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The Madison Eagle from Madison, New Jersey • Page 1

The Madison Eaglei
Madison, New Jersey
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PUBLISHED IN THE 01- THE PEOPLE OF MADISON OBagle 01. XLVI, NO. 2() MADISON, MORUIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 2T), ll)2(i FIVE CENTS THE COPY awarded diplomas from ST. Ilttir MailNim larif lltnfy Elvcri BcHi Receive np, auiie the iiciuKe lax hch Honors of Cliss; Touching Tribute apiH-ain niwi Madinon proii- nil. c.iL..

the Morrill t'imiily' Paid Ijle Father umbert Taxation, entire (lay I uih hearliii? thoir com- Momlay evenlnK. St iment Kuni- nnmmiK ill Mr.ntf mill friends of memberti of tin before It July 16. Kradiiatlnit j'laiiii In tlie In by lax 1,1 St Vinc'eiit aeaileiny. I he 1 tioniiiKli reai hed of nearly lhird of tlume fnini the eii the adjoiirneil HoiimikIi Coiuicll nieet- and wiiH the nriii lo 111 whlcli niinilier wan iriiiht from the entire the total of appeala hiilhUnK. The honor boroUKh 15.

MISS BRANT, PHILHOWER AND EAGLES NAMED AS ASSESSORS ((PENS WITH FOK (Mnip ToumHmpnts Ihinrrs and ProJ. Kealarc on IXxtrr Field WEEK NETS Councilman Smith Stages Unsuccessful Fight to Balk Confirmation of Elected Appointment to First Borough Assessment Board Ufifler the rlirection of the Borough r-ommlMlon. DodKe field net! on Montlay for tho iiuromer seanmi. Murray M. UlRelow, physical trainliiK for boys In the hlpth aH well coarh of athletics, is in rharice of Iho boys' work at the of last playRround, while Miss E.

Ham- Crotrd List Two Nights Wirds Off Probable Deficit; Ford Car Goes to Conrad Meyers, 2nd Aftor a long 1 of tliKruKHloti at yow I), nuihown Mayor lienry. vaUMlU-torlan. and The larKe In'the nuniher naniiHl an li-ffa lUda. liavi' appealu Ihln year In due to the In- the nn inhera of the iHirough hoard of aaaemiiiienti, of nearly niiHemMirH. lakliiK olllce July 1.

The 1 on 1.0 iiui' Virginia ihlnl rrtnkinit nHMnbrr of ihe oih by iVw iHmnl. of jnmrd (hr asstmmiM-nls1. thr im; iMmrd thr of Tliis act Ion of IMillhowcr and a ralnfl Ity vurioui uffajri whlrh Iouk iIUwuHiiion with as by Mayor Prank on Tax Kow- a. hut Miss HranfH iippolnlniont llii'kley, Wlllliim John ui, the eounty lax iKKly rtnally preiient. To the laat.

John- dellverliiK an ulllinaluin lo hbn to th" Counrllniaii Juniea A. Hnillh oppoHiMl not natiiliiK her aH a nixiuher of llie hoard Ai llrm lluttenhelni the adrtnahllliy of her appointment hut Walter Oeiuirh. John- dellverliiK an ulllinaluin to K. arney. VIneenI IMero.

Itlder. (lerahl further equallKvl. the Ixmrd would k.vitlne. Ilandd Wulft. (tiullere, I'Mlih llartelle.

ulooil pal and this adi-tmihllliv oi n.ll lUfhel Anna Uir Ann. 1-Virte. Ih Miielll. l-tnelll Mary that the trimmii Annn Anna I wHh In 8 4 wUkliufon anti Willlnm and HjV-y and a of i.tie ura.luallon In The a. the num.

