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The Madison Eagle from Madison, New Jersey • Page 9

The Madison Eaglei
Madison, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THB MADlgOH BiaLl. FBIDAT, yEBKUABT PA6I IfINK OASSIFffiDjLDVS. word no liTfl innrtion. idililloral 40 four iniff one crnt prr word, with .1 emit nr.l -t on Irai M.cllion BsUte. BEST in with all city ImproM- Int.

W. F. 360 Tjl 811 ttf -orp -Boll. for (tlrtn to M. B.

Brant. NUdUon. Phone litf table with two kHrhfn ch.lrt. Very rea- inquire H. 11.

8.hwllk. 41 KlnM road mu FAU'I Three-quarter Stradl- Tlolln and caw. Price ingolre 11 Wllmer atreet. mn 8A1J'; -Secoml-hand icaa atore condition, automatic itarter StIm reasonable. Inquire 16 F'loreiil Telephone niH aAl-fJ "Optica" Mm" atandard nim.

Wlll- Ini! to Film free. Tom llenrj, (Irwn arenue. 6H' N'-w talileclolh direct Irrland; SH by IH Too tur owner's table. Call W. Sll Kliu SAU: One-tube Itadio In ll Oulilile aerial Apply avenue or phone 614 Jeraey row (freehl ami HIniond.

tJaat Macllnon C.miblnatlon laa and coal 'r ranxe. twin aa good Inquire Mr Hmet. llrittln KAIJC flue aldelKMird Miiat he 16 itk I vl.K Freeh prr dot li'iii I'oultry 171 .1 MadUim (74 611 u.i; iici.r ntNTKii I'AV KVBHV DAY pr lo rilahllnheil I iirarie. HDtx. I'rodurta.

will r'u with plan Wrile Ul aTenue. dC' A Wiiman of riperlem lite pualllan aa Wrltf (Vnlrml a'enur, i.r 13! -llrUhl boy to print- Apply at Kagle ufflre. AXIL A.VY IIKlJ'f- Any one dealring wifUr of any aort la before noktni elarwhere. to apply to the NrtUemrat lie where many axcel- -nt workera are KTallable. 614 N.

J. Realty Oonatr. Co. 402 Kinney Hide-. CROWD ENJOTS THREE HOl'K TRIAL HEARING Continued from page two Attorney Pilch then called.

Brower'n Story When StanchI waa called and the recorder alarted to awear him In, the Bjmmit lawyer aald: 'You aren't no- Inn lo awear him In. Theae men hare been buffeted about all they arc nolng to be." StanchI refused to plead and the court entered a plea of not nullty. Mr. Ilrower then took the atand and told hla atory. which waa aa followa: "Mr.

Plunkett and I came to Bozil'a atore to purchaae aome candy and Ice cream. We did thla and then went out and not Into the car, which waa headed Into the curb at an anxle of about forty-nre I (tot Into the car and alarted to back up, after Drat looking around. In backlnx up. the flrat Intimation I had that there waa another car waa a allnht acraplnit aound. The of both care were cloaed.

I looked around and aaw the other car. I 'keep and we'll net Rtanchl then opened the door of my and not on the runnlnn board. I am not aware of the eiact wordn I uaed but HAI.E CMA.SI KIIV OP NKW JKHSF.Y WILL to, ULR of I IW 1.1 Aorit fllARl.K A RATIIIH lli.UM In MHri I f.poM- PuUll. 1 on Mor nril, A II llir hnura ul 11 xl Ikx la lo ur 1 u'llorb In Ikr uid If.r.t or p.ti»u o( tirrr.n ftftrr MrtlcuUrty drtcnhrd, Itlns and ul Fforli.m l-uli, 'n Ihr Cnuntr of Nr. flrM e-.

