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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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CORNER. On the following 'Items: All kinds of warm dress goods; all gauze'und'erwear for ladles, gents and children; all kinds of gold, silk and leather belts; all kinds of laces and trlmmlnss 1 and nil other kinds of goods. Greatest Discovery oi me I9tn Century. Dr. NIW KKMXDY AleillvaUid Air For the Cure of Cuturrh, Anthina and all pnlmonury has no wiuftl tot Slckiinil Nervous Hwd- Hcbe, 1,000,000 peoiile ole unnuHlly from the above numed (Uneases.

Why nnd die, Jledlcuted Air Is Alrund Drnur Richmond, C. S. A. It la the best remedy on earth for La It will give Immediate relief will feffect a cure where (ill other Hmedles fall. by B.

Keesllng, STATE NATIONAL BANK LOOAXSPOK IJfD. J. Johnson, President. S. Ullery, Vice President.

H. J. Heltbrink, Cashier. DIRECTORS, a. T.

Johnson. 8, W. Ullery. J. T.

Elliott. W. M. Elliott. W.

Snider. Buy 1 Government bonds. Loan money on personal security and collater- IsEue special certificates of deposits bearing I per cent. Interest when left one year; 2 per cent, per annum when dopos- Boxes in Safety Deposit Vaults of this tank for the deposit of Insurance Mllclcs, mortgages and other valuables, -Ttnted. at from to per year.

To the Ladies. Those interested In dermatol ogy should call on Mrs. Strlnglmm, who Is loc-nted in the St. Elmo building on Broadwny nnd be convinced that dermatology is what every woman of intelligence nnd refinement needs. It Is conceded by onr beat nil nils that a beau tlful complexion is a necessity the Nineteenth century, rmd which civilization must have; and every worthy hus band or brother will take interest In and those who are suffering- from nny cutaneous disorders such as eczma tetter, freckles, acme, liver spots, birth- aiarks and superfluous hair are successfully treated.

Bright energetic girls to work for a week should call and sell Mrs. Stdngham's preparations. Catherine StriDgham. DERMATOLOGIST. KROEGER STRAIN, Undertakers Embalmers W.

8. WRIGHT President HARDY Vice President W. GRAVES Secretary Treasurer CIO BROADWAY. CHAS. L.

WOLL, UNDERTAKER No. 417 Market Street. Calls attended to promptly, day Central Union and Mutual telephones. Office, No. 16; Resilience, No.

121. DR. S. H. WARD.

HOnCEOPATHIST Office 309 Fourth Street. Over Tujlors Jewel 1 store- Mutual Telephone No, 200. Residence 913 North Street. Tbe "T-wln Comet" arid "Little Giant" Lawn Sprinklers BEST HADE Unique, Efficient, 'Labor Saving. WU four greater area.than Highest award the Chlcae E.

STEBBINS MFG. CC ftlt Manufacurera, -SprtngflBld, MBBB Sale by all Hardware and Rubbe In the United States: ANTED. B1NT3 WANTED: New book; Illustrated an Dtamatlo Hlstorj ot the -t Louis Cjolon al account ot Devastation Baicmi Clncln att, Onto. rEN to take eiders In rifrj town and city; 5 5i wod wages; pw weekly no cap DAILY. JOURNA 'ubllahed every day In week texcepl Monday) by the Loganaport Company.

.54,80 per. Annum Official Paper of City and County. (Entered as second-clans malVmatter 'at he Logansport Post Office. February 8. TH.UKSDAY, JUNE IS, 1800.

POINTS WERE APPLAUDED. Speaking ot tlve tuinporory at 'Mie St. Louis conven- iou a corrospouileuit says: Ir fnlr- ank's adtlnws was liberally applauded lurcnighowt. Certain: of it weni cheered, not only from tihe but by tins immense uce 'iin the Railleries. Among tJie po-tots icili eMoltiifl specUil- commendation vcro tthe fo'Ho'Wiiug: govcinnmeart not 11 vet-into gold, nwctra by uiUMntol hit.

