELTS $1.25 02.60.

FULLS No. 1. 12o; No. 2. 11a.

SHEARLINGS 26cff $1.00. KIP SKINS No. 1, 20c; No. 2, H'c COAL. (Local coal dealers state that the prices as fixed by the government vary so greatly because of the varying time the order are received that It Is Impracticable to give any bard and fast schedule.) HORSES OOWS ran, frae ef ekart, 4 ktrM so 4 mw wirhln ri Iwi mile from taa eltr or tar ear-at tbem when 4ltvtrM ear fanlerttf work, aaar th aeeaev llurlixk an Bewaa street oritKOIH IOAP CO.

Tai. 4SM. in a MARKETS sTEW VORK-WUI. STREET. ew York.

A six point break in General Motors and 2 1 point brtak in Canadian Motors were the chief features of today's stagnant stock market. Changes otherwise ranged from, one to three point advances in specialties such as American Tobacco. General Cigars. Distillers. Virginia-Carolina Chemical.

United States Rubber and WiUon while Sumatra Tobacco, American Telephone, Western Union and New Haven were heavy. United States teel moved within restricted limits, shading: slightly at the end. The close was irregular. Sales approximated 125. 000 shares.

Liberty aVj's sold at 99.82 to 99. 88. 4's at 93.60 to 94 46 and 4 V. 3 at 96 34 to 95.46. The week -end session of the stock exchange opened with gains in special issues, while leaders showed little change.

Early features Included General Cigars and Virginia-Carolina Chemical at sains of one to two points, while teels and associated equipments were fractionally higher Sumatra Tobacco, American Telephone and General Motors were heavy, th'e latter losing five points and causing a general cancellation of initial gains. Liberty bonds eased slightly. MSW YOlttv STOCKS. Quotations reported by Thomson McKinnon, 101 Old National Bank building, Oshkosh. Wis.

July 'it. 21a p. m. Allis Chalmers, 34 H. Am.

Can. 47'i. Am. Cat- Foundry, 84 7. Am.

Hide Leather, Wk. Am. Hide Leather, 804. Am. Smelting, 7S.

Am. Tel. Anaconda Copper, B6. Baldwin, 90i. Bethlehem Steel Canadian Pacific R.

153'ij. Chlno Copper, 40V. Crucible Steel. S6. Corn Products Kefining.

44 Vi. ristlllers Securities. 57V. Krie R. 15 'i.

General Motors, 150. Godrkh. 461.. Inspiration, 63. Kennecott Copper.

334. Maxwell Motors, 28. Mercantile Marine, pfd 98 Vi. Mldvale Steel, 52U- Mo. Pacific, new stock.

23 14. Northern Pa Peine. 87 Norfolk Western, 13V4. Pennsylvania R. 44 Reading, SS'-i.

Republic Iron Steel. 92 V4. St. Paul Ry 43. U.

S. Steel, 107. Union Pacific, 122 Vs. T'tah Copper, 81. Wabash 39.

Western Union, 81. We.stinghouse, 42. Wiilvs-Overland, Wilson 62. LIBERTY BOD, Liberty 99.88. Liberty first 4's, 91.40.

Liberty second 4's, 93.68. Liberty first 4 Vs. 94.42. Liberty second 4 Vs. 93.68.

Liberty third 4 Vs 95.84. BOSTOX STOCKS. Ahmeek, 76. Allouez, 51 V2. Calumet Arizona.

69. Copper Range. 48. Last Butte, 10. Mohawk.

60. Nlpisaing. North Butte, 15. Osceola. '3.

Qulncy. 70. Shannon, 4Va. Superior Boston, 2V4. Wolverine, 29Vi.

Franklin. 5. Hancock. SH. Lake Copper.

6 Calumet Hecla. 460. SEW VOHIC BANKS. New Yerk. The actual condition of fclearlng- bouse hanks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold $72,383,710 reserve in excess of legal requirements.

