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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 8

Logansport, Indiana
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The Trium ph of Low And Truly Marvelous Value Giving, makes this the busiest store in town. It has made us the leading Dry Goods Furnishers for economical buyers in Logansport. This week will be long remembered to Economical Pay Day Buyers tor will offer special Bargains in Wool and Wash Dress Goods, Parasols and Umbrellas. Table Linens and Toweling, Duck Suits, Shirt Waists, Domestics of all Sorts. and in many other jjlines.

Price Wonders never cease heare we them. give us a look and you will be convinced that this is the place to buy, THE GOLDEN RULE. FREE SitVEtt 1 tJJUL JLilV 'A Subject That is Being Generally Discussed at Present. SOME OF ITS EFFECTS Interview With a Thinking Democrat on a Vital Topic. MORTON OR REED will not accept second place.

Same way with our shoos. They are first iu tverj thing Style, Fit, Durability and Prices. We don't want to carry over any tans and will let 'em go at these give prices D. P. BALDWIN FOR QOLD.

Will McKinley Rather Than a Free Silver Platform. Ladles' tan walking shoes $1 to $1 6'0 Men's tan from $1.50 to SJ3.4S See our lite just-received of Ladies Dutton und lace boots fine as human hands can make them. E. M. Walden Co.

315 Fourth Street. Straws That Show Which Way the Wind Blows Sliow that must have blown a tremendous gaile towards Fisher's, for they have straws of all the new shapes and sizes, straws In straw color and other color yon wfeh piled on their shelves and waiting -to be called "the last straw'' in the newest style bought a t- Fisher's by every pleased resident oC Loganspoi't. Light Derby's, light nobby straw hats and jaunty bicycle caps are what we have a big run on now. nORRIS FISHER THE HATTER. WHEEL TALK.

Though "he punctured his tiro twice 8t R. Broadbent brought Australian 100 mile road record to 5:45:00, breaking tlie Australian rcccrc mlnu'tcs. The American ro wrd Is by A. B. McDou acl, of Toledo.

World's record Is 4:21:43 ieJd by A. E. Walters of England. Pocket Kodaks at the Burgmar Co. yo tandem runs hard with one's bost jirl on the front scat.

The Floetwlng for ladies. There are of these wheels used in this city n.U other makes of wheels. Lore and toll-gate keepers dlffoi oo.mewhat. Love never asks for pay in advance. Have j'oiir bicycle insured iheft.

Burgman Cyclo will do It. the boy 1SK wedding Martin. li. C. Mitchell is positively selling put "Eugene Field" evening tonight the Baptist church.

Only lOc. The summer eight week's normal nl Michael's University will begin Monday. George Harrison handles Laodreth'i class'garden, flower and field 3'icda. Grady. dislocated his arm yestct.

1 by a 'in front of tho Greenback iiouse. 1 'now gentleman's aiodcl Waitbam watch is a beauty. See at Uoii Martin's. There will be a'special meeting o'f Trades Assembly at tlit hall Thursday aisl't, at o'clock. All arc urged to at- a-nd, as there is Important business icansacl.

Maiben's laundry while not being the largostaiid best in the city w'l'il tttund second to The work Is now turning out Is ail right and just: as the best. ELECTION INSPECTORS. County Commissioners Name Inspectors for the Year. Saturday afternoon tho county cjcm- mLsstouers appointed f.Iie following named persons to servo one year, as inspectors oil election. The township trustees are inspectors of office, atid their 'names do not appear in the list.

A. Petrongor. Ellis, Eldrldge. Justice. Deer 0, Simmons.

Herd. C. Griffith. Stowa rt. L.

Williams. Sharts, Robert Hoffman. F. Martin. First First precinct, Black; second precinct, Charles E.

Dykoman; third precinct, George K. Marshall; fourth precinct, Joseph KerJin. Second Wa.rd-r-Flrst precinct, Solomon second precinct, William II. Bevan; third precinct', John Lux. Third precinct, Earl Stewart; second precinct, James Foiey; ilrd precinct, George A.

Liutou; fourth precl-nct, A. C. Walters. Fourth precinct, William B. Enyarr; second precinct, Lem- uol Tartersoii; third precinct, A.

B. Fifth precinct, William McDonald; second precinct, Williti Grah'am; fourth precinct, Rudoljih Ber.ndt; tlfth precinct, John Easfiuld. E. II. The political views D.

