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Hamilton Evening Journal from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 8

Hamilton, Ohio
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TA.aH EIGHT A I I A TEBSXTAKY 4, Winfield Smith CHAPTER 47 Jere felt genuinely sorry for ttodolf Holmes. a he told himself, this wns no time for sor- TOW, It was time for aclion. think I understand," he M(id. The aelor looked up nt i got it nn a locution i lo he explained i A you give it i She took a fam-y to it when she saw it in my a a one evening 1 il to her." Kano Jit tho a a did tlif.v "They wuil i i a going to have i "Thoy went rilling "Yes." Tliey went ear. It WH-, liyhtr chummy--'' "Never i i "Look ht'rr, expostulated, a I i i i docs it a whore Yoi a makos i Jhe.

i 11 the world if we a Hi coldly. i i ibt-i a Holmes i^sly. how are ve Roing to tollnsv i i I yonr 1 it is in the gar 0n accident yesterday." a groaned. Can caU a And then remembered (1ml yrs- tc-rdiiy lie hnil a i one but away. on," he shouted, it's too Holmes protested, i where arc wo i did they go?" Ihe other countered.

"They wore going to tho summit. Louse oil Mount Lriwe. for dinner." a i a asked i weakly. He was galvanized into i a action. He seized tho actor by (he arm nnd a i dragged him from tho house.

no to lose," he explained a i now, we nmy he too They oeed to i eab slmni, ins Ihc i i a i mil l'jisauua nnd leaped into tlie machine. The a i i at I fare he was going to collect, leisurely i gears and started away. "Snap out of it," a through the window into tho driver's oar. "This is a matter oC i and death." But the a was in no hurry. Ho poked Ihrougli tho a fic, winding hack toward Hollywood boulevard, tho most crowded street in the city, find then Leaded for town.

Kane was beside himself i anther. Ho tried to get the driver to "follow a streets, but avail. i a "Never mind ubmil that Mount trip," ho shonlod, a us lo politic a a 1 mister," the a protested, I get you there all right." "Take us to police heiuhjunr- i Kano reit i-d. a i drew i of tho, headquarters a i a i paid the fare, barked to Holmes to -wait for him and rushed i tin; building. lie straight to Chief Lee's office, that individual wns noi.

A sergeant greeted him a i iarly. I got. to a 11 a Kane shouted. At oin-e. And I a a scmad to go i nn 1 The officer looked i i at i mind about tlio tions," Kane "You kn Tvhu I am, 1'lonse du as 1 a Tlio serge mil, a a Jng in bis slow working; brain, a was iu a dashed a re lo i i a oar a sqiunl wore a i i Tho car sped wji nt'tei' I lolrucs bad a liis place in Ihe i i The i i i caused trni'1'ic tit so-nmblc "ill of its pall) lo safely.

a tip, i a i 7 ol' I bo ivor-, a of i a i i he hnl i nlnmsl i i i words from lii.s arid filing at liis The i i a i a i happy, for 1 IH-V were going fo bo in on i i They of (he i i ivmiM grf and Tisimlizcd lite hen lines that would a i iho t'iu-l to Ihe world Hint I luimh'ivr in Jns- of this a Once or I i 1 hoy tried to on pnge him in i i a i i i quos- tirtris about, i i of Idc Mayor. Hut lie ignored i ing his eyes glued on the i i i was i 1 a nn folding under tin' glrtr't- of puw- cri'nl headlights. Tho a i raced out of city, whirled through and out onto life a pen rumi a to Monnl Lowe. Curious eyes f'uHovrrd Hie progress of the roaring ruilmno- i as it moved precariously a itf path. Dnsk faded i i readied the foot of I rocky a in nl.

Lowe, lint a Ud nut enii-so driver lo a spend one i i i a nn the, rffir of Ilir i-eiit nnd hold on for life. His fm-o was as Triiilo a fihei-t and Ills lips wure ly, (he car skidded lestingly arotind a sharp curve and started up the a i rond. i i and turning, its wheels biting i hard surface, meed toward the i Now tho roarl was I i on loop chasm. The i slackened is speed a bil. One of Iho dcli-c- lives remarked grimly, "A lot of rs Juivo gone off tliere." Higher a i cliiabed.

