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The Logan Republican from Logan, Kansas • Page 2

Logan, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


LfT DEALS IX Lalh Shingles, Lime PEKl'ETTAL MOTIOX AT LAST. The following from the Aurora (111.) Beacon claims that a man in that city Las found perpetual motion. Here is the description: "Perpetual motion," the foud dream of scientists aud mechanic, Lbs been solved, and like all wonderful and startling things Las finally found its way to The wonderful little device tarried at Chicago aud Kigin for a while, but the atmosphere of those toui.s was not congenial to anything new iiud progressive, and the inventor concluded he must get into a live town if he wished to develop Lis invention, and hence hs came to Aurora The inventor of this little mechanical wonder is Thomas Bisbing, of Frankfort, Kansas. Like all inventors of "perpetual motion" machine, he met with the usual obhtHcle at the patent oflice department, aud it was sometime before wonld admit thht Lis device was "perpetual by the commissioner of patents. The number of his application is VXif.K.

The wonderful feature of Mr. Bis-bing's invention is its simplicity. Of course the skeptical and incredulous will look at it and shake their heads. But it is fierx-tuul jnt the same. It is not scientific "perpetual motiou," for that is a mechanical In order to satisfy the fastidious sci AND ALL OTIIEtt KINDS OF Building Material.

HARD AND SOFT ALL KINDS OF CCCCCCC OOOOOOO CO CO CCCCCCC OOOOOOO Sells Exchange on all parts of the -world; make a specialty of Farm Loans; represents leading Insurance Companies and makes Cyclone Insurance a Specialty. We have some horses, cows and colts for sale on time very cheap. WILTROUT EEEDER. CONSTANTLY ON HAND I flfMl PlIP STflPC W.M. HERE IS THE Dealing W.

S. A 6 0 rH Pi IjEoL? Cdboo CZr Grocer. Patent Medicines, Painters' Supplies, Oils, TOILET ARTICLES, Perfumery, Stationery, The Logan RUTH La iVi lis IE ft T. W. Wiltrout's G.


Marti Irons, a ouce famous agitator, is rnnuiufj a peanut stand at St. Louie, Mo. C. F. Hdkxk succeeds Jno.

W. McCoy iu the publication of the JameH-town A't-ic Era. The Inter -SUte lit" uuiou tot Missouri uud Kaasas wiil be held at Kansas City, Kua from Sept 7th to 12th K. W. Colson, ot Arkansas City, recently threshed ninety-eiht acres of wheat which averaged furty onr busheln per acre.

Aggressive uieu are uecesary to pabh the world bnt it is possible for a man to te so excessivly aggresnive as to wake hiuwelf generally Ths Chunpioii informs that M. S. Parria fell dead at the home of Jale Van Motor oa Mundny of last week. lie was 55 years of age aud Lad resided ia Norton county eleven years. The Norton Cfmmpion informs the public that any pood republican is now permitted to subsidize that jour Hal in Lis own behalf for any county office and inquires who will be the first victim.

It Lbs been estimated that the par of 27 percent, of the school chil dren pay the taxes to educate all of them, yet the parents of the other 73 per cent, do most of the complain ing about high taxes. The scheme now seems to be to get all the democratic members of of the alliance to go back to thei old party republican members will be encouraged to vote the peo ple's party ticket Will the scheme work J.11E Atlanta LonMitution snys: "The democrats of Ohio are making arrangements to get together." It looks at present as though sucn a proceeding is very necessary and the prospects for such an event are some what slim. The Topeka Democrat says Kansas democracy has Lad all the alliance it wants. Frauk McGrath says the alliance has Lad all the Kansas democracy it wants, that all it hasn't got is a lot of old fossils too worm eaten to be any good. Leaventcnrtk Times.

Much Las been said about "mortgage sharks" aud some people seem to have an impression that these mortgages are all held by exceedingly individuals whom it would not seriously injure, financially, to lose a portion or all they have invested iu western mortgages. This may apply to some but not al! of the mortgages, for many of them are held by widows, factory girls or old men who depend on the interest for for their daily bread. The Philh'psbnrg Herald, in commenting on what nppearexl in th9 Gay lord Herald concerning the Howell difficulty says it is glad the Gay-lord Herald is a republican pr.per. It is an evident fact that the Phil-lipsburg Herald editors are either woefully ignorant of the maimer in which the liowells conducted their busiuens iu this country or desire from reasons best known t- themselves to assist iu covering up tho matter. The Gaylord Herald believes, like all true republican papers, that wrong should be condemned, wherever found, and does not hesitate about doing it.

