Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas • Page 4
- Publication:
- Denton Record-Chroniclei
- Location:
- Denton, Texas
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- 4
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EDITORIALS PAGE FOUR EDITORIALS Roman Catholic President? The Test Will Come In July THE EDITOR of a Texas Baptist publication has declared in an editorial that Protestants should not vote for Roman Catholic presidential candidates unless they renounce their allegiance to the Vatican. The writer of a Denton church news letter, printed locally for members of the congregation (not Baptist) has said the same thing in different words. Writing in the Baptist Standard, Dr. E. S.
James has this to.say: "There must be renunciation of allegiance to the. foreign religion-political state at the Vatican, and there must be a declaration of freedom from the domination of the clergy by American Catholic citizens. If that were done we know of no reason why a Roman Catholic should not have the support of voters of all faiths." Slightly stronger is this comment recently included in a Denton Church of Christ congregational newsletter. Entitled "A Catholic President? Wake Up America," the story was written to urge members to pay poll taxes. The last paragraph of the story has this to say: "Don't believe all the political baloney that says a Catholic president would owe his allegiance first to our country because many a leopard has changed his spots when the pressure was applied.
A loyal Catholic had rather cut your throat than defy the Pope of Borne!" Certainly, both of these statements could not be considered a blanket idea of all members of the churches involved. But they do perhaps part of the national feeling against Sen. John Kennedy in his presidential aspirations; It is the kind of feeling that is difficult to overcome, no matter how rational (or irrational) the arguments. On the other hand, many Protestants fail to see the point expressed by the two church writers. That's why they tend to believe such statements are completely but of line.
Roman Catholics, Jews, Methodists, Baptists, Disciples, members of the Church of Christ, Presbyterians, Christian Scientists and men and wo- men of many other churches have served the nation well at various levels of government, whether on a school board or in the State Legislature. Many Protestants see no reason why the name of a man's religion should be considered such an important part of his political background. But the world often moves in strange ways, and we must wait until July to see how much bearing a man's religion really has with the nation's Democrats. If Kennedy is nominated in July, then the real test will come in November. ii THE DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE.
AND FEATURES'. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1960 YESTERYEAR Looking Back Through Record-Chronicle Files WILL WE DRY UP GREAT BRITAIN? FEB. 1920 LONDON, Feb. 22 Some Brl- tish newspapers have been stirred to indignation by receipt from the United States of a report that prohibition organizations were going to use 10,000,000 pounds for prohibition propaganda throughout the world, but chiefly in Great Britain. A few have expressed resentment at what they characterize as outside interference with "the right of the Englishman to drink what he likes." "A subscription to dry up the Atlantic would have as much chance of success," says the Saturday Review.
RUMANIA SPEEDS MILITARY PLANS FEB. 22, 1MO BUCHAREST, Feb. 22 (AP) -Rumania ordered her already large military preparations speeded up. today following authorila live reports that Germany was challenging the government's ban on export of aviation gasoline to the Reich. Dr.
Karl Clodius, Ger- man economic expert, is expected here Monday for showdown conversations to insist on full delivery of Germany's 1940 quota Of of and oil products. Meanwhile, the government ordered many of 200,000 reservists originally called for March 1 to start reporting immediately. DENTON CAR MEN OVT TO SELL UNITS FEB. 22, 1950 "Little is serving notice to all of Texas that as an automobile sales center it's ready to take on "Big any other metropoli tail city'at any time, on any car or any deal. Denton automobile dealers this weekesd were getitng set to tell their story on the ad vantages of Denton County folks buying their cars, here when the Associated Press carried over its state wire a story of the "whee and deal" activities of a Dallas used-car operator who boasted can furnish new autos under "lis price." The effect of the AP story was like telling Slapsie Maxie Ro senbloom he can't fight.
Almos to the man, the Denton dealers answered the challenge. LETTERS Teachers Like Editorial Dear Sir: We wish to express our appreciation for the opinion voiced in the editorial on Tuesday concerning a salary increase for classroom teachers of the Denton Public Schools. The Record- Chronicle has done, in our opinion, very fine job in presenting to the public some basic information regarding the salary status of the classroom teacher, and has presented a challenge for the improvement of the existing situation. Thank you for your support. MRS.