K'iino, a watching ml, a i to discover i a for wlnVli he i i i i i a lights I' llm ImiL'-o showed ahead of i He a i A ro SUIT i hey were i i Vrs, tho "Thi.s is thoy snid were As i i oar i a a short a saw llif shadowy form of a i coupe ofl' nt ono side of i i I i i i Thorn were io i i on tho imn'hiiip, inv i told him i the car ho A crmmiiiud i i tho or's pftr i i i hig machine to a i i stop. a leaped out and for I he; oilier ma- ohino, Iho dotoclivo.s nnd Holmes laborifiiisly i i One nf I officers, right i ICjino, i i i out his a i I hearn a a through Ihc ahead of i Tlie heim caught Iho form a womiin lying on (he. A i stream of blood i from her leruplr, 11 was a Lelfoi. Holmes lo liis knee beside her and i tier head in tiis riruis. tlenlly, i lu's ohiof, hr a a I blood, i fonld feel her lieart i i i and ho knew lie was not too late.

Tli fgh 11 on I It or I wo women. They were a i a i each oilier. Lucy stood i a raised ahnvo her hond if ready to i Her a was (Jis- turlo'd. Dorolha heard Ijitcy a linsky voice: Von make one move toward nic and I I I i you. a bruslied past Lucy and for Uoroflia.

i "sereitm she and frnin i He out a lici'j i tfiroiigh a Dor of the ol lifers, who hfld rabbod Lucy Wilbur, shouted a i i "Stop her, Kane. You're, both slrnight for- the rntiyon." Hut hardly bad the words fallen from liis lips i a i i DorotliH uttered a Mood-curd ling scream. The ery rung 1 t)trough Iho night, chilling i blood, and died out. Fnr below, a could hear slone.s IkouncMiig toward the bottom of the chasm and knew (lint ilicrn wenj. the body of Dorotlia Deane.

lie back fo the others. got her," James exclaimed, nodding a Lucy. "Yes," a agreed i you have lier---but the murderer got away." lie kiK'll, beside Holmes. Under beam of tho i pocket lamp ha a i wound. 1 1 It isn 't ho said.

"Only a blow on lie bend i tlml Vrt'iirh. Sho')) bo all right in jni hour or don't a Chief John Lee said in perplexity, you Hgurcif HIP Doano givl i i Hie "1 ilid n't I'ignro it on I. for cer- i i (his a a ivplicd. "Hut M'IIS fiiirly of i( lust, niglit. 1 "Last night!" the jiolioi: official oxclniinod.

Vts, Kane said, and went on lit I i i i Uorotlm's visit to him nl liis hotel. SI 10 isilrd you at your liotol last night Nimi-lto. LeKoi es- olasmod ini'rrlulously, Yos, anil tlieroliy proved lior own niidintiir. She lirouglit mo a very 4-omplrio i a a of i He nbout tho drawing room of a i i lunuo, "---ninoli mnrc complete I a I could a i i my meager knowlrdgo. Sin- WHS very much upsvl i i i i a i (o Mr.

Holmes." "Hill why slnntld slie tlio actor i i i i i "She thought sho wns safe hero in iss Lcfioi 's employ she WFIS a a i a marring. 1 M'oulil rob her ol' i At least, i.s my I why should" sho i a i John Loo lo wluil me. I i i she even i "Sho tolil you I lint Holmes a "She, totd a I'hiM 1 corrected. "Wliy, tho littlr iijir!" iho tur exploded. the lil lie liar," a i-chooil.

if yon i allow me I my from The start and you ran draw your own oonc his Sons. I from thr a Uirhjitvi ftniJey wns inur(orf(J iiy soi i icon who knew i except tonally well, jiiul in a i i who knew N'aiK'tte l.elioi. I knew a Vflmevor i i Mtat i in wmited ii to appear she had donu il, Miss Lt'ltni had ample reason to get Mniloy mil of I way. He was hbuik mail ing her under i a of revealing her I i i nnd her a The lunrdorer followed nno(to to ley's house pise sho was going I Jit-re except Dorotlia Doane, 1 "i 'nlc played one of her cruel rick.s to aid Dorolha in her scheme, Slui had not intended killing Bailey luil night, when Miss LoRoi struck Bailey in i of anger at li.s unreasonable, demands ho slipptul and struck his head against the able and fell lo Iho floor nncon- Dorotlia Dcauc was watching "rom a ladder projjped against tlie. When Miss Lclioi tied from Ihc house the murderer creiL nlo tho room, placed Ihc gun against.