kTtSe One pr.i«rain whleh had up to Madlaon'. level. l.y the tearh.ra of the h.Hil of Uie varloua taxluK bJ Mr dlre. lt.m of rtl.ler Helen out and Ihl. I hllhower prlif'lpal of Ht Madlmm la at a numbi-r on tbf was relative of actual a of than any othwr district in a Is sad 'Umo by lltllr flrli frwu nhiic an lo tho wninty Imard, uradf ludfd thr Tht- county will to hrar p(irti of thr proBrani ih'- uppcats on July 1.

from ncvcral day, with krwW in a Hussar of ihe large 4 hy a nuMit whIoJi will occupy the drtll by boys of m'lMMd. while entire day of July Ifi. Morristown i4 graiiuatinK owners have niMi 41 appeal of trttmte to the be July 13, IJorer ha. 8 to Trib.te Father UmlH-rt July 10 while Uoonton hai, In her 23 whK will Ik- on the paid a moat louehlnK tribute to Town.hip and Florham lIlTrouKh name! the number of ap- be chiaely with only one each, whHe Boon- iacilTftles of the She said: ton ami Tiiester Townships have but iirlicht return of happy two appeals. and of the onr hearts X.

Torpf a Ak 1 ftffll I 1 term, Mr. for two and MI sh Hrant as secretary for one year. Tho Council was unanimous in eonllrminff tho mayor's deslKnatlonK. with the excep- lion of Oouncilman Smith, who voted on Miss Hrant's name. Hy resolution, the salary of the secretary of the was set nt khloti will norunv nienkbers to per year.

(tayahle quarterly. The sinKle eli'cteid assessor received 2 (H) per year. The point the board before the salary flxed. hut the councilmen did not think tUis was esaendal. Tho salary Uttder the Balked by bad weather the first few eok.

the upervlaor of Kiris' play. The play- property In Kldnednle avenue Kot into niuoli IhouKht lo (lie Hlluallon In an ground la open to all children of full the laat two niKhta of Iho umleavor to brhiK lo the Ixmrd mein- from a a. ni. until noon and froni nettwl the unlteiV (Ire eom- herb who would heat nerve the Inter- 1 until 5 oVloik In the afternoon. The calH of the pwiple of MiulliMin.

In pluvRround offer. Inducement, to the PfoB' approximately namiUK Mr, llillhower, he called nt- i hlldren of all For J1.600. The poor attendance the fore- tentloti lo (he fact that he Is an ex-. who have a bent toward tbe use of part of the week may also be attrib- peril ni-eil builder. 11 a well oa former the Rround f.

well equipped. commencement exerclacH mayor of llie horouKb and that he has Iniiudwl In the equipment are alwuy. hlKh type of public hw I ukh and a The and duly lo the He athletic activities of the playground The grounds were with a said hi- would appoint Mr. Kaglea be- have been dividDd into two groups, large crowd both Friday and Saturday causo his real estate experience and the hlphly organized games such as nights, the weather bringing his knowledge of how various tennis, volley ball, patch ball lion. afTe.

the value of properly. In The other Kroup of game. the ruse of Miss Urant. as secretary Include Uiose which are of a lower towns. The closing feature of the af- of the Mayor stressed the form of organitarton.

such as all fair Saturday night the awarding fact I hut she was elected ns assessor modes of tag. sinjdng games and the Ford car. whicJi was won by of thH borough in the last general relays. of Chatham elocil.ui by a large majority. He That the children may carry on Chatham pointed oul that it is a peculiar situa- their play In a constructive phase, a Township.

Mr. Meyers name was thft tion stnco Miss Hrant may be removed of projects have been ar- thirteenth drawn from the barrel-full from oltlce by the Counctl. according ranged for the summer. These in- o( donattoo stubs, thus endtUng him to provisions of the new State elude a harmonica playing contest, to ownership of the car. before she takes office as the elected whittling oontesj.

doll making contest. At a cost of more than $200. the aaaesHor July 1. In summing up the reed workmanship contest and a sand firemen played host to the children of of his nominations, the mayor moulding There will be also the borough last Friday aftemooa said boanl as appointed would drawing, cutting and clay moulding from 3 until 5 Promptly at of an experienced builder, a projects which should attract a large 3. the grounds were crowded with real ontate man of long experience and number of children, while basket- youngsters who had heard of the fire- broad of Madison and a making has always been a prime munificence.

