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Morning Oregonian from Portland, Oregon • Page 3

Morning Oregoniani
Portland, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-'N, i. rale hill is fc vents and ai new 8 much as power in mo naDda or Mr iT "TM crowned kiag of IrelanJ eightr-sU rollo wera great parties, would place 0060 I cd 0 home rule in. order to the Irish party cxurse sho ot voting tat liberal Ooly the Irish the JuftobUitJ an.l ScoUMd. for their own torles. TUejl are placed betwSS party and to doc means ojril war.

It autonomy shrtuld be eraated tt the proving of Ulster thtea Crtt the Md TpK PRIMABv QUESTION That Uie constituencies will be decide is wither Ireland shall Soyerned by rale or coercion. Th, of It is that Mr. Gladstone's bill was, was distswtetul to the countrp parUBans of I onie rule parent mandate of the country a reality is opposed by the com are the conservatives to decide CLASS OP '80. i I CLASH OF '61 CLASS OF '82. PI-AM OF '83.

CLASS or '85. 1 i Kii; 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i Miss Oilntie J. Nice i i 'i Mlss "-''ill- i Miss i i i H.Tsi-y. i A a i a i 1 i rd I i i i i i i i i wi-ri' very fciv, brim; i i i i I A i IV TupiK-r. q.Miiisi-n, 11 Oil I IL Mr.

C. rurnir. i i A I i I I i i A A i I I 'a lutRlay livening a nuuilier ot (ritmils Mr. ami H. L.

Jlurimm anjoyoii a de- pleasant decidedly novul entor- tuinniL'ut, the clcoaslon boing the crystal wou- 1 pl 1 1 woddius was ini- MQENING OREGONIAN. SUxbAY. JULY 4. 1386, denceot Mr NicollFliyd, Mastic Morishes, L. on the 15Ui inst.

The bride was sifea away by Commander WiUhm R. llriilii'nan The brWesmaide were MIBJ Hull pnj Staplec, auiiLleat. CommanderH-iliert'M. Berry ac ed ae best man. Only Mr.

FloyiJ i nmudiate family were prcaenL The liride an.l qronm letl at occe Jor Portland, -whsre Lieut Sebree is on flnly as iielithnus.) Inspector. Nn cards." (apt" Sebree's maor frienca will tie fflad to learn that be, with his brMe, arrived here safe and sound last Monday. MBS. CK.IKKN'8 THIXSDAV ATKRNoljN Lt'NCK. Thursday afternoon Mrs.

H. McCraken entertained a lew of her friends at a most delightful little lunch parl.y. Ttie following ladles were present: Mrs. ft. A.

Hastings, of San Tranciseo, delicious or crapq jilier toilets to rn 'ant toilols. bonneto Trimmed ia while i and sprsys of small white 01 (rtlltewom eilk with lacw are itodntji as baodsome rtressna if they li.Miifs, with a rtoiickiUfl weddinc Buoper For i nWBitl" the beautilul laces now so Huali-. A vtfry nknt hnd novel souvenir ol thi "iTItMon wni prWwnkcd to Mr. anil Mrs. Dotf i It took thi form of Immlsoaialy etir imirringt- iwrtilicatu, heating the Damns if the viBJiiLf; Kinsta as witnnssils.

Below will I fi'irad an exact cony ot the above sjuvenir- was n- in with itll the customary pomp and rid- i a ot a first marriage. Mr. H. Haiti away iitlK-ialinelis andil tinie were the after order or certf tome rale "be 1 9t. 8 9 perpD icu to say.

ot followers ol Lord HartbSM ui luijowers or Hartinptn-- iKL H' IffiB uaua or hainberlain. this majority wnnM fceptrimmiDgs. lEtersecUng these rows OUH. No, I repeat It, look cross the bust and shoulders, ay you likej rou cannot BPH utti 1 Bmbelfcwith and eada finished TM i 11 (tUTBMAlll nonb- i on of the Irish question: WHVT 11,. IS Is to the clev servatives tc coort go before the Foraerly thss were "Fair are "Inionisb." These men, who ate resiw reconnuend a policy of twenty years' owr in Ireland anil thus alienate foraver the ftto feeliiRs o( Irish, call themselves "imooli and, using -tort "urerest slang vulgar versy," call "separatists" the men wlio a Ing to divide parliament in order to two nations.

all, Ihey are not toonw the men whOg in France, would ovrthro ioze fictiu. Tbe letter is cov- dust, and Uis ojfycf is niadH by ifae ground of the fan recDStnme.Ior boatiufj, ttinnia and ling, jsi4higji livor apaiu. Ttm lo a decyhiti yoke, aud ortr-u display a revival of the iirl-j that was In Btch favor aajoajji or tjirty yenrs aijn. gin band or rnbGuarouud tho 1 Wirw the waist aai are fiaislmd by ornaments, bowl bails or other lion can sfinfd at the present time tSKW 1 111 ae cfe Sitin-fwed relvet a peaceful sohiUon or tbe Irish 0 1 mo5tdeflirnblefor the purpoae. is nf tahac- jToelra cantTB.

The skirt, loose and name assumed by the at aide and alightiy lQ over an uoderakirt of gros- wiped red and dark green, with fmo between The is toil ion, of the same canvas tissue it comes down lower than the fastened with a byadere sash ot to match the underskirt This i ia ronod shape ewer a chemisette flit. A very narrow i i i iDtoujuat hialde the edge ol tho The irrantiog or home rule to thp Irish condition that they continue to be reprwa In the par liaoient sitting at Westmhilgter, to sidered English people, bat not jected to on (hat account, as the first'step direction of imperial federation. This idea general feileifaUon for England, Scotland. Ireland and iiio colonies, is taking hold ot lish minds mjoie and more every Jay, Hpiy 111 ia piayei iimi tli.v. Florence Pisjie--the lady who, yon mayrawBfc 1 flajpd at Wimble 1ou, a Tew miles her, ibetnatrect cause of the in But for all thnt, mini- John Brown, tihe queen's faithful 's tint a nn-nal of pnbliBhed in a contemporary reviews iwjoa IOT 1 TM -W no.

