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Natchez Gazette from Natchez, Mississippi • Page 3

Natchez Gazettei
Natchez, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

appears that while'each party Was traversing the plains in pur THE GAZETTE. NEW at Wilmington, "frho sent persona tq detect him tie has been taken, but we have not heard the result of his He was taken in company with two other persons who were tiding in a Iateejice. The opening of the campaign this sea suit of Buffalo, they pitched their camps hi Jx OOOB STOlllSi. son promtSHS a p-oMpn hnrvMf iK near eacn otner, ana as a good under small waggon. They stated they were 1 SATURDAY.

NOVEMBER 24 R.UTHER MYERS Co. lately arrived from JVev-Orleam, standing did not exist betwoeh them, some efforts tQ conciliate and heal the breach were made by the O'Mahas, and inform the inhabitants BnJ ii.irt:M;iH h.v foreigners, who had arrived at' Bal timore i a few weeks since, and were coming on A gentleman, (says the St. Stephens Hallo' Philadelphia to take passage to ha- cyon) just from Cahawa, Informs us thai a quorum of both Houses of the General Astern. i 1, had. met, but that no business could be acceded to by the Sioui, Each visited the camp of the otner, when the usual uten tn(! formerly occupied by Messrs.

ceremony of smoking and feasting, min- Noyes Spencer, opposite the Roman Catho-gled with assurances of peace on both lie Church, and are now opening a Large n4 uj a xeuer, retrivcu is morning done consequence of an obstinate contro. from the postmaster Wktun to the versy which liad arisen between the two Doatmaster here, -information' is given branches relative to the propriety of reccivinir sides, ensued, the U'jiahas gave and Assunuicwi 5 exchanged most of their arms to the Si "Drj Goods that all letters ami i6c, ue tiouse ini it. .....1 ft lice. he) i uic oenaie vc. oux for horses; this interchange of traffic and civilities was in opera axes v- De i pertenttcloulily refusing to accept it.

letters pot opened have been received at i i the office here, and will be duly forwar. iftSS af Allf duly forwar- aT tion, some of the young men of the feioux performers, and a rich fund.of instruction and 'delight to the spectators. The Olympian and Thespian Corps are about to unite their forces and make a grand coup d'essai, ujwn this our City ol taste and wealth. Already'jdr. Pepyi's Company of Equestrians have arrived by the schooner Harriet, M'Cloud, master, from Mobile fame speaks highly of the splendid appearance and strict disci-pline-qf both men and horses, Mr.

Allen's troop made their entrance here, some days past and shewed excellent spirits to commence operations; but being in want of provisions they are gone on a foraging party to Baton Rouge. Mr. Caldwell with his light and heavy troops is now making a forced march from Richmond to support his Legitimate pretensions; his arrival is hourly' expected. And to crown the whole, and give life, feeling and soul to the passing the buskin'd hero of the American Stage, Mr. Cooper, will aain FLANNELS, Blankets, Cloths, Cassimere Boinbazettes, Rattinets, Domestics, -Checks, Shirtings, Rnssia Duck, Fluids, ever faithless, as is their common char Jed to their destination.

coia, to tigttf Jacfcson. They can have state, that amongst those received here, Us ituch as they want, if thafs their object. Stripes, Irish JUuen, Calicoes, Merino and Cassimere Shawls, llibbahd there are lew double letters, most oil Baitmobs. The Board ofiipaith nw; acter) employed themselves in stealing the O'Mahas' horses. The O'Mahas resented the outrage, and a battle ensued, in which they were driven off the field Fancy Silk Hsndkfs.

white Cravat Canton and Nankin Cranes, i them being single; IThe mail1 from niore have announced that the malignant fever Charleston, South'Carolina, of the' 19th PUc hw disappeared. Silk Dresses, Smschews, with the loss ot twelve warriors. 1 ihe NonroiK.The fever at Norfolk nn of October, and the mail of, Sioux lost six or eiffhtmen. 1 Fancy Ssttins, black white Silk Stockings; 1 Italian Crape, Toilirtetle Merseils Vesting Bed Ticking, China Italian Sewing Silk, Thread, Tspei, god silver-eyed Ncedle It is believed that all the disquiet, as well as the frequent petty warfare made the 10th of October were untouched. After the above was'in type, the postmaster received the following letter from the postmaster at Elkton h-' shown itself for several dayi A geitfleman from Florida, give us the following as a principal cause of the arrests and seizures of Papers in that territory.

