The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas • Page 20
- Publication:
- The Brownsville Heraldi
- Location:
- Brownsville, Texas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 20
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
PAGE TEN THE' BROWNSVILLE. HERALD MARCH 1929- 'FLYING FLEET' PLAYING AT ARCADIA Funeral Today; Was Child of Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter Mary Elisabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hunter, died at the family home here at 12:30 p. m. Monday, after an illness of about four months. Funeral services were to be held at 4 p. m.
Tuesday, at the Hinkley parlors, with Rev. E. W. Marshall officiating, assisted by Rev. R.
O. i Mackintosh. Burial was to be in Buena Vista cemetery. The child was the grand-daughter of Judge and Mrs. Ira Webster, and Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Hunter. She was born in Brownsville Sept.
9, 1927, and was one year and six months old. Her death came as a result of an attack of influenza, which developed into pneumonia. Besides her grand-parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hunter, and Judge and Mrs.
Webster, Mary Elisabeth is sur- vived by several uncles and aunts. She was the child of the Hunters. Pallbearers were to be Robert Wells, Hfirokl Rowland, Ronald Sutherland, Emmett Dcdd. Frank Armstrong, ar.d Cuban Monsces. A letter addressed "The postmaster--to be given to some girl--Cincinnati.
Ohio," has been sent to the dead letter office at Washington. Mrs. Oak Well After 20 Years "I suffered from inactive liver for twenty years ar.d about three years ago I'became so terribly rundown I could not attend to my household Duties without stopping to rest. Ramon Novarro takes the role of a young naval aviator in "The Flying 1 which opens at the Arcadia. Harlmgen, tomorrow.
Most of the picture is made in the air, wuh stunts and thril.s a-plenty. The blond beauty of Anita Page as heroine proves an effective contrast Novarro. with the dark good looks of MRS. JULIA OAK "I would have such severe pains In my stomach after meals tha: 1 would have to run for the soda box. Dieting did not help ma, and the best medicines I could buy did not reach my case.
"But Sarpon went right to the root of my trouble without a minute's time. I never saw AT THE CAPITOL Although not officially designated, the next three days in latieh ticn. week in Brownsville. On these days the wise-cracking, pugnacious and fundamentally funny Messrs. Cohen and Kelly will be here with their wives.
After an absence nearly a year they are returning in i another of the Univcrsal's peron-1 nially. anatomy-splitting comccy series, the title this time beins "The Cohens and Xellys in Atlantic City." It will play al the Capitol theater. The Cohens and Kcllys in past i performances have- proved to be one of the fur.nicKt groups in ma- i tion pictures. Originated by Carl Laemmle several years ago. i swerjt the country, the first Cohen i I young Annapolis men, set in a I graphic background of battle practice and sensations in the clouds.
Most of tho picture photo- Graphed in the air. GCOITJC Kill, director of "Tell It to the Marinas" and "The Cossacks," directed the new produc- Anita Page is the heroins, anci Gardner James. Carroll Nye, Eddie Nucent. Ralph Graves. Sumner Gclshel! and others of note are among the nlavers.
AT DITTHIAVN 111 "Me. Gangster," Racul Walsh's eoic of rhs underworld, produced by Fiims and adapted from Charles Frr.r.cis Coo's story, there is.a gang fight that ranks high in realism. In rehearsing the scene before Walsh colled the dozen participants together cine! impressed i'. was to be no tea party, no punches were to be pu-1- thourrht jr. that Dces Not Have Effect Of Ripening Immature Citrus Fruits WASHINGTON.
D. March 26. --The process of coloring citrus fruit by meanse of exposure to ethylene ens has been extended to a of other fruits and vegetables with varying success, accord- Ins to investigators in the bureau 01 chemistry and soils and the bureau of p'ant industry of the United department of agriculture. Although the use of ethylone gas in coloring oranges is commonly ae- and Kelly picture- proving the most! everyone should have was that thing like it. I fi-lt better from the very' first dose, and now I eat anything I war.t without any ill effects.
