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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 3

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1911 1 ts.e about inch (Continued From Page 1.) niii S2S Milaru aud head injured; B. F. South Railroad ave- K. fractured I I i i M. U.

Johnsoii, 40i Milaui and back injured: B. J. Ti'iitli strt-ei. hi-ad in- lini'ttin. 1232 Avenue I), a J.

TV. Grounii- Southern Pacific Depot, Hti.l throat injured; James My. car, head injured, leg Paul Reinhardt, 1318 i-klifrrv street; Willis Foster, nei Kliwtlt m- B. Howl stnvt, right leg broken; K. A.

Milam street, scalp "nil: f. Verz, ncjfro, liead, arm side injured; Howard Bell, ne- ni'k'ro, hip and head in' K. Ha.nvood, negro, face iu- A. Colttir, head injured; H. George Williams, Tenth street, compound frae- re of right leg and scalo nnd.

A a day of ceaseless effort "ir part of the officials of the irrn Pacific Railroad it is im-' dl killed this morning by ihe ex- df the boiler of a locomotive i'- railroad yards near the Ihcuse. TSveaty-sis ars-knoyvu ilesd and the list may reach rty. The morgue parlors in San tonio are crowded with the dead the hospitals of the city are iOr tu6 injitreu, who will mhpr fort" or more. DisrisTM hnurs following the accident imirtiing all of the ambulances all of the physicians in the city re not sufficient to meet the sit- tion and Fort Sam Houston had called upon for aid. The explosion occurred at 8:55 lock and came without warning, the twinkle pf an eye more than ocore of wiped out ariy fifty persons were injured property damage to the extent $1110,000 was done.

To add to horror of the situation fire oke out in the debris of the undhouse which was wrecked by explosion, and while the physi- 1 iheir fathers in drbrij. Wt-rc heard ou al! Mdts bv 1 lm were form. iK ilw explosion, ambiiiajices through ih- citv. Tlie in- i i i i'ug ii n' 111 v. JureJ were first tu Hie uuinua.s hlid ambulances not bl-lng avallub'le lo minvlle the dead.

WBK-SIIS were preyed Into service. The cily witnessed these Ila 1 oa ded every undt-r- la Maar Inside Uie lna.cliine blacksmith shop, one building, workmen probably never knew what luipptned. Here'more thau fourteen bodies were dismembered, portions of trunks, torsos or limbs belnK iound jammea in crevices In the root ana sliles of emuagled muchlnery. A sreiit portion of the wall fell waro. buryiiiK a dozen men.

Robert L'. IJpscomb, foreman of the shops and a brv-tliur of City Alderjnun i 1 Jl sl lb ked from his feet, hurled thirty feet and arose, un- coiisclounlyjrasping in his hand the hat In the copper shop. T. A. Williamson foreman, wus knocked under a heavv workbench, the entire structure phmttcit flown over him.

but ho escaped with nothing more than burns ami He remained under the debris unti'fhuif un hour after the explosion. Kelt ThrtB hot City. The explosion was felt throughout tho city and people rushed to the scene In every form of conveyance. An Immense crowd had soon gathered and swarmed over the premises. With tha arrival of tho city's entire police force mid soldiers from Fort Sam Houston tho on- ioonci-3 were driven back to proper bounds and the work of searching for the dead and Injured was systematically i Aside from wracking the machine shop and everything in the Immediate vicinity, the explosion damaged houses In the neighborhood.

Windows wore shattered and debris sent crashing through roofs In some Instances. One house to the of the ahcps had s. ssp Its roof about five feet In Boiler Hurled Away. The boiler of-the locomotive which exploded was hurled over a block away and landed between two houses on Duval stroot. It Is estimated that the huge metal shoot weighs easily half a ton.

If it had struck on either of the houses they would have been completely wrecked. The boiler plowed deenfy into the eroimd. Large pieces of Iron and chunks of debris were hurled a distance of several blocks In every direction. A woman at Mason and Austin streets rr.nng out the dead and injured firemen were fighting to keep flames from adding a greater 1 to the list of the dead. No such has ever been witnessed in in Antonio.