He says the Spaniards had no office of record for the 1 I A A 111 slerino Fringes ana Ilordenngs, tiloves, by one tribe upon another, among the Furniture 'V KmbroidereJ Dresses ami Bands. aeeusi our wnen A. sola land to B. he trans. MZXTOS, Jf'J.

ocr. 26, 1821. il ih. remote Indians, would bo silenced by the 'show of an armed force on the parts of Missouri they respectfully inhabit, and it would open to our traders a road Linen and Cotton Cambnck, Jackonet Muslin. Platillas, Britsnnfss, -Enclosed you will receive -the post rZJSl And a great many other articles in the DRV GOOD LINE, which they ofl'erfon sale, whole treaa our command the plaudits and admiration of the assemble beauty and taste of the Metropolis ot Louisiana.

Ik i 'A November 19. to the richest fur region' in, the world. Views to this effect are coutemplated by sale and retail, for Cash at Orleans prices, a mall yuuntify of government, and will, no doubt, be speedily accomplished. Ample means are Muscatel Wine, Claret, and French in the hands ot the military atUuuncil LIQUORS. bills found among the; loose, letters of CaUavaandCOppingcr had possession of nearly the robbed mail, for jour office and the the title deeds of the Province.

After the offices eastward of your office. All the 8urrcn1ftbeFloridas to the United states, iettersthat were broken open, and found, 22 A1 ttflZV (r arious ti i rwc ums ot money, without tne consent or know-were sent to the General Post -Office, ledge of the owner, of the property; thus the among which there were some for per title to every tract of land the county was Sons in jour city, containing checks, jeopardized. On demand the above ameers notes, and bank notes, a list of to deliver up- the deeds, and the tales which I will forward you by to-morrow's tLTTpid tha" 7e' m. i such circumstances, Governors Jackson and mail. -There has not vet been any sue- Uorthington thought it their duty to seize, CC8S.

from the pursuit which has been and they did seize and take possession of, the On Sunday 18th inst.thc Steam Boat Alabama, Rodger about towing up the liver the Ship Balbte, twelve miles below the city, burst her boiler. Bluffs for the completion of the object, Alse-i-Cut and Plain TUMBIXRS, LOOKING GLASSES without incurring any expense to go vernment beyond what may be necessa Natches, November 24, 1821. and (shocking to relate) scalded four of rv lor sustaining the garrison at that tne crew. hree ot them will, it is hoped, he cured; bui the other unhappy post, tne expenses oi wnicn are aaiiv dc-i-lmdng lighter, and the progress of the Our informant states, that HAVE Just Received, a addition to theilf former Assortment of i made in tnis neignDornooa alter the ppra wincii were thus fraudulently a i a these suflerers exhibited a bpectaele dis Der out win ue contioued to-morrow. Some men have been taken up in Wil- Groceries, i troops cultivating bread stuffs, and rearing stock, warrants' the belief that they will shortly be less than at any post.

tmngton. tressing to behold; their skin actually pealed off the flesh with their clothes, and their agonized scream chilled the hearts ot every person on board the Ship The Following Articles For Sale: in the market. IF they had rtone otherwise and winked at the) fraud, they ought to be disgracefully dismissed the service. D.Pieu. Expedition to Ae interior of Woodncy, Lieut.

ofnhe Koyal Navy, and1 Lieut. Denham, of the Army, left Weakley's Ilotcton Thursday, bth inst. for Falmouth. Thev afe about to uroceed into Letters missing from the Mail whirji The Dresent cron at the Bluffs prdm-t Twentv Bbls. LINSEED ises a very abundant harvest more than White-Lcsd, Spanish Brown, Yerdigrease io ft I 4 lTTO Id I auuoteam vessel.

was robbed near Elkton. Wilmington, Penn. Oct .20, unpaid 13 single three double, one tre Oil, with other PAINTS, too numerous io 13.000 bushels of corn will be mention. sides the product of forty acres of land he interior of AlVica to determine tlie course FRESH FLOUR, 1st finality Pickled Pork, From Com Advertiser. Extract of a letter from jPoiis.

