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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 19

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TO I ALVESTON DAH.V NEW St'JfD fc INERY AND FIFTH STREET AND RAILROAD IRON OUT 1 HOUSTON, TEXAS. At ail times we command a large stock of I BOILERS. PRESSES, COTTON GINS. WOODSPLIT PULLEYS, SHAFTING, TUBES, etc Our shops are equipped with improved appliances and the best mechanics. THIIE OF G-OOID A BINE INTELLIGENCE.

A BRIEF ALLUSION TO THE TPADE OF THE "MOSQUITO FLEET." riinrts aal llnrlaz ilia Wash- on Shipboard Parllnaal 1-url aad Fsw persons In tba city f-xceut tlioH vrhosa daily avocations call tbrru down to havs anything Ilka an lilei at Ibs 1-nportanoa of Iha trada brought hcrt by tbs smaller cuAUlng ami buy craft. vvaasus mutes Irom two to forty toai oftsn Iwca Marked thai GalTwton-uu'iita ptam-haa BJ "I UutJty her uat blackadad by ox spas (taut anil OB iBBUaBridbroncUoa. this true. but a walk will bring ta docks. wbers ofMn us man vaaaavtair-iva or a hundred of thesa mi be awn tlioir caricois of cotton, lewl.

charcoal. luaibsr. brick. otaMrs, ihslls, Mini. tBtksxr aud counter proiluea ot doseriatlaos.

-THK n.KST. Only at rtw upward an Ul tin Hmlihareconla of thU pan kpt at tie custom hoaM of 191. To this number rauat laaai imirs under ions, aa la -liij consist of nt pencils to a boat, 4 KI iwoplt ciigaced thin tra.1*, altawuk wuuld tM uwnr llis COTKI CtM tradj to from eVuant ml In, aomeof uintc Morgan City, SM SaWoa Paae, Hnuniunt, Hollnr nla. Smltb'i Trinity- f. tern, ChwodiU turnu, Ihxiw HHf.

twy. cowr- 1 I eorJwavJ. ai-ioujh in adulllua Ml ioMl. I i Ittr KDI Wo-jl. llldn rwB tliisa alUbl Idon of Iha ot thin IK forniwl.

It isillfttcalt taestim.iinK* t3 Imt It i TIB lilib In the tliouanmls jt as Mich OBI ot theaservftan returotug Horns CBrrlpa niora ur U'ss tlu, portljQ of which Is uurclituad la tUls market. IMPOKTS. UnVtsn or TH: WKKK. nurios tliore were i-ntorel at tbo custom bouse ton ous bnrgaand asnoaasrs. Tha clwranws tba aame period m-rc ateamsliips.

achoonars and one barge. The rsctipta of cottin Trere us OalTrntrn. ilnus- tTM and Hrmlorson MJ1 bales, Gulf. Colonvlo and Santa Ft-, 13,940: Iluffalo liayou, U-izos rivor, 70. othar snnrcts.

SO; bales of cotton. expuru rt-porteil by cotton aifliaBK'i wprri ror New Bteams'jlp SfiJtV. Now York. 4103: Comal 4U14 Steamship l''ul- ham. Mi-slcn: Total for tba wrei.

lo.WJ The ilciurallc Imports cxcliulve of tin- iti-urral hroiiKht hT ork xteaniers Wre IStii tons'of co-il. Tlio foi'i'Uu included Iwil" rtuoi', tha Ikl7o aacks of salt, IrtU bunches of binaaiu, 10.WJ oninjie-1 and lu barrels of i Klvo hnaitreil In ITM of Istlo In transit from Mexico wero also sx- ported to New York. I I I I I A A A i schonanr s.iiin:! fur City to lo.i't r.i lii's. Tlic from York. Is cxpecti-d ouislilti tltU nuiriilnK- Tbn stoaiHsliip rxiirted lo arriroiUiljr Irom Mexico, in Tbn schoonar G-iu.