nl In Ilnr ol IlLHikUkr wkrrr Ihr Row) I b. Ihi liiw ol fi Ikrmr (11 akini Ihr trnirr li nt K. Norik ftrixoo» KaM kundrrd and lo nd rifklr kundrrdiha of a I tlv idrrdiha nd tr fool Mir aia an.1 lo lai Ikra Ikrmr III alonf Unda aald S-oil lony nin- drfir'a twrlve mlnulra Kaat fir kuxllrd and ninrlr two ami kui ol IM lo aa Iron tar I Ikrmr (4) allll aWni aald Unda wd niniiira KaM Ikirr kundrni kundirdlka ol a rua (11 aloni Ikr nl t.ilk IVantr Arr Ikr and Inrly lo a lo marl, ol onr they were not abualre. With that he hit me In the face. I Rrabbcd hla arm and he hit me again.

Plunkett got out of the car and StanchI yelled With that eight or more came out, atrlking me aeveral times aa they went by and piled on Plunkett. I don't know Just what happened but I waa knocked down aereral tlmea. Then Officer Tull came. I asked BozzI to get a policeman but he did nothing. Tull came and StanchI waa brought down here." Query Brower Mr.

Walsh then put Mr. Brower through a series of questions, asking where he had been early ID the ere- nlng, to which Mr. Brower replied that he had been out to card party with his wife. Attorney Doremus objected and the defending attorney stated that ho could prove that Mr. Browor was under the induenco of liquor and had been driving a car when In such a condition, saying that he could prove by sober wltnesBCs Juit what happened.

Ho then launched Into a series of questions which might have been to ahow that Mr. Brower was under the Influence of liquor, accusing him of stumbling around the atreet and falling down when no one was near him and making much of the fact that ho could not dpnnltely recall what hap- peneil. During the eziunlnatlon, Mr. Ilrower frequently flared up and asked the einmlning lawyer questions. In reference lo the part of Joseph Cacravale In the light, the wllneKB and I ho attorney hail another tiff.

Mr. Ilrower was asked whnl Caoiavule did, lo which he replied that he was In the melee. Hlresslng the point that rai'cavule was named In the I 'omplalnl as rommllllng nn overt act, Walsh asked what overt act he had committed. Mr. Ilrower said that he would put the question In another way and In the hot words that followrM.

the defending attorney In-1 nialed that the quealliin was put way, reminding the witness that he wan not to ask questions. Keeping at hla witness, the attorney askiMl him If there was positively anything, under osth, that ho saw Caci avule do which; would Justify the conclusion that hoi an overt act and Mr. i Brower admitted that he didn't see him do any auch thing, ailmltting the aanie for Salvador Caccavale. It fln- I ally developeil that the complaint was I made on the basis of admissions which I the men made In the police lieadquar-1 the afternoon after the light. Chief of Police Fred R.

Johnaon also felt the sting of the Union County lawyer's remarks, Mr. Walsh Informing him that he had sworn that he waa both up and downstairs at the aame time, since he said that he knew all of the conversation which took place between Mayor Cook and the men who were brought to headquarters after the light. Tlie chief maintained that Mayor Cook was not the guiding spirit of the police Investigation, rinnkett's Story Mr. Plunkett was very gracefully used by the clever lawyer. He told his story slmfily and quickly.

It was as follows: "My story Is about like that of Mr. Brower's. I saw StanchI strike him from the running board. I went around the car and asked him to drop the matter, as I didn't want to get any publicity and have to come to court. He struck me and I struck him.

Then he moved backed and hol- leri'd. He came back and poked mo and I poked him. He alarted running and I waa behind him running with hini. We got to Sclnto's shoe store and I had my arm around his neck wllh my back lo the alley. Then I got bealen.

Wo fought and I tried to protect myself. Tlie otllcer came and he hemmed and hawed." In reply to further questions he said; "I shook hands wllh hini and said It waa all over. I was licked but It was no disgrace lo he licked by a crowd. I Invited ihe best man lo come out of the crowd and I'd tight Iheni one al a time but Ihey didn't come. I had plenly lo keep me busy nl Ihe time Miiil I cimldn'l Identify anyone.

