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The Madison Eagle from Madison, New Jersey • Page 7

The Madison Eaglei
Madison, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MADISON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, PAGE SEVEN Classified Advertising IIIIMIIMMIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIilllll CLASSIFIED RATES: first Insertion, 2c per word. Minimum charge, 40c. Four insertions, 5c per word. Minimum charge, $1.00. FOR rooms, all Improvements at 66 Park avenue.

Inquire at 64 Park avenue or telephone Mad. 6-0556J. 45tf MISCELI.ANEOUS TOR room house and bath. Space for one car. Vacant now.

Inquire at 130 Greenwood avenue. TOR garage located at 7 Rosedale avenue. Reasonable, Tel. Mad. 6-1878.

45M' Be sure to see the beautiful attractive "New American Home" spon- Zn for inspection at 15 Edgewood 2 clorets, 4 windows and large Chftthkm, N. J. Many Inter- Cmies Tel Mad c.stlng new foatures-especlally the i Mad. 6-0445. 47t4 modern kitchen.

J. Oscar Williams, 217 Main street, Chatham. Tel. Chatham 4-3709. 47t2 TAXIDERMIST Oame mounted! reasonably.

Guaranteed. E. Tenney, Troy Hills Road, Whlppany, J. Tel. Wlilppany 8-0024 R.

4614- Many Kinds of Motor-Driven Vehicles Providing Transportation in New Jersey Thirty Young Women Helping Customers of Public Service To Improve Home Lighting SEWING MACHINES Repaired und serviced. All makes. Phone Morrlstown 4-1006W. 47t4 AUTO LOANS up to $300. Drive your car to our office, bring your bill of sale or other Hnance papers and we will do the rest.

The only charge Is a month on unpaid balances. Industrial Loan Society, 10 Park place, Morrlstown, N. Tel. 4-0404. License No.

650. 3tf LOST LOST English Setter, Female, small size, white with dark orange car. Name Queen. Reward. Notify H.

J. Cook. 139 Rldgedftle ave. Madison. 48tl' LOST Setter pup.

7 months. Answers to Suitable reward. Tel. Mad, 6-0954. 48tl LOST Between Mldwood Terrace i and railroad station, a round gold wrLst watch.

Reward. Tel. Mad. 6-0360. 47-tl FOR SALE TOR furnished two-; room apartment with private bath and kitchen privileges; "homey" atmosphere; Phone Mad.

8-1972 FOR room.l, bath, sun-' porch, breakfast nook, and two car on Brittln street. Tel, Mad, 6-0499. FOR or 4 rooms, garage. All Improvements. ReHned neigh-: borhood.

Inquire at 41 Keep Madison, N. 46t4' FOR large rooms, newly decorated. All Improvements. Con- I venlent to schools and Right price to right party. 671 Washington Chatham, N.

46t4', FOR 4. 5 and 6 room! apartments. All Improvements. AI-1 so store with room and garage for rent or sale. Good location for business, 110 Park Madison, New Jersey, FOR December 15, Bungalo of 6 rooms and bath.

All Im-' provements. Can be seen now. Tel. Madison 6-OOOlJ FOR RENT -3-4-6 room apartments, All Improvements, Lease all or part. Apply Mr, Granata, 125 Mahi street, Madison, N.

J. FOR Terrier pup- lc.i; line Jet black specimens; ped-i jreed, privately bred from cham-i plon stock; priced to sell. Will hold until Christmas, H. Barrett, 191 Roo.sevelt Florham Park, N. J.

Madison 6-1467J. 48t4'' TOR single furnUhed rooms. Heat, all Improvements. Tel. Mad.

6-0843R. AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE- 1935 Studebaker sedan, 1935 Terraplane sedans $100 to $150 olf, 1935 Studebaker convertible couiw. Franklln- Rorkcfeller Motors, 63 Elm stri-ct. Mo, 4-3585, 48tl FOR RENT -Sub-let 5 room furnished apartment. Available De- Reasonable, References exchanged, Write Box 9, Eagle Office, 48tl' SHKKIFF-S SALE In I'hanrrrv of Jf FOR SALE PIGS.

Eight to ten old. Desirable for roasting for the holidays, or raising. Cox' Brothers, Madison, N. J. Tel.

6-0918. 47tl! FOR Thermo-! Stat with electric motor. Good con- ditlon. Madison 6-1065. 47t4i FOR and records.

i Wicker furniture. Lauter piano, i Spinet desk. Inquire at 43 Falr-i woods road, Madison, N. J. I NO HUNTING SIGNS TOR SALESI per dozen.

