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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE TWO BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS FRIDAY, MAT 195J Marines Take Rough. Buffeting From. A-Bomb, Call It a Friend By BILL BECKER CAMP DESERT ROCK, Nev. (Jfl' than 2,000 marines have taken the roughest buffeting ever dished out to troops by an atomic bomb, but the majority seem sold on the weapon as a friend In the field. The Jiery low level burst on Yucca Flat yesterday decimated much of their equipment within 000 yards of ground zero, but the two picked combat batlalions came charging out of their foxholes on signal from (heir maneuver commander, Brig.

Gen. Joseph C. Burger of Camp Pendleton, Calif. Whfle high ground radiation kept troops from moving to ground zero, Gen. Burger said that "In a bailie field situation we would have hart no fear of going through." Advance Called to Hall The advance was halted within 600 yards of the target, which was surrounded with burning planes, trucks and smashed machineguns graphically what would have happened to the enemy.

One Ml tank was blown 80 feet nnd flipped on Its back, Oen. Burger said. But he pointed out to his me that dummies placed in close-up foxholes received very slight damage, whereas dummies placed up right above ground farther back were completely destroyed. Sgt. Edward L.

Speck, 34, Tuck erlon, N. said he saw stand-up dummies blown 150 yards am burned to a crisp a half mile from the target. Speck, a Korea veteran in clinrg of a machlnegun company from Camp LeJeune. N. said sonv of the guns were still useable.

bu "200 yards from ground zero the; were smashed to bits." He added: "I think it would a good idea to try a few of llvi.s bombs in Korea." Weapon Is Outstanding Gen. Burger said only: "It Is outstanding weapon, but it still ha riot taken the place of the rifle mnn." What did other men from Cam Pendleton. Cnmp LeJeune and lied Marine Corps units think? Sgt. Eugene Burestord. 25, Bell.

minced no words, scared the hell out of me." he "I wished I was back In Korea. Cpl. Robert H. Brown, 21. Oa den City.

N. said the ground 1 his 2 -'oot foxhole "felt like sponge" when the shock hit. Cp Arnold Schroeder, 20, SI. Lou said "I sot up two second after the flash, then got knocke back In my foxhole by the blrr.t The heat of the 10-second fir ball Impressed others. "Like stic Ing your face in an oven," clnred Cpl.

Frank W. Halley. 2 Hollywood, Calif. The Leathernecks were breaking camp today preparatory to return- Commodity And Stock New York Cotton TO HKPKESENT BCiin and JDC Lynn Vowcll, Dlythc vllle Jllgli School seniors, will represent this clly when they alMnd the Memphis Cotton Carnival's Children's and Teen-Age Ball May 15 at Crump Stadium as Miss ami Mr. Dlytlicvlllc.

Chosen by a committee of sludPntR and laculty members, they will march in a procession thai night. Doris is the daujjIUer of Mr. and Mrs. F. VV.

Bean. B13 West, Ash and Jue is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E.

Vowcll ot Wichita Falls. Texas, and formerly of Blythevllle. May nly Oct Open High Low Close 3873 3884 3815 3858 3810 3820 3170 3788 3638 3647 3597 3504 Orleans Cotton May July Oct Dec Open High I.r>»'Close 3864 3875 'J835 3851 3810 38)6 3764 3788 3638 3611 3598 3CM 3638 3611 3598 3609 Red Engineer Blotted By U.S. Navy, Etea pet By Running to Tunnel TOKYO Sailors aboard the American destroyer Duncan today said their ship was the llrst ever to chase a railroad train. Comdr.

Russell H. Smith, Brooklyn, skipper of the Duncan, said the train was spotted at night north of Hungman on Korea's east coast. The Duncan lit up the scene with star shells and the train piled on steam. The Duncan gave chnse, firing he'avy explosives. "We just about had It pinpointed for the MJ1," Smith said, "when the engineer ducked Into tunnel and refused to come out again." May Jly Sept HlRh Low Close 293 i 291'i 29H1 280 217 276 216 Blytheville Youth Wins VMI Contest Sailor Says He's Fighting Navy's 'Inequality System' PEARL HARBOR seaman Bruce S.

