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The Bridgeport Telegram from Bridgeport, Connecticut • Page 15

Bridgeport, Connecticut
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THURSDAY, JANUARY 24,1918. THE BTCirHTEPO'RT TELEGRAM PAGE SEVEN. NEEDS GROW. fast of us who haven't any, In our pious way that all wa money for is to be inde- 3ent, but we notice, says the State Journal, that as soon anyone begins to get a few dol- ahead he discovers that he 3s lots more independence than Kho.ught lie LOTS OF lUTIFULHAIR bottle of "Danderine" lakes hair thick, glossy and wavy. all dandruff, stops ing scalp and falling hrir.

Etchi Finds Coal in Chaotic State (Continued from Pnge One) May Be Suspects in German Plot (Contlnuea from Pafrc One) books showed that shipments- had meen made." lake Karitan Inefficiency. Mr. Walker added that his Interview with Learoyd reminded him of the recent "Raritan base" exposure, the case dug up In army circles a few weeks ago, when it vas found that thousands of sol- dlers had been sent to a supposed ordnance base at Rantan, N. because headquarters papers showed that the station was there. State Administrator Russell telegraphed on Monday that the Bridgeport man was on his way, and that he was to be Russell's representative.

The state administrator's telegram was crisp and plain spoken. It read as follows: "No word yet from your tidewater anthracite for Connecticut. Bridgeport almost hopeless. Have you absolutely discontinued your help for Connecticut? Must hear something from you. Walker, City Ice and Coal Bridgeport, go- Ing to Washington to see you.

Please accept him as my representative. RUSSELL." Mr. Walker said that upon his arrival in Washington, he was granted a conference with Mr. Learoyd, and asked If the Russell telegram had been received. Learoyd know of none, but after exploring a mass of papers, found that the message had preceded the Bridgeport man by several hours.

Repudiate Promises. The Bridgeport man was In session with the anthracite dispatcher for a considerable period, and as Mr. Walker explained, Garfield's assistant refused to take his pleas seriously. Learoyd blamed any failure of coal to arrive In Bridge-J port to "transportation difficulties" be possesed of a head' of beautiful hair; soft, lus- fluffy, wavy and free from ruff is merely a matter, of a little Danderine. is easy inexpensive to nice, soft hair and lots of It.

get a small bcttla of Knotvl- Danderine now--it costs but cents--all drug stores recom- it--apply as directed within ten minutes there will an appearance of abundance, Fhness, flufnness and an incom- abl'e gloss and lustre, and try will you can not find a trace dandruff or falling hair; but real surprise, be after at two weeks' use, when you see new hair---fine and downy first--yes--but really new hair prouting out all over your scalp ianderine is, we believe, the sure h'a'ir' grower, destroyer Jandruff' andT cure for itchy and It never fails to stop in? hair at once. you want to prove how pretty your hair really is, moist- la cloth with a little Danderine c.T.-PiUlly draw it'through your r--taking at Your hair will be soft, Hssy beautiful in Just a few LI--a delightful surprise fV.T; orie who tries ESI FOR LIVER, BOWELS, STOMACH, HEADACHE, COLDS ley liven the liver and bowels and straighten you right up. m't be bilious, constipated, sick, with breath bad and sour. WORK WHILE YOU To-night sure! Take Cascarets enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver bowel cleansing 1 you ever ex- rienced. Wake up with your ad clear, stomach sweet, breath rht and feeling fine.

Get rid of headache, biliousness, con- pation, furred tongue, sour imach, bad colds. Clear your in, brighten your eyes, quicken ur step and feel like doing 1 a full y's work. Cascarets are better' an pills or calomel be- use they don't shock the liver gripe the bowels or cause in- nvenience all the next day. 'Mothers should give cross, sick llous, feverish children a whole iscaret any time as they oan not I promise of 1,200 tons dally of an- hraclte. 3ne Barge Arrives.

