The Oshkosh Northwestern from Oshkosh, Wisconsin • Page 4
- Publication:
- The Oshkosh Northwesterni
- Location:
- Oshkosh, Wisconsin
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
HHHU DtSTHll T. AV Urr W. Pratt Kemlatted by th llrnarrata la the t'irat Beta THE "CRUSH" TREMENDOUS Made 4-eneral Political Xewa of Lraa laterrat. I DRESS TRIMMINGS Sl-Warp Henriettas, HE mysterious people who are making political bets now o-dsvs want their AT OI 1 C. names keDt out of the ne spaperi for i "business reasons ANNEX RECEPTION.
and to that end they see to it that the money is bandied by their "agents." George Sheadd, the day clerk at the Tremont house, was Broadcloths AMERICA FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARDS For President BEN. HARRISON, of Indiana. For Vice-President, LEVI P. MORTON, of New York. (ALL SHADES) the man who put 00 in the Union bank this morning to cover all of the amountt gathered oy Louis Tobias.
It was rumored that State Treasurer Uarsbaw, who was in Beaded and Braid Trimmings the city today, had given sir. fcheaaa ELKCTOKti: At Large LCCIU3 FAIKCHIU), or Maoidos. BYVKtt b. BKJMI, or Eao Clair. the authority to put up the (TO MATCH.) amount named, but wnen seen regarding the matter the 1st C.
N. PALMEH. Raymond. 2d ALLEN V. HAKWlK)D, Klpon.
3d dlst A DODOE, Monroe. 4thdist, JCLltS GOLD8CHMIDT, 5th dist, JOHN HCCH, Boltonville. th diet ALDKttT P. HILL, Friendship. 7th OSCAK P.
TEMPLE, Mauston. 8th CUKHIEG. BELL, Bayneld. th din F1NNKV, Cliutonville. former gentleman declared ne knew noubing about it.
Neither did he know as to whether or not the Republican state central committee had HTATE TICKET: F.H.JOSSLYN&CO. Att y. CHA8. K. E8TA BROOK.
State JESSE TAYEK. Railroad ATLEY PETERSON. sutritr ors. There iii be meeting of the Hor-tirultural 'cieiy at the M-U A. building this evening at half past seven li complete arrangement! for the cnr san'-lit-mum show in Govern-lef The youni? men'i whist club met at its in the Hooper block, Main street, lart night.
Albert Bar" nd Uen Hooper are now tied for brat Place, with Dr. Dalbeare second. The club will hereafter meet Tuesday! instead of Fridays. Mrs. John Meilahn, who died yesterday morning after a very abort illness, will be buried to morrow arter-nocn.
The funeral wnricei will be ht Id at the Lutheran church on fburch street at half past two o'clock in the afternoon. Aldermen Chase and Goettmann, If. M. Johnson and David Montgomery went fishing up the river yesterday. The steamer on which they went aol stuck in the "cut off and the party returned this morning without having got a bite.
John lJume and U. I. weed drove nut to Clemansville last evening where ibey were to have deliyer-c-p speeches at a Democratic meeting, but it rained so hard there was not a person in the hall, and they turned about and drove home again without geitina out ot the carriage. F. V.
Houghtou returned home IbH nif-'ht, having given up his appointment at Kurtbcape, Kacme countv. lie found when he arrived there that he had been announced as a Norwegian and would speak in the Norwegian language. As he had for-irntien'thc language he wisely concluded not to attempt to speak. OA HE HOI CH, UtrminlHttwt K-atrUo the Self Kil l. I I'hiHmcpheP Oabe Bouck'has just succeeded in cetting nominated to an office.
It is not a verv wealthy office, but it is better than nothing. For the last thirty-live years, with the exception of the time he was ia the army.every ve-ir, as often as the year comes ironad he has bobbed up serenly for some "ttc. anything from United StacB senator to alderman. lie had hardly been in the state long enough to acquire a residence befoie he pitched in for the office of state senator and got beautifully scooped, lie bad been a candidate for congress times without number; candidate for United Slates senator, attorney -general, assemblyman and aiderrmin. Ha came homo before the war ended to fit himself to run for r-nni'Ti-na.
and to convince liis copper- Governor, WILLIAM HOA KD. Lieut. Gov. GKORliK W. It LAND.