Hopping, cur- 'Ike' Adenauer Hold Meeting About Peace BONN, Germany den. Dwlght D. Eisenhower and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer talked for two hours today about the prospect for pence In Europe. E) sen hower told rep or te rs: talked about how we cnn do our part to Rlvc the people of nnd especially the younger Rcnern- a chance to work out their destiny in pence and security, "I personally believe we are on the verse of Important develnn- ments for an era of greater confidence, peace nnd security among the peoples." Eisenhower said he and the WrsL Gorman chancellor "found ourselves in warm agreement," ing to 'heir home bnses. Siren Heralds 'Hot' 'Drink in Denver U.S.

Plans Draft Of 610,000 Men In Next Year WASHINGTON W) A defense official said tortny present plans cull for drafting 610.000 men during the 12 months beginning July 1 or 136,400 more than this flscnl year. Maj. Gen. E. C.

Lynch, director of the defense manpower requirements division, said tli nn Interview the draftees will help repta'jc 1.080.000 men being, released from active duty, and ncict 110,000 men to the armed forces to reach the 1CO.OOO total President Truman has remiested by July, 1D53. The remainder of the gap will be filled by 10.000 recalled reservists and an exoectcd 520,000 enlistments. and re-enlistments. DENVER W) A a ery opened recently In Denver and only now arc the neighbors becoming accustomed to the sound ol sirens screaming in the night. The cause of the disturbance "The Flaming Thing" the llquit: piece dc resist mice.

Owner A. Pilklngton decided a (It Ling ceremony should accompany delivery of "The 1 Since dance four and five Inches above the concoction, pins tic fire helmets wer ordered for each customer. Now. a siren has been added. 1' sounds off when one of the special Is sold.

Since PHkiiiRton claims sales run about 200 an evening, the siren screams most of the nlsht. "The Flnming Thing" is hnllt on a base of gin tir bourbon with added i liquens. A grapefruit slice is placed across the top. sprinkled with sugar and 151 proof rum. nntly leaf raker facing court mnrtlnl lor criticizing Navy discipline, says he is fighting the "system of incnunlity in the whole Navy." "The American public know what goo.

1 oil," the Maplewood. N. nnval reservist -said yes tor tiny in an Interview, "They know their money Is going to waste because of poorly handled indoctrination and personnel policies." Ho Is vice president of a three million dollar New Jersey hi tuber, flrm. Rear Aclm. Francis C.

Dcnebrlnk, Pacific- service forces commander, recommended a special court martin severest in the for Hopping. He said the sailor on charges of "violation ol Navy regulations and con- to the prejudice of good order and discipline," Hopping has had three imsucces. 1 nl jousts with the Navy. He publicly Nnvy chow is unfit to cat last September at Hiur.bridRe, Md. He led crew complaints Insl Fcb- nmry against discipline aboard the ship Reclntiuer.

A Nnvy board exonerated the Reclaimer's two top officers. 'pphiK's IrxTcst brush came Snl- urdny when he called on Denebriug for nn "Informal chat" while the NOV 21314 271 4 27Hi Livestock NATIONAL STOCKYARDS, III. active; borrows and gilts mostly 50 higher than Thursday's average: Instances GO to 65 higher; sows 25 to 50 higher; hulk choice 180-230 Ibs 19.00-25; several hundred head mostly choice! Nos. 1 nnd 2 under 220 Ibs 13.3540; top 19.40, highest since Dec. 2G; top to packers 19.00; 240-270 Ibs full width of choice grade 18.0085; 280-350 Ibs 17-25-00; 150-170 Ibs 120-140 Ibs sows 400 Iba sodn heavier sows 15.00-16.25; boars 11.5013.50.

Cattle 400, calves 400; trading slow; steei's and heifers comprised mainly small lots nnd Individuals from low commercial to good at 26.00)30,00; utility and commercial cows 22.00-25,00; dinners and cutters 15.50-21.50; these about bxills Tinding unevenly lower bids; little done on these; vealers steady; pood and choice sorted prune to 37.00; utility nnd commercial vealers 20.00-28.00. Sheep 100; not enough of any class offered to test the trend; small lot choice clipped lambs No. 2 pelts 28.00; few cull clipped lambs 15.00. C. G.

