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Nevada State Journal from Reno, Nevada • 3

Reno, Nevada
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NEVADA STATS JOURNAL IS MAKING A SPECIAL DISPLAY O7 THEIR READY OR USE GOODS RIDAY SEPTEMBER 8 1899 BREVITIES AND A LARGE VARIETY OTHER GOODS NECESSARY OR HOME COMORT yN Our new hall Goods are arriving daily PERSONALS all Suits and Overcoats Workmanship they are Unexcelled returned to San CXXKJOOOC OOOOOOOO returned from an Tomorrow BREVITIES Hell the Virginia dancing OR THE LARGEST AND BE STOCK Ob' PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS INEST PERUMES AND TOILET Office in connec Alfred Nelson Price $3 75 to $2500 A Genuines Clearance Sale Of All Summer Goods Ever Shirt Waists at Give Away Prices DRY OODSAN1) CABLET STORE IN MaterIaland under of the is announced that the rail sell one dollar round trip of liie adj visitor to tb'e Drop into Our Store Today or past ed who is of the In their Domestic Department and call particular nttentioi' especially of the students to their of 18 he Ready Made Sheets White and Colored Blankets ancy Colored Comforters Linen Damask Towels in the lesh of Our Competitors oooooocooocoooofi a Professional Military Cloth Cutter And Look at These Handsome Suits Prices Please DAILY ARRANGEMENTS 03 BRYAN MEETING THEY WILL BEGIN WORK AT ONCE on the I world 1 ARTICLES PURE WINES AND LIQUORS OR MEDICAL USE AND MINERAL WATERS Manager of the California Nevada Mining Co Arrives New Summons Issued Yesterday morning on motion of plaintiff Judge Curler made an order getting aside service of summons and ordering the issuing of an alias sum mons in the case of George and William oulks vs the Inyo Marble Company BENO DRAMATIC CLUB TO OPEN THE BALL Ernest master will instruct a class in Reno this winter Painters are beautifying the Washoe County Bank building Theo Winters has engaged twenty stalls at the fair grounds Machinery has arrived for the Beck Dressier flouring mill in Carson valley Rumor has it that he irst Nevada Cavalry sailed from Manila yesterday Two morn California couples were married here yesterday Go to the Reception the neatest place in town where you will be hos pitably treated by Alec and Jim all an the market Hewed and made of test denim Try a rinced ree employment tlon with the store Notice Notice is hereby given that my wife Marceline Eyraud has left my bed and board without my consent and I hereby notify all persons not to credit her upon my account 7alni Alphonse Eyraud Bargains in stoves at Lang Schmitt wrappers 75 cents at Em 6alw Water and sewer pipe laid cheapest by Lang Schmitt or fine stationery call on the Cann Drug Co leading druggists and track is 1 1 1 tt tr arrive iur uju tuiup'wj will be immediately hauled The Best in the World We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best in the world A few weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold and a troublesome cough and having read their advertisements in our own and other papers we purchased bottle to see if it would effect us It cured us before the bottle was more than half used It is the best medi cine out for coughs and The Herald Andersonville Indiana orale by Pinniger The Westerfield Block Downing 1G lots 50x140 are now for the flrct time offered for sale Pt rsots heretofore wanting lots in this beautiful block can now make their choice Plats can be seen at our office Lot 100x140 Western Addition house of four rooms bard finished Will be sold cheip Trice one thou sand dollars Houses and lots in all parts of town Good bargains and easy terms BONHAM A STODDARD REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS Second Street Journal Building Reno Nevada Thoroughbred Stock Theo Winters will sell at auction during fair week thirty five head of thoroughbred horses consisting of brood mares and yearlings ITEEN CENTS PER WEEK Delivered by Carrier Committals at Work Preparing foi the Silver Receplion CASTOR I A or Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of We Have Engaged And Are Making the Handsomest Cadet Vnifroms IN RENO Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism Kenna Jackson Co Va About three years ago my wife bad an attack of rheumatism which con fined her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unable to walk a step without assistance her limbs be ing swolen to double their normal size Mr Maddox insisted on my uMug Chamberlain's Pain Balm I pur chased a fifty cent botlle and used it according to the directions and the next morning she walked to breakfast I without assistance in any manner and she has not had a similar attack since A Parsons or sale by Pin niger rencn Tansy Wafers The famous remedy for pain ful period and irregularities regardless of cause are never failing and safe The wafers are the married best friend The only reliabe female regulator imported Paris Take no thing els but insist on the genuine red rappers with our trade mark La rance Drug Co importers 306 Turk street San rancisco jly2 ly e8g when he advertises prices down they ar de must go for cash SOL LEVY illiatn from the find him a boat of Vucifer Reyman the Cycle: Passes Though This City of Electric Bitters have cured Brewer of scrofula which had ler her doctors cure is This Organization irst to Move in the Mat ter of a Reception for Our Returning Soldier Laddies Will Grive a Benef it in the IN eai uture Mrs Wii Soothing Syrup ha been tiseb by millions of mothers for their child ren when teething