This is a decrease $2,022,910 from last week. OX THE COTTON EXCH.4SGE. New York. Cotton futures closed tteadv. October, 24.87: December, 124.37; 'January, 24.27; March, 24.12; May, 23.99.

COMMERCIAL WEEKLY GRAIN REVIEW, fmn riHmaee fears re sulting from alternating- signs of frost I und of hot winds have more than off- Bet In the corn maritet mia wenn bearish effects of cheering war news. Compared with a week ago, corn mis morning was net higher. Oats were off to lV4c up and provisions varying from 3lc decline to chnnees of sentiment In the nm trade followed each other with Vilmost bewildering frequency. At the outset, field conditions were reponen BS nearly Ideal aim tne tact tnat arrivals were far above the average led to pronounced weakness, but then came a decrease of frost in Canada end Montana with predictions that the cold wave wonld spread. Under such conditions, tentative peace terms said to have been suggested by Germany caused only a transient setback, but the inspiring military news from France on Thursday and Friday put the bulls once more to rout, until talk of hot winds in the southwest gave the market again an upward whirl.

Action In the oats market displayed noticeable Irregularity owing largely to eastern purchasing Interests changing from an old to a new crop basis. Provisions were governed wholly by changes in the value og corn and hogs. CIIICAUO LAST QUOTATIONS. Quotations reported by Thompson McKinnon, 101 Old National Bank building, usnkosn, wis. CORN Open High Close 1.53H 1 6B4 1 834 1.B4 "4 l.SSVi l.B574 1.63 l.Goi 1.54 1.57 I.5414 156V4 July.

Aug. Kept. OATH Sent. .754 .69 '4 .76 .10 .70 .75 .70 .714 .70 .0 9 PORK Sept 46.25 4S.45 45.2a 45.45 LARO ul 56 52 Sept 2B.35 RIBS July 24. R5 Sept 24.87 26.52 pS.45 24.05 24.95 2 6" 2H.35 28 SO 26.43 24.65 24.82 24.65 24 90 CHICAGO lillAII GOSSIP.

i I alcago. Hot weather southwest 'led to free buying of corn today and msde prices advance. The demand was mostly for small lots, but offerings were light, and the market easily influenced. A falling: oft In arrivals here tended further to strengthen values. The opelng, which ranged from HW'ic higher, with August at Sl.SItyCl.tSH and September at $1.64 4 if 1-54 was followed by a decided additional upturn.

Iater the market continued to strengthen as a result of assertions that the corn crop as a whole showed a sharp loss in cod- THOMSON M'KINNON BROKERS Old NaUoaal Buk mtg. Oabkaah, Wla. Phone 70 RALPH R. HARTLEY, MGR. MEMBERS Hew Tort fttGlt Exchaac Kw York Cotton Exchaaf Orleajae Cotton ExahMf Chicago Stock Exchaac Chicago Board of Trad PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL MARKET CENTERS ft in (ft ItraUtratloa of Wnrara Mho Helea.e Those Wishing (o io Otrraeas Begins Monriar.

Tlie drive for enlisting fortv-one young ladles as nurses from Oibkosh nd vicinity will begin next Monday and continue till August 11. An office will be opened In the ltv building, which will be in charge of some one who can give information regarding this work, and lirlp make out the application blanks dally from 9 In the morning until 5 In the afternoon. One of ttioae In charge niil. "These nurses will not be reyulred to go overseasthey are not lied Cross nurses. Every one wants to do some patriotic work at this time, hut everyone can not go overseas, so these younu ladles are asked to give their services to their country over here, thus allowing some who can go overseas to be released.

A course will he given fitting- them for a nurses' profession. It Is hoped bv the members of the committee that even more than the number asked fur will enlist In fbls patriotic work. Oshkosh has wlllliig-Iv furnished her iniota of young men for service, and now it should lust as willingly offer the young ladies for such servlre as only women can do." VISIT BOYS AT CAMP. Oshkosh Soldiers Are a Bit Homesick Bui Are Enjoying Tlielr Training at Camp Grant. Mr.

and Mrs. B. A Zinlli and Mr. and Mrs. K.