I am not the least bit nervous and feel so well and strong that even after I get through with my housework I want to be up and on the go. "Sargon Soft Mass Pills com- Swain pletely overcame my liver trouble the Irishman. sr.cucsyful eomr'lv of the Even ths astute Mr. Laemmle wn" The film is said to 1 rtarted the popularity of Coi-en- tc-ami with, ar.d public. "The and Kell.vs in Atlantic City" is of business who ert'i't fret 1 with each or without each This iinio they arc; knit rtooris business r.nd Craft lakes advantage of in fhowinr; bevic-i of ar.d bru- r.rtle was p.
bit of the famous brock the slouan of which "hit a hoari wherever you see it." The care, including Harry Cattle. Bob Perry. Ell! and' a half dczen former puss, thought me idea prcnt one and proceeded to i real action. Joe? Erown. formerly of the famous Eoarinrr Forties in New Yors.
Goorrre Vcra Gordon and Kate Price portray the same roto hand, so 'hey in th? earlier versions, referee in 1 row a motion picture actor, evi- did not think so much uf Uin but he had an idea. To Wnlsh he said. I got a great idea. I got th- I I got a bum right whv not let. me be the this scene?" Gangster." now at the Ditt- constipation.
act did not upset my me the Irast oit gently that they or sick. "I know from experience that the Sargon treatment will end and liver complaint 1 I feel just like I have been made all over like new, nnd I want all my frionds to know what this grand meuicir.e do." The above statement was made recently by Mrs. Julia Oak, well known and highly esteemed resident of R. F. D.
1. Box 157, San Antonio, whose motherly; has endeared to hundreds of friends throughout her community. Sargon may be obtained in Brownsville from Cisneros Drus Stores: La Fnria from Maloao harmacy: in San Benito from The four are Theater, features Don Terry. to their parts to I now Norn Lane, a Cnllyer. with oritc, Cornelius Kesfe.
provide the Virgi-in and Tom Kennedy, rt capable ster-duo, arc also in the cast. discovery, and Jims Anders P.andolf. Ar- ARCADIA. "SaiMK's" for si-Dlanes the strange devices which the sensa- scenes in "The Flying Fleet." :ir.w Met- tcmorrow to the Arcadia theater with sound synchronization, made necessary. The "saddler." were great stool tracks fitted over the of camera, ar.d by these trades the cameras could be turned in any direction while the pilots followed Stone, Carol Lombard.
Nigel De Erulier. Gustav Von Scyf- fcrtitz in important roles. Falace Pharmacy: in Los Presnos! U'yrating naval spaphmcs in their from Butler Drug and in Rio sensational loops, Irnir.elman turns Hondo from Rio Hondo Drug Store. and other evolutions. Novarro plays a young naval AT QUEEN" Tonight as a special inducement to the ladies one lady will be acl-! 3d free to see the performance of Arthur's Comedians in that funny comedy.
"Toby the Hypnotist." This play is filled with the best of comedy ar.d has an interesting story. The vaudeville will be changed ar.d the stage performance will be complete change. One will be admitted free Monday only when accompanied by one paid 50-ccn: ticket afer p. m. No where is a real bargain and all I you theater going people get in line and see the big show ir.
conjunc- QUAKER STATE-MENTS By giving thy patronage to Quaker State Motor Oil, thee gets in return an extra quirt in every gallon! This is made possible by special refining -which removes from each gallon a quart of material of little or no value to thy motor. In place of this waste, thec gets four full quarts of excellent lubricant in every gallon! for tlic with the regular picture pro- The vaudeville and band presentations will also be changed. U. S. Inspector To Lcok Into Static Conditions Here wrio developed the method, after its discoverer.
Dr. F. 2. Denny, had secured public service paten- it, have prefered not tl" term "ripening" ir. descnoing the effect-, produced.
That term, it is ncinted is applied many wavs to describe natural nrocesses, may convey the idea of mcreas- the food supply in a fruit or vegetable, that is. increasing aie starch or sugar content. Their experiments them to think that the changes produced by are very similar to take place naturally ethylcnn gas those which aft(-r the fruit or vegetable has been harvested and is stored.under prop- conditions. Thsre is a decided LYFORD WINS LITERARY MEET WHIacy County League Gets Large Crowd Despite Inclement Weather LYFORD, March rain and unsettled weather the Willacy county literary interscholastic league meet was held In Lyford schools winning first place with 175 points, Raymondville second with 148 points and Sebastian third with 80 points. There was a large crowd at all events in spit of the rain.
