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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 2

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

cxoolloiioo provou In millions of hotnca 'or more Umu a i-1 of coutury. Ufiftl by ttio U. H. indorsed bl bo.if](i of Oreatl nlvemitlcs tbo StronfE- rat. I'urcut, moat Ucallliful.

Dr. I'rJi'oM Crenni Daklns Powder does uot contain Amnionlti, Muio or Alum. Jolil nnly In oaus. 1'IUCE BAK1XO 1'OWUEK rYonrr. LOfH Fw $1 a ynn com proouni TUB NX'HR.

lumn for muutlis. Subsurllwrt to OAI-VIIHTOSI JlAtr.v at VjiEivi.T UHHB ruoi'tl in our iiri'Miiiiiii liitt thy lyrnia r.d stnlod tborda fur winiph) Dmt.ror I I I wltli n'i. ut 1 wuloli will iilicutlon. wl nmlloilil ftco upon H. BELO OWIClf Of PUUMOATimn, NOS.


for 1'uUor JiicJi McCluru--Nuw Nutloiial IJanka--OttiL'r MattuiG. Mr. and Mrs. Boos IN EOLO.S. BEACH LAIN TO-NIGHT BASE-BALL, TO-DAY at 4 P.

Bank Exchange Billiard Parlors. DALLAS vs. HOUSTON. Tmjlre northern uamos in tbo American A clatlou, National and Leagues. Corae aroanS anil Eot somo Moerleln.

beer. The tendency is for higher prices in nearly all lines of groceries, and we believe we are safe in advising our friends who have money to invest, to lay in a good stock right now. We are prepared to fill any number of orders, and of any size, with perfectly fresh goods, bought low; and will endeavor to make every transaction satisfactory to customers. our We beg to oalltUB attention of trade to thU departmant of our business. Tho success we have had in this line jnsviflea us in saylnK that for the crloes no better value oan bo liad In tho state.

Onr loadint brands are: Coronet Jltnniuet, (Key Wcit), Crown Bouqait, IltanlT, Vlgmro, do Cuba, Pniha, Social Old Glory Charootl. To those riho have not yet bonnht from wo rould ft trial and -wo will Guarantee satisfaction in every respect. ULLMANNi" LEWIS CO, GALVESTON, TEX. May Tto report ou thn ilobta just completed by the superintendent of tho MOSIIS shows a goner; 1 increase of Texas up now aa tho seventh state in though sho was tho fifteenth in 1680. But her taxable values and population has Increased in ratio far above her Indebtedness.

Her bonded debt is put down at 50.10ti.072, with a gross debt.of When tho census was taken iu 16SO tho bonded debt of tho state was with a gross debt of 07. The available resources of the state that might be applied to the reduction- of the debts were also taken'and Texas is put down as having available cash to the amount of 0-10 35. In 1SSO she had only 05. The only state that outranks Texas in her cash is California. Kansas stands on the record as beiug the worst in debt of all the states.

KIVEIt AND IlAP.lIOii BILL. Tho finally finished up the river and hurbor bill to-day. Mr. Reed returned from Maine and his metallic voice was once more heard from the chair. THE GALVESTOJT BILL.

The committee on rules made no report on tun resolution of Mr. Stewart In regard to appointing a day for the consideration of tho Galvestnu bill. Indeed, as you. have been heretofore advised, no one expected any prompt report. If it can be secured in a couple of weeks Galveston -will be lucky.

The time fixed in Mr. Stewart's resolution was the day following Uio resolution put in by the Ohio man, who introduced a resolution fixing Wednesday (to-day) for the consideration of the Sault Ete. Marie bill. Kow that Reed has returned it is supposed that be will at once fill the vacancy on the committee on rules, ma-do so by the resicnir.ion of Carlisle. After this ia done there can bo no excuse for any delay in appointing the day.

