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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 2

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 1 1TKMH. Mr I u-f Toxnj fmnc) if empting- te i e.T fxinivre.ini^.^ on i Mr. is a i i i i i im: of i.'. puny Hint it stllt ni, of N.

It i i ui il- cd trmvs tires in if i i i ami The /V.i,' a i- out it: leader a i -Mpe i i i rienee i a the best a for trouli'es coinnien-ially. develop find -'orget Thn: the is in ir ViH'al'uiary. That is way: w'e i i it tin must existing ciroim stances. Col. Smith.

Brevet Major General com- mantling, han upon the Pii'tiynnc to explain nwnv tho iKrcupfttion of Tivoli Circle Lv A luioy of I'liited Stales ciivftiry. is 110 uetN-ssity of an plf.nation. It is all their's. and the only pu-priM- is thai tin was en Mr. John Nor'-on.

a wi-11 known aii'l jMipulnr actor. arrived at New anvl a role Btxrrctt's Va rietv t'otujjat y. it is sugceste-1 that the States m-natt- i.iquiry into the iutia matter U'fore counting the electoral i and if such inquiry and invcstiga- hud i it will l-e a solM-r sec- on.l thought i g(H)d to the Ixniisianiitns. The Viuclihack's rest is very much broken just now. as if that nian's hiat 1 is Ciist-iron.

A FIHST-'tASS SEA-POHT, TUW CRK.VT A Of TEXAS. hiis betn suggested to tts that our state logishiitire should Jo something toward the commerce of our state, is true, the aggregate wealth of a arise, chiefly from the pursuils of the country, while it is new Texas now is. bin then the commerce of si state must sro hatul in hatut i its agriculture, for agriculture cannot lie unless aided by commerce, as net of oiir ucrrieuUunil products tle- jend? upon our mai'ket faciUttes. Ot tliis there can be no Jmbt, ami heuce it 13 that those state-! which are re- i in these facilities, or linve no seapits of their or oniy such as afuml interior linve never becoiv.e prosperous or wealthy, lieing compelled toaeiu. their products to markets on'sulc of the state, and they thereby assist to build up oom- wealth for the l-jnctlt of other states.

This is a matter that ia too often the great mass of the poople. often by law-iva- Ucrs. The of Xew Orleans its. perio.l of prosperity was created by the trade from Stares. yot this weaiih once probably more than half vntire revenue required to supivort State of Lonisiaim.

ana therefore relieved tlic people of than half tho taxc they would otlwrvisi- have had to pay. The same the with a)l large seaports whose trade comes from surrounding states. It is therefore strictly a one of the greatest misfortunes that can befall any state is to be deprived of ft good senpjrt of its awn. For such a seaport not only secures to the people of the state the wealth derived from their own commerce, but also the dcri'ed from such trade as drawn to a seaport from other states, and the whole of that wealth to relieve the people of the burden of taxation in the support of the state government. According to our last official statistics, Galreston nearly one-tenth part of tlic whole amount of tuxes levied upon the whole state, or nearly ten times the average amount paid by the other counties of the state.

This shows clearly that the people are n'jrcaciy being benefitted to a large extent by the commercial wealth of this oity. yet Gaiveston has received no aid from the state, and but very little from the Federal government. Tlic reason is manifest, namely, that as nature has made this by far the best seaport the state, all the railroads naturally converge towards i point, Mid tl! the trade concentrates here even without goverr.ment or other aid. But yet during the past forty years of our brief lii story i very large portion of tho trade of Texas has gone to Xew Orleans, and other seaports abroad. mainly because Galvesion was not accessible by railroads, or other cheap means of transportation.

Xow, however, we bave, or soon shall have, railroads converging towards Galveston fror.i tho VTest. the H. S. A. R.

nud the Austin branch of the Central; from the Xonhwcf-t. as the Waco and the proposed Wichita branches of the Central from the North, as the Central and Great Northern from the Northeast, the proposed branch of ihe Central in Navarro county to Red River, and the International. Nearly all these roads will be compbteti the present year, and fc moment's glance at map of the State will show that they could not be better arranged to coutrol the entire trade oj the Scute, and concentrate it at this port. But their connection with roads bfrcnu our State boundary, will also make Gulveston tin- nearest, and think the best market, for a Urge extent of Northern Louisiana, Arkansas. Still, these other roads witli which ours will connect, lead direct to other markets, which are striding, by every means, to compete with GalrestoE for our own trade, and they get considerable trade from our atate, unless we make corresponding cf- ortj to secure it.

The most important measure now to enable Galveston. to i in I i i ji5 v. in ir II should not lie i f.M:;.^i'.' t'imt rvt'rv i i wbo iiKiilr on tlio subject, i ilisf (islvtston is thr txst I IHK-I onr tins i IT tiuiy lw for tlii' soaports 'IVxas. i i I 1 to uf liarltor. Onr city craMo IUOHOV mid nimlc sunii! valiiBllo inprovoint-nts.

But tlie i Iwir some lent. IK-CIV wiU inon 1 lliiin mir i is uljii: to ntiso. ox- ity our mmv than i We imleoil rxncrt- civ to uuiko mi ajuirimriiliim tn t'tVei't this the impnivomem uf tlic legitimate Jury of the Federal govurn- wliioli receives all t)ic (Uitii-H our pints. Tho ilntiescul- Icclcil i port tin' past as shown by i i i report piiM'aheil in ou! 1 MniaiKiL' for a a i i cil i or near three-quarters of niiliion of dollars. This shows rapully increasing foreign commerce of with hurhor H-J our ciU lias licoii able ti tuiil with scnrcely a aid from the These ilutfes are about three times tliev were iu But, while we arc a i i fr to olo rotnethini; for in, should not our state irive suuie akl at once to Imilii up a senn'irt which soon pay a still larger portion of the State taxes, anil i the tri'iuury of the L'nitod States i a still larger of duties ou foreign imports 1 We thinl-- there is no doubt but that con- will, by and by, reimburse the state for an expenditure so much ueed'oiA.

would suggest, in conclusion, that it would be proper for our city council to take some action on this subject. I THE LEGlSLATLIlli CALL A CONVENTION I It will be seen that our correspondent "15." thinks that tlie legislature should di so. Our correspondent a a the facts jjoint; to show the necessity for amending the constitution, verv strontjly, nnd we i conclusively, lint, admitting his arguments to be incontrovertible, the question inuy yet arise whether'it may not he make such amendments to the constitution ns arc absolutely necessary by having them properly sub- mitt.jj to the people and voted upon by and, if carried by such vote, the'A ratified by a su'oscquout legis- lattue. as provided by the present constitution. Has not sueli a mode of amendment some advantage over calling 11 constitutional convention? We it lisu.

