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Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin • Page 5

Eau Claire, Wisconsin
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1-4 EAU CLAIRE DAILY LEADER, EAU CLAIRE; WISCONSIN, OCTOBER, 8, 1898. 7l vv'ur ABOUT, THE INDIAN WARr IimVf GOOD HER ID Jl Celery 1 OOW" FROM HARPER'S BAZAR EMBROIDERED MOUSSELINE DE SOIE Gowns of embroidered moussellne da sole have been extremely fashionable this summer, and. as. fhey always are made up on silk linings, will be quite warm enough for autumn wear. Thesw gowns are too dainty as well as too elaborate for general use, and are' only suitable to be worn In afternoon and evening.

The smart costume shown In our Illustra tion, taken from Harper's Bazar, is made of moussellne de sole embroidered with chenille polka dot. The skirt In bell shape is trimmel with scant ruffles 01 the material, with a satin ruche at either edge; these ruffles are close together at the waist, but broaden out at the foot of the skirt, and go entirely around it at the back; across the front breadth there are three rows of the ruching. The waist in very odd in design, made LI A of heavy white lace and trimmed with straps of corded black satin, the bands of different slses broader at the bust than at the neck or waist; tne vmi, made also of the corded satin, 18 wide. The vest, stock-collar, and large bow at the back of the collar are made of plain white mousellne de sot- The sleeves are tight-flttlng, and strapped with satin ruches from the shoulder to the wrist, with epaulettes of the heavy lace to match the body of the waist, while at the wrist are ruffles of finer lace. The hat worn with this costume Is of fine pale yellow straw trimmed with Ions ostrich plumes, and directly in front a rosette of black satin ribbon; under the brim, quite far back at the left side, is another satin rosette.

THING I iawfiTIMD AFTER BEVeRAli innR TO TBT THET' i "O'DONNEIiL CASE. iKmiiNET FRAWLET AROUES PLEA IN BAR VINA LB CLAIR, STAR WITNESS. IN court; the se- olrcult coun, v-' murder 3ury cured mn. consist- trv tne juiui case. Aooui two 8pec- 3.

A1 and oi' of the regular lai venires -rairstu ot- -on. Bather. -A. 3 -Chero. J.

Auer. John Lawson, Wllber. Frank Gormley, T. Rosen- feldt and Daniel Greene. The jSy wu completed at noon and tlje JKU a eathlng until 3 P.

m. aSnthe'plea "WawS, desired to submit iinira Tnia preceding v---- npnRflCuUon ad- out Dy we conylc. cu mitted every uuiis In his lormei trial. to have the Mr' v. F.

Bailey granted trial to O'Donnell Introduced, ounll or defense objected and Judge Stained the objection on the Ground that the matter was wholly U-ITeSt and made no difference to court and that the fact teat he was SantS a new trial was sufficient The proceedings yesterday were of a technical character, and. to a novice, a tTrecess hour in the afternoon Miss Vina Le Clair, of Glenwood. the tar witness In the case, occupied a seat inalde the railing witn otner Joenaed as witnesses. Vina "looked sty- llsh. dressed In a neat ve;" hlrt waist with a bronie-colored floral design running through the texture.

A neat belt encirciea ner waiai, w-. whtph she wore a black cloth sfcirt. a ascot-puff tie, with white stripe, nd brown kid gloves with large biacK braid effect on back, helped out the Jaunty, but modest, appearance of her costume. She wore a black English walk ing- hat with wide, black band; and large feathers In the side inly partially concealed A black vail her features, which are comely. The grounds on which Mr.

Frawley e--cured a new trial for his client. O'Donnell, are in brief: First, on amdavits siting forth the discovery of new evidence. fh ttrst of which is that Vina L.e cialr haa made affidavit since trial, aenying testimony given at tne trial concerning the receipt of certain letters alleged to have Dten written by O'uonneii auer ne haa tantn up his residence in Kau Claire. Second, on tne ground that ti. H.

