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The Madison Eagle from Madison, New Jersey • Page 3

The Madison Eaglei
Madison, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MADISON EAGLE. FRIDAY, MAY lmi. L. ft W. Time Table.

i hi NVw York a. .0, Tit BAGLE FEATHERS. A. lUlbbuu tba 1'ini MblU III till! Mn. II II llurtial baa tbr In (mm ul bar ra.lil.uc.

A (mill la alraaily a.lal.llaba.1 In ranting a al Monro. ItrruraUou Daji ami Ilia Fourth of Jolj Mill (all nn Hal thia Jraat Tha ratfl.t.y Hal In almaa tliara 1,801 antra In lliat Tlia alraal la at anik ami our for a raa.Ml n( Ilia. ilUJaloua rial, au.l lama al Aailanoi. l.uiMiuu ovri yal Iirranna ara Una in manufacturing faUbltabiuauU al llorb- thirty Joans Miaa (mm Dovat air In Uia Ituckaw.Jr hulllm, liar. Mt.

Walla. n( Draw Knmin.rv, pn-arbail Iu Ibr M. K. ehnrch. at Waablnit ton S.

on HnnJaji. Bro. Hlrjkar, of tb llatenad In an escrlleul Rot. Dr. J.

I. Bnavall praarb oatl Similar araniUR In tbr Mrlbmliat eburcb lha fital of a arrina ol arrmon tha thrao Jnaial, Klutf. tba iliaubnlirtil King anra Iblng to ilrlra away lha llttla rail trnln JOS. Millar anil nlliar awrrta ia Ii taka Iba tm a branrbra ot rail rnlar am lay In ami aroaml th.ui, and th.j will Im an.l Iran- you In poacn. Tba Comity Tra.

brra Aaanciatlon III bold a mealing in on M.J 111. An interacting program ami goo.1 UJ Ilk by Iba pupil. ot gr.iln.1 wboola. All Irarbrra anil tl mtllol A apectal iue.tlug o( tbr Hoard n( Iran bnldrra l.r bald nn Wedaeaduj nr sloao tba hn.lnraa ol Ui. jrar Tba Inal nI Ibr "Id lloanl lia bald Tnaailay M.j IJtb.

and tbr lloanl organlia III. Wrdnrailay Iba lltb A mat. who haa It aaya that two or tbna, lUlul-liou laafaa. cliewe.1 ba(ora IxL will rlwaya Indnrr no mattrl ow nrrtnna wnrrWl a man may no or hraila. br Ibr nar rboral or inur- And tbry ia aa folio Mr 1 A MrKarhmn.

a lonnrr rr.rl.nt I l-ug llill. will hrrraltrr la. I.mml at Tbr and Pmit Mi Ka.1 lo tek hint York rtty oI lla Ktirr. TU Hal. I ona bund rail and aerentb.

annual 'utlou oI tba Kplaeopal dloraaa ol larar). will br b.M In (Itwrr rburrb, I'lainOrld. Taaaday and Wa.lnn.lay, May nd dUi lltabop Scarborough will -Irrlral and lay will b. In atl.ndano. Blairab.wn.

uin.t br a rary wlckad plan, Bro tbr aaya "llow ram ar. that, in Uu. town CHATHAM NOTES. lb. II I Iba laoeb ilila of a ebn irb brlla i.a»lr b.a l.r.1.

lb. It Ik. al. llrtllln 1 kMUait K.I..M IXaa. I' tu frtaa u.1 1.

I. tk. Mi. II 1,. Iu.

a a la'at "I -l-itt Iktutuk I'v tcl a rluli Following m. rf Will riifl Jt.liU Stall rial. 8. If. Atteridg in making oxtonnive niter- atioDs in hin market, ntnl hriM improved fadlltiea for the conducting of bin bosinem.

A now ico boiuro bun been built farther to tbe renr, nnd nn iron inent rail briH pnt in tho adjoining idley UJI tho meat am be run directly fri the wagons to tho house. An elevated ico- tlide altto admita of the Hatne eane iu handling. Tho MotbodlHta wore ploaaed to hear their paator'H Innt Htuiday tin ing. after hia almence from tho pulpit of HickneAH. A very pleaaant church sociablo waa held the reaidenoe of Mra.

Wagner Iniit Fri day evening. Tho nail-driving and but- sewing contaata offered much enjoy, meut William Elder aurcoetlod in Hewing i tbe moat buttona. and Mra. HarUbon driving the moNt nailn within a givei Ibme ball in thoroughly infuaed Into thi young of thia place, aud a good nim in organized. The Huhacriptlon paper going around and ineeta with favor from juarU-ra UJ A generotta distribution of paint IM aa- aiating oatara in our village.

