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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 1

Galveston, Texas
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Gosng Ahead and federal aid for paving the Texas City cutoff road was aj- proved in Austin yesterday and a favorable report was made on the county's request for paving the Santa highway. Galvestaa --la leading grain port at gulf. There are four elevators, having Btorage capacity of more than 5.000.000 at wheat 87TH YEAE-NO. 162. GALVESTON, TEXAS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1928.

ESTABLISHED 1843 STORM DEATH TOLL MOUNTS SEE VICTOBY IN DIVISION BET DENEEN AND THOMPSON BIOCS. Mrs. McCormick Md Senator Both Taking Active Part in Party's Campaign. Hoover Attacks Demos On Immigration In First Eastern Talk By Associated Press. NEWARK.

N. Sept. the face of the greatest deraon- By Auoclted Springfield. Sept presidential drive In Illinois is gathering momentum In an atmosphere that still carries echoes of the bitter factional strife In Chicago where high explosives fre.quenth have been mixed with politics. The republican campaign forces resent a picture of conflicting am itions that have for their commor goal political control of the state and some adherents of Herber Hoover wonder what effect the prl vate warfare will have upon their candidate's race with Alfred Smith.

A hope that ft will have much effect and all bad is held by the democrats, who themselves onlj lately have smoothed over organization troubles with tho appointment of Thomas F. Donovan as successor to the late national committeeman, George E. Brennan of Chicago. Deneen vs. Thompson.

The turmoil within the republican ranks revolves around the determination of the opposing forces of Senator Deneen and those of the Thompson-Crowe group to have dominant voice In the management of the Hoover campaign. Recently some semblance of unity was achlved and it is intended that the rival factions shall work in harmony with the republican state central committee, but some of those Intimate with both sides declare the arrangement won't last untl November. With all their difficulties, dem Continued on Page 12, Column-3) BEHEADING THREAT SPEEDS WORK AS ABDICATORS OF BOT ARE SOUGHT. By Associated Prens CWcago, Sept that they have In custody three of the six men who kidnaped 10- year-old Billy Ranieri twelve days ngo, police tonight were engaged In what they termed a race with death--an attempt to find the other three abductors before they out their threats to kill the boy and send his hend to the frantic parents. The abductors, who nt first demanded $80,000 from A.

Frank Ra- nlerl, Italian acwcr contractor, for the return of his son, today sent what they called final demands, in which they asked $15,000 and threatened to decapitate tha child and send tha parents "a little package," Three separate searchers for the lad and his abductors were being made today. The Chicago police were conducting a hunt after arresting three men, who, they said, comprised hnlf the kidnaping ring. Thoae under arrest aro Salvatoro Mastrolanni and Rcnoldo Sohlcdo, already charged with the kidnap- ing, and Angelo Petlttl, alleged ex- tortioner. Tho pollen said they knew tho names of the other three men they charge perpetrated the kid- naping, but did not revor.l them. Possibility that federal authorities havo entered the hunt for the tenaCu a comcrnncf; mic iwfiujr Ihc Ranicrl home, nt which also were present representatives of tho family, police officials and on assistant stale's attorney.

THE WEATHER For Gnlvcnton and vicinity: Tuesday partly dourly; modrrnte lo ficSf, northerly winds. East TeJtns--Tuesday and Wednesday generally fair. Light to moderate northerly to ennterly winds on tho const. West Texan--Tueadny and Wod- nenday Rcnerally fair. Ixmlsiana--Tuesday ond Wednesday fair.