I can't siiy where Ihey cjime from, who thoy Were or liow many there were but I know there were more than two." In reply to Mr. I'llch's query If he heard any iKlmlHsloiis at thiit iifternoim. he said: except who said, 'Well, Judge, what wiiiild you do If your frienda were In Five witnesses were called, Joe BOHIH being the only one who was not colored. He said that he heard a Utile niilse, that there waa a crowd there, thai Oincer Tull had apprared whi Brower him to phone for the police, thai Mr. Brower was not slaggerlng and that he saw no' blows struck.

Mr. Pilch questioned nil Ihe witnesses as lo the crowd pri'nent and whether or not there was any noise. Walter Robinson testlfled Ihnt there was no dlsturlianco and thai when he saw them Salvador Caccavale was trying to separate StanchI and Plunkett. He said that he saw no blows struck, although he aaw StanchI and Plunkett In action, meaning that they were close together but still maintained thai no blows were struck. He said that he had been in the Uxl omce talking and that the men all came out aa someone called something that sounded like "Cack." Attorney Walsh tried to get Robinson to admit that he had heard the men In the offlce, since the brawl, say that Mayor Cook bad threatened to "get Cack" and of some trouble that he had wllh him a year ago.

Perry Jackaon testified that he aaw Mr. Brower stumble over a suitcase which he had left on the curb. He teatllted that ho heard Mr. Plunkett offer to take on the crowd one by one bnl that he could not flght the whole crowd. Aa to the noise and crowd, there was arguing In a pretty loud voice and a crowd was present, he said.

He did not watch the flghl but saw that Mr Brower's face waa In "bad condition and Mr. Plunkett In the same fix." John Skinner threw but little light oa the matter, saying that the row waa about over when he oame. that he saw Mr. Plunkett and Stanch' together and II looked as If Ihey were lighting. As to Brower, he said that he did not see him fall or "In action aa he was done." and that while Mr.

Brower wanted lo have an arreat made. Officer Tull argued. William Green said hi saw nothing and there was no noise. Allorney Walsh renewed his motion to have the case dlimlaseil on grounds that while an assault and battery case might be brought against StanchI. the evidence failed lo show that Ihe others had a part in the row.

Attorney Pllch aald that SUnchl had clearly violated Ihe disorderly perrcn ordinance according to the evidence, while there waa slight evidence to show that the others had been there and had countenanced the violation. The recorder then announced the Judgment of the court and Mr. Walsh his appeal of the case. A stormy session took place in regard lo bail. The recorder ordered the men held under bail equal to twice the fines Mr.

Walsh stating that such bail would not be put up. The recorder answered that the men would not be released nnlesa was rnrnlahed. Mr. Walsh then agreeing to put up a bond for their appearance night. As he itArted the lengthy proceas of filling out the separate forms, the question of including the coals of court in the bond was raised by Borough Attorney Pilch.

A discussion aa lo the ball followed, Mr. Walsh maintaining that proper ball would he set by Judge Wilson In his order to review the case. He olfered lo wager tZS that he was right, bnt again there were no takers. The statuto books were consulted and the borough attorney advised the recorder to release the men In the custody of their counsel. Real Estate Sold Through Ihe offlce of Joseph V.

Keating, the property of the late John F. Boyle at the corner of Foreat and Olendale road has been sold to Raymond Cutwater of Irvlngton. The properly consists of a nine-room dwelling on a lot 60 by 146 feet. Mr. and Mrs.

Onlwater and family will occupy their new home May 1. At the preaenl time It is unoccupied. NOTICE Nones II Muuy Givis ikal Ihr Wairr and Lifkl Cotnmillrr Ike Rorourt Council wilt aralrd propoaats at Ikr Borouah (iflWa. No. 1 Grnti Road, Uadiaon.

V. lloodar. Pekniarir Uk. Iw.L- majr be January 21. W.

A SMITH. W. UUCKIIAM, ill MANCKRV JEK.SKT KI.MF.R IIKIK. ol an orjrr of Ike Court of ol SVw Jrra-r. madr on day of luac wkrrrin and you arr apiwar ami iKlad.