Each child member w'ho has been as an favorite in such groups. The dancing given a hand-full of tickets good for aasensor by a large majority. Not to be taught at the playground this rides in the merry-go-round, ferrls only Is Miss Urant worthy of the nomi-1 year includes folk, natural and char- wheel and Venetian swings, and after nation of her majority In the acter. Always a mecca for the young- they had ridden all they wanted on elecllon. but she has also served for I sters during the hot weather, the the various equipment, they were years as a of the Mor- ing pool will be opened as soon as given their fill of ice cream and soda ris Board of Taxation.

This there Is demand for it. pop. At reduced rates, a special new lioard will have many difficult The children who use the play- performance of Per- rttuallons to face during its first year ground wili be divided into for forming Pets was given in the after- and hs Brant's experience on the' tournaments in the of a higher noon. Through the generosity of Mrs. county will be needed.

In view organluition. For the tennis enthosl- Herman J- Cook, nearly fifty children of knowledge of the county asis. there will be a boys' single and were taken into the show to enjoy the business, sjie will be a moet double tournament, the aame for girls, tricks of the Intelligent animals, valtiuble addition to the local of a mixed doubles toumameot and a Friday night, the Madison which will have a great deal consolation tourney. A baseball band, thirty strong and under the di- of contact with the county board dur- league will be organixed among the rection of Joseph Schmaltx, rendered Ing (be first year that it boys and conducted! along the same a concert on the grounds for one hour. As oriKlnally proposeti by the mayor, lines as the community league.

The The band is becoming recognized as MliH Mrant wouhl appointed for, girls will have their own patch and one the leading groups of musicians Mr. Eagles for two years baseball leagues. which the rarl- in the county and their concert Friand Phllhower for one year. He ous teams of the playground will rom- day night was most creditable. They informed the board that the proposed pete.

Friday, there will be rendered a varied program of a dif- the boys ficuU nature very effectively. Thurs- resident of Madison niuy nave an uppoiniive ixmru or inont. (Jounctlnuin Huttenhelm actintles wnich weii-receivea oy in the house now occunied rather than (he one elective that it was important for the Council the youngsters Is the story hour and Bidlev in Prosoect i offlHal. majority of the members of Mo discuss make-up of the board as this year this phase of the work in- Iter of Alfred board must concur In all assess- a wholQ, asking the question as to; eludes dramatization as well. lieus of the two men were fixed ej- comprtitire gam- -lainnri n.rr-i by lot.

and girls of the playground A pro- riav night was observed as IViV. for rekiioe in A Cnrwv Provtsions Of the State luw passed at I DNcuHslon SlarfH 'gram of a different naiure will be with rislting smoke eaters of the work of dav at her home in Greenwood Councilman Smith hiimediately ask-: given for the parenu each Friday, present from Morristown. Florham re a Ixjroughs and town-, cd for a roll-call vote on each appoint- Another feature of the playground park. Dover. Vernon.

Green Vll- cjje may have an appointive board of inent. Oouncilnian Buttenhelm activities wiiich is well-received by lage. North Arlington and Summit. an attendance of one hundred per cent, the beautiful large size silk American fiag was awarded to the auTj onxiiuK i uv lair the first meinbors whether or not It would be a Humane Engine Company of Morrls- is survived bv her hua-' named for one-, two- and three- nitmiously iMMly. The mayor p.

town. Florham Park ran a close sec- I A rtnp nf twn terms, the succeeding appoint- Informed him that the --wm award with a percentage in niade for three years. a.sMes»or 8 would work very well to- AT MEETIX. ninety-five. beloved 'Father this through Two sons three daugh- i of the members may not pether and that each of the nf Morris largest crowd of the week was is Hftddened bv the requiem ters eleven crandchildren and decreased during thrfr term of assessors had been of the I Tt! Saturday night, bringing all kited paiitor and friend.

