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The Oshkosh Northwestern from Oshkosh, Wisconsin • Page 2

Oshkosh, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


JdE PEOPLE'S ROUTE THROUGH Til 2 CrCLDEN NOUTI The Terrible Strain of Overwork on ItaUroad Men. Beware WEST IS THE Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. ITS 4,500 MILES OF FIRST-CLASS RAILROAD Include Through Routes between the terminal points of aU the heavy lines shown on this map, latest Atlaa of the country, will show that this la An examination of which, and reference to the The Business Men's.' AS it the DIRECT, and.

in most fONLYjmto and leadine BCSLNESS CENTERS, NORTEERF ILLINOIS, all WISCONSIN, IOWA, MINNESOTA and DAKOTA. Map-Folder Tim. Table, of this Road, and learn the leaving anj PALATIAL SLEEPING AND DRAWING-ROOM CARS AND SUMPTUOUS COACHES AND SMOKING CARS. territory named; then get tickets reading over the "CHIC.1 KP11- "AX- and be sure no other name is given therein-anit von will har of.te BEST CAKRIAOES, the liEsf HOTELS and LINlSO-UALLS. BtKVlct.

In every particular to be found in the world. A ve NO-HALLS, 8 THORN irt iTi on oM Madison Adams Streets, Ticket Affent treiirht leiot. corner Union and Carroll Streets. 'Ity ouiues, 1 auii IIwW'kbk il S.erHouseaJd9randf''cint "0l4- T. E.

Passenger Aurlit streew- tity omue-iM w5wr 8t corn" 8T TnH i59 Bt TWrd Street, opposite Merchant's Hotel. CHARLES THOMPSON li ES-vriPATi5r-1- Ticket Agents. JJnion Depot, foot of Sibley Street. HtKMAS BHOWN and T'-C Aen'8 J- CHANDLER. General Agent.

12 Kast Third Street. nniiM irJIIJ. 7icJte.t ofilee8 a.t'9P.Per,1,eKot' ojr- VVashinpton and Third Aves South. A. B.

CHAM BERLIN, Depot Ticket Agent, and No. 7 Muullet House. O. SCOTT, City Ticket Agent. S.

MERRILL, Oea'l aaaatr. LURETHSP SEEDSI ForthO MgRCHANTes our New Plan For the MARKET GARDENER For the PRIVATE FAMILY CrOWn hy nurcolucc on our own Farms SEEDS ir Handsome Illaatrated Catalocue and Rural Register FREE TO ALL. MERCHANTS, SEND US YOUR BUSINESS CARDS FOR TRADE LIST. DAVID GROWERS, PHILADELPHIA AGENTS! rfYCLOPEDIA And Complete STOCK Embracin Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Swine poultry.

Bees and Dogs, tor Hon. J. Feriam. Editor ia cniet iraine i aad Dr. A.

H. Baker, tbe distinfmished Veterinary Surgeon and writr. Cover every subject pertain-in to stock ol hnrm both in Health and Disease. Entirely new. Nothing like It.

Nocompetition. Chenpeat boolt published. Contains 11 63 Imperial octavo for telling aeaol Horses and (laltle; 730Enirrav Ings m-J a colored platea 1 1.600 sold to GO days. Farmers clear ST lOO a month. Act now fciclustve Virrltorj Cenhdential terms.

Ac. eentoaappUcalioato N. D. THOMPSON ot ubllsbera 81 Louia. MaV John Mann bad a wife who was kind and true a iia nho loved him well 1 a She cared for his bomeand their only child, Hut I truth must tell.

She fretted and pined because John was poor, And his business was Blow to nay But be only said, when she talked of change we'll suck to ine gooa oiu way She saw her neighbors were growing rich And dwelling in bouses grand That she was living in poverty, lth wealih opon every bnd And sbe urged her husband to speculate, To risk nig earnings at piay But he only aald. "My dearest wife," "We'll allele to ine gooa oia way." For he knew that tbe money that's quickly got. Is the money that's quickly lost: And the money that stays Is the money earned At honext endeavor's cost- Bo be pJolded along in his honest style. Abd ne bettered nimsen eacn aay, And he onlv said to bis fretful wife, We'll ailck to tbe good old way." And at last here came terrible crash. When beggary, and shame Came down on the homes ot their wealthy friends.

While Jobn's remained tbe same For he had no debts and be nave no trust, My motto is tbi," he'd say-Mi's a charm against panics of every kind Tis stica to the good old w-y And his wife looked round on the little house That every nail hair own. And she asked forgiven- ssof honest John For tbe peevish mistrust she had shown, But be only said, as ber teariul face Upon bis shoulder iay The good old way is the bes' way, wife. We'll SUck to the good old wy New Yo- Ledger, AMERICA AND Tilt. POPE. A Kew Bat for the United States.

The Botnlah Church Building Her Hopes ob the Revulsion Against materialism. London, Feb 6 A rumor that the Vatican has decided to appoint another American cardinal has revived a ser loua discussion over the preset-1 prospect of the Roman Church among Eng. iish sneakiue Deooie. Private advices receiv 3d here from Rome show that the Pope, from what ever sources or circumstances he has derived hiB assurance, feels greatly comforted over what the College of Car dinals have chosen to term the success fu) passage of tbe modern crisis in the history of the Church of God. There can do longer be any doubt that the uncommon number of conventions among the bieber orders of the Roman clergy of tbe Vatican lately have all been tne reBult of tub most secret man agement, extending over a year past, and that tbe result of tbe deliberations wbich bave taken place has been in tbe main eminentlv satisfactory to tbe car dinals and to tbe Pope.