There is no.reason for any discouragement anywhere. Every friend of Glveston hers fscls that the bill is in as good shape as any one could desire. There is naturally some impatience at the delay in securing consideration, but such matters move slowly and there is nothing whatever ominous in the delay. The date when It will be considered rests with Reed alone. There ts no opposition to the measure of character that can bo defined as organized, and If is any trouble anywhere the friends of the measure are not able to discover It.

THE "WORLD'S FAIB. J. G. Dickinion of Teias and other gentlemen who were appointed commissioners of the world's fair called at the departments to-day and received their certificates. Thoso commissioners who are not iu Washington will receive their papers through tbo governors.

TfEW NATIONAL BASKS. The following named national bants have been authorized by tho comptroller of currency to commence business: The Am- mericau National bank of capital, SSOO.OOO; president, N. Weeks; cashier, Ed McCarthy. The American National bank ol Austin; capital, president, George W. Liltlofield; cashier, William R.

Hamby. POSTAL JIATTEBS. Special postal service, changes: Hester, Navarro county, special service from Rice instead of from Corsicaua. service via JTuIton and Boyd, to Polotluro twico a. week.

Star service change: New lino to way. Postmasters commissioned: Leiah Hutchins, HiHlster; Richard Walsh, Poloduro. THE r.AST LINE CASE. Judge Caldwell of Kansas, who is here to sit In tho case of Giles, receiver of the. East Line railroad, against tho Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad, arrived to-day.

He went at once to the office of the attorney-, general, where it is said he urged tbo appointment of Poker Jack McClure as judge for tho vacancy 'on the Arkansas federal bench. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss AHoe Reed and ward of Mrs. David Culberson, arrived to-night from Staunton, where she has been at school, Mrs. Cnlberson nnd Miss Reed will leave for Alabama on Saturday, where Keed will spend her vacation, and from which state Mrs.

Cnlbersou will uo directly home, FIFTf-FlRST CONGRESS. trol of the nrray of Urn UnHod Stated to tho illU'urontHtates iu which troops may happen to bo located. A long discussion followed, wltcn Mr. Allison withdrew tha report and uaid he would call it mi to-morrow morning. The consideration of tho bill 11:1 to prohibitory Htatcu was concluded and Mr.

Call concluded his argument. Mr. 1'icrco criticised the Krgnmcnts of somo democratic senators and made au argument In mipDort of tho bill. Mr. Turpio iwid a in his opinion tho senate of tho United f5tnto.H the constitution no duty whatever to perform on this subject, ami with respect to tho shadowy, i transparent, fc-uuy essence, or imago of essence, that is ealli'Utho moral Bontimunt behind prohibitory legislation, ho did not bellevs that wo have tlio denomination of coin small enough to measure its value.

nousii. An immense- floral tribute fully four feet in helgiit ndofaud a front desk in honor of Mr. Vaux, Mr. Randall's successor, who was present and vraa the recipient of many congratulations and friendly greetings. After reading of tho journal Mr' G'Nell of Fennsylania presented tha credentials of Mr.

Vaux, and-they having been read by tho clerk bo escorted Mr. Vaux to the bar of tho house, and the latter gentleman qualified as representative from tho Third district of Pennsylvania. Mr. Vans BfDrmed, and as he took his seat was greeted with applause. si hoJidny after ila itrolou.icd HC'jaion on tnrllt and other public AS' i A Huprvsratntlvo J.

of tbo houio coma'Htoo on oloctions which been Mi" of Hop- rcaontntlvo Urcokoiirldgi) of Arknnnas. today recbivc'il nn application from Mr. O'ar- lund, nttoruey for rirwkviirldKo, for a pro lunit.itl'iu of i iiivcstik'rtUoii and thu tx- nmlimtlon of ninube'r of witnuBuus. RAILHOAD (lOt'l, II 6TOTSIIIS. NEW YODK, A piece ol thut Utui'ijci Minjouu, chairman of tho Atchison, Topchn 'mill Batita Fo railroad, 150,70 to Wall alreot ycatnrday was tho causo of lauch Tho news waa that Jr.y pould sent bon Geortw to Samuol MBKOUU Monday to maki; overtures for peaceful Boitlomunt of tho rate war in A CONFLICT IMMINEiNT.

the A The railroads had made cuts Gro venorofOhioa bill was passed appropriating S155.000 for the establishment of a national military park at tho battlefield of ChicknmauBa. A conference vras ordered on the naval appropriation bill, and then the houao wont into committee of tho whole on the rlter and harbor bill. After somo changes were made in the bill the committee rose and reported the bill to the house. Mr. Dockery of Missouri moved to recommit the bill with instructions to the committee on rivers and harbors to report it back with the Uennepla canal clause stricken out.