Hailey's temple and pulled lie (rigger," He explained tic- nrrived at his conclusion, lolling tho in of Ihc findings alter his a i i i that i i a "Then, wanting; it lo appear a Ha i Icy had been by an i ruder in a i she pushed back ho did it a a she, did not upset Hie- dee.anler or four glasses i had been used a i in I 3 broke ho top cover of bookcase and strewed il.s contents over Ihc floor. 'Hiil wlien she lid, she did one i i wtiich a led me to lier a i Railey kept liis diary in a top shoK along a lot of papers. Hut she did not it and found diary on the floor. A con- i herself a sho. hud done this job well, she fled.

Tlicn she bore, nnd bailed a for Miss LeHoi. That (o bo her supreme coup. She was going 1 to make it. appctir i i i i assailant had also attacked her," ot 1 lii.s- discovery of (Jif a before ho and Holmes luid in pursuit of the three women, "Hniulay," IIG continued, "she took Miss LeHoi lo bench ELEIC! rn slio, was released she, hurried buck i to keep a rendezvous i said it was Lurry Wcldon, but have my bis. was probably some swrclliciu'f.

Shu chanced upon her sister. 'Suddenly, it dawned on her Chivington was in Iho com- conL'idcnoc of his muster. Thon, reasoned probably, lio cnougli lo set the police on lier a i Slio decided lie hat! to lie gotten out, of the. way. In some way she Irickcd her sister into gel- ting Chivinglou into the gurngc, where she attacked them wilh wrench nnd left them to die, after locking the gimige doors so a i there; would be no possible chance for either to escape, should they recover fvom the blows on tlie hem I before the carbon monoxide had got in its deadly work.

"DoroLIm Dcane, once she started her criminal career, stopped at nothing. Taking her sister's life meant only one, thing lo her--her own safety. A a crime, she thought she was safe. Then, i of Lilt inn Hull brought dhmix. She thoughl sho, was safe.

Hut when Lillian wns released this morning---1 a understand yet, how she, thai suppose was responsible for i N'anetli' inuiTimrrd, I foil remorseful. 1 had Dorollm call and sen if we could visit her, It) Ii her some candy and It ings, ami Dorottm lojtrmvl Mint Li I i hud been roloaseil." "Tlml," Kane said, explains nuu'der of i i a U'ont to Hull 11 pit men t. Kit her I actress had nl ready ret liomo or llorotha waited mi- til she did arrive. She gained ad- i i a lo the apartment, prolmlily, on the pretense that Miss LoFioi i sent her. Tn a moment when she caught Miss by surprise she, plunged (lie dirk into her hen 1 sent Horothn on an crratul to in 1 lollywood," a explained, 1 hough she a strangely when slie 11 or motive for i i Lil liar Hull is easily enough Kane resumed, Dorotlia Ueane she had given police onongh in a ion to a a liei release.

tShe i know a Mis Hull wns elrnreil by eireumstaiu'os. ''Sometime today she set a i for Miss Lt'Hoi again, i i no! I just to oust suspicion away from 1 but to get her out of way. Tli on when Mr, 1 lolnios came a ivt my i i insistot a i I lie women here go oui for i construction of thi a aroused my suspicion; its pos i i was on lino i the i i and, too, Ihe table had beer ivcently elruiu i d---she her chance to i both women and make ii look liko an accident." right," Xnm'tlo, nf firmed, She drove off road and headed for (he cluisin. Slu ill 101 it lo leap from the oai wlioi) bvongJit il to slop," Hul a was hor i i Leo askeit. Von liavi worked a nice east'---nll excep Kvelyn Deano di-say) pea rod, saying she was going (o marry a studio employe who mi.

give her an i in (he movies, Dorollm sought to stop her fuit i a i Tlipn, sh( hoard no more of lier sisicr she he enme alarmed. Through tho aid oi Lurry Wei don slie met Riclian: Ha i ley. Slie knew his reputation nnd thought il might be lie. "Her association i a a aroused comment and il got liaok In her. Slio, WHS working on tlio.

theory a if site could gel in Ilia good graces slie might worm (lie. i a i from i Hut slie ilid not Ijiirgain for liis sincere admiration, I-'inaHj, ni; de net ion is, sho faced him with the (a tern tint (lint she knew of hing which he dreaded lo nave cuown. I haven't. the slightest den what it was, but that little oup seemed to have hit its mark. Seeing an easy way lo get noncy, she started blackmailing iim, and lie paid, only too gladly.

"'hen, in sonic way, she found out hnl Rniley was the man who had obbod her of her sister. Sho began making unreasonable demands if Iiini, and in turn, lie, passed demands on lo Miss LcRoi, Finally, he managed lo place ler in Miss l.cltoi's employ. Then Icnrned that the money she was from linilcy was coming 'rom her employer. It was a situ- a i a pleased her vanity, and he felt safe enough while she was nulf-'r this roof. Her visits to Ilailey became mro and more She i ally decided I i she a to use lis i to get in the motion iclnres.