to-morroif a tournament 8 Bounds the Multnomah cn Elghteentu street Though a eafiie of our own epoch, aad claioiBd by and for an KncliHli- i real origin dates sack 'inore Cftturiea. It is true that Major auuior the modern game of lt Played at present, smd that. thn hjnd, better tliau 1 who had a iea ts the patron saint rjf MTB no clul)^.i evidently a pro'essional pi 'iyr: to bsre played tennis for gain: an imperial council, which should consist 4 who resided in Pa chosen representatives of the varlooa vaiei at "baud-tennis with tho pil colonial legislatures throughout well as those of Great Britain add Ireland, delegates or representatives of time parliamenle," she says, "should form perial conncll or parliament-- In ot become a parlinment of parliaments. aye or gain: luru hitherto awarded the assembly at Wwtminwwmwilire, nm fame. Ir.

"Henri Vill. TITLE OF rjmau.1 TM i-' rem Mls Venaun ls aud tali Eat i taperlal. To my mmd never have seen an imperial coxcomhr that auttplcioua day dawna on whlphataUiC sembie together the Imperial resentativen-call them by what name ot BriUsh and Irish, Canadian, repreeentation bat she gates, the Hcwor of parliamentary ra tives, as tiey (laubUM.woaM be, conM trusted to care tor would TM' tenili3 aad tali in?" qs aad thone tlf trjv el UlIW, Ul Ulo i.uiw- ian" may be an ImpoBelbulty, enormnas djstanoa that 11 miDions from one another. At Dixie's tbent)' is a Rood one. Tbu pm- parliament" freed trom tbe cars ol and Crom tUe worry Warfare, c.wld not tail to "ffS loftler, lirnadeo and more "nosistent swi Jnes the preeentoue.

should not laniter SSVd" i sun r.bove the mountain Ita jaauty Let Btralchs.1, its arranged "co cr ,13 lctllr 8 rewal the way Without mdulgto. Hrltish peopla. life U.e "suMea widow Alt 1 ttat brings out and devol JNhiljment and 'iku (TamnsemeuL PW bus betn ra'her a iiuirt 030 Une, jo dojbt, tn a reMlion from which ww of tbe lowering, raniy itelf hoalinjt, tennis aud The'mcet notable idfmtinj: exercises at the Ittffir lntt ni re nloa oa lne 1 Sir rmt.t Mn "ni-tam D(f on Tu A amler oi minor happra- occurrcii, a appended. cot I'l-- iiujc- i TM Ahimni on yuM" Uuil Sitoffi dtll9ir but they i notto Bee. dtf ffiS suij eeectivo Cert.irtcHte of Marriage.

Tills Certilica Tbat (ni HIV i Iavo( I tbt Year of our Lord Durluin and Hannah T. (ianlt were by i In Marriage at Tortland, Oregon, to Ihe uiwa ot the State of OreKOU. l-'i'r witneRses Mta. and Mrs. J.

C. Carson, MH Jir.d Mrs. Cos, Mr. and Mrs. (ieo.

H. Duri- liiim, Mr. and Mrs. S. A.

Durham, Mr. aud Mri John Piidlei', Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dukum, Mr acd G. I.

C-reen, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hulhawny. Mr.

Mrs. E. H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.

J. P. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. W.

Y. MasteraL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Masters, Mr.

and Mts. K. S. nokk't, Mr. aud Mrs.

0. W. Percy, Mr. and Mrs. J.

11. ISutlierlaiicI, Sir. and Mrs. E. M.

Sargent, Mr. apii Mrs. P. p. Thompson, Mr.

and Mrs. D. W. Tdylor, Mr. and Mrs.

H. C. Stratton, Mr. and Mie. C.

U. Ba4es, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.

Brey, Mrs. C. Buchanan, Mrs. E. H.

KUiIjng. Mrs. L. P. Miss Minnie Carson, Miss Alice Foreythc.

Miss Annie Miller Miss Lizzie Carson, Miss Enima HickiEson, i iss Josie Darts, Miss Eaapp, Mirs Kbltio Starkty, Miss Agues Cook, Miss Klin Caraon, Mr. J. P. Carson, Mr! J. (Jlesy, Mr.

jUttiur and Mr. H. C. Wartman. CHJI.D 3KAL.

THK I'KSNSVLiANIASS AND OHIOANS. MD the 2tUh nit. the Olympian made hor fourth cxruiBion Uip, the occasion being the party of Feunsylviaians and Ohioans and fiit ntlp. The Dumber present was not as 1 us anticipated owing to a misunderstanding ami. uiit-vasonabiB weather, but those who did no reason to complain, for they hail a liiif, saw the ocean and heacb, the light IKIUSH this tjy niijht, and It seldom tails the lot of inoriiil tn fay that he saw the dig light and be iilht.

to tnuth the Ian at the same time. All lliis iinii more was accomplished within thirty! ve and more lime atforded on tin5 tipach HIM! Fort Canby-, in the same of timo, l-i 1 1 plfaHnre 'nie i liana, who are mily boys, snr- i i tlir i i trip. In tlin c.i:iin or wbe'ro all WIIH' i i ijuiet, the baud cmlil dc- tbt-ir Jittelition moro liireetiy t'i itn-ir -work. Tlie execution was letter ihan many iiriifiTBionulB could clniin. Of th.we Hun.

J. I'. Calson, wife and ilinjL'litcr, -I, L. Athinpnn and ft 1 Ii, i a i i wife, W. K.

Dii- i i i ulc, A. K. Raleigh aort i i i i and wife; A. I'. Suit trifn, and wire, S.

Sciivra'i and K. H. Vliwah, Jaim-s ti. Nujjley. K.

H. HirlniDL'hainj T. Ii. Murpliy, W. tI.i!ian, (Sapl.

t). (jray an'l 1 I HJIV, Frank iJfckum aii'l wifo, Mr? juiJlje, (Jaijt. S. I'iBrce, V. V.

