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The Madison Eagle from Madison, New Jersey • Page 1

The Madison Eaglei
Madison, New Jersey
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THE MADISON EAGLE has a Fine PrintiiiK Plant available for your next Printing Order platiisan battle OUARANTEF.D CIRCULATION For the past month the average c.rculatlon of The Madinon Eagle exceeded 2,300 Copies PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MADISON AND VICINITY )L. I-I. NO. 13 MADISON, MORRIS COUNTY. NKW JKHSKY.

FRIDAY. MARCH 1932 FIVi: CKNTS THK COI'Y icsiii Drive For i C' lore Work Under Block Plan Move FORMER CLASSMATES RIV IN COLLEGE DEBATE MATCH TCII I Pedestrian Badly LIFE SENTENCE GIVKN OUT BY RECORDER FREI) WATSON iiplaiiis and orktTs licfiiii (iaiivass in 25 Districts CMI I IK Shown in Kairwtuxls Scclion; Meet Next Week for Organlzntion of the block move-1 which Is expected to provide rk for many unemployed men nd women In Madison was begun: ucsdnv night as captains of twen-: borough districts met in the' House to receive in- Itructions for the canvass which liil be made to procure work. The kroup will meet again on Wednes- ny night to report upon the work organizing the block movement! icrc. Eiich captain will enlist the aid iit workers in his district and con-i Mct with every householder in the lurough will be The plan was rird out In the Fairwoods section indor the auspices of the Fair-, HKIS Improvement Association and ts a great success, practically every: resident there to thel plan and agreeing to employ a part-i time worker To date. 79 Jobs have I been reported (nmi tiuit section and this number Is expected to be In- i irca.vd Waldo Myers, president of the I Kulrwoodi organization, outlined tiie plan to the captains It calls i I for each family to provide work for' lan two hours iwr week for ten I weeks or less One man is employed In each block, going from one house to another and thus securing an, I'lKht liour day's work Uiborers are piild JO rents hour while skilled orkers get 00 cents Women are to paid 40 cents hour Under this scale, no house-' holder will pay more than 20 week tor two hours' work and employing women for domestic.

work will contribute only 80 cents; each Over 500 Uiiemployrd CiilTord Morris, chairman of the block movement, presided at' the meeUng About 100 family men and 3S0 others are on the list in addition to over 100 women, he said. All workers sent out will be investigated thoroughly by the Emer- Employment Committee. Payments of workers can either be made direct to them or to the committee. Each worker will carry references, a time sheet and a report card for the use of the employer. Workers are available for every type of work from the highest grade of skilled work to common labor.

W. Reginald Baker, chairman of the general committee, cited the need for work to be provided by private Individuals. He said that the I money appropriated by the was practically all expended and that the $1,500 remaining would carry on the program for only three more weeks. It costs $500 per week to carry on this work which has been cut down materially to ex- tend over a longer period, he said. May Get County Aid The committee Is now in Its fifth month of activity.

Mr. Baker said that an effort was being made to secure more work on the county roads. He commended Mr. Morris and Mr. Myers for their work in organizing the Fairwoods scclion and said that there was no reason why the rest of the borough could not respond in the same manner.

"If the borough is to hold its head high, we must do something like this," he said. "Other communities have resorted to subscription campaigns but here we have tried to avoid that. We have tried to help the unemployed help themselves, avoiding direct relief as much as possible." Mr. Morris said that the drive to provide Jobs was Just as important as the bond drive during the war. The war at present is on unemployment.

he said. Team captains and districts are as follows: Park avenue, Ridgedale to Cedar, Harry Miller; Oak Knoll, F. L. Van Etten and R. Nelson; Fairwoods, J.