She Ihreatcncd him i now she knew lie. was ilaek mail ing iss LelloiTM if he lidn 't, come across', He didn 't now a lo do. i employer refused to Us I him use slie ant od tlie leading role, nothing uorc or less. i a she threatened his life ind he even thought of suicide lo her." Iviino had i i lie took small bundle which he had brought him, i it and threw back paper. 'Kauetlc My i Il disappeared week ago." lie turned over the knife to the uhief.

Holding up Ihc handkerchief bo asked Nanette: you over sec tliis licforcl" 4 11 is Dorolha 's sho replied i hesitation. And hero is the i a Kane said, hundiiig both articles to the iuo, chief. "I I i will find diary very interesting rending md i believe you will i thai it bears out everything that 1 have The chief to go, but a stopped i "The one thing more. iss Lc'Itoi, M'i)J you look in your former secretary's room find sec if there is a suit of men's clot lies there?" IViUiout a word site left the room nnd presently returned with a coal, a i of trousers and a cap.

"Those are (he dollies of the u'owlor I saw," Ho lines exclaimed, a Kane said. was Dorolha Deane ing from the home of Kiimnrd Haley. Vou surprised her before, slic could gcfc iu the house, nnd so, she fled. nlso wore these clothes when she returned to HuUoy's liome i that night to replace the ladder iu the garage which she had left standing nguinsl tlie window when she fled a the murder. It was that second i i he turned to the.

chief, "which aroused Chiv- ingtoti and sent him on that noc- a walk when lie found the gun. The gnu lie took out with him to shoot the prowler, as lie first said, and wns not found, as lie told mo." looked nt his watch. "One o'clock he whistled, guess 1VI better he getting some sleep if 1 'in going to catch tliat train for New Orleans in the morning." Rest assured we'll be down to sec you N'linelle smiled. A tho vest of us, too," Lee grinned. "In fact, I i I'll order oul (he, police baud." THE Ohio Warblers By Olark K.

Lloyd, Oxford The wood a as they are commonly called are a a a delight lo bird lover. Aliout S(J visit the i States each year, of these sixteen are native of Ohio. Ily i i I mean birds a (mvc been found nesting in this state. Of the, i varieties, ten are common ami six are classed as no.stprs. Their riesls i few exceptions are i i to tind, nnd as is ease of a Sycamore War- bio only one nest of i species liaving lu'en found since 102-1.

ti on own 11 11 on ore r. a i and myself have, been a i ohservat ions for years, we Imve round seven varieties nesting. No a i of birds are harjlcr to i i and I hoi move-merits so lit- tfe One could spend a i i and not master the field marks of llicrie i colored SOMERVILLE Spet-rM To The i i Somerville, rYl. -I, ifrs, Keller passed away Mondav a at the. home ot Mr.

aiid Mrs. J. W. Hoel, a a few days' illness. Funeral arrangements, to ho announced Inter.

Surprise Party Don Roberts was a completely liy surprise, in of liis i a anniversary, Saturday event ng, by Charles Hnrnplcr, Harold Kemp, Dean Roberts, Bill It cod Gladys Pot longer, Mnrjorio Howe Helen i and Irene Roberts. Various games were enjoyed i a a i lionr, wlien a delicious lunch Notes of Interest Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy Bergamyer of Stockton, spent one day In si week i nnd Mrs. Fred Bcrg- nmyer.

Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of i I i a a spent, Thursday and Friday i Mr. nnd Mrs. MVMithan and i Mr.

ami Mrs. an Mrs, Mnnrarct Craig were guests ol Dr. and Mrs. Crump, at Gratis, on Sunday. Those on Hie' sick are: Mrs.

ilr IN MARRIAGE Dicky, Obviously Embarrassed by the Message From Diverts Madge's Attention to An Old Jealousy By ADELE GARRISON MY FIRST furtive glance at Dicky when lio had come Into the room, showed mo that not anger, not contrition, nor yet Jndiffercnco--the three reactions I had feared from his hearing of tho message from "Floss" --was swaying him. To my astonishment and, I was sure, to Lillian's also, he looked distinctly embarrassed, almost Bhame-faced; and those expressions are so foreign to tho face of my imperious and careless husband that I wondered what had befallen him. It was no ordinary happening, I was sure, that would bring htm back to tho hotel so soon alter leaving it In a rags'. "Has Ede been here This was his salutation to both or us, and by it I measured lha importance to him of his query. Cor Dicky is usually most punctilious in his courtesy.