Dean, an attorney of Gienwood, who had been employed by the defense to secure and amdavits, had later gone, over to the prosecution and disclosed the case to the state. Third, that juror josepa ocuuicsaiu had made statements prior to trlai widen conflicted with statements which ne me when he quanheu as a juror In the tr.a. of the case. In opposition, Dlst. -Attorney Farr filed affidavits of Attorney Dean and Miss Le Clair denying the allegations set forth.

On November 27, 1M, Judge Baliey set aside the verdict by which Donnell was found guilty and ordered a new trial. This was done practically on two grounds firBt, that the relations of H. ii. Dean with the defense had been such that O'Donnell could not be said to have had a fair trial in view of the fact that Dean had been afterwards employed by the state. Second, that Vina Le Clair's testimony was not to be believed, in view of the many coniiicttng amdavits sworn to by her.

The new trial was strenuously opposed Jy Mr. Farr, who urged that courts generally had held that the contradictory statements of witnesses, made after a trial was not svtncient grounds for setting aside a verdict. The proceedings now on in Judge O'Neill's court are said to be novel by Attorneys. It is probable that the action is the first of the kind ever brought In Wisconsin. The attorneys are watch- ing the case with a great deal ot interest.

Deputy-Sheriff William La Grave, of Augusta, has charge of ihe Jury and wnl board them at the Hart House the trial. CHIPPEWA COUNTY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. The Chippewa County Republicans have placed the following county ticket in the field: Sheriff, Andrew Larson; treasurer, George Walters; County Clerk, Magnus Firth; register of deeds, George Dorland; Afcierk of court, C. E. Preston; ditrict attorney, C.

B. Culbertson; surveyor, John King; coroner, member of first district, L. J. Rusk. buys an Elgin, stem vind, silver ine watch this week at Fleming Bros.

Indians At Caiy Lake and Bena Conductor Campbell, WeM of the Great Northern road, Is In the city. Mr. Campbell's route is between Duluth and Cass Lake, lat ter' place Is the terminus of the; dlyislorj and la on tne north side or Indian reservation, some 26 miles from Bear Island, where the Indian troubles are brewing. Mr. Campbell reports things" tranquil among Cass Lake Indians.

In fact they pooh-pooh the Indian war and say they wilt have nothing to do with the Bear Island disturbers. C. W. Seeley, the Minnesota state timber Inspector had fifteen men inspecting timber on the reservation. He went immediately to the scene of action, and found his men safe.

Cass Lake Is a railroad town, and Bena is merely a water-tank station on the Great Northern. Mr. Campbell says the trouble is greatly exaggerated when It is stated that the Indians at those places are uprising. They do not pay half as much attention to the affair as do the people In Eau Claire. The whole trouble arose over deputy marshals trying to secure Indians as witnesses in liquor cases.

Whites were charged with selling liquor on Bear Island. When the deputies attempted to take the men wanted from the Island, they were attacked by a body of Indiana who took the prisoners from them by force and held the officers while they took their keys from them and unlocking the handcuffs on the prisoners set them free. In order to sustain the dignity of the law an armed force was sent after the men wanted, with the result that the Indians opened fire on the boat as it crossed Leech Lake and was nearing the Bear Island shore. The result of the fusilade Is already known to Leader readers. Bear Island Is only about four miles long and a mile-and-a-quarter wide in the widest place.

It contains about 1,000 acVes of light-timber land and undergrowth. Mr. Campbell formerly resided in Eau Claire, and Is here to attend the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. William Walter, which occurs on Monday evening.

He runs a passenger train on the Eastern Minnesota which is a part of the Great Northern system. Leech Lake, by the way, is a great Ashing resort, there is game in abundance in the vicinity. A DISPLAY OF LADIES JACKETS AND FURS. A representative of the Meyer Jonasson cloak house of New York, will be at the Chicago store Saturday, and will show an elegant line of ladies' stylish nobby cloth jackets, capes and ready-made suits, also a fine line of furs. This Is one of the largest cloak houses of New York, and garments displayed will be the very newest novelties of the season.