An! M. WilzioMd, the ikuilr-ki, J. fllayer, 11. L. jujrham umt wife, H.

Sniittun and wi Capt. Ohuvleri 3 rup. K. A. K.

Starr, Ilr. Pautnn ami brotlinr, f. Sluiile.f. W. H.

Whiting, l''j H. (Ve, MiBS NMII'IC V.nlkiT, Miss Belle KtuiOu, Uie Masai I H. H. Hallock. Ben.

F. Jones, Rolwrt K. 1'iivis. W. K.

Thnmas, J. aud A i Oliver Holmes and wife, c. W. liories, S. Wells, R.

Martin, ir. (. c. Newcastle, (i. W.

Pltlock, K. H. I iind wife, ieoree 15reck. John Kudy, Heury i i i i i H. ItouleiHlar, Miss May Kiidy, S.

('. J. Miller and wife, Mrs. J. K.

Aiken. Kicljard IHino, H. C. J. Y.

i, J. P. Howe, W. B. Chapnmn, C.

N. :Lf.t. tlw Tory words to ivLtiiit the uianjiaffi- of one of Portland'H poy- jf-tnjg tra SiiriogfieW iady: "ftaroly wtjldmg corediony uiore beaulifullyantiiin- iH-FsiviMy perfonnjtid was that or i i i i i nf Mr, am! Mrs. Si. A.

i i i i thifl rltj, old Thomas Oader Powell, i i i i jj I'nrtinnil, nltjlit in he l-'iiM, or spue- i i i laved sj(innt WiVlM-n3 I ceniiimny. A lliti t-truck up thn i i i i i wHtding niarchfiind Uie tiridiU up prttctidml i i i i Alwood ILichnrdsun and I'' rank i i i uf New York city, O. ('. Aiidrows of Hart- il J. lirace of UI'LH (jjty.

Nfxt nuno 1 BjlisH TjiJEz Clark of Boston, rl Jims Uraw oT WnsLfield. chine Hnjs Lride, Jaaning nn the ID, (ilt'g'Antli cOB.inned in wiiiif.H silk tiaijj, hijrh trim- ttui custofiiary wliitu i t.i.rl in order was i i i i i 1 sintier nriiip, tbt) rriaiil of in ffmr't (iresn a ut white veil, boatinf? a i i tftFket iof llnwers, mi after her i i i i reprijeenlatires of Miss Hohprts'B i i r.liisfl in UiB schot Pduliue Day i i i i Oihhp. chad linrahain I i ly tn-fure pulpit p'ouuuinwJ tljts 1 i cert-inoiij. party leu i sd lately taken to the 1 1' cT Uie hndti, whwe a i.l. 'j'iii' uioiF9' hand utlorned yirrK Very a imitations ht-wii i and Mit til 1 were i ij-iiTla uf immoroi consxrat'iJaLmna by i i i i i i Tl.hir- i indmli) 'i i r.

Now York and and tihon be 'HI: Uit'ir ff.r home." i A i i i I I A VI, A I i' ri iji-lar of c'unna- i I--V 1'irrii n. s. oc- 4 1 the Mt-cUan on Hill uudersuiu- bo got itWV 60Hi- Bhoiild PP case Vj i i i iiiu.sct'r Tl fy 1 by 1-'. H. Ijainl) atU BlaiT, a i i i i a i etAlT.

Th- r- i i i i wurn i i i i TnlldWS: 'iicoi'lpiifiy, ('. i a i K. i E. ill. Altrrill: aud tMiui.i.ny .1.

M. a i I PARTY. -n tevfaiijg vtlry tilea-act surprise I 1 Slias Ella iicEiardson, at in thin city- The pviin'ug Epaat ii. jinfl otlnjv r.ruuse.Tnpnt'. Those pres- were: Tbe McUi vary, filler,, Arpio, HasticijR.

ITS lews, II. Kmnier't Souvine, J. AleEqUw, J. i i C. W.

Jacxibsou, A. Pole, H. W. Toiler acd L. Duutar.

Tb? parly 1 1- ut-tiutfl clock, everybuay haviha; ha-J Liiiit 1 BEIKJMAS-S1EBRKK. i Till explain lelf: "Lieut Uriel and Miss Annie JLcDow- i daugtter ot OoL P. Bndgorao, S. array, rfiUred. mwrted at the reel- MKS.

KOEHLER'S UTMNKK. Cu Friday eveniog Mrs. R. Koebi lained a number of hor friends at niinw-r. Those presen.

wvre: Judpeand Mrs. M. F. Jtcady, Mr. aod Mrs.

flood, Mr aiirt Mry. Burns, Dr. and Mrs. Holt Wil- S.UD, Mrs. Foster and CVil.

EHiueer. MRS. I.AmijlU- I I 1'AH IJY. (ai i James Laid law fiavt) a verj- plfasacl diuner party. Those pres- filr.

aud Mrs. Jaums Laid'law, Mies HcniiiH Mr. Kenneth Machiay, Mr. Hnth Roger, Mr. M.

Mr. (imy, of England. SOU'KS. The of Miss Rn Mitchell tr Mr. Mark Leviueou IK uunotinced.

Hit- ot Him NUm nnd Mr. Havid Vratt of I'luu, K. uu- nouijced. J. II.

Rioijtfjouiery gave a iliuiiBr ja-iy taluniay hi honor of ilieu. AnJyrs.m uiid a lew New York friends. 1 On TufHiay eveninjr, (isirllelil 1'ost, (i. A. wna with a handsointl Bilk tlat: by a i laliy rfclntivee of iiittinbera of the Mrs.