And an old pain, a jealous pang; that I had not felt for months, leaped within me nl my husband's tcnso utterance of that name. "Ede" in With Dicky "Ede!" How often hnd I secretly at hearing upon my husband's llpg the familiar nickname of the woman who, I knew, had loved him so long--and so hopelessly. Of that latter premise I was'olways assured In my brain, but sometimes uncertain in my heart For Dicky never had evinced for Edith tho rather flamboyant admiration thnt he has shown for several other feminine admirers of his. and that has troubled me during our of marriage. But her relation to him, especially in these later years, can best be expressed by that odious term, which I especially loathe, "of- My mind soared back to the first time I had seen Edith, years ago, when alie and her sister, Leila, had seen Dicfey across a crowded hall, and recognized him.

They were like delicate flowers In their exquisite beauty, with their air of having been sheltered from Idrih from ungentle wind, and their presence In that mill ing crowd was something Incongruous. To Study Art Dicky had explained, a little hesitantly, that they were two Virginia girls of old and distinguished family, uho, the slenderest of means, had come north to study "Art with a big as he expressed it. Hut I hud seen 1n his words, as wclJ as In Ills later actions, that while his brain gibed nt Kdith's limitations, and her absurd ambitions, his artistic Instincts went out to her undeniable beauty, while his chivalry was by the sweet, clinging-vine of the two sisters. It was a chivalry shared by other of the artist colony in an old historic, building to which the srirJs bad drifted. Lillian, I knew, had rendered them both many signal services, and she had rejoiced with the others when Leila turned her back upon her futile ambitions and married Alfred Durkec, youthful art editor and old friend of Dicky.

But Edith had struggled on, re. jecting several offers of marriage, However, Edith's greatest wish was no secret, either. Whether she over had; told Dicky about it in so many words I did not know, did not wish to know. But "he who ran might read" her adoration of Dicky, and once, in a lime ot great danger to Dicky, she had named out at me that she loved him with a greater, far less selfish love than mine. She had asked my forgiveness for that outburst later, and wo had patched up a friendship that had been welded still more firmly by her signal service in helping Hugh Grant I and to rescue Junior, after Grace Draper had kldr.aptf him.

But the last three years preceding this query of Dicky's as to lier whereabouts had worn that friendship thin. The fate that had thrown Dicky and Edith together In the ownership of a struggling art magazine had developed unsuspected business ability in her. As an artist, she was what Dicky calls "a washout," but as a business woman, she had saved the struggling magazine from bankruptcy and put It on a paying basis for herself and for Dicky. Jealousy Anew I did not resent her success, nor was I chagrined at his rather extravagant gratitude to her. But I was intensely annoyed at the critical and possessive attitude which she, by imperceptible degrees, adopted toward him.

It was the height of absurdity, knew, for me to be jealous at Dicky's anxious query, but I could not control the nervous fear of something unknown whteh swept over me, although--I offered incense before my own special little joss for the boon--I was able to conceal my tremors and to say coolly: "No she hasn't been here. Did you expect to tind her here?" my husband found something irritating In my apparently Innocent query wap apparent, as ho looked nt me sharply, and then said anarlIngJy: "N'o. 1 didn't cNpcct to find her here don't hope to tind her here. I shall be ready for Relicvue if she does heave in sight. But there was n.

distinct possibility that she would show up here, and I had to know about it." "What's the matter, Dicky bird?" Tjlllian cooed sweetly. "Is our Edith getting temperamental again?" (Continued Monday) (Copyright, 1333, K. P. s. Inc.) Mrs.

Carr, Mrs. Tracy, Mrs. Will Stubbs and Mr. John Sharkey. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Bargain visited relatives in Cincinnati, on Sunday. Mr. 'and Mrs. George Dnnklc- bnrper worn entertained at six o'clock dinner by Air.

and Mrs. Ryle, nt CollinsviUe, Tuesday. and Airs. Wade Isiiacs and children cutcrtaitied relatives from Hunting-ion, W. last week.

Mr. V. A. Krickson, Airs. Anne Fee, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Bcrgnmyer spent a in Hamilton. Mrs. W. a was Saturday i and a guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Hay Ward, in Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. Br'n Baker and children, of Dayton, were week-end guests of Mrs.