We will be very pleased to have the ladies call and see these garments and will be glad to take orders, and will make special prices on same. Yours respectful, ALFRED KAHN. STATE NEWS. Emil puve, a farmer living near Seymour, was seriously injured in a runaway, Wednesday. The La Crosse board of trade has con tributed $400 to the forest fire sufferers.

The September report of Wisconsin national banks shows a falling on ot nearly $2,000,000 in deposits since July. The rain of the past few days has about extinguished the last of the forest fires in the northern part of the state. J. H. Eckels, ex-comptrolU-r the currency, attended tne convention oi me Banker's association at Milwaukee last night.

Edward Raemus, a boilermaker resid ing in Milwaukee, was struck by a pass enger train of the St. Paul road at o'clock this morn ng and ki.led. Raemus was about 40 years of age. Louis Landerman, of Fond du Lac, was accidentally shot yesterday wm.e ruiHt-ing ducks. It is doubtful whether he will recover.

John Bull, an old resident of Prairie du Chien, committed yesterday by shooting himself in the head with a revolver. was a veteran of the civil war. The netition that Silver City be annexed to Milwaukee will be taken up today by the judiciary committee of that city. There is some opposition to annexation and both sides will be heard. William Toole, of Baraboo, writes from Omaha that Wisconsin is leading in the fruit exhibit there.

Mr. Toole will make an effort to exhibit some of Wisconsin's fruit at Paris in 1900. The whaleback Alexander McDougall went on the old dumping ground Wednesday morning at Buffalo, and four twgs were required before she got afloat. G. Rudolph, of Paducah, administrator of the estate of Charles Craft, a young man who committed suicide In June, has filed suit for $10,000 against C.

M. Merquoit, the druggest who sold Craft poison. Stormy weather on the lakes is resulting in many serious wrecks. At Duluth the whaleback steamer Trevor and three barges, in attempting to make the harbor, wert thrown against the piers. The Trevor was pounded against the pier for half an hour, but it will not be necessary to put the boat into drydock before the end of the season.

ANOTHER SOLDIER MUSTERED OUT Again are we compiled to record with regret the death ot a memoer 01 company H. Edward H. Wachter died of typhoid fever at Coamo, Porto Rico, on September 18th. The funeral escort was under the command of Corporal Homer Wilcox and was composed of the following members of Company Corporal Oliver Bundy, Actftig Corporal Chamber-lin, Ashland. Cowing, Philip Holliday, Wm.

Johnson. Larrabee and McClinch. The pallbearers were: Acting Corporal Nels Thompson, Acting Corporal Charles Carpenter. Beatty, Brostrom, Cyrus Sampson and Elmer Waite. Menomunie Times.

ceramh: art. Mrs. Pearl Gunn's An Studio at 1525 State street, is now onn. She invites tVip Indies to call and infw-ct her work in decorated china, oil and water paiLitine-. studtrnts may enier at anv time, New solicited.

china kiln. Fi-ii-r HOUSE TO rent: On Oxford Avenue, 22S. A good house, coach house and barn. Hot and cold water, closets complete, electric lights. Terms easy.

Apply at Leader office or te Go. Ritiinger-Zlft SaiL Clair He Will Make His Home in Greencastle, Hereafter, "wisconsJiu Rev. Henry Ostrom, who some years ago was pastor of Trinltyi Methodist church, before he abandoned pastorajt work ipr the evangelical field, has inoved from Milwaukee and in the future will reside in Greencastle, Ind. Ostrom says he will return to Milwaukee some time, but when he. cannot say.