Lee School DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE Telephone DUpont 3-2551 Entered as mail matter of the second class it the post office at Demon Texas, Jan 13, 1921, according to Act of Congress, March 3, 1S72. Published every evening (except Saturday) and Sunday morning by: DENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY 314 Eitt Hickory Riley Cross, President and Publisher Rov Applelon, Vice President and General Manager lorn Kirkland, Managing Editor Milton Leazenby. Circulation Director Ed Walthall Aovertising Director Georgf; Avery, Mechanical Superintendent NOTICE TO PUBLIC-Any erroneous reflection upon the character, reputalion or standing of any firm, individual or corporation will gladly be corrected upon being called to the attention. The publishers are not responsible for copy omissions, typographical errors or any unintentional thai occur other than lo correct them in next issue after it is brought to their attention. All advertising orders ire accepted on this basis only.
MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS BASIC SUBSCRIPTION KATCS Single Copies: Evtning 5c, Sunday lOc Home Delivery on-same doy of publication by City Carrier or by Motor 35c per week. Home Delivery by mail (must be paid in advance): Denlon adjoining counties $1 per month, $9.50 per year elsewhere in the United States SI.30 per month, $15.60 per year. MEMBER Of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS-Ihe Associated Press is en- tilled exclusively to the USB lor publication of all local news printed ii Hits A wsr)flpar well all AP news dispatches A TVPiCAL SCENE IN A GREAT AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL CITY Odors From Plants, Refineries, Sew ers No Longer Need Be Problem STRICTLY SPEAKING By CECIL PRKSTON Record-Chronicle Staff Writer Copyr'sM 1958 (JOEKCK WASHINGTON (1732-1799) Thh is the birthday of George Washington, and 1 can think of no belter way lo observe the holiday, and at the same time lo improve oneself, than to read his "First Inaugural Address" (1780) or his "Farewell Address" (1796). In memory of Washington, the United States postal system on Jan 20, ICliO, introduced a four- cent stamp called "Credo." On the stamp, as Washington's cicdo. written "Observe good faith and justice toward all nations." These words are from Ihe "Farewell Address." The longer quotation is "Observe good faith and justice toward all nations.
Cultivate pence and harmony with all." The following are some of my favorite sentences from Washington's speeches: i never say anything of a man thai I have the smallest scruple of saying lo him. It is incumbent upon every person of every description to contribute to his counti-y's welfare. 1 Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark' of celestial i conscience. To be prepared for war is one of Ihe most effectual means of preserving peace If a man cannot act in all respects as lie would wish, he must do what appears best, under the circumstances he is in. The name American must alwayt exalt the just pride of patriotism.
THE WORLD WE LIVE IN Odors Can Cause Problems But Science Cuts Them Out RESEARCH HAS PROVIDED THE ANSWER Here Technician Checks Property In Odor-Control Lab HAL BOYLE SAYSi Every Office Has Its Share Of These Well Known Types By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) --Have you ever looked around a business office at quilting time? The while-collar characters in the office zoo start acting the moment they step into the place in the morning. And they are still acting at the end of the day, after eight long, hard hours of shuffling papers from one pile to another. Here are a dozen types you probably will find in your own office: 1. The philosopher --at 5:31 he always gives the company one extra minute of work a day he rises from liis desk and makes Ihe same remark he has made every weekday evening for 34 years: "Well, another day, another dollar." 2. First out of the door Freda--This beat-the-clock stenographer starts getting ready to leave at 3:30.
She is in the washroom from 5:00 to 5:26. At 5:27 she sprints for the elevator, and anyone standing in her palh is in for a broken leg. 3. The nocturnal snooper hangs arnurnl after all others have left he can read any mail they leave on their desks. He even checks Ihe wastebaskels if the janitor doesn't beat him lo Ihem.
The pack rat--His last act of the day is to stuff his pocket with items he figures his kids can use In school-pencils, erasers, library paste, memo pads, carbon paper. If you searched his house, yoii'd find more office supplies than the firm has In Its warehouse. 5. The company humorist--As he steps into the crowded elevnlor he says loudly: "I suppose you all have bccii wondering why 1 called you togclhcr for this conference." Everybody laughed when he firsl made (his wisecrack In 1912, and he can't understand why it still isn't (nnny In I960. 6.
Thn homine, pigeon --'Twice beforu quilting lime he-phones his wife in the suburbs, and he phones her again in the station jusl before leaping aboard his train. What docs he have to tell her? Nothing, just that he's coming home. 7. The after-hours squatter--he hangs around the office until 8 p. just so he won't have to go home and listen to his wife.
He'd rather go to a bar, but she doesn't give him enough money for that. 8. The thrify Beau Brummel-This two-bit Romeo has a heavy date. But before leaving he shaves in the office washroom so he won't have to go home and use his own soap, lie sometimes washes his socks there, too, to save laundry bills, and lets them dry in his desk drawer. 9.