One barge of hard coal arrived in Bridgeport yesterday, contaln- ng between 500 and 600 tons. Because of the depleted stores in the yards of all the coal dealers of the city, the cargo, which was consigned entirely to one dealer, wiili go 'mt a short way to appease the ever increasing demand of the inveterately shivering public. If promises of transportation officials can be relied upon, the local committee stated yesterday, five barges of hard coal will arrive within three or four days. No more soft coal is ih i sight at the present time. VThe coal that arrived to-day is but a drop in the bucket," Chairman Carl Siemon of the fuel committee, said yesterday.

"It will not begin to take care of our situation." Gives Ooal to FOOT. DeVer H. Warner, the only man in the entire city of Bridgeport who has taken coal from an industrial supply to relieve suffering among families, has furthered his generous offer, and yesterday placed at the disposal of the fuel committee 200 or 300 tons of buckwheat coal from tha supply that the Warner Brothers' corset factory has on hand. The previous amounts of coal that Mr. Warner has offered have come from the stors of the.

Bridgeport Gas Light company, of which he is president. "What are other people of Bridgeport who are situated as fortunately or more so than Mr. Warner's interest doing to help the situation along?" Mr. Siemon ask ed yesterday afternoon. "This is a crisis in the whole life of our city that we are facing to-day.

It call for the aid of every person who can help In any There an many people 'who can aid as Mr Warner has, and It is their fluty to come forward before It is too Ban Coal Peddlers. In order to squelch extortion the public by coal peddlers, Mr Siemon has refused to allow any more coal to be sold to the ped dlers for distribution. It was found that some of these men had been taking advantage of the suffering, and had been selling theii supplies of coal in small lots, a' prices that would aggregate between $13 and $18 for a ton. To fill the need caused by the ejection of the peddlers from the field, coa dealers will sell quantities of coa: each day to the people In smal! lots. Each purchaser must, however, attend to the carting of such an order himself.

A reply to the telegrams from Local Administrator Siemon anc the Chamber of Commerce and Manufacturers' association was received by the local fuel committee yesterday from E. B. Noyes, to whom the messages from here were addressed. Tha telegram read: "Impossible to handla Initial exemptions through fuel administrators. Hope to furnish state fue administrators full list of exemptions before Wednesday.

Confusion may be saved by insisting on evidence of exemption. We have exempted as when originally intended which order was Issued firms O. K. by heads ot government departments as too urgent to be closed. The fact of working on government business alone is not ground for exemption." The interpretation of the telegram here indicates that no plants other than those whose exemption from the Garfield order has already been announced can operate on the Monday holidays to come.

"Are you making much profit on the war order you received? "Xo," replied the president of the company, "but we're selling lots of ure the- 30 feet of tender bowels stuck at 10 times what it's worth," -Advertisement. Miss Jane Phelps Author of "My Husband and Bridgeport and booked at Police headquarters on a charge of being wanted by tht federal authorities. Hoene was arrested in the mills of the Stamford Steel company In Milford yesterday forenoon and held for the federal authorities on the technical charge of not having a permit as is required of ail German aliens. Hoene was later ed over to the Department of Justice Agents in Bridgeport Arrested on Track. Just what the arrest of Stephens means is not known but It Is alleged that he was taken on the tracks of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad company In Stratford by the agent of tha road and taken to Police headquarters in Bridgepon where he is being held for Department of Justice Agent Lane No specific charges are made against Stephens and he Is simpi booked as being Ireld for the.

federal agents. Emil Hoene was arrested bj Milford patrolmen, Dorsey anc Hibbard, while at his work yesterday forenoon. He was held on a charge of not having a permit and was-held for the federal authorities. Later agents of the Department of Justice are said. to have gone to Milford and taken the man away with the intention of bringing him to Bridgeport, The po- i have no record of the case.

Hoene leaves in his Milford home his wife and a baby daughter. At a late hour last night they could not say what had become of Hoene. Milford people say that another German alien is working In the Stamford mills and has not been arrested. Just what this action of the Department of Jus''ce agents pro- tends Is not known but it Is aat. it Indicates ing of the lines thrown about all enemy aliens.