Oriffltb'a (lib market baa a fine rainbow ffTt, and tbe adjoining barneaa atore itala in aotnmnal buM. while tbe barber la aatiafied with a bright, plain red at ripe for bu polaa. Mr. Ilarry Lnm. Dieklnaoo.

aafely bur voyage from llrazil, and aa walooned to Imr homo laat 1'UMHlay aftemrniu. iaMt Friday night cloaed the bowling for I be Chatham Hociala, and Tuea- day night laat roll for A (lag flU in length waa plaowl front of Mount Varaon aehool laat Friday afteriKxin amid great rejoicing. I linr baudaoma dag ia now dally nn- tha biMin. Kairvlaw ara begin- aaauaia their iiaiutl fllie appnaraiinn and landlord Hutu ia praparlug to ooma bla guasU I)r Munn boiiiMiUad baa undergone Ita by Mr. Htraug.

and iu raeanl painting It a i uiut'b Mr Ferguaon, of Hanover, III orcupy the pidpil of tha I'reabyUrbui rburrb Hnnda) norning, and make dartaraUon iu vamitey Council Proceedinga. Council waa called to order at 8 p. Friday April 24tb. Foil board paaenU Minutea read and approved. A communication from Mr.

E. V. Thebaud relative to thn trennpaHfiing of cowa waa referred to Htreet Committee. Mr. llaker for Finance Committee reported tho printing of blank forma in the matter of water, which were approved.

I'ropoaidH for mnking connootiona with maimi for couRiimera were rend from the following: Cook, Ileora. Detlroot and Allen, and referred to Fluatico Committee with power to act. A bill preaented by Mr. Eugene Hopping, for Chatham towunhip, WRH referred to Committee on Finance. liy Mr.

Heed, Iteaolved, that notil further order of Council all mattera in relati water workn referred in emergency Finance Committee. A renolution in the matter of aupplying liter ou tho Morriatown road outaide the Ilorough liruitH wae after diauuaaiou laid for furthor comdderatiou. Meaara. Hayed aud l'ltuey wore board Iu relatic he Haine Hiibject but no action Uken. Upon queation reapecting a gage in it pumping ntatiou, the matter vai to Finance Committee.

Upou requoat Alfred Hawn waa relieved from duty for Haturday '2Cth Inat. i Ordinance entitled -An Ordinauce tend the corporate boundaries aud to the Ilorough of Madiaou cerUin landa aud premiNoa owned by tbe Ilor- ough," wan comddored by NectioiiH, tbe third lime by title, paaaed, ordered priuted in Madiaon AM I.E. Ill relation iuaiirauun of bulldiuga Iiuueeted with wator workn, the ui aa referred to Mr. Tunla. At tbe Council adjoiirued aubjeot rail of chair.

At a apeelnl meeting held on April 'Jtl, the following buallieaa wan trail acted: nmnukatioua front J. M. Young at Iteiley, HiiperinUudent, iu ter aupply were referred to Finance ihlhiti i.U.r rat rlaaa for all ilaaa, im reoently a ImU art for Macbinorv of tba moat rtty aty la An Elabora Production. Itenpeetllig propoaaln for laying inch rvice pipe from main, tba Comin. reported that oonlraot for aama bad awarded to Ihe loweat bidder, IV I.

N.k, aud. upon motion by Mr. Wilder, wan granted for two yearn. I'roponaln for the laying of larger pipe were then anlimlttad by tha nal.l E. It.

Cook aud, after dlacllliaioil, approval an For l-luch pipe, $17; IJ-ilich. II I)-Inch, tan ivueatlonn rulatlug to HIIIIIH matter, nub- iittr.1 by contractor, iu of atone tbe eiteuaiou of ou Waverly Ijuare, waru referral to Finance Com- Following a diaeuaaion relalivi Ibr douieatb tb. l.eMlunlng Monday, lay llli, tba Itaatenaa aUge of the II INI Saw York, will be ul veil ill. UJM 11 .11, That will required al. iiir r.Hiuciion or a fur wal( ry play HI.

lalx-r queaUcu The rtme eultiira, and nueh other pur- ia rutltliNl Work and the Council may from time to ami nil. of a young it Mug uuderatood that all takern of water through a pipo larger into a mill Umn mm hiS til rough .1 i. li'tl Ibr IxaUrb bla.1 ralbrr than iiieler, and NUch patUrn an may be ap- I.Ilea for wbich be waa by till npplylni tl holm a fearln-. i wealth woo by I 1111 noti life tl anl loi rage, and tho an'I hia a life of lova ulal ot I (jigljl u. West I ay N.wark ami i l.ral Wtaluoatlay of n.iiii| -u kt.

oair Hall, nar load of hoi I fed by 11 M. nitfhl. Tbey latnkr Tba uf Ubor I. that whlil play attu. and it are tbe haai.

of ro-operetlot 11 be praeenU-d by ewal of have tba advantage of flvi I'proprtaU aettlUga limit am lite production. for the Money. to oommiiuicatioi lha alert wan i a regulatioiia. tof Finauco Con omlition of followml by the reading ot cou from Meaara. Moffett, Ibnlgkl II lauudi, which iiithorixed relating to The jltteo rolat- worka, waa lunieationa i ('larke referred Klliatl ral'iiuiluittaa Iti tia.l meatl Hr Tutti.