Rider have returned from an automobile trip which Included visits at the Great ltkns naval training station. Camp Grant, near Kockford. 111., and Chicago. They saw a few of the Oshkosh boys at the naval training station and at Camp Grant met most of the sclevtives who were sent to that encampment from here Monday night. Those who hail boon accepted as physically quatttlcd for general mlliliiry service were all well and In excellent spirits, Mr.

Zlnllt slates, but they were Just homesick enough to be delighted to see or hear from anybody from home. They expected to remain at Camp Grant at least ten days and hoped to wee more friends from Oshkosh within that time Tli.v would nil like In i-ecnivn letters from home and theso may be 1 addressed to them at Hi 1st Depot Brl gade, Company 7, Camp (irant, Oshkosh visitors Hlale. the LABOR DAY AT THE PARK. That Occasion Will he Celebrated at the Lake Front and Mayor Will (ilve Address. The 11118 celebration of Labor day, Monday.

September 2, will be held in Menominee park and Mayor A. C. Mo- Henry will be tho speaker of the day. Those details of the program for the observance of Labor's great holi day have been definitely determined by the Trades and Labor council com mitlee to twelve In charge of the arrangements. The request for the use of the park was granted this morning by the commission council and Mayor Mcllenry accepted an invitation to deliver the oration of the day.

Further arrangements and details of the cele-bra; Ion proutam will be announced as they develop and become asaured. PLAY F0RJCHAMPI0NSHIP. In one of the best games of the son the Menominee park playground baseball team yesterday defeated tho strong team from the Krentz center by a score of 10 to 3. The two learns are the contenders for the championship of the north aide play centers, the ulti mate winner of which Is to play tho south side winner for the city chum plonshlp. In (heir first game at the Frentz.

grounds the Frents! learn won from the Menominee nine with a score of 11 to 10. The deciding game of the series will be played al Dale center neutral territory, next Tuesday evening at 7:30. Mr. Ifotchklss, director of sports of the Oshkosh public schools will umpire the game. The batlerlos for the Menominee park crew are K.

Zarllng and Bartelt and for the Frentz nine. I'. Zarllng and Jensen, Ihe two pitchers being brothers. ATTAINS RANK OF MAJOR. Harvey Owens of this city Is one of the few civilians to be commissioned to the rank of major from civilian life Mr.

Owens was working at a milling office In Kansas' when he was granted a leave of absence of two months to assist. In the organizing of a forage branch of the fuel and forage division In the Chicago office of the acting quartermaster general of the army When this term as a civilian expired, he wna recommended by the command Ing officer at Chicago for a commission as major, which was granted, and he will continue in government service He Is a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Abrams of the town of No- klml, and he Is also a grandson of the late Mr and Mrs. Kvan Owens of the town of Algoma.

CLOSING JOINT SERVICE. The last of the series of Joint services of the First Congregational and First Presbyterian church congregations will he held in the Presbyterian church tomorrow. Rev. T. It.

Favllle will speak on "Breaking the Looking Glass," and special music! will be given by Miss Lillian NotMeman, wllh Mr. W. Y. Wheeler at the organ. This Is the lajit of the services of either of these churches this summer, a both of the churches will close during August, and the public I cordially Invited to attend the service tomorrow.

FILE NOMINATION PAPERS. Candidates for county offices, who seek to be nominated at the primary election In Reptemher, are now filing their nomination paper with County Clerk Kiah. Up to noon today such papers had been filed by three candidates, as follows: John II Republican candidate for clerk of the circuit court; II. Peter Carlson, Republican candidate for sheriff; G. B.

Staples, Republican candidate for county clerk. All nomination papers most Died by o'clock Saturday afternoon, August SI. FELL IN GIANT PLANE. (By Associated Pre.) Hemstead, N. YzLieutenant C.