Jennie Baker and son, John, Several from here a the basketball game at Seven Mile, Friday night. jVfr, and Mrs. John With row called OH Mrs. George Dunklebarger, Saturday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. OUvcr Keller spent Siuidny i anil Mrs. J. L. Thomas, aL Dayton.

Mr. Mrs. (Ironic Lnndis were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byrd, at Gratis, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. K. C. were week-end guests of Mr.

ami Mrs. Far per Muff and children, in Richmond. Mr. 1'Vunk Cory and Mrs. Oeorjye Pnnklchnrirer spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs, John With row, Mrs. Charles Mee, of I Fa mil ton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. ,1 amos I. Mee.

Mrs. Duve Longstrcth nnd son, Ouve, of Dayton, spent Sunday i Mr. and Mrs. fl. L.

Trney. Mrs. Wtilter TTjigeman and son spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Withrow and son, near Trenton.

Mr. Mrs. J. W. Hop) and daughter, Jean, were reeenf visitors of Mrs.

Qverpeek and daughter, Xellie, at O'vcrpeek. CIGARETTE IN GRATING CAUSES CELLAR TIRE A cigarette dropped through the iron grating set i to paper in eellar at office of Dr. C. L. We.ston, 127 Main at 0:1 o'clock Friday morning.

Slight a a was caused. MILLER ESTATE IS VALUED AT 35,000 Kathcrinc Miller, widow, applied in probate court Friday to be ad- i i i of the estate of Alex Miller, late of 710 South Fourth street, estimated nt $1,000 in personal properly nnd $4,000 in realty. UNIFORM RANK REGULAR MEETING Tho regular meeting of Phillips Company No. 2-1, U. Ft.

K. of wn.s held Thursday i in Pythian Caslle halt, on Xnrlh Scion ml street. Koiitiiio was transacted, MEN'S CLASS TO BE ORGANIZED IN SUNDAY SCHOOL AT VENICE Spec I Hi To TJie Jnnrnnl. PoneLtowtij Feb. '1.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seibokl and uiglilor, Louclla united on Juke Kollmcr west oC Trenton, Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Michuel, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Michael and spent Sunday nflcrnocm in Raton with Mr. anti Mrs.

Charles Michael. Mr. nnd Mrs, Chester Hollcn- nnd son, Bobby called on Mr, and Mrs. i i i ITollcnbiuigh nncl a i Sunday afternoon. Mr.

nnd Mrs. A Rrndslmw of Elk Crook rjiJlerl on Mr. Jiiul Airs. Ed Baker Saturday evening 1 Misses Xellie and I.onclia Sei- liold mid Vi nllcr "Wirtley spent Fri- dny evening in HnmiKon with Mr. and Mrs.

Kay Sehmecr and daughters, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dale Chamberlain, of near Carlisle called on Misses Jaiio and Emma a Sunday. Mr. anil Mrs.

Fred Banker visited Mieir daughter, Betty, at Miami University, Sunday. Frank Cox spent several days in Columbus and -attended Farmers' Week. Mrs. Lewis a a meeting of her bridge club in Mid- diet own, Mondav evening. Thieves broke in Cceil Pharos' i and sfole about chickens, Monday night.

Mr, and Mrs, a Paullin and daughters a (he funeral of Mr. Chas Sciby, of Middletown, Sunday. CJporgc Wolvcrlon, of Middlctown, onllc(3 of J. K. Bnnkor Wednesday afternoon.

and Mrs, Frank Cox spent Rnnday afternoon in Dayton with Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Huff or and daughter. Mrs. Lawrence Michael entertained at dinner Thursday in honor of her son, Jimmy's second i a Mrs.

Russel Lef fer.son and son, Tommy, Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs, 0. 0. Miobnel.

Mrs. S. L. Graves spent Thursday i Mrs. Frank Cox.

Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Mcars having sold their house here arc moving back to their farm on March I and Carl Updike who is living them now is moving to a farm north of Carlisle, which Mr. Meara recently purchased. The i a daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. L. E. Baker has been i ill with a cold but is improved at this writing, Kr. and Mrs.

Roseoe Stephenson and sons spent Sunday afternoon with Die Jnltprs parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Harvey Button nt West Mid dletown. Mr. James Thompson of near Afonroe spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.

and MYs. Harry Thompson, The history of mankind is interesting in proportion ns it pictures fellow-men in pursuit oC an ideal. Service Class To Meet--Two Fires Discovered-Notes Of General Interest In The Community Special To The Journal. Venice, Feb. 4.

