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The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune from Chillicothe, Missouri • Page 11

Chillicothe, Missouri
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PAGE THREE. CinXUCOTITE CONSTITUTION, 28, 1307. OAK GROVE. Oak Grove, Aug. (Special Kinsey is carrying tbe mail on route No.

2, during the regular carrier's vacation. Oak'. Grove boys played the Rich" team Sunday, with a score of 5 to 4 in favor of Rich Hill. Geo. Field, umpired the game.

Roy Chase left Wednesday evening for a visit with Harrison Co. relatives. B. F. Head returned home Monday afer a month's visit with her daughter, Mrs.

Herman Russel of Miss Mary O'Connor and Miss Ella Casey of Chillicothe were guests of Mrs. Johk; Casey last welt. Mrs. and children of Kansas City visited with Mrs. Joseph Winaris last wek.

Mrs. L. E. Head and" baby are guests of Mrs. 1 B.

Shields of Chil- llcothe. MaSsvCeUaTWilhite went to Rich Hill township Friday to visit a few- days with old neighbors. While cutting brush Israel got a cut in the knee with an ax that put the young man out of the. ball business for some time. "Mrs.

E. Mendenhall spent Thursday with Mrs. J. F. Morris.

Ed. 'Herriford worked on the Johnston rancli several days week. Mr. Johnston threshed three hundred acres of wheat and shipped it from Norville. Miss Bessie Israel is spending the week with Chillicothe relatives.

Paul Bier is building an addition 1 to, hte house. Mr. and Mrs. James Herriford, a Mrs. E.

H. Herriford, Mr. and-Mrs. Ctarles George and istauley.perrifiird went to Medicine bottoms" Sunday to see dredge boat work. Mrs.

Tom Gorman and children spent the fore pare of the weev. with Mrs, Pat Slattery. Get your five senses to gether, then all aboard for the grocer's for the ginger that has broken NATIONAt BISCUIT COMPANY NKWS FROM Rijl'K MOVXD. Blue Mound, Aug. (Special Minnie Can- and Miss Winnie Stagner spent Saturday afternoon with Mr.

Ora Stag- uer and wife. Joseph Haynes and John Sullivan were visitors in Chillicothe Miss Erma Carlyle spent Saturday night with Miss Aggie Nox. Jos. Haynes and Robert Knox made a visit trip to Hale Saturday. Miss Nellie Carr is on the sick Eczema.

For the good of those eczema or other such trouble" I wish to say, my wife had something" of that kind and after using the for some time concluded to try Chamberlain's Salve, and it proved to be better than anything she had tried. For sale by N. J. Swetland. WEST JACKSOJV JJJSWS.

Mr. and Mrs. John Perry and family spent Sunday with Robert Knox and wife. Miss Carrie McCullough, who has been visitiug relatives in Sampsel. returned home Friday.

Ora Staguer and wife spoilt Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox. Weak Women To fl oak and ailing women, there is at lout wmytoholp. But with that-way.

two rast be combined. One is is West Jackson, Aug. (Special Correspondence) The basket meet- ing at Lilly Grove Sunday was well Honal. but both are important, both essential attended, Rev. Gilbert of Jamesporti Dr.

Shoop's Night direitho local. Dr. Ehoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. officiating. Those attending from ba fmm Shoop's Nieht Cure-is a toplcrt a distance Dr.

T. G. Phelps ucon5mcn suppository remedy. While of Chillicothe, Harry Bond and fam- ihoop'sBestoiatireis wholly anjinternal treat ily of, Jamesport, 'Billy Williams and The Restorative reaches throughout th, family and Frank House and family of Grundy county. Ben Marlow and family spent Sunday with Scott Mast and wife of South Jackson.

Masteries and wife are visiting friends in this section. Mrs. Borden, sister of Mrs Nova Davis, returned to Tier home in Tex- ab a few days ago Forrest Smith of this section and Miss Ethel Williams of Eugenia, called on L. Black Sunday. Three threshing crews were at work Saturday within half a mile "of each other, trying to save tbe grain that remains inthe shock.

Hundreds of people yearly gc through polnfnl operations needless ly, because they never tried Man Zaii Pile Remedy. It is put up in a form that can be applied right -where the trouble lies. It relieves the pain and inflammation. It is for any form of piles. Price 50c.

Sold by N. J. Swetland Drug Co. SAMPSEL Sampsel, Aug. (Special Correspondence) W.