For years, widow of former BorouKh Clerk Sam I pul twelve montha. with nue. She 78 year, of age and a brirht major tone, of Ufe-IonK resident of frer. are the minor notes of waa born for Ihl. day which wa.

looked by JoM'ph lo with no much the dauRhter of Alfred SearlnK and lends deprived of the one great icilzabeth Baird Searlnit. The late of our joys. The Corey i lufienlni; of the beautiful new build- band. Samuel the completion of a work 30 dear veteran. office, except by their written consent, probable make-up of the hoard.

I n'eil-llalunreil Boiird reply to Counclhnan Wilkinson's query: booth, all reported an unusually announclnK his appointments, us to why Rive Miss Brant the threo- convenience cines. jwa. patronaite. while the rides, kept of this dedication but uel G. Willu.

The sons are Arthur on page four -re the snow of winter had a Parslppany and Arthur 1. of this I anticipation of this Mrs. h. A- Waters. Mrl W.

E. Fowler ICOMPLAIN OFDRAINAGE COMMITTEE OF Imoment forever denletl him and us. and Mrs. J. H.

Talmadge. all of this the divine compensation, how- borough. has not withheld his Funeral services will be held from Idictmn from this work so gloriously her late home tomorrow heartily approved of by bu.y'.U during the week, were tlves of munlclpalltie. and loads of merry-makers of at a mewins number awaiting held in the huUdinR Mon- heavy Inroads day evenlnK. under Ihe groceries offered at one of the It AND STREET PROBLEMS PAGEANT WORKS HARD riSSirS" ing the was the principal Avenue say They Would Get Diligent Search Necessary to Uncover Ilauenhauer.

we find a pastor nmst will he In the family plot In the Han- Attentioit if BorOUgh Officials Such Antiques as Yoke of Lived There Oxen and Old Forge find a pastor most I worthy and a shepherd as devoted to I hU Ho. as was he w-hran we thouBht I peerless. In welcomlnK our present pastor, therefore, we do rlghl- cenietery. H. Hathanay Stephen H.

Hathaway died Tuesday I ful honor to the memory of that other night at his home In Lathrope avenue. I cuitlini; spirit and friend, and Dr. following a short Illness. He was Prior to the appointment of the lii spite of many obstacles, of tax assessors at the ad- nilltee in charge of Ihe nd he outlined hi. hlch niM with endorsement by all pro.ent.

He on the advantage. 'of the State as a whole aad particu- 1 larly on the county, with Itf many 1 towns, iand it. numerou. ariou. sections and itf.

I Dauenhauer takes his rightful place; stricken with a hean attack last Fri-1 Journed I In our hearts' love and devotion, from which he never rallied. The I KaUe then your voices, children of late Mr. Hathaway was born in Xew care of both noble pastors and i Vernon. August i. I860.

He had made unison with the memories of his home in Ijithrope avenue for the I him that Is gone and In gratitude to past forty years. About fourteen year. I Mm that is with us and beloveil of us ago he relirwl from active business 7 celleni summer as Lake Council nieetlng Monday I'ageant is perfwting plans to present and the matiy .,,7 Borough Council received spoctai ular production lakes Jin rre.r7.“ i In charge of Ihe parking r.H.etved bed of avenue and the other liam. One of the most phases tips aggregating lll.fiil from from W. Vert in regard to a drain- pageant arrangenienl is the'" patrons The parking workers were 1 I pet IS louni) win iMTe With a number of special marshals from the fire department on duty, the large crowd was handled ho efftH'tive- ly that no dbwrder marktnl the affair.

the field was In charge of the welfare nd crippled kiddles committee of the Klks' (Hub and a total of $121 was irthy funds Of tJils ivas as Ihe regular parking while the genial in charge of the parking tjf JoHeph 'Phomas lage road. Mrs Elizabeth Karles and lows: 'iComplaln Is hereby made m- projec he believed. Ml. The luldress. given by! Miss Kiimia Hathaway of Ijithpope cerning the cwidltlon of tho roadbed and low, unt one h.