nwteu itflty cents one huu- Ired cents." "It witiliTS as much labor to earn i pocxr dollar MS does to earn good mi 1 protest against the policy of owcdmg our cominerc'uil wrest thio Democratic ntte-mpt lower 'tlie standard of currency -the low level of Mexico, Chinavnnd lapan." "The present sfandard of onr cur- our honor, will be safely re- anid -preserved by.the Repnbli- pai-ty." "A coininiorclJiJ Pan-Aunerican congress wits conceived by G. prolonged applause following tlie nwnuoii oC Hie name of Tames G. Blafoie, TVJ-llet Hale, of NOAvburyport, proposed three cheers for G. Elaine, -winch wore crirvcn vditih a wiU. The following ex-' missions iiii speech were loudly "Tho Monroe doctrine nnis-t be firmly uphold, aml-t'lie powers oi 1 (he made to respecit This gvcnt and iiirwrlt- tcm Tihore can be no territorial by foreign- go-vorn- mciiiits on the Western cojrtinont." "The Republican party believes in tho development of our -navy merchant marine until ve establish our undisputed supremacy upon tihe high seas." 'The straggle for human liberty enlists 'the Eopublicn.n party; a parly that gave liberty to the Western 'fullest mcfui ing." Tlie volte of the Democratic parly is for free trade a-nd free siilvcr against honest iinoney and a protct'tive tariff In tihe words of a Kepub Ilcan, ITic desire of Hio American people Is for an- honest currency and cluancc to eam Jit by Honest toil," wish to see a new republic borr on the Cubaii soil" The ntass oC Amotteus i-n tlite-sec- tion arc.foi-cMy-opposed to the permission oC tlie la.nding in the Shites of fllHiy, eriniinal, ignorant Poles, Slavs, I-taHajis trm! Hungarians An agent wilio VJsitctl tiho Gas Bolt to read tlie of tbe people oil this found t.hait lit Is thought the innniferaitiion, laws are loose, so report.

-i The ElovomWi tl-isstriot'k, nfter all, rep resented by Mr. BrownJee as a delegate ait a-u-ge. Thait could bare the State OQ tho tions' coninittbec, but lie was 'loyal to Gen. Lew Mr. Brown-lee i IntlKiina member of the commJttee toi itliu nofetfiealioB of the Fresldentia Repu'blicaus are Instruclo'd by- the State committee to ratify the nomlua tlons for President and Vice President Saturday nigUrt, at every county seat Indiana.

It araustug to toear Democrats tall of nomitoaitilins Republtcan Sena-tor Teller (for president. Dem ocraits need expect little from, tlieli party. Hon. Grover Olevelaad says lie can not believe the Democratic rank ant flic are foolish. Ah, Grover, you al ways will your Joke.

Newspaper men have hard work to keep fsomcitliin-g new 'on'-the wires ron- St. Louis. Eveiy-tOiftug has. been old fo: some time. Those wlio counit at 'St.

are no- tihe men wflio sit on tbe stage, but th committee workers. Cass coainty should have a credit able odttage'at the State Soldiers' Horn at Lafayette. Tlhe sum appropriated Is ample. Wlio saM onyrtMng about a Fourth July celebrankai? Miss Ma Richards Is visiting at ionticello. Miss Com IXM-e of BuroierttsvHIc visited here roceatl-y.

Jltes Hattle Roberts of Anderson is to Che city. Mrs. of, Is In tho dity vtoiitng ol ri-om i(ijgist. MJss Eni'mii Miurphy ot Sfarlou Is tlie 'nest of friends in this city. Miss.

Mniud 'of Kokomo. is rcdaiWive? la tdiis ciity. Editor J. Coainw c-t the Galveston Sun was I'" the city yesterday. Mis.

Hewy IO-ug is' visiting her brother, PWllp-Bator ait JInrtan. Ml'lts Matt i.s ait home a.fter a visit M'bs Allt-e of Wabash. Lyn and Clark Rogers and Sam Jones vUl be home from Wabash today. Miss Pentecost of Kokomo is the guest of Miss Moredock of the West- Alburt Tone-y Lew Cornwell Iwive 'one to Royal "Conlcr to opan a tailor Mrs. E.

J. Duulap is eutortaining Mrs. Ida Lniulls and family of Wheeling, Va. Mrs. KadiBl Ha.wk'uis is tlie guest of her Mrs.

W-in. Cliue at evening tbe Rev, D. P. Plitnain officiating. There were no Invited gnesta and none but the of 'the parties were present.