The calling of a convention mav beatten.lod with coiibideruble loss cf time, aud much popular excitement. It will nlso be attended much expense, and some anony- ance. to the people. The theory is that there is no limit to the power of a convention, and when such an assemblage is c.dled. the pei'vading feeling wili be that they may proceed to measures.

At least, no one can pretend to set limits to or restrict their action. On the other hand, if the legislature submits plain and explicit constitutional amendments to the people, to be approved or rejected by them, as they think best, then can ba no room for such apprehension of revolutionary measures, and the people would be relieved from mucli trouble, excitement and the heavy tnx attending a convention. We submit this matter for thu consideration of our readers. TELEGRAPHIC. 1 will of men of lATp-nmi rnlif.rhl«Mirl virws.

who nol -rmt rol i i a a would Thrn drop i cmuous. every i ami net for hitttnolf. nnd if ho ft IVmiXTnt. he will ac' 1 nml Vito whi.t will provo advnu- ta.jr'^u!* pnriy. I fuiri iltajMtii.tiiw tn li'swlato (he inipnivoincut uf tho judiciary, ttud the firnt H'-y taken in tho will proUibU In 1 Uu'dmntr nway grand jury nUogt-tWr, ft? now pTt'ttr ponerally to bo In nowise Bu.tal to tho prescut I think it is vovy proliablo that a luw will milking the acliun of ihree- fourliwi of til-? jury in civil.

wt-U na gutnciont to ft That this will 1 MI improvement upon our prusuut system, i 1 think. gtMU'nilly It ia almost the uiiivotfwl opitium hi'tv that Suj-roino will to lluiu'v us Stnto Trt'iwuivr. Should it not do so. St-nate. Dr.

Umhaiu 1 mum' haudi'd in for will derMe. and answer that thrre iti HO vacancy in that and thus Uonoy, art- uo state printed yet. Manuscript from each ollico will prclmbly lw liawlud ti the legislature, which will order tlie.u printed as soon nt) a printer is elected. Persons here, who pretend tn know win-roof they apenk.

say thut Governor will be ipiUe docile, in it will present the olive branch, thus making tin 1 first udvjuiee bringing 1 klhuit harmony and good fculing between tho lisg.jOiitiin 1 and hiiiMelf. I heiiuvo tho rumor that. Davis' fangs have boon uv.vwn, ami he nmv, doubUertR, dfeuiit discriitiou the bottrr part of valor. Tit prow hirt sincerity, iho legislature! i immedii.tely proceed to and amend some of the most objectionable uow ou the KtfttuU; book, ho assouta to this action all will bo well if he does not, all will be woll still, for I bulicvo of both will vote against any veto lit- may send them. Eveu UepubUcattH aro i'y tired of the one-man power.

I have heard some members to-day favor giving the state printing out to the lowest dor. Suppose Mr. Xewcomb, who now owus tho Sbtte Journal, should bo the lowest bidder, and could give the requisite bond, wouid he get it? I should hope not. The contract system has always proved a failure, and Invariably proves tlie moat expensive system. Then do not reswrt to it unite on some pornon that will do tho work on official paper, and in a manner creditable, us well as beneficial, to the Democratic party.

Mush won concerns are not likelv to do this. HAND. fit 000 to tlofntv -cxrn'nws of tho wlcct onuniissiou for the prninst Ur-n. Clnyton. INrU-VN The hill and tho nt'imtc till Moiuluy.

This bill doy.a Utrsjc niiin- IKT of mioh bills roocivod fnni Tlm oxonnivi i fliul jndk'uiry Hppropriutioit bill V.HA. HI3JEfTKI. An amendment ion for of education was, niwidorabli 1 n-jcctt'J. Tht 1 for tho purchaw iitl distribution of ect'ds for the burton was from of i i Henry nnd povcral other well nrrivinl nt rervivrtl from from nil i-M for vho SVM'KS'SIPN iM'hnti Vivanlc Jt ro tho XEW OIII.KANS. SPECIAL A REPOHTS.

FROM LIBERTY. I A TO TIII! 3KWS. I.nsEHTY, Jan. 10, Tim steamer Mary Coiilcy, a Trinity I sunk last soiuo thirty ulsove here. The passongws a There is supposed to bo a conn.doniMo nmount of cotton damaged or lost.

j- n. u. AtSTIN. AUSTIS. Jan.

10, 1873. Tt is generally unclrrstood to-day that tin- lieru lYut they wuntecl wUli'mt i host, in the mutter of oflicera to fill the They are Earning that the members elect aro m.t tin: kind to bo manijailntcu! Hearing O.I'IH. they have coiicUuifd to throw lii-n. SliiMli-y over- omr 1 for of Lhc Semite, and laku up lion. K.

1.. Dohum-y, of tho Kk'venth Siniatnriai District, record in the last Legislature ia alike creditable to and the party lie belongs to. 1 had supposed, heretofore, that Mr. Pickctt, of Trinity, would be clioico of the Austin ring, outside of thoir own men, but from some cause or other, tliis staunch old Democrat and kindhearted gentleman is not favored Ly the manipulators, uor have they taken into consideration the claims of Mr. Ooorge P.

Pinley, who will prove moat formidable to any aspirant for President of the Senate. But what hag Web. Flanagan, occupied the chair at the. close of the last session, to flay about this affair? I am told he is determined to call the Senate to order nnd proceed to business as though none opposed his doing so. and it the Democrats persist in unseating him, he will leave the Senate, and take with him Senators enough to break til's quorum.

Should lie do tins, and I cannot doubt it, we will be pUced in tho same condition that Louiuiaun. is in. I may is well here inform you that old man Flanagan, at this time, a all. powerful at Washington, and through him can Texas reach the administration. Web.

Flanagan will take advantage of this, and Qen. Grant will throw liia protecting shield around him. This is not a pleasant picture to look at, but it is a fact, nevertheless. I fear the Democrats will attempt, and Xew YORK, Jan. 10.

(Jold opwncd at 1129. 10:15 A. Exchange to Cotton opened steady Ordinary Good Ordinary Ifcjjc Low Middling Middling L'plc'aiits Middling Alabama Miu dliny OrU-aiw 21 Middling Tnsaa futures January February li' 20 April 20 May Jum; all nominal. r. 112i.