H. H. NortLup uiai tLe present i- lion speech. Victoria, H. Tenuie clu consisting of fi in jilayerp, will arrive ii this city to- dny and i play iigainst the Mnllnoraah club tn-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

to on the Multuomah's rjroinida on Ei-'lu- ei-nth street. A few of the young bachelors OF tills city will Rive CD excursion on the river to-jnorrow evening on the steamer t'ity of Sell wood. The steamer YVJU be Illimiiuated aud will trive the party liow to view the boat parade and fireworks, and will thec proceed tbe.river until opposite Sellwood, when she will land for pasaenffera at Maple knoll. Tbe beautiful grove will present a fray eceue with tbe bonfire, Japanese Iantern3 etc. At tbe executive meeting of the council of the PtiiiiBfIranians to be held this wfek will be made for a general reunion of the n-nnsyi van Inns.

Ohioans and Native Orogontans on the occasion of the second regular meeting of the former association be held on the llth net. Tbe recent excursion has a good omen and the outcome will result IL a marked increase in tbe membership of the three societies. It is estimated that the Pennsylvania and Ohio societies will increase to over two hundred each for the new. year and tbe "nativea' list vtill be unlimited, PERSONAL. Miss Kate Story is visitiug friends ID San Frau cieco.

Miep Carrie Harris, of Corvalhs, is vioiUng friends in this city. Mrs. Judge Brisco, of Olympla, is visiting friends in this city. Mrs. W.

A. Wiloox arrived home Monday over the (tregoQ Short Line. BlieeKate C-oburn IB visiting her cousin, Miss Fearnside, at Tillamook. Mr. Sipman and wile returned to California on the steamer Columbia.

Mr. S. L. Stone and children left Tuesday evening for San Francisco. MIPS Lulu 'oon left Thursday morning for The J'alles and Walla "Walla.

Miss Llancje Kabh will visit San Francisco the ir.riy pan of thie montb. MJFP Dlmick left Sa'nrdar for tbe SouL-d, to be all Bummer. Mr. John A. Child and wife arrived home Tuetsday fro their Eastern trip.

Miifl Maud ('iarko will leave this yeek for I i a i i i euminer. I is visiting Mrs. formerly of this jity, at OrdDge. CallfornhL 5Jrn. sieler Mrs.

J. ii' fcr liT un Puuoay'H MIF. s. Allen and family left Tuesday for Chitf-f-p, i they will camp for two months. i i i i I yesterday for a nhort i i Farm.

Sim will be absent about Haller who has been Mb. J. Ii. i MI ntguiiitMy, rt-turut-J to ber home iu Seattle lat-t Fritlay. lJ.

IJ. 4 a and family, of Tho Dalles, i tin- visUing A i Alfred SLowJill at her reiideuce, NCI. Clay Pi 1 no over wtmt over Northern Hia destination bdiog Indtaua. MiFP Alico nf North Yakima, ard Mrs. Orpl.

ret! rnt-d to this city hint week from a vnnit tf Hood HU'tr. MIR. Henry K. Dosch and family have movnd will florid thi Bumnior. Mrf.

"bas. W. Bnrdstajr nnd Mrs. F-ed mtu), of Walla Walla, W. are in Ibe city Mrs.

r. I 1 Church. Mine AViouin daughter of J. F. of liis city, IB visiting her auat, K.

H. Jiearboiu, iu Salem. L. J. liartnian, accompanied by her sou Jenunf, left rn lhn outgoing aleaiuer fcr a two mouths' viMl to California.

Mrc. Klght McMlIlen, of left Tin niort ing for beach where sue goes to ppHul Hie miniiier months. Mrn. H. -Koi-hlur will leave shortly for an extended lour possibly to Europe, returning to i'dnlftml in September.

KmniiM'iinse, wbo has jast fmisbed a i i school year at Kagle'reek, Clacka- was tn the city last week on a visit. Mis. 1. Cburcb and family retained on the Jtit- 1 stean er from St. Helena, where ibey In en for the last eight months.

They have r-c-ideuce' at No. 75, South First McV-Vri is very faioratily. bruiHod, her iojuries are uul ul i i i i i and, fortunately, wi 1 in i i i i i i i i early reyuuipUon of her Mi'-H lj, who hafl visiting at I'Jateop i i i i i luni fiiinily, tlirowu I i i h'-is-tf at the Beaniiie last i'jd i i i She was brought to tint city, I a i i l.ewip, Henderson II. Iiealy aud a i i i tho pant wmji from in i i Lnwt. Tliti two former lia been i i i school nt Lawret cevilJe, N.

i i i latter Westlyean Univeraity. The Foley ily tith will be cuii)ji of Col. Fliuschuer, Saoi i.i.-we.-it-leiij, W. H. "Williams, Judge Pajje, Ex- Unv, S.

i Cbnilwiclr, Henry ('wen anil Mark They will tako along two coloieil men lo ncl jt-neral utility men. VAhB May niiito, daughter of Mrs. M. F. i attending St.

Paul's school iit WiiUii for the past year returned homo Iflnt i i i spend tho sumuier Porti i i i i she wiSl go to Oakland, tr aUen'l sclj'iol winter. Mrs. White i tn tipeitfj i i iu Oakland. i of SHU Francisco, a sifter of (if tljiri city, who hii3 Tor sev- i a I i i i here, iu company wilh her JH nniv Uiting in tlie of tlie 1'uyt-L t-Miud c- i I'uriiJti slay In i I ct i i i i honors, cx- -Ives as cliarmyd with our I i me vocalists, ard tbiiir i i nil have had tho jjouil loriutia I 1 1 i Hi. field in connection with the United States ffeo-.

logioal hurveyw, to aseist this officer in ttw survey or Cifater lake, and hia exploration of the Caecade -ange of. mountains, AseiPtint Surgeon P. Whales from Fo COJOT d'AJene Lake Oaliapel, to rt- maiq for a time witt itroop, Seconi cavalry, now on suuuner tour. Mrj. Tlieodcre J.

Kcfcerson, U. S. will probably his arrivlnj: ihis-all. The major lias abort of friends on the Columbia, wao vill give i a a wel-*. AsBlstint Surgeon S.