No cause for the explosion, has been discovered. Officials of iBiii-oad and of the law are con- i an investigation together. any theories are advanced, but most generally accepted one is of water in the boiler. That could have been possible many to believe, for in charge of engine was Walter Jordan, one the oldest and skilled engineers the line. He met his instant Rumors of the use of dyna- were started the flosion.

but examination of genii. i'niKiitiona surrounding the if ckid engine is said to disprove theory entirely. Tln greater number of the dead strike-breakers who were there various cities of the United to take the places of the i men. the fact that many tl't-se men had but few acquaints i the city is making the ef- rtvj to identify the dead very dif- In addition to Engineer Jor. H.

Mansker foreman of the shop; James Valentine nther well-known union men killed and several others se- injured. motivc i--I--, exploded, was the one which pulled out No. 9, the Southern Pacific passeu- it had been put in readi- 1 isf night and it was just as -srino was getting ready if out on the main line that A n-liirtli i tg Itl liavoc. occurred. The.

ex- so sudden tliat none I 'The he came to the shops a was rntirelv to oniv the drivers and bed- left The boiSei- distanr-p of fifty yards agninst tin; mn'ehino I'JliJf Yi 1U its alii! shoulder Has ilrs. of son. M. in uid tw. jiughirrs.

ijrs. W. c. i of thii i jjr 5 c. w.

of Sweet. At I'jval ttieet the entire Isn-ket -tft'i dome ut locomotive landed in yard, aeriuuslv injuring Mrs. E. O. and wrecking one ei'd of tb.e AM the i i In the liouse 3t 105 street broken.

The Louse at I'alton alley, owned by K. Chandler, was damaged by i missiles and number of windows brcjcen. Several by i pieces of Iron "and rock but none was serlouslv injured. A I'iei-e of the roofing about ten feet square was blown into the yard at 82J Austin street, wrecking the porch and breaking the windows. The house is unoccupied.

The chimney of the Primitive Baptist CJiuri-li on A i was knocked off. I saloon known as "Jim's Place" on Austin street near Grand avenue was l.iidly damaged pieces of iron and rock, a larse show window being destroyed and articles displayed therein broken. Inside the store three large showcases were broken and goods on the counter badly damaged. Siiir Awwy. As an Illustration of the force of the explosion is noted the fact that the transom In tho homo of J.

B. Russell. I tlver avenue, a half mile from the cene of the disaster, was blown out. NO AB.HIRTR learned. i Tho engine, No.

704, was reduced to a scrap heap, only a wheel and a few pieces of twisted Iron remaining to show that It had been a locomotive. It was literally blown to pieces, Its flying parts caving In the. machinery building and killing the occupants. The tender of the locomotive was knocked a distance of several hundred feet up toward the roundhouse. Walter the engineer, was oiling the en- Three of Tea Encape.

There were about ten men at work in the copper shop and only about three of them are thought to have escaped death. Foreman J. A. Williamson crawled out from beneath a mass of wreckage about half an hour after the explosion. Hs had been knocked unconscious and was coated with dirt beyond recognition.

He attributed nis escape to Hie fact that he was knocked beneath a bench, which afforded protection. One of his fingers was broken and ho sustained bruises about the head. M. B. Norwood and a man named Turner, also employes of the copper shop, escaped with injuries.

Tha radius tho territory over which parts of human forms wore found measured about a miarte.r nf a. irillo TXTMA less, bodies, black as night, with bitsTot coai emoeaaeu in me nesn and covered with oozing oil, were picked up alone the tracks and lifted, from under the heavy debris that toy piled everywhere. Parts of jackets and coats and trousers containing portions of mangled limbs were found hundreds of yards from the Immediate scene of the explosion. Here and there small heaps of blood-covered human flesh, remains of workmen who had been blown Into eternity, were located and covered with tarpaulins that the ghastly sight wight be concealed from view. These evidences of the calamity were wrapped carefully in sheets, ouilts, blankets--anything that was available--and taken to the various morgues of the city.

Bodlen Found Away. The remains of two bodies were found four blocks west of the roundhouse, mangled beyond the possibility of recognition, Willam Howard, the fireman who was to have gone out on the engine, barely escaped death because he was late In reaching the shops. Whan tho dead and dying forms were, assembled in un open space on'tne tracks and placsd on cots brought from every section of the city. It wus impossible to distinguish the bodies of the negroes so begrimed that the" texture" of" their skins was or the same hue. and what remained or their faces was covered with oil and mud.