Exchange lOOj to 1104. Cotton at the follow- i Ordinary Ciood Ordinary Low Middling Midilling lauds 20H 1 Middling Alabama Midd i Orleans Middling 'IVxus 21 i' 1 futures quiet biu ly May 20 to i S2: salea for future delivery 4500. 3-12 i Gold" cloHPfl at ll'-ig. Exchange to Coltou closed i as Ordinary Good Ordinary Inv Middling Middling Uplands Middling Alu- buma Middling Orleans 21 Middling Texas future.s closed firm; February March April May 21K-! Ju b' 21 for export 470 bates; to spinners 412 bnles; for speculation 51; future delivery 4 Weekly receipts at all American ports, bales exports to Urcat Britain, 71.462 bales; otlior foreign ports 29,292 bales stock on hand, 514 bales. NKW OIII.KANS, Jan.

10. 11:30 A. Il2i to Exchange i tu discount, Su-rliitg VJ otton in moderate demand: i i no sales. 2 r. 112-t to 112i.

Excl.ang. i to discount. 121J. active; Middling sales MOO bales.'OOi-, Jan.

10. Official report from the Liverpool Cotton lo New York 'Exchange: 11 A. opiiin-d Ijnt steadv Uplands ICJt to; Orleans 105 to Habm 10,000 bales, p. quiet but stundy; landa to IOR; Orleans 10J to r.

cloned quiet but steady; Uplands to lO.rd.; Orleans 106 to lOjd. receipts of ortton since, lust report, lai'MXH) A i a 71,000 bales; sales 100.000 bales; for speculation 0000 baltM; for balc-s; actual 8000 bales Mnrk on hand 410,000 bates; American 2iM.00 Imh-b afloat fur Grt-ai, I i i I American 198,000 bahis. i Texas 21 VM A i 20 XI 3-Ui; fur change to 0 Aasoclatect 1'ronw the judgments of tlif court of cliiiins, an amendment was ollercd providing that no part of it shall rnuip- plifd to judgments for UK- proeveUa captured or abandoned property seized tho ttOth of iind thai nu sueh judgment shall In 1 paid t-xa-pt Without action ou the amendment the House adjourned. YORK ITEMS. XKW YOIIK.

Jan. tlie Over and Termmwr aurt tufa in the case of Woodhull.ClalHu and Blood, a plea of not guilty uutorod, and a trial will be had the next case but one conclusion of tho Tweed caso. Eleven jurors have been aocurod, up to uoon, fur the Tweed caso. I'HOMINENT ODD FKLLOW DKAP. Professor S.

A. L. Post, editor of (he Now York died at Elh-uviih'. Wednesday. II UNO.

OUMWEUIAND, Mix, Jan. Craig (colored), convicted of rape, hanged in jail Imre to-day. KMLUOAIJ POUT JAKVIS, Jan. freight train ran into tho rear of near Calliccui, on thu Erie road, tUis completely demolishing tho rear car and injuring tho buinjwrs of tho otltt-r C4irs so that they could not. bo coupled, Om- pusseuger named rt i Hoffman luul a leg broken.

wovo CUICAGO, Jan. ISt. uotel at Springfield was dauiagud last night to tho extent of $80,000. The loss on furniture in about $00,000. WKATHRll.

The extreme cold weather continued bore and throughout the Northwest. The cold interferes with the reception of Ifvt- stock. Tlie North.western railroad pany yesterday issued orders to station agontti to receive no more stock during the cold spell. COLUMBUS, Jan. house WAS engaged for a length of time to-day in discussing the state finances and tlie necessity of forcing financial agent Kfmptoa to a showing.

JJNisw OHLEANS, Jan. schonner Congress, from Ferittacola, Doc. if, for Texas, foundered ut pea in pule GO milcfl souiheastof the latter port. When the schooner commenced sinking, a bout was lowered and two seamrn, Alux Evtng and John Hi ley, were ia it, when a sudden lureh of the schooner broke the pointer holding tlie boat, which was swept away. The schooner immediately sunk.

It is supposed that all on board were lost. King and Kiley were rescued bix days after, by a Mexican boat at near San Fernando, Muxicn, nnd brought back in a destitute condition. The United States Consul promptly furnished them relief and transportation to (ialven- T1IK A roiSONINO A, Jan. court lud to indic.tint'iU- wlior; Mrs, Wharton jtlvad not tlie c-use wan postponed on account of the absence of Mrs. ChiIton UHmioml, witnoKs defu'iao.

A CIIICAOO, Jan. Governor's mes.Ha^e Hays that. Illinois is substantially freo from debt. A A i A I I I A CITY, Jan. nominated Joims to surrccd Nyc.

V1UK 1TKMP. XLW YOKK, Jim. sonic exdtutnonl at at the discovery tliat the ex-county treasurer, whn is now under arrest, defrauded the county out of about $150,000, Hi-v. Dr. Hiiro, Episcopal bishop to i 1 Indians, was ronsi'rruU'd at St.

church last night. Twelve bistmps par- tielpated in thu consecration. II. well mil- rond at tin- i A hotel yesterday. Ono hundn-d and fifty workmen I 1 benn di.schar^ed -nn" the wurk Flour RUlvr(ili( J(i XA'K $7 to fmu- ilv ftl.W to Ooru active mid firiiii-r nt to miii-t at 47 to 4S-.

IJran to and eiisior: clinioe $40. I'ork qmt-t nt IJS1S WJ to 75. lirm at Ti, Bucoa iiniuT nt nj, 5J. l()jc. llinns I to 17Jf.

Lard srnrco i tiorco Uog ta lOc, tSug'AV 5 to (ij to fiftr (( i to priini; il to Hjtv. Molussi'3 firm: fair to i-lioicu U'Jc. WUisky no licrc; Louisiiinn ItiJ liljc. Sti-rliiis 1-MJ. ic.

(lolil i salfH Imluti I i i i i If 1 M'ul- lilini; Oi-luntid luiloa; OtJIi bulCM. Weekly Dili's ivi-oiplB net liaK-i" 55.777 Uiilrs; to itn-iit Britain ImU'H tot lie Continent 7.077 coast- wist 1 bales. 'i i Kvoni uT yostcrday.1 IVriGL.IULGF.XC12. Tim XKW YOUK APPKMKf.Y. i i A a i tbe today a new charter for.Ne*v York city wan iniroduced, being framed by Republican genenil Also, bills n- liiiug tlie schd-jJ Xew York city.

up))iiiiting a buavd of rail- rc-iulH nnd iding for nip id transit by a from tlio Battery to Harlem er. AM ci.Ari.ix. in t)te indictment fiir r-irciihuing obsci-ne, I i through i L'uiU'd Stati's issued this iiinviiing ngainpt C'hxilin and Munblood. The latter arrested, the others not found. Tins will prevent tlie liH-turc ut Cooper Insl'itii'vO lo-night, wuk'li trouble way apprehended.