It 'wW'siiiifty Vquilet home '-wedding. ADter the ceremony and congratulations, refreshments were served. The groom is one of Logansport's well and- enjoys the eoulldence of a large number of patrons sintl friends. He has built up a boot and shoe Itao anjd deserves' the-' success he lias attained. is -a-'daugWer of Henry.

and Mrs. SeyboM, of Noble town- slilip, and. circle of warn) friends iu. rtil'ff'eiry, where she is well known. jlr and Mrs.

Pilling are at home in a neatly furnished cottage at Eleventh ami High" streets, and the "At Home" crtrda, which were sent out yesterday, bikr'date of July 1. 'Hie Journal joins tlfcir "many friends in congratulations rid'besi washes to the happy couple. 'THR GRASSHOPPER PLAGUE. It is. reported that the grasshoppers completely destroy VUK the growius crops in'flic northern part of Miami coimly ami in a portion of The corn, rye, fruit and vegetables as soon Uie get nisiire hold on tbem.

Mrs. AV. V.,u and family of gnesi's ot H. C.

Mohallio of itlhe Wistslilo. Roc-order Bilrt Xhoiniwoii of Carroll county was in the city yesterday afternoon on Miiiss'Mand DM of Ma.rJon was here vestmlny on 'her way to Delphi for a iislt with rcJaiiives. M--ISS Pearl Baker and brother oE Chicago are visiting tbe M-isses Knowlton oC Eel River Miss Carrie Araot has returned to icr liomc a.t Kentla'iid after a visit with Fnuik Swl'pirt and "fa-rally. Mrs. C.

Mi'tcljell of.Florida is vlsit- 1-ug tho of Wi-1-liiiin Mrs. Mitchell formerly resided in this city. ML-w E'lteiiboKi McCabe has arrived from Hamllsbm-R, will in future reside witJi'luT'broilhoi', -Tiio." McCabe. Charles Campbell of Arcola, 111., and Blair Boj-lc oi 1 Kokomo are visiting Miss Moredot-k o-l! die Westside for a few days. Mrs.

Owen FoHsa. and Miss Mary are aittencliug tho commence- incuit exei-oi'ses oC -Hie undversity of Nota-e Diimo. Prof. Hunter of Michael's 1 has robunietl Pdnnsj-lvania -and iicn-ls illicit life 1110Cher proved In D. A.

Marte of won Will, jjnulnates at Ann Arbor this wcok, Wslwre yestejxlay on his way to i.Utcutl tlie commencement. rent Dolau, Allen Nelson and Fred Muixloek, of. Logiins- pont, wlio have beim camping tit 1 the stoaio house scvui-al broke' camp today and ratumnod home. Id-avJlJc Hall vlsiltod lu's ftUiher o-thM rdsiltves lio-e Saiturday ami Ma IT Davte was in Logans- pout on business yestei-day. Laifayelite Call: Mrs.

Josephine Becker of Loganspart, -is -visiting her par- en-1s, Mr. "ReJitcmeir. She is by lnw ha.bc, w3iicli. was just one year oM yesterday, Baker, -who has been visiting her mother, M.i's..C. B.

Knowlton, "for the last ten (lays, left yesterday for Alabama, to join 'her 1 husband, who haf pureJiascd a cotton and fruit plantation of eight hundred, acres, o-n they will reside. B-utrnettsviililc 'cor'. Idaville Chas. Bell and- funnily of are MiBilttag F. nnd H.

Monty, and.Mrs. Mflt-Mertz were at, Logaospant Tilrai-sdtiy. a-nd Sam EsenWitee and son "Harry of Logansport spent Sum.ihiy wi'Ih Maude I'nlenMls In iihis Highest of Leavening U. Report. HETHETUjSGTON-LUX.

Last iiteut the -home of ttie parents of Hie teMe, Dr. P. Hotberingtou and Miss Mnime Lux, eldest daughter of Mr. Mid Lux rtl Eel River avenue; were united Un by the Rev.