P. Baldwin of this L-ily are well known. He favors a tariff for revenue, and four yuars ago left the Ropiiblican on account of ils lilgli tariff policy and voted Democrats, Ho 'has just as radical views on the financial (liiost.ion and the-frru Kilvet-'coinage nt- titude of the Domocrats has.evidently caused htm vo-viow with greater alarm an attack on I hi', monetary system of tho fc.nniiti'y from (hat direction than to appivhoud evil results from a 'high tarill' policy. Tlie following, special from Delphi indicates tin; position of Judge Baldwin ou the Qiie'sfiuii: Dolphl. Juiii 1 free'silver picnic has boon advorlisod at Itoclc- liold, eight miles oast of tills city, for next La.rge bills all over tlie county and a groat ctTont is being made to got out a crowd.

Among those advertised to arc A.nson of White OUIII.IT, who is largely, interested in silver mines in Colorado, and Hoti. D. P. Baldwin, of Logituspart. Tho mat- tor was called to Judge Baldwin's by a citizen of this city last Saturday, and Judge Baldwin stated it was the first Jnfoniia-tlou he had-that liu was to bo one of the'orators.

In -a letter, to the editor of the'Journal; of. tlits 1 'city. Judge, Baldwin, tttys: "I-shall support no or party. If the Democrats, make fro.o-.coiiiago platform at Chicago, as now. seems likely, shall support Mc- Kiuley and sound money.

As between high 'tariff and sound money on the one hand and free silver and tho present tariff ou tho other hand, I prefer to my chances with tin: former." Judge Bald-win has time in eomibathig the arguments of the free- silver people, and he states In his letter thai but for the. fart will leave Wednesday for Now York to-be'away one month, would attend the Rocjc- IIeld meeting, lie has been advertised, and give tho hero assembled his opinion of the proposition to visit -ou tills country flic free- and unlimited c'Olnago of silver. A reporter -for Tin; Journal 'called at the residence of Judge'Baldwin yesterday afternoon but was. Informed 'that lie and Mrs, Baldwin had gone to Now York, to bo absent a month. 4'udianapolis, Juno 10, 1S9G.

The silver question has cut quite a figure in Indiana polities recoutty. For a 'time not appear that there would bo any serious differences on tills question. The actual loaders of- the Democracy, men who by active service stood for) party and parly organization, were almost to a man in favor of sound money. But when tlie broke forth Governor cut luosn rro'hfjjiis sound money friends and gave tli'o-'irjovement for free silver an Im- control of the party and the party organization from tlioso who wore attempting to moor the ship of. Democracy iu safe waters.

Following Governor MaltlittwsVs Atlanta lolwr declaring for free silver came Tillman into- the State and an effort was made by the silver Democrats Populism and Democracy. To the credit o'f the Populists this offer of fusion was indignantly rejected aud each party will have separalo State and county tickets. Yet in this si'tnai'iou there is an curreut whicfi gives confidence in thy preference of the people for sound money. It was in 1S72 tho expediency people'of-the Democracy got control of tho party organization. Horace Grscley was the Democratic craze at thti't time.

Ho was to sweep ilio cottn- try carrying Democrats a.ud liopubli- along witli him. The straight out who had faith in their parly, wlio IX'licvi'd that its mlssio-u was 'to accomplish some well defined purpose, though forced to silence during the nom'iuation, Inter spoke in HO uncertain '(onus and by their argument, aud iiitlueucc registered for Democracy the must disastrous defeat in its history. The situation is dissimilar at tin; proseri-t A great many Democrats arc not si.viuig much but doing a good doal of thinking. A prominent Democrat: said to mo: "It Is a recognized fact however strong the endorsement for free silver in November might bo it would bo at least a year before, silver bill could bo passed. Every existing obligation duo or falling duo in that year would havi; to bo paid.

If there sufficient confidence in (lie ability of the debtor there would be a bare possibility Chat the obligation could be renewed in a gold contract; But the gread'r probability would bo that every man'having iiivesv.nM.mts of. that sort would prefer to see ills cash. Do you and Matchless Will Be Our PRICES THIS WEEK. Tremendous Reductions and Great Bargains Guaranteed Everybody. This sale ia not an ordinary a reduction in a few leading an emphatic bid to close out our entire stock.