The oxact i of the explosion is I shown Io have been 8:55 o'clock by the clock in the machine siiop. The interior of the timepiece where the nendtilum swings was oroKen. but the face and hands were not dnmaired. Th.e stopped at 8:55 sharp. Throughout the district surroundi'ie tile scene of dira.ster mncn damage was i i places nf iron and iiSnnio 3 ana Injnrcrt Seven Blocks DIMimt.

Perhaps Die most seriously injured of anv Of tlif- i Ti i who residerl at the corner of Mason Austin strtrN. seven DtocKs from In Sherman street a l.irjre piece of Hie holler landed in the middle of the street. Oil i i i i i i HIR i -vi tn pounds were scattered around in vacant lot.s. iiinch anri ymrtii pieces of iron a a i windows and dnint ullu-r i damage. In rrnsliy larce nf I'lilkT.

woiciijnc probably ton. landed at i i with Mcsnnite. ISO feet alonp Hie track i i i i with another engine. nf the. iimchincry went a i into the air and citi- i i i i several blocks awny i hy the i i Torn In explosion was Men Mown to,-i-s and of i were i i 'V debris in every i i i MEMS' were presented came upon their husbands and Atlempled Jud WKh Bomb Suaday In New Vork Kemalaa a New York, March arrests were 1 fort of practically the entire police department to clear up the mysterious attempt to assassinate Judge Otto Rosalsky of the court nf sreueral sessions with a bomb last Saturday night.

If any cisws viiTilojievi they were not divulged, and the case rested apparently upon theories only. These were advanced abundance, embracing overy Important case which the judia f- coaatsrfsltws. tho Yiddish Camorras" and the Brandt case. The latter was not mentioned seriously In any quarter, however. uvb ubj wo iiicj apijcaieu in lliS OhKPSSB.l anA thjt is sponslble for the death of Helen Taylor, who killed by a bcmb last month and for the sending of the machine to Judge Rosalsky.

On this theory another attempt may be ejtpected. Til DROWH IV COLLIBIOV PawBcet. and 1-fcree of Crew P. and Steamer Oceaaa Loie la EacKiik Chaaael Saturdar. Ixndon.

March passengers anil of the- ct Peninsula and Oriental steamer Occana were drowned Saturday In the collision between the Oceana and the German 1 the BngU Channel A boat In which the seven passengers and sailors were making; for the mainland capsized. Tha P. and O. Officials say several Lascars of the crew were drowned. The Oceana sank soon after the colll- alnn, Pisagim.

WM; towed- to Dover In a sinking condition. MAT ABBITBATI COAL ATFAI8 Soranton, March statements made here today tend to relieve considerably local apprehension a coal strike. John T. Dempssy. pteoldent of Dii.

trlct No. 1 of the United Mine Worktre of America, said: "We arc anxious to meet the operators to discuss the matter of wage agreement, just as any two parties having something to buy and sell would Ket together and strike a bargain." E. B. Loomis of New York, vice president of the Delaware, Lackawanna Western Railroad, and president of tha Deip.ware. Laekawajir.s ar.S Western Coal Company, said: "Tnere is no reason why both sides should not meet again.

I don't believe the mine workers want to strike I know the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company is not planning for a strike. I am very hopeful of a strike, being averted." PHYSICIAN ATTACKS WIFE. Man at Wootra Well. I Believed to Be Demented. Special to The News.

Bremond, March practicing physician near here for several years was taken into custody by officers after attacking his wife who ran and escaped Sf rm he hy then barricaded himself in his house and with a display of firearms defied the officers Bv strategy he was induced to come outsida where ho was arrested and then brought to Bremond. He is believed to be demented. SHAM BATTLE RESULTS FATALLY. Juan L. Ira at Laredo--Shot with Blnnk Cartridge.

BPOC51! to TliO No-ss. Laredo. March the result of being shot In the lee with a wad from a blanlc cartridge duVhiK 'the "attack" nn sBiuement on Washington's Birthday anniversary Juan b. Ira died at his home yesterday afternoon oC bioud poi- as onc of tho "Indians" in the attack during the celebration Apprehcnftlnn at Vleunn. Si'cciai to The'News.