W.iss master, for Pens if i in bullnst, vroat to syi yesterday TJI- i i i Juno, PliiJu- i'l ii-ill-'tst, is o.xii"cn:d to tc- Th" Ixirt. for Liverpool, cetve I of cjUou by bartid 'I'hc i steiniship D.ibner nmster. Troiu Car.U', for G.ilvustiy.l in September 5, Kclionnrti a i i i Moranti City i i i i of hewn fypruK rail ro.vl ti'-s itnii discharsjiiirf nt i western vfbarf. Ths I'hiladclpliia of ton inil b.iloi of and wont to su Iwforo dark. The nrliooncr Wlllla Aan.

which arrlTtd from TuiiinU; Maiico. Frldar, dlMhargi ItiR nt tlm Brick vrh'rf. Sba brought a cKiKu of ItXH) buui'hai of bauanu, lU.OOi) and 1U barraU of llnaa. Tbe llouiton Direct Nurlgmtlon cam- any'a itfamer l.oulia came down from laltalo Imyeu restenlay with following ton: llnrKe Alien Till, bargn Waldo 775, Stewart i. Total.

balea of cot- tou, all coiuprtaMd. Watgrloo from Vera Crnz In billnit, after lying at aaclior off qilaranliua utation a of came up lo city yuterday and went Into a berth at Kuhn'a xrharf, whera ahe i commenca loadlug next amount of cotlou oil shipboard Tea- trrilay mornlnit aa officially bullatlned by tba cotton exchange waa an follows: Llvars pool-- ateaniahlpji Asiatic Prlnoa, 3104; U.niel, Mir, Liunntiua, 81110. Now York-- ataanuhipa Algiers 131; Hia 3JW. Total H.OS1 bain. Arrivals, Olaaraaosa aait Dapart urss at This Port.

Aittuvnu. 8t3amer Louise, Fonl.k, ItutTalo bftyoa. vUh coitun bHrvus. cU uaruuuk, Mortran wilh railraad -i Algiers, Ma3ot). New Vurk.

with cotton, by t'owlttr. Ss Itio liiamle, Connor, N'sw York, with oot- ton, by J. 51. Sawyer Co. Soli Unjkwuod, Himmonds.

Pascagouls. In bullet, by Mssisl. aAII.ICti: Ss Al.dovn. Mnaon, New Vork. Ha itiu tiranUe, Connor, New York.

eHr Carbontirn. 1'ausaoola. Belt Uuiu. Wsss, I'snsauola. Hcli Helana, Morvan i'lty.

DBI.AWATIR r-ept. oat. SH Plillsdelphlt for (larraston. NKW VUHK, -Hept. as Nuecei, Ul.k.

for Oalveitoa. Nttw Vork.Jt.iH. ss Moritan City, Qardnir for tlvestim. TtiPA.t. VTIllla Ann: 10.0 buachss 10.UOJ birrele littles.

NKW YPHK-- I'e ste unship Alf 4V.M) bales Of fO I'ur MMimhlp Rio Grands: ba.ei of cot- LIST Or VEIJKLS IM POaTT. Ennrxni (Ilr.i, lUiubar-. loading Briok (Bt. Wntcra Lauatttu lllle, Liverpool. Utl THE VETERAN MARINE.

"CHIPS." THE CARPENTER, TELLS HIS WAR STORY. now tha Rafted IlshaU Did Up Fraaklla's at Raklaa fast-Captain Odlava's Buoeesa- (ul lluse. Uantal (HrJ, Woetoruwhar: lila, Uvarpool, leadlnf, Warner. Liverpool, dls- clurgmn, Kn KBHIST.I iBr.i, load- wuart VTnarlyo, TaraiT, Yera Crux, walt- Noft' Viiirant, O' Wudoni wharf 13W I. 1 i i i i 411 MartitH, ou, M-nttlntf, WHII'j Ann.