On Tuesday evening tlie teachers of Ihc Sunday school and the newly elected superintendent, Clyde Morris, and assistant, Allan Emeiick met at the manse with Rev. and Mrs, Andres to elect the other officers for Iho coming year and to discuss plans and outline a working program. George Clark was rc- elcc'tcil secret my wilh JoJin (Jnus- mau as assistant, Kdim Smith, treasurer, Edim Hisdorf reporter, and Carl Morris, chorister. A men's class will meet for tlio first time on Sunday morning during the Sunday school hours, when will be chosen by the class. I is hoped a good attendance will bo present.

This e.lns.s is planned for men, 21 years old and older. Class Meeting Members oft the Service class will hold an all-clay quilting on Tuesday, February 7, with a covered dish luncheon served at noon. In connection the regular meeting of class will be held during Ihe a hours. Twenty-seven ladies enjoyed the all-day i i last Wednesday and the delicious noon luncheon. A good attendance is asked for this meeting.

District P. T. A. Motoring lo i i Tuesday morning to a a meeting of the southwestern district of tho Parenl- Tezichors association was the pleas- urn of Mrs. Clara Truycsscr, Mrs.

Russell West, Mrs, Lilliam Brown and Miss Helen Brown, Death of Miss Imhoff Miss Treno Imhoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Imhoff, living on (he farm of Mrs. C. K.

Brown on the Lnyiiigli road passed lust Tuesday at the age of 16 years, a a long lingering illness. Funeral services were held at tho Walker clmpel, southwest of Oxford at 2:00 o'clock, Friday afternoon, with interment in Roily cemetery. Attend Potato Day Among (fiose who a i a a Potato Day sponsored by the a A a Seed company, of Cincinnati, last Friday were John nnd Shirley Hnltcrfield, George. Krvcn, Kobert Morris, Howard Thompson, We I ton Brown and Roland Be vis. Fires Recently fire destroyed one of the small cottages in the Venice subdivision, which was vacanl.

is believed house was robbed of ils contents before tlio fire wa started. was owned by Cincinnati parties. I-jnrly Friday morning smoke wns seen coming from the windows of house osvned by tlio late Ed- Demorel, by i i a llisdorf who notified nrighbors soon tinguislied the blaze which had been stnrted by nn person in tho closet under Blair way on tho first floor. DJI neeounl of the; ncss of other homes it would have probably caused oilier losses had it not been discovered start. The house WHS unoccupied.

Personal Notes a i Carroll, a junior at Miami University, visited Mr. and ifr.s. I-ouis Slnilcr the past week. Mr. and Mrs.

Aclolph Englc and family, of near Bethany were Sund a visitors of Jlr. nnd Mrs. Harry 1'Vlk. Misses Sylvia Bauscli and Dorothy Schwing resumed their studies at i a i Universily Monday a a vacation of several days spent i home folks following examinations Ihe first, ot! last week. Mrs, Cora returned home from a visit with relatives at Liberty, Tuesday.

Mr. nnd Mrs. I Bridge of ML Healthy visited at the home of Mrs. Ellen a lust Friday. Among those a i the funeral of Mrs.

Charles RoHserman, Monday afternoon at College Hill were Mr. nnd Mrs. a He vis, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Horming, Mr.

and Mrs. F. Alayiuird, Mrs. Mary Kny, A. R.

Morris, Mr. and -Mrs. Harry A Miscss Fsta Maynard and Mary a i Scliwing and others. K. Tlionms visited LowclJ Thomas in Liberty, the first of the week, Mrs.

Barbara Dietz 5s recovering from a stroke paralysis she fered recently. Mrs. Mnry Kay visited nt the home of Mrs. Martha Brown Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Ksclienbronner and children spent Sunday i former's parents, near Layhigh. Henry Hermann has been very ill since Sunday. OENTHAL CHURCH WOMAN'S MEETING Sixteen of (he Central Church of Christ Woman's Missionary society met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. R.

E. Fryar, Alberton avenue. Walter Pettit led tho meeting nnd il was announced a tlie men would be invited to participate in the March meeting to bo held at the church. A social hour followed Ihc meeting. LEWISBURG MAN ENDS OWN LITE i To The a Eaton, 0., Feb.

Krise, 27 old ended his life Into night nl the home oC his fnlher, i i a Kriae, near Lowis- hurg. Death wns caused by sodium cyanide, i i g. Domestic trouble? were believed to have bis uci. TODAY'S ANNIVERSARIES 1792--James G. Birucy, noted anti-slavery leader of his day, born at Danville, Ky.