Waldo Myers; Ridgedale. Myrtle, fairview avenues, Fred Curry; Central avenue and all streets on east t() Greenwood avenue, Percy Lum; Greenwood avenue, Geo. Apgar; Knollwood and adjoining Spelr development, open; Main street, both sdes and business section, Emil Noetzil (bu.siness section). Rexford hnarp (residences); Niies avenue and streets east, John Kennedy. Also Drew University, Prof.

W. M. uubert; Madison avenue and Oak court also Heath, Spelr, Clarey and Uassford, R. Baker; Academy road and WoodcllfT drive, H. Schick; J-oantaka Way, Mrs.

W. M. Cour-sen; Green Village road, Mrs. E. J.

UDonneli; Green avenue, R. Par- KT ail between Green avenue and yillage road. Mrs. H. L.

Sco- Kings road and North, plus hampson avenue, Mrs. W. J. Dumm; of Woodland road and MIdwood A. R.

Palmer; Giuneid ave- le, Siiunplke road and Noe aver. Ooremus; district ounded by Green avenue, Sampson Kings foad Main street. Earl Miller; Brittin street. Grove avenue, Rosedaie Knollwood, Station road, A Mrs. 8.

L. Boin. Also Madison court, Mrs. M. T.

Green Villa, R. C. Morp n. Elmer street, W. bounded by Green 1 aarfleld avenue.

Green Vll- Two honor students who were members of last year's graduating class at Madison High School will be forensic opponents next Tuesday night when the debating teams of Mont- clalr Normal School and Mld- dlebury College meet to argue the war debt question in Montclair. Irene a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hebard of Madison avenue, is a member of the Montclair team while Mis.s Dorothy Canfieid, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry P. Canfieid of Greenwood avenue. Is with the Mlddlebury team. Both girls graduated with honors from the local school last June and have continued to win honors at their respective colleges during their freshman years. Hebard presented the arguments of the first speaker and the rebuttal In the debate between the Montclair team and the Mld- dlebury men's team last Monday night. Injured When Hit Crossing Highway New York Triirkniun 1 Kraclnn-d Skull; Cranfor.l Youth for Jury Shops Show Many Easter Mowers Tniditioniil l.ily Apiin in I'olMihirity in Dix- I'rii'o Show Drop Colorful displays of flowers of both the iKJtU'd and cut variety are being shown in Madison markets during the Ea.nter season as pur- cha.vrs seek to exprejis the greet- higs and spirit of the Joyful season by making presenU of the blooms to friends and relatives. Madison retail dealers making a siM-cialty of EasU'r flowers arc Robert Ropor. Frank Eskesen and Frank Martin Mr MarUn has taken a space in the VanWagner Building while the other florists are pre.sentlng their bicKims In their respective shops ad- Joining their lower Main Hreet greenhouses. Several of the stores have attractive displays of Ea.ster flowers for the occasion while any Madison Horlsl will sell fine Easter flowers at retail prices despite the fact that they are chiefly concerned with the wholesale trade which takes many of their products to the large city markets.

Lilies Are Popular The traditional and stately white! Ea.ster lily again takes the lead in' popularity although other cut flow-' ers and potted plants are much In demand. Yellow calla lilies are being prominently displayed but next to the Illy, the hyacinth and hydrangea seem to be much in demand. Wholesale prices are reported as thirty to forty per cent lower than last year which has brought the retail price down materially. Quality goods, however, is little cheaper. The fact that Easter occurs early this year has tended to cut down the supply of Easter flowers which accounts for the fact that prices have not shown a great drop.

The trend, however, has been downward along with prices of other commod- Itles. Public Flower Conscious The public has appeared to have become more flower conscious and a greater love for flowers is behig manifest each year. The increasing, popularity of the flower shows in this section and the fact that Madison growers have established themselves among the best in the country has done much to magnify the public's interest in flowers. Among the other potted plants being shown are rose plants, azalea, a pink potted flower, daffodils, tulips, Jonquils, splrea and lilies of the valley. In the cut flower class, all types of the roses for which Madison is famous are being shown.