Better prices on quantities. The Eagle, 41 Kings road. APPLES Mcintosh, Delicious, Jonathan, Baldwin, Rome Beauty and Staymen's Wlnesaps, hand picked, sprayed fruit, $1.00 a bushel; seconds, 75c a bushel. L. W.

Smith, Harvale Farm, tel. Madison 8-0112. 40tf FOR apples and good rich top soil and well rotted manure. J. L.

Querney, Green VII- Mad. 6-0122. 39tf POSITION WANTED WORK WANTED Dressmaking, cooking, house work or laundry. Apply at 221 Main St. 48tl' HELP WANTED WANT A GOVERNMENT JOB? Start month.

Prepare now for Madison tfor II PI positions, FREE. Write today sure examinations. Experience usually unnecessary. Full Franklin Institute, Dept. 538 H.

Rochester, N. Y. 45t5' MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh route of 800 families. Write today, Raw- lelgh, Dept. NJK-182-SA, Chester, Pa.

WANTED hrfrniUnti. I'l. 'If Ixiiiit rl trrrii, Krlumalilr Irriii. A I) AftTlll T. VASDERIIII.T, Soliciior Ity virtllP of (hf itjitcti writ of Kirri I'acfut In mv I tliall for -ilc I I'lilillr Vriiilur Ibr Couil llouar in M.ntliinwn, I nn MONDAY.

TIIK SKC DXI) DAY DHCKMBKH NFXT. II. 19.15 OK Tin; AnjOfRNKll DATK TIIHKKAHTKW. briwprii llir houn of ami u'rimk thai ia la tar al 2 in the aflcrnoun of aaid dar, prrvailing All thr righl, titir and intrrrst of H. Warner Dorrtnila in antl to the followinil tracta or nirrelt of land and prrmitrs, hrrrinaftrr parllrularly dracrihrd, aitnair, lyln( and lirinK in Ihr B'lrongh of Madison, in the County of Morria and State of New Jeraey; FtaaT BACT: Ilar.iMHtsc at a p.iint and itake in Ihe northweaterly ai.le line of Alfx- Avenue, diatant 519.8* feet from Ihe northe.ialerly aide line of Main Street: running thence (1) north 41 degreei 26 40 aecon utea eait fitly' feel ner: thence (3) aoulh .18 degreea 20 minutet.

eaft 162 feel three inrhea to an iron pipe and the northweaterU aide line of Avenue; thence South 48 deRreea 26 minutea 40 aeconda weal 40 feet to a atake and Ihe -iri. nf eourae and aceordinft Ihe needle' nointed ai of June i4th, 1931, and to ai.rvey made by H. Peckham. C. bearing aatd dale.

Being the tame premiaea conveyed to 11. Warner rioremut and Irene N. Doremua. hta. wife.

h. deeil recor.led in Deed Hook V-32 pane 553. Morria County Clerk'a Office. SecoKD TaACTs; BjctHKmo al a point in the northweaterly aide line of AIex.indcr Avenue, a-iid point being markeil with an iron pipe and being 439.87 feel from Ihe north- eaaterly aide line of Main Street and running Ihence (1) North 48 deg 26 min 40 tec e.nt along aaid aide line of Alexander 80 feet to a ttake for a corner; thence (2) North 41 degreet 26 minutet 40 tecondt weal 162 18 feel to a stake for a corner; thence (3) South 48 ilegrcet 38 minutet weat 10 feet to an iron pipe for a thence (4) North 38 degreet weal 28.50 ft. pipe for IN Iruvulliig about Now Jorioy ono will flnil more molor-ilrlvon troinportBtlon vehlclen thuii In any othni flotation of tho country.

Included in tho of vnlilcloa op- oratcil by Public Servica Coorillnateil Tranaport, which luat yoar carrlod nearly 400,000,000 passeiigura, aro trolley cars, gas-incchanlcal motor buses, gas eleclric buses, motor buses capabla of running on rails as well as on highways, and Bo-calleil nll-servlco vehicles. Tkd 1 )0 run under their own power like gas-electric buses, or by electricity drawn from overhead wires a.i In an electric coach, or trolley bus. The majority of Cubllc Service vehicles aro of tho gns-ulectrlc pe shown In tho Illustration above. The gas-electric type bus, of which Public Service Is the only largo operator In tho country, has many advantages ID clly transportation service. A gasoline engine directly connected to nn electric generator produces electricity when iho operator steps on the accel- eriitor.