At the Vatican it is now believed tbe tide of publio opinion has turned against tnhuelity and azainst that form of materialism nreacned by tbe disciples of Darwin and Spencer, and toward those forms of orthodoxy wbich admit of as Utile disputation as possible and engender the stable doctrines or domestic ana public morality. The Boman Church affects to believe that she will be iavig orated by accessions all over the world in tne near future, as tbe result of the alleged revulsion against materialism Tbe most singular tmng about such in dications as are obtainable concerning the real calculation of tie Vantinaa is hat they ail suggest that the mau Church is building nearly all her hopes of a great future iu inland and Amer ica cafdiuals. It is aaid that the lead erdof the church have demonstrated to their own satisfaction that tbe more honorable of the English nobility and tbe more stable of tbe great families and many of tbe royal blood are gravitating toward imanism be cause of the deep ro ted conviction among them that froiesisn nia nd tree thought in England are rapidly bringing republicanism, and that, the only true friend of cate is Kome. Wo at puzzles tbe iglisb tbnkera on reliioui subjects, now is that while ti Papal churcu calculates to prt fit by accessions from tbe wealth, nobimy and royalty of Great Britain, because of their faith in ine hxedness of lm oerialism or Rome to save the Papal church, it Bbould at the same time be making large investments of hope in tbe uited states of America. Most Englishmen believe that repub licanism has a patent on license, but some know that the College of Uardi nala at Rome is the best informed body in tbe world on American affairs, and when an American monk, priest, Je suir.

bishop, archbishop or cardinal has a communication for the Vatican of such importance that it is hia duty to abandon for a time all his local pursuits and connections and go in per son on the long journey to Rome, that be may say with bis tongue wnat is carried in his brain right into the ear and mind of the great manager, who must know everything that can be found out, it is certain that the infor mation carried tu Kome is inside and beyond mbt, and, with such familiarity as the American Catholio clergy have toward tbe papacy, there is reason to suppose that at Rome the United btates is quite accurately represented An unusual number of American clergymen of prominence have in turn recently been to tbe Vatican. Jfnnci pal among these was seen Bishop Spalding of Illinois. He, it is known. remained a much longer time than he bad intended at the expressed desire of the rope. Lieo is supposed to bave found much consolation in tie discourses he had with the Ameri can Bishop, and it is reported that the Vatican has decided to appoint an American cardinal, who is to baye a residence both in Rome and in the United It is belie yed that the great wealth of the Uoited States, the vast opportunities for acquiring riches, tbe immense number uf rich people and the vast size of tbe fortunes there are the factors which the Vatican merely uses in bis calculations concerning ne American union, because no one knows better tbao Pope Leo the impe rial tendency of wealth and tbe uu- qiiencbttbia desire of the rich for such acknowltdgementa as will permanently distinguish them from tbe more unfor tunate portion of mankind.

To Florida and the South." To those contemplating a visit to the South, the Louisville Nasbyille Rail road offers superior advantages. Pas-set gera can take a through ooach in Chictgo and without change of cars run to New Orleans, Jacksonville, Nashville or Louisville over a splendid road. Lois road runs to tbe celebrated Mam moth Cave and passengers en visit ita wonders en route Blount Springs, Ala barn and Thomasyille, Georgia, are also very attractive southern stopping places during the winter, as tbey both are remarkable for genial climate, healthful surroundings and reasonable accomodations. The entire Gulf coast from New Orleans to Pensacola during the winter posesses unusual attractions in the way of hunting, fishing and boat ing under southern skies and tbe Louievilie Nashville road passes through the entire section. Any further information concerning this route can be obtained by addressing Ge irge Li.

Cross, Northwestern Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Blood will tell." so be careful how you make confidants of your re lations. "The public takes lis magazines" by the week," Christian Union. Until be has tried tt the advantages If WEEKLY MlAZINE11ke THE CONTINENT. (Conducted by Albion W.

Tourgee.) It gives the Best Literature and tbe Rent Art once Week Instead of once a month and one-third more of it every year than -ny Monthlv pubiisned, at the same price; tt a year, lO cento a copy. This unique per-lod'cal has from Ui first been a most decided succ B8. Judge Ti.uricee tersely announced bis ruliDg principle to be he best is none too goid for th readers of The Contihnt," The result justified this declaration. In addition to its thirty-two pages a we-k of th-bt8t original matter and tbe most exquisite illustrations, ihb Continkwt celebrates lis eeonrf birthday and opens ita tuibd volume with, the MOST bTJEPRISIKO OFFERS ever made for subscription to any periodical some of them including as much as $17 In premiums for 10 in subscriptions, send for free Spec! man Copy and premium ift. and enclose stamp for a Memorandum Book for lo3.

ADDRESS, The Continent Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sts PHIL C. E. EDWARDS, ENTIST. 105 Main Street, Oshkosh, Wis.

PERSONAL attention elven to all work and satisfaction guaranteed In ever; case. Office and residence over Carswell's dry goods store. A. EAREUTHER. rEACHERor MU3IO AND LANGOAOr Prof.

Bareuther'r connection with tb lerman-Engllsb Academy ceasing on the la July, be Is ready now to receive applies tons of pupils for lessons In all branches oi nasicand languages; to wnicn, in future, fin laitnruuy attena. OfBoe and residence 16 Merltt atreet-lortbeast corner of Merrltt street and Jeffer on avenue. Office hours from 13 to I P. uee.ldawu. LEGAL BLADES.

A FULL line of Legal Blanks of the most viiijtt tnvrma mihliariiul anrf firiv sola a. -am. u)iivrt wu iui uio. jr uui.ous nuva ava ob'v by Alien A licks 143 Main street, including Circuit and Justice Courts, Bankrupts, Real Estate, Src, twenty Ave per cent, chearer nan tne muwajKee list. "For t.

Dream Bake." A Novel. By Hrs. H. Martin 18 umy ijoe-s wiaowhood. A Novel.

By E. B. llamley 15 History or our own Times. Parti. By J.

Mo- Carthy 20 History of our Own Times. Part II. By J.Mo- Carthy 20 Basildon. A Novel. By Mrs.