Dabbattia. Vuspan. dls- Urltli 87 LIST OF VKJSEI.J UP AND CLEARED I'OR C.ALViilTON. NEW route. l.o«ria Ss Ali.tcwl lt, Uardiiui- SchH.

i i i a i a a i Seh Dalllni; ik-li a i Iruniiy, i.iVKiicotn. Guy CoMtl. Tuwlil St Marltana, i a i rti. VINCENT. cl

3 A rid 6 till to sail Sept. A us. a eld Aug. 30 A i i 4J JU Prlacu t-j i A i i XVSS I i i for Now York yomcr'dsv Aftarnoou vvll.1. of 4W'1 Ivilea ol am! lo si'3 shortly before Tho ftte.unt:' Carljoncro, I i a nms- ter for 1'ouiJlcuiK i-o'il McIjCim In hor i mortiins fttid proeaciied to Pai'tniti W.

A. i i snt sivlnif for tha fir Ihe wost Monday for the VurpMHi of theotitlons atul 7'he Mnllwy Klo Vor't 1 iTlt-b a ol! 4WJ of cv Sj lltitanuic. Ma Sa TeutonU. da Sa Fr A I I A ity.ier I A A D.lbniT sl.l Aug at.lnlyir. at Jaly 13 Gl.lAO4.iJ i a 2 7 A NEWS nporter a few days elnoa ran across a gsntlsman who aarrod In tha rlnadspartmsnt of the southern coniodsracy during tha war between tha states, and during tha repulse at Sabins pass of the "giaad army" headed by Ceaeral Franklin, engaged aa oarpantsr on steamer lien.

Aa ha was aa witness of that short, sharp and decisive gajjramaot, the following suteotat carcl from FI.tFT AmARS. About fl p. in. 7.1963, a federal fleel of twvnty-tlx resiels, eleven gunboats and flftaon transports, came to anchor o(I tha entranca to Sab: us pass. A few mllss iusidethera was an earthwork called Fort Grigsby, which was garrisoned by two men of a company of Cook's Artillery regiment, commanded liy two ndtcera, tba armament consisting of six old-fashioned uns, mostly howitzers.

At tha time the appeared not a cartridge wss in tha fort, the powder with which to make t'uem being la tha town of Stbine, about two ml IK above, in fnll view of the fort and tteet. Captain in command ot tha" confederate forces in tha vicinity of Sablna pass, with baadaaartsrs at tba town of Bablne. Immadiataly pat all at work making cartridges. Darknns soon (all over everrthlnx, but tba far defense continued viscously, althoujh na ona entertained tha fllghwst Idea that, tba formidable foa coiUd (triveb oil by tks small at thi pest. In addition to the fort wa bail a uraall gnnboat named tan I'ucls Ban, fotuirrly a river ateaaajr, with, cot ton hulas, armed with ana SHraundar and two 0-pound howltsara.

6ha carried a craw thirty aud waa eomranBital by Cantaln Green Hall, cow reaidlntf at Lake Charles. Lev We ta franklin's sraopa land- Ins; soon aftar fleet oatua to anchor, bill, uouova had bwa made darkitat ahtt off oar At we were ajnln on tha watch, hut na ta i KVMT.U ras cincult. Early on tha morning of tin Bth Captain CWIniB (Muarad all'tha animals that could ba ridden--horvM, mules and ponies, and mounted and apoa" them and tbam a cirtatt to rids all day. In colng oat of the town taa kaililings would hide riders and animals until tba cover of a ciiirap ot brinbaa was reached, whrn tba cavalcade would cross to the went Into the maid rnwl coming Into Sahine from liesumont. Tha mala- road was in fall view of the ftset and with thii oRlrera could aae tlierattzerl rulers cominit Into torn every little while on a gallop, having the appsannrs ot fresh troops continually nrHviuii.

This ruoaina; of moainied mea was kept ail daynnd It appoara that the observers did not ud.lca that wits the same b-jdy of vroops ontinu- ally eaterius the town. THS FKAV DKr.tXl It was late in the dny tin fel-ral uporoaclied neat eaough for tha fort to do work. Orders had Iwau sent tha fort not to fire shot until tlie aignsl was jclven from which was to ba a hoisted oa a staff at the In Sabinc. On the hoisting of Sa AVAlnll.C'os Sa Anstt-rliti, IIK Sa.luno. Uk VltlC, ObM 11AH1.V.