The editor of the Bioomtield Iu puh-iican iu looking over a merchant's day book of tne date of 1815, found the following prices which will be of interest iu comparison with prices of the present time: Two pounds of nails, 16 cotiieione pound of tea, seven yards of calico at 22 cents per yard, and nineteen and one-half yards at 33 cents per yard; 83 pounds of beef at 5 ceuts per pound; butter as low as 1 aud 5 ceuts per pound; black muslin 19 cents per yard: corn 12i to 15 cents per bii; fresh pork 3 ceuts per pound; two hogs weighing 3i0 pounds each lit 21 cents per pound eggs 2 cen per duz6u vi his ky, 37J cunts per gallon. Jcdue J. II. I'kescott of Saliua died last week. He was a member of the state senate of 1S71 2.

In looking over the list we hud that the forty men composing that body have pretty well thinned out doad. gone or worse thau dead. Joseph Cracraf V. IL Fitzpatrick, C. Haas, Josiah Kellogg, J.

1L Preseott, Philip Rockefeller, E. H. Topping and C. li. Jen-uisou, who filled a vacancy at the second session are dead.

T. C. Sears. E. S.

Stover, AV. S. Van Doren, IL C. Whitney and J. Wood Lave left the state.

Joseph Logan, H. D. Moore, George P. Nelson aud J. C.

Viucont we Lave lost sight of and cannot answer for. L. J. Wordea and H. C.

Whitney tro iusane, the latter in Chicago. P. P. Elder, the lieutenant goveruer is worse than dead he belongs to the alliance. Sic tratigit.

-DEALERS IN- Passengers carried to all parts of the conntry. Horse9 kept by the Kfced Care of transient stock a specialty. Our rates are aa cheap as the cheapest. He Got ASon? Fiuely Until Attacked With the Office luh, AVhen Thin Went Against Him. I came to northwest Kansas more than fifteen years ago.

I brought a littla money with me and as my land cost me nothing I had a fair start. I picked oct a fiood piece of laud and did as well for several years as be expected or desired: I attended strictly to business, broke out quite good deal of laud, fenced in a large pasture, Lad accumulated qaite buncb of Lorses and cattle aud Lad all the Logs I could feed. Pecple said I was doiut wall aud and for a time I was fcatisfied. After I Lad Leen here a few years, I was elected road overseer, tbeu clerk of- our school district aud finally township trastee. I had thought but little about office-holding until after I was elected trustee and had always looked upon holding au office as being a nuisance to a man at any rate I thought 1 wanted none in mine.

But after I was chosen trustee two or three times my mind to expand, as it were, and I commenced to look for larjrer game. I went to the county seat occasionally and was ou friendly terms with all the county officers. Finally I discovered what I thought would satisfy my longings it was a certain county office 1 wanted and I resolved to put forth all my best energies to secure the coveted position. Now, I had boon told on several different occasions that I was more shrewd thau the common run of men and had arrived at that con clusion, myself. I had been informed that most prominent men belonged to one or more secret societies aud thought if I joined one it would help me get into "office.

Sol picked out the one I wanted to join and applied for admission. My application was accepted and in due time I took the different degrees. Beforw taking the last degree, I confided the ardent desire of my heart the occupation of a certain county ofiice-to a smooth tongued member of the same lodge (I Lave 6ince been told that he is a gambler and does not stand very well with mauy members of the fraternity). He said Le wonld be pleased to see me get the oflice and would help me ail Le could, but suggested that if I wanted to stand well with the boys it would be an excellent plan for me to send to Kansas City for a keg of beer, to be on hand the night I took the last degree. I wanted to stand in with the boys, eo I sent for a keg of beer and a jug of whisky and Lad them stored sway in a cellar at some distance from the lodge room.

After lodge was out, tLe above mentioned smoothtongued brother end several others (some of whom did not belong to tLe lodge) went with me to where I had the treat prepared. Before wo commenced operations I went out aud bought some liuiburger cheese and several pounds of crackers. Then we begun to eat and drink. The boys enjoyed the treat immensely aud patted me on the back and said I was a tip-top fellow. Already, in my miud's eye, I could see myself occupying the office I wanted so badly, wearing broadcloth clothes and smoking fine cigars.