Alfred W. 15 John Halifax. A Novel, By Miss 13 Orange Lily. A Novel. By May Grommelin 10 1 heopnrastus 8ucn, By George Eliot If ine Zulus and the British Frontiers.

By Capt. T. J.Lucas 10 lonn usioigate. A Novel. By Anthony Throl- 15 The House of Lys.

A Tale. By W. Q. Ham- ley IS tienry Esmond. A Novel.

Bv W. M. Thacker ay ts ne me of Charles Lever. By W. J.

Fitzpat- rick 16 ur Leslie of Underwood A Novel. By Mary Patrick 15 The Green Hand. A Short Tarn. By Geo res Cupples 16 Dorcas. A Novel.

By Georgina 15 The Gypsy. A Novel. By G. P. B.

James 15 he Life of J. Matthews. Edited by Charles 15 Moy Brien. A Tale of Irish Life. By "Mu- lusine" 10 lb ramley Parsonage.

A Novel. By Anthony Trollope 15 cm aiouv anm. a norct. sy is. A.

Btern- dale i 15 The Two Miss Flemings. A Novel 16 ose Mervyn. A Novel. By Anne Beale 16 Keunen Davidger. A Tale for Boys.

By 9. Greenwood 16 i ne Talisman, By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Il lustrated 15 The Pickwick Papers. By Mr. Charles Dickens 30 Madge Duuraveu.

A Tale 15 ouug urs. jardine. A Novel. By Miss Ha- loc -M rosins or Wordsworth. Edited by Matthew Ar nold is uoosm Henry.

A Novel. By Anthony Trollope 10 wura ana Bensiouiiy. a. novel, xty Jane Aua- nn 15 The Bertrams. A Novel By Anthony Trollope 16 The Fugitives A Story.

By Mrs Oliphant 10 ine rtrson Dumford. A Novel. By U. Fenn is High Spirits. By James Payn 16 tne Mistletoe Bough for 187.

Edited by M. E. Braddon 10 The Egoist. A Novel. By George 16 Hells of Penraven.

A NoveL By B. 10 A Few Months In New Guinea. By O. O. Stone 10 A Doubting Heart.

A Novel By Annie Keary 16 Little Mise Primrose. A Novel. By Eliia Tabor 16 uonua vuixote A Novel. By Justin McUsr- 15 aeu- on ana va tne stage, a Novel. By B.

H. Buxton memoirs of Madame De Kemurat. 1802-1808 Parti 10 Madame De Remusat Part II 10 auaame ue uemusat. fart III. With 30 Por 10 aweei neuy, siy Heart's ueiignc A floret.

Br James Bice and Walter Besant 10 The Mnnater Circuit By J. B. O'Flanagan. 16 eirjonn. a.

novel. By tbe author of "Anne Dysart" 15 ine greatest Heiress In England. A Hovel. By Mrs Oliphant 15 uueen or the Meadow. A Novel.

Bv Charles Gibbon 15 mend and Lover. A Novel. By Iza Duff as cmrrrs Hardy 15 uousin Himon. A Novel. By the Hon.

Mrs. B. Marsham 10 Mademoiselle De A Novel. 15 ine Nineteenth Century. By Bobert Macsen- sie 15 Barbara.

A Novel By M. K. Braddon. 16 A Hylvan Queen A Novel 16 Tom Singleton. By W.

Follett 8yng 15 Tbe Return of the Prinoess. A NoveL By Jao- quee Vincent s. 10 Russia Before and After the War 15 A Wayward Woman A Novel. By A. Griffith 16 Two Women A Novel.

By Georgiana M. Craik 15 Dalreen. A NoveL By Frank Frankfort Moore 15 For Her Dear Sake. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay 6 Prince Hugo.

A Novel. By Maria M. Grant. 16 From Generation to Generation. A Novel, By Lady Augusta Noel 15 Young Lord Penrith.

A Novel By J. B. Har- wood is Clara Vanghan. A Novel. By B.

D. Black-more i. 16 Tne Heart of Holland. By Henry Havard 10 neata a novel. BV IS U.

Uerard 16 Mary Anerley. A NoveL By D. Blackmore. 15 The Pennant Family. A Novel By Anne Beale 15 Poet and Peer.

A NoveL By Hamilton 16 The Duke'a Children. A Novel. By Anthony Trollone 1 an The Queen. By Hrs. Oliphant.

Illustrated as Wise Kouverie. A NoveL By Mrs. Holeswortb. 16 David Armstrong A Novel 10 Hypatia A Novel By Chas Kinesley 15 Cape Cod sad All Along the Shore. Stories.

By unae. noranoii 15 Life of James A. Garfield. By Edmund Eirke. -IUustrated 20 Cross Purposes.

A Novel. By Cecilia Findlay 10 Clear Shining After Bain. A Novel. By G. Hamilton 16 Pride and Prejudice.

A Novel. By Jane Austen 15 White Wings. A Yachting Romance. ByWa Wack 10 Cast Up By the Sea. By Sir Samuel Bsket.

15 The Mudfog Papers, Ac. By Charles 10 Lord Brackenbury. A Novel. By A. B.

Ed- warns 10 A Memoir of the Rev. Sidney Smitli 10 Just as I Am. A NoveL By 10 A Bailor's weetnesrt. A Hovel. By w.

Clark Russell 15 Rums. By Principal Sbalrp. Goldsmith. By Wm Black. Bunyan.

By J. A Fronde If Johnson. By-Leslie Stephen. Scott. By Rich ard Hutton.

Thackeray. By Anthony 1 roll ope 15 The Three Beouits, A. NoveL By Joseph Eat too ID Early History of Charles James 70S. By O. O.