Electric power so generated tlrlves two electric motors each of which Is connected to a rear wheel of the bus. A gas-clectrlc bus therefore, has no gears, clutch, gear shift lever or differential and Is actually propelled by electric power. It therefore accelerates smoothly and relieves the driver of the strain of constantly shifting gears. In the lower right hand photograph Is a Public Service bus equipped with an ingenious device that enables It lo run either on tho highways or on rails like a street car. Three buses so equipped are used by the company on Its line between Elizabeth, New Brunswick and Trenton.

The combination vehicle shown in tho lower left photo Is the new all. service vehicle, a recen' derelopment of Public Service's own englneeri. This new typo of vehicle was receotly put In service on the Union line between Newark and Bound Brook and oa the Clementon line between Camden and Clementon In substitution for trolley cars. It Is operated part cf the time under Its own power and part by trlc power taken from two over bead wires. It has all the adranUges of th.

electric coach such aa quirk pick-up, curb loading, silent operation and cheap electric power, yet has the flexibility of operation characteristic of any bus. Public Service has also operated, experimentally, motor bnses powered by Diesel engines. Lighting representative customer how to test illumination with Sight Meter, Sight Meter, a delicate instrument for measuring the proper lighting requirements for reading, sevVIng, and other household activities. OW much lighting do your eyes require to see without any strain when reading, playing cai-ds, or doing odd Jobs aboat the house? To answer this and other quDstlons about the scientific illumination of the home Public Service has recently engaged the services of thirty young women as home lighting repro I'nta- tlTea. They will visit the homes of customers desiring information on lighting to give advice on the most efllclent arrangement of lighting equipment ns well as the correct amount of illuniina- tion to safeguard eyesight.

No charge is made for the of these lighting representatives as in the case of the Company's home economics representatives wno visit to give customers assistance In cooking and other domestic scionco problems. WE DRIVERS A Series of Brief Discuuioiu on Driving, Dedicated lo the Safety, Comfort and Pleature of the Motoring Public. Prepared by General Motors 08 minutet wett 72.22 feet to an iron pipe for a corner: thence (6) toulh 41 dc ircea 36 minutet 20 tecondt eaat 190 37 fret to the aforetaid tide line nf Alexander the point and pUre of Btc.tsntsc. Being the aame prcmitet conveved to ir Warner Doremua hv deed reconled tn Dee.l Hook l' p.ige 554 in the Morria Connly Clerk't Office- The aporoximale amount due on tnit exr- cution it $4.685 04. except at to $1-260 realised bv aale of pcrtnnal property, beaidet ShcnH execution feet- D.iled November SHERIFF'S SALE and board by a young business woman (teacher type).

Must be very reasonable. Leave word at The Eagle Office or telephone Madison 6-1010. 48tl or 3 room apartment, convenient to town. Reasonable. Ueslrable location.

Write Box 10, Eagle Office. 48tl' Plymouth Coupe In good shape for cash. No dealers. Write price, year, model and description to Auto. Madison Eagle.

WILL Setter, A-No. 1 Hunting Dog for a good Kun. Conrad Meyers, Southern Boulevard, Madison Tel. Mad. 0-0303J.

and board for (elderly woman. References requlr- I'u and also given. Desirable location. Tel. Madison 0-0351M, IN CHANCKRY OI' SKW JKRSKY BuTwrnN- The Prudential Inturance ompanv of America, Complainant, and arrcii Condit.

el Defendantt. Fi fa. for the tale of mortgaged premitet. Relurnable February 19th, A. 1936, TaAL'TMAN.

Newak, Solictor. of the above ttated writ of Fieri hatidt, I thall eximte for tale n'; "'on MO VAV liAV rtl' DFCFMBKK, NKXT. A. 1), 1935. ADJOCRNKh ilATF.

TllKkKAF- between the bourt of 12 M. and 5 o'clixk P. that it to tay at 2 o'clock in the after noon of taid day. Al.t. the following tract or parcel of land ami premitet bereinaflcr parlicularlv detcribed, tituiile, Iving ami being in the Buroiigh ol the County of Morria, and State a point in the Kaaterl, line of Wy al .1 point therein dla- tant on a courtc of South twenty-four ilcgreet Ibirly tevcn minutet Wetl live hundred and eighteen fret and f.fty-tw., one-humlrediha ol line produ Motl Preciout Fotaeation The iircsKii niomem Is the thing you really own, to use und loy to llie I'uil -American Public Service Corporation of New Jersey Dividend No.