I had heard it said that holding office ruined many a good man and Lad eeeu several cases of the kind, myself, bat had no fears that such would be my fate. After we had boeu eating and drinking for some time, my good brother who Lad given me the kiudly Lint to set np the treat said it might be a good scheme to tiRve a little friendly game of poker. I Lad never played caids but little aud said so, but ho said that was all right we wereu't going to play for anything very big only -a little friendly game and I consented. My mind was not so clear at this time as it might Lave lieen, but it afterwards struck me as a little peculiar that the amounts which I won were always small while those the other fellows won were much larger. Along toward morning we adjourned and I uiademy way to tho hotel and wont to bed.

Aljont the middle of the next forenoon I wok9 up with a Lead-ache and my Lair seemed to Le pulling out Py the roots, so I went to a drug store and "signed up" for 8 half-pint of whisKy. After taking a few drinks I felt much better and went home. I enjoyed several more occasions like this one during the following fall and wiuter. Wheu thespriugof 1S-S6 opened up I hurried in my crop so 1 could push my canvass for the office I wanted so badly. Then I commenced traveling over the county, talking with the politicians and everj body in general.

I received much encouragement aud finally announced myself iu the various county papers. These papers charged mo to each and my hotel bills, cigar etc piled up considerably, bus I didn't care for that because 1 was going to get tne office I wanted and would be one of the big men of the county. My neighbor. Mr. Yerks, f-taid with his cvru field quite steadily this smniuer and in the fall Lusked a magnificent crop.

During the summer, as I was going oat and coming Lome from my electioneering I often looked with pity uiniost contempt on my neighbor and thought how much higher in the social scale I would be thau Le after the next fall's election. My corn was not cultivate! so much as it might Lave been aud was somewhat weedy, but I thought it didn't matter for next yfwir I would make more money than I could in fRnuing five years. Three other fellows announced themselves for the the same office I was after. I didn't fear, bnt felt sorry for them as I had what I considered a sure thing and they would be wasting their time and money. Finidly, the day of tbeeonveution arrived.

Before I started to the county seat that morning I told my wife she wonld sleep with a mau after the first of next Jannarv who occupied a certain county office. I was sure I would nominated and had provided several kegs of beer! find two boxes of cigars to celebrate the event. On the first ballot I Lad; 2.1 votifi; it reimred to nominate, I did not receive bo mazy es 1 1 Grain! Stock East Side Mill Street, Highest Market Price Paid at all Times. Your Patronage Solicited. A.

J. BOWMAN, Manager. entific theories the ideil "perpetnal mot. on" must run indepeLdeut of any exterior force. The fores which rnDS Mr.

Bisbing's deuce is exterior and perpetual, therefore the power se cured is perpetual and the motion is 'perpetual motion." The force exerted is nothing more than the force of gravity as exerted by the pressure of air. The device is simply a turbine wheel, only air is used instead of water and a large chimney is to carry off tne air as it is used, creating a drait exactly similar to that produce! in a chimney. The wheel is set horizontally, giving the greatest possible force, and runs by the mere weigU of the air 15 pounds to the equate inch. It does not run by wind, aud Lence is not a wiud -mill. The great the absence of wind or atmos pheric disturbance the better runs.

It will run better iu a closed room than ut of doors. The little machine is on exhibition iu a tout in the rear of the Treniont House, where a number of mechanical experts have examined it The little wheel will run as long as there is any air on earth to breathe, and is probably as leer to "perpetual motion" as any investors will ever get. Col. hvaus his become interested in the little woider aud will try to organize a stock eon puny in Aurora to manu facture it The device is capable of rnnning awing machine or dynamo, its power depending on the size, of the wheel. Section S.4S4, revised statutes 1889, requires all persona owningor operating traction engines of more than one ton in weight to lay down planks not less than one foot wide, three inches thickness ind of sufficient length, on all bridges aud culverts in crossing same.

Tha same law provides that when moving any traction engine up on the public highway, and a team is met, the person iu charge of the engine shall give as much of the road as possible aud shall shut off steam and come to a halt, when at least one Lundred yards from the team, and wait until the team has passed by one Lundred yards before starting. Also that no one shall run any suck engine upon or through the fctreets of any village, town or city, without Laving a team uttached thereto to assist in drawing and guiding it. The penalty for the violation of any of these provisions is a Cue of not les9 than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offens. The safety of tho public requires that these provisions be faithfully observed. ElU-icorth Republican.