Silt Sept. nt JT a a eKI Anz. 11 2 IVorli of thw 1.3Uer Carriers The fcllovciiiK nlfltQmunt furnished N', H. Jans, superit.toiulnnt of the letter of the pnsr.oflic:', work done by the letter carriers for tho of Autiuat: letters Sui-urnl. thlv.i ami 1 i i roi.I.Ki T.

l. l.ncrtl letter! 1M13 M.dl i l.rnil pitflalcanls MrtI' CAnls Second, tbira ivnil T.itnl e.ollertol :v.f,,';v,] total niinibiir of pieces ti Grande Foto A K')vuil outdoor Festival nbore i will bo i noxt. Thnrsdny at i I in rtlil of tin. i i i of Sacrud on and Hroinlwoy. The a uf In 1'eto a petro i hit as now ns Is i i n.itne.

coin, i i ft i of a aro aeun nt choice, cheap and i i a anl i i bo .1 nt i i i be sorreil i a In carlo. a a i i i i i 1 bot.iK I i b'jiii-iU of tint youii; uti.l i i i i i i'j i liy A r-HVinu 1 i i i i I a tlio a ni-jtiL one for old. i A Xfra i Mill i i l-i tin t.n:i'-i'ftr:utr. Children Ciy UTOItlSTi't A 9 A to ruu up tu eolorn Mw and tlrina. As Wi h.ld Anuio Itctlavrnmuoitioa use VMS ( liottis to marte i fvJeral gunbgnU had hv ea firiiiK at long tiontot.uia Iwforo ttif-T ApproAchtxl ccouch for as to on A little after o'clock xim- Itoftts Clifton, ArlzoQi, ami Grnaito (Mtv, any roturu of their Are cnmu twMIr up to witbin IWB tfirtn thoas-iDd yAtiU pouring la fcrnne, sUrApael nud CMuinter great rAuLJiLy.

BfTKIt iIIIT. 1'he stKUnt. given. N. H.

Pointer, mi'l no officer In the old nrray cut all tlio ac'l wfchod fftch tlitit our Uriaj? was more eiTrotivo a il would otherwiad liuva 'been, proved iluarruntiw. i i less tlria Iiour tba Sauhcoi lowrreil Ciiiora tho Cliftoa fol- losrod. 'J'ho Ari.ioiui umn.itiajj^ahle, two other umiDoata cama up and cook hor ATTHy. In tint of fresh co'innx into town met tho irajB uf the federals, nnd C'ApLnm IU11 muHtcreil the cruw of ibe Uncle Ban, tlie eiitfineers, upon tlia anper (ieok. mArching forvrrtrd aacl backwnrJ.

mi BA to civile tho iniprtvssion of i Aa the colors of two KUMbnau ilown aM fii'lns? coawJ. Toe c.nVi- inNinIrr of tlio CU'toa cnniu siUioro iu a bont, nod urooouiUDU to Mid fort offered to surrcadm- hut Linuen- Hiit DowIlOK declinatJ to ruouive il. Liou-. tenant Dovrlioit thmi said: "Put m- on hoard, so cnn-i-rt what properly I am receiving. In case of I tonvu word the fort tlut tf I raise my cap oa my tbe fort will firo on yon there is left to tire at, regardless my presencf." II THE PU1XE9.

As scon tlio of the ooomy went down Cnplain Odium the Undo Hen lo no and racoive the priaonard. An we Approanhod i i i A i i i i dlfltanca ninoko wnn aeisu issuing from tho i i mid Dowlinjx ordorod us to halt wlioro wo wore, ho on oT tho to tho coiu- tmindcr nnd said: "Captain. I i Kiv.jyoa llvo i a in lo put out i lire, if not uut in a i i 1 1 tlio i li iVi'o on 1 'i ii.i Orr WH-i but iiiiii'. t.oo'ii and iUftH hvi bi-en i A liivor; on both (ifty inpii lu-ins; i i or wO'nu'on. i i i Af.rniiKO to not a man 'iiijuu 1 tlje nUhtinotti i i work waw torn ap Hi P.