114 on Common Stock. Dividend No. 88 on Cumulative Preferred Stock Dividend No. 52 on Cumulative Preferred Stock Dividend No. 30 on $5.00 Cumulative Preferred Stock i'u bat per annum on Ibc Cumulative I'n- fcrre.l Slock, bring $2-011 per tbe rate of per annuui on tbe Cumulative Preferred Stock, being $1-75 per thare; at tbe rate of $5,00 per 31, 1935.

All dividendt are payable lie ceinber 31, 1935. lo ttockholdrrt of record at Ihe cloae of liutinett, December 2, 1935. DtVtDKNDt CM Pait rxaaKii TOCK T. W. Middletworth, Treaturer.

Public Service Electric and Gas Company Dividend No. 46 on Cumulative Preferred Stock Dividend No. 18 on $5.00 Cumulative Preferred Stock The Board of Directort of Public Service Ulectric and flat Company hat ileclared Ihe regular (luarterly dividenil on the and $5.00 Preferred Slock ol that Company. Dividendt are payable December 31, 1935, to ttockholdert ol record at tbe cloae of buainett December 'T. Van Middletworth, tifty feet; thence degreet tcven FOR RKNT FOR RENT Large, comfortable furnished front room; suitable for 1 or 2 persons.

Private home, resl- aentlal neighborhood. 52 Park avenue, Madison, N. J. Tel. Mad.

G-1009. FOR RENT house, bath wnd sun parlor. All improvements, on 17 Lalhrop avenue. Inquire at '5 Lathrop avenue or telephone Madison. 6-0536 45t4 FOR rooms, bath, garage "nd garden space on Prospect niace.

Half of double house. Low "mt. Tel. Mad. 6-0661W.

48U Ivistcrlv tide lit feci and four I the or pUi drcil and till.v-two fet of fool ti of iht four tbiitvie the tame eighty biiiiiVrclthi of a foot and dr.i« bi' M.ip of PiMjierts known at I.o.ini r.uc, Sl lir.r.i. C.Miiily. N. I II Prtkli.iTii. September.

Amount due on ihia be Shriiir. e.eiullon lale.l Viovrmbri 1915. FRKD NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT Notice it hereby given that the the aubfeTiber. ol Kain.

ileceased, will be audited and ntatc, the Surrogate, aioi reported for iietth-meii Ihe Orphailt' C.iurt of Ibe Coiiuty of on the Seveiiteeiuh day of Jan Aickiii (ireer No. TRAITIC we look down from a tall building and watch the traffic In the itreete below, we wonder how in the world ell those cars can keep along crossing Intersections, passing each other, turning in ind out ol parking positions without getting hopelessly tangled. As a matter of fact, from away up there, we do see traffic Jams now and then, and many times the reasons for the trouble are just as plain as day. Someone will try to turn from a wrong position, and and in a lew seconds the whole line of cars is thrown out ol kilter lor blocks. Or a pedestrian will dart out tn front ol a car so the driver has to slam on his brakes, and one after another the cars behind have to do the same thing.

Then there is apt to be a great blowing of horns that only adds to the confusion. But when we become part ol that traffic our whole viewpoint changes. We can't see those things going on up ahead that make us stop and start and stop again. And the worn ol it loolt In'o Other people's minds the driver who makes a sudden turn, or the pedestrian who decides to do something we can't lore- sec. The interesUng thing that what pedestrians do may seem strange and illogical to us while we're driving: but we're all leading double lives sometimes sometimes pedestrians and lunny how our psychology changes when wt change Irom one to the other.

Anyhow, things can happen all-ol-a- suddcn in our crowded cities and we have to be ready for them. And so, as one drn-r has said, we have to drive along with everv Intersection, every alley, every car under suspicion. We all like to think it was the other fellow's fault v. hen we into trouble. But, as we have been reminded, if we're sufflcienUy alert w.

don't let the other lellow's mistake get us Into trouble. Expert drivers tell us there is just one thing to do to give ourselves a margin ol salety a reserve of space and a reserve of time. It's an easy matter to take a reserve of space. They point out that we don't have to drive right up almost bumper-to-biunper with the car ahead. 11 wo do, the chances are we can't stop as quickly as wo may need to 11 he suddenly stops, slows up, or makes a turn.