TreveKan 91 Horace Mcl ean. A NoveL By Alice O'Hanlon 16 From the Wings A Novel By Buxton. 16 He tbat will not When be May. A NoveL By urs. uupnani 15 Endymlon.

A NoveL By the Earl of Beacons-neld (With a Key to the Characters.) 15 Duty. By Samuel Smiles IS A Confidential Agent. A NoveL By James Payn 16 Love and Life. A NoveL By Charlotte M. Yonge 15 The Rebel of the Family.

A NoveL By X. Lynn Linton. 20 Dr. Wortle's School. A Novel.

By Aathony Trollope 16 little Pansy. A Novel By Mrs. Randolph 80 The Dean's Wife. A NoveL By Mr. O.

J. Ell- oart 90 The Posy Blag. A NoveL By Urs. Alfred W. tv And many others too numerous tt mention.


fACIFIC and other NEW NORTHWESTERN POINTS. DIRECT LINE TO Western and Northern Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota. Close connections nt Morrlllan, reaching ST.Paul Tina hame rivv. CONNECTIONS. 1 1.

1. AM In Union Depot, with the Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis a Omaha road for al I points north and west. AT I.OMOWMJC.

Closeconnea-tloti Is made with traits of the Milwaukee. LakaMhore Western railway to and from all points on that. line. rAT KA 11 lH With Wlsoonsln Vllev Division o( Chicago, Milwaukee A Ht. Paul railroad.

ATWISUSA AKlL.ArilOMMR With Chicago Northwestern and Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul roads for the West, as well as well as north and south. Also with Mississippi iiver t.teamerg for Hauulbai, St. Jo. St.

I.ouls. and other river points. AX 1.HKKN BAY With Chicago A Norihwesteru railway for Oconto, Encauaba. Crystal Ealls, and all points In the liou Distrlcta of Northern Michlgsn Lake Superior region, also Milwaukee, IiIomuo, and all points east and south. With Milwaukee Northern ifjr for Milwaukee aud points on their line.

REMEMBERTHEE FACTS. It la the shortest and best route to Eau Claire, Uenomonee, Hudson and Stillwater. lso the shortest and fastest line from points on lake Michigan, along ibe line oft he Milwaukee, Lake Shore Western R'y, from Koud du Lao, Oshkosh, Neenah, Menasba, Ap- pletoo. and all points In the Michigan I'euln-sula, to Stevens Point, La Crosse, Winona, Eed Wing, Hattings, eto. and all points in the NEW NORTHWEST.

CHOICE ROUTES to and from ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS, Ask for tickets via. this Une and take no other For time cards, rates, or Information concerning this route, applv to local agents ur to the General Passenger Offloe Green Uay. TIMOTHY OANK, General Superintendent. Ye bave added COAL to oar are now prepared to furnish ALL KINPS OF C0AL1 AT THI- Lowest-Prtces.

We also bave a Urge stock of II A RO HA PliE WOOD, at the lowest price. COOK, BROWN CO. A W. FARRAND, AQKKT VOH TBI vie!) aIs A Hhrpard Csginrsind Heparatera, Mew Heme, Ntewart, HoiiHehald, lomentla, 1 aay ether Hewing Maehlae. Repairing MWlag asaehlnes, wrlDgera, oeks.

keys, ateam gauges and lawa mowers specialty. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKER'S Warranted absolutrltf pur Cocoa, from which the oxrcaa of Oil ha bwn rcniovfd. It liiu threr time the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Huirar, and is therefor fur more econnnii. cal.

It ia delicious, nourishing, strrngthciilng, ermily dUmtiil, an admirably adapted for invalid as well aa for peraonii in lieallh. Bold by Ururert everjhre. BAKER Dorcttr, Mass. JBU3INbS DIRECTORY. ARCHITECTS.

WM. ATE ItS, Architect. Plana and Specification for Buildings of every description furnished on short notice. Office over the Post Ofllce. BOOKS AND STATIONERY.

VLLEN A HICKS, Wall Paper. Cloth Shacrva and Legal Blanks. 143 MalnHt. CTHINO. vv The Clothier and Hatter, Gents' Fur-Dishing Goods, ulgn of the Golden Horse rthoe.aS Main DRY GOODS.

WM. HILL Leaders in ine Dry Goods, 14V) and 151 Main Street. I II. FORBES. Dry Goods Establishment.

79 Main FURNITURE. BU. SOPfcR. Fine r'urnlture. Established In 1S6S.

Warerooms Si. 83, 85 and 87 Main si. I i i i i a i IIOBERT BRAND. lit Bank, offloe, library, church and lodge mrnlture made to order. Scroll sawing, turning, carving, Oeape street, Osu-aonh.

luneUKdrim LAWYERS. 17 W. HOUGHTON, X1 Altorney-atrLaw. national Bank. Office over First dawtf lLBKBT D.

WBKD. M2j Attorney at Lmw. block. Oshkosh, Wis. Office In Hooper's angtldU GEO.

W. BURN ELL. Atorney-at-Law. Office over First atlonal Bank. CUOZIER TYRREL, Attorneys-at-Law Office Union National Ba.

Ir CHAS. W. FELKEK, Attorney-at-Law. Office 81 Main over Vlail's store. QHN W.

HUME, ft Attorney-tt-Law. Offloe with Gaha-Houck. MERCHANI MO. BOLES," Fine custom Work a SDeclaltv. Un der Fraker Hall.

PAINTERS. I7RANCIS P. FOX, Painter and paper hanger. Residence 32 Division St. Orders left Allen A Hicks' will be promptly attended to.

NEWS DEPOTS MA, RVCKMAN, 28 Kansas Ht. Latest papers and periodicals. Headquarters on the South side for the Dally and Weekly Nohthwkbt-KRiv. snhoolhooa-a and st.ntlonerv GEO. F.

STROUD, Headquarters fof Oils. Paints and Varnishes. 80 and 88 Main Street SOAP WORKS. JR. LOPER, Soap Works, corner Marlon and Mark Oxukosh.