Mis lienry waa entitled "l.ife's Vol-' avenue, and a sister, Mrs, Hioebeof llosedale avenue, throughout ((iiNTV MKMHUl SIVS BtlVilll An excee.llngl> high class entertain- unw" In till rf RhoHAiil- "life activp 4 of Shaaron Conn and particularly the stretch had rounded up a yoke of (hem in IK.MHKK W. VHI ment offertMl during the week was properly said to date'from this; Tlie dtK-easetl is also survived by 1 from Main street to Highland Cardens. North streK. belonging lo one M.m»-OPKKlTF hour of one's school life, iwenty-lwo grandchildren and three The ruts have b.Kwne dangerous ami iv.oiie. After pursuing Joe over many a great many people to the Knowing this we dread to take the' Ereat-grandchlldren absolutely ruinous to cars, should muddy fields only lo discover that he Speaking on the report of Ihe inves- erounds.

known as one of the lead- advaiice step for with It comes Ihe The funeral services will be held oomwine of authority live down here not at home, a young of, ligators by the ritin'iis ing animal In the country the of Vhe iler of hannv school this afternoon at from his late home I Instead of those who do, Ihe road Ktreel, Miss SImonelli, committee of this borough on the In- act comprlieil dogs 'lays air JXfi 1 tha to mi Alb rt r'r Horl am rk i would undoubtedly have had some at splen.lld oxen for the committee's quallty of lax c-onditlons throughout and monk-ys. It was an interesling Uor hlr I wilT tentlon. And why should we suffer use In the pageant. She I.H-k Ihe com-i the county. James U.ughlin of and amusing show, much Ihe pastor and I'alher.

w( n. mi mn, at ini. rmen. member to her father lo clinch a member of the Morris County average of such similar acts. The per, "Tratllc Is increased on tills road ai Hi' bargain.

Arriving at Ihe Board of Taxation, said last Saturday: f.irmance by former I Thiimiis Kenne-se) I the present time due lo Ihe ondltioii member of Ihe eommlltee saw a If ciliiens of Madl.son hav. discov- Mayor John K. Clarey, who giiariuilewl i Thmiias 1'. Fenni.S 8 ey, a life-long of Creenwood avenue, since Uoswlal not Kuy farewell tonight, for until our sigh We hope your strong Inllu- may guide us In the of faith and duly, Knr you, parents and friends. Is our of this Ixirough.

died Sunday a through passage to Florham am of gratitude full. Words are hul night alniut midnight al his home in Thus Ihere Is even more reason why I'm feeble to do Juslli lo the feel- Bi liiKint avenue He was iMirii hen-; something should he done. Kvery of our hearts tonight. Sullli to in I84li. Since January, he had heen rainstorm makes the condition of the that we apprei-laic- the many I In Ill-health due to Inllrmalles brought road worse.

you have made for us and 1 on by his advanced age. lly trade. "Therefore, we. Ihe undersigned, do hope lo prove hy our lives that was a mason until his rellremiMil hereby petlllim Ihi' Borough of V'lur effdrih have not been in vain. about ten years ago.

b'uneral servli 'lear SI. VIneeiil's. our com- were he ld morning al I'iinlciiis and lo all who have made in SI. Vincent's ihurch. It le.hool life one long dav of snn (' M.

W'eitekanip oderlng a solei and happiness, we hid' a loving higli mass of reiiulenu. InlernienI II. May we ever write In ourMn SI VIneeiil's eiMin'iery. pure and ilewls (laughters and Bidden eharaeiers so tlii'y may be, The daughi foiMid v.irlhj, at the i lose of I'eiiiiesney. Mrii.