A I ITICMS. "WASHINGTON, January President withdrew the Humiliation of Jov. 13ard as postmaster at Chattunooga today at his own request. The senate committee of the privileges and election agreecl to BCIH! sub-committee to Ivoulsiana aud Arkansas to in- i into the elerlioi.P of States. The- SL'nntn confirmed McDowell, vice Meade doceaw.d.

On the 2JMh of October last, Secretary in addressing an elaborate hitter to Minister to the fact that the present ministrv of Spain liail given assuiMiice to. the through their agents of the press, and had confirmed tho assurance, to Uomii'iil Sickles personally, of i ir.te.nti^n put i opera- i the cxUfi-i-ion of reforms, among those this govern niftiit has benn earnest in urging upon their consideration, in relation to lite colonies which are. our The Spanish instance, law moth to-liny by hifl attorney. Judge ovcepiionrt tn iho im prnchmoni court. Tho folUving is a syn- opsip Exception 1st details vlio of llio nrder of Oudgc and Uift sei7uro thercumlcr of the 1 IUWM at two o'cWk on tlu 1 morning of PecemberWth the V.

8. Marshall with HohliiTH that they still retain tluTi'of, excluding and a.lmitting such persims an they thiU the lucoting of tliu 1 mi the IX'cemlxir such unlawful jiossrssion has uuuutaiuvd and largo of duly elected inoinbr-rs excluded there frorn that ovriy porson is entitled to a public and impartial i i Kiich nnd impartial trial can not be had in the stnte-luwse of u. ptate which is uiuler unlawful custody and control of nsid marshal jnd i Secindly--Protests und nlijects to tho body now aswmbled in the state lunme, and styling itself the Senate ni for (he reason that wtm by fnuul, nnd violence. under cover of said midnighi. order.

Tliinllv--In the reversed statutes of it provvdvil vhat if cr, whether lie be a memb islfUmv, or other por.son, dei make any charge ugainHt au; jllicur, looking to impeachment fn charges, must he HpecMicutl. set forth und verified by the oath of ssiid accuser a s- veriiied they must submitted io the imnse of ixipresentii and referred ID a commute thereof; that thn accused oilicer nuts thereupon IK; duly cited to appear before said oommittec and attend to investigation of aaid charges that he shall have an opjxjrtunity befoivsaid committee of confronting- and cross-examming witnesses against i and himseM producing witnesses to refute such charges in ease tlie commHU-e i such cUuTfijes in tlu-ir belief establislied, 1hey duly repurt the pume to the house of representatives, ami then, nnd not till then, it, wlmll a for the paid house to adopt a resolution of impeachment. 'J'luit, in defuxuce of said statute, the resolution of impeachuuMit directed again-it this exceptor ed with.ut any the necessary prelimi- na Fourth--The exceptor shows thnt even if said resolution had been regularly adopted, the suid body was not the legal House of Representatives, but a body of men assembled under tlie cover of the midnight order mentioned in tin; first exception. 'Iheso exceptions were rejected by the court, upon the ground that they were "ul to the Senate. sires i ro'Ot niKECT NAVIGATION COMl'ASV live Three Henolve Mut forward all freight ronnijfiiiMt to tliolil in (IAI.VKSTON.

HlirsTON, A i i All COTTON other PRODrCK povorcj to UALVKSTUN hr thoir OPKN 1HIMCY 1K INSfRANCK. withont Ki- to Shipp All nnd Dtunngos I'romptljr Adjusted anil Paid. ConMifc-ii to HOUSTON I NAVUl.V- TIOS I'OMl'ANY fnnu all pciiuts and SUK.iUN, W. .1. Hl'TCHIXS, TiourroiMFiit.

a 1) TVew 1NSUHAKCK," Tin: A i A a i i hy i A i A ASSKTl-a 1 3 2 3 1 4 3 5 I AMSKl'S M. AdicwT, 106 UK ijtmuU, UalTMton, Agouvy in opon for VTMIH TNO. P. Vrom York. IH a Lottor frni a i i i FATHER in PIKH'OSALS VOll THE A OF I LOTS (u i-root Engine llouao.s tlloi-i-ou iu tlm I-'arttern part of tlm city, noutli of Uroatlwny aud oust of Kigtoouth stroot and ONE LOT in Western purt of tin' oily, in tho Thin! aouth of CJhuroh i bo received u'.

thu City Clort'n oflliw i MONDAY, THE aTH Of ANUABV, ut I'O )V-lock u. Proposals to lie AdilcostioU: Lotrf Cor Fire Depart mtMit." Tho Kite Committee: J. FKKDERECJI, jnllDtjalS Chairman. AUHIYK. A i From Kiel du Jan 3ir.i, i 3000 BAGS COFFLt.

doclOD-Etr-una M. Nan. 1 T1U-: LEI thoso wlu Iftiiguirtli UHJ fatal ity of our cllnifcto tlirr.unh i compUtnt, or ovon tUono who aro in consumption, by no dortimir. Tliory 1 safe ly trie OIL AN I I i 4 it it i piano MaoKv. Mr.

Acton Mr. Charl Mr. J. Uoi oKv.iy Knllcy lUlnhrf nx K. Thy IltlSII HEAKTS: IN TIIK Will In- hv I I I I ICON' i A A A I I Aj', i i i I 1 uf 'I AT VHirf.s.

OalK-ry, CtiloriMi i i ain i i I AT THIS i Friday A SnturtSay, a I nr.d 1 1. rtimir. safe and rturo roniotly JILH! d. WtLiiuR'rf ay -on LIVK I I.IMK," i tlu- VIM- uait.Ht!jitiii^ flavor of tho oil i UHod, IH endowed liv tln phosphate of Hmi 1 with propprty winch roiul'Ts tlui oil doubly unifju-foud. tt'StimouinlH of its oftiou-y can lie oxtiihftiHl to a who liostro td aoi them.

For Kale by H. WII.BOR. Uheuiiat. HJT Court Houto.i. jy7D-Tn-Th-Su-lw-Wlt HOLKS ALE noiir neighlwra.

at our i for tin; of in nilonh-s. The i i i.s rge shops this week. TEXAS A I 1 KAN FitAXcisco, prelim, inary stlrv'ey of thli Texas 1'acilic rail road is compli'ted from Sal: Dii-gn t.i l-'ott Vunm. The surveying party is jni- to join Scott's ex- pediiion from Texas. The, pract'icabililf of the route from San iiego to Fort.