Moderate to fresh northwest to northeast winds on tho coast. Arkansas--Tuenday fair; Wednesday fair, warmer In northwcut portion. fair, warmer In northwest portion; Wednesday fair, warmer. The Onc'Minufe Pulpit Behold, how good and how pleasant It la for brethren to dwell lo- gclhor In unity! II In like NIP prncioxtH ointment, upon tho head, ran down upon tho board, even Aaron's braid: (lint went down to tho pklrtfl of hfn gnr- cxxxlll, 1-U. COMMITTEE IS NAMED TO WOKK OUT DETAILS TOE BOND ISSUE.

trail on he has witnessed since bo was chosen to bear the presidential Btandard of the republican party, Herbert Hoover tonight delivered the first stroke of his campaign to win tho East. Speaking here tonight after an automobile tour through a dozen or more smaller towns in the vicinity the republican nominee do- Bcrlbed the a i and Immigration stands of the democrats aa serious threats to the program of labor or a full-time Job for every man. A throng of people that occupied every available lach of space had jammed it self into the 113th Regiment armory to hear the nominee-. As he arose to begin hie speech, expanding his labor views, a wild burst of applause swept ihrough the hall. The cheering continued for several minutes, and when the candidate could make himself heard ho thanked tho people of Newark' for tho reception accorded him in this vicinity.

Then he plunged into hla speech. Progress of Seven Years. The position of tlm democrats on tariff and immigration, he told them, might constitute a barrier to the onward sweep of the progress he said had been during the last seven and a half years. He described the activities of the republican administration toward leading America out of the unemployment bog into which the country had fallen In 1921, adding, however, that there still were two Industries, cooi and textile, which had not yet climbed over the top. He pledged himself to carry forward dillgentlv the task of aiding them "to their full recovery by every assistance the govei nmint can afford." A burst of applause greeted his tariff pronouncement and as he proceeded, the candidate interpolated Into his prepared speech the declaration that ''what I and the republican party want is a tariff that will protect American labor." Midsummer Heat An almost mid-summer heat started hundreds of fans and hats to moving In crowded building as the audience endeavored to start a semblance of a breeze from the soggy air.

A cloud of blue smoke loosed by the Intermittent flashlight shots added to the discomfort. The candidate's voice appeared to grow stronger as he moved into the body of his speech, pointing to the high, 6tandards of living and wages enjoyed by the American working man and various phases that he esJd had contributed to the progress of labor. A new ovation broke over the hall as 'be concluded his eppech after audience change in national policies at a time of advancement might constitute a "turn toward disaster." The republican candidate spoke aftrr more than a half dozen parly chiefs from various sections of the slafe had lauded their chieftain and achievements of the party. Ho was Introduced by Mayor Thomaa Jj. Raymond of Newark.

The speech came at the end nf a busy day during which the icmib- Hcan presidential candidate journeyed across three states to carry his ballots Into the northern Now Jersey territory adjacent lo the home of his democratic opponent, Governor Alfred E. Smith. Making only one official stop-- tho candidate arrived In Nnwark shortly after noon. A considerable crowd cheered him as he passed from the railway station to his (Continued on Page 7, Column 3) BELIEF NEEDED FOK HURRICANE SUFFERERS IN PORTO RICO. An appeal to Galvestonlana for aid for Porto Rlcon hurricane sufferers waa issued yesterday by from 'William M.

Baxter manager of the midwestern branch of the American Red Cross. "Citizens of Galveston who have experienced the suffering that follows in the wake of hurricane know the need of quick action in relief," declared (Japt. Goudgo. Following: speeches streasinji the Imperative need of a better home for the court of civil appeals, a committee was appointed at the courthouse, last night to determine the beat type of building, amount of the bond Issue necessary and to co-oDpratc with trm commissioners' court in furthering the project. About two dozen persons attended the meeting, which was c.illed by County Judge E.

B. Holman. The committee will hold Its first meeting this morninp at 10 o'clock in the office of Judse J. C. Canty, chairman.

Other members are Brantly Harris, Owen D. Barker, J. W. YVavnmn, Jacob Singer and Fred C. Pabst.

Last night's session In the county court room opened with the election of John Darrouzet as chairman and Owen Barker secretary. Judge Holman stated tho purpose of the discuss Iho'quostlon of floatine a bond Issue for Improving the the court of civil appeals building and repairing the courthouse and lail. Commissioner Vic Dantln estimated that to put the civil appeals building in eood condition would cost from $15,000 to $20,000, while to remodel It as a two-storv structure would copt about $30.000, Jacob Singer pointed out that the (Continued on Page 11, Column 7) APPROXIMATELY 250 MORE PUPILS ENROLL ON OPENING DAY. DUdgO. ondcd (Japt.