Xina Van, who is become the wife of au Italian, now says the never loved Spies, the Chicago bomb thrower, whose wife by proxy she Led become. Newspaper readers will smile in contempt over this 6tory when they recall Nina's antics and ex uberance of regard for Spies while he was ou trial, aud her paroxysm of grief when he was doomed to death. For Nina to deuv all this now is to involve her, if she renlly does deny it in a ridicule mat renders her superlatively contemptible. Leave incur! Times. A Liberal Proposition, Who has not heard of that paragon of family papers, the enterprising and popular Weekly- Detioit Free For a generation its name has been r.

household word, and it has become a synonym for all that is excellent, pure and elevating in jour nalism. It is delightfully entertaining without resort to cheap seusa-tiouuliom, instructive without being prosy or pedantic. Combining the literary qualitiod of the expensive magazine with the bright, breezy characteristics of the newspaper, it leaves nothing to be desired by the average reader. It is looked upon as a welcome visitor by every family who reads it, while thousands regard it as indispensable and would on no account go without it. Au enormous circulation or Llo.tXX) copies per week attests its wonderful popularity.

Kwsogtiiziiig the fact that there are thoso who are unfamiliar with its surpassing merits as a home paper, the publishers offer to send the i-Vce Press to them for the balance of this year (over five months) for only 30 cents a club of to-ar for Jl.Oi) or a club of ten for All our readers should subscribe at once Send for free sample copy. We will send you the IJr.pnii.icA" and the Weekly I'res for the rest of the year lSL'L, for $1.25. Send your subscriptions to this office. Kcckleu's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for A A A A A AA AA A AA AA JX Li.LLLLLL DUNNING, Manager.

PLACE TO BUY 7 ROBINSON, Agent. STABLE. Logan, Kansa3. V.t. pnrift.

bDirit I JOHN SEBASTIAN, ILJj. Gca'l TUtrt ft Pm. A0 Logan Republican. Only l.OO Per year thought I would, but the Totos were scattered among the other candidates and I was hopeful. On the fourth ballot, however, an old soldier secured the nomination.

This was a severe blow to me, but my smooth-tongued friend said that whiie it was too bad aud he was sorry 1 should not set dis couraged but try again next time. I was afterward told that this frieud helped to sell me out, but he denied it most emphatically when I asked Lini about it. Well, I went home and hoked over my Irumj. My corn crop was not of much account aud I was forced to borrow money to buy corn to keep uiy cattle through the winter. It was then too late for me to put out any wheat that fail-at least I thought so and I didn't feel much like doing it, anyway.

I had borrowed the money which I sppct in running around the county and now I had uo way to pay it. so I mortgaged my farm fur to square np all I owed and have a little money left to live on until I could raise a crop. The season of 1887 was a Lard one on the com crop and aa I Lad no wheat my crop didn't bring me much money. I old a few caitio to pay interest and taxes that year. Somehow or other, 1 didn't feel like working ni I had in years gone by.

My defeat nettled me considerably. I Lad never been eo disappointed before after spending so much money. That fall I scratched two candidates on my ticket because I suspected them of helping defeat me the year before. During the years 1SSS and I failed to get ahead any and in 1830 we had a total failure. Early in 1890 I applied for a position as censmr- enumerator, but an old soldier got the position.

That settled it. I Lad no further for the republican party. I was entitled to that position after doing so much as I had done for the party. To be sure, I Lad scrateLed the ticket and worked openly against some candidates since my defeat, but I was only getting even and those little circumstances should not have worked against me. My horses and cattle had all Leen mortgaged or sold to pay interest, tuxes and to get the necessaries ot life.

My financial condition was indeed deplorable. 1 had heitid certain speakers talk of poverty and white slaves iu years gone by, but had taken uo stock iu such talk. Now I realized that I was iudeod a white slave and it was because of the infernal legislation of the republican paity. That pariy has leen in powei of the time for the pant thirty years aud is responsible for my tiute circumstances. Dispute it if you can.

Mr. Yerks a good crop of corn in lfc8t, as I have already said. Iu 16o7 Le raised little, but had enough old corn to carry him through. In 1SS3 he raised a fair crop and iu 1S89 he raised an immense crop, which he cribbed up, saying he Lad no intere to pay aud would keep it for awhile. I sold mine tLnt year for thirteen cents a but I had to do it Mr.

Yerks raised no corn 1 in 1S90, but Le was well fixed. Laving several thousand bushels cribbed cp. Several of us weLt to Lim and asked him to sell some to us on time, but Le refused, saying Le could get the cabh by hauling it to town. We then held a meetiug and concluded if ho wouldn't sell us corn and take onr notes for tho same that we wonld break open Lis cribs at night, load our wagons aud haul it off. He got to hear of our intentions aud informed us he had four guns and would get four more and would nso them for onr benefit if we attempted to take his corn.