Died in Now Jersey, Nov. 25, 1857. Hopkins, ideal educator, president ot Williams College, 1830-72, born at Died nt Wil- Immstown, Juno 17, 1887. 1822--Edward F. Beale, a forgotten Mexican War hero, California soldier, surveyor-general and pioneer, born in District oC Columbia.

Died April 22, 1893. 1833--George H. Hqnvorth, clergyman-editor, born in Boston. Died 7, 1902. 1842--Georgo Brandes, famous Danish writer, born.

Died Feb. 19, 1027. JS71--Vriodricli Kberl, son of Inilor iinrt himself a snddlo- jnaker, who succeeded Emperor WiJlinm sis Germany's first President, born. Died Feb. 28, 1925.

PORT UNION Special To The a 1'ort Union, Feb. 4. Tlie Lntlics Aid society mcl alths home of Jjrx. Virginia Gmidlcr on Wcclncsdny nftDrnoon. liogular rou- line of bn.sinoss ivas licld a detailed report of (lie Red Cross Relief work wns given.

The society decided fo quilt each Thursday at the Sumluy Kehool room. Following Itio racelitij a social hour was enjoyed i contests. Those attend- inp were Rev. and Mrs. Acord and children nnd guest, Jliss Naomi Acord of Neirart, jMi-s.

C'lnra Jlillcr, Mrs. Edith Ihle, Mrs. Belle Shel(OTI, It 1-3. Mary Gundler and daugli- ter Mni-y Etta, Mrs. Violet Bntchcld- rlor, Mrs.

ilildi'cd Hughes, Mrs. Reim Owen and Elizaheth Lintner. Kebekah's Initiate Two eandiIa(es were initiated on Wednesday evening when Reality Hcbeknh lodge held their regular meeting in the I. 0. 0.

F. hall. It was nlso announced I a joint celebration of the Wildey liirlhday anniversary i he lu-ld with a covered disli and program oti Saturday evening, I I Lest fin-get, fish fry Saturday evening, J'' -1 a 5 p. Enters Harvard Mr. and Mrs.

a i a Miller of University, ivho have a leave of absence of one year for Mr. Miller lo attend Harvard University, spent several days last week with tlieir Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, leaving on a morning-. With the Sick Friends Jonor Gerard are glad lo know he successfully underwent an eye operation at Fort Hamit- hospital on Wednesday.

We arc. hoping he may have a speedy recovery. Miss Ida Hagood lias been verv sick the, past two weeks. Jean, Wanda and Mary Cnthcr- ne Hall arc recovering from chicken pox. Cecil Daily has been very sick past week i an attack of Ihc mensles.

Personal News Mr. and lien Henry and a i entertained on Hunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conner and grandson and Dorothy Boone of HnmiKon, Mr. and Mrs.

Charlci Neidennnn, son Billy nnd daughter Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hillingslcn. Mr. and Mrs.

Archie Owen entertained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. David Spaeth and family of icor Sevenmile. Miss Jrcne Balehclder had as an over-night guest Sunday her friend, Miss Edna Schwab of Rosedalc. Mr.

and Mrs. Christy visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Snivcly i Sunday. Mrs.

Sadie Widmcycr and Hub son Hilly Leo visited Mrs. Agnes Henry Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ida Morningslar spent several days last week with her daughter and a i of Hartwell. Mr.

nnd Mrs. Ncwlon Johnson nnd a Mrs. Robert Handey of Okcana spent the day Tuesday i Mr. and Mrs. Ora Brooks.

Mr. and Mrs. a Shellon and daughter Mildred spent Saturday and Sunday at their homo near Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs.

floorgc Ewen and children and Mrs. Bert Hughes were visitors at the Henry home, Wednesday evening. M. E. Church Notes Sunday school JO a.

Alex Miller, superintendent, wilh special program. Church service, 7:30 p. m. Rev. Acord pastor.

WORKHOUSE TERM FOB, NOLAN HALL One year in the workhouse. 'was the sentence passed Thursday in juvenile court by Judge Gideon Palmer who found Nolan Hflll, age 33, of 1229 Fourteenth street, Hamilton, guilty of contributing, by abuse, to the delinquency of his three children. M. 0, H. AT BLACK HOME Meeting with tho president Mrs.

John Black, 205 Eaton avenue, members of Ihe First M. M. 0. H. club Tlinrsdny afternoon transacted routine business, made, plans t'or the future and enjoyed A social hour wilh refreshments.

The puma has a reputation for gentleness and even benevolence towards ii(n an beings, in Soulh America..

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