The happy hypocrites--They pretend they have to stay late to wind up an important job, but as soon as the office empties they get out a deck of cards and play gin rummy at a tenth of a cent a point. 10. The pseudo eager beaver- He strides out lugging a bulging brief case and, if you didn't know it held only wadded newspapers, you'd be sure here was a guy planning to burn the midnight oil while trying to solve company problems. 11. The passionate house keeper--Neatness is his His biggest fear in life is lie will die with a runny nose and be buried without a handkerchief.
He does nothing from 1:30 until 5:30 p.m. but tidy up his desk so that everything will be in order when he comes to work the following morning. 12. The boss--At quitting time he breezes out with more pep and Qatar, once a wasteland coinv try on the Persian Gulf, prOnounc- es Its name like "Guitar." Fornv crly one of (he world's poorest tin- lions, il Is now fabulously I from Iho oil pools lapped beneath Ilia deserts of Arabia. energy than anyone in the place.
Only his secretary knows his secret--he just woke up from his afternoon nap. And where do you lit into this end-of-the-office-day parade? Ilecognize yourself? It might occur while you're driving along a hilly road in Maine or on a West Virginia highway-suddenly there comes the overpowering smell of seems to be a million rotten eggs, and actually is a nearby paper mil. Or, you've left the shining towers of Manhattan and the whiteness of the Lincoln Tunnel deep under the Hudson River, the Jersey Turnpike's ribbohlike road stretches ahead of you. And then, like thousands of others every day pass the same spot, you quickly turn up the window of your ear to try to minimize the disgusting from the pig farms located ironically in Ihe sight of the Empire State Building. Or, a road in Texas or Pennsylvania or Ohio or California takes you past petroleum refineries, their giant 'cat' crackers looking like Christmas trees dozens of stones high--and their smelt assaulting your nose; the sewage plant built way out in the country only a few years ago, now the housing development all but surrounds it.
Buses with their diesel engines belch forth smoke and smell. These and a thousand other odors assail us continuously. Occasionally some of us have" object ed, in varying degrees, from momentary expressions of annoyance or a complaint to the union or a tetter to the editor or a member of the city council; others of us accept the smells as necessary evils in our industrialization epoch. But recently plant managers and labor union officials and editors and city coimcilmen have become aware that something can be done--and at -comparatively low cost. For centuries man has used one or a group of pleasant odors to mask on objectionable one.
We are all familiar with medicines flavored so that our children will not object too strongly to the bitter taste. But the taste itself has not been eliminated, it literally has been covered or balanced by counteractants. The besi approch for the control of malodors is a fairly simple one. It has to work, first, on the premise that these cdors must be treated at the point where they start, and without danger lo si ream, plant, animal life and without harmful effect on the product or service itself. As a science, It was not until near the end of the last century that a true study of odor and its arrangements was made.
Since then, it has been acknowledged, based upon many technical presentations in the field of odor control, that odor pairs and odor groups, when mixed with a known objectionable odor, in small percentages, can satisfy our sense of olfaction and achieve a desired improvement. Such odor pairs and groups have lo be selected carefully and must meet definite requirements of stability, solubility and volatility if they are to be used as counteractanU. In a technical sense, the covering material must be designed to have the right vapor pressure characteristics, vital for the proper coverage of the fnalodor being treated. It must be evaluted under conditions that may include tempera- lure, type of waer, dilution rates and many other factors including cost. The field of rc-odorization is in its infancy, but is a rapidly growing one, particularly as the subject of air pollution abatement be- SECURITY FOR YOU Veterans Facing Pension Choice By RAY HENRY Most of the HOO.OOO Warld War World War II and Korean War veterans now collecting non-scrv- icoconnccled pensions from the Administration face a big decision.
Before -Inly 1, each one has to decide whether to: Continue to collect his present pension and "abide by the rules which make him eligible for the pension," or 2. Change to a new pension program and abide by eligibility requirements somewhat different than Inn old. The need lo choose results from revisions Congress made last year in the pension law and which go into effect July 1. The VA plans to mail forms and information, about March I lo every veteran lo help him make his decision. The decision is important because once a veteran changes lo the new pension setup, he can'l go back lo the old.
lie can remain under the old as long as he wants. A It's Important because changing to the new setup could result in a pension lower than he's gelling now. The VA says il will dp everything possible lo protect man ngaiusl making wrong decision. About 70 per cent of the veterans now getting pensions will get raises July 1 if they make the shift to the new pension setup. The big danger: A veteran may decide to change to the new program because he can get a pension raise July 1, but wind up in a few years drawing a lower pension than if he had stuck with his present pensions.