We concluded not to do it. Shi deserves unlimited praise and a triumphant reelection fir th i to pav off that cnnttol mortgage." 1 wish there wera more such sheriff. Then those we owe would not crowd us so Lard. They would remember the fate of Hageman and go a little slow. A'hirich set an exau.p!e which will be fallowed by others if this attempted of debts is continued.

All honor to Cyrus Aldrich. name will go down in history as one of the patriots who this country from the dominion of Shy lock and also terrified those who practiced usury. The way some people pity If axeman and condemn Aldrich is simply tiresome. Hageman doe" not deserve any such pvmpathy. He was onlv another Jese James have been killed and that out-ht to sncnu wcommeniied lor perlorming such a praiseworthy act An agent for the company which Lolds the mortgage against my farm called on me a few weeks ago and wanted me to give aclmttel mortgngp on my wheat crop for last inter- st, br.t I wonldu't do it tried to talk me into it, bnt I told Lira to tro to grass (or some other place, He evidently thought cf the fiita of Hagoman an concluded it wonld be leit for liim to gst up and dusr, f.

I turned mvself so he could see the ir.ndle of a siT-ho'ter sticking i of mv hip He left me i come Lack siuce. Ihose n-c- Cyrus Aldrich for performing rl Lumber Co. BAKES, JOHN ENGERT, Blacksmith -AND Horse-Shoer, LOGAN. KANSAS. Having located in the old O.

Blacksmith Shop, I now prepared to do all kiuds of custom work on short notice and at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. 35 Fast Mail Route EKTWEES ST. LOUIS A.ND Kansas City, Leavenworth, Atchison, St. Joseph, Lincoln and Omaha.

f. St. Louis, Kansas City I THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS AM) Elegant P.eclining Chair Cars. SEATS FREE. Dirocf funf iiiu.

are mvlA at Atchiaoa. tit; aua bt. Colon Dbiiou. Our Colorado Short Line 1 Uie qairkt and ml remt Tuv Iiwuvpr and fncte in Cio- It i i th line t--I'rinripa! citin Arkansas nr. niiy rnt to ti.fc hpril)-ir Of AcKaUrsMt Ne 'rXHtp lite City itf Mexico via.

Su Aatciio, TVm. Otht fc'O intfe tl Urtt Vtn from Atetnwm aiirl Kmiiw 1'ity. If'ttr furtlr tnUiAxtnm Un ruu'eK. aLire any of the L-uux-pu'i agents. THAS.

K. STYLES. Paaeenger Xi kt Atr-it At' hi-on. Knna-H. i Gen.

Psm. Tkt- bu Louia, "A v. in r. COAL 1 Mil bers had better stay off piace or their friends may wish they had. There is a certain farmer Uo persists iu upholding the republican party aud condemning the murder of If Kgeman, wo drupped a letter in the held wnere lie was at wort worn- ing him he would go like lliigoman if he didn't stop talking so much, but he pays no attention Jo the warning.

Before I was defeated for the oflice I wanted so badly, I paid my lodge dues a year in advance, but after that I was a little slow and finally stopped paying them altogether. Lat good is there iu it? It didn't help me get the office I wanted. I don't care uucL about the lodge any more and Missouri Paeifie Iast winter tnev CHACQT7AXBTED WITH THS OE032APHT OF THB OOCTWTHY. WILL OBTATJJ MUCH VALUABLE U7rOHlATIOW FBOM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OT u- aiu. suspended me fur nonpayment of dues.

ome repabiicaca are so ceiinb. They will not spend a dollar if they can help it unless they get two iu return. Such oeiii.sLneps is detestable. There are people who say it is necessary to practice self-control and self-denial in order to prosper and keep out of dobt. Such talk is simply nonsensical.

There is no danger of a man's wants aud desires leading Lim into debt The reason there is so much indebtedness is because of the damnable legislation of the republican party. My mortgage falls due next March and I am satisfied I cauuot pay it. Mrs. Leate will come up and orguuize aan society soc-n ami thea we will be fixed. By paying 11? wecan carry up each f.jrecioMire suit from the district court to the state supreme conrt aud from there to the United States supreme court.