11 Wo It.nk on tho il 1 iirffl int'n, i hut wi, ovor to tho i A aiilA oJ tho paw. b'i; wiirdri to tlie mul A i Ai i a ol the i ton "You base ft jj-3Al only about forty-five; soldiers and tha crew of ths steamer Uncle Ben. Wa had to lisa stratsgy and what you saw was tha effect of it. I uied all tha cowboys and niggers I could flnd to male tha appearance, and It took all tha money, whisky and promises 1 could make or invent to going all day." The federal captain, who Lai been In a bad humor all day at the way General Frauklln had acted, now boiled over: "Tha idea of a general with sucb a land force backing out instead of landing and capturing the fort, or giving it a gool trial! Wny, its cowardly, and to really find no opposition." Tha very thought ao enraged him that ha fairly stood npou bis toes and cursed General Franklin. It seamed to it! that then was sufficient causa for anch language, aa wa had all expected to surrender.

A number ot us attended the prisoners as far as Beaumont. That forty-five man eaeVura two gutboats, with eighteen heavy gans and 150 man, and drive, off tlest of nfttaa cnuia- ports with at least 10,000 troops, seems preposteroas. but such was tha case at tha battle of Sablna oasa. AM OLD TINBK. Ba Seada The Xtewa a List of Format Raaldsmta of Qalveston.

Mr. J. W. Benedict, an old resident ot Oalveaton. but who ramovod from hera In I'M and Is residing at Council Grove.

writes THE NEWS, enclosing a list uf some ava hundred persons ha rsmambars as dents of Oalveaton during tha period embraced betwees 18M and 1831 Tha list is much too lengthy for publication and has bssn anticipated by tba list ot living oli residents printed in ths sketch ot Galteston isiaed Jans 3, 18S9. Of tha names ccnialnad In Mr. Benedict's Hit the following can tu loeatad as still ot Ttzas, but tha greater number ban lang joined tha "ailaejt majority." Many who wen children when ba lived hare are uray-halrsd grandparents now: B. Andrswa Gian Antonio), T. C.

Armstrong. O. The Ayrea, Cbarlaa Atkins. D. D.

At-cblson, Day M. Bryan, John Hsnry Brown (Dallas). A. B. Block, J.

H. F. Chapman, Austin; Captain Olrabb, O. Caas9ll, J. P.

John Dinkelakar, M. Franklin. A. KUke, Oeo. W.

Orcvar, W. H. Ooddard (Washington city). B. P.

Hatches, J. H. John M. Jonas (New York), N. N.

John, J. W. Jocknach. Thoa. M.

Joseph. Captain Wm. Jaukins. J. U.

Kaho (SwItserUnJl). A. Kauffmann, C. H. Laonatva, K.

R. TinbbMk (A.oat!a), Pater Ixi U. MoU. rMm Maaa, V. U.

Pit. t. Itics. Hanry Jaa. P.

William T. B. iHuhhs, Jatan H. Stuart, B. A.

Shepherd (Houston), a. M. Trwkeart. H. Willis.

Thsra arc ot conrsa a great many otmr naass wkiah It is probable Mr. Benedict Ma orartookwl. but rorrgoinit will show haw tew are left ot his 000. Ha writes that op to tha time of his departure there had iwvcr been a directory of Gal vest oa printed. This baa been itoaa regularly for many jraara past, laa last edition couulniae; 11,008 nautua.

LIST OF LITTBJW 3KA IX TIIK Ai' VORTHK SAVUUUAV, HKPI'KHKKH irfTO. 1. rauons calling for Utters In tho following lUt u'll! nlowj 2. lfea'1 Isttsrs m-ithyour fn'l street and numbor; write your name and on so that In ynur corres- in not found ta? letter can be returued wvoudireol, As sxn aa vou your address notify tue whioh yoa caa do by dropping a carl to him in the letter box. I.ADIH9' LIST.