Galveston has always nobly to the call for help by tho American Red Cross. "The Galvcston chapter asks that contributions for relief of the hur- An increase of 250 students over last year's opening day enrollment was reported yesterday by E. G. Lit tie John, superintendent of the Galveston public schools. Virtually all of the schools showed some In- Total registration yesterday was 6,177.

Additional enrollment is expected today. Bail High School has the largest number of pupils, 979 enrolling the first day, an Increase of ninety-six over last year. The next largest was the Rosenberg School with 783, an increase of thirty-nine. San Jncinto totaled 586, with an increase of twenty-nine; Alamo School registered 471, an Increase of twenty-four; Sam Houston showed an Increase of forty-three over the first day last year, 607 enrolling yesterday. Brewer W.

Key School showed a decrease of eighteen, with -134 enrolling. Six hundred nnd seventy-seven enrolled in Crockett School, as against 697 the first day last year. Enrollment in the West End School was 110, as against ninety-seven last rlcane victims In Porto Rico be year. son A 10 exocutivo secrolary: Central High School enrollment SS ofnc citv ficc i was 371, the East District School r-oTi 10 vos ws 352 and the West District School Goudgr, Jso. 4, Marine Building.

gns Checks ore to ho made payable The letter from Mr. Baxter follows: "You have rend In the press of tho terrific hurricane thnt Is now sweeping (he Weal Indies. In Por- 0 Rico nnd other Islands thousands of homes hnve been destroyed and crops devastated. There Is on Immediate need for food, shelter, mod- cal supplies nnd emergency relief. At the request of President Cool- the Red Cross bus tnkon clmrco of relief activities.

"There Is an Imperative need for 1 large fund. Your chapter should nke fmmedtilto stepa to notify I ho mbllc tlmt you will receive and "orwiml contributions to notional iiendqunrlors, giving Ihn wirloal possible publicity to the npnenl. Tho Amerlcnn National Red Cross has mnde an JnlLlnl donation from national funds of $50,000. "Henry M. Baker, rmtlonnl director of disaster relief, Ifl on his wny tn Porto HIco, accompanied by tnilnod dlsnntcr staff, nnd will so In clmi'KC of relief Activities.

"I nhnll npprcclntr. It givnlly If acknowledging (liis leller you will Indicate which Jmvc ir-nn a to plnco this irmtlor before the citizens munlty." of your com- CHARGED AS GIRL DIES Poisoning of Sisters Is Suspected; Viscera of Las, to Die Being 'Examinee by Chemist. Dy Associated Gatesville, Bept Mrs. Willie Frazor is in the county jail here formally charged with having administered poison to Miss Adeline Frazer. 17, who died at Mexia last Friday while visiting an aunt.

Mrs. Frazer, second wife of Frazer, Leon Junction agent, Cotton Belt Railroad, haa repeatedly denied any connection with the death of Miss Prazer, her stepdaughter, since her arrest last Saturday by Sheriff W. W. Rollings worth. Suspicion Arises.

Miss Frazer died under similar circumstances as did her slater, Miss Gallic Frazer, at Texarknna about three ago. Suspicion arose as to the causa of the girl's death and Sheriff Hollingsworth opened an investigation, resulted in the arrest of Mrs. Frazer. An autopsy was performed and the viscera of Miss Adeline Frazer sent to Baylor University, Waco, where Dr. W.

T. Gooch, head of the unlversity'e chemistry department Is making- a chemist's analysis, In a preliminary report. Dr. Gooch reported having found traces of poison. As yet, however, Dr.

Gooch has not made his final report to the sheriff. On Aug. 14, 1927, Mrs. Frazer came here from 'Tennessee and married Frazer under the name of Miss Willie Ferrell, saying she was a single woman, but she now says she was once married and that she haa a son nearly grown in Louisiana. She first stated that Her former husband was dead, but now says that he Is living.