Toilet and Family Soaps uenneaxaiiow meauiiooi uu. eio. THURSDAY, EbBUAKY 8, 1S3. HAGrAZIflES FOB 1883. Subscriptions for all the lending magazines and periodic! rece.ved at this office at club rate which are coi.iidera.Dly less tnaa regular prices Harper Monthly Hamper's Weekly rper's Harper's Young People Century Miasms Bu f-jo Cnlcago inter Ocean Amer.can Agriculturist AtlanUo -jw Iemorest Magazine 1 Godey'a Lady Boot Chicago Journal Llppmcou's 8 Wealeru Ku al 1.60 Chicago Inter Ocean and Weekly North- western SO These prices Include the postage.

Subscriptions may commence at any lime and at any postofflce, but will not betaken for less than onejear. ALLKN HICKS, Oshkosh, Wis. STATE NEWS. The grand jury in Milwaukee la in-restigating the charges against Pcbel-ler, charged with setting fire to the Newhall House. The marriage of F.

F. Daggett of Chicago and Miss Florence Ransell of Neenah.took place in Neenah last evening. A Milwaukee man named J. Ralston, employed in a soap factory, has fallen heir to a fortune of three million in the county Moaghan, Ireland. The Menominee Chemical company, with Tuomas K- Ewing, Alex.

Cohen and Charles H. Hamilton as incorporators, has been recorded among the latest business enterprises of Milwau kee. The busiueea is the manufacture of patent medioines and druggist's sup plies, the factory to be located near Wauwatosa. The Right Worthy Grand Encamp ment, I. O.

O. closed its labors Wednesday afternoon at JWatertown, after a pleasant and interesting session of two davs. The election of grand officers resulted in the choice of the following: W. C. 8.

Barron, grand patriarch Charles Kendall, grand high priest; Joseph Schroeder, senior war den 8. B. Kennyon, unior warden K. B. Hills, grand secretary H.

Huxley, grand treasurer; A. Willard, trustee for three years. Appointment were made as follows: William Humphrey, Mar shall; Port, outside sentinel; J. O. H.

Van Riper, inside sentinel. Madi on was selected as tbe next place of meeting in February, 1883. Memorial were presented to the Eacampment expressing the deep feeling of sorrow felt by the order of the state over the ead fate of Mr. liott, who perished in the Nehall House fire, and tbe death of M. P.

Lindsley, past grand marshal and past grind representative of Green Bay, both OJd Fellows of high etanding and character NOTES AND NEWS. A mob in Hamilton. recently assaulted a building where an ex-Roman Catholic was led ring, whereupon tbe illce nrreeteo itie lectator-aa an iL lustration of religious liberty in Amer ic. Oyer one-half of those who will com' pose the Uaited States senate after March 4i.h next, are reported to be millionaires, and nearly one-half are known to be such. Years ago "Old Ben" Wade declared tnat low salaries in the highest public service and cor ruption in would sooner or later place the legislative department of the government "in an aristocracy of wealth and nobility of ignorance.

Though Gambette was not a believer in Christianity, he was not willing to deny the possibility of its doctrines be ing true. Some friends were once deploring, in his presence, the weakness or treachery which induced the savant Littre to profess Christianity on his death-bed. "Who- can tell replied Gambetta. "Perhaps Lutre did right after all it is a great toes up, what lies on the other side of the grave. Aa Unfortaoate Arrident.

Boston. Feb. 6 As President Angell of the society fur toe prevention of cruelty to at a state House hearing yesterday luted uis overcoat from a cbair a bright object fell from the pocket. A crash of glass followed and a pungent, unmistakable odor filled tbe air. President Angell aavs he baa to enhale alcohol for lung trouble.

He is a prominent temperance man. Encouraging Him. He had been with the establishment five years without an increase of salary and without getting higher than the basement The day after New Year's old Foggs came down stairs for a look around, and by and by he said: "James, you keep things in pretty good shape down here." I try to, sir." "How long have you been here?" 'Five years, sir." And your salary is $15 per week?" "Yes, sir." Fifteen, eh? Yes. Just so. Fifteen dollars a week and been here five years.

Ahem! James!" Yes, sir." "I think Til send von up stairs." "Thanks, sir thanks." "Can you sell goods?" I think I can, sir." Very well. Til send you up stairs "Thanks thanks!" Til send you up stairs to ask Mr. Oh! sir, you are very kind." Til send you up stairs to ask Mr. K. if we can't afford to give you all your evenings, so that you can arrange to clerk for some grocer from 7 to 10 o'olock! In that way you can probably earn $2 or $3 a week and spin out your salary.

Yes, I think we'll let you do that. This house has always made it a point to reward energy and honesty, and 1 take pleasure in advancing you a step. There no thanks run aloof!" Some Delaware people eat muskrats and like them. One enthusiast says: Put a brace of fricassed rats before a Washington epicure and the odds are that he could not tell them from rabbits." tX3uThe ex -city treasurer of Milwan-kee, Michael Krauee Ed. thns speaks concerning 8t.

Jacobs Oil "I have used that invaluable remedy for rheumatic pains, and, in my judgment it has no pqn alio that line. In my opinion, St. Jacobs Oil is great. Thirty Honrs Without Bleep When Delayed, by Blockades. "I have often nagged a train and found tbe engineer fast asleep," said a stationkeeper at Scrauton, to a New York Itmes reporter.

ludeed, I may say it is a common occurrence of late, be added, "and more than that, I bave fouud the conductor of the same train snoriog loudly in the "And who runs the train in the meantime "The fireman keeps a lookout while the engineer is sleeping, but if be should doze off. the train would simply run itself, and there is no knowing what might happen, especially if the road is a busy one. "No wonder accidents occur. This is really terrible. What is the reason railroad men fall asleep at their peril ous positions "It in due to the long hours they are required to serve continually in tne in terest of corporation economy.