IUJNO1H BKNATOli. Jan. Heptilili- caucus nominiited (lov. fur become the seaport of avast extent of succeed in adopting tUe country beyond our own limits, is the I ou3 3tera of caucusing. I am improvement of our harbor by deepening the water on our bar; but as this requires a larger expenditure of money than our eisy is able to command, the question is, whctlurr it would not be a policy for our state aware oC lUe advantage of caucusing, when the opposing- parties of the Legislature are nearly balanced, but wlion the majority 00 large in either House as at present, there is no necessity of it.

Besides, it will certainly bring about bad feeling and WAsniNOTON, Jan. President nominated A. V. Dockery, of Xortli-Curo- lina, to bo consul at Oporlo. Tho fricudd of tlio cotton tax ing ecliemo are nutkin, ixwerful, and what they think vill prove a successful movement.

In furtliernnce of their object a circular, -accompanied by the arguments of Judge B. H. Curtis, Messrs, Hughes, Sharpley and Horshiili V. John- rfon.uft voll as memorials and resolutions of nearly all the Southern states find cities," have 'been pigued by all mem- bors from cctton states present. Thin circular, whi-jh, with its acconipa nyiug papers will be laid ou the desk of every member id a declaration that they intend to proas the passage of an tict at this session to refund tho tax collected by the general mvnt after the closo of the late They Bet forth that the law imposing the cotton tax was unconstitutional; that it was unjust nnd oppressive it its opera tions; that it fell eHsentmlly ujjon producers and was passed when "their stnten wero wholly unrepresented, under tht 1 mistaken idea that it would fall on the consumers.

They ask ot Congress a fnir exoneration of the arguments submitted which they claim will demonstrate the correctness of their position and the reasonableness It is stated of that their this demand B. paper signed unanimously by the niembora of the house of representatives now present from tlie cotton states, irrespective of or color. It is expccte-d that it will limve a powerful effect and give dignity and force to the A brief cabinet session to-day. Nothing important transpired. The President left for Annajiolia this afternoon to attend a bull at the naval academy.

A BLACK BILL. Intbft senate, to-day, Amos introduced bill to open ill branches of the army to colored men. A resolution waa adopted appropria- Great I i nK.vra-TiED or XAI-OIJCON. IXJNDOX, Jnuuary 10. 'I'lio lioti if tlus Krnjmror tit wi the iwdsidu of Xajiolcoit when Tin: Kr.ipcror Khuu-cd conHchniHiM-HH trwftt'cl bis last and spoke to tin.

1 Kiuprrss twico in a vt-rv fiMibh- tiinn voice, 'j'lio hint iiuJirii- i i of life WIIH vvlirn ih: knelt jtiid kisnthl licr I I biind. WIIH (ivrrcomi' bv i i utul jTuintud'atllir biKlHidr. l'rina: Iniperml, hiul been i i iiinnrxl by Iflugrapli from WooKvieh, arrived nt i i i only fifteen i the (U'lilli iif tin; ISnipemr. lie greatly afTuctml, nnd i fact- of II'IH dwul limes. Tin: i i i (Kjror died peacefully, awuy without of pain.

i i in attributed to of A i i cxamitiation of tlm remains will made to-day. The btxly will lio in state Heveral dayn previous tn the Empresa Eugenie knult at the iMjdsidt; for Hovcral hours after tin: death of tlio Emperor, engaged in prayer. Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, has sent ft message of cxmdolencu to lOmprcHS EugiMiio in her and iMroa vein unt. Tho Princoof and Princo Teclt vtHitcd ChiseMuirat ytMtrrday, Tho remains of tlio Kmperor will probablv tKniporarily in St.

Mury'u church. Tlio Prince Wales, who is nt present the guest of Baron Kothsrliild at Acton, the pofitponemont of all Froncli plays at the theatres of Ijondon, ap well us a ball which was nlxmt to be given in his honor. A dispatch from Paris says the news of tho death of tho ex-Kin peror caused gre-At impression that city. There wan f. Blight rino in tho price of French The BouajiartiHt d-pu- tieH luft the chamber upon tho ruanpt of the intelligence.

Many of them will come to Ixudon, where Prince Princess Mathildo, M. Itouher.M. Floury and others are expected. news was received throughout tho provinces with groat rogrot, aud much nvinpatliv is expressed for tho Empress. Tho London journals this morning publinh highly laudatory obituarioH of tho Euiporor, EXPRESS RUOENIE.

A London disiuitcli from Chiaelhurst, received at 10 o'clock this morning, says that the Empresa Eugenie was composed but still very much prostrated, and sees ni one but her nearest reJativos. TUE Wcrit I i a law, so a as the r(-inaiim mu i und feared a i the recently issued reirula- i i i i jirofeHrieilly frjr i i i i are win til ID uv.y i al ri'rfult in of i they be not rofilly in the of slave holder, uud of a cuniiiuin-uc 1 if tlie institution of slavery. i i the 1'iuied Stales to the general retiuire a nation to abstain i i i i i d'unestic- cotieerns of others, i 1 4 warrant a i a tbis rule, to the i i of i i i tli- i to an a and says a who i a i or neglect ill i to I or less, be liable i i Iwd a i a i i i-very honor i i i to eiide.avor to avoiil. SicUles i i i cisive but i t'-nns, to rtinion- Htnite against a i of Spain carry tho emancipa- lioii i i i is Ci.mmiui-d- If a i i i a i to be i a ami practically in a refusal or neglect to i i eitect the ai'tH of the home uf JL i a it an ac- kiiowle.d^eiiieiit of a i control the i i i i i i i i which Mr. Kish fiays lastexl i a a i i t.ri suppress it s.4) fill 1 J'aijfd, at sac- rilit-e more a a i of an a romim-rci'ii nnd cnnneetionH i inland us to a i interest iu i i i and orderly condi- i i i i i i I i I I separated i i i i a a i i a i for rcv.kless ad veniurors to violate our und i for hostile i i i i i is li-spite.

i i i a i i i i to i a i i i i i i iiiiil i i whirh to i Lsliind have b--en a i i partisans nf i i a i i i L'nih-d a i i hy li'ip; 1 i i thf.t prnsiinity wriuld i i i i 3mill to i i i i i i i ciiusi 1 i i i i i a i i i i i i ay.s v.v i i i i iiav irasoii to strtiin Lipou i i In tViwivrt tUosc; I i long i i i Port a i i Hi, ISTo. RECEIPTS FHOM TUE ISTElUOft. HOUSTON'-- Per stirumor liaKhy-- i (J 3lillH haloa i i Ivopperl luni a. i i li llary Oliplilut 1-J- i)-- Bull. i i i 1 1' Kitzwlllialn 17-- A Dur.klin -o r.