1 cultivated in potatoes, and the trutts ot few Crates assorted CROCKEK WARE. togrteen extensive- kitchen gardens. LIKEWISE, ble paid eleven single, two double, one and termination of the river Niger, and under treble. the protection and authority of Lord Itathurst. Savannah, Oct 17, three' single n- Thc Pro.cccd Tripoli to Mourzouk.un- der the immedjate auspices of tho lley of Vv i'l- Tripoli," and thence will endeavor to ircacli 15aItimore, Oct.

25, unpaid nine Single, Tombuctoo or HornoU. TWse gentlemen two double, one more than treble, rated intend going further eastward than -most of "ou are no doubt, aware that the object of Lord Wellington's visit to Paris was for the expreU )uroSe' of urging the French government to join us in a league, offensive and defensive, for At Monmouth Place, near this city, on the I v'. fn. each suitable families, 15th inst. by J.

Baynton, Esq. Mr. THOMAS kind in Bos, for follows: Drumhead Cahbagp, Farly York ditto, NIXON, of the House ot D. Knox fc T. Niton, 50 cents.

the other exj)ed)lions which have attempted to penetrate inter Africa, and are full of ardour promptly opposing the projects of Alex Red Ric.kfing do. Eirly Sugar Loaf do. lU-rchaiiU of this it to Miss MARGARET E. C. daughter of John aodor.

You ate aware ol his having had conferences with most of the foreign lunkinson, esq. On the instant, at the residence of Mr. Ministers at Paris, his interviews with and hgli hopes that' their enterprise wiil be sdccrssiul. We understand that the narrative of Kn'glish traveller who penetrated to Tombuctoo, and resided for some time in that city, but was prevented from proceeliiig further in the coune of the Niger by a wtr then existing between the nations on' its hanks, Christopher Metcalfe, in Jefferson county, by I James G. Wood; Esn.

Mi'. JAMES GHEEN, Washington ity, Oct 25r'unpaid, two, single, four double, one treble, four free, Alexandria, Oct 24, pnpaid, two singly paid one treble. Richmond, Oct. 23, Unpaid Eve sin- le. two.

treble, paid two single, one ouble. the King are said to have been of the to ss MARY METCALFE. most interesting description. My in- Eavly Dutch Turnip, uea i op qo Blood Beets; S. or F.

Parsley, Orange Carrot, Solid Celery, Curled Crutft White Endive, Early Cabbage Lettuce, Onion, Curled Parsley, Early Peas, Lat do, Scarlet Radish, Turnip do. Round 1 Salsify, Leaks, Buhoh Beans. i ALSO, A SMAtt ilfASTITT 0 11 Whit and Red CLOVER MCNCE Si CARSONo ormant asset ts that we have olleied to On Wednesdav evenini? bv the Rev. restore the old limits ol ranee to the Mr. Msenhsut.

Mr. BENJAMIN WADE, to will be shortly published. Plymouth Chron. t. .1 rry II" .1 Miss yjELlA ROBETAILLE; both '-of thiaoity.

thine, Savoy, tlie Isle of France and one i I lucre was a lau or onow.ontne Norfolk, Oct 22, unpaid one rated On Thurslay. the' J5ih instant, at Second Tr -r i or two ot the VVet India colonies, on condition that an army should be put in Creek, by the Rev. XVeir, the Rev. pi wvcuh. i MassachuaetU.

Kutchea, Nov. S4, 1S21. 47-, HIGHLAND to Mrs. lAKV Petersqurg, a. Oct .22, unpaid one MITCHELL.

mgle, two double, two treble. motion torvaras Austria, wiiiie-our na val and military forces should co-cpe OsivAgvaton lo Texas. ..1 9fel.T i 11 rate uaiuc ami, Mediterranean NOTICE is given to the Famdies who ib tend Emigrating to the bettlement form- Louis is said to have entered into the At Ituntfctflle, (AlMhamaV on Hie 8th uist, projeot, and referred Lord Wellington hH bv me, under the authority anu protection. Msior THOMAS FREEMAN, of Washington, i'in I l.i I to tlte minister of war. The, latter was Missismppl, Surveyor Guiiewl oi Public Lands of the Government ot New pxm, on tint South of Tennessee.