P. Putnam, 3u the presence of about seven'iy-five friends and "relatives of tlie principals. The ho-iise was beautifully decorated, a- splendid wedding supper was a. feature, and the presents received by tlie happy pair were nwnierorts. and Mr.

and Mire. Hetliedng- ton began last night in a handsomely furnished flat over the office of Steultz Hefcherlngton on Fourth street. The groom "is one of the best known- of. Lopansport's- young- physicians, 'having gained au enviable i-oputation for rellabUWyi.anfl skill in his- -chosen." The handsome bride 3s one-of 'a family, of Rented and attractive young' ladles. She Is popular with young and.old.

The hosts of fi-iends of both young'people join in best'-wishes. PILLIXG-SEXBOLD. The marriage of-Lincoln and Miss Bertha Seytoold tbe parents; five miles west of the Tuesday THE SECOND LECTURE. Rev. T.

S. Guthrie lectures at Milwliacl's uuSversHy afternoon (Thursday) at 3 o'clock. Subject to onr Government." Free to TAP -THE TROLLEY WIRES. Not Than Thoimanrt JJunlncsH-Mcr of Brooklyn Ariiunmi. When a merchant in Brooklyn, N.

Y. wants to illuuii-nate his place of biisi- ness-by a superior quality of electricity he'g-oes out nnd secretly taps thfi nearest nnd handiest trolley wire. More thaii a thousand persons nrc said to be piiiltjr of and they do cot huve to go far for liglH supply, for that section of the universe which reluctantly became a pnrt of greater New York lies ur.dcr a mesh work of copper trolley feed wires. The trial of Hichard Kodemacher, saloon keeper in the city of churches, for stealing- the electric current, broug-ht snd state of affairs.

In his case, the electric railroad company alleges, he went two blocks away from home for his strung hi-fi wires over housetops. It is said that no less than thousand business men arc occupying- brilliantly-lighted stores, und that they do not pay 'a cent for their illumination. Each has a copper connection with-a convenient trolley wire which furnishes tbem a better quality of light than the rcg-ular lighting companies. sale prosecutions, it is said, will follow. SHAKE SARAH'S StnrtcntH Honored by tho Ulvlno Actress and Given to "Lft 'A Jsew York Eecorder Jtochester, N.

says: Seventy'-five Btudents of the University of Rochester l4et Mine. Sarah Bcrnhardt by appointment the other day hi her private car that was at Rochester. They entered the car at one end, passing through in file, each one shaking: hands-and speaking to her. the students utilized their snvittertiig of Trench to good advantage. The i-undavue asked all about thejnni- versity, the duties nnd seemed to be much interested yo'ung ndmircrs.

As they left structed her attendants to give tli'i some -ticliete for the evening performance of "La Tosca." After, leaving the car the boys hat a great row over the distribution of tbe pasteboards. For au hour or so wrangled, continuing their rumpus into the''halls of the college building, anc into a room, where hostilities broke out. CUnirs and other movable objects were hurled at those who hnd posses Bion of the tickets in thft'attempt to make them surrender. At the eveniuj performance the students occupied prominent- scats and made their pres euce known in a demonstrative man ncr. BOOM FOR BLOOMER COSTUMES Singular Kcffulatlon Decreed by tho Itev crenel Muoaffor of a Park.

No woman cyclist need apply for per mission to ride her wheel on the new bicycle course at Columbia park, in Mid dleton, X. unless she is willing to (Ton the bloomer costume, as Rev. C. Winchester, the pork manager, has de cided that tlie costume of the now woman is the proper one, and will permit the' use of no other. Columbia parl- is one of the newly-established parks of the city, on the line of the electric road and is owned by Kev.

Winchester pastor of the Free Christian church Mr. is manager of the re sort, and, being an nrdent prohibition ist, is opposed to anything and.every -thing which tends to intoxication. He is, however, determined that the plena ure grounds of which he is manager shall not be Jacking- in attractive fea iures, and, as a drawing card, is fitting- up the place for the especial accom modation of the new woman. An interesting seimion. (sewing Dear, me! Here been talking lor hours, and haven't, got to yet.

What sewing? 'Third ties-ought to sew, you know. owing to 1 tie lateness of the hour, the Sewing 1 Society for the Amelioration of Heathen will now 1 it- Weekly. ABSOLUTELY PURE TRIUMPH IN. SUltGERY. Extraordinary Operation of Sldn Orattt.