This flower is rapidly gaining in popularity at Easter time. Other cut flowers available are sweet peas, carnations, anemones, snap dragons and practically every type of spring flower in the catalogue. The condition of Fred Rogers, age 45, of 117 West 15th street. New York City, was reported as improved today at All Soul's Hospital at Mor- ri.stown where he was taken Wed- ne.sdav with a fractured skull sustained wlien he was struck by an automobile as he was crossing Main street In front of the (Mjst offlce here, Victor Valenti, age 19. of Cranford, the driver of the car which struck Rogers, was arrested by Of- flcer Edward Hinch charged with atrocious a.s.sault with an automobile.

He was released yesterday by Recorder Frederick G. Watson under $500 bail for trial before the grand Jury at Marri.stown. The accident occurred at 10:30 Wedne.sday morning. Rogers was employed as a driver's helper on a truck owned by the McNally Transfer Company of New York, a package delivery service, A New York driver. Pat Clark, stopped the westbound truck in front of Waller's Store on Main street so that his helper could cross Main street with a package.

Ran In Front of Car Rogers started across around the rear of the truck and also ran behind a westbound car directly into the path of the Ford two-door sedan driven by the Cranford youth. He was knocked to the roadway by the impact. John Walsh, on duty at the traffic booth, called the police station and Officer Hinch drove to the scene of the cident where the unconscious pe- I destrian was quickly picked up and taken to the ofHce of Dr. A. B.

Coultas on Madison avenue. After examining the man, Dr. Coultas ordered him taken to the Morrlstown hospital where an X-ray revealed a fractured The only local wltne-ss found by the police was Harry F. Spelr who assisted In picking the injured man up and placing him In the automobile to be Uken to the doctor's office. Mr.

Spelr, however, declined to give his version of the accident for publication. Samuel A. Gruver, local postmaster, was at the front of the post office when the man was struck but I neither he nor the clerks in the postal department saw the accident occur. Continued on page ten Recorder Frederick G. Watson.

who has handed out flnes and sentences right and left since he took office on January 1. meted out a life sentence, or at least he hopes it will be a life sentence, last Saturday. The recorder adopted the rok' of Cupid and married Karl Weber, 22. and Ruth Breathauer, 19, both of Lyndhurst. It was the first wedding performed by a local recorder In recent years.

H. J. Skern of Florham Park and Officer Anthony Giordano were the witnesses. Weber Is an accounting clerk. It was a case of where at least two people visited Madison police court and liked it.

as one would Judge from their as they left the station. Easter Services In All Churches Here on Sunday Lr. hin'sllcir'rncs(lay Board ActS To Select Faculty Henry 0. Peck ham, Borougii Engineer, Dies in Hospital Lonclllni-hhwith Anemia After Many Rlood TraiiKfuhions Fail Mayor Aids Return of Missing Canine Report to Police Urines Dop Home Shortly After Kseape; Pet Reseiied from Culvert With the help of borough officials Including Mayor Frank A. Cook, Daniel Dunn, superintendent of streets, and members of the police department, two lost dogs were returned to their owners in Madison Saturday night almost before the canines were discovered missing.

At 7:20 Saturday night Mrs. Charles F. Fowler of Knollwood avenue telephoned the police station and notified tiie officer at the desk that her brown and white collie was missing. A few minutes later Mayor Cook entered the police station leading the missing dog he had found outside and the owner was notified of the safe recovery of her dog and came and got him. Ten minutes later a telephone call came into the police station that a dog was lodged In a culvert at the comer of Glcndale and Fairwoods road.

Fairwoods, and could not get out of the hole which was 12 feet deep. A passerby was attracted by the barking of the animal. Officer Leon Doty, accompanied by Mr. Dunn, went to Fairwoods and rescued the dog which was returned to its owner. Robert B.