Still Guard Bridges. Guarding of important bridges and the water front has by no means been abandoned even though the Home Guard has been, recalled and dismissed from outside duty. AH day yesterday guards kept conveniently near bridges in Bridgeport and they always kept one hand In their overcoat pockets so that an automatic revolver might be brought into use at a moment's notice. Actions of everj'one were watched carefully, and no one passed the several bridges without being questioned, japecially those carrying suit cases a traveling- bags of any description. Not since the war was started was Bridgeport so carefully guarded against enemy plots as on Monday night when not only did the railroad employ men to watch Its property against plots, but the Home Guard was called out'to help ana these were augmented by federal guards.

The federal authorities had fully 300 men on duty in this city. Every train into the city had Itg secret service agents and the federal net has not yet been withdrawn. Precautionary Measure. All admit, however, that the time set for the reign of terror in this city has passed, but believing that action might be delayed for a day or two owing, to being foiled the first.attempt, the guards are kept on duty. Yesterday was cold to do patrol duty In a small area and all the guards had little coal fires burning to keep them warm.

The water front Is Just as carefully protected from enemies. Special guards are looking after this patrol duty. "The call was real. It was no decoy," said Major General Burpee yesterday, and this statement is borne out by the length c.f time the guards have been kept on duty. The Home Guards and officers were highly commended for their prompt action In answering the call to arms for the protection of property.

Try Out for New Offensive (Conlinuctl from PaR-c One) tho Germans carried out nn "important raid" and gained a footing In French advanced trench es east of i while along nearly all of tho In Flanders the artilleries havo increased the volume of their fire. To tlie south around Lens, Arras and St. Qucntln, the fighting, although still by comparatively small forces daily is growing in strength, while eastward alons the des Dames, past Verdun, and thence to the Swiss border the French, and Germans are continuously engaged on various sectors in artillery fighting and Infantry activities considerably above the normal as compared with the early 'days of the year. On the front in Italy tha change In tho a i has not rosuftod as yet in any betterment of the strategic position of the Austro-German armies. From Asin.Lro plateau eastward to the Pinvfi rircr and.thpn.ce southward to the A i a i sea the Italians ncain have- been victorious at erous points, even though in minor operations, against the enemy forces, raiding- positions and bringing back prisoners, machine guns and materials or holding in their tracks Austro-German elements which were endeavoring to launch attacks.

Tlie preater portion of the striking workmen in Austria are said to have returned to work, but the situation both in Austria and Hungary Is declared still to be acute owing to the desire of the people for peace. In Germany some trepidation is being evinced by newspapers of Pan-German leanings over the situation in Austria and the possibility of the peace move there working at a tangent from the objects uppermost in the minds of tlie leaders of the German militaristic party. The Socialist newspaper Vorwaerts of Berlin has announced the solidarity of the German proletariat with Austrian la- boi-'in the peace struggle, and for its pains aeain has been suppressed. British labor In conference again has upheld the war aims set forth by President Wilson and Premier Lloyd-George of Great Britain and reasserted tbat if Germany will not accept them British labor "must fight on." Two British steamers were sunk recently in the Mediterranean sea with the loss of 718 lives, according to an announcement to the house of commons. Scores Prague Deputies, Amsterdam, Jan.

Austrian premier Dr. von according to a Vienna dispatch replied to an interpellation in the lower house Tuesday. The inter- ARE YOU FEELING FIT? Do you envy the man or woman of untiring energy, strong body, and happy disposition? All these depend upon good health, and good health impossible when the kidneys are weak, overworked or diseased. Foley Kidney Pills act promptly and help the kidneys filter the blood and cast out the poisonous waste products that cause sore and swollen muscles and joints, backache, rheumatism, and the symptoms that give warning of dangerous kidney and bladder ailments, Hindle's drug store. --Advertisement.

Rub Mustercle on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dan- jersof "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable deling iromcolrlsorconsestion. Acditactsst once! Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Better a mustard plaster and does not jlister. Used only externally, and in no way can it affectstomach and heart, as some internal medicines do. Excellent for sore throat, brofcchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum- bago, all pains and aches of the back Japanese Orator Tells Of Country's Position! frosted feet, colds of the At a nonday luncheon of the Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce held in the Stratfleld hotel, Dr.