I'orCoraied at Chicago. Ur. MtcbolM. SBDD K- E. Maimed 'Hand Innldo' tho Cuticle of and It to StrrnEtb.

Dr. Xicholivs Senn has made a. success of nn extraordiuury operation in skin Xoihingr of the ever was 'ried before, and Cliicag-0 burgeon has sturtled bis brethren again by his daring is receiving their plaudits for the triumph of bis remarkable experiment. The. parboiled hand of a man, devoid of Kki'n on its back, was inserted in a puncture made between the ami the flesh of the man's own stomach three weeks ago and fastened there, literally in D.

sling of skin and flesh. The Other day it was removed nnd it was fr-mid that the skin of the stomach had grown to the back of the hand. It was carefully treated, trimmed down to where it should grow, and ifMrhimph of akin grafting was nmde public. The patient is E. E.

Lyday, cashier of the First notional bank of Xewton, la. He lias been a resident and a business man of that place for years. Mr. LytJay a victim of a wreck on the Chicago, Bock Island Pacific railway a.t Grm- r.dl, in 1S94. The "hot nir" pressure on a coach at that time severely scalded his face and hands.

He was scarred for life. In the course of time he recovered the use of'his left hand, but his right hand WHS so parboiled find maimed that he lost control of it. The member was like a piece of mangled The skin wns hopelessly and permanently gxmo from finger tip to wrist. Being possessed of meanP, Mr. T.yday sought the of surgical aid.

regard- Ii-ss of expense, but without until recently. Several weeks ago he came, to Chicago and wont to St. Joseph's hospital. Dr. Seen wan summoned.

The Rnrpvon found that the hnnd baffled all old remedies nt grafting. Hs finally decided to make nn as tbe last hope for relief. I.ydiiy shuddered at, ihc sugS'i-srion. but phickily agreed to the tost. Dr.

Senn decided that the chance was to slice a piece of skin in Today's breast or stomach BO that the hand could be inserted therein Xx-twecn the flesh skin, thus practically making a sling of skin and flesh which the patient could rest his disfigured hand. Lyday first submitted to the knife April A piece of. bis skin three incJics in width, five inches long o.nd a quarter of an inch thick was skillfully cut. The unique bandage was lifted to permit the insertion of the end scalded hf.nrl which needed a new- covering. The hand was placed in this novel grafting device a few weeks ago.

The triumph was complete. The skin hat! grown on tho back of the hand, anil a process was promptly applied to sub- stitute'nnother skin on the stomach and breast, from which the strip had been transferred to the hand. A photographer took advantage of the and several good negatives of the achievement were secured. Mr. Lyda'-y i's in excellent spirits, and Dr.

Se.nn naturally is prmul of the success of his novel experiment. DR. JAMESON ON THE DECLINE. He In Bcluc Dropped by Fashionable Set In Kot to S' ttrr J' The story that has been circulated to the effect that Dr. Jameson, the leader of the raid into the Transvaal, will shortly-marry a peeress is not credited.

In referring'to the subject a London paper asks: "What peeress?" and adds: "A more contemptible, imbecile and discreditable piece of business than the raid it would be difficult to on the pages of English history. Apart from press opinion, the fact is that Dr. Jameson is getting outside the fashionable circle, whore he was a short time ago received as one of England's heroes, lie is now utterly discredited and recog-nizcd as a rash fool, whose involved ruin all around." JNO interruption. A great talker had ensconced himself in tiho study of Laplace, the great mathematician, who went on with his work. A.f lor a wile the visitor "Von arc busy, M.

le Marquis, perhaps I disturb you?" "N'ot in the lenst. Vra.v go on.Iaro "nl Cyclometer It is 1,000 mile, repeating. Every Bicycle Bider should have it. In exchange far Coupons TOBACCO;" 1 0 Too Coupontin Mill Pouoh Tobicpp Is couponi wU) couponi. "4 Empty Bag at mt Gmttm, ta." Empty Stg ftee LLMTMtEtf mOHtptonotion haafo get Miltadon WJUMt.