Miner of Woodside road, none the worse for the experience. Inventor Takes Tip From Birds For Use in Designing ot" New Airplane J. Caldwell Kxpeet.s to Complete Two Deeades of Study With Lauiu hinp of Plane Which Revolutionulize An experimental project which is based upon the flight of birds is being carried out In Newark by Jonathan E. Caldwell of Sampson avenue who recently moved to Madison after Uving in Chatham and Denver, Colorado. Mr.

Caldwell, who has made a long study of bird's flighU, expects to apply his discoveries to aviation and by next May expects to make the first flight with the test ship now being constructed under his supervision. The machhie, which will be known as the Gray, Is being built In a factory located on Fre- iingiiuysi-n avenue in Newark. Mr Caldwell commutes to the factory each day to supervise tlie work of building the craft. The plane will have a si-t of three wings on each and these will move with a rotary motion, according to Caldwell. A litfy hor.seix)wer motor will furnish tlie power.

The small motor will act only as a power plant to propel the wings in a vertical direction. The ship, because of its design and the angle at which Its wings are set, will move forward of itself, the inventor explains. "Because It Is a purely experimental project, I have little Idea how fast the craft will go," he said. "Probably It will fly fifty or a hundred miles per hour." Mr. Caldwell became Interested in the study of bird's flighU about twenty years ago.

He compared this with the flight of planes and found that there was little between the two. To discover the difference was a difficult task. Books and autliorltles could not give him the answer so he set about to learn the secret by him.self. For seventeen years he kept up the study and finally found wliat he believes to be the answer by applying the Eln.sU'in theory. He first learned that a bird's wing pre.sents a solid surface on the downstroke, but becomes an open framework on the upstroke.

In this manner. It Is pofislble for the bird U) propel iUeif witlmut much exertion Tills explanation of how the bird lifted itself was comparatively easy Continued on page ten Funeral services will be held In the Burroughs Funeral home this afternoon at 5 o'clock for Henry O. Peckham, borough engineer, who died late Tuesday night In Morrls- Itown Memorial Hospital. Dr. Ken' neth D.

Miller of the Madison Pres, byterian Church will officiate. Bur- I iai will be In Wakefield, Mass. Mr. Peckham was 01 years of age and was born in Providence, R. on October 14, 1871.

He studied en- 1 gineering at Watertown. and did his first work In and around Boston. His chief work in that sec! tlon was done at the athletic field I of Harvard University. I Mr. Peckham came to Madison in I 1905 to take charge of the engineering department of the old Morris County Traction Company.

He held i that position until eight years ago when the department was abolished by the company. At this time he opened engineering offices at 64 Main street in the Burnet Building i and maintained his headquarters there until his death Appointed by Cook I Seven years ago he was appointed borough engineer by Mayor Frank A. Cook and was Hubsequently reappointed to the office cach year following. Mayor Cook, back In office this year, again named him to the position last January. In addition to his work for the borough, Mr.

Peckham did most of the private engineering work in this vicinity. He was employed by both Mr, and Mrs. Marcellus Hartley Dodge to supervise the engineering work on their respective estates. He was also employed by owners of estates near Green Village and New Vernon. Anemia was the cause of Mr.

Peckham's death. He complained of feeling ill at Ciirlstmas time but was able to continue his work until February 11 when he went to the Morrlstown hospital upon the Insistence of physicians. Here he submitted to four blood transfusions and while little Improvement was noted in his condition, he wa.s able to hold his own until Tuesday when he sank rapidly. Mr. Peckham was a member of the Morris County Engineer's Club and the Masonic IxKlge in Massachusetts.