The winners were as follows: Extemporaneous speaking, James Strawn of Lyford, first; Raymondville, second. Junior boy declaration, James Sorensorr ol Lyford, first; Raymondville second and third. Junior girl declamation, Beatrice Butler, Sebastian, first; Lyford second; Raymondville, third. Senior" girl declamation, Madeline Johnson, Lyford first; Lyford second: Raymondville, third. Senior boy declamation.
B. McCharen, Raymondville, first; Lyford, second; Raymondville, third. Boys' debate, Owen and Raymond Lofton of Lyford, first; Raymondville, second. Girls' debate, Lucile Brantley and Romance Since Childhood Ends In Spouse's Murder HARTFORD, March 26. --(IP)--Mrs.
Olive Adams, 31, who married Harry E. Adams the day after both were graduated from the Stoneham, high school in 1917, today stood charged with having murdered him by chloroform while he slept last Saturday night. They had been childhood sweethearts. Adams, 32, was meteorologist In charge of the United States weather bureau here. Police said Mrs.
Adams had confessed. Previously the case had been considered virtually closed by the medical examiner'3 verdict of accidental In her confession, Mrs. Adams described the greater part of her married life as one, torture and physical crusty. The woman told police that meteorologist had frequently employed chloroorm to induce sleep when he suffered insomnia. When he fell aasleep she poured more on a handkerchief which she pushed into his left hand and placed over his face.
In the morning he was found 'Blues' Return To Fort Brown After Years of Absence The old a direct descendant from the a 'blue" of the Civil war--are abroad once more at Fort Brown. The natty blue of a pert little cap, dark blue jacket, a lighter blue trousers and black shoes, has begun to crop out among the enlisted men. The "blues" were authorized re- Lillian Sorenson of Lyford, first; cently by the war department after Raymondville second. Sub-junior spelling, first; Lyford, second; third. i Junior spelling, Lyford, first; Se- bastian, second; spelling.
Raymondville, I first- Lyford, second; Sebastian,) having been banished during the border strife in 1914. These uniforms are designed primarily for dress wear and consequently were banished during the border troubles and World war. A stripe down the side of the trousers denotes the branch of service. In the case of the cavalry- hird, Junior essay, Baymondville, first; Sebastian, second; Lyford, third. Senior essay, Lyford, first; Se- Important Subjects bastian, second; Raymondyille, third, Music memory, Sebastian, first; i Lyford, second; Raymondville, third.
Group singing, Raymondville, first; Sebastian, second: Lyford, third. Arithmetic contest. Lyford. first; Raymond villle, second; Sebastian third. The Lyford schools won eight first places, six second places and two third places.
Raymondville won Jive first places, five second places and seven third places. Sebastian won two first places, four second places and three'third places. The athletic events were postponed until early this week due to the soft condition of the track ar.d fields. The judges wore: Prof. Hugh Porter from Kingsville Teachers College: Prof.
S. D. Hendrix from Edinburg Junior College ar.d Miss Velma Wilson Junior College. from Brownsville Local High School Admitted As Member Of N. H.
S. of S. S. men here, the' stripe is yellow. Will Be Brought Up At Merchants Meet J.
T. Canales Works On By-Laws for New South Order J. T. Canales, local lawyer, as a member of a committee appointed by the United Latin American Citizens recently organized in Corpus Chrlsti, is now preparing a constitution and by laws for the new body. The organization is a consolidation of clubs in South Texas working for the Americanization of Latin Americans.
The Knights of America, Sons of America and the Latin American citizens compose the new order, A second, meeting to clinch the. combined clubs will be held in Corpus Christi May 19 and 20. Prof. L. S.
Saenz of McAlIen also Is a member of the committee ap- pointed to draft- the constitution and by-laws. The Latin American. Citizens of this city number approximately 65 and are headed by M. Landin, WALTON WILSON WILL BE WOS OPERATOR Walton Wilson, station, operator at KWWG for the past three years, plans to.leave sometime this week for Jefferson, where bn will be connected with station WOS, one of the oldest radiophones in the United States, Wilson has been with KWWG almost since its opening nearly four, years ago. Prior to that time he was an amateur operator.
