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The Free Press from Ozark, Alabama • Page 2

The Free Pressi
Ozark, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 -tmt ill '111 PEACKJUBILHE. m-iuj I i. I I I I I I 4 Jleamuo afir meamru liMsbeeri a- introduced in his Legislature itiwe-i8e srilauoi. niea'o has been int reduced to iticr as' 'lin farmerb' salary." To nettle the Stomach and Over come the Nhhoh of Prospective Mot' er, take Simmons Sqn-w Vii.e Winn or Tablets. The CtMitrnl ol rgia Kilway Company has inaugurated Parlor iAmj.

OO lt 'WWd 175- aanp AiiAinsod ah 1 it uu 1 Mtii' i i if. rr ri ANN OUNCEMEN 1 41. MMM kLVri in I in If ni.cj I t-i 3 tu T)11 iva fff Mil' IIMVI II VlltVL. A.1rKt 1 MVIlin Il lllf A ti mm -k rm I I I I I I I l-t I 1 1 I fl h-4 I I I IV I i I I I -i I the; keep a fieh stock on liand nil the liurrrt' IN tlev keeDu fine of a kinds ot -AlA Soaps, iu nidless vatiety anl prices. Yoo are vnnr own if TLjer ocva -lou 3 ito aio ueiier prepared una with beautiful up-to-date goods Cannot be sarpassed in South Goods at profusion' boujjtj'tfor salel PI)U'a vnn Wont rndo vchU mo no CO.

prices ii Benwiiu maii ever uniuro wsu low prices. tba east Can shot? yo latest things iu PLAIDS, FANCY MIXTURES, FRENCH BROADCLOTHS i I- 1, if- it 4 HENRIETTAS, OASHMERS, i TirrTj i ue jaicst novemes ior separate RKirts. we are aiso loiug a beautiful line of silks for Shirt Waists. Come quick nd make your selection. Ts filled with bargains too numerous to A full line GLOVE FITTING and al wave on baud.

"ONETTA" Union Suits for ladie A full line ol LADIES CAPES at prices to suit tho times. It is useless to ake space 'to tell you about OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT- We have built a reputation In thin particular department for aelliag fine and stylish goods at prices to Please our customers, Come and inspect our well selected Stock. We will please yon. i 3LVf WntHt WANTED itcwno. Car and 8leping Cur Service- be- I tween Atlanta and on! train 4eiviti Albany 4:15 h.

m. nr-rivinc Macon 7:10 Atlanta m. mill on train h-riving Atlanta 4:05 p. m. arriving Macon 7:20 p.

Albuny 11:05 p. m. from All holding berth tickets can take btaeper vt 8 p. tuns allowing them to remain in sleeper over night. Pas wengors arriving Albany at 11:05 p.

in may remain in Sleeper until 7:00 a. m'. Kate tor double beith in 150 tnilcifl find onder, Over 150 mi let), Charges fur Strats as follows 'f 50 miles audjunder, 25cK 51 miles to 125 miles SOcts. 12G miles' to 200 tnilea, 75cts. 201 miles ro 300 mile, $1 .00.

'If troubled with Dizziness, Fur red Tongue, Bitter taste in Mouth. Bloated Feeling alter eating, Constipation or Sick Headache, use Dr, M. A. Simmon Liver Medicine. THE WEATHER CALENDAR The Free Press has received the Car'Jui Weather Chart and Calendar for 1899 from the Chattanooga Medicine Co manuiaclurt-rs of Mc trees Wiue of Cardui and Thed-ford's Black-Draught.

This is one ol the best Calendars published It consists of twelve sheets ol paper, 12x20 mel es in size, all fastened together with a brass loop hang Each sheet contains thecileo-dar tor one month in large figores that can be read any room, Under the figures patent weather signals Indicating Prof. DtjVoe's Weather Ferecasis for every day the )ear appear. The moon's changes and lega' holidays are also 6bown. The calendar is valuable in any home. We understand a fow copies of it can be secured by sending 10 one-cent postage sUmp the Chattanooga Medicine Chattanooga, Tenn.