Anderson Mary. Mils Armstrong Mary MUs Uondius Annin Mri C'ocbran. Jin -2 Clldo Kthel Crwwley F.lla:i Mrs Douat 1-Msnnlur Mrs r'inchor (Jrior Miss Harrison Annie Kvoss Minna Mts4 Minis A Mrs Moore Miry Mrs I.rrs4a. Mrs Ale, Deer an1 Porter, battled, por bb! Anchors and cliaina per LU) Barrels, wot Barrels, dry Barrels, empty, wot Barrels, empty, dry Barrel attt vet, por Bacon, per eaak Bacon, case Bags or Sacks In bales, pur cubic foot Bagging, per cubic foot RaKifine, per 100 j-nnl roll, each per 00 yard roll, each Bnbkets. nest pertoa Balus, over 5 cubiu feot, per foot Bedsteads, oauh.

cominoa, each boxed, per cubic foot Hollows, cubic foot BnniMias and Plantnla-i, per bancb Breakfast Bacon, per box. Uoxee. liqwtrs, ctieew, aoap, eandlesf etc-- extract, coffee, lafc, Hroomn, Dor dozen Broom KanrtlCB, per Broomcorn, per bale rick, flrc, perM rick, coramoa, per rtvn, 10 ska and under, per naoK Hnd9, Deoraand Sasn. per cubic foot Boilers, stoam, per 100 tta and boras, tou of 3UOO Bonedust, per ton of ftJUu Boneblnck or BouciuenL per of 100 Bolts nnd Hi vets. IN uts ami Huck'oU.

wtii, dozen Butter, perkei; nor til-kin BuUdftifc stono. rouffu. per ton of Biiiisjltrt. boxed, pcrcublc foot-. Carboya, eticli.

fuil empty Caakat Casks, hardware, 100 Cauks, merchandise, per cubic foot Carriaccof, cubic foot or per Cattle, growm, eacb Cattle, two-year-olds, owl. 8 ycarHnjrtan.ic«.lr»)i,«actt hampaicne. inbpsketn Chatra. per bundle (feaca) Charcoal, iwrbmla, landed, Cotton, per biK Cotton, pvr Coal, dumped in carts or can. wr ton ot Coal, datitped Ua of Coal, In Cora.

IV airt Oorlv mi Cotton Heed, JIB Cottoa Beed Meal. tou Cotton cubtv foot. coclt iora Urou-a iteistO-Misa Clins 1 Mrs I hilds Miss -pm Dtjbboi tins it Mrs i i Ninkaus MiJe O'Brien Jou Ura Rtldft Mar" Ann draftti Mar; MUs Soott. GENTKsU Atkens BUtr Ur Bsiri'ow Robert O.v-t CliatelUe A DAii.aiu Mu Katoa Porroll Kflry i Oiinnont. Harry Guonce Dr o' Ij Jo'iny Win ITraiik i ImrUo T.avyoon 1 MIr.ok.lCd i a P.obort O-thorno 1'ltivek A i i A.

A Jnfl i i i i a a i i i i i a a Wbtietr.n»t MrDow.Vl -I A 2 Sonriitoii Mfthniio Slabot Auna I Mellon Annie M'ss Nuliou ltalUis.Ulss Perroy K-Msisr Katlo Miss HlK-arot Mrs 8tratton Mrs J.Utli riN'A LIST. Ijanlv 4 dto Ilouker Honi-y Cro'S i (.1 JJ 1) llafKan Ft IU A Failv Kiohard Fuctory Hard io Trim i 11 It .1 Lnilcm I I Meyer A AlcKeon a llicimrd. i t- 1 O'Connt-tl -John 1'itttus Mr lloynoMi Smith Charlio ,1 HI-IBP Otm a i II Taliiiitiio Wparer (1 i i i i a i a i i i a Bray .1 rt Armas i i II Ktigur, twr bill llavuiin, in boxoi titovt'rt uud per 10J Sulkies Tlorcoa Beof, Ijini, Rice, Ham, Taiiuw. etc. Tiorccj wltU bbU libido Tierces, riutitv Timber, Walnut, Lun at uO cubic ft Tin Plate, mar ton of iiir) i Tobacco, chewing, Tobacco, binuklng, per cubic Tilea, per ton of 3(JW Ibi Trunks, tilled with murciiauUisa or I Tube, per ntwt I Trackage, per loaded freight car Locomotives, piwseiijrur aatl cnra.