Toyaklchi, a prominent Japanese orator described Japan's position In the great world war. The speaker declared that his try is doing its part in the wari and tbat the interests of the Allies in the Far East are being well protected by the Japanese naval and military forces. All allied war loans are being subscribed to by the Japanese despite certain amount of criticism on the part of some American newspapers. I (it often prevents pneumonia). and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.

Obituary Mary B. KJppen. Many friends and relatives attended the funeral of Miss Mary B. Klppen, held yesferday at her late home. Fair-field, Rev.

F. S. Child and Rev. Allen Beeman officiated. Interment was In Fairfield East cemetery.

Etta Ely. Etta Ely died Monday in New York city following an illness of pneumonia. Tho body was sent to Stratford yesterday. Funeral services will be held at 3:15 o'clock this afternon at Christ Episcopal church. Burial will be in Union cemetery, Stratford.

She resided on Stratford avenue, Stratford. G. Law. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth G.

Law was held yesterday at her late home, 172 Sherwood avenue. Interment was in Milford. William A. JTit-hols, Jr. Funeral services for William A.

Nichols, were held yesterday afternoon at the home of his parents, 54 Stratfieid road. Interment was in St. Michael's cemetery. Clmrles IT. Sherwood.

Word was received in this city vesterday of the death of Clmrles FT. Sherwood, formerly of Easton, which occurred at St. Cloud, Fia. The body Jacksonville yesterday find is expected to arrive in this city, Friday. Josephine A.

Brnwn. Josephine widow ot Webster Brown, 66 years old, died yesterday. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the lome of her daughter, Mrs. L. B.

Sherman, 304 Seaview avenue. In- ennent will be in Park cemetery. --Advertisement. Michigan has re-enacted the revision relative to illegal rtie- hods of hunting deer. you Leap HERE is a big jump from fresh eggs at 75 cents and, best storage eggs at 52 cents.

There is no such difference in quality. NOW THINK If you pay 75c or 30c for so-called fresh eggs, the grocer man has 20 cents because of your prejudice, and you eat storage eggs just the same. Our best April pack Egg's at 55c doz. are Ix-Hcr tliiin any yon can buy at less tliun 75e per Duchess Coffee at 30c has no close second for qnnlity. 3lorc money i-jimioi possi- lily buy iK'tlor Best Mara Coffee at 20c It) luia many friends--not only CJIHSO if Its low price', lint Ix'cnusi' it is mis'hty good pellation had reference to a resolution adopted by the Prague deputies demanding the right of self- doterminatiou.

The. premier characterized the demand as having been conceived in a sense absolutely hostile to the state. "Its underlying idea," he said is to dissolve the existing state independ- union and assume ence. Such a demand is an encouragement to the enemy to con- i the war a rejected and conmatted war and must be Indlg by every Austrian by every Austrian government by every means We are striving for an honorable peace, strong In the spirit of justice reconciliation, but also and firmness which will make clear to our enemies the of their Intentions of oppression." May Undermine Militarists. Now York, Jan.

among the people of Austria-Hungary, where great numbers of striking workmen in munition plants and other war industries are re- Ported to be clamoring for peace was inspired by the Russian Bol- shoviki, Colonel William B. Thomn son, who headed the American Red Lross mission to Russia, declared an address at a dinner of the Rocky Mountain club to-night "The example and efforts of'the Kussian democracy are setting the a powers on fire," he said, tne most damaging enemy Germany has Is the Russian democracy alongside of it, preaching to the common people and to tha German a soldiers the same doctrine of democratic peace. Stranger nings have happened than that a lasting peace, without the realizations of any of Germany's despotic war aims, may be, at this very time in the makine." BclR-ian Peace Terms. Havre. a n.

Belgian government's terms of peace, so they concern Belgium her- forth In her reply to Pope peace note, made pub- to-day, are. in substance, absolute political, economic and territorial Independence. tar as self, set benedict' Fire Captain Defends Himself (Continued from Pago One) simply that "the speed clutch on No. 9 engine refused, to shift, and the truck collided with Assistant Chief Beardslee's car, No. 2 truck and No.