It Is an undisputed fact that times are harder and money scarcer than has teen known for years, therefore our remarkable low prices must be a blessing these hard times to buy. $2. Worth of Goods For $1. Cash! To sell $20,000 in a few weeks demands Immense Sacrifices, but the Big Store of HARRY FRANK is equal to the emergency and can do wonders when it must. Will you all share in this public pudding.

Respectfully, HARRY FRANK 313 Fourth Street. BILLING FOR TH13 WEST." Billing car No. 2 of Wild West show, of Goo. twenty men, is 'billing on railroads' of spotial rates of radius of; sixty miles about Logansport The general public; do not the magnitude ofv Congress of Rough Rldors. There lire sixty-eight men.

In- advance, over 900 men with the sliow, uiul only one wo- mau, Miss Anna Oakley, tbo champion lady shot of the world. It takes fifty-four cars to transport the show aud over 000 horses are used in ilio pz'oducilon. The same show will bo given here on Saturday, June 27, as dedicated largest exhibition building in the the Chicago Coliseum. A CASS COUNTY SNAKE. Friday Emma Metsker, Mrs, Dr.

Pence and Miss May West wore in Cass county nnd'on tholr way home they encountered a They killed after a flght which lasted about il'teen minutes. It measured'five feet mil four inches lu Tuurual. WILL HANDLE ALL SCENERY. The addition to of (lie stage at Dolan's opera house -is -one the most Important and essential features of the improvement now. under wayJ In yea i-s past many companies were unable to preseut'tlieir hest scenery owing to the cramped' quarters.

EOCENE FIELD SOCIAL. One of the most pleasant socials of he season is promised for tonight at ho Baptist, church, where the Eugene social will Everybody invited. MAIL CARRIERS WAIT. The bill introduced a few weeks ago the. salaries of-the mail'car- riers year, was laid, the next sessiojiof Congresses it failed to coine House'for consideration.

wed- New things lir solid: silver- for ding presents at Ben Fine, dress suits cheap at.Mitchell's; suppose that a mau to whom I owod a thousand dollars. had hundred saved n-p ro pay him, would me wai'tV Wait until the new law wont into force a-inl I could tako my tive hundred dollars In gold and go to Mexico and buy bullion with it enough to coin $1.000 and pay him ofC in full? Not m-uchec. He would make me pay that $1,000 if it bankrupted me. Ami he would take the $1,000 and buy silver bullion and coin out of it. lie would make $2,000 out of my And I would be broken up and go to work for him for a dollar a day and get one of his cheap dollars at That.

And the backs? Well they would call in every dollar, buy bullion, coin it into silver and begin Going business at the old stand with twice as much cash on hand. Where would the poor man came in on'this with nothing to buy silver' with? And by tills process during that year the prospect of a rise in gold would 'cause nine hundred and sixty millions of gold coin to- bo drawn out of circulation, producing a stringency never before equaled in the history oC the conn try, "But it is not 'the business' men alone or those wlio have money invested in building and loan associations or who are in debt who stand alarmed at the free 1 silver infatuation. LaborJng men realize that wages vise slowly. know that a cheapened currency buy less. lii fact that is the argument of the silver men.

They know that their day's wages will remain practically the same for several years but that they will be paid in a currency having about one-half the purchasing should the doctrines of the tree silver rnou prevail. "Gradually the truth' is gaining ground that whatever dignity, the government of the United States would give to a free silver dollar, to whatever extent it would increase In v.ilue in an effort'to catch up with the fleeting gold It would benefit the silver mine owners. they confined to the United States alone the free silver legislation would be generous act on the part of the government to a favored few wealthy mini; man whoso paper Js refused by his neighbors gets along without credit, but this is not a very creditable attitude for a nation aspiring to be greatest commercial nation on the face of the earth. And the sentiment in favor of a safe currency will control llie November elections." Tliis scorns sound. Tlio Republican idea is one of unjust restrictions either in lite character or the volume of the The Republicans believe In bimetallism.

They believe in the generous use of silver. They believe in the use of it to the extent that it can bo without impairing the stability of the government. They believe in its use to the extent it is not an impairment of existing contracts. They do not believe in repudiation, national or personal. They do not: believe in legislation for the bo.neli't of mine owners or of bond or of land owners to tlic injury and at the expense of any oilier class.