If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf ferine and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of Mrs Wins Soothing Svrup for children teething It will relieve the poor little sufferer Imine diately Depend upon it mothers there Is no mistake about it It cures Jpiarrheea regulates the Stomach and Howels cures Wind Colic softens the gums reduces In flammation ami gives Tone and Energy to the whole system Mrs Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the Unite States Price 21 cents a bottle Sold by all druggists throughout the world Be sure and asklfor In ow's Soothing Syrup" AGENTS OP Kodaks and Supplies KODAKS are tfie BEST Ca meras ma da The Appetite of a Goat la envied by all poor dyepeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order All such should know that Dr New Life ills the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy gives a splendid appetite sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy Only 25 cents at drug store At 8 this evening Jennings Bryan will alight Virginia Truckee train and self in th) midst o' ous citizens' Should the ist bound tr ported late the address will be de livered from a stand in Riverside park opposite the Court House If a close connection between trains will not permit this arrangement he will speak opposite the passenger de pot A carriage containing members of the committee will drive Mr Bryan to the park and an escort of ladies will conduct Mrs Bryan and children The executive and general reception committee met lat night in the oilice of Bonham Stoddard and completed arrangmeiits for the reception A band of music and other accessories were provided for It is Loped that as many of the re ception committee and other citizens as possible will go to Garson this after noon to attend the reception in the Capital City and escort Mr Bryan to Reno It road will tickets Ready Made Pillow Cases White Marsailles Spreads Lace Curtains of ali Kinds Linen Huck Towels Turkish Bath Towels Royal tABSOWTEDf fcURE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Dan of Oakland manager for the Cilifornia an 1 Nev via Copper Mining Company arrived in Reno yesterday and is at the Paiace Mr is a mining of wide ex perience and god judgment Hewil go systematically to work to develop the newly acquired property of the He ooled the Surgeons All doctors told Renick Hamilton West Jefferson after suffering months from Rectal iet uhi that would dio unless a costly operation was performed but be cured himself with live boxes of Arnica Salve the cure ilo cure on Earth and the Lest Salve in the world 25 I cents a box Sold by Hodgkin eon druggist Announcement I have just received a complete line of working and dress shirts of the lat est pat terns and styles which I ill sell at bedrock prices I wish to call par ticular attention to a working shirt I am handling It is undoubtedly the best working shirt that was ever sold on the Coast for the money Call and examine the same I have all the latest patterns in golf and negligee shirts in silks and madras cloths lam pleased to announce that I have aecnred the agency of the Wheeler overall famous on this Coast as being the bet fitting and most durable over It is rivited triple the heaviest and pair and be cou Miss Annie Peck is vii iHng in Genoa Harry Chism is very fever Ed Sisson foreman worth Dispatch was a city yesterday A Chalmers chief engineer for the is in from the construction cam Strother of Virginia left yester day for Cresco Iowa being called there by the illners of his brother Albert Lewere of Washington is here on a visit to his brother Prof Lewets Dolison has rancisco where he will resume bis dental studies Alex Dromiaek has extended visit to San Iranciico Mrs Martin of Virginia City visited friends in Reno yesterday IL Wise was over from Carson yesterday Hendy of the Hendy Machine workj San rancisco was in Reno yes terday John Smith of Wadsworth spent yesterday in theRiverside City Dr Pinniger is entertaining his friend Mr Landis of San rancisco Dr Stubbs has returned from fly ing visit to San rancisco Miss Julia Wasson has gone to Topaz Mono county to teach school Miss Gibbs carries a complete stock of stamped goods footing and fine linen for handkerchiefs to 0 our no Dramatic club have retiirnincr heroes I expectation that any boxes will be sold for $ooo but standing rootn should be the motto early in the evening Now that the ball has been given the impetus letone and all do their part in advancing the work of a reception for the boys Giv inr up as nw of them did good positions for the sake of defendin their home and country in the hour of need it is but right that such positions should be secured for them upon tbeir return very county in the state should do its part and every citizen who can do nothing else should at least buy a tin born and blow it Cal a public meeting at once appoint committees and get to work for the time is short and the Nevada boys must not come home without re ceiving a welcome of which they may one and all be proud The Palace Dry Goods House Sole Agents for the celebrated Buttcrick Patterns' Discovered by Woman Another great discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this country fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests but her vital organs were undermined and deathseemed imminent or three monthsshe coughed incessantly and could not sleep She finally dicoveied a way to recovery by purchasing of ue a bot tle of Dr New Disovery for Con sumption and was eo