1 Captain Freyler was suspended yesterday by order of Commissioner John A. Leonard, and his report was read at last night's meeting of the board of fire commissioners. It was decided by the commissioners last night to allow Captain FreyJer to come before the board at the meeting next Wednesday night to answer to the charges against him. Commend Firemen. Expressions of commendation from the board of commissioners to Walter Frank, of the fire department, who Jumped on Engine No.

9 when he saw that Captain Freyler had lost control, and threw oft the switch. In connection with the suspension of Captain Freylor, Commissioner Leonard said during the meeting of the fire commissioners, "The time has come 'In the Bridgeport fire department when pieces of apparatus can't be damaged without holding someone responsible. I have ordered Captain Freyler suspended, and he can answer to the charges, and bring witnessea, before the board next week. So Excuse. "It ia true that he is a competent driver, but he has been qualified as a driver of the department, and there is no excuse for such a man to lose his head.

It is costing the city of money, the Bridgeport lots of way men lose their heads, and we must stop it it possible." Pew Applications. Further evidence of the surprising slackness in the building line in Bridgeport is shown in the list of applications of men to become members of the Bridgeport flre'de- partment. Out of six applications presented at last night's meeting of the fire commissioners, three are those of carpenters. Those who have made application are Charles Fray, 311 Jane street; Adolph Zacochia, 172 Dav- enporc sfreet; William A. Wall, 275 Grove street; David E.

Kisselback, J164 1-2 East Main street; Carl Anderson, 32 Hell street, Ludwig G. Bohman, 797 Maplewood avenue. To Buy New Truck, The board of fire commissioners at its meeting last night decided upon the purchase of a 1914 model Packard two ton truck from the Blue Ribbon garage. The truck is to bo assigned to Engine House Nc'. 1, and will succeed the horse- drawn equipmsnt there for general utility work.

The truck will cost $1,200. Defies Action. Discussing the request of the Housatonic Shipbuilding corporation, of Stratford, for protection In the event of an alarm of fire from the Bridgeport fire department, the board of fire commissioners, at their meeting last night decided to defi'r action on the request that two engines from the Bridgeport department be sent to pump water from the Housatonic river, In case of fire at the It was voted b.x the board to invite a director of the corporation to come before a meeting of the fire commissioners to discuss at further length the shipbuilders' request. In presenting its request to the board of fire commissioners, the Housatonic corporation stated that every precaution against fire had been taken, but because of large quantities of shavings, oakum and other highly inflammable materials, the danger from fire was considerable, and they asked that some arrangement ba made with the Bridgeport department whereby aid could be summoned on any alarm from tha yard. RATTLESNAKE'S RATTLE.

The rattle of the rattlesnake iS' developed from the -single conical v. scale or epidermal spine, which In----most snakes forms the internal tegument of the tail. The bone which the root of the rattle consists of The last i bra and is covered with a which Is tho beginning of the tie in young change. 1 Morphine Enough to kill 7 Men A journal for druggists printed' not long formula In answer to a request "for a good cough syrup." Among other in- gredlents it calls: for 6 ounces ai- cohol, one a drachma, chlororoform and seven and one- half grains morphine enough. to bill seven men.

It ts guaranteed that Father John'sj Medicine does not contain any form of morphine, codeine or, any other narcotic drug or alcohol. That la a Medicine, is the safest medicine your cold or cough It is: pure and wholesome, a doctor's prescription with more than 610 years' success. CONNORS" Here Is the Shirt Opportunity You Have Been Waiting for! A SPECIAL PURCHASE And A SPECIAL SALE Dozen Shirts including the famous Eagle Shirts Bates St. Shirts Artistic Shirts Shirts Connors Shirts Stag Shirts Values from $1.50 to $3.00 3 for $3.00 They are not $1.05 Shirts--there is not a shirt in the lot that is worth less than $1.50 and many are worth considerably more--Thousands of shirts will be displayed ia all our stores--in fact more shirts will be shown at one time than was ever before shown at one time in Bridgeport. Think of the future--think of your shirt needs--then think of getting such high grade shirts, as these, for $1.05.

You know what a Connors sale means--so be on hand early. Naturally the best go first. CLOTHING CO. 1154 MAIN ST. Three Live Stores 1370 STATE ST.

Always Reliable. 687 E. MAIN ST. iNEWSPAPERl.

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