Hint II luul lia.Hi mi wntar iu fullowa Iu lu.iiratluo t'o t.f Naoiuk, N. .1 III! InlillU, mi aa nl Mima, M.IMMI fur I III ol ,111 1 ua y.itr for tlia aa nl Mima, M.IMMI fur I III ol ,111 1 Al II III. ailjiiuriind (mm I. inUry 3 ir from H.iUk.t Tb.

M. i nil ti tbti in tbnr ball, ol admMion a book or 11.. o( ona. (or w.trr ara routinit Iu and rrrry all rt will b. ui.rlr lo aa rapidly aa jiowiibla.

Tbr rk la nn.lrr way Tb. ttot.roor Ibr bill sliding an.l loan ont ot tbr to do buat- Ui It. of lb. c.

Irbt of tba MmIImid Eaui ul tk. a.lata, ba. fttrti tb. uf that llonuiKli t.i fob a. li 1 dhaklay fuaatala io tb.

aiH of Hmnnul iu tb. l.tu|.U loll uf rrvlluti l.y lb. i.aiaL. of usproT.tu.ut auil rltiuu a 1 I.brr 1 It. ut iw.

a.y. our itra.l™ ara lo Mr 1 bab.llrr aa lb MadUi.ti ratal ll.b^l.t an uf ay tb. piaat aaa -ar II auul.l b. ilaalrabl. f.

baa. .) binbli IL. firognM 'bi- (tra in, natal III Mit.lia.iU if It lu- II. 1. lbo lb tba of vui.ll tbr dnukll in Mr llrni Unr.

br I. A W. IUllroa.1 a n.arnr.1 ou Wr.lura.lay I I ot Bniokl; lUiiaon, (or 111. ntly Urkrl agru I by.i dirrcl i I'm May Tbr o( tlrorgr H. Ilaoi) ol toon Ion lor dtrorc.

(mui brr buaband bar r.u (or branug l.r(or. Vlcr Cbanrrllor lltnry. at Uoniatown, Kalurdar. May 'Jnd. Tbr RrpuliUmu.

o( Uoniatown bavr wminatr.1 Uia (ollowing tiokrt; llroordrr. TbomM Mallry J. C. Olirrr Couudlmru, Frank Uarab auil Job WrlgbL Tb. MorrU t'onnly llr.urh ot tbr Kwtr t'haritira Aid Aaa.viation will mr.

in tbr n( tbr Young Mrn'a Chriatian Morriatown, on Wrdnraday. May titb, at 1:15 p. m. Tbr t'rohibiliouiata o( Morriatown i tbe (ollowing tlckrt Itecordrr, John D. Aitell Alderman, t'baa.

II. Ilril- Common Conncilmru, Oeorge F. De- drool and Gilbert D. Yonng. The Houth alrert Praebjterian cbnrcb, ol Inrriatowu.

took a on sun. laat, ot I The new chap.1 ol the Ma.ll.on Metho. dial Epianopal cbnrcb waa wrll llled on Friday night al the regular marling tbr Epwortb txagn. Frank II. w.lkrr i.le.1 Tbe waa one ol epecul linureat.

Mr delirered an tbe "Dortnnr and ot the K. churvb. Mr- Perk ga.r a reading I from l.llr Thooglita by an Idlr Fellow 'rnUlM, "Tbr Wrutbrr. aa. (ollow- r.1 by declamation, The Midnight lllda "I Panl lteerrr," by Walter tpbam.

Alice Chore) trad Ibr "Yankee i I lypay tenor by H. C. ami reading by Swuti cbaual Iba -OB. Our ratrrmrd I'.) D1. Ill rv'.

cor- bu rridrntly orerl.aike.1 tbr (act that IU addition to gettiug the atrert gradM e.taliltabr.1, Wr arr alao to have tbe lor a cimplete aewerage ayatrm (or tbr t.ian.liip mmlr tor tbia aum I Itb.r* arr aide to Me Ihe advantage. Summit reewinug, even though oua or two o( brr own cililena cannot are them. Y. C. A Bulletin A Terrible Revelation A wi(.

revwntly iravr h.r hualiand aral- nl letter, begging bim not to open it until hr rewchcd place ot buaineaa. When he did he read "I in (orced to tell you aomrthing that I know will trouble you, but it ia my duty to do I bavr known (or a week that it waa coming, bnt kept it to nntil to-day. when it hint reached a criaiB. and I can not keep it any longei All a doom, to tb. troepel MreUng, tor yon rnuat reap tb' arllaamvarK I do hop.) It 1 "A 3 nlta .1 Sunday, at HP' Sobject From God." Mr Olin Boggras, leader Tbr Literary Society will again drl.aU tbe Ideation.