Redman. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Redman, of Blythe- vlUe, last week won first place in speech competition at Virginia Military Institute, where he is a student.

His paper on "How to Keep a Job and How to Make Your Job a Better One" was selected from entries from three engineering schools. He delivered his paper at spring meeting of the Student Chapters of the American Society of Civil Engineers at VMI. He will graduate from VMI June 10 with a degree in civil engineering. STEEL Rising Sun Returns VANCOUVER Wl The "Rising Sun" was Hying In the port here recently for the first time since Pearl Harbor. The twee-familiar Japanese flag was flying from the steamship Meiwu Miuu as she arrived on her maiden voyage, first Japanese ship hove since the motorshlp HIknwa Maru sailed for Japan a few weeks before Pearl Harbor.

(Continued from Page 1) House conference "wul result In something conclusive." He said On union would stand firm on its do mands for contract changes lint with the Wngc Stabilization Board': recommendations. The hoard recommended i "package Increase" of 26 eents ai hour for the steclworkcrs who average slightly under S2 an hour It also proposed that the hid us agree to some form of unio shop requirement that join the union. The industry has insisted it coul not pay a wage rise that larg without a price increase of moi than the S3 to 34.50 a ton the go' ernment has said at various time it was willing to allow. The in diistry also bitterly opposes a unio shop. OSCEOLA NEWS By Bettyt Nelle Starr HONOREE Miss June Day, Fiancee U.

Edwin illis is being no red with a scries of parties in Osccola. EISENHOWER (Continued from nated by the Democrats their presidential candidate he would not run; he would Bay no. There has been some talk In party that Truman might accept "draft," even though Announced March 29 he out of he race. Asked whether he would go as Gen. Sherman of Civil War "ame and say he would not elected, the President replied not be elected without cptlng the nomination.

Read Courier News Classified Adi. fuEmLml wiis breakfast Ing In his pnjamas. He said Denebrlnk told htm to get-out, lphl waves and radio waves are srime except for length. from Moscow Received by Radio Fan MlNOT. N.

D. Mastel, shortwave radio fan, was mentioned over Radio Moscow recently. Mastel wrote Radio Moscow asking for a complete list, of frequencies and times for English-language broadcasts. He also requested information about giant bell in the I Kremlin. Masters father had visitPtl i Moscow before World War I and de- scribed the ball IKS large enough to "drive a tram of horses In through a crnck in the side, turn nround and come out 1 Radio Moscow soon replied mail and over the air.

Mnstel wn told the Czar Bell still stands 1 the Kremlin. "In the Soviet Union I Petrov of the letters departmei said, "items of historical signift cancc are carefully preserved." Miss Honored Mtes June Day of Memphis who fiancee of Lt. Edwin Ellis of Lcxinxton. was the honored 3nest at a luncheon for which Mrs. fobn B.

Strickling was hostess Tuesday. The buffet table was overlaid vith an imported French Baroque cover and was in bridal and vhite. Cascading from the silver centerpiece were white Dutch iris, lilies- of-t tie-valley and accented with fluffs of studded pink illusion. Pink satin streamers were caught with lilies-of-t he-valley. The table where the honoree and members of her family were seated was entered with pink tulips and yellow Dutch iris and blue mar- garites.

The 24 guests were seated at small tables centered with bow i knots of folltnge and clusters of! liiies-of-the-vallcy. Mars arrangements carrying out the colors used in other rooms were placed on the mantle and piano in the living room and solarium. Mrs. W. C.

Mason nnd Mrs. George Florida assisted Mrs. Etrick- Ung in serving Miss Day was presented an orchid corsage and a gift in her silver by the hostess. i Miss Burns Entertains Continuing the many parties for Miss Day was the morning party followed by a luncheon at the country home of Mrs. E.

H. Burns when she wa.s hostess Friday. Dogwood and pink tulips were used in profusion throughout the Burns home. Miniature bridal bouquets were used to mark the places where the guests were sealed. A crystal bowl filled with pink tulips and white snapdragons centered the dining table.

Muss Day was prscntcd a gift in silver and her mother. Mrs. C. L. Day, was presented handkerchiefs by the hostess.