Robinson, Assistant SerRt-ac' W. anU A. A. Surgeon K. PI F.

aley have bfcen ordened to accoiuuany IheSecoud infroitry changing station, to afterwards reii re to duty in this department. Lieut. i First artillery, has been relived LB pos. (laarternraster and cotn- miesfiry at For, wiuneid Scott, San Francisco, Ruaprdtr4-d to barracks California, ou duties. Tte rifle teams'of the Division of the Ic are ordered to reprrt at the nr San ranclRCo 'iy Afffruet HS, and tbe liiioii placet (n division team will plact September E-ia.

Tie older renoTing troops from Fort Klaui- ath, finally ti-en reseindei! by tlhe seere- ti.ii of war, in xmstiquence of tlieearnest solic- iiations sf the jierple to have them reiimiu, as it if- litiliev tLeir removal would bedetrimeuLai to the interebte of that aouutryi Is the directing the movw- ii.t-i-i ol ti.e Sec md uow the iepp.r.menl ol'thw Ilatte: "Iu jjce wit.i iT Ordttre No. hetidfjunriertf division of the jpjic flc, furiee, eolonel, sUfl, and totni anU-5 J', Sfeuood in- will on Julj 1 march from Fort Cn-ur il'AJene lifttliJri ami procyrtd hi the Nvifititrn Pacllii nJhoad, i a i a i i and (lie iregon Sh Line and Cuioii Pacific cwlnnl, baud an-1 Coiu- papflps 1 t( Fort Omaha, ami Com- fio" Fort NU-b'ara, Nebraska. C-mmanv -food infantry, ill on July I march TJoiR- Hnsrackfi to Kma, und thence hj 1 ihbti'rfgnn Short Lire and i Pacific rnil- wjijs to Fort a NcbniBka. Company nTauiry, will on July 1 from Forti Klanmth Ashland, Oregon, by a i Portland, from. t'rtland by the Oiegun Hallway i.

Navigiatton oompiiny'H, tlie Oregon Short I ine, and Ihe Union Pa-tiHi: raflrhaib, to Fort Hcihiupon, ('oiupa- mt-pJC, and S.KC nd infantry, will on July mflrch from For Spokane to Sprajrue, and ibetce proceed try the NoHbern Pacific rail- rottdi via Luiatille the Oregon Short Li jeend Pacific tailwayB--Compa- ai to Fort maha, and Company (i to Fo.rtiNiobrara, Company Secouii infantry, will on 1 proceed by boat and rail froir Fort TViwnwnd, via Portland. Oreir-m, and tbe Oregon Sbir Line aad Union Pacific to Fort a iha, Nebraska. The Hsu- tenant-a lonel will erve Fort Spokane with the companf -s of his lent at that prat, accom- pRiiying them as liras Omaha, Nebraska, en i route to lia future i ation ht Fort Robinson, I and will proceed to their jespectiveePations viaOmaha.Neliraska. AMUSEMENTS. Rentfr w's Pathfinders have to fair tuMnese it the tbe past week.

The performance ia a vary clean firet-rate variety Bhow. 'be performance began that pretty lit Christmas story "Editha'ilBurglary," under a ifferent nar which Master Frankie Jopes very clever work. Then followed some very gool specialties by each of tbe Mr. StLlman as the "Crushed Tragedian," doing aume remarkably fine character asljng. Mr Btiliman Is, if we arfe the same gentleman who made aucb a hit through thfc East ii Minnie Palmer's "My Sweetheart" bntiLjpii down giuibler whose njasim wan "ftlways rcpper Uie tj on the last tura." Mii.

the ihltiuUoas negro servant, was excellent, his da icing being much above the nvercgp. Hut lilt i Prankie Jones is a host in Limpelf, fiingiag ar 1 acting with al! the ease at'd fmojiilnefcs of a eoubretteof long experience. In fact, benonmnal, aud wou hio way to a 1 cf bis audie-icta. It seeniH well uieli iitiposiijble "or a child have so soon acquired that pt'lf-irtwsetpioQ nn urse that takes aa jt-arp of Pturly and pr nice. The performance is iii neli aht ve that of ivora''e pai.y.

"Srim'J rf Puscn," tlie one and rniy Cu -lU, no TOW night. This la ont? of i Ln-Et shows Lto road, is a ITUS- entiiclj distinct from auytliiog of tha kiml f-Ttjr he fore ittuinpled The main charm. 1 in the play a i a i ilrmulner, ani is drawn PO true to i ia everyone who sees it litunhs to ilmself ai commercial traveler who 1 knows or has set'ii, i-. Ily bn tight to inind. The loi, JLS way, tljc Saj Fnuicisco 'C t'f says: i-' tlin: in imr ti.iu I'm public Ui UL this, of wliii'li Mr.

i i i-. tn ail leDls iint! pir puses ihei author, ainl that t-t'n'a IB Lotb ug tlmt am In saul ol it thut bin not Leen sait many time; i i many Sa-n'J a i i kiud, ami but i No matter often tvi t-te blm we mar tr-iu him. to eiler'aJn us. TL is that in his i Ir.ofcp, in his jueer twist of laugihigu, iu his ti'i- Rpeaiablr in i a hiugbable of pie dTFPBj and in tile bliarp rwimnbUuiCtt t- truth i is ste i iu bis i a a caricatnr-, Unit makes tbid impenoiia- ti(-n eivBieuUl, Liiii an, It owos Us life tw Us inouy tuuchns of na- und it ill ccntlae. to live and UmirUh so ICUK a ('urLit ti give it breath.

Miss i JMt-i'M does int pail wltii repetitious Tbe E.iuiti tigerish ce.eritt that first atlracttsd ttttentidu to lier work in this role is without teeming ellurt, as i( it were a spou- taufMjiiB jutffning. It is growing sttasou by st-at-f-u in nicety, and tborefore, a much more fiuif-hed tori rait (haw when it was first gtveu to tfctf ptibllr. WiUiin itt- it ia a.s inaiviiluoi a lit'rfnniiituce as the astr ck of Mr. Curtie, hut widest jM-tBihle coitrasi witli 'it, for wiilcti rrJitc-n thp both in much en- hflurfd. fell aJl last evening, dfbpiti' i a ii 1 representation.