He was known as an able mathematician and was frequently called upon by Madlsonlans to solve difficult problems. Surviving him are Mrs. Peckham and two children, Nellie and David, all living In Mudi.son. St. Vincent's Band Ready lor Concert Solos and Appearance of Paul- iht Choir M.

iiiher Kxpecte.l for April f.J'roKram A program which includes solos by the members of the group and numbers by the ensemble is being rehearsed by St. Vincent's Boys Band for the sixth annual concert which will be held in the auditorium of Madison High School on the evening of April 0 at 8:20 o'clock Major Laurence Mansfield Matt of New York will direct the band. A special feature this year will be the playing of "The Stars and Stripes Forever," llie famous march of the late American march king, John Philip Sousa. Mr. Sousa was a personal friend of Major Matt and the number Is being played as a special tribute to the man who established himself as the greatest composer of marciies In the history of music.

Although It has not yet been announced, It Is planned to have a boy soprano from the famous Paul- ist Choir of New York as a special feature of tlie program. One of these soloists was heard in connection with the concert here several years ago and was so enlhu.slas- ticaily received that it was decided to attempt to anotiier boy soloist again for tlie sixth concert. ProKrani In Two Parts The program will be divided Into two parts of five numbers each. "The Stars and Forever' will open tiie concert while "Choral," an overture by Clement, will follow The first special number will be "Romance," a duet for two eornetji, played by Rev, Clement Welte- kamp and Jo.seph GarefTa, For the especial benefit of Uie Irish in the Continued on page ten Special Proprauih Planned Climax to Holy eek Ac Today Special Easter Sunday services will be held In all Madison churches concluding a week of extensive Holy Week activities. Services of Good Friday are scheduled for thU afternoon and evening while others will again be held in St.

Vincent's Church tomorrow preceding the arrival of Easter. At the Methodist Church, Rev. Arthur Sharon Knight, pastor, will preach at the morning services at 11 o'clock on Easter Sunday. "A Salutation and a Sublime Truth will be the theme. There will be baptism of infants and reception of members at this service.

Special musical supplements to the service will consist of instrumental and vocal under the supervUion of Edith Lovell Thomas, organist and musical director, assUted by Richard B. Stannard, pianist. organ piano selections will be taken from Boell- mann's "Gothic Suite" and will be "Toccata," "Prayer and "Introduction Choral. The vocal selections wUl be "In the End of the Sabbath" and "Joy Dawns Again on Easter Day." Young People's Services A combined worship for the church school wiU be held in the church sanctuary at 9:45 a. m.

The primary. Junior and intermedl- ate-senior departments will cooperate in this service In the presentation of the Easter carol. Sons and Daughters. Let Us Sing. The young people's organizations of the Protestant churches will meet In the main auditorium of the Methodist Church at 7 o'clock Sunday evening for a special service which will include an organ recital by WUbur Coss and a talk.

"Easter Poetry" by Miss Helen J. Brewster. The Easter services at St. Vincent's Church will conclude a full week of activities. The regular masses will said at 6.

8. 9 and 10:30 o'clock. Special music has been planned for the services and the sermons at all masses will be in accordance with the Easter gospel. Good Friday Senices Good Friday serv'lces are scheduled at St. Vincent's tonight at 8 o'clock with Veneration of the Cross and the final sermon by Father Austin Malone of the Paul: 1st Order.

Tomorrow. Holy Satur, day, will occur the blessing of the new fire, Easter water and candle. This service will begin at 7 o'clock in the morning. At the Presbyterian Church, a special musical program by the chorus under the direction of Mrs Edward Merikle has been prepared for the morning and evening services. "Christ and Immortality" will be the theme of Dr Kenneth D.

Miller's sermon at 11 o'clock and "Things That Abide" will be the subject of the sermon. At 9:40 Easter Sunday morning the Sunday School of the Presbyterian Church will Join in a special ceremony. Continued on page nine OOUGE ESTATE HORK BRINGS JOBS TO LOCAL I NEMPLOYED For Coming Terms Salaries Air Fixed Hc- loic New Gionp is Forhids Trustees to Appoint for Recominn a- canl After Hoard Retires DR. A L. WARNSHUIS When members of five prominent clubs meet In the Presbyterian Parish House next Tuesday afternoon for the annual international relations meeting.