Tho Bloch Bros, Tobiwo W. Vi. IW7 SOMEWHAT MIXED. Trouble Him mt Home. He was a ptJe-faccd, red-whiskered wnn, and wns leaning against horseless wagon, which-' was lying on its side near tbe roatTfence.

the New York Worlid. "Stranger." he began, as I approached biro, "keii ye tell me whcr' I am at?" "Yon are about three miles from Grnssville village and four miles from Lidford town," I. replied. "Kin yer tell me tbe time?" "Seven o'clock." "Mornin 1 or evenln 1 "Morning." "Then it's me," he said, with, a si jh. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, stranger," he began, "jis you come along I woke up an' found me- selt lyin 1 under this yere wagon, ier the life of me I couldn't tell which one of two things I had gone an' done lost a horse or found a wagon. Jfow I know tbat I havp lost a horse; now I know that I'm the great big gawk that left Grassville for Lidford with a load of taters yesterday mornin 1 an' left Lidford for Grassville with a skinful of whisky last night. "Stranger," he continued, "take a good look nt my face now, an' then'Jist wait here till I come back from Grass- ville with the horse, an' you'll git a purty good idee of the 'nghtin' qualities of my ol" woman." I did not wait. SAND MOUNTAhN HERMIT DEAD. Peculiar Career of Dr.

a Hl(ftily Kdacatcd Man. Dr. Lazarus, the "Sand Mountain mit," widely for his peculiar mode of life, died in bis cabin.on Sand mountain, Jackson, county, a. Mrs. Hug-h Carlisle, wife of Maj.

Carlisle, a wealthy railroad builder, in return for skillful professional services rendered her in New York by Lazarus 20 vc.irs bore all the funeral expenses and buried the remains in the cemetery atGnntersville, Ala; He was a very quaint character, and had diplomas from the best medical' schools of New York, London, Paris, Berlin and Edinburgh. His father was at one time a wealthy shipowner of Wilmington, N. whose ships visited the ports of the old world. The son became an able writer, and contributed to number of foreign journals in several languages, but he fell a victim to communistic views, which ultimately excluded him from society. He became a misogymist, cursing the human race, and for years has lived remote from civilization.

His steed was saddled ox, tbe sharers of his habitation the mountain goats, on whose milk, together with wild roots. he eked out an existence. GARB OF QUAKERS. Milled at tho Annual Sleotlnn of Society of The yearly meeting of the Society of 1'riends, occurred in New York recently nnd 'many delegates from other cities were present to attend the 202d session. The gathering included the meeting in all towns of eastern Sew York and Long Island.

A meeting of tbe First Day School association opened the session. The old meeting house at Rutherford place and Fifteenth street was crowded tho mcmbei-s of the society outsiders, and about two dozen elders, men and women, sat at the front of the house in the "facing scats." Among these ciders, most of them well ad- vanccd in life, was almost the only place where the old-fashioned gray and drab of the order were seen. A few in the body of the meeting wore gray gowns and bonnets, but, as a rule, the friends were dressed like "the world's people." The quciint "thee' nnd "thou," however, still hold 'their place among- the members. DAMROSCH AND GRAU. The Combination of for American Operatic Management.

The interest in thr failure of Abbey, Schoffel Grau at Xcw York is unabated. Tbe most persistent of all the rumors which were circulated the other flay was tbat Mr. Abbey would leave the firm, that he would then proceed tc organize a stock company with a capital of $100,000, with the privilege of increasing it to $500.000, whose business it would be to manage theaters and opera houses, conduct the tours of rccog-- nizcd stars and engage in general theatrical business. The declaration was made that Sir. Abbey would not become tlie president of but that he would be given block of stock and become vice president, and manager, Ic. he leaves the firm, Walter Damrosch will associate himself with Maurice Grau; and the two will have- control of grand opera in America. The Tarncd. In England it is- a 'common thing to clergymen's wives inviting- ladies to- come to them -as gencrol servants Jop the honor and glory of the tiling, but the tables have been turned by three ladies in a London suburb, who have advertised for a gentlewoman to do Uie work of their cottage. The gentlewoman required must, according to ndvertiBement, not. only, be strong, active and an "early but must be ft elergvman's or professional daughter.

A. critic that advertisers would doubtless feel traded by sleeping in a bed made by tte of a young woman wnooc father bad beeii in trade..

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