5 The motion was lost--yeas 61, nays 123. The bill then passed without a division. On motion of Mr. Cannon of Illinois from the committee on rules a resolution was adopted setting aside to-morrow for consideration of public building bill a. An adjournment was ordered from tomorrow until Monday.

1'he house then adjourned. GENERAL WASHINGTON NEWS. right and left, which were hurting tho business of Atchlson in tho larritory between St. Louis nrd Denver. President Mnuvol wrote Gould that unless lie stopped thin business tho Ateliison would make rale from St.

Louis In thojjuliot Moilccv Kow Is one of Mr. Gould's most ohur- ished territories. Atchison has a road from St. Louis to tho gulf, but a very long route am! one not much patronised by passengers. If it put tho tariff.

to 10 cent? it would not hurt its in comparison with tho A I COME MAY A TUWII Nfiir IlIrntliiEliniii, tho tocno of ICxoItunujnt Mori Arincil to niuvt Niur(t I I THE SQIOTIM: HoraOK, PRIDE PAID FOR 6336LOTS Situated south of Broadway to the Butt, and from. 45tri street to 67th, -will be placed on tile market June 18. Galveston Land ft Improvement Co Thomiirtet on STRAIGHT GOODS nrt- Tancod very mutorlally and will ito etui higher. "Wo would advlw purchasers to buy a good supply and take prlilt ia offering our Kentucky Tip, ne of the hist HAND-MADE BOUU MASH BOUB1ION8 mannfacturod. PrioM Knd samplw turaisnod upon appllci- Won, WILKENS LANGE, EKXATE.

May 28. Mr. Sherman, from tho committee on foreign affairs, reported su amendment to be offcrert to the consular diploiz atic appropriation bill authorizing Hit 1 prmldent to carry into effect the recommendations of tho International conference by tho appointment (by and with. tbo uiiTico fiuil consent of tho senate) of three to represent the United States in the intercontinental railway com- roisnlou, whose couipenaation is to be paid from fund to bo contributed by tho several untione interested. Also to detail from tha army and nnyy encb officers as may be spared wltboutilfltriment to service to eervo as engineers unrW such commlsslonin mfik- inc a survey, their expenses to bo paid by the commission, and appropriating ffln.OlH) as the shuro of tho yuited Slates of the ex- POUS03 of Buch commission iind survey.

Mr. Stewart offered a resolution, which was unread to, culling on tha secretary of agriculture for.infofnm'ion as to tho use of artesian wclla HIM! other water supplies from sources far irrigation. Senate bill subjecting importe'l liquors to the laws of the states was.aijnln taken up, and Mr. Morgan made an argument its constitutionality, A long debate-ensued, during which Mr. Allison waa parmiUed to prftnent a confer- the artny awropriutlon bill.

Mr. Ingalli Inqulrail what lind been done In regard to the nmuudment pro- hlbltlug the sale of alcoholic liquors, orwluta-tcinteeni. Mr, All loon that the provisions had niodlUrd 10 to that no alcoholic llqnoril. buaror wlnatlmll sold ornup- MANOL1A AND HOTillH, COTTOH CIH5. igtsT SAMPLE THE IKTEIiXATIONAL WASIIIKGTOH, May Elaine's letter, sent to the president yesterday re- cardins the establishment ol an international bank, contains the plan of organization: A bill has boan at the state department to carry into effect the recommendation ot the pan-American conference committee.