At iLc mi to-ui(jiit "TJie of maud; un 1 the old t-ver fresh "MaHt'()tty' Miw is said to itiakd a i i i ciijaruiing liftliui, and Kelly one of tbe Mr. i'rnnlc K. StockUr it dramatizing novel, Mrs. Nul." Hclapco'b Tpion of Sardon's "Fer- tandt 1 h.i" utt been a success in San Frmioisco, a i in said to have liii ure nf Inn Sun Fr.iucisco eugase- Ilnbson an 1 Crniib'fi peasmi will opaii a i i at iny uow theater iu Kaje Cla.Yiun imendp to revlva Boucicault'B "Arrih-Na-P gutj" at ttie People's theater, Sew laly bus a MW play, written by H. K.

huii h-s', Tf-r production iu the lull. 11 If- cn led "Smi.h or Smith?" Kc ii I i tbo eoniinrr fm.i^oti at a i i i i i njsciim Anguvt Hi in "tiuiii- A it-tj liasltngB w.U ugain act as it- i it there a clja mlng vvtiltzws i i i -e in Flounce J. Henpu'cj ie uipijser is younjf "Tlie i.aut f.f i ty" will its .1. iliesttci, York, SUT' I An-iid Ward Tilf.uiy and i i i 1 continue iu CajiL H. C.

Second infantry, his It-avn i ride i nnc iiiouUi. T. i i i i Second pavalT, bei-n grauttd two mrjntuH 1 leave. i Snigeon K. Waltrp, on du'y at is nj 1 iH'ed to duty in this departumat, to anivf iliis Lient.

JI. T. AUeu, Secpiid cavalry, lias com- plelert hip work nt Washingtou on his Alaska a mi in tii route to rejoin at Fort W.illa Lazelle. Twenty-third United Slates fail try, de-' paitment of tlin Columbia, is making an official tour ol the upper counlry. Col.

E. Bailer, formerly medical director of this stands a good chance to become surgpon-grneral of the army this year. Tbe commanding oificer, Vancouver barracke, detailed a eergeant, corporal and eight privates under charge of CapL George W. ravfs. FourtfFutli infantry, to proceed piq, Ashland to Fort Klamatb, to escort

C. E. Putton, ozdoance departinent, on doty la the i i Loivi-11 aco9 Kathryn Ktildyr ii; ilin- next season. lis9 U-'J- I by Manager A. Al.

I tl Ifi'k theater FLpd "NMu-y A-. fi-oeaiou tbe road next iniiU-f Arihur iteba i UK; i i Harry Oltn, i i il anu Fran i A rt.arl'^ Hariv.n id have a good plaeaand Miss iliu a iirpl-rsitt'i aup ort oust ertaaoa, i.inp her ly as huil'-ip rmsu hi "ThH eic. It is 11-ui Unit. is j) lies'irred next tfc ber iii i Inle," wShicb oDcbft the season at Uif Tbuiple tlioflUir, 'Phila- delpiiia, in OcNit'tsr, wi ihreo engaged wili proUsbly bo II. in, John Col.

McCau 1 will opt i tie fall season at jffal- kck'e witb 'The Am assadcr," a cow Vienna. It vUl bepu on aad will be cast ac.d 11 ouoted ttat eplendid uiaaoer for which Coi McCanfl 'is juaHydiatiogutaued. The Uvaratte testim ny of thousonli stould convince you of the perita of Hood's irsaparilia! 3TO RENT-- ROO9T8 A ftOJTp CpOK WANTED FOJl THK NOIITH; UKsT.i. 'uuu, IWASTED-OSK WHO CAN B-IVC, Can apply fll l-W A "i SALESLADY, VOITNG, ACT- i eiirt -riKior ncctl applv), 1 nf Vt'T-l. 10 VT ire j.iu itj-l 'J A i i i i i i i a A a i 5 iN at Ronni 21.

A I I I EN SUITB OF. Wonihwpsi rorFimi Mid tlOM.s HEKT IN GOOt) I BDILD- V. i M. CRESHy, 2 PATTEKW i 1: Iron the citix' GRAND CEIjiEBKATION AT POEJTLAND 3d 5th Ju honor of th usuHl-'Foutth of July. SATURDAY, 3d, "JCfT MAN I IN A COLLAH Al'- A I A i 217 A I A (iOGU TOOK IN A A I FA 11- I Tviti-d.

A'ldrrTM X. Y. rare On- "Vt A IS A AT Bl'TTE Tlf A A I A I)U A Tl A OF UEHt'KJJ'- TT i i nifcrrtl to Callltt firci) at til olyinnic Hardens, i a i i L'M-lf- I A CO VIT WHO A MA.N 1 ccc i i a pctsltloti; waRfs. A i i TtMor, V.cturi'i. li.

tniniprtl- -I VV LAHOKKI: A cri i i i 1 iit'iil 1HI i i VV A i A AND A Tl) TA i not .10 Ri-niTil i i i i i a f.iiinl i I I 0 I I 1 'J. i i 0 1 i i a 7j I FnlNHSIIED PTKin. parlor ikiOr. S3-': aLio small room fu5 nl US i i Hulmctn and Main, i I I i i :iui.J if ct'slrcdj A pply KiWC-Ay si. OK RETSf--KURNIS'HKD AX1 rNFL'KN'ISB-l t-il or slnjjU-.

MRS. 1S-J st Hhnj-k. 1 I I A I rOf-l, at st. DESIRAJBLE ROOM Knn nar Taylor, clii'ati ij --OH ROOMS, ALL, OR I FRONT i ii hftxvpen Aldf-r aiid Washing-ton, one Bajthfi. same Hoor.

jjtf IAMAVIN J3 moderate i i onih. 2it'-s 8eccnd, DPI. Walmon A Mata. A I A KXCItAN'lK HOTEL f.FKOXT -i, I I Vmlisim and Jptfcifytn has hpcm tbor- i i i i i a I'd (rooi crilnr to (-t. Roims from to i UK i nlic! i (iccoriioio tall'iii-i lor i i ISJplm TO STORXS.