Reaolved. that tbr Mc. Kin ley bill will prove abrneSI to tbr lab and rr.ul neeting to be held 1 By tbia tint the cold perapirntion Btoo.1 (orebead with tbe (ear o( aome rrible unknown calamitr. He turned the Monthly Othel rill -ideal. Meeting open In all.

tbe nd tbe I liupri II lo (or Ibr bnilil- lie Voe rati lo tad the cold a i damage haa lireu dom irrigan, employed by Injured Friday Hi. Miohaern hiaipilal ft it ii rolletl upon hia l.r brnlaing the Other badly, it. be wan doing nicely, ilvin H. Deiimau, of thin ed iu the Of matrimo It. Hell.

eh, llrooklyn, Hm Melville lloyd the happyc will re.Ii|e Ureenwood A Private ue S. Higgir and about will be puabed Track of Momatown a commenced gnul- rate one-half-mile rty at Speedwell, town. The work Mr. Higgiov ban ivewaya will alao be nbrubbery planted. Deacon Cooper Declared In: Alexauder Cooper, tbe deacon on Mina Ada I day night, and held formally declared ii charge ol attempted The coal is all used up.

Pleaxe call and ask for some to be sent up afternoon I thought by this method yon would not forget it. A Notable Doci Grading the County Jamoa (). Cooper haa iaatied a circular letter grading tho public Hchoola of Morria county. The school law requires that three graden of certificatea shall be ianued iu every county, lie holds that the iutelit of thu law in that there should three griulea of achoola, and that the threo of certificatea iaaued are to meet tho requiromunta of tho three grades of schools. Thus far tho law baa been inoperative, aud thero haa been nothing to prevent a teacher holding a third gnulo certificate only, acting aa principal of our best schools, lie therefore grades tbe schools aa Those of tbo first grade aro tho Hchoola at Dover, Kockaway, Madison, Chatham, Port Oram, Mt.

Pleaaant, Mt. Hope, Lower Uibernia, Stanhope, llutler, Cheater, Mine Hill, Hiberuia, Port German Valley, Succaauuua, McCaiuaville, Hucca- aunna Plains and Morria Pbdus. Those of the second grade aro tho achoola at Loautaka, Greeu Village, Meudhaui, Pompton Plains, Hurdtown, MUltown, Whippany, Union Iilll, Drakvnville, SUrl- ling, Greenville, Uuiunvillo, Montville, Beavertown, Deuvillo, Weldou and Ceutre Grove. Those of tho third grade aro all achoola A teacher holding a first grade Couuty or State certificate may teach in any school iu the county a teacher holdiug a second grade certificate may teach iu aecond or third grade schools, or act aaaistaut in a school of higher grade a teacher holdiug a third grade certificate may teach only iu a third grade school, or aid its assistant iu a school of higher Krti. The New Law.

More than ordinary interest In tbe tax law which waa approved by the Governor on the 19th alt. Tbe find acl introduced thin Winter waa ao radical iu iU provisions that It waa neceaaary to withdraw it and another. The new law that there aball be eaUblmhed a Board of throe raembera for tbe equalisa- tion, revision and enforcement of taxation. Tho Board been appointed by the ernor for five and took office April It empowered to make nnrh rule, aud may be deemed to equalisation aud enforeemeni of Uxation. it can compel tbe attendance of and tbe production of book, an.l admlnUter oatha.

Tbe Board baa power, on the complaint of any owner, to decreaae made on property, if iu judgement injustice baa been done, or where it i. ueoeaaary to equalise If to do when directed by the lloanl, be removed from Office and another peraon ed. The Board alao the power review and correct the aetiou of tbe local on complaint. If tbe Board it neceaaary, it way direct tb. to determine the true value each lot or tract of Und without and eeparately tbe value of the or Hie Ux on eaUte be where found the Ux on othel personal eatate nhall be where thereof realdea on Uie praaerib ed by law for commencing tbe aaaeaameni each year.

Personal eatate belonglDK uoiwreaideuta may bo either to owner or the peraon iu charge thereof. Every peraon nhall be for all paraoual entaU in bin poena-. I op or under control executor, iu any other Judleisry capacity, here la nothing lo new law which ma property now exempt from taxation nnder other law a. Tho chairman of every County Board of Equalisation aball have power ibp.enan and adminiater oaths In the charge of tho dutien of office. Iliaird of Tax Conmlaa- eonalating of Albert H.

Slape of Salem, C. Blank, of Hudaon. and Thsoilors P. Hoplar, of Warren, appointed Governor Abbett under new Tax iOl, met at Trenton on the ult and irganlsed with Mr. Slape as president.

It vaa detonuined to have hearing, in tbe llfferent eountlaa to hear tbe viewa of and iuveatignte the melhmla of local in anaeahing properly The followiug heariuga were agree.1 np- subject to chauge: Kunnex county. Thoraday. April tfth; Morria, April April 20th May 7th May IHtb Darlimrtoa, May '2Hth; Gloucester, June 4th; Saitaa, lupe Uth; Cumberlaud May. July Ulth Atlantic, July 30tb; Ocean. Monmouth, Augant 90th.