Sec of State, EHNST G. TIM.M B. State HENKV B. HAKSdAW. covered it.
The bet of that Indiana will go for Harrison which was offered by G. H. Rithmueller, a traveling man, ha been covered by a young Democratic lawyer, and he is 105 MAIN STREET. Com. of Insurance, PHILIP CHEEK, Jr COXURKftNlOXAli TICKET: "Beautiful," "How Complete," "Handsomest in the West," "The Ladies' Reception Parlor," "Desk," "Stationery," "Periodicals in Reading Room," "We Can All Use." So Say All Opening anl fieeention Dajs to ho coutimu'd over Tuesday and Wednesday.
Special Lines of the Very Finest Made Merchandise. Worth While to Examine Exhibited During Opening Days. Entrance to "ANNEX" Throngh "The Popular '87." J. E. Holden Co.
tne very man wno Dei me uuj tuai New York would go for Cleveland, which in turn, has been covered by For Congress, Sixth District, CHAS. B. CLARK, Neenah. LEGISLATIVE TICKET: an Oshkosh merchant. Casper The Best Line OF LADIES' For Assemblyman, 3d Schmidt, Oebkosh Wig, On the assembling of the Third For Assemblyman, dist.
For Assemblyman, 'id dist-, WALTER I L. MILLER, of Wlnneconne. district Republican convention at the office of Chris Sarau this afternoon, COl'STV TICKET: Prof. Tucker of Omro was elected chairman( and Mr. Robinson of RuBh- Register, JOHN MeCABE, Wlnneconne, Burveyor.G.
A. RANDALL. Black Wolf. Coroner, C. HAMLIN, Oshkosh Co.
Supt. of Schools, FRANK MtLLEK, Utica. ford. secretary. On an informal bal Sheriff, FRED BURGESS, Oshkosh County Clerk, L.
KNOTT, Vinland. Clerk of Court. W. KIMBALL, Omro. Treasurer, GEO.
W. SAWYER, Neenah, I Dist. Attorney, SILAS BL'LLAKO, Me-1 nasha. FINE SHOES lot being taken for a candidate for the assembly there were thirty-one votes cast, which was one more vote than there were delegates present. Much hilarity wag caused by this incident top IN THE CITY.
I uprofeHHlonul uPraetire. Harper's Bazar: Fhysician'a wife and another informal ballot was taken, wricb resulted in the casting of a VVhat'a tbe matter George? You twentv-nine ba lots. 01 which Caspar Its llellrney of flavor And the efficacy of its action have rendered the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs immensely popular. It Cleansesand Tones up the clogge and fevrish system, anl dispels Headaches, Colds seem depressed to-night. Bed Rod Prices Schmiut received twenty-two anujas.
G. 1'ickett seven. A motion was men carried to declare the ballot formal. 1'hyaician 1 am Hear. 1 have a most puzzling case on hand.
Old Robinson, whom I've been treating for three yearB is getting well in spite of all I can do. Mr. Smith then made a short speecn LAMPERT'S, 79 MAIN ST. and Fevers. For sale in au cents ana 1.00 bottles by J.
F. W. Schmidt, druggist, in which he accepted the nominatian, and the convention adjourned. It should be explained in this connection that Mr. Pickett, who had been a candidate for the nomination, when he discovered, on account of Houck's Tne tuetlon lterldert.
Nebraska State Journti, "Pay, CITY ITEMS. you believe that marriage is a failure? nomination, that the fcreat contest would turn upon the vote in the Third coats! mm Grand anniversary ball by the Ancient Order of United Workmen at OddFellow's hall on Monday, October 29, 1888. All are invited. Tickets fifty cents. THE MAHKETS.
and Sixth wards, desired to withdraw "Well, I am a single man, but my brother's experience with marriage convinces me that it is the worst kind XjlXDIBS wait UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Oct. 30 and 31. hparl friends that he was the same of a failure, "Why?" "He has just been sent to the peni tentiary for bigamy." pro slaverv Democrat. He tvm on a "niwffp.r war." a id it in favor of Mr. Smith, but his friends from Utica insisted upon giving him at least a complimentary vote.
Under other circumstances it is probable that Mr. Pickett would have been nominated, but it was deemed necessary, under the circumstances, to ALL KINDS. Chicago jlarket. Chicago. Oct.