Here's how: Under the present program-A war veteran who is totally and permanently disabled from a non service connected disability can draw a pension if his yearly income is. $1,400 or less and he has no dependents or or less if he has dependents. The size of his pension is the same regardless of whether he.has dependents or how close his income is to the limits. For example: Most veterans under 65 can draw a pension of a month and veterans 05 or older can collect $78.75 a month as long as their income comes within the limits. Under Ihe new program-A war veteran who is nol totally and permanently disabled from a non service conncclcd disability may draw a pension if his yearly income is $1,800 or and lie has no dependent.
1 or $.1.000 if ho has dependent. the sue of his pension de- pends on how many dependents, if any, he has and the exact amount of his income. The closer his income is lo the limits the smaller the pension. Examples: A single veteran with a yearly income of between $1,200 and 51,800 can draw a pension of $40 a month. But, if his income is SCOO or below, he can receive $85 a month.
A veteran with one or more dependents wiiosc income is between $2,000 and $3,000 a year can draw a pension of $45 a month. But, a veteran with one dependent and a yearly income of $1,000 or less can draw a pension of $90 a month. Thus, if a veteran switches to the new pension program, his pension may fluctuate if his yearly income goes up or down but remains within the $1,800 or $3,000 limits. This could not happen lo a veteran who remains under I he old program. His pension would remain the same regardless of the amount of his yearly income as long us it slayeil below the or $2,700 limils.
because under the new pen- setup some of Ihe iwssib'rc pension payments arc lower lhan those under Iho old, the veteran a fluctuating yearly inchomc switches lo the new program could wind up getting less than he's now So a veteran now drawing a pension should keep this in mind: If his income varies from year lo ycnr, he should carefully study both HIR short run and (he long run nffecls of whether lo shift to the new pension program. If he has any doubts about his decision ho should lulk with the nearest VA office. comes of interest to virtually every American community. Petroleum refineries usually have odors particularly obnoxious to those working or living in the area. These malodors, in general, may be traceable to waste waters containing oil, waste gases and particulate matter and chemical, waste.
Specially designed reodo- rants are available to mask such malodors and are now in use in refineries--to the delight of workers and neighbors. The use of these industrial reod- orants presents problems which require new and different approaches. While most products are subject lo exact and scientific evaluation against reproducible standards, counlerodors do nol always fit into that category since there are few exact means of evaluation. An odor that may appeal to one person may offend another. Few people can describe an odor accurately and even among experts there may be differences of opinion.
The odor abatement of canning waste, involving the handling of pea hulls, corn cobs, tomato vines and cuttings, has become serious in various areas. Decomposition sets in rapidly and the effluent water frequently is discharged to a lagoon, pond or settling basin. Natural latex products compounded for use in the manufacture of pillows, mattresses, seat and rug cushions, shoe soles and so on contain odors traceable to the presence of chemical additives or lo the rubber itself. Natural latex dipped goods, including surgical products, hot water bottles, caps, can be substantially improved in odor. Natural, synthetic and reclaimed rubbers all have odors of varying degrees of obnoxiousness.
In addition, Ihe plant odors, caused by slack, fumes or plant eff- iuenl, are disturbing. Odor abatement is a major problem in rendering operations, particularly since, no two processes are entirely identical. Similarly, there is a problem with municipal and industrial sewage and waste treatment plants. Municipal garbage disposal plants long have been a source of annoyance and now as our suburbs extend, further and further it becomes a. problem for more people in more and more communities.
And so it continues, in paper and pulp miils, paint and varnish manufacturing operatoins, printing inks, animal experimentation laboratories, and one rxlor known to almost every citizen--diesel fuel. lint today products are being marketed iin all of the aforementioned fields: for the textile industry, petroleum refineries, canning waste, rubber, municipal and industrial sewage and waste treatment plants, paint and varnish, printing inks, annimal experimentation and diesel fuel, plus many others. There no longer is a reason for most objectionable odors to plague us. Go! Off Cheaply AUSTIN, Minn. (AP) -Michael Frohriech, 80, of Walthani, figured a fine of $25 on each of two traffic violations was cheap, He pleaded guilty in municipal court lo driving over the center lino and unlicensed opcraalion of mo'toi vehicle, Ihon testified he had been driving without a Ucenso since 1915,.
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