Waco, Sept. Findings of a chemist's analysis In an autopsy after the death of Miss Adeline Frazer, 17, of Mexia, who died Friday of a strange ailment are not expected to be known for several Dr. head" Pbfvthc Baytdr chemistry de' partment, received the girl's vls- (Contlnued no Page 12, Column 1) REHEARING ON SOUTHWESTERN CASE OPENED BY I. C. C.

EXAMINER. Special to The News. New York, Sept on the recent order of the interstate commerce commission in the consolidated Southwestern rate cases was opened today on the" petition of twelve Eastern commercial organizations which have joined with Merchants' Association of New York In opposing tho order as discriminatory. About fifty attorneys and witnesses for Eastern ahlppers and chambers of commerce were present. Testimony was heard by C.

M. Bardwell, examiner 'for the Interstate commerce commission of the bureau of traffic of the commission. William Simmons, traffic manager of the Morgan Line', testified on behalf nf all the gulf steamship ines. He introduced into the record five exhibits to show that the gulf steamship lines have to meet competition not regulated by the com- nission from lines that take traffic away from the regulated companies without publishing rates. The organizations which joined with the Merchants' Association in opposing the order which has been suspended pending a reopening of case, contend that If the order allowed to stand the Eastern seaboard will lose the full benefit of its natural advantages in doing business with the Southwest.

G. H. Mucklcy, counsel for the lines, said after the morning session that the steamship lines are nsking tho commission to permit ihem to publish such rates as will an necessary to meet the compctl- Inn of the Middle Western shippers and alo tho unregulated steamship comporltlon, such as comes from the Newtex Linos, without reducing correspondingly all over they feerva. Lindbergh Subs for Stunt Flyer TAKES PLACE IN DAREDEVIL TKIO. When Lt J.

J. Williams was killed In a plane crash at the national air meet at Los Angeles, Col. Lindbergh took his -place as head of the army's stunt trio. His stunt companion's shown with him are Lt. W.

Cornelius, left, and I. A. Woodring, right. State Aid for Texas City Road Approved; Report On Highway 58 Is Favorable Coat of paving the three-mile Texas City cut-off road with concrete will be shared.equally,by the county, state and federal governments, according to a message to County Judge E. B.

Holman from Commissioner W. T. Smith and Engineer Washington, who were in Austin yesterday attending the commission meeting. government will 'the Xexai gov a.50-50 message 'stated! adding that "a favorable report" had been received on the reouest for aid In aving Highway Npi 58. Judge' Joima'n said this probably meant that the state would be to take action on this project at an earlier date than was' Indicated at a previous meeting 'of- the commission.

The Texas City road will be con- probably twenty-five feet wide, at a total cost of about The county's share of 'approx- $60.000 will be taken from what is left of the half-million-dollar bond issue to rave Highway PRESENT ROSY PICTURE TO NOMINEE; OMAHA SPEECH DUE TONIGHT. By Associated Press. Governor Smith's Train, en Route Omaha, Sept. 17--Presenting a rosy picture from the democratic standpoint of the political trend the normally republican ttate of Illinois, a group of party leaders assured Governor Smith Irf Chicago i No. 6, It is believed, thereby doing away with the necessity of a bone issue.

Routine matters and discussion of the Bolivar ferry arid landing plans will be considered at the regular meetine- of the county commissioners court tffday at 3 o'clock. Full consideration of the project held over.until Wednesday morlng at 10 'o'clock! howevery: when the court -will-. conference seBBlon. The court Is holding in abeyance three bids submitted (he-ferry, "We are hesitating "to much of the bond issue money for the landings, as it would leave too little to shell the peninsula road," said the judge. "We are considering asking tractors to offer new bids, based on their own plans and specifications, In the hope of grettlne a cheaper price.