"-One o'olook p. was a failure, and devoted a good bare of his time in going up and mi'n ciroot fiirains Lincoln as Hoos Reeeints 9.00(1. slow and weak. prices fifteen to tweiuy lower. Llg-ht 5.iSU mi imbecile and downing Grant as a -minima u.ManAn; neavy packiuir ana shiDDtuir 55.
When the largest Eastern Cloak Manufacturer will send a representative to our store with, a Cattlb Receipts 15,000 Beeves 3.36 million neaa. uv torn not to sell their wheat for greenbacks, and pro- r.inimed that Government bonds cows 1.4u2.85; stackers and feed' era S.OOWJ 40. Whbat Steady. cash 1.16; Nov. 1.18W: Deo.
1.18: Mavl.lSS. Cobn Easy, cash 40 15-16; Deo. 39; would not be worth the paper they were written oa, which goes to prove Immcvoi' hf mav rinse as a Dhllo- Grand Display of CLOAKS i smihpr lm rnrtninlv ia no oroDhet. It you Bubstituto the word "demagogue' "nliilmmnhor it will COITIB Hear May sax. OATS-Steady.
cash 24! Deo. 25 May39o-lt. Baulk Nominal. TmoTHV-Nominal. Flax 1.4".
Whibkv 1.20. er the truth. He talks loud and long SATIN LINED AND FACED, CHINCHILLAS, BEAVERS, MELTONS, Etc. R. G.
EHHMAUM, 4 4 STREET. ROYAL SJS'JSS is? sty Guaranteed to t)e tbe Finest Line Ever Shown in about the uianutaeturer oppreeaiug his laborers, although he never gave a poor man a day's work in his life, i inuuii nf r.Hitmc some of his Pokk steady, cash 14.50; Nov. 11.40; Jan. H.ftJ'i; May 14. a) a bARD-steady, oash 8.12'J:Nov.
800; nominate somebody irom this city. W. D. Luscher was chosen chairman of tbe Democratic convention for the First assembly district this afternoon. When he took 'the chair he made an extended address, eulogiz ing the Democratic party in general and the county ticket of that party in particular.
He sung out that the nominees for county offices would be elected but nobody applauded. There was not zephyr of approval as be proceeded to tell how great the Democratic candidates were. Louis Tobias was elected secretary and when the committee on credentials had reported, Alderman Heath presented the name af George W. Pratt for the nomination. He was chosen unanimously, and after Barrister Casey had moved that the chair appoint a committee on credenlials with Frank Worden as chairman the convention adjourned.
Milwaukee Sentinel: The boys are telling a story which will interest the people who have been entertaining the public with offers to wagor fabulous sums upon the result of the election. Some years ago a wealthy lumberman of Oshkosh, who shall be nameless, became engaged in a game of draw Jan. S.l; May 8.30. large means into some business that would furnish employment to labor, he loves his money like any other money shark at a good round rate of interest, while he sends his under- Osnkosh. Remember the dates, and wait.
HOUGH TOPLIFF. Slew ork Ulaiket New Fork, Oct 2) Whbat-gular, quiet with advance ft -Irre- Dec. "ilnnnun Jnfl HlimB. and lit' ta aunrno nri thu r.nun trv to lie about the rate of wages paid in Osh- niTPW 1 kOSU, ftUKOttgU wages are ucm ijr nhftt' thow wrp llltdttr thQ Democratic low tariff of "1846, and paid now in cash while then nun itit in atitrA tnirit because l.uBi.iai i May 21. Ook Dull easy and lower old railed western OATs-Quiet eaaier, western 3840; PobkDuU, weak, new 15.75416.36.
Laud Weak, quiet, s.50. IIUTTEB Quiet, easy, western 13J27, Rous Western, Moniv 1H4J; 4's coupons 1.27J4: Pa-cine 's 1.21. The weekly bank statement of the associated banks shows the following clmnnua: Reserve decrease 1,303,001) Loans decrease 34 7,000 Specie decrease 1,821,000 Legal tenders deorease iiJO.OUO Deposits decrease 3,351,000 Circulation decrease Tho banks nowhold 115,628,000 In excess of the 25 per cent, rule, the 1: mutry was drained of its money to pty for English goods at higher prices than they cost us now under splint li-Mick and his understrappers Absolutely Pure. This Dowder never varies. A marvel poker at Neenah.