Hsynes of Dorchester, was killed here today when a giant Ilavl land battle plane which he was pilot Ing, fell 100 feet. His neck whs broken His mechanic, Private Mlnsrd Moist sustained a broken leg and a broken collar bone. a waters. This was revealed today by a latter from the secretary of the navy to Con structor Coburn, I'. S.

congratulating him on the recent record made building the plant and getting; it operating in less than a year. The re ports of Chief Constructor Taylor show that forms for the first boats were laid October 12, though the plant was not completed until November 28. WILLIAM WATCHES Kalaer Sends Mraanae to Ills Sol diers While He Observes from a Tower. (By Associated Press.) Amsterdam. Emperor William, who, according to his favorite press agent, Karl Kosner, watched the battle of Ithelms from a tower which gave him a good view of a wide sector of the front, sent to bis troops from this vantage point, Rosner reports, the following telegram: "His majesty Informs his troops that he has arrived behind the front of the attack and shall watch the bat tle from a tower.

His majesty's good wishes accompany his troops. His majesty's word to his troops is: 'With God for the emperor and the This telegram was sent on July 15 at the opening of the German offensive, which was so promptly checked and then completely broken by the allied counter Rosner says fie emperor mounted the eighty foot tower early on this day to watch the battle. "At 3 o'clock In the morning." continues Rosner, "the emperor turns to staff officer and says: "The army shall know that I am with 1t in these-serious hours anil that my wishes accompany "A few moments later, at a shslty table, by the dim light of a small pocket lamp, he signed the telegrsm, which he Immeii'ately dispatches to all his ATTEMPTED BLOW'UP. Factory Ciiinnla Cause; the Arrest of Two Suspects.

(By Associated Press) Newark, N. J. An attempt this morning to blow up the. plant of the tiould and F.borhardt Machinery com pany, at Irvington, near here was frustrated by factory guards. Two men said to be fiermans were arrested on suspicion of attempting to cause an explosion.

Whs IJfrlifing Fuse. (By United Press.) New York. Two men, said to be Germans, were attested today while they wers alleged to have been attempting to destroy the, machinery plant of Gould and Eberhardt, at Ir vington, N. J. One of these men Is reported to have been seized just as he was lighting the fuse of a big bomb.

The other, captured a few minutes later in another part of the plant, Is alleged to have a similar bomb. The Newark police received a tip that the attempt was to be ma1e and the factory, which Is working on gov ernment contracts, was heavily guarded. FATE OF OFFICERS. Frenchmen are Believed to HavB Been Drowned In New Mexico. (By Associated Tress.) Denting, N.

II. Two French officers, Lieutenant and Herbert, instructors at. Camp Cody, and Sergeant Picard of the American army are believed to have been drowned last night In the White Water stream, ten miles from Silver City, N. M. They left In an automobile late yesterday for Silver City and have not been heard from since.

A body Identified as that of Sergeant Picard, driver of the automobile was found near the overturned automobile In the edge of the stream. Another, body was found seven miles down the Btream from the car. PERSHING TO ALBERT. American Sendi Mfsaagr; to Belgian King. (By Associated Press Porta.

General Pershing, on the occasion of the Belgian national hol- oday, July 21, sent a telegram to King Albert, saying: "The Innumerable sacrifices of the Belgian people, their admirable cour age and their firm devotion lo their country's Ideals are Inexhaustible sources of sublime Inspiration to the American soldiers in the world waa against tyranny." HINDERED PEACE TREATY. MJIuknir Expelled from Kiev for Teutonic Reason. (By Associated Press.) Amsterdam. Prof. Paul N.

Mllukoff, leader of the constitutional Democrats In Russia, hs been expelled from Kiev by the Ukrainian government, according to The Vorwaerts of Berlin because lli.r. hlnanH the eon. elusion of the peace treaty between Russia and the Ukraine. THE TEXAS PRIMARY. (By United Pre.) Austin, Texas.