much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all pight and two bottles has abso lute? cured Her name is Mrs Luther Thus writes Hamnick Co of Shelby Trial bottles free at ft Drag Store Regu Jar size 50 cents and $100 Ever bottle guaranteed perience and good judgment 4 I I tr 4 tVOvk 1 Glorious News Cornea from Dr Cargile Washita I He writes: lint loa Mrs caused great suffering for yeiry rihle gores would break out on head mid face and the best could give no help 1ml tier complete and her health is excellent This shows what thousands have that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known the supreme remedy for eczema tetter salt rheum ulcers boils and running sores It stimulates liver kidneys and bowels expels poisons helps digestion builds up the strength Only 50 cents Sold by Druggist Guaranteed company in Pyramid district A 1 "I a 4 iyaI 1 I A uanudu in luuic expected to Jut rl A Ck 1 to the mines and work started without delay Lumber was purchased yester day for the construction of a camp Joseph of this city will run the boarding house Reno will be the base of sup plies Employment will be furnished a number of experienced hard rock miners at $3 a day The first work to be done ground will be the extension 1700 foot tunnel in the Crown Prince claim until the ledge is struck which is thought' to be about 200 feet ahead This will give 700 feet of stoping It will depend upon the richness and width of the ledge what means will be used in working the ore If it is as good on this level as at the surface it will be a matter of a very short time until a smelter will be put a the mine The dyke on the surface is a couple of hundred feet wide 23 feet of it be ing good ore Several hundred tons pay rock are lying on the dump Communicated Hurrah for the Nevada boys The suggestions in the Journal have awakened a esire in hearts to give the Nevada soldiers a royal to 1 rr 3 a a nlfiVTOr LHC UUilUUl ui vuv flTTHLHlI III U1UUUVV 7 rdflvq that can be secured win De i mH in inc and the people of Reno should patronize it liberally There is no ana lauv yr HcioHrbno rnnm Pharmacy Reno Nevada Virginia Street THAT IS A THORN The Monarch saloon is wue oa can get a glass of Anheuser Bu or the best of everything in i and liquors at lowest prices go Thyes Emricb will give this week 10 per cent discount on all purchases from $1 upwards 29alw Miss Claire Dickinson will keep a full line of school text books at reason able rates 21aug2w Notice the great bargains in Will show window Spacial sale for thirty days Steel ranges the Royal is the lMeit beit aud che ipest Sold only by Lang Schmitt Henry Biter has nothing but the best of liquors and cigars on sale Call and find out for yourself At cost freezers refrigeratois mowers garden tools and all summer goods to clean out stock Lang Schmitt or headache dyspepsia habitual constipation torpid liver billiouenese take Liver Granules Cann Drug Co leading druggists or kidney and bladder diseases and ailments arising from these causes take Kidney Pills or sale by Cann Dmg Co leading druggists a2tf Special sale of jewelry clocks silver novelties aa 1 optical goods at Will for the next thirty days fail to take advantage of the special bargains The Washoe Lunch Counter has another appetizing display of good things in the show window or a first class meal cooked to a turn go to the lunch counter to day See Harry McDuffee for and tailor made suits Suits from $20 up uniforms $20 up All woik kept repaired free of cost for one year Residence next to tf house VL At you can find a fine assortment of stationpry blank books pencils of ali kinds playing cards dice combes brushes shaving outfits aud a full line of notions always lo be found at Harry Stationery and cigar store In almost every neighborhood there is some one whose life has been saved by Cnam Colic' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine Such persons have a point of telling of it whenever op portunity offers hoping that it may be fiemeans of saving other lives lor Bitty Pinnuier iLEi PALACE DRY H'R BPRT ii The othe day there through Reno a cyclist homestretch of a tour awheel Tne Truckee Republican gives his itinerary as follows: He left New York city on the I3lh of ebruary 1897 rom there he sailed Ito England crossed that country and entered the continent at Havre I rance thence across rance and Germany and into Russia He was snowbound in Russia for five months In Warsaw the Polish Bicycle Club received him oor dia'ly and showed him many favors His journey over the steppes and swamps of Siberia was a trying one and beset at times with almost unsur mountable difficulties However he succeeded in getting across that barren and unwelcome country in eafety and has the distinction of being the first cyclist to accomplish that difficult un dertaking In Manchuria he evn found more trying conditions find more unpropi tioua surroundings In crossing that country he not only encountered bridgeless streams foul swamp? burn ing deserts mazy forests and rugged mountains but the savage hordes of that heathen country pursued him aj the emissary of Kweidorn and in ter ror stricken fear tried every way to destroy him but fearing immediate contact with biro he escaped He crossed Korea but found the people of the quite tractable He sailed to Japan nod atlokohama took a United States transport from Manilaand reached his native country safely a few days ago I RQVAl BAK1NO 8 3 8 I' I A I I I 9 I I 8 8 I 0.

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