7 i ortsh FIK RENT--1- WA'LMON ftr.SEs.B--". i i I i i i i lO'ITAUJ-: OF I.ET OX A si i SI i ninl Tenth. I at i i TL'OJi I in kOoMK; -KOK TH A i A i 2 HOVrt TH 71 i i i a i 1 for niv rtf.v pl.t.--,- 1 Tin- V'ci i i i6t tilic i pur! Mills' i i i i i i a i i i i i i a i A i MILL PKK il. I liAX.Ij SITOOTIAO, FOK A A I I'illXES. i ON MONDAY, JULY 5th, I ICf 111 nr.

i tV I Of in I I rj.) si A A i A A I i 1 I 1 W. i I 7 Siark HI. am TYVu-ST(jKY NI WITH i i i i i i ul ilth Iji't. hi'rt Thinj 3 TO RKIk'Jt-KOOMft. IT fl BOARD.

T7 1 I FHOM TO Slu; SF, OF JC a i i i i-njnn (ot nf lib IP I II c-cMTcfl. i i PjiRli- Hinpl. i i o'-rl 1 I A A NT 1L-RK1SHKL) WTTII I.MSII.^, ronvet.i.-m dtn-t-i SPXGIAL NOTICES, A I EM Kc foo MOIt TO CHAHTKH JJock O. hOK SW. 'rpo CAMPERH -STAHIJNH; CAMPERS' OCT- Orcpmiian." supped by INCIUDIXG THK MILITARY FUm VANCOUVER, Militia from Ot ipr PaHs of the SUtejf And Ivocal Orgaulxatlons, TO BE 30LLOWFD BY CORIW FIltST-CLAHH lor-If bark.

Apply HERBERT A A CD. Iff Front at ail tf: vj ANTKD-A A NEW RRICK MIDI hotel In Vsuconver. Apply to ROBERT A NTED--NEW COTTAGE an Nu walk post office, Wllic-r soir.h or rmriJi. lor term of yeuta. Andreas 8., care of orfNfo- ID (lie Afternoon, of Shell Rotv- ItiC, Tub nff.

Swlmuiinff, etc. IN THE ETEN7NG, A GRAND FIN ALE, Ct)NS OF ANTKI-AOENTS--ONE LIVE MAN FOR two 'or UiectiUntry; i pay 011 thrf pt-niea need applv; np liuiubiHi, But a Htire thing---to a mau ni)t alraid ID ta'k. A i BufiJJiesa, care dregjotao. 'Jjfi AND A A np ut DEAL A O' KILLY'a. cor.

ami YanaliiJlfs a. 30Je5 BUaiFXSlt GBAJfCKS. OR f-5 tIC-TIN SHOP AND FIXTURES; nTJt-h tle y. For particulars, address II fl. COS PEA.

Ddlla.s, fk Oregon. L1 A A. fc i i salv ft.iiinil-Man.'i; si. Port land Tho lini.n of Jijjit T. CO.

and uiiphanC ihLs a i i 2 Tne A lh- in frrra public Rfclheriiig rjill ci; M. MO11GAN, CcutraJ Doclt, I 1 O. Boi A I fTjTNO USBKRTEE firm in-tin- A Co composed Ot Lin. Vim. SCOIIK and LiiQj Jim, havft BOIH- i i si-c'itxl i I i c( t-ral an'l ChlnMO THUTflFUL IXFOR- the rN-aolanrts of the Slate, Kte.

Ki-rdt-ii the (rrvat Apopka cinn, nfiil 81 (or the "News Budeet," a AporkfiCit.3-.FlR. fjp7IAwlm C.EVEN XX Sirens A liav-e removed their offices from Dckum huihiine 12. 13. nnd IS ol Laltbe'H N.

nod Wasblui- ton Ms. Entrance ut room I'J cat en thf ImU, Iu which at Ini.Pt A 90 lloats par- tiiate, illuiui intetl with various Graiid i Costly Lights and a DJspUiy of AJ1 iirf invitod to roiii. ni Join I i tli? ci-lcbratir-u, er tV4tf LUBRICATING OILS i Harvesting THE PHOENIX OIL WORKS i IJFfKKS Tl tllK TKADE Baker's AA Castor Oil, Pressed Castor Oil, Castor chine, Fairbanks's Extra Winter Strained Lard i Extra No. I Lard i Extra a Harvesting Machine Oil, i a Lard Oil. Columbia Engine i Pl-cenix Golden Machine i Extra Heavy Spindle Oil, XX a Oil, Pu-e West i i i a Oil i 5 cold test), Extra i a pate Oil.

i i i 1 Phoenix i Oil, etc. cut OILS or.vHANTic«· To the mid i i at i KMT-Nftl-: if i 1 IVe carry tJiw Lurpust! Stock l.LBKlt'ATLMt OILS ou i i Pacific Coiistj. von SALK IN Lora TCI SLUT BY KELLY, DUNKE COJ 1'HOI'UIETOUS PHCENIX OIL WORKS, I K. 42 fr-ioul Olf. SAVE TOU3 BDTTEIl i A I I 4 I I PEOR1A (111.) STONEWARE, i A pOTTbRY CIIAS.

11E03LE CO. ilLOl A i A I I I (orOrt-Kon Vusliiiistnn and I a E--A A I IJQITOR STORE, GO jn locatian. chrap Block; on'iiccount cit re- cioval. ddCVBS f.L)»oiS caivOregonlau. i a SALE-JE OF THK BKST A I I ps and In bpst tow In Wa.shin.jiim T-jrd Orcpoiiiori.

i I i FXJK A. im i For i Infortua- i Bi'pU- to I I I MASS HI. L-iS-f I I KI.OUR I PHtJI'JCK'Vk i 'f ni "m.UBff 1 i 1 Wilt' 'at Kiilii vs i i Ptyt'inid, Or. 7 TV A A I A IN A A i i i a i i i i i i Bniljt i i i nl i i i i lux) i i Tin- sale is 10 i i i i H. i i i i i (now foreclosed atiil to rli.s* up tlu- I'iMie.