free. each Wngons. Hurln? or Cane Muterldl, K. per ts per ilozeu OooUn. Wlw, rer 1(W Wheels and Axles, uur cord AVool, baiiril u.s per in wicks, per I'm iiound-v White Lewi, icr Iba Zinc, in por 100 ttn Uooda not in above list 5 5 VVadlabtM Waturm 2 Water Corn MH UoffesL twr aaok of IK o( KW SM per.

AUV per 1W flee, per109 perMMfbV. note, per CwUrs, bone, per Dratea, Crockery or IfterclundtM, per cu. ft. Doom, each Demijohna, full eniotr Dry (toodi, in case, uer 100 Hie Filicin, boxed or otberwlrte, por cubic Klour. perlOUlbs Flour, per rr t'ornaccs.

large 3c; imalL toi ofaUUM FcrtUlzer'or'tuano. per ton of VJUD Ibe. Furniture, boxed, cable foot Groceries, dry. bost-d, KM Ibs Orain. tnrexDort.

uerMHbB Urtnd inilMtotioa. pur im iwr cubic fuot Hardware, per 100 dnua iwr per bale ay, per Ualf bale empty Hogshead Staves, per Hav Cutters HMt barrels, wet Half barrels, dry Half empty Herrlnu, per box Hoop HorHoa and Malee. eacti Hogs per HouMhold Goods, 100 loose, a i in bales, per 100 Hides, crcen, In bundles of Xeach I proportion, say: Less than 40 pounds to tbe cuMe; foot vrill bt" cliwscd as mciwuronient niul charged 1 cent 40 ami over to the cubta foot will be us mm jt cents 1UU pounds. All LjnotlR nad articles oC every kirvl. Imtdsd or upon an of the tharo- a at tht risk of tus ft ml not of the) company, unit rn'ist lw rainovptl tho mime (lay.

or at furthest, tho After uhU'h thmv any of raid articles rt'iiminiiiK on ttva wharven; tlio owners and 'M thereof will be reepimsiblo for, and will 1w churned tintml wharfage: of the the preceding schedule for everyday they niaio, and may be removed by the Wfcarf company without further'notice (nt the riik and expense) of the a nd the owners and thereof) to any part of tho continatng charge for Additional wharfage each dar they retrain on MM remises. Ur tho Wharf pa.iy may have the fame removed and elsewhere than on its own without further notice (at tho risk and exjwnw at cwHta ana tho owners niul CDiiflisne-jstliereofK and tba une will be held until all chargtn are Jamo to be cliarjted on all gooae er delivered from oue rmeol to-j lirovldaJ either of buck veeteU wharf, or tu aar Cunt to the The company hereby notice that ft will be liable for IOMCS if cauaetl and unusual weizhts. or br piling up heav; tiolei, end. at BAfc. more than three iexM- nflid railroad iron more than item li the wharvce; or by landing laar'i airent: but that It-wiU for by overloading tke wharves wlUioai special tM from tbe Interior wUeh lie 4elivered to a veswl or frtietiter 9m.