Jvmiiioti Jlllli'c Voal 4 Jo AikiMi 11-- Uiirni-tt J-llraudon 7 ScsaiKiis, 1'owi'lt po 111-- (' FlshorS -Wulstun. Vlilor33-A U-- A Mutlkle 1 Smith C-O 1'J- Kliaok- 'KiitO, Urown c.u I' i i liro U-J icutlljah's liidtfs -J hqcshoails tallow- Total cotton a06 bull's Poc Ujiyou Oity Suwj-cr 5J liuli'S vcaton-- ,1 SiuitU co01-- Wj.lth,:w Totul cotton Xl'i ljuk-4 HOUSTON-- Per stnumor Charles Fowlor --Wolaton, Wells VMnr (it) hillTM Cdttim-- A $1000 KEWAIU) a a of prlvatti dlsoawe, ripornia- torrliyu. uervoua debility, rhcumatUm, ayph- ilis, scrofula, whleh Dr. HftclKKu'H Goldcu fail to euro. Xo moroury; no rostrlctlon of diet.

Circulars sent; cor respondents aii- Bwored promptly. Address Dr. D. 3. tilCII- ARDS.

Varies street, Now York. P. O. box 502b New York city. ANTED A ROOM in A locality convenient to tho cars, suitable fur an IntolUgoncG Offlcn.

Address MHS. E. II. PARSONS, At MorcauUlo Library, corner of Church and Twonty-aocontl Mtrt'fW. a 3 NOTION HOUSE.

I I GOODS, WILLOW WARK, Vufkn. Wilkuii.i cu 1'J i i a Ur.ji") I--Win i i i A A i Hnlil- ridpe SJ-Oary i i 14--Baits ic Utan UrKfTH (.: Sinilli -Stove A i i 4 Hnlihr to 1'ost Moody IS--E'L -I Ktvd- crivh 1K--A ti-M Kojiju'ri i i Uiiii 'it 4--W A i --Quir. i I 1 i i i Ti--Jo Aikou-'fl Total auttou 47-t Imlos HOUSTON-- IVt Henry A Jlinnly hu-lt's i-otton Bride i ftco 1 Shvikt UrMwni-o YMwr A I i I S4-Uary i ---Grin Duval KoL'tTH S- Alfonl, Mi i Otinn. Mc SHALL NOT HE RESPONSIBLE For doljts conLractod by tho evow of the bark PI rust QIHM-II. H.

CLBLLASI), jalUDtf L'UBLIC Are notiOod that I have qualified as COUNTY TItEABUREU, anil am ready to at- tend to the duties of said office, Office corner Strand and Tramont up utairK. Entrance No. 7IJ Strand. a U. J.

HUGHES. Circns, Mnsenin. Caravan and Anary, 5OO and 7 5 a Tanked A I i a 1 nud. CuriotflllcM. A (lrtat World's Fair at an ponsw oC du-ily.

which it iiaya out LL- ttio towns and cities i i i Twenty and Enam- liUed i VT OTICE. Wil- i i 70 --Skin i llru IS-- Ouiu Hill A. -J A i 70 --Skin Sl.o Moody nmn 1 halo liidetf Total i i i 1 5'alt'rf HOCSTON HEXDKRPON it-Jloody tc. JniUm 1X7 Kttm. YrYIlH Vitlor An, H- -J L) lltiCiTH K-- CaniHin 4 Willitiius Foclcu.

WUkonfi fc WllliM Uroin-Airord. Millpri: Vcnl 'JT, -Urandon V-irdoll Hi-- (Juiii I i 14- Oarv A i i i i i 8--Hcyrb A- Hi-Iforioh 7- a i i cl' i i i in viiso wi.irh i i i i i i^-r i i luivi of Arrangements for thu funeral of tho Emperor have not yet been decided ujxu. It LH currently reported, however, that the Dean and Chaplain of Canterbury cathedral offered, subject to tho approval of the home office, a crypt in that cathedral, benoatli the crown of Thomas A. Beckett, aa a temporary reding place for the remains. i i i lie- i i i 1 uf Jiict; tin; in- liiivu rgt; thust; Kv HIIVH.

i i i i i tin- pcrforumm'i. 1 of we (xniPt'iiMiM of no i Ui our i i i i a i by i cif HUITI-HH on tin 1 part of Sprun in Iho i.s tlitit uu- K'HM sin, 1 shall POOH njori' wucrciyaful, it force upon this government tlit; coiiHuloration of the qiuj.Htifni, w)itthor duty to Hrfolf ami i lUo romiuiircial iu- toraLsta its ckizAiia may doiimjicl in vU'j i tu-liun it Ima thus fur jnirnuwl. St-'cretary ro- nr.ndH Sickif-n of cases respcting citizena of thi-i country, uf causwleMH Roixurcs ni tlioir which have boon referred backwards and. forvardn between Madrid and Havana, to ilw very of Oio exluxuHtion of nil patience. In meantime, the property of ciLJKona of tlie United States haa been held in violation of ihe treaty Ijctweon thiH country and Spain.

Tlm Secretary pays to Sickhia It i.s"lH)]):'d iliut you i pro- ficnt tlio views above forth and the prom-lit of hi oil this nicut so justly coniplairs t4 tlio government to vvbicli you 1 ai'i-rcdited, a way wliirli, without i i ofCcnsis will leave a conviction. art- iu ournost in tb! expression of views and that we expert redress, txnd llmt if it HhouM not POOH be afforded Spain must not bo surprised to find, as inevitable result of the delay, a marked in the feeling and in of tho government of VnlM Believing that tjiu prtPCJit ministry of Spain in in a continued position of power to carry out Ihe* which it announces, mul tlie rofonnw Avliicli havo been and to do justice by the removal of cuosea of our well founded coiiiphihilH; and not doubting tho sincerity if tw which have, been givuii the Stntx3, wo look' confidently for the realization of thone hopefl, which have Ix-en encouraged by repeated all causea for estrangement, and for tho interruption of those friendly are traditional, as thoynrp sincere, on tho part of toward Sjmin, be Pjtoedih' and removed. WARMOTH'S EXClilTIONfi, X8, Jan. tf. Govcruor i Erlavrd 4iJ Luo, -wfllliiiu 1 Tut ill coUitn HOl'KTON Mnmly i TrtJ hiih' i 03-- Wolstim.