The bill designates the United States dolesates to the pan-American conference commissioners to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of the International American bank, books for which purpose may be opened in Washington, NewYoikand such other principal cities in the AmeriKia Kepublics as the commissioners may think proper. As soon as 60,000 shares are subscribed the subscribers shall have the usual powers to organize corporation, which shall have the same privileges as now enjoyed by banks generally. Its acquisition of real utate, however, ia to be limited to 15 per cent of capital stock pMd In. The corporation may be designated by the secretary of the-traasury as a-depositorv of public money, anu be employed as financial agent of the government. The principal office shall be in Washington or Hew York city, with power to open branch offices in the United States, Mexico, South and Central America.

The capital stock is flxed at $10,000,000 in 5100 shares, which may be Increased by s. two-thirds vote to not exceeding BuBiuss may be begun as soon as 25 per cent of subscriptions shall have been paid in cash, but at least $5,000.000 must be paid in within two years. The board of directors shall consist of twenty-five persons, not less than fifteen to to citizens -of the United States. No person shall be a director who does not own 250 shares of stock. Tlio first meeting organization is to be pursuant to call issued by the commissioners, after which, the commissioners' duty shall cease.

The stockholders are made liable to the amount of their subscriptions, but no more. Tho corporation shall file semi-annually with the secretary of the treasury a roport.of its financial condition, and its affairs shall at all times be open to examination of officers of the treass nry department. Provision is made for the appointment of a receiver for the corporation and the wind-' ing np of its affairs in case its capital stock is impaired more than 20 per cent of the amount of capital stock actually paid In and tho directors fail to make such impairment good. AFTEIi THE LIQUOR MEN. Certain newspapers have called attention to the fact that intoxicating liquors have been sold in tho house restaurant.

Speaker Recu to-dny issued nn -order that the practice should cease. The order is temporary and is intended to give the speaker an opportunity to learn exactly what bearing the joint rules have In the matter and what cho sentiment of the house is. Tho order went Into elTeet immediately, and Its effect was plainly noticeable in tha considerable i i number of customers of. the restaurant who are accustomed to drink beer with their luncheon and largajy to mv crease the business in tho senate rostau- rant, much of which wf.3 attributable to the influx of members of tho house, who had learned of the prohibition In their OWL wing of tho capitbl. BKKATOV.

Itl.ATR AGAIIT. Senator Blair, from the committee on education and labor, tosday reported favorably with some amendments the house bill for the appointment by the president of a commission of five persons, to be selected solely, with reference to their personal fitness and capacity for for an Impartial and thoroush investigation of the liquor traffic. Representative Hitt of Illinois to-day introduced in the house the bill to carry Into effect the recommendations of the international American 9 for tho incorporation of the International American bank. GOXK TO CLEVELAND, OHIO. The president anu party, of Vice-president Morton, Secretary Windoin, Wanamaker, Secretary Rusk, Attorney-general MIller.HopriSenta- tlve McKlnley unii Marshal liahaitoll, left Washington nt.

7.40 o'clock thin evening nn loss that Gould would sustain iu forced to meet that rate. George Gould, Mr. Maftoun said, con- aratulated tho Atchlsou compaoy very warmly on their recent purchase of the jfrisco line, and then declared his willingness to restore rates. This moans, of course, the end of the western rate war, und steps will be taken at. ouco to announce a discontinuance of hostilities.

George Gould spots for his ivtber, and on his, behalf gave Mr Magouu nla personal assurance that in good faith he wished to see the war over. PACIFIC MAIL DIBKCTOBS. NEW YOKE, Hay At the annual meeting the Pacific Mail Steamship company to-day tho following board ol directors wore elected: Colis P. Iluntlngton, Henry Ilnrt. IsaaoE.

Gates, Calvin B. Brice, Samuel Thomas, Oliver H. Pnyne, Edward Lauterbach, Charles W. MoGhee and James B. Houston.