Vienna, March Is ex- nrPSSfrt (n t-irtUl rJ tinier. IT, Don't Neglect (Martyn i Health Guide). "It Is a raron.n mistake ptsyls tidke after the winter season ii i'K they can to through the summer enjoying good health without first ridding the system of the poisons aad impurities i the blood which cause most spring all- fever and sickness. To act prop- rly. giving needed energy and nourishment tc the body, the blood must be pure.

"Of unrlnr 1, the good old-fashioned home remedy tade by dissolving cup sugar and one unce kardene in pint alcohol, then adding hot water to make a quart. It is easily made at small cost and a tablespoonful taken before meals will do woii.le.-K in purifying the blood, removing sallowness. pimples and restoring the liver to normal action. It restores perfect health and energy to a wornout body--gives one vigor, an appetite and strengthens the body tissues of both old and POSSES KKTUKX TO HILLSVILLB WITHOUT COVKTHOVSB UE5- 1'EHAOOES. MM OF 15,999 OFFERED Imimwllile for PMaea lo Re.ala Out Mere Tham Day Owtec Mrs.

Kliw A. Mrr. Bllw A. Klvel. nee MRrchMd.

used 52 i T. i lv ei. on- i- atlrl nnc danffhtrr. Joe bntli a two platers ami Mrs. s.

Klrkl'atrlck; nnc nffi wli iivary i street, was knnrked 'inr'jnylotn by tilt- fnree nf the explosion i st-u-d- inc In yard iier linnie Mrs Klien Howard, at i a had escape a wlton the sheet the i trip her She out llf 0 i pln-n nf imn rr.i«iied th. rrnstr.ited by The i streei by i i pieces i lint nn r. m.itired. A house Nn Cherrv nf" ni rt 1 1 Piece i i was stren-n in 'tho ami a rr brnk'-r iy Tt. nca'b Rftnf.

Mrs. S. GlHis. llv.n^ at rnrner nf Masnn and A streets, was severely If not fatally Injured when the front end Pruniln-nt'fnnner ef Ihe western per- i i IIP died at Ills home dny i ihe nf (7 yrars. wrll kn'iwn Ihf i rarlHli vani-r-l Bp.l vrn.c,^.-,,,,.

fiirm-rs nt srcllon. I I i i Jlnn-li I mnn nr h-r" al 7 i menln'cltliT l' 1 "1 wli'h a i hn-jr, i he Tfc. a nf Tl hl i in a i tnu-n. 1 1 th-- i i' F. in rv-e.

S-i to Mr. pl'llni: In but wail 111 taken to a lanl'arlum In Hillsvlllc, March day's chase of the courthouse assassins ths psises bach to town weary and empty-handed and with a suspicion gaining ground that while the searchers have been beating the bush, the Aliens with a good start, likely to have gotten across the line to North Carolina or Tennessee. This possibility was recognized today, but It may have been too late. Word was passed over to the sheriffs on the Tennessee side to be on the watch and the North Carolina sheriffs started out to work over the country to head off the outlaws. of Offered.

Difficulties of the search caused call of the militia to he ered, this was temporarily abandoned and Governor Mann Issued a jr 0 1 announcing a reward of Jo.OOO for the capture of the outlaws. See Ommm- today went up the road near Devils Den, where the outlaws were reported barricaded In an almost impregnable fortress of mountain rock. The posse saw none of the fang- and no evidence of their presence, but kept on to the Carolina line, and brought up at Mount Airy. At least a doie'n homes, the' of the members of the Allen clan or their sympathizers, were searched on the way, but not trace of the outlaws was found. One great disadvantage to the posses' work was the 1 ooinmunlcatlon and commissary facilities.

Hlllsvllle Is the base from tisey are operating. -A few post roads--If noads they may be V' r5 passes between -the knobs and "spurs" with which the geography of this country abounds. The territory Is sparsely settled and 'It Is next to Impossible for a posse to stay out much more than a day. Men so equipped are not much of a match for such woodsmen as the Aliens and their followers, who could live bountifully while a posse was being starved. Chances Good for Chances for a getaway to Tennessee or Carolina look good when one views the topography.