E. Boucher went to Kansas Saturday for a week's visit; Several from this vicinity have been attending -the tabernacle meet- ings. Miss Lura Wilson was visiting her sister, Mrs. Susie Sterling, Monday. J.

V. Nichols shipped a car of hay from Sampsel last week. Miss Bertie Boucher came home from Kansas City Sunday to visit with home folks. Mr. and Mrs Barton Fanning of Trentou are visiting at the home of Ernest Hoerath this week.

Dr. T. G. Phelps of Chillicothe attended the sale at James Sterling's Thursday. Rev.

J. Harris will hold sercices at Mt. Pleasant Sunday. G. was in Chillicothe on business Saturday! meat Ths Eestorativs reaches throuBhoot system, seeking the repair mrrm all tissue, and all blood ailments.

iT- The "Hieht as its name implies, doel Mil work while you sleep. It soothes sore and mucous surfaces, heals local -wesinesiei discharges, the Restorative, eases nerroni gives renewed rigor and ambftleo, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about rewired vigor, and energy. Take Dr. or a general tothewstem. For positive local help, use ai wall Dr.

Shoop's Night Cure N.J.SWETLANPDRUGC9. HAD AN AWFUL TIME. Kilt Chamberlain's and Diarrhoea Remedy Cured, Him. RE.LDV FOK TrfRKSHER.S. Springhill, Aug.

.27. (Special iu this neighborhood are getting very anx- iou about the threshing. to be no machines coming tin's way. The public sale of B. Sterling's farm was well altendoV Charles Waddell home last Tuesday from lola, Kansas, and will be the guest of reiativec and friends for two weeks.

The managers of the Siiringhill ball team received a challenge from tho manager of tho Braymer team for a game, and they will probably accept. Frank Noah -Mrs. Waddell are visitiug friends- Jos- ei-h this week. There was an ice cream Springhill Saturday. Babe Tye has bought the Sterling farm of one hundred acres.

Mast was Chillicothe visitor Saturday. Miss Stella Phelps of Chillicothe has been engaged to teach the Raulie school the coming term. It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a severe case of the measles I got caught out in a hard rain and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and i had it not been for the use of Cham- I berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- 1 rhoe'a 'Remedy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well.

I have written the above through simple gratitude and 1 shall always -speak a good word for this remedy. Sam l-I." Gwin, Concord, Ga. For sale by N. .1. Swetlaud.

Almost a Necessity. We articulate with Missouri State University. Our long terms will get your required units in shot-test time. We take up work beginning at 8th jjrade. Special attention to teachers and scientific training.

Enter September 3rd For particulars PHONE 36 OR CALL ON ALLEN MOORE, Pres. Chffiicothe, Mo. In an address at. Hanover, Kmper- or William divided the credit for peace between heaven and the German soldiery. DeWitt's Kidney aud Bladder Pills the best for backache and weak kidneys.

Sold by N. J. Swetland Drug Co. mm YOU Union Star has closed a successful tion in the race meeting. Ryestrain.

A healthy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound you well. 6ETT1H0 relief of Headache and The Earl of Dunmore. a prominent British Christian Scientist, is dead. Death resulted from a sudden illness before a physician could he summoned.

A.jB. MACDONALD East Side OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Dr. Frances H. Singer Qsteooathic Physician Office' Residence, 50t Washington St CONSTITUTION OFFICE, CHILLICOTHE, MISSOURI. 444.

Consultation and Examination Free Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Ka.gie Ointment Please note it is made alone' for piles, and its action is positive and certain; Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear Hka ragic by its use. Large nickel capped jars 50c. Sold by N. Swet land Drug Co.

Peace in Central America is upw assured through the intervention of the United States and Mexico. Kodol for Indigestion iiud Dyspepsia is a preparation of vegetable acids and contains the same juices foundf in a healthy stomach. It di- How's This? We offer One Hunded Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh th cannot be cured by Catari. Cure. J.

Cheney Toledo, We, the undersigned, have knowi, P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, ind believe him perfectly horibrabte in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Killan Marvin WholesaleJDruggits, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.

Testimonials sent free. Price 75c jer bottle. Sold by all druggist. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Eight hundred employes of the Reading, Hardware company quit j'esterday.

gesls what you eat. Shetland Drug Co. Sold by N. J. A large crowd ivas at the held by J.