John and Ilf Ihl' Master irlMe's welcome, David Behre of this borough. Mrs. "ords 'Well Dunne of Summit and Sister The ehlef speaker of the evening Vincent Jose of SI. ICIIiaheth's llev John M. Walsh.

pro vent surviving son Is Kdward I'ontiniied on page ten Kenneisey of this The ceased Is also survived hy twelve Mislerii storage vault for furs and all i grandchildren. Ilf garments. We can also prop i ''fly for them hiifore storage Madison Is proud of Its local news- II, Waverly place. Telephone paper. Adverllsers 111 The Kagle reacli 2 4 i every deslrablu family In lowu.

lo care of this, one of iti worse Btrelehes of road In Madison bat -Miss SImonelli who reall al the present lime." The oxen were, said she kni ealUm was signed hy F. S. Hart, Uiuls WIsa, tleorge Monday, D. and Hallo Added as a was: "The borough has Just scraped Include Miss rolled Highland (lard lii autlful herd of tlrsl-class discrepancle- in assessment. the-how iheir contract provisions and whioh Ihe old gentlemen proudly dis -1 throughout Morris County, we are ihc admission with the iduvwi as oxen of Ihe finest type.

He glad to have their i-o-operntion In that fln'men. While It played lo good i vi ii plekMl up a stone and tjirew it' work. The Iward gave ihe invntlga- Friday and Saturday nights, to make him exhibit his iiveli- tors all the aid possible and previous the poor opening nights left a suh- ne-s. pronouncing the animal wllh to that we son- deflclt. Providing a high grt-at gusto a thoroughly high-elass dllions In Ihe county by returning iittractlon.

the show' was of a sli er." 1 duplicates lo eleven as- with Ix-netlt to the tlremen since It This was all rather dlsroiiragliig. I instructions that they must took away a great deal of the usual em. which they did stigma." usually attached to "The menihers of the County ard such events, beasts might be (ditalned and re-1 of Taxation ill he to have any With the successful outcome of cted Ihe properly coininltlee to group of eillrens of the county I'l-'k thoir annual affair, the tlremen uro me. High w'Te dashed; Into assessment conditions at any plans for an outing dur- pletely will'll he staled lhal he'lime and if they do in a co-opera ing the summer. Among Ihe sugges- froni llrlltln bail shipped Ills oxen to Washington live spirit, a spirit of fairue- that tlons made hy members of the hose Irect around lo avenue Why could they not have gone farther?" Ilraluage I'nibleiii 111 his as to drainage condlllon of his properly.

Mr. Verl said: "I heg lo call your allenllon to a serious condition of drainage wheridiy the water from the 'luestli properly surrounding me Is diverted terialn them through a culvert under Ihe road on Conllnned on IMige twelve iilley a short lime. as the 'will help all around. There Is iio eonuvanv. is that they take pmspi'eis of gelling Ihe oxen for the son or Justice in one man paving taxes end and go to IMiiladolphla for one I'luit seemed darkest.

Mr I'erone'thal should be iwld hy another and If day. attending tho sraqulcontennlal -aid that he would aUow the ciminill Ibi're are In assessments celebration, and then go lo Atlantic III lo bring Hum Iwck for a short'that cun be siralghtenod out it should city for two visit Ho lhal they might do their share: lie done and we will in any (Tontlnued on page eleven Inward making Maillson's part nt the work of that character." plr'ixle highly successful. Just now i Minlern storage vault for furs and all nis to be. who can en There 1. no nusilum more thoroughly kinds of gnrmenta.

We can also prop- Sunday read than Ihe home town newspaper, erly care for them before l.Ikewlse Ihe uuestion of a snilable That's why advertising In the Madison 10 Waverly pliiiv. Telephone t'onllnued im ixige twelve i Hagle pay. handsome dividends, S09 3614.

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