A Shrewd One. It is kuowu iu Ma.liaon that Edward Ich ooinoa of a chicken-raining family, li that he personally a at nun of ry flue Tufted SulUli fowla. Tbear Tufted Sultan'a have frequently called forth the envy of many a Couuty farmer, haa boon a desire on their part to iuonauie the value of their barnyard aiock by mixlug in a few of Ed blooded fowls. But uiouey is always au idiject with a Jersey lieoame a grave question to how some Sultan eggn could obtained without payiug the faucy price of $.1 a autting for them. By circulatiug au un- report thai wen- what thoy were repremiuted, certain uoa auioug Utw farmaaa enoepeded in ao far injuring the sale of that they finally liecumc a drug on the The scheme of the farmera waa to foroe Felch dispose of hia at the grooery it ngular so they could purchaae them and get choice aottingn at common The nine waa auocesnful ao far its forcing the issue ou Felch was coneern- 1 he brought great to town them at bottom pricea.

As fast aa they came in the would drive up, several and drive home with extended Felch, in the time, wore a look of discontent but naid nothing while he brought to He kept a tally of days uutil three had elapsed, then he to town and planked himself down in the grocery store to await the criticisms of tho farmers on the of the newly irrived Tufted Presently one of he number arrived and aa he entered tbe tore remarked in a rather angry tone of roice: "I say, Tom, uot a dnrned them fancy eggs came ont." Then catching af Felch, who wore the broad smile that the farmer had ahakeu off, continued I say, Felch, what kiud o' do them chickeus o' youro lay, anyhowV "Why, replied Felch, tlidn't they pan out all right?" "Pan out!" roared the farmer. They wouldn't hatch if the hen roosted i them a year." "1 gUMta the said Felch, "that I took good care to dip tl of ouch egg in Ixaliug water for a secoud before I brought it to town. Then- ihout seveu hundred just them various heun in the regiou Madi' Ntw York The Capitol Dome. WaahiriKto Wha i Excise Law Should Be. should huv.

1,000 bail, wan by the family Dr. Zigloe, of Mount Bethel, i waa alno appointed for bis busi State iu the peraon of Mr Slab I in reported, while makii nd chi imbedded in the maaoiinrv I'lte cover waa uely fant large old faahon padlock t)i Mr Dickluaon found a wan mi old laml grant, illbo ml by William Polin Tin li.I.led of forty of I'hlladel- made lo one au Ex-Judge J. Frank Port, of Newark, counsel for the American Legion of Houor, has received for examiuatiou the papers relating to the death claim 'if the late King Kalakau, who waa iu the order for $5,000. In 1881, a council of tho Legion (since discontinued) was esUblished at Honolulu, kuowu as Oceanic Council, and had seven of whom tho lact King wan the President. The policy was made payable to bin Princess Virginia Kapooluku Pooiuaikilane.

to Judge Fort it sp- aa 45 old when pai.l £1.70 for euch pendent upon them for support. The occa- I years lie had paid iu sional druukar.l should be punished, uud forth thu place aud habitual inebriety treated either a disease death iu Sau Fntu- a crime, the offender to bo confined in au the attending physician the wit-' asylum or under legal restraint until cured to burial, including the tjueen, reforinwl. Any failure of au officer of tho Jl the usual details of the proof of law to do bin duty should bo by iliate dismissal from uud disqualifica- Bv the paper. The pape be just aud practicablo, i solo purpose tho rnaiu- tenauce of public order without iiuposiug or permitting any iufriugeiueut upon tho personal liberty of tho citiwmH. It uiunt uot put restriction upou tho peaceful and orderly or of the people, but must interpose with a strong baud for the immediate and effuctual suppression au.l punishment of disorder.

It must protect tho sober and orderly and deal sum- drunken und disorderly, ihould be indicted on all ise of alcoholic drink re- uarily with the mlts in tho ueglect i of othel death. ml. be by lug lo office, and if lie Should bo mercilessly it felon. SotiK Amrrkw, Utvln Itle.n get the olllci tbe I.l IO.HI l( you feel languid yoi Ouinuell of Frost iu Jersey Peach Orchards. MerchanU' is the only The peach-growera and farmers tbn.ugb- insured in out the Southern portion of New Jersey illations.

were greatly surprised Sunday to find their trees aud plants withered by an uuoxpoot- a score of ed frost. Owing to tho fine weather of tho Ig of thullrnt past two weeks nearly every peach, pear Ice and cherry tree ban bluaaouiod. but an the the I rain in I have been free from rain it in thought interesting I the frost damage in nllghl. in mm in odaling Mouio have taken down fences aud m. lie piled the in their ready to ns Ills trail! 1 make a bonfire if in needed lo protect morning, tb" fruit.

tiler. Happy and content a home wiih' The Ko. and purtltca cheslei." a lamp with the id the utnrning. need it. wtiU ffabi'rr tW.

TEMPERANCE. This department i T. tape race CsUn i arary Fri (. Jford Jr. tfterDCK.t.