V. Nichols, Tuesday. sale Charley Walker and wife of. Lock President Roosevelt ordereS the 'Navy Department to arrange all details for the trip of Admiral Evans' fleet of battleships to the Paciffic Springs are visiting Josh Walker's. Ocean.

YEARS SUCCESS in training and locating students. We expect this fall to break all previous records in attendance. New equipment. Entire school remodeled. Call and make arrangements to begin Sept.

2. MAUPIN'S COLLEGE "The Position School" Chillicothe, Missouri. "Several years since my lungs i were so badly affected that I had many hemorrhages," writes A. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treat- ment with several physicians with- out any benefit.

I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my mugs are now sound as a I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Houey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, and prevents serious results from a cold. Refuse Sold by all druggists. substitutes. Near Dallas, D. B.

Herring, farmer, returned unexpectedly home and found Dr. 'B. S. Scliaseor with his wife. He killed Scliaseor with an ax and then surrendered.

Ths iiew line of Belt Bookies -ATED CRELLIN'S A Bad J-23 BW Irregularity is bad in every department of life, in meals, in sleeping hours, but especially when it is a question of womanly habit. Not only is it a sign ot female disease, but. unless cured, it will cause dangerous troubles, because of the poisons thus allowed to remain in the system. If you suffer in this way, get a bottle of ferity, causing WRITE US A REDSKINS MASSACRE SEALS DAILY IN HARBOR AT BOSTON. Three-Dollar Bounty for Each Tail Brings Passamaquoddies from Maine to Take Part in the Hunt.

real, live Indians are supporting themselves by killing seals in Boston harbor is not known to everybody around here. For some seasons several Passaina- quoddy Indians from Eastport, Pleasant Bay, Old Town and other parts of Maine have been earning a living during the summer months by killing seals and presenting the tails at the Btty hall in- Quincy, where they get a three-dollar bounty for each tail. So far this year Town Clerk Keith of Quincy says has bsen paid out in bounties to these enterprising Indians, who make their camp at Squantum or on Peddock's island. One of the Indians, Willie Nicholas, lives with five others near the Portuguese village on Peddock's island. In the winter he and his people make baskets: in the spring they fish" with weirs; in the summer they hunt seals, anrl in the autumn they guide.

But they get more money from killing seals than from any other source. Two men go out in canoes painted sea green and bark like seals until they attract the animals to within shooting distance, when they kill them with shotguns. Sometimes they hunt by (lay and sometimes by night. When hunting from canoes, they always have to get to the leeward of the seals in order to avoid being detected, for seals have a very keen sense of smell. Sometimes the crafty Indians wrap themselves in dark canvas or blankets and lie on Hangman's or Veazie's rocks, and they are so successful in imitating the call of the seal that they are able attract them near enough- sometimes to kill thorn with a club.

It is not an easy matter to get near enough to shoot a seal, but it is far more difficult to get him after he has been shot, for he circles around in the water for a few moments and then his tremendously heavy body which often weighs 500 or GOO to the bottom. Some nights a couple of Indians will get eight or ten seals, which makes a fairly good night's work. has been said that the Indians present the snouts for the bounty in Maine and then come up here with the tails for another bounty. That there is nothing to prevent this being done except the Indian's sense of honor is perfectly true. Of course, they are obliged to swear that the seals have been killed within the confines of the town or city in which the bounty is applied for, but perjury has been known to exist among Indians as well as among white men.

Then, too, the tail is only two or three inches long and very small around, and therefore lends itself very readily to transportation. Many people have wondered why the state encourages the killing of the seals. The answer is to be found in the seal's stomach. Last year a fish and game warden found in the stomach of one seal 11 eels, several lobsters, a few floimders and general assortment of smelt and other small fish to the amount of one peck by actual measurement. Multiply several meals per diem of this sort even by the number of seals that have already been killed in Quincy bay this season is you get some idea of the competition which seals afford the local fisherman.

GERMAN JUSTICE SOLOMONLIKE. Married Women 'Called On to Settle Late Saloon Pleas. the court at Schonsee, that was hearing pleas for an extension of the closing hour from 11 to 12.30. tbe saloonkeepers presented many witnesses who testified that the whole town was for the change. The judges retired to consider and, when they reappeared, the chairman said: "We shall take great pleasure in granting the extension, but the plea must be supported by the signatures of at least ten married women." The saloonkeepers and their adherents have been engaged in a fruitless searcb for these ten signatures.

