Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas • Page 9
- Publication:
- Denton Record-Chroniclei
- Location:
- Denton, Texas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 9
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Tuesday. Mtcrnifofr 5, 1055 i i. CAMERA NEWS Cat Photos Evoke Greater Response Than Other Types 1956 CAT CALENDAR PuiT-TV Kitten by Walter Chaudoha brightens "The 19G6 Cat Calendar." It's a close-up shot with portrait attachment on (lie lens and with a three-light arrangement. IN GIRL HAND Trombones Add To Sex Appeal Hy IKV1NG DESKOK Associated Writer Cat photos, I've nollccd after writing a camera column for some years, evoke a greater reader response than any other type of pholos. Evidently cat lovers arc more vocal or ready lo take pen in hand lo inquire about, praise or condemn an item that concerns lliier special interest than other people.
For them, then, here's tlic glad tidings: "The 1336 Cat Calendar" is now available. This spiral bound, weekly dale and engagement book is an annual photographic Ireat. This year it has 56 new photos by Walter Cliandoha, Ihe acknowledged specialist Jn feline photography. DOC. CALENDAR Maybo I shouldn't even mention lo these cat loving fans that Chan- rfoha lias become equally adept at photographing and that here arc just as many dogs in home as there arc cats, an apologetic way lo say (hat this year there's also "The 193S Dog Calendar" with photos by Walter Cnamioha.
Both booklets "are published by Ihe Berkshire Publishing Cambridge, Mass. Undoubtedly, these pictures will inspire some ramcra fans to lake pictures ot their own pels at home. Mere are sonic suggestions taken from notes mado during a Chan- colia demonstration of his technique some lime ago. Put the pet (could be a baby, loo) on a small (able about three feet from a plain background.This Hmlls Ihe movement of the subject In a small area which you can keep in focus. Sometimes the pet has a' favorite spot like a par-' llcular chair, a coucli or a corner.
Prepare your lights and camera for that spot and you'll bo all set for Ihe subject's convenience. Cats and dogs are small BO you have to get close and you have to get down to their level. If you don't bavc a focusing camera which enables you to shoot sharply at two, three, four or five feet, then you must get a portrait attachment for best results, r.oon LIGHTING Good, lighting is an important aspect of Chandoha's formula for good piclures. A single flashbulb- on-camera will give you pictures and stop action but usually lacks the sparkle that comes wlih a good corss lighting set-up. A minimum of two lights Is recommended and a third is preferred.
The basic arrangement remains the same whether the lights are photofloods, synchronized flash or electronic Rv r.ILMOJlE LONDON UV-Miss Ivy Benson, who waves the slick tor a leading BritWi girl band, says Ihe ladies who play slide Iropibon'e somehow have more sex appeal than their musical Mslers. "I should know," Ivy explained. "Five girl trombonists have left my band this year to gel married." Miss Benson says this, and ether factors, have driven her lo the conclusion that there must be something about a trombone that drives a man craiy. "It makes him forget his natural caution," lold newsmen. "It makes -him propose." This strange connection between the trombone and sex makes things for Miss Benson in her ef- foris lo keep a sweet band to-' gelher.
Whistling Swans Laud VENTURA, Calif-Ml-A' flock whistling swans, blown off course en the South Atlantic for whiter fooH biiSl.ake Sherwood in'-'tlic Santa Monica Mountains. Once seen, over of North America, the hip swans now breed chiefly in northwest Canada and Alaska. They migrate in Ihe SoiiUi- crii coastal stales in winter. Their route ordinarily is far north of The whistling swan is distinguished by a light musica) note for a call and sometimes is referred to as a whooping crane. Marine Whatsit Washes Ashore VENICE, Calif, in A marine "whatsit" washed ashore yesterday.
It is IB-feet has a head resembling a snake's, a fin tail, and. when it was alive, perhaps a week ago, must have weighed about 800 pounds. Old-time mariners and lifeguards say they think it is a sen serpent. "I've lived around the ocean for years," said N'orman former lifeguard, "and I've never seen anything like this thing, woat- ever it is." One light is placed at each side of Ihe camera, about four feet from Iho subject and two feet higher. jTho lliird light Is Ihe flexible one.
It can be used to provide an edge highlight by placing it opposite the camera and angling it up or down 'on the pet while making sure ft doesn't hit Into the camera lens. It can also he turned around to illuminate the background behind the subject. fiound effects are an Important part of Chandoha's picture taking technique. His vocal repertoire consists of meows, barks, yips, purrs, whfotles and assorted attention-getters at strategic moments. At other limes he drums a laltoo on his camera or Ilie reflector willi his finger lips.
In addition he used mechanical noise makers. Ho creates a constant variely of sognds lo rivet the subject's attention anrl lo get a reaction which he Is prepared to shoot. FOOD METHOD Food, of course, is another way to command attention. Cliandoha dips his lingers in sardines or cream and elves his cat subject a whiff to keep him interested In the proceedings, Periodic rewards of tidbits also help. Pets, like people, are creatures of temperaments ar.d moods.
They have their moments when they are (risky and playful and other moments when they are sluggish and sleepy. Before me.ils they are liable to be irritable because they are hungry. Successful picture taking must be geared to Ihe pel's schedule since It depends on its cooperation. What's new An 8mm movie camera 'for the first time has a light meter coupled to the lens setting lo assure, perfect exposures. This built-in brain is one unique feature of several innovations Iho Bauer 88B, one ot a line of mm movie cameras imported from the West Zone of Germany.
A new system of projecting three dimension slides which eliminates eye strain while making slide ad- justmenls has been introduced. Playing the slide trombone is not an accomplishment that the average young female considers necessary part of her development --which goes to show how wrong the average young female can be. Siijs Benson's trombonists earn' anything from 12 pounds (o 25 pounds ($70) a week--n lot of cash in Britain--1ml she can't keep them because of Iliose would be husbands. I "When 1 engaged Dorothy land." said Benson. "I thought I was set for a while.
Re- I'd lost foui- before her in the last 12 months. "Dorothy had a bcaiiliful lone. Her melodic figures were perfect. She was a sensible girl. She could play ear or read music." Oils day, said Miss Benson, she noticed her first trombonist studying what was on her music rack with unusual attention as she blew and pushed.
"Rut she wasn't studying She was rending a furniture catalogue. She'd driven a young man craty with her trombone, he'd proposed and she was getting ready ro jlx up a flat. leaving us any tlay; Asked if (lie same tiling didn't happen to oilier pretty instrumentalist, 1 replied: "Men don't fall over themselves saxophonists. They don't swoon over viola players. It's trombones." BANK MAIL Enjoy the Safely and Convenience of Banking by Mail.
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Super a gold mist of Butritloaj I'Rtf. U.J. Pit. Of. ttop )n HARPOOL SEED HOUSE 420 E.
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