At the table was a voung gambler wro knew his own a "robber tartll. IiKiUui.m'an. purity, strength, and wholesomenoss, More economical than the ordinarr kinds business well, but was ofttimes short of capital necessary to make a success and cannot be sold in competition with the YfJt i'l. as it rvLn r. 500 NEW STYLES multitude or low test, short weitrir, aium or phosphate powders.
Suld only in earn, Royal Bakihgi io wail New York. or it. Upon this stated occasion tne gambler had bet fifty dollars, which was nearly all he bad, against the nl.jrH Vartona Sermons An inHiiierdlopTa-aiupruw. Th Rev. Geo.
Cressey preached nt thK Second B.iDtist church, Ninth lumberman. The Oshkosh gentleman drew out a check-book, and, writing up a blank, throw it into the stock pile with the quietly uttered information, "I raise you $500." 'Lemmo take one of those." GRAND OPERA HOUSE. htrett, in the morning on "God's rlaima tinon our Coundence," In the market. Mu-wactkish. Oct.
20 hat Firm, earl l.JOj Deo. Jan. 1.1. Corn Steady, 4214. OATS-Quiet, Hyb Fairly active Bauluv Weak, tliSi evening oa "The Unwisdom of Serv ing Uod Half-heartedly.
"Bunty seized the book, took out his pencil, scrawled a line of figures SMITH 8TRA3ILIPKA, Managers. ONE MGHT OSLV THURSDAY, NOV. 1 ENGAGEMENT OF THE COMEDIAN Ladies' and Children's Cloaks ON EXHIBITION Tht-re will be services at the First li.iptist church as usual. Subject of BOOTS morning sermon, "treed and title, in the evening, "Mannah." and his name upon a check, ana throwing it into the "pot" nonchalantly remarked: "I go you $100,000 better." At the First Presbyterian church W. T.BRYANT! tin- iti-v.
L. II. Morev's morning sub The old lumberman looked at the -AND- OXJTIOIT Beware of fraud, as my name and the price are stamped on the bottom of al-my advertised shoes before leaving1 the factory, which protect thn wearers against high prices and inferior troo is. If a deal er offers V. It.
Ouuemx shoes at a re duoed prioe, er says be has them without my name and price stamptd on the bottom, put him down as a (rand. inrt will be "The Sons of the Pro -SUPPORTED BY- boy, picked his own chock from amidst the chips and cash, smiled pliels," Evening discourse, "The Ap proved Workman." feebly, through his cards to the peek FINE WATCHES, FINE CLOCKS, FINE DIAMONDS, FINE SILVERWARE, FINE NOVELTIES, LOWEST PRICES. The Rev, C. B.Wilcox will occupy SHOES. and gazing upwards quizzically in quired: "How high is that ceiling any way?" nulmt of the First Methodist church Morning subject "The Basis of Hope for a Future Life," Evening theme, According to a morning paper Joseph Stringham has returned from 'An Anxious Inquiry Answered.
New York, which he declares is "all 1 A right" for Cleveland, of course. The JL joke of the matter is that Mr. String-ham has not been near New York, having visited in Ohio and Michigan. The former state is so surely Republi -AJT- SELLIIG MISS LIZZIE RICHMOND. MISS JULIA WILSON.
The original "Little Tot" in Denman Thompson's "Joshua Wbltcomb." MR, JAMES BEAVENS. And a thoroughly first-class company. In Ueo. Hoey's most Sucoesef ul Musical Comedy, KEEP IT MI IN ITS THIRD YEAR And now funnier than ever. With All New Music 21 HOURS OF SOLID FUN 21 Price: JfSc.
S5p, 50t. and 7Se. Heats on taleatthe box olllce Wednesday, Oot. 1)1. OLARK'S New Syndicate MONDAY AND TUESDAY, OCT.
29 AND 30. can that it is not much pleasure for FRANK AUSTIN'S Mr. btringham to talk about it. lie says that in Michigan he spent his OUT time visiting and did not talk politics. Three bets of $35 each on general The Rev.