tihowh Ma landlas or not, tSe carrtec wUti4.ojtpro.laf*, na tbe wf the owver hereof and the all for tbe far CA0 wfeimtt pnpymeitt of the wharf aytgr penertil azrvo Tlio nnd llvered on ft wharf or levee o- thereby 'become UrartU to the toinpunr fat I wbarNfie thoreon. All vc-wolfl of fifty tons and orer not In rrcvivins or or 1 itthewfiarf awl nt enrfc wharfaKe at the rvUrf centa per registered tou for each Hy or part of a compart fflvea notice that It 4am Ml undertake and will not bo for or diiniagf, from any noodi or landul or received on Its wuarrw. Is contracted to be uaid andW due and payable to tho company at YeMcls of less than fifty will 13 cbam4 wharface at tha rate of part ot dar. Jcc. in 1 fc reefers, each Iron, holler, plate, bar, hoop, wrought, auort and galvanlzsd, por 100 VA.

Iron 1'Ipa. Water, tou of 2000 Inn tfitUnaja, par Iron. ton Iron. pia. par ton of iSW Iron Siifori.

over iHW Cs, fwr KM Iron under IPRW ttA, pt-r low Iron and fciiuu, per haltai ( Iron) nicrclninuwo At Us, SI. Loinoiw, IKT bux Ixjai). ton of X3W fcs Lumber, nor pt-r HM Ihs M.arlilo, por iU drc.s«c,d Jlarlttu, Jcr ton of auni) fci, routfli dust, )or Machinery, 111) llw Mineral orm. ton of S-'U) Bs S4 Mowing AlacUluos. oac'U W.

L. A 8 $3 CENTtEKIEir. and other Bpecialtios for Gnntlmnan. and aro pnlrt by hot. Markstd: Postortice.

Oalvuaiuu psnnla hi tercet fd Rt Arnnsnn Iiarl)or fti ms ft yd thti U' 1 i-lisi" vrrttor. Tlipy i tlijilr i i i liy BiiunOinrt tht'ir mcnoy. i i tho i i i WAT ot ijolns; 1 If t-Jt- ncf.L in r.ifrlit llin nrorrssiion I Jot tbo Bale M. Arnim.iH Harbor Children Cry MOM, per MonL-s par KW Ibn MtttUnc. roll Nails, per KCH per iulf Keg i i pur halo OutH, 1 anil undur, por sack Oil cuke, por ton of SKW por box OiMnnnoo storna, per 1W) Ibs per hbl Pnir.t, ner 100 Ws ilour, jier nest PntJtsr, i a IJOT bnmUo wi-apitliiK, per piM-anA.

JKT nark J'lano! 1 borjd, iwr cubic foot in- 1 py'r nW s-i IMoww. cadi Plow niakM-lal. k. per 100 fta Pfistrt, Pitch 1 1'cnvilcr, kntrs, 4c; 2r: 1 11. for constmrtlrm find oponv.

fl iron nnd Sinn! ton of Sinn mi "5 It" Burn, IMitt.vKt i A i 1'crton K' It Vrtntfl, Boll A nf Ibi .10 It i i i llrliUroi, l.oromoliv.M I 1'tirtin 1 Trucks, WlicoK, i-lc. 2 3 3 I OQ It' I i i i ton tbM BO rtis-'-nifiM' Cnr4. i i i i i i i i I H. I a a Nfu-rovr U. i i hint il.

I Tim, i i tc-Jt "mnvii, pc.f-!; I i. In pur cnliln I Slate, o( B.3 a i Hall, per Hxsvt laaii Kun-lui; i Hnwlnj. K. ivlvcv por iiiiif, pi.nUiVilotf.n Orsjaiu. A IniDtrt a ihiici.iui Aaisw ta) rtriuii Trr li, at rrli' Ask fcur cr tot 1st tHMMb il HttOfkT ft JWSB.

17. VUM COLS TMS OLD DOCTOR'S iwrft-rMy Brtlo, uli of wimf Mint- tin iMCtl ty tliotirinru thiilcd Old for vrnm, And PI US. It) mo a I A M.ny't... f.r ffcr W3AMHQOD DTdy aud "n'o." lAilum, liwi per ii.ji.'CivrLcift.

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