Texas Democrats were voting at a primary election to day for candidate for state offices. The campaign of the gubernatorial candidates ha been bitter. Governor William P. Hoppy seeks renomlnallon 1 against Jame E. Ferguson, whom he succeded when Ferguson was im peached by the tate legislature.

Women were votin today for the first ttme under the new state primary suffrage law. CADET IS KILLED. (By Associated Pre.) Fort Worth, Teia. Flying Cadet Fred C. Campbell, whose home Is Rosedale, fai killed here this morning when hi plane dropped Into a tall spin at a low altitude.

He wa years old. father lives at Browning, Mont. His RAMMED LIFEBOATS. (By United Press.) Kaiuuider, 8 pain. A German submarine, after torpedoing; the French steamer Lydle off Zumaya, rammed the lifeboat.

In an effort to destroy trace of the sinking, according to members of the crew. Four member of, tht crow ar mUsinj, be on In to in 1 'DESULTORY BOMBING Much F.xi"ltenniil Is Connected with IVH'iillar Kind of Air Attack. (By Associated Press.) Behind British Lines In 1 One of the most exciting tasks to which airmen are assigned Is what Is known as "desultory bombing" over one spot for an hour or more. Tho object Is to distract the attention of the anti-aircraft defenders of a given dtHtrlct, and a machine carrying a dor.en or more bombs Is employed for the work. At (list the airmen, pilot and an observer, approach their target cautiously.

With engines throttled down, the rrnft Klldeg nearer and nearer. Below nil Is quiet. No German searchlights are sweeping the sky. Whan the attackers are almost over their objective a rocket rises toward mem and bursts Inlo a cluster of red stars. The machine has been discovered.

At once six or seven searchlights throw their beams aloft. The pilot looks at hla watch; It Is time to begin his desultory bombing. He flies steadily on, although a barrage of bursting shells lies now In front of him. The observer looks through the wires of his bomb-sight to the ground below. At the proper Instant he thrusts his lever forward and release two homhs.

A few seconds later he gees the flash of their explosions, and above the crackling barrage, he can hear two dull roara. He signal to the pilot and the machine turns and sweeps uway from the fiery ring of shells and searchlights. A few miles away the airplane file to and fro at top speed. The puzzled searchlights vainly feel the sky In all directions and then, one by one, are switched off. Then Ihe pilot quickly moves again toward the target.

Another bomb is dropped As It explodes the searchlights reap pear and tho barrage la renewed while through the thickly grouped shell bursts are threaded the chains of green flaming globes, so much used by the Oermnns. Again the machine files awny and this time, to bewilder still more the soldiers below, the observer fires a white verery light which slowly drifts below and fades out. All the searchlights follow It until It dies. Bepeatedly the airmen return to tho attack. Bombs are dropped at Intervals until the end of the hour when the machine doparts, flickering fires and clouds of smoke telling of the havoc wrought by the bomb.

ITALIANS REPULSE HUNS. Official Iteport Show Ormim Suffer Heavy Lohscs. (By United Press.) Koine. Kepented enomy attacks on Italian positions In Alhanla were repulsed yesterday wllh heavy losses, the war office reported today. "On the Kemenl river, In Alhanla, near Ihe Kuci bridge, fighting continued yesterday," the statement Bald.

"The reinforced enemy repeatedly at tacked hut was always beaten, with very heavy losses. We took 100 prl-onnrs and some machine gun. "On the mountain front In Italy there were several local attacks In the Vallnraa region. Btormer entered our trendies on Monte Corno hill were im mediately driven out. On Monte Ka- berland the British hindered the enemy and finally forced the retirement of their assailants who, caught under a barrage and a flank counter attack, hurriedly withdrew, leaving prisoners." REPRIEVE FOR MOONEY.

Governor of California Temporarily Hulls Kxei-iitlon. (By Associated Press.) Ifls Angeles, Cal. Gov. William I). Stephens animtinced today he had decided lo grunt a reprieve fo Thoma J.