He is the son of Doctor and Mrs. W. A. Wilson. mtniann Last Time Today Educational Comedy Besides the election of officers, business to come before the Brownsville retail merchants association at the chamber of commerce Tuesday night includes a thorough discussion of the subject of spurious advertising, according to J.
Bernadine Price, The meeting be called to order at 7:30 p. m. The convention of the organization, to be held in San 3e- r.ito May 14, 15 and 15. also will be brought before the body Tuesday night. The local secretary urges all interested business men.
whether members of ths merchants zation or r.ot, attend the meeting' Tuesday. A complete staff of officers are to be elected in the reorganization of a new charter of incorporation obtained. Brownsville high school charter as a member of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools, has been approved by the council, according to a letter to A. Caldwell, dean of the Brownsville junior college. This is the second enrollment of the-Brownsville school in the three months to higher affiliations.
The first being the admittance to membership to the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary 'Schools. In confirming the decision of the council in regard to the local school. H. V. Church, of Cicero, 111., a noted educator, wrote Mr.
Caldwell as loi- STl 1d EYERiSn, Colic, gas. sour belching, frequent vomiting, feverishness, in babies and children, generally show food is souring in the little digestive tract. symptoms appear, difference, however, in the time required for the change. If an crange is picked when immature, ir.ri before the fruit has s-orcd sufficient ethylene gas will not add to the sugar or reaucs i acid. It does promote ri color- the rind that makes other' attractive I give Baby a teaspdonful of Phillips i- Milk of Magnesia.
Add it to the the national council. I am ordering your charter engrossed." inr: of wise desirable fruit more to the eye, In the case of pears Transit Company To Make Estimate Of Citrus Crops the full I HARLINGEN. March Exact. swe'etne'F of the fruit may r.ot have nearly exact figures on pro- ar- rf.jction of ftrapefrait and oranse a- trees of various ages in the Valley ter'al is in the form of starch, which secured by N. D.
Zuber, chances to sugar in t.hc course of horticulturist with the American ELhylene gas causes the Refrigerator Transit company, in Static conditions in Brownsville nnd the Valley are to be surveyed by an from the department of commerce some time early in April, according to re- ceiveci by station KWWG. While here, the inspector also give examinations far commercial anci amateur licenses, the letter stated. The government man. who is working out of New Orleans expects to go into the local "interference" problem thoroughly and to make recommendations for it sellm- ination. Pans who have been irrigated by I (he so-called "man-made" static for some into recently banded thcm- radio club oraer PER QUAItT Authorised Distributer Henry T.
Mathews AUTHORIZED D1STRIBUTCR 841 N. St. Mary's St. San Antonio, Texas to mnke an organized drive on the so-called "man-made" static for some time recently banded themselves into a radio club in order to make an organized drive on the noise. The club may seek to work with tne inspector in the war on the interference, leaders in the movement said.
VALLEY GRAPEFRUIT TO GO INTO COLD STORAGE changes storage. chang" to take place more rapidly. A desirable effect has been observed in t-catment of Japanese persimmons. But in none of these cases. the chemisi.s cmnhasize.
does ethylene cause a half-srown immature fruit to be made palatable. The experimenters have also had some success with green-colored apricots which grew on the inside branches of trees and failed to color for lack of sunlight. The department has had enthusiastic reports on treating green tomatoes to bring out color, but experiments by scientists in the department indicate that immature will benefit but ar.y.. Their results with other fruits and i vegetables have been Inconclusive, and they are unwilling to forecast; success until they have adequate; evidence. For citrus fruits the method is: widely used, and inquiries have come from nearly every citrus, growing country.
The method is i Well established in the citrus states of this country. order the company may esti- the number of new cars to manufacture for use in this section. Mr. Zuzer came here with H. V.
Meyer, agricultural agent of the Missouri Pacific. He will attempt to estimate the amount of fruit from each tree, since 18 75. tablespoonful in a glass of water. This will comfort the child--make his stomach and bowels easy. In i five minutes he is comfortable, happy.