They do not believe-in class legislation. Upon this platform they will stand in the coming campaign. w. s. w.

A BOLD ROBBER. Visits Apartments- in Daylight-Escapes With Cash. Yesterday morning about o'clock, a thief entered the rooms of Mrs. Wright and family Coul- son's'dmg store ou Market near Third during the temporary absence of Mre. Wright, and secured a small sum in eas'h, making iiis escape the lady returned to the apartments.

When discovered the thief had a large bundle made of the clothing of the occupants of the rooms, and was preparing to make off- will) a valuable haul. Mrs. Wright reported the matter to the police, but not: until noon. She described t'hc intruder as a tall, well dressed man, with dark hair. She did not see his (ace.

WARNING TO ALL. Cyclone Will Arrive Monday Morning, June 13th, and Will Dcsti-oy The Prices on Men's and Women's Tan Filling's Shoe House. Choice of men's tan shoes, any shoe in the house, including "our and goods, reduced to Choice of men's and women's tans, worth $3 tc $3.50, reduced to A big reduction will be made on all spring and summer shoes. Men's, women's and goes. Don't miss Filling's special sale of summer goods.

You know when Pilling advertises .1 special sale that it is no humbug. He has proved this fact in the past. Pilling wants your trade and has made a bid for the same. This sale is strictly Any goods that are charged will be sold at regular price; no reduction; the buyers receive the benefit. Billing's shoe house.

412 Broadway, Logansport, Indiana. DISTRICT MEETING. Drs. Busjahn and Holloway wcot to Dunkirk yesterday to attend the ses-. sions of the semi-annual meeting of the Delaware District Medical society.

The counties of Blackford. Grant, Jay, Randolph, Madison, Henry, Delaware, Adams, Wells, Huutiug- ton, Wabash, Miami, Cass, Carroll Clinton, Booue, Hamilton and Wayne are represented lu thcidistricf. The principal addresses will be by Dr. Parvln of Puiladenlhia and Dr. Seim of Chicago.

To The Ladies This is the season of the year when the unpleasant but necessary work of house-cleaning claims the attention the housekeeper and not a little pends on the appearance of your lace curtains as poorly done-np curtalni spoil the effect of a well-furnished borne quicker than anything else. We experienced help In this class of work who do nothing else and we icsow we can give you perfect satisfaction. We are also making a specialty this year of laundering shirt waists, being the only firm In the city using machinery exclusively for the purpose. We will appreciate your patronage. Campbell Bros.

429 Market St. MR. AND MRS. HAE RETURN. Mr.

and Mrs. Rae are at homo to their friends at No. 705 Race street. They returned Monday night from their wedding trip, and were given a pleasant reception by their friends. Lunch was served.

Tiie Carlfou quartette was present'and sang, aud Mr. and Mrs. Gi'oiveil gave wine pleasing Instrumental selections. Robert Rood was spokesman for the many friends and acquitted himself nobly. THE FIRSr NATIONAL BANK -OF LOGANSPORT, INDIANA.

CAPITAL A. J. Jf urUock, Pres. W. W.

Ron, Cash. J. F. Brookmeyer, Aaat. Cask.

D1EECTOES: 1 S. Rice, W. H. Brlnghont, t. J.

MnrdocK, Dennis Uhl. 8. F. Yantls, F. M.

Hantood, W. T. Wilson. Banking In aK Its Departments promptly and carefully done. Safety to Customers and Stockholders for.

Strong Reserve Fund maintained. 'owners. when'' the proposition iri- generosity the wealthy mine owners entire work! tin? paying about "a fool and his money" is naturally brought to mind. "It'-may-be possible'for the United States to 'financial existence ft dishonored currency, Just as a AUTOMATIC CALCULATOR. The State National bank has a machine that adds long columns of fig- jires accuracy.

Tho machine re-, scinhlcs typewriter arid when the list of figures is made up by Hie moving of a. lover the total is written. The large banking houses, of the country usually.have from throe to-fou'r of these machines and find them invaluable. DISTURBING A MEETING. Mart Gi-eenbank and Edward Potlcn wore yesterday each fined and costs for disturbing a religious meeting.

The offense occurred last Wednesday In a house of worship in Harrison, township: The was heard by Justice Both pleaded guilty and stayed the fines. To loan, a few thousand special funds, private money, on good In-. dlvlduals or mortgage Will buy good B. Porgy..

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