A BILL. To be entitled an act to establish, maintain and regulate a Dispensary in the City, of Ozark, Dale county, Alabama, For the aale eF spirituQus or vinjous liquors, mal liquors, wines, ci-ders'or other intoxicating and to establish and perpetuate a Board of Commissioners For the management of said Dispensary, and For other purposes, and providing thai said Dispensary can not be conducted any year fall a majority of the voters, hoase-holdars and Fee-holders Bhall file a petition in the office of (he Judge of Pro-bate -of Dale County requiring the Dispensary Commissioners to open and conduaX said Dispensary, Section 1, Be ft enaeted by the General Assembly of Alabama' That from and after the passage ol this act that be, and tbe same are hereby constituted a. body corporate under the name and style of The Dispensary of the City of Oz ark, lor the purpose of maintaining a Dispensary in the said City of Ozark, Alabama, for the sale of spirituous or vinuous liquors, malt liquors, wines, ciders and other intoxicating liquors. Said commissioners shall liave power to perpetuate its said board by filling all vacancies that may occur therein by a majority vote of the remaining commissioners; to elect from their number a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer to and require good and sufficient bonds from such secretary and treasurer, and to cause the said bonds tojbe approved by tb major and couneiltren of the City of Ozark. Said Dispensary of Ozark shall hav fbe power to ue andbeaued, to plead and to be impleaded in all the courts of this state, and fue said DispeDsnry Commission provided for in this act shall, before entering upon the di.

charge of their duties as such Com Atlanta, On Dec. 14 to 16, 1898 On account, ot the Pace Juhilo Gelehratiou at Atlanta Decern br U(h 1GU), the Central of Georgia Uuilwiiy will sell round trip ticket nt very low rates from all' -of its agent stations. Please pply to the nearest Ticket Ageriv for ((ill iufcrmaliou -s to rate-, sell ing dates, limits of tickets aud schetlule3 ol trains. or to J. C.

fLuUv' GeuejMl P.iBenger Agent, Savan Dah, Ga. i. the bankrupt law. We had thought that every body knew by this time that tbe Bankrupt law whs no "poor man's but, to our surprise, some of our friends continue to believe that it is. It is strange to us how any b-idy could belie7e that any legislation bad beeu enacted in tbe interest of tb 'mortgage ridden poor" by the American Cougresa.wbeu that body is composed of rich lawy ers.

But all the fools are not dead yet It is folly, yea worse than for tb farnie to expect legisla ion in their iutereat so loug as they vote for rich meu to make the law8. Wealth is selfish and rich men legislate lor themselves always. The farmers have alwys been tba laughing stock of the world and if.they keep up their present gait tbey always will be. It astouode us to see a farmer looking fer salvation to a Legislature com poaed of the rich men ot the ountry.V There is no salt on the lick-log for the farmers; never has been and never will be, Farmers lake a raveuous delight in voting for lawyers, They would deny their names sooner than elect laiu, simple, country farmers 'to office, It was ever thus. Now we want to say as emphatically as we cn the farmers- of (Lis country that thre is- 'toothing in the bankrupt JaN for them but trouble by the cat No farmer ned look to legisla tion for relief from his 'lis.

Others' get benefit, from the laws because they vote for man who are pledged to it. But we say unto th farmers that neither they nor thtir seed will do any tiling but eat salt in tho sweat of the face The plain truth is. friends, tbe Bankrupt Jaw was passed for an other class of people. Up 111 Pennsylvania last wef a man went into Bankruptcy. owed $900 000! The Bankrupt.

Ihw was paused tor his beuefit. It any of you owe that much you can take the law to advantage. The salt on the lick-log' is for that class of cattle thy vote ioi it, work tor it and get it. Unto.the end of the chapter the will continue to get what they vote Over-productioa of taxes aud iuterest rates is what atlg the poor farmers of the South. Dr.

J.R. Peavy filled hiB last appoiutment with the Mettiodist church here Sunday last. has served fuor years on this, the Union Springs as Presiding Elder. It is with sincere regret, that under the rules of the Methodist Church, he will be removsd to au- other district, for his four years on this has ndearedhim to not onlv the members of the Methodist Church but to hundreds of those who haye been iu the habit of hear ing him preach in his quarterly appointments. Greenville Advo cate.

It is to be hoped that the Bishop will see fit to transfer Dr. Peaw to this district for th ensuing lour years. Rev. John Peavy is great man of great brains aim great soul. He is one of the must lovable men on earth.

Come now, Bishop Key, do us the to send Bro. Peavy to the Eufaula Dislrct. PA LACE HARDER SHOP. jjiaST-Ni'i door i Post Office. DAURY ft UAXJb, PROPRIETORS.

I'lLlTK AND KXi'KRIKKCKU WOHKMKN Gall and cive im a trial we will do vnnr work in Arsl-clas stylo. C. E. Darby will superinirnd the shop at Ozark and F. L.