We do not know now that' traffic over the ferry would justify an expenditure of that amount for landings only." MANY COUNTIES ALLOWED CONTRACTS AND ROAD AID By Associated Press. Austin, Sept. contracts aggregating $1,467,314 in fourteen counties were let and nine counties were given state and some federal highway aid today by the state highway commission. The commission met for the opening of a scheduled two day session. The meeting was for the purpose of letting: highway contracts estimated to total more than and h.ea,rInK applications for designations and aid from twenty- eight counties.

Contracts were let for road work in Austin, Webb, Kinney, Foard, Hudspeth, Matagorda, La Salle. Refuglo, Victoria, Harris. Knox, Cottle, Hudspeth and Robertson Aid distributed- Included the following: Cameron County--One-half state (Continued on Page 5, Column -1) tonight that be would earn- the SUN COMPANY state perhaps, with a majority TEST HITS SALT ON SUMERY-ILLE "Ape-Man" Is Reported in Vancouver; Bones Found on Farm Declared to Be Human By AjifMlatcrt Prrss. Vancouver. Sept, Stuart Northcott, his mother.

Mm. Loula Northcott, and Mrs. Wlnnlo Clark, mother of Snndford Clark, who flcursd In the Riverside, "murder farm" mystery, were In Vancouver last night, provincial pollen revealed late today. Tho iCorthcottH nnd Mrs. Clark were, located In rooming house, nollce said, nnd left these quarters for an unknown dcsllnaton between 11 n.

and midnight, 0 0 0 Loa AiiRclcfi, Sept. Scnrch of nnllco records revealed (hot Stunrt. Norlhrotl, sought for ollocrrd mtmlont at. his nivorrido chicken ranch, had been arrested three yearn ago for a statutory offense uoon a 12-year-old boy. The records show that young Northcott, on July 24, 1025, was "severely reprimanded" by the juvenile court and released.

A pack of love letters addressed to younc: Northcott, which sheriffs deputies found amonir his effects at the ranch, indicated that the mother of (he attacked 12-year-old boy was carrying on an ardent love, correspondence with Northcott. Tho officers declined to reveal the name of tho woman whom they Indicated was an elderly and wealthy resident of Highland Pork, a suburb of i Anfrdl les. One of the letters (Continued on Page 9, Column -0 excess This estimate was given the presidential nomine; by Thomas Donavan, democratic national committeeman and chairman of the party's state commiUee. Donavan. who succeeded the late George Brennan as the Illinois member of the national committee, boarded Special to The Jlews Houston, me nauonaa committee, noaraeo i the candidate's special train as it oint to the possibility of new oil halted in the Root Avenue yards i producinga In the area on Sumer- of tjie New York Central.

Six other supporters of Oie New York governor accompanied Pon- avan, nnd rode with him nnd the nominee through c. network uf railroad tracks to the west ride of the city, where the train was turned over by the New York Central to the Chicago Northwestern for the overnight run to Omaha, In the Nebraska city. Governor Smith will deliver his first campaign speech tomorrow nigni, with (Continued on Page 12, Column 3) EDISON HONORED BY OLD PALS AT BIG RADIO SHOW By ABioclated Press. New York, Sept. surprise party for Thomaa A.

Edison tonight was a feature of the formal opening of the radio world's fair In Madison Square Garden. The famous inventor, officially opening the exposition with a radio address, was Introduced at the microphone by his old friend, Henry Ford. Harvey Firestone, an intimate of both men, Introduced Ford. Edison had not known that either nf his two cronies would be present Mr. Firestone disclosed tho secret that hod been been kept from Edison with an explanation of how he and Mr.

Ford had been asked to attend a dinner tn the inventor's honor before the opening of tho radio fair. After his hrlof talk Mr. Edition wont back to his home In East Orange, 'gin 350 ville dome, sixteen miles north of Brenham, In Washington County, by the Sun Oil Company. The company's No. 1 Grote wildcat on Gay- hill, which blew out below 1,000 feet, tested salt water around 4,600 feet two weeks ago.

The well yraa tho company's first in this section. ELECTION TRIAL WILL OPEN OCT. 1 By AMOCiatert Press. Dallas, Sept. of V.