President Goo. J. Gould, in his annual statement for the year endini: April 30, shows net earnings ot par cent, after do- ductinB extraordinary expenses of $230,403 for repairs on the s't'eamer City of New York and on the stesme' City oi Sydney. The bojsiness of the Atlantic and China linos show a foiling off In comparison with last which however is more than offset by gains on the Panama lino and reduction ot expenses, so that the net earnings exceed those of year by 815,000. The China, the Pacific record-breaker, was completed at a coat of met entirely- from the earnings.

Cosh on baud reported OS Total earnings stated to be expenses, $3,535,117, showing net earnings 310,550. The cash assets April 30 were $653,405, and liabilities $178.495. Under the mall contracts the Central American and Mexican governments owe $38,34.7. Nineteen steamers comprise tin Pucifio Mail Atameetlas tha board of directors later J. B.

Houston was elected president and Edward Lnuterbach vice-president. The other officers will hold until the next metting. TEXAS ATOTACIFrO-SHbrS. DALLAS, May "You oan say it ont lond or you can put ic down in black and white, so that all who ran may road it," said a Texas and Pacific official yesterday, "that any report to the effect that this company will remove its shops from the city of Marshall is unauthorized and without foundation. Some people seem to be amazingly informed," he said, "but the management of this line are more than satisfied with the existing arrangement, and tho question has not even been hinted at by those qualified to speak.

Not only this, tho employes of tho line like their present location at Marshall and things in general and particularly over there. Tho seemingly knowing ones who whisper so much about coming probabilities simply don't know what they are talking about." Eelahl RATES ADVANCED. NEW YORK, May Vice-president this afternoon made -the following an-. nonncement: The agreement for the restoration of rates in the northwest has been signed by the presidents of all the lines concerned, including the Northern Pacific, Wisconsin Central and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul.

The advance in rates is take effect the 10th of Jnae. Subss- quently Colonel IfcCook of the Atchison confirmed the above in every detail. MOKZJPinjECTED USES. SnwsVEPOBT, May Work on tha Gulf, Shreveport and Kansas City railwny is progressing satisfactorily. A number of promiaent railroad men are expected here Saturday, biit for wnat purpose has not developed yet, Rumor has it that they meet to discuss projected lines 'in whiuh ShroTS- port Is interested.

An Exciting Seene. MILTVAVEEE, May An interesting scene was witnessed in tho committee room of the Catholic societies yesterday afternoon "while the convention was still in The Bennett law resolution had just been passed and Chairman L'udwlg of the committee on resolutions had retired to the committee room. When Bishop Katzer passed through the hall to the committee room he asked hurriedly to see the resolutions. "I have not seen them," ho said, with the air of a who had been misused. A priest banded him Herman copy, res marking that they had already been adopted unanimously.

"I uliould hove seen these- beforo," said the bishop hastily. Hu then called Mr, Ludwig to him, and for nearly an hour argued with tho chairman that, the resolutions were faulty. Tho bishop held that the state bad no control over the child even If liio parents did neglect and ho tbonnht it was a dangerous thing to go on record HS conceding such right to tho state. Chairman Ludwlg was firm, however, and refused to chkngo imd resnbmit tha resolutions, and the bishop Mtired in a dissatisfied mood. BiIiMiKOHAii, May T-x-- rnny trouiilcs are oxpt'Ctud h'ixmllc, a Btiuill iu Bibb county, to-nlKbt.

l''our your.ic ladiu.i met (lime iiojjro womuu cm a narrow board ou ono of the principal utroots, ami latter pushed tho whlto lnUiei oil tbo walk into the mml. That ulnht some wont to tlio liotisra occupied by tha negro women, took them out o'f bud mid flosryod them. This morning the negroes gathered iti fJio town aud tiireritttiu'd vt'n'ioance. Tliey waru dis- poi-Bod by tho whites, but to-night largo numbers of country nufiroos aro cnthnrlnj in iho vicinity of fiixmiiu prcpariuB to attack tho village. Much alarm pruvuils aud armed white men nro guarding tbo place.