The St. i i i i f.f ilcpol hlivut i HTOJ-K FOR HALE, DOINU A juf.ii((-r4 11 sfrom PorHKiiil, (in U. pd-stolllcc In I BUY OXK OF THE PINKSJ A i ai UDCP to O. A. Kh.ED7-"i-f.'li st- Foul 2 i i i i i i i I i i i Us Vi'arM (M'.

i jtrt i i i-i-r i i i ilttrodiicf b. A. jl. LT i i J-1 rsi A I A A SlC'BIFIL'K THE 1 t-li i ijoMciidali-, v. i i SiKg LliH), ll-Hso-i Ktiirtncs S'J'KC-H A i i i i Uii.itrh roRUiinlijR -t'0 i-cri-s of luiJ.i, i I WRI.TP.I aud miltM w'ost uf 1TO11 tSAl.K-LOTH ASD 3, BLOCK I I AT KSA- i 1 1 wgumi block of beiwii; i-n iieny htrfiuiii.

A to A V- I i lt I i i i. i-'iirtu st. LTTON A i i i (JHAWDLKHV AND PnTLland, Or. A I.LliN AA'U kKOOUOJE MujThar.a, Frout and PortlanJ. Or.

E. HATT1N. COMMISSION SUiLE- From BtreeL 1 A AND I nlon Ponlfafld A i CO nOi.tiTA LE Norlh I'm i suiil. Or- rriAYLOii, YOUNG A- HUUKKlijr'AND JL Coinmlssliia Merctianfe; agents tor San Jaaa UUie Co. a i Front KtreeU cor.

AJh at. ILLEH A W3CJT-- tJ. (J. U. WE coai in bssioii In gt.neral aJul ilaJrj i nt iHsrw-eri WaFfitiiuton a tlH A AUOrsT 1, A I A OF TT" I i i /nn.Kh-d.

Long .7 A UuLl--- T. lf- K. f. A room 7. a 11 Mtl'Al' A i V.x I i pl.ta.

Tor I-n i i i i i i ciiuri). i i i i i i nit- hi n- toriiin Jibtral. C. A. i I 22f L'V i A A Will yen i i of sii Kinit- li't- HS irw 1X1.

nis.j on l. nns" T. 4 I a A CO A Pn i I i A i I i I i AND salmon, grain N. cor. Fnmi aal Aab eta! 1'ortlaiiil.

Or. i A K-: I i OF "ilCD I.l.-r aU'l i i i i i i i i I I l'o Or. I.ibernl julvwiecs A i i ouji iAt-'iiciiA'-H" i i a i i Ir. awl i i i i ioii pl.kc^.,,;-! M-t-r. i i ii.

i A i i i i i i 1i A i Of i i N'u i-K (1 i i.f- KnM i XVrst i IVir. )u- N7rs 7 in7r, ir 'Ji-p -y nr.d r-wn ai i A i SAl.H-fiOe A I I STOCK" i i i .1... Jl T. I i rf: A i I i i i i i Oil-, (i Iti-tpini- I 1 i'f 4 1 "r- i' L'ltAKK Ifthrj.KiltNT A Importer flea lor ID farm ml)l mac, liieri TJ Frunt SL, Portland, Or. A D(JDl) UO, 'iiOLE BUOiCEVB Jicauer Scijatler t-'ropt, First and Vine (IXWCJEa.

ft a LEV. is. (iHC'CEKH ar Ptjitland. (Jr. TX7AJIiAMS i- KLiltm, WliULJWALE GUOOKt J.a WKITK FOR I RICK UST.

Or. MAEX JORGENSEN, A i. Kl.VDS i i 1 A i i i i i a -j-i ll. 1 1 A A fiiib-itauces. Firyt stre-t" rOrtlliTHl EKJJEKI 06! IDS Fl-J NT HT iniwiwn of Mmoricinreii' stiiS Store BcppllM.

BlMtlnn, UresBlnga, EUi Wines and L.quors. Sole lloltlcrti foi Ihe Ccl -liratod EXPORT LAjiEll BEERS iv i.oK ox uoou i A nlJ 0 i OKtS, Kir.1 3fi TO LOAN-NOTES i KD 7 "tjV- HMITg, I to 3 by B. gpi j). 1 1 )s 1 A I I A A -I-' JdiF-im-ss Medium, ur -nl n.utu-rs. i a i nul (-lr-ctn- I i I Mic---ssf(Jl 11 TM for I-aild i Itu-Jm cor son A JOS.

SCHLTZ urd H. WKIKIiARU'S CITV BHEWiilW, jgoitTjiKtiH fa A AKT jy.v rortia o--. LIBRARY ASSOCiATION st: ft OK STAItK A'D FIRST STREETS. Orer Ladd ton's BAKK, -L. TS and MEMBERSHIP OPEN TO AL Over 12,000 Volumes and 126 faper 1'erlQC icols.

Monthly Does, 81 Qi $3, and llall Nearly, P4.SO. tcoir A A SCHOOL H1 M. Head Master, A noAKwsa AKU SCHOOL FOE J-uiir rt (ill Tale era-Suatis, and Stale of Redemption of i HTATE TRiAju XTOT.CK 18 i 1 6 un3a All of fke of OrccM, and Interefit oil mch bonda will from FDWARD HIRaCtf. Ktatf ream re r. to tbe payment.

ot A LARGE 8DFPLT OF fiVEKY VABIETT ON" bund, for pale at wbotesMe and low prlcts. PujeFaxbllj' of every variety on DB. NEWCASTLE.

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