January I92S KINfi of Prtiliamti P. O. Addrrsa. 10 Waahinron St 666 a prrscripUoB for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria It kills tke geras ninuira Wr frri and Ikli It) alltl atni.1 Norik 1101 alltl aloni Ikr irnlrr tinr JI Rri Road Norlk Ikirlrrn drit.ra Ira Wral onr kundrrd anil ninety rn lool: of Hru.llakr- Sltyaa-irn ndred and Irs trn ar minuira Wral two forty knndrcdika ol pU .,1 laol ain Tra rrn-r knr kumlrni and ol aaid I nl an arr TOR RE.VT and offlces. Gee's Dmt Store.

TOR RE.ST—Room for desirable party. Also board. Inquire Mrs. L. Torrey, US Main street or phone 414 TOR RE.ST—House; furnished, un- fornlihed or two nice apartmenta; la rooms In all wllh improvements.

Phose 414 ik-uaandlkL Rrstnninf at a point in Biootl.l. ..1 diatant rle.rt aialy-ciftil Icn and a loM mcaaurcd rr line o( HmokUlr from inleraection wilk Ike renter line ol Crea'ent Roaa tke aane keln( Ike krranins point al tke tral traci alMve deacnM: tleore (II Naetk tlly aia kundrrd ami aiaty-one fret to defreea SftT elfkl ninutea Eaal a point In Soutkweatetly Kile line ol Sa Oranft Aee- n-je; tkence tke following cowraes along tke Soulkweaterly aide Une of Sootk Orange (2) Nank fonyala degreea tkirty two Binulea Weat one kundred and eleten feet and fony-four ksndredika of a foot; thence (J) Nortk foetr-tkree degreet two niiniitea Weat two knaiilretl and nineteen feet and kandrrdlka of a foot to Unda of C. Hopping; Ikenee (4) along Unda of E. Hooping Soulk Sfly degree, foety mm uiea vlVat kundred and faety feet kundredtka of NOTICE i lllai Itr iiy of llorria. thai eg far tke eleclion of two raenbei.

of Education will be held at the C( B'Je Sckool-kouae on TI'ESDAY, FEBRUARY 19J6 at 7:45 o'clock P. Uemheia will be elected yean Tke palla will remain open one hour, and aa terger aa may be nece, foot to the t'l'oned center line of BrookUke Road: Ikenee 15) along the cenlei hne of BrookUke Road Soutk forty degreea lifty-two mtnulea Caat two hundred ami 6ve feet and twenty- hundredtha of a foot: Ihenee atill the center line of Brooklake Road Souik forty drareea thinyone mtnulea Eaat one hundred and feet and ailty three hnndredlha of a foM to Ike point or pUce of beginning Containing four acrea and eight kundred and eigkty-eigSt thouMndlka of an Third al a point in the center of BrookUke Road where the aame ij interaected by the center line of Crearem Road the aame being tke hejrnning point of the firat tract above Jeacrihed; tkence Ihe foljowing four couraea along the center line of Briyik- Uke Road South thirty-four degreea fifty- idred and len feet foot: (21 South legj enable all tbeir ballota. At mid meeting will be aubmttted Ihe quea i af voting a tax for the following purpoaei TOR CURRENT EXPENSES 00 AND REPLACE- 9,400.00 FOR MANUAI. TRAINING 4,000.00 Eaal two hundreii and forty hundredtha of thirteen degreea eighteen hundred and ninetr-aeren feel and fifty hun dredlha of a fool; (J) South one degree thirty- feet; fourteen twenty-eight feel a foot lo I along Und Eaal three htindred and twenty thence (41 South founeen degri Eaat thought to Tke total la $104,000.00 Dated Ikia 2Sth day ol January, 1926. FRANCIS W.