INDIGNANT CATHOLICS. They Resolve to fielit tlic Itonnott ratva at Kvory I'oInt--OrgaiiUatiun rorfcctotl. MILWAUKEE, May a. masa meeting of tho Catholics held luut night a declaration of principles wns adopted which, after affirming tho Infallibility of the pope and acknowledging tho dual duty of Catholics ab members of tho church and us citizens, cays; Civil government must not only abstain from attacking and hereditary rights but must protect them by wise, reasonable and just laws. Therefore we demand that religious liberty of conscience, the most holy and inalienable rights of nil citizens shall remain as granted, unaltered and unabridged.

JTurthermore, as wo consider tho maintenance of. these rights abso- lutdly dependent upon the education of children in our- own schools, we deinuud this privilege und shall, independent of other party political interest, Join at the polls those citizens who aro of the sume opinion concerning church schools, ao that iu tbo struggle vrli-h our oppressors wo may bo more sure of victory and maintain for our neoplo Christian principles. We therefore fully indorse the resolutions adopted by the convention of the Catholic benevolent societies iu reference to' tho Bennett law. THE CATHOLIC SOCIETIES. In the convention of German Catholic societies this morning John C.

Ludwig, chairman of tha committee on resolutions, presented resolutions setting forth a plan for organization for political work in the coming stete campaign. The preamble serta that In no sensa are the aocioties poll-, tical, nor do they want to dabble in politics, but that to oppose measnnu like tha Braaett Uw and to work for their repeal was a mt- Ur of conscience rather than a mr.tter of politics. The Gorman Catholic societies, will not farther nor oppose the Interests of any political party, but It the ssnwof this convention tbat the Bennttt law and the spread of paternal spirit In legislation infringes upon' our coiiBcIcncus, and -it vrouhj 09 wrong to cur children not to take nn part in opposing such ineaaurei. It Is resolved, therefore, that the Catholic societies take an active part in the coming state eampalcn and will organize for that purpose, Tho chief object of this organization will be to see that no friend of paternal measures is elected to either branch of the legislature aud to-wntch and oppose all bills presented in the legislature antagonistic to Catholics. MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR.

tiliixular Dlftiumllliiii Jir.d« of mi Immense Kittuic. Cl.Air.i:, May 1'liu nirniru. tlio Into aro found to bo surrounded liy good dual of uiyotcry. Ho hud tlei'dcd almost tlio entire uatnlp, worth to.i called tho Ideal Lniul nuil Coal company. Tho i.lucV.holdo.-H nro Cyprianacn of Kim Uiniro, unlc.

brother of doccnerd. uiul houiK of Superior. Itin U'arnott thut Qu.ild liinl modltatud (jiving tho whole oKtatu tu diurity. it hiHujipoai-d that the syndicate to which tho property V7M are only to hold it till it certain value when it In to bo neuj. But tho imuiibcrn ot the syndicate, while they admit theru in ji will, avo concealing it and nro tiworu to secrecy.

Tlio u-idniY is provided ioi' in the will and lias Jin.OUJ Ufa insurance. It said tbu proviu-. ion luliB short of her dower rights. Phosphate Syndicate. BAIITOM, Jlay ot ttio largest syndicates In Florida wns iu(otly formed in Uiirton to-day.

It la called tho American Mining and Improve" ment comimuy, with a capital Block of The company owns 4720 acres of tho noted phosphate bod on the Alafia river, niul la preparing to mine. It bus a contract to deliver 10,001) tons of phosphate within certain time, beginning July 1. The incorporators are: B. Csdriugton, W. T.

Wliilledgu. T. M. Scausbrougb, J. E.

In- grnham of St. Loul3, vice-president of tho South Florida railroad; C. P. Iloibald Louisiana, W. H.

Moses, J. L. Woodward, M. Curry, N. C.

Bishop and N. C. Stuart, 'Western capital controls tho deal. Burglars at Work. BRENHAM, May The store of.

Itoiclmrdt Seelhorst, hardware dealers, was robbed last night of several pistols aud ft quantity of cutlery. Tho burglar entered the upper story from the parape-s of an adjoining building. Tbis la tUo second timo lately that this Btors has been, entered by thieves. Sherman, Local Katters. SHKHMAN, May Judge H.