But 11 we drop back a little, and take a little extra room, we won't have to worry about "stopping on a dime" or turning out at right angles to avoid bumping. And we won't pick up such a One collection of nicked lenders and bent bumpers, either. But a reasonable Interval ol space, or even clear sailing, lor that matter, won't do us much good 11 we don't keep a time margin ol salety too. In other words, we don't want to go so fast that we won have time to do what we may have to do. Ali-ol-a-sudden a car may dash out of a side street, and we want to be sure we can keep our car and that car Irom being in the same place at the same time.

And we don't want to have to stop so fast that cars behind us pile into each other lor perhaps a block back. Now just as we need a safety margin ahead, we also need to protect ourselves from behind. For instance, many drivers tell us that when they want to turn or stop, they make It a rule to start at least two blocks beforehand, getting into the right posiUon. If somebody behind sees them gradually working over to the right, lor example why, he naturally figures that they're either going to turn or stop So i he Rives them a wide berth to out oi trouble. We may all know things, but wc know them so well we're opt to get careless about them.

Because we can drive almost automatiraliy, and hardly have to even think about It. we're opt lo go rolling along thinkint; of Then, all at unco our eyes have on fmporlant sage for our br when they try to get tho nicssaRo IhrtiuRh. the line is busy! So it doesn't pay to let our thouRhls go wonl-gathering As tr fnci. It makes clly driving just tine fiiierucncy after another.

hi. Ihe pleasure oui of It. And tlifif is pliMsure in city driving wh.Mi v. we're doing a skillful job, keeping the prnper margins of time and THE MOVIE BUSINESS BJUST ONE PWNTX)6 AFTER NOTARY PrBLIC OF DEEDS Chas. Benjamin REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES WAVERLY PLACE TrI.

S-0745 Madison implying Compliment T. meuus comiiiiuient and la the abbreviation of the words "trntle last." These words acquired this sig- nilloance from the playful custom ol one person saying to one of the opposite sex, "I have a tniilo last for you." mi'iining that "if you will tell me something nice that you heard iibtiui ine. I will leii you of a conipliinent I licurj about Directory PLUMBING HEATING Jobbing a Specialty 8 Park Ave. Madison 6-0857 MACDOUGALL DENMAN PLUMBING HEATING Sheet Repairing Estimates Furnished Tel. 6-0754 68 CENTRAL AVE.

FKEIGIIT BAGGAGE FURNITURE riANOS I) FTONITURE CRATED AND PACKED AlCKTN GREER Telephone 6-0601 (Y R. SPKIII.INi;, 'njfr lid and 1 luvlt. Reasoaa for Datonrs Olvllliatlon li under canatructlon, snyi an editorial. Thai, perhapa. It why we hare lo rtelotir nronnil It (o Wo Clean (cisterns and (losspoou By DOUBI.E ACTION I'UMP REASUNARLK RATES Typical Aitifflcan Saen A L.vpliiil Aii.i'IU'im IM IMIP who ilooxn't silk linia hocMiuae he Iiofta to wear oiii' anmu MinniMiiiiills Slur Try Tliit The bfm wii.v In iioi'ii your mind freah la to UHI' it.

AmiTlcaii Maga iliia. Eben fi.lWu. Ml ill t'noio "prldi's liiirse'f on boin' "-i niui'h dill ilry alti' irol net foh dulifs tial urar-der day after Wanhlngton SIAr What M.k CM? Worry and cure pile on ID 1 Wwkly. Guaranteed By the United States Government We can now Invest your funds at Per Year In First Mortgages Insured by the Federal Housing Administration and guaranteed unconditionally by the United States Oov- ernment STARTING OCTOBER 1. 1935 Our Trust Department Is offering a new Investment plan.

Under this arrangement, we will Invest your funds In First Mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration. If the interest, taxes and principal installment payments are not made promptly, and it should become necessary to proceed through foreclosure, the Federal Housing Administration will replace such mortgages with bonds unconditionally guaranteed by the United States Government. Such mortgage investments are available In amounts of $5,000. or more, to any one. whether a customer of this Bank or not, and are considered legal investment for Trust Funds.

First National Bank MORRISTOWN. JI.HSI.Y National Bank -Morristown. N. J. Trust Ilrpartnient Without obligation, I would like further Infurniutlun.


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