Hall at Enterprise. The belMv Mortgage Sale has been pitoned until. Mouriuy, Do comber, 2Gth, MORTGAGE SALE, By virtue of the power 'oT sale Contained iu a certain mortgage executed to the undersigned hy William White on the J51h day of November. 1M)7 and due and payable on the 1st day of October, I8t)8, isduly recorded In the Probate office of Dale County, 0, Page 71. I ill offer for sale to the highest' and best bidder for cash in front of (h court house door, in said county; af Ozark, butwecn the legal hours of side on Monday, December 20th.

1898, the following, described real estate The s. w. qr. of s. e.

qr, Sec. 32 t5.R. 24 and N. W. qr.

of N. E. qr. Sec. 5, 4, 24, containing eighty acres more or less Witness my hand this 17th day of Oct, I898.

William Vincent. Per. B. Lewis, att'y. Mrs.

H. E. Allen, Vncooche, writes Have taken Dr. M. A' Simmons Liver Medioine 12 years.

I had a Bad ugh; thought I had Consumption: could not do my housework. Alter using it a while I got well and strong and cn do my work with perfect ease. 1 would not give ote pacage of it for 'ball dozen Black Draught. A NEW SOLUTION OF THAT iluCII VEXED QUESTION. THE BEmi PLM.

The people of bat 11 have fallen upon a novel solution ol the ne gro problem in that beat. A few nights ago some parties met and fired over a hundred shots around tbe negro houses in perville beat. NeXtseciet letters were sent by the BctifyiBg Band to the regroes ot the beat warding them to "move on," This was lollowed by a written warning to Landlords not to employ ceproes tor 1899. The negroes ate said to ba thoroughly frightened and prepariug to move. The BaDd is variously esiimated tobe from 100 to 200 stroug, Then plan ot proceedure is a novel one.

it is said that they profess to be marching under The White Supremacy banner. They claim that this is a white mrn's country and the negro is a nuisiance as a laborer and in aociety. Public sentiment is said to favor this new solution of tbe problem. It is sufe to say that unless something is done to suppress the White Su premacy Band Skipporviile beat will not have any negroes in it another year. It is said that Dothan has kept itself Blear of negro barbers pretty much after the fashion of the Skip perville Band.

In North Carolina there is said to be. a small ci'y cf Northern people where no negroes are allowed to live. It is ori recollection that it was once "against, the law" lor a nF gro to live in Cullman in this state. It will be a sad day for tbe Southern negro whenever his labor ceases to be remunerative to the farmers. They will be in danger of being driven from one community to another by the irate and the slightest provocations will engender race conflicts.

The tie that" has beretolore bound the negro and Southern farmer iu peaceful union has been the profit to the latter from the former's la bor. cent cot; on has abiter- ated that tie, LOCAL LEGISLATION. We (Jail IJt.ii. Wm. Garner's Attention.

Each Legislature is hindered and encumbered witrh Lciil Legislation measures of no interest to ttny body outside of tl)e county in terested. This prevents necessary consideration of genvril legisla tion and impedostho state's prog resa. It was our intention if we had beenelsoted to the Legislature have inliotluced.ti bill givinsr the Coinmib8io)iers Court legislative powers. Local self government is one of the first principles of a true democracy. Local legislation wlwn accomplished by tho Logis-lature is always the work 0110 or The poorer 'cf asses of thepeople; are not'able io'go to Montgomery to ask for such legislation as thty desire or to com bai- such as is iuimical' to their interests and consequently such legislation usually crats discord and the political death oi the sitting member.

Everything indicates that it yiould be far better, give more locally and more time for the considbratiou of general 1 Pfiislat ion if all this local legislation wer turned ovr to the Oom-missionera Courts of the respective counties. We hope Hon. Wm. Garner will introduce a bill, giving the people of this State local self government. Then every body could petit iou with, his boots on aud unsatisfactory legislation could bs avoided-If this were done it wou'd seem necessary to shorten a Commissioners term ro two years so tht a a unpopular legislator could be cashiered.

How about it Wm? Let' givfc" Alabama liiwi 'elf ,1, tr govr meiiL-i fl GoVjernor Tanner gtood by 1 laborers of Illinois and naw indictnd tor murder. The poojil. elected him by'about 60,006 ma jority. ai riis eg il i ISf 1 FOR JlfjH-TWTHS Off all the pain I andslcknessfrom I which women I suffer fs caused! by weakness or I dsrangement In I the' organs off menstruation. Nearly aiwaya when a woman is not well t'ux organs aro affected.