DONSBACH, Diilricl CUrk. term "Current Eapenaea" in printipaU', teachera', janitora" and laedicil inapectora" aaUriea. fuel, teattiooka. if formerly fony.eiglit ity-five hundred ten hundredtha of Riley: thence (SI Riley Sooth fifty- along Unda iley South fifty-four dc inutei Weat five hundred ninety-four hundredth, of lor a corner: Ihence (7) ard Cole North aialy-five aupphei. flaga, tranaporutit ol ptipila attending achoola in other ilurKii mth the conaent of Ihe Board of Mocation.

achool lihrariea, compenaation of at Diltnct Clerk, of the cuatodian of achool wneya tod of trtunt officera, truant achoola, and the incidental eapenae. of the nth' AmenX lo Ihe United Sutea Conalitution. may 'Mr for eyerything preaented al thU meeting. A of Ihe Board of Education ahall Iraat twenty-one yeari of age, a citiien riwdrnl of Ihe achool diatrict, and ahall and reaident for al jeara immedUtely preceding hla or teronjing a member aSch Board, and be alile to read and write. Pelilioni, leg.ii, nominating candidatei to be aaid meeting, mual lie filed with of I'h Clerk at leaat fiee diva belore the I.

Ike filing Wk may be counted. Bunk lorma lor Ihia WL" from Ihe of pupiU, the official bal- TO CUKIIITORS II. Tiiouaa, Drremtd "'M 1.1 Ihe Order of Ihe 'm ol Morria, made on A I), one I I A I), one Ihouaand nine wra. n. cUima agalnat Ihe ealate "yy II.

Thomaa, Ute ol the County ol -ih preaenl Ihr aame under Inrr tii. 'he atlbai-rilier on or he degr. hundred ana ti hundredtha of a tc of formerly one greea thiny-aeven I and four feet and a fool to an iron along Unda of Ho deereea twenty minutef West nine Dunareo fMt 10 an iron for a comer in the line of Unda of W. Smith: ihence along of W. Smith North twenlT-one degreea twel.e minulea Eaat ten hundred and one feet and fiye hundredtha of a foot to an iroti f9) a-ill along Unda of aaid Smith North thirty-eight degree, mlnutea Weat hundred and twentyaia feet and Maty-eight hundredth, of an old iron for a corner; thence (10) atiH along Und.

of Mid. Jn5 "wlte of a In old iron for a corner: then (tl) im ilong land, of Smith fifly- three degree. minute. hun dred anJ fifty-nine feet and ninety hui of a foot to an old iron for a corner (12) along Und. of Laura Jame degree, eight hundred and aiaty-lwo hundredth, of a foot lo an ir.m thence (13) along land, of the Ealate of W.

Pollard Soutti fifty aia minulea Fjiat forty feet and eight bun dredth. of a foot to an iron for a corner PolUrd North thirty degree. Ih rlr eight minute. Ka.t hundred and along the cenler n' 'u'tV. hundredtha of a foot; Ihence (16 eight huiidted and two feet and hlTn.lredlh.


a -FIECE MOHAIR LIVING ROOM SUITE. A full spring constructed C9 9 5 suite, made with reversible marquette cushions and webbed bottom. Special AfijaLimTj lO-PC. HUGUENOT WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE With 60-in. buffet, china cabinet, 6-ft.

extension 7 0 6 table, 5 side and 1 armchair. Special FRENCH WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE With semi-vanity, 45-inch and full size bed. Special $125 ihmttmil'hi M. Ihr Twelit 'i 'daV of Decenibe, A. II.

Hon ii Tyi mhet 27lh. t9jn. amoiiiil due cm liealdea Shetin'i by deed bea WIL.I.IAM R. RAYMOND, Adminulralm fraclor, N. Decorated BREAKFAST SUITES Finished in Vnrious Colors $24a50 AN ODD I.OT OF DRESSERS AS LOW AS Complete Bed Outfit $25.00 111 single or double size.

With ivory or dark finish. (Jrecnpoint Spring and Special $25.00 tin Acrouiit on uiir KiiHV I'liin. A sniiill iinuiuiil down and a Hinall iiniount weekly LP. Burroughs Son 108-110 MAIN ST.


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