Dr. Wamshuis, traveler and lecturer, will address the group on "Conditions In the Far East. The Thursday Morning Club Is the hostess group tnis year and the meeting Is open to all women. Owners Protected, aters Points Out Employment for a dozen skilled mechanics has been given on the Dodge estate by Mrs Marcellus Hartley Dodge who has ordered the repair and remodeling of all buildings on the property The men, all of whom come from Madison, have already begun the work which Is expected to last until May. Masons, carpenters, plasterers and painters are being employed on this job.

Polity Paid An example of prompt payment of an Insurance claim was given this week when the check for the $2,500 policy carried by the borough for the laK" Henry Peckham was received by Mrs Peckham yesterday morning from the Prudential Insurance Company Mr Peckham died late Tuesday night, i The borough carries hfe Insurance policies for all its employees. Property Can he Re-! of Liahilitv of Paving Light Bills of Tenants Defense of the Council against the criticism of property owners who have charged that the governing body Is not protecting their interests by allowing tenants to run up large electric light and power bills was made today by Frank Waters, superintendent of the water and light department. Since it became known last week that electricity consumers were behind In bills totaling over $19,000, many property owners have criti- cised the CouncU for allowing this amount to pile up. Many of the delinquents are tenants and owners have pointed out that they are not given sufficient protection against a delinquent tenant under the present arrangement. According to Mr.

Waters, any property owner can protect himself by notifying the water and Ught department that he will not be responsible for blUs run up by his tenant. It is only necessary to notify the department that the owner will not be responsible after a certain date, Mr. Waters points out. Some Service Discontinued Many property owners now do this and as a result bills are kept paid up. Several tenants have had their service discontinued under thts arrangement.

Owners falling to notify the department that they will not be responsible for bills run up by their tenanu are liable for irayment of same Several owners" have said they would be responsible for tenants and have had the tenants move away, leaving bills for the owner to pay. Recently a Newark owner of a Main street store liad to foot a $300 bill after his U-nant liad moved out, Mr WaU'rs pointed out as an example Under the law the borough can claim a lien against property for unpaid water and light bills. I'p to Owiirm "The Council is not to be criti- cised as It Is the duty of the property owner to protiTt himself under the terms of tlie law which enables him to do this easily," Mr. Waters said. "At pre.vnt we have 41) tenants on our list of ctmsuniers whose landlords are not resiwinslble for their bills after the fifteenth of each month.

In the service Is discontinued afU-r that date if payment Is not made As a result, the tenants have Continued on page ten De.spite the fact that the new board of education has not yet been organized and the decree of the school which forbids a board of education from entering into contracts or making appolntmenU to an office which will not become vacant during the term of the board's official life, tiie pre.sent Madison Board of Education has taken steps to form the school faculty for the school year 1932-33. The action was taken at sneclal meeting of the board on Monday night and the teachers were Informed of the board's intentions yesterday at the close of the school day. The members of the faculty, with two exceptions, were advised to Inform the administration of their plans for the coming year not later than April 4. Members of the board argue that they are not entering into contracts or making appointments at this time. They state that they simply are following the plan of other years In making an attempt to learn the plans of the teachers for the coming year.

Previously Were "Appointment-s" In the past the term "appointments" has been applied to this action of the board which has always been organized Immediately following the school election. The organization was postponed until the latest date allowed by the state law this year, the first one In many in which a cliange has occurred in the school board personnel. Article eight of the school law states. "A board of education cannot enter into a contract with a teacher for any term when term Is to begin after the board has ceased to exist. "'An outgoing board of school trustees of public schools cannot appoint to an office that will not become vacant during the term of their own official life." Charles J.

Strahan, assistant state commissioner of education in charge of the legal department, reiterated the law. He said that a board of education had no legal right to appoint teachers to terms that would not become vacant until after the completion of the present board's official life. Any controversies are handled by the state department. The next school term begins In September of this year and expires In June of 1933. The appointments have always been made at the close of the school day preceding the Easter vacation period.