Wolln Total i i i link's OnbU' ultun I I lliirntitt Ai-o li-- AJ1 pirt4oiis aro hereby cautioned against LurboriiifT or trusting uny of. the crew nf tho liriR J. 11EAKI3, from MiddU'sboro, as no Ubts of tlu-lr rontrnoting will bo paid by tlie MiiJiti-r or A i AND COFKKE DEI'OT, a Treuioiit Slrccl, Has rooi'ivt'd from Huston am) other iinii hand a rare 'ol- nf i i i A I i TKAS. stu-li Kxtra Uunpowdcr.

a YDUIIK Hyson. hit ra Imperial, nr, Kxi.rtt Orange I'okoo. OHIMA AND FANCY GLASS All orikri tot ity ud A1KJ. LEVY, METZ ttret-l, OALVESTiN, TEXAS. I "Xl3IES' AND CklLDRKN'S monl at the O.U.VESTOX A A mt tho OALVRSTON SOOO HALL r.iltoii Viili, 2 orti y.i hn.lj.-s i I-'- Wtilritmi.

A VMor 1 i i A l'. -CaiiiKHi 1, l-'Ulu-r I I I I I I i i i a-- A i -I- i i i 1 Sinltli 1 Wulriltf liidt-H yLinK-- i i Li hMori-Miirx i i i li his Tnlitl cotton ball's I I I Ma Him a i i i-o loi bud's i 0 Skinu.T 1 7 FislitT i i i i i i i i i' A A i i i IT iiult UitiUi W-- A Knil rcy 1(1- Quin IJill 5-- TtnuHlon -I-- i Aco i 1 bor hhlt'H I hoi T.itnl i a Tiling; No l.t'iu;U".rtl i i i i i ovt-r i k- and ttilfl i (a i a i a Lii politirn. Tho lulvoiiloC i A twimty yearn a rovnlutioj I of a of allmotitfi, that revolution IMH over Hincti in i of porimont." If tlml tldolias bornn the i rclulirau-i! voui-tttljli' "nn f.irHuiu,'' it ban ulso homo thountuitls i.f boings, whu vfuns vnulor i (if Wtmt luiJJOlortS. i of tho dojitliH 1.1 iSi'aiiumdi'Ucy intu the dino of lioiilth aud Tt in mi i-x- to say, a to the a uf body, -oud itiid ptirfitiM, discs', ion, ariinirod tlon at this toiiio aud corrodlvn, mtittlltides pQMpto In evi'ry wulk of had boon a i j'hysli'kuii in i usual way, owo tlio of i i i and the profipot-t of life. CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, iimn'd i Cod Liver Oil.

Our OM! Liver OU is warrftnti pure Newfoundland Oil. It hna stood tlie todt of over twenty experience, and can bu ru- lied OQ in ovary particular. Manufactured by ni'gemnn OhomistH and New York, ami bold by It. F. tii-arge, WhoU-amlu Druggist, GalvcRton, and by Drupcials gonerally.

CUAI'PKD A A FACE, SotO I.ipa, Dryness ot the Skin, cured at once by ('amphnr Icu with Glycerine. It keeps tlie hands uoft in all weather. Sco that yon pet Hefiemnn'H. Only 23 cuntH. Manufactured only by Heyeaian (JhemistB and DruffgistH, New Yurk.

Sold by H. F. Wlioleaalo Druggist, Gwlvestan, and by Druygiata punerally. mil Java, i and utliti Manilla, Cor- dovm Old 1 roKFKE AND uuoi'xi). i i mid not Cull an The Huseuin olacr puri-' things, A HUGE: BLACK AVI? ALE, weighing 2v; tor.s.

'J! ft'OL lonpr, The only 1 tiad exhibition in tbe world. i vehic-lo J.y iiorse draw it. A F. S. Wood.

i Tor yn Al.VKSTON CITY COMPANY. IVew Advertisements. GKivonton A Attcutloil! Thi 1 Anmm! Sloytlujj fur uloeLlon of 'tftleuri will Lo hold at the Armory on SATl'HDAV, lull at 7 u'utock 1 u. JAS. Ii.

STCUBS, jnrT.O-E2t-DU Surrt'tiiry. A.UCTTOS SALE. PRESTON Sull THIS DAY, lUli at 10 oVlout i. at i dulosroouiH. Strand, 1 Oooil ntirham Milk Cluw, yr Pih'H 1 Font, frosh uuI puarantood, OaKuti Uox LlinKirn, uriKorteil, Guttur, Uauau SUouWcrs, 5OO libln.

Ce ont til Storo and for Sale. U. A. I 1 AUK, Auctiimoor. ET AND GILT Jewelry I at tho CALVKSTON 1UZAR.

A Jit tMlnluiny ill A ISM, at i i i i ot A 1 lHi'i', In city of LANK BOOKS-- BLANK BOOKS! Mftnafacturcil to order, tty c. F. JiSD AMtnOOK n.VM XEWS BUILDING, GALVE67ON. (in was) bresthtng life-like. Stataarr of tlio Grand Onto AloxiA, of CoL Fist, Edwurd S.

a boat of animatu aiiii and mcndtrosiries. TIIK CXRCVS id the most pjttonsivo i a aggregation in thu world, li i-ontams hotter Performers: tlic llnr-st nuii.S'er of Pouies and aii'l 1 aud outside and all around is in uvviy particulai ahead of any tliat over or now is. exbib- itod in tbis count 'I'lio Cin-U's and yorie EiuertaimucEts are under Two coniploit'ly from other, stitutiiig tVo Imineur-o Vavilioris with gas andVapablo ol holdiui; 1 can, view tlio woiulors Hust-niii or aoerio, or pass in mid Vf lioM the per am-es o( Remember namo "COLE." tudo, the AttrtiOtion, the Pay, the Date Place. Loot at Pu-toriat Fosters. roati the Programmes, anti Js'ot-it-es, and a i not to and ce the Eig- Thing on Wheels that ever or ever will visit aeotioa of luV: ADvkKT'oP'TLiEiMON AIU: Ett'IS HKOS.