At Dortmunder was a girl with her baby before the court, claiming support from a man whom she alleged was its father. The man denied the paternity and in a voluble manner, in reply to the questions of the court, pointed out tbe differences between his own features and those of the infant. "You're the father right enough," said the judge. "If you were not, you would know nothing of the baby's looks. Twenty marks (five dollars) a month." Higher Pay for Soldiers.

President Roosevelt and Secretary Taft committed themselves to a determined effort to have the pay of the enlisted men in the army and navy increased. The' department of commerce and labor has been called upon to. prepare for the president statistics showing the comparative increase in cost of Jiving and ia wages. The commissioned officers of both branches of the service also hope to receive some favorable treatment. It is expected that congress will be asked to increase the pay of the enlisted men 25 per cent Piueulcs are for the Kidneys and Bladder.

They bring quick relief backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tied worn out feeling. They produce natural action of the kidneys in filtering waste 'matter out of the blood. 30 days treatment 51.00. Money refunded it Pineules are not satisfactory. Sold by N- and Drug Co, Going'i 7 ir Stop it, thm.

And why not? Falling hair is a disease, a regular disease, and your own doctor will tell yoc the remedy; He knows that Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved for- mnla, quickly stops falling hair, cures dandruff, and makes the hair grow. Just ask him. Wopublfali tho formnLiB JV of all our preparationo. Xiowall, XMB. Make 10 Per Cent By attending our Annual Buggy Sale.

We will, commencing August 12th and continuing two week, offer you the largest and best line of vehicles in North Missouri at a 'reduction of 10 per cent from the selling price" Come atid select you a buggy. We have the following lines to select from: The "World Known Studebaker." The "Celebrated Henney." The "Flint." It will wear as long as name implies. The "Commonwealth." A neat tasty line. 'The "Blees," a Missouri product manufactured at Macon, Mo. Come early and get the pick.

If you want something cheap we can order you anything at prices as low as any money order house in the U. S. Try us before ordering. Yours truly, Scruby Bros. G.

I. Co. WE'VE CUT 'EM $2.00 Straw Hats $1.00 1.50 Straw Hats 75 1.25 Straw Hats" 65 1.00 Straw Hats 50 .75 Straw Hats 40 .50 Straw Hats 25 .25 Straw Hats 15 We never carry over Straw Hats until the next year. D. BRANT SON "Brant's Shoes Are Better." Dr.

A Chronic Nervous Diseases Bank of Chilicothe Building, Southwest cor. Square, Chillicothe, Missonr MEINERSHAGEN FURNITURE GO. UNDERTAKERS. NIGHT 153. DAY 39T.

WIND-MILLS! Say! farmer friends IS THE TIME To '-Irv. Come in let us Figure with you on an IMPERIAL MILL Do not till your ponil jibsolutisly the best mill on the' market. More Spikes, More Fans, More Powec" i E. H. LA Chillicothe, TUB SOUTH LOfHIST KT.

LIVERYMEN have added to their stock the finest Funeral Car ever brought lo Chillicothe. Besides doing a g-eneral livery business, they jrivespecial funerals. They also make carriage calls (day or nijfht) any part of (h-- eltv cc-iatv. Ti-iephcse 150, -ilO S. Locust at.

INVENTS SELF-HANGING DEVICE. Former Baseball Pitcher Tests New Plan on Negro Murderer. save the nerves of tender-hearted officials, Sheriff A. C. Gumbert, formerly a pitcher on the Chicago National league baseball team, the other day successfully put into use a self-hanging device of his own invention.

The device was tried on Rowling Green, a negro wife murderer, who went singing to the gallows. While the deputy sheriff stood on the trap placing the noose about the condemned man's neck the sheriff stood wirh a wire held tight in his band. The action of the deputy in stepping off the trap loosened the wire andlhe weight of the murderer sprung Green's body darted through the opening in the floor of the gallows death, the physicians said, was almost instantaneous, the man's neck broken. It is claimed for this device that no one person bears the odium of being a hangman, the condemned man doing more than his part. Woman of 92 Fine-'Sprinter.

Talbot. the 98- American marine engineer whose activity has been told of, has rivals. At a charitable fete given for the aged poor in Buckinghamshire prizes for Bat races were won by two men aged S3 and 86 years respectively In one woman's race a dame of 93 sprinted flneiy. but beaten by.

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