Up the slope from Hllls- yllle the roads twist and turn through a brush. Pike Knob, which overlooks Heed Island Creek, Is 3,200 feet above sea level. A little further on, the tip of Deamer Knob Is 3,400 feet. Fancy uap, the location of the Devlin the approach of the climb, and at this point the country takes on a character that almost defies description. All that is visible is Piper Gap, on the.

west, stretch of bush and a tangle of laurel, and then comes'Volunteer Gap, on the PWsea Might Merer Flafl Then. Down at the bottom of the Piper Gap the road winds along the Aaron, Flower Gap, and back to Hillsville. On the other side the Chambers Valley rood fights Its way through a rocky way, fords creeks, makes junctions with a few- roads that lead nowhere, almost, and finally, brings up at a continuation of riper Gap. In the space bounded by tiiese roads there is nothing but wilderness, with a creek or two, swollen to three timer; their capacity. Som'ewUore in tills vast area the Aliens may be hidden and a posse searching it foot bv foot might never find them.

Sidna Edwards, with a price of $1,000 cr, is 5'upiiuacu io be somewhere with an injured foot. Ho has had time to join Ihe Aliens it ho. lAoTM. where they are. Meanwhile, the iiYdTct- ments for the murderers of Judge Froseoiiim- Sheritt webb and the two bystanders wait to be served.

Some folk In this county de- wiiile he cotiid fight, and none wilTbe! believes la l. Had Token Advice. Floyd Allen, the outlaw whose scn- by ilit: court precipitated tne mos- ft, laid in the itoanokc' jdii and miiiinrtl thut he wished ho had followed his i advice. ve a oa wlfc said tho oul- woiild nnt be here now." T.UE uitis f. her home pay she was distracted.

today there was a report that Felts' and i.i. Jfr wc llavl a Pitched battle Kdwards, who had been surrounded FmtK rii.nipri this on nis return. The Hnae Tonny. The pursuers hnpe fnr some actinn The posses will get out again, while the f'arollna officers are lo The slate authorities continued In nllo rifles and a i i i ttu. i-oilhtry today.

Two shipments sent frnm Roimnke. They i imlnaded at Gnlax and brnupht in wasons. The posses arc well armed with a militln. -nulpmcnt. The discovery I i i slllls in the linmep the.

A i and I'he Kd- ward.s boys. i say, tend- tn i-'innert i the murili-r of a a prearher named for 'Jefjrpp Peters was handed Srrvlnc AltnehnKrl'. nn Properly. i r.ntlaws are being pursued olvll officers are i a a nn all their property. A Virginia -statiite permit? The heirs of Judge MnWle todr.y filed suits against the A i recover fnr his death.

Other ii! follow and tiielr will he tn a i lr. Veterinarian PrnMeal. Fort Wnrth. March J. K.

Wljkln; of Ureetivllie nlocted presl- THE BARBER KNOWS Ntwbro's Herpki4c Hail4 Best Remedy for Mid tad prtjuktd Opinions. clde for the last four years and find tt the best thins made." Joseph 167S Richmond Terrace. Weil Brighton, Li K. T. "I can truthfully aay that Herpicide.

the best remedy.for hair I have ever used." O. A. Rathenbuecher, VIrden. 111. 1 have used many In my shop, and find Herpicide best of all for falling hair and all scalp or akin dls- J.

A. Oliver. Leslie. Ark. "Newbro's Herpicide has always given the best of satisfaction." S.

M. Chamben, Teekwila. Wash. While the other hair remedies, Newbro's nerplclie Is one he swears by because he knows Us merits. He can conscientiously recommend it to kill the dsndruK -eras and stop falling hair.

In maklnr an application of Herpicide he feels and knows that the customer Is receiving full value for his money and win In excess of expectations. One dollar size bottles art told and guaranteed by all druggists. Send lOc In postage for sample and book on the nan- to -rue Herpicide Detroit, Mich. F. Geo.

Agent. WEBS MOST UNUSUAL CAMPAIGN TRIP EVER MADE IN TEXAS. Travel Will Be Automkllr. Cn plete CiMplac Oatflt Will Be Car- rled--Flnl gyeeek at Mart. Special to Tho Ncwi.

Dallas. March Announcement snsde tonight oi the intention of Hon. J. F. Wolters, candidate for the United States senate, to make one of the Un1 route requires an automobile tour i re tern otlon the atate, In which he will make fifty-one apeeches i ove th miles ft au- Hftv 1 ab 1 ut two and fifty towns.