Ray Adams of Bartlett, charged with the murder of Orville Ma-1 thews at Dallas' busiest corner the morning of Sept. will bej Oct. 1. A special venire of i men was summoned for the case today. Adams Is free on 525,000 bond.

The men are said to have had a disagreement over payment of a $2,000 election bet on the Mayfleld- ConnaJly senatorial runoff, for which Mathews was stakeholder. The money was paid to a man bearing a purported ordcr but which later was declared a forgery. DETECTIVES ARE HELD AS GANGLAND QUIZ CONTINUES By Associated Press. Philadelphia, Sept. police detectives were arrested and held in bail today on charges growing out of the grand Jury investigation of gang mur- dern, bootlegging and bribery of police.

They were Harry Bennett and Louis Farlca. Thoy were acciined, In warrants sworn out at the direction of District Attorney Monaghan, of extortion, conspiracy nnd Bribery. HURRICANE BEATS PATH INTO GEORGIA; DAMAGl EXCEEDS 1926 DISASTER 24 Known Dead at Lake Okeechobee, Nine at West Palm Beach; Center Expected at Satian- nah This Morning. By Associated Press. TAMPA, Sept.

of reports that twenty-fontf" persons wore killed In the hurricane which swept the Lake Okeechoj- bee region last night was announced tonight by Col. S. Lowry commanding the Eleventh Field Artillery here, who ordered two national guard units to the area for emergency duty. Col. Lowry aaid the advices were conveyed to him Jong dltance telephone by Cap.

Rupert Smith, whom ho had dispatched to the lake Okeechobee district to investigate the extent of storm damage. Moat of those killed lived along the banks of the lake. The colonel said Smith reported he personally had seen many bodies removed from wrecked dwellings. State troops from Arcadia and Bartow were called out for duty 1 in the area, and Col. Lowry said he and his staff planned to leave later tonight for that section.

PALM BEACH, Fla.tsept. are known dead and 140 injured as a result of the hurricane which swept the Palm Beach section of the Florida coast Four of the known dead are In West Palm Beach. Three, all 1 negroes, are dead in Delray; The other two deaths occurred at Greea Acres, a suburb of West Palm Beach. A Wast Indian hurricane such as history has seldom recorded al- dy "having swept over 1,500 miles of sea and land, dealing death and destruction in a hundred, mile swathe; last night was roaring onward through Florida to new fields, in Georgia and South. Carolina.

The following warning was issued from Washington last night: 9:30 p. storm warnings ordered north of Georgetown, S. to Virginia Capes 'and warnings lowered Gulf Key West to Mobile. Hurricane central 8 p. m.

between Cedar -Keys and Jacksonville, and recurving toward the north and northeast. Its center will likely pass near Savannah, in about twelve hours. Intensity of the storm considerably less when it reached the southeast Florida coast." Deaths In -Four Figures. The death toll will run'td four figures when the isolation of. Qua-? deloupen.lnteripr -Pqcto.

Rico, arid Central 'lias 4 conquered by relief forces already at work. Property damage will 'reach a stupendous total with Porto Rico alone estimating her loss In excess of Ships, farms, factories, roads, power, telegraph, telephone, cable, and- homes by the hundreda' of thousands have been wrecked, broken and flattened'by the wind. Tidal waves have struck. Starting to the eastward of the of the 'Windward Islands, Sept. 13, the hurricane marched JOO miles a day steadily on over Leeward and Virgin Islands, smashed down on three quarters of Porto Rico with full strength, menaced the north of the Dominican republic, reduced the Bahamas to silence for.

four days and trod on toward Florida. Southeast Coast. Striking the southeast coast or state Sunday with undirnlu- shed fury it hurtled inland, leaving a wreckage behind 'from which (Continued on Page 7, Column 3) Tl MIAMI CONTRIBUTES FOOD; KOBfflSON PULLMAN IS ATTACHED. By Associted Prees. Miami, Sept Tropical Radio to relief train arranged for by Miami citizens to aid the hurricane-stricken area north of here left at 7 o'clock this morning, carrying milk, food and medical supplies to those in need.