Mooncy, which will operate as slny of execution until Pecember 13 101. The governor said he took this action at. this time that all persons throughout the country might be us ured the fullest consideration will be given the case by executive and Judi clal branches of the government of California. DROWNINGAT DELHI. Town of Irinro Hoy His In I ho Kiver There.

(Special to The Northwestern.) Omro. Tst evening. Kdwln 1'yer of the town of Omro, aged seventeen, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ulysess Dyer, was drowned In the river across from Delhi.

He, with several other boys, none of whom could swim, had gone over to a little dock which they had constructed In about eight feet of ater, and In Borne manner young Dyer fell Into the water anil was drowned before help could reach him. Funeral arrangement have not yet been made. He hud been working at Rushfotd. FOR UNDERSTANDING. (By tinned Pre.) Waidiliiifton.

I. President Wil son and president carrsnza nav heen asked by the American Federation of Labor to attend In International labor conference between the United State and Mexican unionists at I-nredo, Teas, November 13. This proposes establishment of a pan-Amerlcun federation of labor and the promulgation of a program of better understanding between the United States and Mclco. TIME OF DEARTH. (By Associated Press.) Amsterdam.

In an article quoted bv The Berlin Vorwaerts. Dr. Georg Mlchaells, former German Imperial chancellor, warn the German nation that there will be a time of dearth after the war because of lack of hip ping. 1 1 BUY FOR CASH. qt Fruit Jars, 95a dog, qt Fruit Jars.

76a dot. pt Fruit Jars. 70c dot. Fruit Jar Caps. 0o dom.

Fruit Jar Rubbers. 8c do. Boyd A Son. Market and Pearl. EXCLIIMVB T11I NK AND BAG STOBB.

TPt'NTCP. Bags end rases Direct from Factory to Consumer. Repalrln Neatly Done. Exchange Tour Old Trunk for a New One. Everything; In the Travelers' T.lne lowest Prleaa.

Do to Bauer's. 190 Main Street. Phone ISfiO Residence Phone lttl. COAL AND WOOD. ilTTSTON Hard Coal.

Wood. Coke. Soft Coal. Etc, Trv Our Christopher Egg Coal for Furnaces, $.00 per Ton. Uptown Office, A.

Knrmann s. rtioni 120S, 133 Main Street Meyer-Qustavu Fuel Co Phone 1297. Tarde Corner -Fifth and Minnesota Street. FOB SALE Seven Passenger Stiine- hsker. 11 Model, rcxeeuent condition: Bun Only 6,000 Mile: Three Brand New Tires.

Inquire Mr. M. Oolhns. 225 Mt. Vernon Street.

BKSOHT PHOPF.HTY UOtrli. FOR SALE A Large, Well Located Building Lot. With I'm) reel Frontage and 300 Feet Deep, at Stony Beach, at a Sacrifice; a Fine Lake Front Lot, 90t40O Feet, at Shore Acres. -About Four Miles South of City: a Big Bargain. See Geo.

B. Simmons, State Street. CARD OK THANK. WE, the Undersigned, Wish to Extend Our Heartfelt Thanks to the Many Friends. Neighbors and Belattve for Their Kind Assistance and Sympathy Shown Us During the Death of Our Beloved Mother.

Kntherine Berge. We Also Wish to Express Our Sincere Appreciation for the Beautiful Floral Offerings. The Children. AGENTS for Fairbanks-Morse Engine, Wash Machine and Lighting Plants, Etc. 'Jame' Stanchion and Barn Equipment.

Oshkosh Pumps and Water Pystema Bepalr Work Handled Promptly. Water Supply Heating Phon 1SD0. City Market Bulldln IX1ST A Pocketbook Containing a Sum of Money. Friday Evening; Name Inside. "Langlade County Abstract Company Finder Kindly Re turn to Strueblng Co.

and ttereive Reward. LOST Pink Angora Sweater Belt, Julv 20. Between ver Near liol- llster's Lumber Yards and Corner Al goma and Normal Avenue. Finder Kindly Phone 1996. FOB BENT Modern House, Oas and F.leotrielty, One-half Block from Car Line; Rent Reasonable.