--AT TilE i IE A 1 A and Twonty-KtHjond Stroot. i i UKDrCEO PRIOKS woll I'niM nnd China doudw hi nnlor to mako nom for our Sprlug fitock. i also offer tlio variety of llosiory, Ladios' Ooods, i i i i i Lut-c Collars, ('uffs mul OolUrs, utmortir.iMit of tho i i df Lutlicb 1 ami HaU also, a m'w i Switches mill IJitSr i i tho Itittsst stylos of ishull ami Jc-t NiicklHOOrt. inorotmiitH aro i to examine i i boTuro uurubtwting Jrtiisntf nip CHAB. A.

iMirmorly Clork Hilton Hotel. A ii'l Puok KiiJ Otuntlot' r.ALVIl'ON A A WIU1ON Latu i Win. H. Poolo. DAVIS, IMPORTERS AN'D DKALKR8 IX NIJXS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Fishing Tackle, JEtc.

NO. 1TO STKAND, Tlio Foramen and Foremoii at Thr FIro Dfpartiuctlt, aro respectfully to meet at No. I liMKluo Homo on JIONDAT, A A a), at o'clock for th.i pnrpoae of Clilrf Thigtuncr and JOHN II. WESTERLAOE, Chief Engineer. TO CONTKACTORS.

SEAIED PROPOSALS Will be received for the instruction of first divUton forty uiUtu oi tlm II. wu! H. A. Kad'way mull January 31 (or tho nlttarhiie. Drubbing-, grading, crota Lntck- CoLumbui I'ropowlieittcrtjdtMKl lor of tho work lit eeetioMB ten (ID) ouch.

VJniMand prunlwcau KMII at RufUiooc'a conwr Uilu Cniuirca HoutUin. after Janiurj 12th. Tlie Company nucrvo rliflit to reject any all fur uid woiV. JAUKS CONVBK3B, UouBtov, Ccc 28,1872. ATION'AL 15 OF Tlio Annual of the Shan-holdors of tUia BANK, for thtjoloetion of Diiectora Lite year, will bo baid at thu Hanking 3 ou Tl EHDAY, January biilwven thu houni 10 A.

M. and '2 p. M. THOS. REED, Cashier.

(tAl-VKSTOS, Jan. a i Not toe to Brig I I A MALLOH.Y. Oapt. hs, id ILUW oaruo at i a Cunaifjnt'es uro notified to roooive thoir ait Itiidud, roeoiptiiiff for name on the wharf. All tfood.s remaining on tho vhxrf toot rc- cttlptud forj after 4 o'clock P.

lie stored at oxpciiKO and rink of All muut Ly a)juutea tqe pooJa leavo tho wharf. J. SAWVEH. Agent. GulvoBtDii, Jan.

K. litt. Notice to Sfhoonor POTOsSI. from Voik, iu now At Kuhn't Wharf. are notSfteJ to roctivo thoir goods Uuulod, ptxiuliHiog tat tuaxu on tlm vrlmrf.

All poods remaining on tho wharf (not ro- celjJted fur) after 4 o'clock P. be stored at the oxpoiiad uiul riak of All mult bo adjusted the heforo goods leave the. wharf. Froiclit liHls now ready Cor delivery. Mc'MAHAX BROS.

Ac CO. JaoSD-tf Amenta. GALVCSTOS, January 1373, ot Annual Moetiug of Stockholders for the oloc- tlou of Seven to aervo tiio ensuing will lw Iwld at tho Bank, he houru of li! and I TUESUAV, January 14, ROBERT J. JanGEUDtd CasJiier. 1 No Cmrdu iu Newspapers will paid for by ua, ac- companiod by a written contract sfguad by ono of our duly nthmcizod Agents, or our- octlVD-WSin LEOX II.

BLCM. GALVKSON, Dec. 9, lyVJ. Holders of of Indebt- odnetfl of tlio t-WalYoston Soclaler Turn- Viiruin (Aktion) are hereby notified to present the roRlatra- tiou till tho KIBST DAY OP FE11RU ARY, 18TJ, with tho view of Isauiug new cortirtoatea. which Uvo not boon, presented by February Ut, will not bo Hy order of thu board of Directors, KOTH, Socrotiry, TO Trouiont St.

her inipavy ftnnuftl ing ol ilackhulcttn ol UM Wukhint Cotton Prm tad Uwiulaeturlnff OompMir. will he'd ftt Uie OIU.M ot tlio UKROUANTd' PRESS Ol Juiunry 7, 1ST3. It o'clock i. Ihci umad tor DIRECTORS, for tha eMuln jemr, will told i.c UM umi place on 14, 1873. at IS o'clo ftlly.

lly uitltfr of tiui Frcuuiuut. C. O. SteivUt)'. 'Vha 4 I 1 Mtttlmx ur the nil of tbe CotUxi Pfttm Compwiy i ftt tlio offioa ul the at ten A.

on Tuesday, ot January. JOIH, A.C. Biii.n, ij(c-y. 2, 1ST3. Mfuaperie.

r-' to uf attraction of Admission to the Mti.intv and to Tents, us-unl price one-fourth a i i a TICKETS, SI. 50v. Ono Ticket for adnutA toots- the three separate Shows--- acum, Circus and wii le Grand Exhibits in on Fublio Friday and Saturday. a i 1873. 1 1 A One XVcclc Only, Cotmnonclus "Mon- a I 3 i MACARTIIV'S COMBIX.4TJOX, Which of tui' IIAItRY A A I I tht (linn, a of the his sk.tti'hes evors- Maa.

LOTTIi; KSTKLLB KACAU I'llV. in Sonqa. Balhnls an.l Ml'O'REAHUOS ami Womlorriil tiOII. TrMBLKKOSC.O. A A r.y.,1 A i Mus A I Wild Mon from tlic Island of Rorooo, every rare I to man.

VJ to years of affi. 1 bu; with tbroo tho inust-ulfcr power of ordinary men. Zl I I Vli A The Albino Circnssinn C.irl. EWCATED AVSTRALIAN COCKATOO, Whoi6 startling foats. kaow'odne of ests everybojy.

IIouM of i i i Afti.n:,".a MarinM? 3 to 4 o'clock; admUaicn 5V 'So. Evening Performance fr.sai to IU; admission chlldron IloaerTeii soAts now oa sitle st MASON'S BOOb: without errra charge. D. R. 1RV-J50OTT.

Ma.i.»»or. W. R. IIAVDEX. jtnlulWl and inter- ANl) W'HitE" UAI.VBSTOX ADIES, AND CHTLDP.ES'S HATS, SOMJ A.T COST, 7UK GAI.VEi.TOX BlZi I A LACE iVjr at A A York cou pric A A 1L The Lalnt in FuiirnbiDg Goodi thj GALVESTOX BA2.1E.


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