O. Head of the Fifteenth Judicial district will tender his resignation to tho governor after the adjournment the present term court. Mrs. Gibbons, nged 77, while walking across tbo floor at home fell dead. Lost by Eire.

MAESHALL, May large tank contalcinff about 4000 gallons of crude pe- trolcum oil at the Marshall Light and Power company's gas factery. eaucht this mornine. About 1000 gallons burned, with about twenty cords of pine wood and a good deal of fencing around the yard. THE WEATHER. 001TOK REGION BULLETIN.

POLITICAL NEWS. AFTEn DOWDY MARTIN'S ECALP. PALESTINE, Te, May T. T. Gamuiage of this city announced himself Hou Hsa lUSUlri iarne -Waco Cortlcaaa Tyler Columbia Orange Brenbam Caere San Antonio Helton Wcatlierford Abilene Temperature.

"Mm. Max. S3 16 70 68 80 SO CO 92 88 92 Moans 68.0 70 CC CO CO 60 60 72 TO OS 60 se- 60 70 as Rain. .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 .09 .09 .03 .00 .03 .00 .00 .00 65.2 .00 WEATUEB" BEPOET. May following was the temporatura and condition of tha buflror sold or imp- a spcolnrtralu over the Pennsylvania rail- plied to finUstad mnn in any ciantoeri or pout i rmfl tjj atcsnrt MIO Garniim jraaraorUl aer lit.

Tilalr-- I sa store In any stuto or territory lij whteb tho of alcoholic tlquorn, bear or prohibited by. UK. Mr. "girn awny" sappwe that thrttnator tram means to anoVntood eon fonnd It to yield to' the bMiM eouferreee. Ur.Utoom~I with totau mtdtf -Awl at oonree no to al Gltrelnnd on decoration day.

roSTMAiTSnS NOMINATfiD. Nominations o( poatraMtari In L. Gstwville: Bailees W. Walctevlioney Qrove; Usury II, Btwyer, TOTAKT AltMT. ere trow fttternoon.

Moviiay. Oa. nnialnr as a candidate for Howdy Mai tin's seat in at the points niimed below at a. a. ra.

consress. The cantaln will at an early day this morning, as by the Statoi havea circular issued, in which he will'an- algnajsyvices nonnce his views on the vital political tonics of the times. EELL COUSTY. BELTOJf, May democratic executive Committee met this afternoon ftncl decided to hold the precinct primary convention Jans 14, and county convention June 21. BUSINESS.

TROUBLES. AT UAIiSUALL. ilay Kennsy, proprietor of the Palace saloon, made An assignment this morning, and filed deed of trust in favor of James A. Callahan. Jaabilities, $13,830 01, about f0360 of which is due to preferred-creditors; assets, $7177 20.

Have the TESAJIKAKA, May Rwcleni of THE NEWS will nmember the announcement last February of the birth to Mr. and Mrs. E. T. of daughters, all perfect in form and sound in body.

By Lard efforts An museum man ot Denver, Col, managed atcart a eoiitrsct Jbr tlss of, iuo wpuum'f over country. 1'hfy iaaTB on low. about two uioalas, tad KM now at where; little darlings an Jerlng with nieMlee, though a letter mm Uieauilona father ea)i they are all weathering ttorm Biwlr, aud no entertained for tiair latetr. A Justifiable SiLVEit CITT, N. May Thos.

Lyons of the Lyons Campbell Cattle company of this place shot and instantly killed John E. McJIanigle Monday night. Lyons told his friends that he was goteg to Kansas Chy with trainload of cattle. After the cattle were loaded Lyons changed his mind about goinc and returned home. As he entered tho room in which his wife was he saw the barrel of r.

revolver flash in the moonlight. Lyons fired three shots, one of which hit McManlgle In the nock and killed him instantly. McManitcle ban been suspected of improper relations with, Mrs. Lyons for some time. At the preliminary hearing this morning Lyons was discharged.