For Par ticulars Inquire at 378 Jackson m. FOR BUNT -Strictly Modern House With Oarage, at 4KB Elm Street; $20 per Month. Inquire Deltox Grass Rue Co. FOR (1 1 10 Acre Farm Near City, Kverythlng on It; Also and 6 Acres' Wllh Hulldlngs to Trade for City Property. 40J Eighth Street.

Phone S4f. FOR HA LB One 10 Horse Vertical Boiler With All Trimmings; a Bar gain. Reliance Boiler Work, Marion Street. FOR 8ALF, Five Passenger Maxwell Auto, All Complete With Electrlo Lights, Starter, Dimmers, Good Tires, All In First Class Condition; No Use for Car on Account of War Conditions. L.

Parr, 214 Main Street. Phone 2099. WANTED Din Inir Room oirl at the Clalrmont, 135 Algoma Street. WANTED A First Class Baker Once; t20 per Week and Board and Room. Phone or Write F.

W. Wendt, Kaukauna, WIs WANTHD Boys Over 17 Year of Age. Nelson oreennousa. a V. One Bench Molder and One Foundry Laborer.

Apply General Foundry 16 Jackson Street. WANTED oTrl tor General Housework. Call at 81 W. Irving; Street ANYONE Contemplating Renting Rooms Tht Winter. Should Communicate With a Business Man and Hi Wife Who Wish Room in a Modern House.

Address CareJThls FOR RENT Seven Room Modern Flat, Heat and Water Furnished, per Month; Houses, 18 to $25 per Month; Also Dandy Modern Home, Price, $2,300: Another Cosy Cottage, $1,160. For Bargain In City or Farm See or Write J. A. Masterson, 113 Main Street. Phone 136.

Open Evening. Foil HALM Twin Excelsior Motor-nyclo With Kick Starter, With or Without Side Car. Can be Seen at $79 Eighteenth Street or Phone 2S02 Evenings. Cheap if Taken at Once. TRADE Lot Worth Also Solid Gold Heavy Hunt-tug Caao Watch; Watch Is Good Timekeeper; Cost, $12(.

What Have TeuT Address 5, Care Thl Office. WORKS FOR WAR BOARD. IVe Illrhard of University Bolus; Work for (ernment, (By United Press.) Madison. Dunn H. 8.

Richards, ef thn law school of the university of Wisconsin, la now In Washington doing special work for th war trad board. He Is chief of the educational division and also In the bureau of research. Prof. H. Smith and Prof.

O. S. Bundell, both of the law school faculty, are also In Washington doing special legal work for the same board. They re planning to return to tneir university work with the opening ef th regular term In October. STARTS FOR MOSCOW.

Ambassador Ilelfferlch Proceeds With Hatlallon of Soldiers. (By Associated Presa) London. Dr, Helfferlch newly appointed German ambassador to Russia, started for Moscow Friday, accord ing to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Amsterdam. On the same train went a battalion of German soldier. (Dr.

Helfferlch, former chancellor, takes the place of Count von Mlrbach who was assassinated In Moscow, early In July.) IN SIBERIAN' MONASTERY. Family of Nicholas Romanoff Is Said to be Safe. (By Associated Pre.) London. The family of Nicholas Romanoff, the former Russian emperor, Is afe In a Siberian monaitery at Abalak, according to a Central News dispatch from Amterdam. This town Is on the Irtish river aad Is a noted place ef BUcrlmac.

OUR DAILY A QUESTION I hugged a girl rather tightly the other I cruihed torn Imported cigarette. Vaurt af court. BELOW THE SURFACE ''Did you grp th paint In Mr. jllei- ubmrln Jok7" "No, It wa too dep for me." THI'RE LOTS OF THEM That bug talks lot but don't do anything. Sura, ht't a humbug I ifl-r 7m.

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