Some say it will be necessary fr tn to put up big bonds f.jr continuances, but that is a Lninbug. Tho Kansas supreme court is two years behind with its business and the United States supreme conrt is five years behind and by the time onr cases a-e reached the people's party will be in tower and we shall have an unlimited issue of greenbacks, based on "the hope and faith of the nation." One individual said not long since that if the nation's inhabitants were all like me its nope ana iaitn woniiu ti amoant to tnush, lnt snch sneers as! 1M mi PACIF1D RAILWAY, Iicludii, iniiln lines, branches and extenfiions East and Wt ot the ver. The Direct P.outo to and trora Chicago, Joliat, Ottawa, J-eoria, La Saile. Moiics, Pock l.ui.n-lJ In II-LIilOIS Davenport, Muscaclno, Dcs hirAms, Wmtt-reet, Audnhon. Harlan and Council Bluff, in IOWA Mlnnear St.

Paul, in MINNESOTA Wafcertown end FaJlo, lu DAKOTA C'iiirjoron, St. Jo3oph and Ktnsu City, la Fttircurj- aiid Melaon, in NEBRASKA HorKra, Topeka, Kutchliison, Victita. Abilene, Caldwell, in Kansaa Pond Leunw.5y, Kir'fish Rl Jicr.o, in the INDIAN TERRITORY and Denver, Colorado Spring's, Pueblo, In COLOIiADO. FREE Reclining ChAr Car Bud from Ct)i-5o, and Dodie City, and Palac 8let- Cara between Chicago, Wichita and Travereas new vast arcaa of rich fnnmn? and grazinc: luncitt, alfordin? tine best to6iUtla intercoiiimunicetion to all tosra and citiea eait and weet, nortUwiH ad eoutbwbet of Chicago, and pacific and trans-oceanic Seaports. MACN1HCENT VCST13ULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Ixadmx til competitors in extender of equipment, Vanned by steam from the locomotive, well ventilated, and free from duat.

Through Coaches, Pnllraan Steepere, and Dininp Cp-ra daily between lea Moines, Council Blufta and Omoha, vnth Free Roclinhi? Chair Cars between Chicago and Denver, Colorado Sprintra and Pueblo, via St. Joseph, or Kane City and Topeko. fcpien'iid Dinms' Hotls ifurniahin meala a ssssonable taoursi west of Misnouri Ri-er. CrJlfornia Excursions daily, with CHOIOW OF ROUTfcS to and fi-cm Salt Otcn, Portland, Loe Aiurelss and Francisco. The DIRECT LIN'3 to and Irom Pike's Peak, Man! ton.

Garter, of the Gods, the Mountaiu Ciues, Muuntf Canape, Sanitariums, tfid fcsnu3 Cruultturs of Colorado. VIA THE ALCERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Express daily between Chicago and Minneapolis and 8t. Pt1, witli TDKOUliH iuxiiaiue Chair Cars FfcSEf to ami from those points kAd nothing. It is ihness to talk of th intrinsic U'. of money.

benever the govorn-ment says anything i money that settles it, whether it intrinsic value is one cent or five million dollars. If th people's pnrtv diw not sac- ceevl, tLi jrovernment will be very nearly mined and other means will be hecessary to purify it. Tyranny is fit an end and if injustice is not checked no or need be surprised if a thousand lnrid flomefi lieht np the midnight skies. This will be a rather measure, but not morn so than the case demands. Bobbery rQtit cwse- Slavz.

and Sioux FaJLi, via Ivock The Favorite Line to Pipeune, Wavr-town, Bioux snd the Summer ai.d Hoatiuff nsliu; Orouiida of the Northwest. TES SHORT LINK VIA SENECA AND EANKAKE3 offer to Cincinnati, Lattyette, aca wjuiiui aim Leavenworth, Ka.r.aas City, Minneapolis and Bt. Fju-. llaps, Fo.dars. or information, apply an7 Coupoa gloria mundi.

(Them's Latin words.) cnte. bmm sras. BaU rht.lllu. Those who remain end Lave kept the fever sores, tetter, chapped Lands, faith are G. IL Bower, Dr.

G. W. chilblains, corns mid all skin ernp-Gogeboom, M. IL Mtuuock, James aud positively cures piles or no McLellan. John SI.

Price. James D. '8y rred. It is gnaraideed to perfect action or niouev Suoddy, Jacob and your refunded. Price, 25 cents per box tuiiiUe servant.

Troy Chief. 1 For sale by all druggists. 31 lyr truvtjj betwee Joaeuh. Atchi: For Tickets Xlciifct Olac ST. JOHN, son.

in uij tuttet, Ctn'ftfia. or iora.

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