He has been appointed conference evangelist by the Wisconsin conference for a number of' years and was reappointed at Waupun, but under conditions which he will hardly be able to meet In the discussion upon the subject It developed that Mr. Ostrom refuses to take charge of revivals that are confined to Mejthodlst churches exclusively. He will not go Into a city unjess the Protestant churches join in a union revival. Racine wanted Mr. Ostrom.

but he Informed Dr. Haylett that he would not come unless there was a Union meeting, and so he was not engaged. Dr. Haylett told the conference of this and other ministers made similar nd then the condition was attached to the appointment of Mr. Oetrom that the greater portion of his work must be done In the Wisconsin conference and In the Methodist churches.

In talking of union revival meetings Bisdop Merrill said they were a good thing so far as increasing the collections were concerned. NOT BUILT THAT WAY. Judge Gough of the Sentinel says: "When we see a priest or a minister riding a bicycle, we always think of Darwin's descent of man." That all depends upon what kind of a priest or a minister he Is. If he is very fat he had better confine himself to terra flrma and If he Is very thin and lanky he had better visit his parishoners in some other fashion. Neither the Judge or Major were ever intended for the Cycle Path.

When they make their trips De-tween the twin cities they find the coach or street car more in their line than the pneumatic tire. If the preachers like to worry with a wheel, let them do so, by- all means. A man can look after the lambs of the flock and go to heaven on a bike, just as well, if not better than In a buggy. If we are not bike-built ourselves. Judge, let us not begrudge others tne pleasures of a safety.

SPECIAL SALE Of-Kld Gloves at the-Chicago Store Saturday. This sale will embrace all the newest fall gloves in all the fashionable fall shades, latest embroidered and patent fastenings. We have the finest display of fashionable gloves in the city, at prices, considering the quality, that are exceedingly low. This is a sale that ought to attract the ladies that wish to be well gowned. We will be very glad to have you call and see our gloves.

Yours respectfully, ALFRED KAHN. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET: For Assembly John E. Denis. For Sheriff Otto G. Anderson.

For County Clerk Wilson W. Mathews. For County Treasurer Swen K. Sw.en-son. For Register of Deeds George S.

Krei-ser. For District At torney Robert E. Bun-dy. For Superintendent of Schools Harry E. Lane.

For Surveyor John C. Ohnstad. Me-nomonie Times. VOTERS ATTENTION. Hon.

P. O. Stromme, the Democratic candidate for Secretary of State, will discuss the political issues of the (lay from a Democratic stand-point at the Griffin Rifles' Armory. Wednesday evening, Oct. 12.

1S9S. Mr. Stromme Is one of the most Booular Scandinavian-Americans in s- consin, a forcible and convincing apeak er. Thoroughly familiar with the polit ical questions of the campaign. The Metropolitan Band will be in attendance Everybody welcome.

DAVID DOUGLAS, Chairman of County Committee. ANOTHER VICTORY FOR DEWEY Interested relative What have you named the baby? Young mother Well, I suppose we'll have to call it George Dewey. We had so hoped to be able to name it Helen Gould Tribune. KEEPING STEP. It isn't so much the pace a watch goes as its stnadines and reliability that hwms.

No uue who uses a wato; A. 11.. i 1 wains one luhl troes oy ui and JUmpS. is re liability and the watch that can be depended upon is the one that wins. We sell Reliable watches.

1 Ferro, $-Barstow St 1 ompoimd Makes Well. There is one true specific for diseases arising from a debilitated system, and ha' is Paine's celery compound, so generally prescribed by physicians. Il is the most remarkable remedy that the scientific research of America has produced. Prof Edward E. Phelps, M.

1 LL. of Dartmouth College, first prescribed this positive cure for dyspepsia, biliousness, liver eouajilaiat, neuralgia, rheumatism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. In the ntributions for the fire suf ferers tlio children ha. not tarnl as well as the elder people. Hon.

J. V. Quarles will address a Republican meeting in the Griffin Rifles' Armory on the 14th. Joseph V. Cuddy is the probable nominee of the La Crosse Democrats for the office of district attorney.