Forfeits Speeding Bond Paul W. Sage forfeited a $10 bond in Municipal Court this morning on a charge of speeding. Courier News Classified Ads. STRIKE ('Continued Irom Pngc 1) ncr cent. In the South China Sea miles of communication cable was recently cut from the line between Hong Kong nnri Amoy.

This is usually the work of thieves because cable material, unraveled nnd melted down, makes top black market items. A Special Message For All Car Owners! AI! our regular services are available to you morn- inn, noon and night 2-1 housr every day. Whatever your car needs washing, greasing, oil change can lie done just by picking up your telephone. Call Glair Miller's for prompt pickup we'll deliver your car ready to gol CLAIR MILLER SONS Main Division Phone 9626 what owner should know about lubrication service could be cut bv about 3( Aviation Gas Limit Scnn An order limiting use of aviallor gasoline can be expected, he said The first violence was reported laast night at the American Liberty Refinery at Ml, Pleasant. Tex.

AI gasoline transport truck driver suffered a broken nose nnd head bruises when pulled from his truck by pickets. An injunction was boins sought today by Ihe compnny to prevent interference with its re- finery traffic. Negotiations to settle the strike, which began at midnight Tuesday, were breaking down where they had appeared most promising. 1 California, niay be caught uj? in the strike after negotiations in San i Francisco between representatives ot the Oilworkcrs International Union (CIO) of Denver and Shell Oil reached a stalemate. Pa Boost The unions are seeking a.

pay hike of 25 cents hourly and increased night shift differentials. The average pay ranges from £2 to $2.10 hourly. Differentials now are 4 cents from 4 p. m. to midnight and cents from midnight to 8 a.

m. Union goals are 6 and 12 cents. More than 44 percent of the nation's refining capacity is down and natural gas How through pipelines has been curtailed sharply in some areas. The strike was spreading today. Among the late-st refineries involved was Shell Oil's Houston plant, the 10th Texas plant out.

President W. H. Hoffmnn of Ncches, Butane plant, ein ploying 8,967 men, said it will close this. end it the strike con tinues. This would close U.

Rubber find Goodrich Rubber plants in a few days, he said. BoO arc dependent on Ncches butane Don't put off that savings program! The sooner you start, the better off you'll be. Set yoiif goal and watch the generous returns of regular savings ge! you lliere. O.FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLYTHEVILLE Lubrication Is more than a "grease job" at I.angston-Mc- Waters. involves 57 separate steps! Thai's the difference in Buick "Ijiibrirare." And that's why we invite you to come in to our shop the next time your car needs this service regardless of what kind of car you drive.

Get no extra cost. Try us next time. Buford Haynes Manager of Washing and Greasing Dcp't. Your Lubricare Guarantee GUARANTEE all been performed, to We have pressure-lubricated nil fittings under your car, with water-resistant lubricant. We have inspected your muffler, tires, fan hell.

We have applied special- purpose lubricants as fron! end to rear axle. these services have Lubricare standards: We have checked your spare tire, lights, slop and turn signals, battery water, and amount of brake fluid. We have examined all lights nnd windows, looking for defective glass. We have cleaned your steering wheel, windows, floors nnd battery terminals. Langston-McWaters Buick Co.

Walnut Broadway Dial 4555 LET YOUR FAMILY ENJOY lots more "CREAM" 1 andstill be HALF AND Thicker, Richer, you gel a Ml pint lor wily a few pennies more than 'A pint of cream. So nch 10 good so exert yei Golden Royal Half and Half Is so economical you can serve your family all (he "cream" they and still Ideal for cereals, coffee, fruit, desserts, sauces lookj like cream, tastes like cream! Perfectly pasteurized and tiornogeniied. AT YOU! (AVOKTI roOO StOtl MIDWEST FINA FOAM Ihe Ntwly- Developed Babble Balli (or Fine Fabrics, Rnfgs and Upholstery does a speedj foam cleaning Job. ARKANSAS 1'AINT GLASS CO. 105 E.

Main Fhone 237Z Free Picture 01 Your Catch Just bring your strfnij of fish our store and we'll take a picture for von any lime of day or night Nn clirtrge at all. Good luck to you on your fishing. Barney's Drug CAMERA 2006 Mnin rhone.

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