It is nothing unusual now for train hands to be at work steadily twenty-two hours without obtaining a minute rest, ex cept what tbey can steal on the road, and I have known men to work for thirty hours without sleep when detained oomewbere by blockade or an accident of me sort. It is killing tbe men, but if tt ey complain their places are speedily hiitd. Mu of the men have families, and won grumble no matter how much they are imposed upon, as it is not easy to on tain work when a man gets out tf a job, and nearly all tne roads are as bad as each other in this respect. After railroad man it. on tbe track ten hours be becomes exhausted, and he might be said to be half asleep tbe balance of the time, lbey are really to be pitied and it is not their fault if they fall asleep." "Have you reported such men as you found asleep on their trains to the com.

pany?" "No tbe occurrence is too common If I should report a man for sleep ng at bis post he would be dismissed, oy should I do it? The company ought to know that a man cannot ktep awake, no matter "how weil he may try, during such long labor tous hours, and I don want to set up as a reformer to punish those that are guilty of nothing more serious than yielding to the law of nature. Be Bides I know what it is to work long hours myself too well not to have eym pathy for others. All of the men at the little stations have to be awake moat of the time to attend to their du ties. I know a station master who has to be at hirj post when the midnight train goes by. and again in the morning at 4 clock, if the midnight train is an hour or two behind schedule time which i fi-en happens, be must wait for it, and be out at 4 in the morning, as usual.

"Is not this system of long hours confined to the company you work for?" Not at all. it is tbe same with all the companies that do a big coal and freight business, and it is time tbe at tention of the public was directed tu the matter, because it is really a great danger to those who travel by railroad." "Are men so scarce that there can not, he a better division of labor?" "No it is due to a spirit of economy The companies, so lavish in everything else, are niggardly in dealing with their men. lbey ht up gorgeous cars wnh mirrors, soft cushions and gut-edg-d spittoons. These things meet tbe eye of the public and please the popular fancv, but the passeogers do not see whose fidelity and wide awake energy the very safety of their liyes depenu. ibe company economize on tbe man to make the car luxurious, and while the delighted passengers are zing tt aleep on tbe midnight train and flying ahead at tne rale of thirty forty mile- an hour tbe man who was up at clock in the morniog may be aslcei at the ewitfh ahead, all the railroad accidents that occur are due to the fact that the crew are overwork ed." tPittsford, Sept 28, 1878, Sibs I have taken Hop Bitbrsand recommend them to others, as I found them very beneficial.

Mrs. W.Tcixer, Sec. Woman's Chnat'n Tem. Union Lords Blanc's Wife. A romantic story comes from the French side of the ocean ferry to the odd effect that Bonapartism found Blanc his excellent wife.

When he accepted exile, he purposely took lodgings in Newman street a quarter not far from Soho, much affected byJhe foreigners in London with an elderly landlady, who had a young and attractive niece. Not long after he had been "housed," and was imagining his retreat unknown to the spies, he returned to his apartments to find that during his absence they had evidently been at work with his papers. His grief was so apparent for these missing papers compromised intimate friends who had remained behind that it excited the young lady's compassion, and she turned traitor to her aunt by showing him where they were hidden, ready for removal. He recovered them, but mademoiselle was driven relentlessly from the house by her enraged relative. Not long after ward the distinguished exile married his commiserator, whose grace and beauty afterward became famous in their restored Paris residence.

a mm aw A young man who went to the eircus and stepped too near a monkey's cage, had his acm seized and savagely jerked by one of the monkeys. He would have escaped safely if he had not said, "It is merely a monkey-wrench," but when they "heard that, the infuriated crowd throw him into the lion's den. MISCELLANEOUS. fN STOMACH Invalids, broken down In health and spirits by cbroni-dyspepsia, or suffering from the terrible exhaustion thatfolinwutim attanir acute disease the testimony of thousands woo nave oeeu raisea as oy a mrracle from a similar state of prostration by Hostette-'s Stomach Bitters. Is a sure guarantee tbat by the same means you, too, may be strengthened and restored.

For sale by aU lrngglst8 and Dealers aren- eraily. Mm BENSON'S GAPOINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation injured by worthless imitatiors. The Public are cautioned against buying Plasters having similar sounding names. See that the word C-A-P-C I-N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters.

One is worth more than a dozen of any other kind. Will positively cure where other remedies will not even relieve. Price 25 cents. Beware of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. JOHNSON, Mannfacturing Chemists, New York.

AMTRR REMKIIV AT la ST. Price 25cts. MEAD'S Medicated CORM and BUNION PLASTEH THOS. QU1NJM, Merchant Tailor Cor.MainandOtterSls., OSHKOSH. WIS.

I keep a full line of Foreign and Domestic Cloths and Oas-simeres, besides a full line of Gent's Furnishing Goods. -I guarantee a PERFECT FIT and at the MOST REASONABLE PRICES every time 3.0ive me a call and satisfy yonrself nov2dawtf LIST OF BOOKS To be found at the tlore of ALLEN HICKS, No. 143 Main St HIstOTJ of 't1" Plutarch's Uvu Green's History ef England tits l.oo 00 uutory or Our UW1 Tinas. Is be Popenjoy? A Novel. By Antnony Trc4- Tne History of Crime Bj Victor The Russians of To-dy.

Paul Knox, Pitman. A Novel. ByJ B. Har- wood My Heart's in the Highlands. A Novel Heiinrietta A Novel By Ernest Ohriitine Brownlee's Ordeal.

A Novel. By Miry Patrick A Beautiful Woman. A Romance By Leoa Brook. Honor's Worth A Novel By Mets Orred Kingdene. A Novel By the Hon.

llrs. Fetn- eratonhsngh Cloved en A Novel. By 8tphen People of Turkey. By a Consul's Daughter and Wife The Young Duke, A Novel. By Benjamin Oi rseli.