It will sweep the bowels free of all sour, indigestible food. It opens the bowels ir. constipation, colds, children's ailments. Children take it readily because it is palatable, pleasant-tasting. Learn its many uses for mother and child.
Write for the interesting book, "Useful Information." Address The Phillips 117 Hudson New York, N. Y. It will be sent In buying, be sure to get GENUINE Phillips Milk of Magnesia. Doctors have prescribed it for over 50 years. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the tT.
S. Registered Trade Mark of The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical and its Chas. H.
Phil- according to age, and then will be able to estimate the total production of the Valley in the nexi few trees years, based on fiirures on secured by the federal quarantine inspectors. HEARING SET FOR MAN HELD IN RUM CHARGE Ride the PODJT ISABEL BUS LINE You Aro Insured Leaves Brownsville Black Diamond Bus Station 8:00 12:00 Leaves Point Isabel 10:00 2:00 6:00 ARTHUR'S COMEDIANS HOSTS TO NEWSIES HASTINGS. March number of men prominent in the i marketing and shipping of potatoes have arrived in Hastings, to be on har.d for the opening of the potato digging and shipping season. According to reports from those who are digging potatoes are turn- ing out around 35 to 40 barrels to the acre and the quality is said to be fairly good. Hearing is to" be held Wednesday before United States Commissioner K.
Goodrich for Eslanislado i Rodriguez, who is held in jail here on a charge of violating the pro- hibition laws. Rodriguez was arrested by J. H. Collins, mounted customs inspector, near Los Indies early Sunday. A touring car, which Collins said contained 36 quarts of mescal, was seized at the same time.
General Welding Radiator SpcciiHnt LAWN MOWER EXPERT T. J. Rommer Phono 722 Rear Miller Hotel VAlXEV TODAY ONLY -Ladies Free One lady will be admitted free tonight when accompanied with one paid adult 50c ticket after 6 p. m. To See ARTHUR'S COMEDIANS In that big laugh piay TOBY THE HYPNOTIST And Xew Musical Presentations in Conjunction with The Regular Picture Program If you -want a good laugh don't miss this one Harlingcn Last Time Today Hea irnl A Vitaphone Talking Picture Also MOVIETONE VAUD NEWS Opening Tomorrow RAMON In "THE FLYING FLE! The Great Epic of the Air All in Sound TOMORROW THURSDAY CQ'HENS "ATLANTIC CITY Starring GEORGE SIDNEY With Vera Gordon, Mack Swain and Kate Price COMMENTS MERCEDES.
March Rio Grande Valley Citrus Growers' association, thrcurrh its sales agent, the California Vegetable union, has made arrangements to put into cold storage at Houston the fruit of its members who believe they will be able to obtain a better price bv it from the market this month, which is the last on which it will be permitted to remain on I I the trees. Xow Showing- Phyllis Haver in "Sal of Singapore" Also A Christie Comedy "Slick Slickers" UNTIVEKSAL WESTERN Admission 10c, 25c New classes in shorthand, bookkeeping, typewriting and other subjects will be started next Monday, April 1, in both day and night sessions. president Commercial Moothart began Law Lectures this week Our night class should have a large enrollment for this subject --no extra charge. We still have more calls for graduates than those ready to send out. Just now we have calls from a large REALTY COMPANY at Edinburg, asking for three (3) competent young men bookkeepers and ste- should know that we have many calls during the year, offering inviting salaries.
Students having recently gone to; office positions, are: Alicia Guerra, Water District; Carl Henshaw, Southern Pacific; Miss Kalb, Merchants' Association; Miss Martmal, Brownsville Title Company, and Hallie Harrison, Brownsville Tailoring Company. We have an Evening Class known as Spanish-English for those wanting to learn more English. Join our classes without delay. Ravishing Beauts In Bathing Suits made business a pleasure for Cohen and Kelly, but vamps and wives make, hectic lives. to laugh as you've never laughed before.
IF-laughing is Tonic-Then tone up your system with this show. It was made for laughing purpose and we don't mean maybe-- THERE IS ALSO A GANG COMEDY.
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