More than a month will be that ry al ke kth i. trlp and wn flrst time this see- i 1.HiJ JM ever been visited by a candidate for the United States senate hav. Ce lry ut arringlment. have been made. Including a complete camping outfit, that no time may be lost tn'T'T neressary iSi, I nt of automobile repair equipment will also be taken to prepare for any emergency.

Colonel Wolters begins at Mart neit lump. fr5m there to Gate" WILSON WILL GABBY 8TAT1 Hanioa Supporter Tkhalu New Jeney Oovemor I. Political Favorite Orcanltatloa. San Antonio. March That Woodrow Wilson will carry Texas, Is the opinion of State Senator F.

C. Welnhart of Seguln, although he is a euppbrter of Governor Harmon and one of the or- sanizers of the Harmon' Club. He I have just returned from a trip into Northern and Northeastern Texas 'I did not go on politics but I took occasion freauently to make Inquiries as to the lay of the political land. I am now absolutely copvlnced there Is nothing to Fri.Sr ln Wo Wilson. Frlerftfs of tlie New Jersey governor got Into the field early.

They have perfected an organization almost everywhere They appear undoubtedly to have the great mass of the voters of the state with them. It looks like a waste of time and effort to oppose Wilson instructions in i 6X3.S. B1AIOH ABL1 COHTRIB0TIOIT Seaator Cntbenom Snjotesta Tkat Was Abont RI kt Gift Campaign. Washington. March Is a reasonable.

campaign contribution?" asked Senator McCumber of. North Dn-' kota today while Senator Culberson of Texas from the 1908 demo- gift to the tho largest republican contribution b'eing Senator Oliver said the records show that Herman Uidder had given the democrats S35.0HO or S40.000: "OH. that mcrffly in labor" responded Mr. Culberson" "In spnds rather than money," Interjected Senator Galllngcr. W1LSOJT HlADQUABTlItS' CLAIK S(aement Innned Whleh Vlrtunlly SafB Mnjorljy of KHiinnn Delegation for the.

Wilson headquarters here today issued a statement i a a i i the majority of the Kansas delegation to Baltimore cnnvontlon for Wilson. headquarters claims Wilson lisve'hcen elected in six of the ci "ht cpnKrespional districts nf Kansas and i a. t.f i i nf ihe sixteen district delegates. Twn nf the four delegates at large were also claimed The statement asserts that i of the Kansas delegates favn Wilson and a a the convention Instructed i to vote first for riark I i i them to swlnij to Wilson a i a i east a br.ilot for Clark. DIXOd IB8TJ1S STAT1KIRT KcELWAlN THRIE-KirTY Men's Qun Metal Calf.

Bluchtr, Buck 1 ait, medium round high There is a right way to make shoes, whether the shoes are made out of patent leather or tan calf, whether they are high or low, buttoned or laced. Tnat right way is a princi le of shoemaking which has been worked out in the best possible manner in the factories are made W. H. McEtyUn Ccmpwij, Bocton "Jumt Say HORLICK'S 1 It MALTED miLK MoreUkUul ihwTtt or with the wetkat difatioa. Deieiotti.

ud nutribouk train. Powdtcfonn. A Uch pnpwrf TdnMNiMliWc.AikfirHOIULICK'L HTV Ttft, when appealed to for lupnort for the pjrimary bill just passed by the Massachusetts legislature, gave none. Similar primary bills now pending In Maryland, Michigan and Illinois, Senator Dlxon's sUUment says are being opposed by President Taft's lieutenants and he calls upon the president to lend his to their passage. CUBK WAITS TOT1 B1COD1D Dtelarn He MM lt.

muemt tt Free Meann Fauace. Washingftn. March Clark, when the house convened today, took the floor to ask the consent of the hduse io hive his vote on the, free, sugar bill on Friday recorded. He declared he had voted against recommitment of the measure and for Its passage. Supporters of aome of the rival candidates for the democratic nomination for the presidency are said to have insinuated that the speaker had eliminated his vote from record.

Saturday, In order to curry favor with the delera.tM.frnm ih" um StareS wlllcn had fought the POBTOPP1CE DEPARTMENT, 8. will Poatofflce Department, in thb elty of Waahlna- ton. until 4:30 p. May :7, for mall uunuint to tin Act of March 1891. In of the second clui.

on routa HerelDftftfr devcrlbed. service to not than Julj 31, Tlie ri.i.i ii at) "0. M. from Hun "to Allltralla. calllur at Uonalulu mnd Pjiva mI onTM every dayi, IS a year Time tfdney.