B- a Satire By Jenkins -Bonnie Lesley." A Novel. By am a. ataa- tin The Earl of Beaoonsfleld, K. Q. With two portrait Bel- eted Poems of Matthew A mold The Bubble Reputation A Novel.

By Katharine King Among Aliens A Novel. By llrs F. E. Trollops Illustrated. Guy Livingstone.

A Novel. By Geo. A. Law-Time 8naUTrANovlSrRy Evelina. A Noval By Frances Barney The Bachelor of the lbany A Novel old Lang Syne, By W.

Clark Russell Haclsod of Dare. A Novel. By Wm. TheHistletoe Bough. Edited by If.

E. Brad-Rare Pale MargaretA Love's Crosses A Novel. By F. E. M.

Notley. Light and Shade A Novel. By O. Q. O'Brien.

Christians and Moors of Spain. By 0. M. Yonge Elinor Dryden. A Novel.

By Mrs. K. S. Mao- qnoid The Irish Bar. By I Roderick O'Flanagsn The Last Days of Pompeii.

By Edward Bnlwer Through A niaetic Turkey. By Grattan Geary Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier Jane Eyre A Novel By Charlotte Bronte. An Eye for an Eye, A Novel. By Anthony Trollope. Man and Wife.

A Novel. By Wilkie 0-llins. A True Marriage. A Novel. By Emily Spender Kelverdale.

A Novel. By the Earl of Within Sound of the Sea. A Novel. The Last of Her Une. A Novel.

By Ellas Tabor. Vixen A Novel. By M. E. Braddon Within the Precincts.

A Novel. By Mrs. Oil- pliant All or Nothing. A Novel. By Mrs.

O. Hoey The Plague in London, By Daniel Defoe Grahams of Invermoy. A Novel. By M.O. Sterling.

.40 Coward Conscience A Novel. By F. W. Rob inson The Cloven Foot A Novel. By B.

Brad- 16 den Quaker Cousins. A Novel. By Agnes Macdon-11 The 8herlocka. A Novel- By John Saunders That Artful Vicar. A Novel Under One Roof.

A Novel. By James Eothen By Alexander William Kinglake Better than Good. A Story for Girls. By Annie Ridler Under Life's Key, and Other Stories. By Mary Cecil Hay 16 IS 15 IS 15 10 IS IS AphodeL A Novel.

ByM E. Braddon Hanrise. A Novel. By Wm IB 15 an 20 16 10 30 80 15 20 21) 21 2 2(i 15 ir The Glen of Sliver A Novel. By B.

O. BUckburne Social Etiquette and Home Culture The Wards of PloUnus. A Novel. By Mrs. John Reminiscences.

By Thomas Carlyle. Edited by J. A. Fronde His Little Mother, and other tales. By Miss Mulock Life of George IV.

Paitl By Percsy Fits- gerald Life of George IV. ParUI. By Percey Fitzgerald Into the Shades, and other stories. By Mary Cecil Hay Offiear. A Sketch By "A Memoirs of Prince Metternich.

Part Memoirs of Prince Metternich. tlemoirs of Prince Metternich. vtemotra of Prince Metternich. Part Part Part From Exile. By James una Williamson's Divlgations.

Miss Thackerav Stories By Thomas Carlyle. The Man and His Books W. H. Wviie By Lord Beaoonsfleld A Study. George The Life and Surprising Idventuree'of 'Robinson Crusoe My Love A Novel By Miss E.

Lynn Linton XT Heside the River. A Tale. By Katharine 8. Harry JoscelyB. A Novel.

By Mrs Oliphant The Miller's Daughter. A Novel. By Anne Beale Tbe Chaplain of the Fleet A Novel. By V7. s-sant and Rice My First Offer and other Stories.

By Mary Cecil Hay Cnbelief in the Eighteenth Century. By Joan Cairns, D. Revised Version of the New Testament A Child of Nature. By Robert At the Seaside, and other stories. By Mary Cecil Correspondence of Talleyrand aad Louis XVIII Visited on tbe Children.

A Novel By Theo. oipt Costly Heritage. A Novel. By Alice O'Han- lon An Ocean Free-Lance. A Novel.

By W. Clark Rnssell The Beautiful Wretch. A Brighton Story. By Wm. Black, with Characteristic Illustration.

to day in America. By Joseph Hatton Agala's Angel. A Novel. By Anthnnv Trollom The Neptune Vssa- A Novel. By Virginia W.

Johnson Sydney. A Novel. By Geoririana M. Clark Letters of Madame De Remusat 30 1 ne Biaci speck. A Temperance Tale, By F.

w. uobinson in Reseda A Novel. By Mrs. Randolph on Car lock O'Glenwarlook. A Novel.

By George on With Costs. A Novel. By Mrs. Newman ik The Private Secretary. A Novel 30 rue uameronlans.

A Novel. By James Grant 20 occpiro ana luug a novel, uy a i. Buxton 30 voetry or Byron. Chosen and Arranged Br Mathew Arnold 30 Ivy Cousin and Bride. A Hovel.


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Seymour. ifJSIKIPTIQ 1 navo auosmve reiueuy uwiiiobiw'." -tisa thouanda of cases of the won kind and of lung tandlnirhave been cured. Intieed, M) atrnne Is my faith In ltaerScarv.tHat I will TWO FOTTI.Ea 1 KtK. K.Bether itn a 1.1' ABLK TKKAT18E on tliill dlaeane, tu any sufferer. OWe Express and P.

address. Pit. T. A. 8LOCL M.

ml Pearl Kew Tort WAXTED AGENTS lor fastest selling hooks of the age bie profits circulars and terms free. E. J. N.LLY Lock Box Minneapolis, Minn. AIVERTIF.R by addressing I.

t'O 10 Spruce Si New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING In Ameri- enn newspapers. i-aiupmci xor. Jan 22 dawlw BAY'S SPECIFIC MEDIC INK mtuE M1PK. IRAOE EriClish lleim-edy. An unfailing cure for Seminal weakness, Hperma-torrohea.