Mrs. DeLong will preach to morrow morning and evening at the Uuiversalist church. The W. W. Stevens' morning subject at the Algoma street Methodist church will be: "Religion in the Home," Evening subject: "The Practical Workings of the Young People's Sjciety of Christian Endeavor." "Is Evolution Compatible with Salvation?" will be the theme of Hev.
K. U. Smith's sermon at the Congregational church to morrow morning. The choir will render Dudley Buck Festival Te-Deum in flat, at this service. Miss Lucy Jackson will also Bing the offertory.
There will be preaching in the evening at the ustiul hour. results have been made at King's TURNER OPERA HOUSE, (NORTH 8IDK.) AT within a lew days. Bets of $190 divided between Indiana New York Bnd Connecticut have been made in this city, but the names of the men who put up the cash are jiff VffTrT GRAND FAIR A MANUFACTURER'S LINE OF FINE GARMENTS. being kept secret, A report which comes from what is considered a reliable source is to the effect that six straight Democrats of Omro are going to bolt Felker. B.
J. Castle, of Black River Palls, was in the city to-day. He addressed NON-MAGNETIC WATCHES AND GREATLY REDUCED PRICES On Account of Change in Business, a Republican meeting last night at -AT Kaukauna Messrs. Stewart nd Bedeau, of this city, are announced to deliver speech es Monday evening, October 21), in Schumpf's ball at Neenah for the purpose of organizing a Union Labor club. A Bhw.
Unfaithful M'oinao, John Rit who has just been released from slates prison where he lias served about eleven years, was in the cily yesterday. Rice formerly resided at Chippewa Falls. He was sentenced for killing another man whom be found in company with his wi'e. His term, which was for a much longer period, was commuted to fourteen years by Governor Rusk, and good behavior made it still shorter. Rico is reported to be quite well fixed financially, having money In the bank.
Don't "buy a cloak until you examine these. We will save you a handsome profit. CLARK'S NEW SYNDICATE. R.B.ANGER&C0'S 59 MAIN STREET. These watches cannot be effected by electricity even when brought la contact With the dynamo.
5TJACOBS oij, FLOUR, FEED, HAY AND nr a Pre8t. Board of Trade, BAZAR Given by the Lading of tlie German Turnverein COMMENCING Tuesday, Oct. 30, An Concluding with A GRAND BALL Saturday, Nov. 3. Watch thla space for the Special Attractions.
W. "Li- DOUGLAS 53 SHOE! For Gentlement The only calf 3 MEAMI.KNM shoe smooth inside. KO T( Htt or WAX THKICAI to hurt the feet, easy as hand sewed and HIM, UII. H. 1,.
lOI'UIi4H S4 MHOK, the original and only hand-sewed welt $4 shoe. Equals custom made shoes costing from to W. h. tlSOPOLKIK MHO K. liallroad men und letter cBrricrs all wear them: Smooth iiisiilo as a hand scw' il shoe.
To taokl or wax thread to hurt the feet. W. Ii. IHU'(iL(M K-4HO hllOK is unexcelled lor heavy wear. Bust calf shoe for the price.
Ii. MOI iif. lit WOHK-ltll AK'H HIIWK Is the best In tbe world for rough wear; one pair ought to wear a man a yofir. IMr.l,tN MIIOR FOR HOVM ig the pest sphooi spoe In the world. W.
Ii. VOI TII'A Well 00 1 Kline gives the small boys a chanc io wear the best shoe In thx world. A I wade In congress, button and lace, If not sold by your dealer, write W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
rOKHAtK OSiLY M.LA.nPKUT CQ. Main Mt Louisville, cold in GRAIN. No. 22 Washington Street. B.
T. HIGOINS. men. at. Jacob We also parry a full line of Elgin, Waltham, Hampden, Springfield, 111., Pockford and Peoria WATCHES And a Pine Assortment of JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER WARE AND OPTICAL GOODS.
HAVE YOU A Hell Hoy, Mr. William Fuotc is the name of a new bell boy at the Revero house. is the young Louisiana negro who came here with a circus several months ago and stopped in Oshkosh for a while after the show left. He afterwards went to Appleton, but later relumed bore, and Mr. Athearn taking a liking to him, concluded to give him a home at the Revere where be is nnw one of the boll boys, Foote is already a general favorite in the lobby, where he can dance a clog with the style of a minstrel.
A. Togeler llttt MAIN MTKUHT. Company, Baltimore) Md..
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