Brsssos and Coloradd Rivers, in the Provinctt equally well disposed; but he. proved The death of this gentleman will be deeply of Tejas, that I shall leave mcwiosii auom uic. i Southern wits Sea has become a naturalized iahkee, and is too nuie to be trapped. The horrid story of the butchery of the crew of the Schooner Milo, published a short -time since, turns out to be ajabficaiion. British Ambassador has 'officially-announced to the French Court, that his fove-rcigii will vi sit Fans iimnediately after, his return tsora rDittvvtsing the' 8th ultimo, Judge Fori ester, of U-Kean county, (Henri.) was shot, accidentuily, by his son.

The following Circumstances relating to the melancholy event, are copied from the Uelletbnt Patriot: "The sou had kit home for the purpose of hunting wolves; ut ter he had iroiie by official documents and private- mlor a i iil -i i Georgetown, D. 2J, unpaid two single, one double paid one single, -one double. Washington, Ky. Oct, 15, unpaid seven single, tvyo double, treble? paid three single. New Orleans, Sept.

SO, unpaid two more than treble, one of rated at gl 25; the other at 2 25V Fraiik, Oax. October 29 Three persona were ar-rrested on suspicion of having been concerned in the robbery of the great Sou-then Mail, on the 2Cth instant and af- Hiauou, mat mere wouiu De no postuui lamented by the society in which he movud. 25th of this mc-nth wituthe hrst company oi The urbanity of hismantier, the amiability of emlgrsnts for ss.d settlement (those who hsv his disposition, and the honorable uprightness been preparing to move tins fall, are, there, of his deportment, endeartd lata to all his fore, requested to be i rediness by yiat time, acquamtanc. s. To the country the loss is or to follow a soou allerwards as pracUca.

ty of forming an army to act with effect in such a scheme, while, if put together art constituted by Napoleon, the present dynasty must be sacrificed as a matter most serious; tor tew men are 10 oeiouna who pie. ar as well Qualified to fill the important I wish it eiphcitly understood by the set. or course. office which he held scientific and judicious, tiers: litThat thts settlement is forming under tly The duke's conference with Poz7.i The most uersuverinir indiuttrv- and rik'd inte some time, the father wenttiut for tlie same lioreo had for its object a remonstrance authority and protection the governm-nt eserniamir die sovereiirnry of tlie country gritv, were the strongest uuiis oi ins puonc character, ami enabled him to atVord the high -ter an examination before Thos.M'Dow-l juruose. As is common among' hunters, one ariicst any addition of territory, or, in 2d.

That the settlers must take the oath of II, Esq. at Wilmington, Del. were com I of them set up a fowling, after the manner of est degree of visetuhtesv licfmittuan deed, a declaration of war ou the part At Cincinnati. (Ohio) on the 25th Ultimo, anted for further examination. The a wolf, and was answers by tue other.

They fnsril Mmi.r.-kA. t. o.M continued howhug tn tins manner until they ot ltustia; with a threat, that it Alexan allegiance" to said government Which oath, -will be adniiV'Kre4! b7 the, governor of Tesas. or some One appointed by him. JERF.MIAH HUNT, Esq.

ol Wis place. lie ler's views were lollowed up. a general was an honest man, good itisen, ana va- 34. no one can be admitted as settler w7If, VC.U- i approached caci! other within a very short identity the principal person concerned, The father had hid himself behind wast expected atW ilmington yesterday, aio tilacinff brush utxm his back to dWuiae war in Europe imist be the consequence. lusble member of society.

Having tailed in our ettorts here, it is At the residence of her mother, nesr Wood in case he was not too much injured to himself, so that whentne wolf, hs he supposed, without, producing the roost autisloctory evidence of having supported a good mora character. Tlia nhferts of this settlement beinar Durelv ville. on the ultimo, Mrs. FR.VNCES came near enough to sltoot; it would iiot be travl that distunce from, Elkton. supposed we shall, look to Spain, and those other means of creating a party in our favor to which We have often resor ANNRl'FriN, consort of William H.