He is one of the wealthiest cattlemen in southern New Mexico. MoManiijlo's parents live in Pennsylvania. A Righteous Judgment. ALPAHY, N. cision of importance to every labor union in the country has boon handed down ID the supreme court hero.

In Luke Cox vs. the Albany Drawing company the appeal wss by defendant from a Judgment of the county court for tho plaintiff. In April, 18S6. during strike of defendant's regular em- ployes the plaintiff and others engaged to take the place ot the striken, the plaintiff being undor verbal agreement to work forgone year. Whin tbe strike waa settled a lain the plaintiff was dip- charged ana then brought ml! to recover wageiforthe balance- of year he was The judgment In bit favor was affirmed with It is mid that tbf, labor unions will pay toe expeuaei ol the trial and also the rnnu'i Mlary.

ot 'Wool. SuLPHtm lixr 'Hopklnn Connty Wool Growers' lutocts- Woe sold their iprluf cllD ot wool Iwre today. about teo of It, and ia quality vwynne. It handsome of 8lj cenU. Fort Elliott.

Fort BUI Palestine Shroveport. Sn Galvwton Cor. Christi. Rio Grande.

29.78 Mln. Tom. KJ.lft- GO 29.8:1 28.90 33. ES i9.96 3J.60 CO. to 71 ta cs Pre-l wind.

JDIr 14 CrdioM ISP'yCl'r Lt ClMlcts .00 Ul'dltw .,.00 lOOl'iileM .00 Ci'dlcw LtlClMlesn LOCAL FOBECAST. Qalveaton vicinity: Fair weather INDICATIONS. May Eastern Sens: Fair weather, showers on the coasts warmer, soutlieaittrly winds, and the Intorior, continued cool utterly winds on the HEW TOBK SPEOIAI, EHPOBT. OomwltMd I M(M McKlXKlT, Mar In tevov oC taik WM NEWYOBK, May is reported that roads cenorally, includins tho Missouri are villinjr to recojrnizfl the Union jSorthwiistern Alliance and that influeiitial. bankers and railroad men are working for mony all round with excellent prospects of success.

Tlu western and northwestern reads today agreed to restore panaencor rates to last December basla on Juno 10. It ie understood thut Qpnld oftoreil fnrthe Frisco tiiau Ateliison paid, but ho whs too late. It is confirmed that ho yeatoriiay congratnlated Atohlson ou its victory and that he now iu. harnesa for peaoo and prosperity. John aiartin of Paris sat between Colonel Calhoun and F.

B. Tlmrber at the Delmonico liin- r.or, but his nnuio does in tbo printed list, lie is a cousin of John H. Innwn and it waa thronfh his influence that Inman took so much Interest In the Teians. Mayor Connor of Dallas had an interview to-dar t7ith Presidenti Enoa and Traffic walilo of thu Missouri, and Tolas. President Lee of the of the Brazos Im- rovoment company sailed for Europe ay- Bonds firmer.

Sales, Jffl.OOO Atchlton foora. 8WS.OOO Inoomes at 08; sharn sold at-4slu olosInE at -17! Teias and Paoiflos at Bwjj Slffl (Xxi incomes at Qalvostoa and Baa Antonio westerns at Kansas and Texaa new seconds at 68; now at "Oft. Money at -4 anS clenty. Sterling firm; docuuuuu, 4.83K; scceptanoei, sil'ej certtflcatei, 10S. Cotton feverish aud exciting.

Cotton gooflf active and etronc. OorTm advanced to 10 points, eloalac taiy. Wool (Irmly JulA hut some It Dot a healthy market, owing to qnuiiifaetof bdfeuU tlon of QnoUtlons prao- tlcally as last wedk. Mr. JtoMtttwrf ot Sitlvostoa, 8.1.

CnUMfot Kl Uovnlmc, U. 0. Hurley Caatoy of Texas an here. tiOSDOH, Kay SK.rni A wool 9 Uw.

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