Mr. Cuddy formerly lived here. W. K. Coffin has returned from Milwaukee, where he has been attending the sixth annual convention of the Wisconsin State Banker's Association.

Henry Wahl of thi brakemn on the Milwaukee freight, had two fingers of his left hand crushed while coupling ears at Chinnewa Falls yesterday morn ing. The funeral of Mrs. M. J. Argard will take place on Sunday, Oct.

at 2 o'clock p. from her late residence, (503 Fourth avenue. The crossings of the inter-urban road that caused so much trouble a few weeks ago, will probably be put in In a day or so. The line mav be in operation before the end of next week. Miss Grace Ellis and Mr.

Jesse Nicho's both of Cook's Valley, were married a few days ago, by Justice Spencer at his office in Bloomer. Both are well-known and popular young people. "Mr a ft Dun Greene of Osseo, are in the city as is also Frank York.Both gentlemen arc on the O'Donnell jury, Mr. Greene being the twelfth man accepted. The meeting of the Musical Department of the Woman's Club called for Wednes day, October 12th will be held at the si- dence of Mrs.

F. H. L. Cotton, S01 South River street, Instead c.f Mrs. Starr's, as heretofore notified.

Mr. A. H. Rickard, the cabinet maker, 532 Union street, denies the statement wVifoh amiMrmi in an evening paper, to the effect that he is going to Porto Rico Mr Rirkard intends to make Eau Claire his home for sometime at least. The Laycock building next the post office will be open to rec ive supplies for the fire sufferers from 7: l'J today, if you have anything to o'clock contri- bute please deliver it as the committee wish bet'o' 1) o'clock to st.iri the car at once.

Martin of John Cahill. o'fTva "WatTr" street, died vesterdav afternoon at clock from ty phoid fever. Young Mr. Cahill was In his second year in the High School, and was an exceptionally bright and energetic student. He will be greatly missed by his preceptors and fellow students.

The funeral arrangements will be announced in Sunday's Leader. The following named gentlemen: W. Glle, Arthur Smith, E. H. Playter, E.

W. Allen. Fred Hleteher, N. J. Mclntyre and Victor Wolf, who were appointed by Mayor Kepler to solicit funds and cloth lne for the sufferers of the late forest fires, have done nobly.

Twenty car loads of lumber, a goodly supply of clothing and food, $1,000 in money and a number of other necessities have been contributed. If you need a Coal call at Stove HANSON'S Hardware on Main St, He is CLOSING THEM OUT at Cost THEY BE SOLD. People can't be made of poor materials. That holds true in things to eat, things to drink and things to wear. (Jan a tailor make a good suit of clothes out of poor cloth? We think not.

Good clothes must be mane of good, material, inai is the reason why we select and buy our own materials, not only for our clothing but for our over -shirts, jackets, winter caps, gloves and mittens. We are selling Children's Clothing made from the very best all wool, wear-resisting stock of our own selection. We are showing some suits at $2, $2.50 and $3, and have some higher and some lower in price. want to call Your Attention to the $4 and the $4.50 suits are made of all wool, fancy The coats are double-breasted we are handling. The $4 suits cassimere of the best quality.

and are well made up, and the pants have double knees and patent waist band. The $4.50 suits are made from the very bei-t cassimere which the looms of the world produce. They are built in a manner which is sure to please the most exacting. 1 hey are styiisn, wear-resisting, and will always retair 4ir shape. These garments cannot be matched elsewhere in 1 his city for the price We could enumerate scores of other bargains in this line but space forbids.

A viit to our store would convince you tha ouigoods are all baits and our baits are all bargaius. A. HOLLEN, CLOTHIER and SHOER laundry from using Beautiful Whiteness and Finish A la always the result in the ISUilf) ITfflOU "SILVER GLOSS" for over half a century has ariven perfect satisfaction. It costs no rr ore than inferior brands then why not have the best? For sale bv all first clas9 grocers. HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT.

NOT TO SHAYE WITH." rrtet ft.

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