The train consisted of sixteen carried ten tank cars of drinking water, three baggage cars loaded with food and medical supplies, i day coach and a private diner and Pullman tendered by Senator Joe T. Robinson, democratic vice presidential nominee, who arrived here yesterday. Senator and Mis. Robinson accompanied tha relief train. The vice presidential candidate said the diner he carried would be of service as It was stored with food for five or six days, and contained a kitchen, while It was believed the other would be converted into a temporary hospital.

Washington, Sept. American Red'Cross turned its attention to storm-swept Florida and its refugees today after dispatching nearly 2,000 tons of food and 1,500 tons of tents and blankets to Porto Rico, where the extent of suffering from last week's West Indian hurricane Increased with every report. Lnte today, President Coolidge issued an appeal to the American people to contribute "promptly and most generously" to the Red Cross fund for the relief of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. He characterized, the hurricane devastation as "an overwhelming disaster" In those islands and pledged "all possible assistance" of the government. The Red Cross, he added, would assume the task of rendering aid.

"acting na the agent of the American people." Miss Elizabeth G. Fox, chief nf Red Cross nurses, and an assistant entrained for Jacksonville, tonight to direct a BtaffAyf six xvork- (Contlnued on Page 5. Column 0) LOSS BE If. S. SOLDDSES KAY BE CALLED HI.

By Associated Press. San Juan, Porto Rich, Sept. citizens of Porto Rico today organized themselves to the emergency "of the steadily mounting, hurricane death-toll and thS bitter distress of of 'the' Justice Em'eH De'. Torti.vr*s' of the com-j mittee of Goirr errior Horace had summoned representative 'clttzena for counsel. This meeting was followed Jater by organizations of; members of the Chamber: of Commerce and- of the Clearing HoU3tt Association to co-operate in the relief work.

Slay Soldiers. Justice Del Torq announced that If the civil authorities proved inadequate to cope with the situar tion, Governor Towner, as com- mander-ln-chlef of. both the United States army and the national guard in the island, would 'be asked to turn those forces to the work. A careful check on the property' loss resulted in an estimate" of 565,000,000, with many Items unlisted which it was believed would raise the total to $100,000.030.. The homeless were officially estimated at 700,000, with half that number hungry and without support: Estimate of the death toll was in-, complete ana ranged from 300 'to The latest town to report casualties is Coamo, where nine were killed.

Among them was. Fellcita. Cartegena, girl telephone operator; who continued at her switchboard, giving warnings and asking for aid, until she was killed. Infant Blown Away. Navy radio men returning from the station at Cayey reported today that thirty bodies had beeff buried there in one grave.

the dead at Humacao was a smau infant who was torn from Its mother's arms by the wind and hurled 200 feet to Its death. 1 In the same city a merchant, who was attempting to close his door after admitting a man who sought shelter, was blown through a window Into the river and drowned Reports today from the southern, section of the Island, extending from Ponce to Mayaguez on the west coast, indicate that damage there was not so severe as in the northern half of the island, which was devastated throughout its length. School Commissioner Juan-B today said the loss to the public schools of Porto Rico was several million dollars TM Although nearly every business has suffered disastrously, both bankers and business nun In Sa5. Juan today voiced opposition jested WblCh had been Sept 17. Continued on Page 11, Column Industry! rtnhs Irom Galveston are sold In thirty-five states and In England.

Flour milled here Is an Important commodity on all ilour markets of tho world. Gal- 7 st TM TM supply its rising hotels with (he best mattresses and box springs on the market without over going outside A wire mill and nail factory Is now marketing Its throughout tho southwest hi which It has no rival plant, a new rice mill has been organized and there has been much cxpanlon. In all existing Industries with several new ones added. Gnlveston'8 Industrial development forms one of the most Illuminating chapters. la News annual trade edition to appear Get, 1.

In addition to general Industrial story tho wire mill Is dcscrllwil In detail. Orders for cxtrn copies of The NewH 1 Annual Trade nmybp phoned to No. VW left at Tho News office..

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