3I1 dayi. Contract for 10 yuan. BoMI required with bid. 1100,000. ClrouUri luj a drarrlplion of Dladers and blank formn oC vlth corapanylnc bonii, can be obttlned of oncl Afinlitent 'Pottniuitcr General, department, en and after March 1.

1M1. VHAKK 11. HITCHCOCK. Poitmaittr General. SALE of Ii.

R. S. Toieniltr--Sealed propoule will be received at the Bureau of Supplies ant Aovounn. Navy Department. Wtshlnfton.

D. until 33 o'clock noon, April 15, 1912 when they will be publicly opened, tor the of the Yoiemlte, appraised value Thta veuel will be iold for caih to the bidder ol- the MghpBt price therefor above bondTTnd Information" and tue terms and of tale, may obtained, upon application to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. The vessel may examined at the Navy Tard, Norfolk. Va. BEBK- MAN W1NTHMOH.

Actlni Secretary of Navy. clared In a statement tonight that Mr. Tafts pronouncement upon presidential primaries made at Boston today constituted the answer of Taft force! to the "challenge" of Senator Dlxon, manager of the Roosevelt campaign. said that Inadequate atate laws would open the door of the republican primaries to democrati and ''nullify the will of the republican masses." ADMIT LA FOLLETTB EXTHUSIAgH. HOTEL RATES REASONABLE.

Democratic Committee BaltlHare Coaveatlo. Tax Baltimore, March 18 In a statement issued tonight the executive committee the democratic national committee unanimously asserted its belief that in. view of the circumstances the rates charped by Baltimore hotel men convention week are reasonable and This action was taken after a report had been made by a subcommittee ap- int S3 investigate charges made by Mr. Woodson, secretary of the democratic national committee. REPLIES TO "CHALLENGE." Taft Director McKuiej- Pre.lde.t Anawera Roosevelt Muacer.

"Washington, March McKinliey, director of President Taft's campaign for re-nomiaation, de- Dakota RmcTelt Believe He- Will Carry Prl.iry. Fargo. N. March Supporters of Roosevelt tonight, on the eve of. 'the llrnt presidential primary, admitted that La, Follette had aroused enthusiaim in nearly all quarters of the state and Had rolled up much additional support within the last week.

They declared, however. they believed the strength of Roosevelt's name, in its close association with the early days of the state, would brtnj PINf HOT WIRF.S nEMIAT, sa Rooierelt Did Mot Pledge Sippcrt to La Follette. Washington, March 18. Qifford Pinchot. In a teelgram sent to Frank IA.

Talcott at Fargo, N. has made specifio denials of the statements credited ta Walter L. Houser and others, that Colonel Roosevelt pledged MR ftiiripnrt to ator La Follette as a progressive candidate for president. DISCHARGE FROM BANKRUPTCY. W.

J. Acted OB imin Holt-- Under Bend. New Tork, March 18. Judge Holt itf the United States district court today granted a discharge from bankruptcy to William J. Cummins, the convicted head of tho Carnegie Trust Company, agalnab whom petitions in bankruptcy were filed last year.

Cummins Is now out on bail pending a decision on his appeal from sentence. The attorney for James Watson, a creditor for about J80 000 withdrew opposition and constented ttx the discharge. Cummins' inabilities, according to the petitions, were $5,000 8U. and assets only $135,500, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna appeals to the culiufcu and the well-informed and the healthy because its component parts are simple and some and because it acts without disturbing the natural func- jf ujsihcnable 6i BcclntTn Tuff Gave 'o Snpnnrl li Mmnm. chnneiiK Primary Kill When Appealed To.

Marcli inr flijnn i i a i referring to ''resident Taffs declaration In Boston referring to primaries, with ccmin safe- Diion that President v. uin united with the substance. In its production a pleasant and refreshins svrun laxative anrl carminative properties of certain plants known to act most beneficially. on the human system, when its gentle cleansing is desired. To get its beneficial effects, always buy the genuine, for sale by all reputable druggists; one size only, price fifty cents a bottle.

The name of the company California Fig Synip Co. is always plainly printed upon the front of every package of the genuine..

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