ltumn. frightened awa. Having raised himself Eid. in th 24th year of her sgc. To mingle I iiP.ultiimL liberal irrants of land will be made 1 XJPhiL Sentinel; httie tor that purpose, -tne son observing tlte motion, tired, taking the object fired at to be tlie ivtnaim of a lovely, amiable and discreet 1 10 griculturalists and proportion female, with the common mass of mortality, l0 Jla of their families, and their capacity ted on former occasions.

lyi respect to the actual state of things between vve nave neen, inionued by a passen-fa' wolf. The ball entered the riifht side of Tl-- tinll tht viirht rit' The acr the mail, arrived here this morn-1 the neck and passed out at the left hip Russia and the Porte, uo one here be without even a bner notice ot tne estimation to be useful to the settlement, in which happy combination of domestic A vessel will leave New-Orleans by the 20th virtues with persanal attractions 'are held in 0f this month, to survey the'eoast In the Bay society, would not tend to ereste a spirit of 0f gt. Bernard, at, and adjoining the inouui lieve peace can be preserved, or that Wig, that the person, who robbed the I fi'H'ing what had happened, took off tnail wot intA 4k hit Coat and vest, placed them Under his fa- the autocrat will forego the golden op- Fiortunity. Jfof hing can be wore popu-ar than the projected war amongst all faXZT r'ui" ther-s head, and started home for the purpose ferry-hous' oneecil Side, ft is 6fuinffV but hitKts fled bifore he TWderStOOd that he did not enter reached his father's residence, he became de- emulation in the rising generation, ana lorni 0f the Colorado river, witn the view of ssccr. the basis of such a oharaet eras that of the de- tuiuing Uie best harbor and situation for ceased.

The object of this hntice was and- t0wu, at which place a port of entry has been Aame in the way The driver wast ranged and was found in that situation; not classes in Kuia; and the best informed denly cut oft" in the absence of beloved lu-1 ordered to be established by the seriously wounded in the back part of knowing, or power, at that time, to persons here say that Alexander isurg ed on every side to commence- ties. Nothing, therefore, but uncondi vne neaat neiore aware ol it; by ft severe rcuuH. n-- band, aod the taitntui iiseiisvge an uie thority. The result ot this survey will bo duties of wife, mother and niistressi and is roaj0 known, ss soon as practicable, for th called to the bar of judgment) but she is of those who prefer removing tarringei and the mail w.Un driven I'OldtaperintU V. he editor of tiotial submission on the side of the "r-; ir; rr the llalttmore Kepumican, ny rerer- Uouuticss or Mie, tew resiiy lortnai ii iMBitneirtamUiesaiia ettects oy vvater merits of her actions snd the sufferings of AUStlN, the Saviour of.

mankind, and will obtain the! Civil Commandant of th Settlement urks will lead to a pacification. In i lu ttu aajoinmg ueiu, ence to the manuscript history of Maryland, where the tnail were cut ouen and rhnmu vv. (iritfitht Esa. savs there is reward of a virtuous life. ComnosicsTai).

1 NB. The difficulties encouiHersd by th tilled. Four men tiav hpHn'arrpstwl nner l3 vears older than the Newport Mer- SsasssssMssBssssBssi I first settlers will entitle them to advantages. this latter case, will the cabinet) of Lon don and Paris acquiesce in the new ar rangetufcnta? snaniriXn mA i.i. i.

rurv. lt is the Marvland Gazette, which Western Merdumts1 Planters nl U- iJJ.j was established in 1T4J by Jonas Gnren, wbicb annot be extended to those who'uo no emigrate in time to raise a crop next summer. I shall proceed to the settlement and remain there S. F. New-Orleans, Nov.

10, 1821. 47-1 ST Vffl a a a Esq-and which now veryably conducted tur wai rxned, contained drafts and JonM Gtee0 wn0 ta from ai is il. 'Ufw ne amouni oi ana i the oriirinal proprietor, it now seventy No. 12. Corner of Canal and Chartrei Streets NFjW-ORLEANS.

OrviIIIS well known F-subhsliment hss been FROM THE COUJfCII. BLUFFS. St. Locis, Oct. 1 3, General Atkinson and Major agent,) arrived in this place on Sunday last fro Council Bluff.