Go.pel Meatlnr. liter. All Is gooi o'clock, danng tae SOc sad fl. THEO. M.

PECK, HARDWARE family, wages woaid sad there would be few poor help poor plaoea." I noticed some time apo in one ot on. a few from a poor girl who grieved that aeti cwdd do nothing bnt sew, to gua aa L- aod resjKH-tahle lanng in days wfeisptr ir. very much mtsUkext. for useful employment ojn and ahe haa no right to gzwsp stroyuug needle and ce a a garret, when other hewrtfal may be fooxkd I know aacy i family whert no one Baildere'. Blacksmiths' ami Car- interest and affecti'ai to iusjij riage Maker's Supplies, pectable think tha Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brashes, H.

GUm and Pattv. tbi The Capitol dom ily orld. It in a vast hollow weighing 8,000,3110 pounds. How much that More than 4,0011 or almost the weight of 17,000 full-grown or about equal to 1,000 ladeued coal cara of four each, which, if atruug out one behind IO other, would occupy a mile aud a half of track. Ou the very top of tbe dome the dlegorical figure "America," weighing UH5 pouuds, lifU iU proud head high iu The pressure of dome aud figure upon the piers and is 14,477 to tho square foot.

It would, 755,280 ush the of the square foot tho domo. The dome waa little ust ot this immei of $1,000,000. Madison Borough Defeated in a Ca peddling weeks ago Harry Case, of Dover, uu for the rand Uuiou Company, upon that Borough me up before itice ltuthbuu at MadUou last Saturday. Ford D. Smith representing the Graud Uuiou Company, and Mayor Albright the borough.

Mr Smith contended that his tdient WHS not puddling, but delivering bin and showed animilar caaeiu Pennsylvania which the name company carried up to the U.S. Supreme Court and won a ileciniou from Jurttice Bradley. Justice lUthbuu then dismissed lite ca.e, and' Ihe i will have the c.mU to pay. £ra. report rather tuialeadiug.

Wo that Mayor Albright waa detained iu New York city aud unable to attend tbe trial au.l Marshal Squler had not procured through a undorntaiiding. There are a number of people here who will take the Stand lo prove that tho lea mall is a peddler from tbe fact thut lie delivers purchuNml at tho lime. A person who makes an attempt to evade payiug a just lie line fee for doing business iu the llomugli, will find that his ouatniuers prefer to do buniuesn with our own merchaiita aud aid thoae who HUppor! tbe town. There are 8,000 and 8,000 of tbe Christian Temperance Union in Kew Jeraey. If the effecu of alcohol conld be confined solely to person who uses it, IU nae might tolerated; but aa it is not, we cannot wage too fierce a war againit it, and also tobacco.

IU elder brother. Both, when used, enemies to the race, and their effeeU visited too otUu upon children of those who use them. In every country tbe statistics of the smount of alcohol imbibed precisely with tbe number of judicial recorded in law of tbe year, aa well with the number of of of of divorced and wives, of idiot childrai suicides, mordera, and of epileptics and lunatics inscribed on State It WM remarked by an intelligent old farmer, "I would rather be taxed for the education of the boy, than the ignorance of tbe man for the one or tbe other I ao compelled to be." itev. John Pierpont, io a few linea, gave the moat correct ciew of the subject of licencing to do wrong For so much gold we license thee (Ko say your Uws) draught And will ye give to mao a bill. Divorcing hiui from heaven', high away.

And while God say. "Thou shall not Sav ye for gold. "Ye may, ye may W. T. U.

April 21. The Way to Get a Good a Good Girl and go to the Parson. A Slight Mistake. A with eleven ohll dren and a vory domestic man, thin One sfternoou, business being very dull he took the early train back to bin happy home, and after a time np-ntalis help put tbe children to bed. Being wife weLt up see wli going on.

Upon opening the nursery door she exclaimed What, dear, what Injth. Why, wifey," aaid he, "I am putting the children to bed and hearing them their little payers." "Yea." said wifey. hot one our neighbor's children, all undressed And be bad to redreaa it and send it home. to msy differ in opinion of that feeling of langi fatigue so prevalent in tbe Spring Ii agree as to what ia tbe beat remedy namely. Ayer's Sarsaparilla it the weak strong, and effectually removes that tired feeling.

The superior merit of Cherry Pectoral an snodyne expectorant is due to a skillful combination of the most powerful ingredienta. Nothing like it baa been attempted in pharmacy, aud ita io tha cure of pulmonary com- plainU ia unparalleled. automatic bell at railroad eroaslngs which to ring when a traiu in a quarter of a mile from the croaaing, la being introduced. furnishing You can find tbeae gooda at KaU'a, the one price cloth- hatUr and furnisher, 23 Park place. Advertised Mi-a I'm ii) Harris, Mrs.

Itarhell Ir. John O. Winner, li. Wimjaht. Ilaowa, P.