But whsn they are strong and healthy a woman Is very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the regulation of trie menstrual function. cures all female troubles." equally effective for the girl In her teens, the young wife with domestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the Change ot They aH meed it. They are aS benefitted by K. For tchrice In eases reQulrtar Mctd dtraetlou.

addre, ghrlnr trrateiruL tn uoies Aavieory ueptran-rit. ptrujwnl Cbtt The Chittuooga Medicine Docsa, Teoo. TtiOS. 1. COOPER, Tupelo, MlC, Mqm My sitter sullered Irom vary lireputer antf pelntul menstruation anil tloclart could not rellove nor.

Wine ot Ccrdul entlrolr cared her also helped ari aether tnrouli the Cksnge of life." HT-Fl 1 fi fili II I1JL1 The next session of the Dale unty Alliance will meettt Daf ville th first Wednesday iirnl Thur-day in Jamnry. There will be an open session nd grass, ca-t-lf, wheat, etc. will be discnesed. 1'lie i'rogwue will be pnbliihcd nest week. Outsiders will be ask ed pnrticipate in this open fcs sion.

It will tie a most in'erepting session. iWSfcI .11 M4 mm GrfftfUUl et a Start On I Don's Pile Ointm (5904 POSITIVELY CURES 8uno. buioimg. momuDiNa ano uutMTtt Pmei. $1.00.

HOW CHEMICAL COMBNT CMTTX)01, Those who get a start on the disease before the oold and disagree able weather aggravates it, will find a cure less difficult. Uatarm increases in severity year by year, and becomes one of the most obstinate and deep-seated troubles. But it is equally important that the right remedy be given. All local applications, of, aprays, washes, inhalations, etc, can never cure fcr thejr do not reach the disease. Catarrh is in the blood, and only a blood remedy can coze it.

lAxsal ppli-' cations only reaoh theirritated surface; the right remedy maet be taken internally. Swift's Specific (S. 8. 8.) is th right remedy for Catarrh. It cures the most obstinate emm by going direct to the oaaee the troubJe the Diooa aatt iorpmg out tho disease.

Thos who have met with so much disappointment a local tzreatmen't should throw hAlir? their sprays, waahaa rid in-. A euig mixtures and tok S. S. booksrvyfil result. Send for fre ComparuAAddrees Swift Specifio The wl tha fit Xfooled man on earth I KJ kllV sX ho fancies that some jeghfti.

Catarrh i And Save Endless Suf- fering which Winter Brings. The most offensive of all dis-r-asoa becomes more intense as oold weather approaches. In fact, many who have been under treatment for so long, and during the Miiiimor fee! little discomfort frorn i ho disease, are almost persuaded that hoy have been cured. Bit the first chilling blast of winter proves that the' disease is still wth them, and as the winter advances, their Catarrh grows in severity. Those who have felt only a slight touch of Catarrh may be sure tJiat only cold weather is needed to develop tbe disease.

What appears to be onlv a bad cold will prove more difficult to cure than jfor- merlv. and will rotum with more frequency until before long, the- disease fully developed. "For vears I funered from a eevere case of Catarrh, and took several tr jnds of medicines and used various local1 applications, but they bad no effect what- ever, was inauceu ro cry o. o. (Swift's Specific) and after two auontfai I was perfectly well and have never felt any euecta uie etisease sinoe.

P. MoAlliktSr, "Harrodsburg, It eaey te aee the importer A. of prompt treatment for Cati Jtrmer You can't convince the fmany that there have been clothes madais the reason get any to wear. ut offi cii ton has gone down hjoh ciai salaries jusi i ever. Dr.

M. a. biuimons Li er Medi- dily risen ointj l.a'Hiiice 1S40 s'. ie (imDu iu public f.worj nnd Liv- tor it exceeds of or Mediciut). oi offices is wimtfi-iiiuuuwi than! i huniugthe eottmi the over-producti 5 i 17 fM -a hSMieen passerT' in his intere3 80 YEK4M' EXPERICNCrV! Tama Maams i Dksmnb rrvv- adtomsb(Hb a qnlckrr uoertaln Copt Mtawrs ec 'JSrtHSSk2SS ktnuht.

Cow mH- tta dilation of nf sole rear dnr months. A nanasoTnoij ununvi r. Lanreot Vtrmt.t iameeali Verm. a ctr fgwYOik IflKt on, P. C.

Branch Office. S3 ISUWiakl mm.

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