The latter centleman brouaht' down another, a letter, which contained B900 six years old, and a real 76 it is. uml in Richmond jS 100 noiBal The KhJ-irnnlJ: NiiW-OHVtAj9. it, LETTERS of Ailnumstration having been granted on the 9th day of July last; to the a put in complete order, and will be conti- Estate of Dr. C. puecf as formerly.

Mlly 'b 6f Adams counfy. doteased. ceremony of a Private Boarding llouseor ivent0 aU inAchiei hereby given to aU persona i After th jrrnnd tirnrooumn hii Ma-I A nassemrer arrived her from the him i deputation consisting of rhit-fsajid head men of seven bands of Testy left the Castle of Dublin for', the Blakeley, below the English Turn, In a Lodga in the Park in his private car- passage, of 35 days from Boston, re-. tne noise anu ousnc i wiiui the advantages ol both Its uxry and healthy to mate immediate payments ng claims to present them, duly the Missouri Indians The Grand Paw situation, equal to say in the city its proxim- authenticated, within the time bruited by law, mge, which went at a blow rate, allow- porta that a.

vessel peionging to. ivnoue ing every on to mm a nnito rlnsA who! Inland 'had been robbed by a' piratical rippH. Pawnee Louris. Pawnee Republics, ity to the seat ot business, snipping anu steam or tbey will be forever barred. ANDREW MARSCUALK.

Natchez, Nov, 24, 1821., 47-6 O'Mahas, Otos, Mistwtiriesj and Kansas, in ''all sixteen men. destination pleased. In Parfiamcnt street the row boat manned with nine men, off the king's attention waa attracted by a Matanias, and tliat the captain and men coal-heaver, who fMH hUaapd hifl A1. upre murdered, and the sunk; hosts, mnae ciesiranie resiacnce lor i revellers of every description. The TaLlo and Bar will be furnished with the best the market affords.

JOHN SMITH. New-Orleans, Nov. 20, 1B2i. 47-6 VVashineton City." I We learn that the Various tribes of fen ABSCONDED frotil the subscriber's Plan, taiion. a Neifro Man named BILL, about Indiana inhabitine: the country on the 1 I .1 THE SVVSCRMEU, a -is -a- ar Missouri Ss high hd bs he OrndBend, whence our trade has been carried by a 8 Executor ot tne last will ana testament years ot sc, ivci nun.

I of Aktosio ii.tvsu, lateot I'ensaco- built, promiuent eyes, speaks quick and bold when spoken tot had on when he went away a blanket coat, and a pair of old white kersey the enterprise of Companies, re-friemllv towards the whites. The and tsted leave to touch him with jnother vessel burnt and the crew hia Angers, when, the king, with the verely beatenj and the brig George of reatest good, humor iaid, "My honest Boston, bound to Havana, robbed of 700 fellow; here's my hand," and gave the doubloons, black paw that waa presented a righi The ship Ealiie Philadelphia. hearty shake. The man was all a mazer eight, miles below the city, bangsn. -tnent at the Royal and telligence.of the Steam Ship IsMk-rt Jgain blessing his Majesty, held up his Fulton; that on the 3d inst she poke and looking at it with ecstacy; ex- the steam ship in the Gulph with all claiined, "Well, bv all the Powers, vou eails- set apparently in1 gootl condition, la, deceased, gives notice' to all those having cUvnm nguinst said Antonio, that unless they nrodace and prove laid chims, if any exist, 1 .,1 .1.....

l. mrmiii. (Vnin hia tlve Kxe, I pantahionS. Was purchased of Mr. Zachsnah I in 1H1Q Th Kf in tuii-.

llreen. of iriuibsiee, cutor will proceed, agreeablv to tlie tenor oft reward will be given if tafcen up witbhv this'-, i thewilhand thereby, accord'inir to law, they i State and delivered to roe at Nutcbe, and all will be debarred Of recovery. charges paid, or i' irtiiRT rinvivn, lii. aiuiA JOHN HENDERSON. Aracarasi some 00 mils above, still evince, a disposition to be troublesome, which nothing but the, show of an armed force will tpnet.

Some hostility occur-ed the last summer between the O'Mata nation and the Sioux, the -Tetons tutd hall never be washed so Jong as 1 live!" but not using her machinery; and that QfeenQcJf Adv. i tliereisnodoubtof l'ensacota, Mov..

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