M. CREEN PIERSON, (HutemMon. to NTKVKNH (JKKKN.) LUMBER! White, Yellow and Norway Pino, Spruce, ttomlook, Ouk nml Chmtnut, Lehigh nml Hcnvnton, nil conntontly on hantl, ami woll setwnetl. Masons' Materials! Lime, Plaster, Cement, Lath. Curbing and Flagging.

Sills and Lintels. DRAIN TILE PIPES, All Sizes Constantly on hand. Daige Blood, Fish anil Bone FERTILIZERS! One of tho best, by bng, ton or car. GREEN PIERSON, Yard and Office at Depot, MADISON, NEW JERSEY. pRANK A.

MEAD HARDWARE and TINWARE Hints That a if jon Better Then Gold. ilh Is.wol*, rhark, nervousneaa or (IddlneM. roar are Mdl) out of lion. A mere of will not Your only WWC.MIIWI. to take fiartd PavoritM Kemnl).

of Bond- Im purs tin. It the and Kid- Is not this true, coming in letter lately eeeived from woman ot the eom- non sense I can the hired help from tuy own having been both mutreae axtd maid. I lived in famihes where the gut had always beeu a servant, yet I never had the least trouble in being treated as an equal Woman is gifted not only with reaaon but ith instinct, and it duea not take her long, if ahe be a trua woman, to determine rhether or no a girl fitted tu be one of her family. I cannot blame the woman ibhged to hire aome new girl who baa neither mind, who, if allowed, command of the enure blame her for treating sock a one aa an inferior. She is inferior, and geoeraliy the efforts of a good nutm bring her to a aad fatlare.

On the other hand, il good. and mtelU-ent Qa rrlufn giris ooud, or rather would, pre- haue" mooey retunded. eelvea to be pncUcal keej- vh offer, because of the wonderful natural g.xd common New Discovery during last and modeetr in their interocuve with the Mulldem ('arrlnio. .5. 1 Maaoiia'Hupplleai lulldliitf.

lUM.m.K and Patwra: HIIEIIIH IDJADKD Housekeeping TIKANITKWAIIK in I.I.O nk atore, 23 Park Place, Mo: "velSig i one pric. Guaranteed Cure for La Grippe. We authorise our advertised dniggist tc sell you Ksng's New Discovery for con. and colds, upon con- ditioa. If you are sfllicted with LaOrippe I use this remedy accordinir to direc- DRESS GOODS! l.oic.

H.r. hnril i.r hicb^J. Try it. Tri.l im- Vm. T.

Bniwa', dru, Urp. .12. We are giving more than unnal attention In this department tbia seaHon. and the reatiH in a largely inereused trude, eualiling ux to diaplay a much larger gtgck of FIIJ1? QOODS than over before, We have a great many in Combination Suits, etc. Oar Htork of lllnck Oooda is AND- Iron Merchant! The sale of flowers by the at Cerent Gardes.

TU stasis in the vbokuit- mariut art furxished over uigbt. and tbe bofldtng ia cr toe private at 4 o'clock uen or.rzza^ but all their business ar rt 9 nuxt The risiuir who attends function, ha. the adraxitaxe ct a eery charm flower like of as upon which an- arranged! of bloaaoming planta, ing up and in frontage of TOO yards. Tbe auctioneer, who tahes Lis at 10 o'clock, addreseee himself to who are called "higglera." a kind ei middlemen, who purchase the flowers to lets and sell them to the small flower girls cannot afford to trade until tbe general customers bare Lad thesr psck of tbe choioest warea, but. taught by a sharp experience, tbey are able what Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair Horse Blankets, Robes, Chamois, Sponges and Whips.

Ioira Barb, Ribbon and Buckhorn Wire Fencing. wo. a Corn Sheliers, Fodder Cutters. palefacrd children of tbe by atm-ta of tbia central district diligently haunt tbe purlieus in tbe spring They bas-e beani green fields and t.uUerru;* and daisaew. hare been told that tbe nrs.

and cuckoo over saw spe-ui a merry aummer in English meadow-. axrJ but tbe bnncbea and toaketa of flowers which here fill tbem with deLght and wonderment are the only evidence of such pleaaant things hitherto vituchaafed to tbem. Tbey arr to tbem tokrns of an unknow world Tbe daffodils, being tmgbtlj golden aud of aiar. atrtkr tbem moat, tbey very likely strike all Wtiru March ta gating THE W1ARD CHILLED PLOWS Shovels, Rakes, etc. Breech Loading Clans, LOADED SHELLS, Cartridges, Powder and Shot, Seeds and Fertizlers.


Covenl Garden and (M review. Tbe wonder quantiuea of violeU, pni these floe- be collected Wonts I'ulnu Pepper In iU natural atate. that la. In the kernel, tbe fruit of a plant uf creeping or climbing habit and of tmujcbiug growth. It attains a height of some thirty Iu leaeoa are short stem toed, uniform and pointed.