Salaries Fixed While the board maintains that It has taken no action which will be effective after the close of the present board's official life, this is refuted by the statement of the notice given the teachers. These read. I am pleased to Inform you tiiat the board of education has fixed your salary at for the coming school term, September 1932 to June 1033 Inclu.slve. "While the board assumes that It is your intention to continue teaching in the Madison Public Sciiooi, please let Mr Wann know not later plan. for lh( iiing school Talking IJarhers and Missing Olllce Bring orries for (iolf Course Owner DeSanti- Offer liieh C.ave Structure to Chatham Township Man; Finds Muildinj: Cone After Visit One of the strangest disappearances in the history of the borough occurred here recently when Louis De Santis of Madison returned from a motor trip and found that an office building on his golf course located on Kings road was gone- vanished right off the site.

Mr. De Santis found his house on the property of Frank Burnet, local contractor, in Chatham where it still remains. The afTalr all began in the tonsorial parlors of Joseph Thomas on Waverly place, three weeks ago. At that time Mr, De Santis met Mr, Burnet in the barber shop and, according to the testimony of two wltne.s!>es in the case. Jean Samow and Carl Hummel, tonsorial artists, told the latter to move the small office building off his golf course as tlie days of miniature golf had passed.

In the meanwhile the owner of the golf property left Madison for a few days and Mr Burnet de cided to comi: Before moving the building, how in tl ply with his request. lliR th in nd asked the scissors-wlelders If er. he stopwd barber shop he had heard aright that Mr. De Santis had wanted his office moved and Jean told him that such was Mr. De Santis' request which he had overheard.

So the contractor moved the building to his property In Chatham Township where he converted it into a playhouse for his children. When Mr. De Santis returned he had apparently changed his mind about having the office moved, however, because he was surprised at finding his property gone until Mr Burnet told him that it had been done at his own request which has been corrobated by the barbers. Mr. De Santis promptly went to the barber shop and a.sked Jean why he had given his properly away.

The latter said he had only repeated what he had overheard. Now Mr. De Santis wants the building placed on his Lincoln place property vacated by the Madison Diner Mr. Burnet wants $12 from Mr. De Santis to pay for moving the building back from Chatham Township to Madison.

And Mr. De Santis wants tiie barbers to bear the cost of the whole thing, which he blames on them. Tlie notices are signi-d by F. W. Donsbai district clerk.

Two teachers who have not been selected to return next year have not received tiiese notices. According to Frederick A. Miller, chairman of the teacher's committee, there will be few changes In the personnel of the faculty. Mr. Miller said that there would be no changes.

Mrs. George L. Buck, the other member of the committee, said that two teachers now on the staff would not be a.sked to return next lear. Dr. George Sutherland, president of the board and one of the retiring members, said that he did not attend Monday night's meeting.

He had heard nothing concerning what action had been taken regarding the faculty for next year, he said. New Members Ignored Since the school election in February. the board has had two meetings and neither W. Kelton Evans nor Floyd L. Van Eeten, newly- elected members, have been Invited to attend the sessions.

The board ha.s regularly organized the evening following the school election but this year does not plan to organize until April 4, the fast day for organization allowed by law. According to the school law. It Is pos.slble for a board of education to organize on or before the first Monday in April. In Article 7, the paragraph covering organization reads, "Each board of education created under the provisions of this article sliall organize annually on or before the first Monday In April or on such other day as said board may agree upon prior to the first Monday In April by the election of one of Its members as president and another as vice-president. Both Mr.

Van Etten and Mr. Evans have refrained from public comment on the matter. Several citizens have pointed out that the Council new members to Its last sessions In December. This has become a custom here and last year at the final meeting, Mayor Cook and the new coun- Contlnued on page ten.

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