Impotency, and all Diseases Before Takingsequencoof sen After Taking. luuntj; iohb ui racmui, universal LMhal tnde. Dain the back, dimness of Vision. nr mature old age. and many other diseases that lead to Insanltv or ConsnmDtton and nra mature grave.

Full particulars In oni nATTlnrilnt. which fi fv 1 ia cAn1 Ct-nn mail to every one. The Hpeclflo Medf oine is sold by all druggists at it per package or six packages for 86, or will be sent free oj man on receipt oi me money, ny aanressint THE OKAY MKUIUINK CO Buffalo, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopt ed ine enow wrapper; ine only genuine.

Guarantees of cure issued Wholesale agents, Morrison Plummer A Co Chicago. In Oshkosh by T. UATJ2HA.N ate CO July28dawlj to Nervous Sufferers The Oreat Earopeac Mnor-ur. simpioo'i Bpeolfle Medicine. is a positive core for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness.

Imnotencv. and all dlseasef resulting from Sell-abuse, as Mental anxiety, BKFOBB. ATI IB. rains in Baca or Bide, Lost or Meirorj and disease thai lead Consnmpt'n, Insanity and early crave, The Specific Medicine seise used with wonderful sneoess. Pamphlets sent free to all.

Write for then and get full particulars. Price, Specific 91.00 per package or six packages for J5.P0. Address all orders to j. b. sruapsoisr medicine Nos.

104 and 108 Main Buffalo, N. KTSold In Oshkosh by J. HA.N CO. july28dawly PATENTS! Obtained for new lnventions.or for lmprove- menis in oia ones, caveat ana ail patent business promptly attended to. IJfVKNTlONS THAT IUVR BEEN BE.

JELTEU may still. In most eases, be patented by us. Being opposite the U. H. Patent Office, and engaged in PATENT ItUHIMK-SH KJLl iusi we can secure patents in ess time than those who are remote from Washington and who must depend upon the mails In all transactions with the Patent Offle.

When Inventors send model or sketch we make search in the patent omce and advise as to its patentability ireeor cnarge. correspondence confidential, prices low, and no charge unless patent Is obtained. We refer to Hon. Postmaster General I. M.

Key, Rev. P. D. Power; to officials In the U. S.

Patent Office, an! especially to our clients in everv state of the Union and in Can ada. For epeolal references, terms, advloe, an or ess C. A. SNOW CO. I State A Monroe Chicago- VIM wnri prvrrtnlti to any ifldtwi thJr BAND vATALUUUt.

itar itOO Lmrvini I of Instrument. SulU, CapA, Belu 1 1'omnniii. ElwaleU. CD-LDlpa. lnm ft1inr Kluff.

mTlA fHmtfl, Sundry Bnd OuthU. HertrtTif ftlM) inciuu insifut iron mna m-Uerclf for Amateur Bauds. aJ.U CtUkwu' 61 Cbilc Miukk TURNER HALL. rHIS LARGE AND COMMODIOUS HALL is ottered to rent for Theatres. Concerts and other amusements, on very reasonable terms.

It will seat from 600 to 800 eople, Is centrally located, and is the popular hallln tbe eity. or terms enquire oi R. MEULMANN, Agent, Cigar Store, No Main St. nov2d; 9 A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On the Loss of A I.t-Pture en the Xatnre, Treatment and Kadieal cure of Seminal Weakness, or spermatorrhoea Induced by 8el f-abwe, In-voluntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage gen eraily Conbcmption, pii.epsy and Fits, Mental and Physical Incapacity, eto By ROBERT CUL.VB.RWEJLU At. author, a the Green Book Ac, The world-renowned author, in this Lecture, clearly broves from his own expierence that the awful consequences of Keif Abuse may bT effectually removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, insirimt-nts rings or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and ellectuull by which every sufferer, no matter -what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically.

lecture will prove a boon to thouxmdt ana Mwam7. Sent under seal in a ain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two posiage stamps. Aauresn, THE CI LTERWRI-I, MEDICAL CO. 41 tnast. New Oct 19-wly.

Post Omc6 Box, 450, WALL PAPER -AND- JI'IDK SE1DES. We have just open ed our new styles of Wall Paper, Win dow Shades, and ask an examination. The new patterns in Paper Hangings for the Fall of 1882 are very handsome and at tractive. Our stock is made to our order at the factories, and can- Qot be excelled for beauty of design, ex cellence coloring and quality of stock. It embraces the very choicest of styles from four different factories, and will be found adapted to all tastes.

Call and examine the new patterns be fore purchasing. Window Curtains in the new patterns also just received from New York. Allen Hicks, 143 Main St GB-Almn inn rir4iived a fall linn Hay AAtwvi www oi writirgrapw STATE OK WISCONSIN. COUNTY COURT FOB WINNEBAGO PRO BATE in lh mat tar of the last Will Of GBOrge W. Bpurbeck; deceased.

uni te is herebv el ven that at a special term of the County Court to be held In and for said Oshkosh, In said County, on the second Tues day, (oema tne uiu nnyi ui rcuium, a. u. 1 I rnllnwlni will be heard and considered n. ii clntlM Moil. mit to probate the last will and testament of VV D'U1 UtJIV, tt vj si Kuo a coma, In said county, deceased, and for let- V.

V.A l.anwl ters teStameutHrjr lUDiouu oduu ElmlraSpurbeck. Dated January loth, 18S1. By order of the conrt. 3. B.

HAMILTON, County Judge. First publication Jan. 18 doawS Thura.

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