On the Imtuenas East Indian pep plantations tbe young cuttings are set out iu long rows and trained on polea. In this particular it bears a sinking resrm lance to a hop field. Tbe plant bears fruit In lu first year, but not to any ex tent. It is prolific from iu fourth to ita twentieth year, during which tbe annual yield of a ungle plant is fnxn nine to eleven pounds on the average Tbe harvest season commences soon aa the uniform little hemes begin to turn rod. Tbey are tnea plucked and spread oat on great to dry In the sun's warm or by of a alow fire.

Thia treatment causos the outer to shrivel and turn black White pepper Is gathered from the plant tbe black pepper, the distinction twmgthat the former is ground from ripe berries, from which the outer black shell haa tirvt been removed, ltwause at this thorough ma turity of the berry and the absence of the outer shell it ts much milder than the black. Tbe atronpeat sjwcles of black known the "Piper Iu fruit, the berry, is long, having a reddiab gray exterior and a very dark intenor Another, not belouging to tbe pepper fam lly proper, but coming under the night shades (Solanum). the Span lab pepper iCapsicua iongumi. gleaming rel fruit is too familiar to detailed The HungarUn goeeruim'nt favors a scheme for an electric railwav Mswr Vienna ami lliula iVwth. a of LV milea, to run single tar.

every ten uuu like a street service, in two boura aad a half. Wash the feet every with siwtp and water and them perfistly dry on every part, particularly between the A hanl rubbing with a will Uuitl to keep akin health) you want a sit ah.ioterr "Well, I'd rather a nine si nut to kill a oak Pwok E. L. COOK, HEATING and PLUMBING, TIN WORK, House Fiuisls Goods. Waverly Place, Madison, New Jersey GRAND SPRING OPENING! it E.

J. RATHBUK'S, rhe Popular and Nobby Gents' Furnisher. a addit assortment of our grand display of Hals. Caps. Gloves, Canes and Neckwear is particularly attractive.

suitable for all ages, and the assortment ao large and varied that all cau bo correctly fitted. Come aud see Ettnbodj Welcome it E. J. RATHBUH, Hatii. Scurf, un.l Gents' Furnishings, II UN 8TKCST, Thlnl ilour 1'ial C.


I I II.IIIM Whit. I'llttr. Ilrii.lin l.r i-tur) ilwrtp. Unit, llnlrn. t.k.n f-f PLUMBING, TIHXIHG AND JOBBING.

Bargains on our 5 and 10 Cent Countara. CHATHAM, New Jersey. Si'4 very coinprftlteiiKivn, nntl inclndnH a 4ll-itifli Hourinttft tit $1, with wliicb wn chftlloDKft tho Stntp. We have also very litrge assortment of nil the latest novelties it) SILK GIMPS, TINSEL GISIPS, VELVETS, SILKS, We are now showing our Spring Jackets for Ladies aud Childmi, The Styles are Exclusively Ours, and they are all Beautifully Made. We have always a full line of tho genuine Foster Kid Oloves.

On all purchases of Five Dollars and above we deduct car fare from Madison and vicinity. WOODHULL MARTIN MORRISTOWN, N. J. -ESPECIAL SALE OF WATCHESH- Hall, THE JEWELER I. nir-rliiR hU atoolc uf KF.Y WIND WATCHES AT COST A rare chimin for thine wUltlng it KIKMI Watch tor a little money.

Watckoa, Clocks, Jew- ami Silverware of The Best Makes and Newest Styles. ('all mid SIT hia now lino of LUIUHM' nml Gold WittohoM. A litrw lino of Htono ltlngM, nlao 1 h-Karat I'liiin In all alzoa anil inatlo In ciul shapes. Solid your lirolton Watohos, Olooka, Mtwlo lloxoa, Jewidry, Hllvorwaro, to J.S.HALL, Washington Street, Morristown, N. J.

American Watchaa Specialty. TKq tMDp Some folks get cheated in buying lamp. Nobody ever gets cheated that buys the lamp with this 'The Rochester." Old eyes are made new by its use; its light is softer than electric light, bright- Ferfect in booxtriictiotL Artistic in Diuigu. Hltoltltu is Iu Light. er than gas light, and more cheerful than either.

In I buy i hi.I h.n.l. They wtll tiu.t aur Mt Ait iu 1 411 Park IM yuu any liimii "My by to down the bttgc whol.Mlt wmt IIIlar.i-.l III lllr KNTKa I. A AT JOHNSON'S! Morristown, N. Soili Entirely New in Oar Dress Goads Dwrtnt mtOCADK.OU DAMAHK HUHA1IH. Illaok tin.un.l HlUl rtilwtl black II KIIIVH.

They are rich, bright, auft ami silky. We have 111... it large asmirtnieut ut lite Mllanles Htilllitw, 111 Isiaitly ami tliimlilllty. I'urtt'ctly hlack. warranttsl to ataml any ami all tests.

The niunetlwe haiitlltul litii Hummel' ainl Hjirlttg with git'ttl HM. J. SEARING JOHNSON, MULFORD BUILDING, MOUKIST0WN, N. J. i wm, daw l.tlt,.

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