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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 1

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GALYESTON, FRIDAY, JTOJY 12, CENTS. VOL. icc anylnJDg fatally objectionable in the A. 1L MEM) TTie Propoaed Hanla Ballroad Contract. The public have been informed at length of the nalioot points of tho proposed contract for placing the of tho Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe railroad company.

The main features of the projected arrangement aro brkfly as follows: The amount Of the bonds to be placed fZ.700,000, proceeds of tbo isle thsll net the compiny not less than 70 per cent, of tliif amount The bondholders, as mch, nhall have come' stockholders. Apparently it wonld be a desirable way of paying the debt. To bo the raid might become so profitable as to make such a payment a loia to stockholders and a corresponding gain to tht bondholders. But, as Identified with the fortunes Qal- stockholders would have been otherwise compensated, and they could reflect" w.itb-abundani comfort ihat, how. ever hard tho bargain, experience had demonstrated the wisdom of accepting it the bent thing attainable under the circumstances, one vote for each $100 of their bonds on all detcrmtnabla by ttock- liolderi, bat without participating in licit of director! thall be rcai'tet Gulrtictonians, and it the ex- -piratiov.

of tun the option nLJl remain with the bondholders of capital! y.bjj thuir bondi by converting them Block, Probably there J4 nothing ia the act of incorporation forbidding these provisions. Tho question, then, for those who are to deliberate upon and ratify or reject t'ue contract is one of expediency. Passing by what may appear to be the risror of these conditions, first thing that strikes one is that felicitations as to something accomplished arc premature. If the contract is ratified, it amounts to only agreement 011 the part of tho company to sell its bonds at a minimum price, and upon fixed conditions, and on tho part of the brokers to use their cndeavori to dispose of tho bonds upon these conditions, and within a ctatcd time, for the best price possible, and not less than tho minimum price. There ia no obligation to take tho bonds.

There is' no assurance on tbo face of the agreement that they will -bo taken or disposed of. On tno part of the brokers it iii simply an engagement to use their bos; tfCorts in 'this direction, "We do not refer to this as being a wholly one- arrangement. If tho brokers accomplish nothing, tho roal will pay nothing, and will lose nothing except the possible opportunity to make a more conclusive contract during tbo stipulated term accorded to the brokers. We notice the fiota mention ed simply as evidence that, 10 far the public can judge, and so far as anything on the face of tho agreement dljcloses, the company will be, after the ratification of the contract, ia much tho saroi- situation aa to the solution of its dim-- cultics tbnt il been ia for some time psst--in tbe sains situation, that is to say, thai. It was in whoa the bonds were in the bands nrst of one and then, of another eminent intermediary who, according to ilr.

Jemison, labored faithfully to placo them, but were unable to do so without the performance of some precedent conditions which have not yet been performsd, or, if performed, the extent or in the manner that was then required. We have purpose ly H.d stress upon tho fact that it is the fete ol the matter done--which furnishes occasion for who ao earnestly dcsira the completion of this important enterprise to beware that they do not delude themselves with believing that to ba already certain Thich ii ia terms problematical. Undoubtedly, though, those charged by the company with these negotiation? afe inn pressed with tbo conviction that the brokers can and will succeed--that they have the ability and the will to bring the securities into acceptance and rqucit as a desirable Investment. Kor is it improbable from, all the surroundings that they have determined to be come purchasers or ibsm- selves, though in, that case all hope of a greater price than the minimum may a well bo discarded. While, therefore, we believe that the confidence of the company's agents justifies mess- tiro of corresponding faith on the part of tho community that" upon the ratification of this contract tho success of tho entire road will bo assured, wo havo nevertheless felt it to be proper to point out, what must be manifest upon inspection, that this faith docs not grow Out of anything binding which has been agreed- upon, but out of a balance of probabilities such as wo have indicated.

We have referred to the apparent rigor of the conditions. One ia the price of the bonds; a second is the partial admission of the creditor to the of the proprietor; a third is the option of the Tli.i Twelfth or July. Tho battle of tho Eoyno, wblcb. was -in 1600, itill continues to ragi; returning 12:11 of July. King James, whom our.Gen.

Howard leems to tare taken ta bls'military model, has cont mv tcnixTTy to the succecs of tnc opposing by remaining in too cloie proximity to tho field of. battle. Ho 'at length perceived the blunder and fled, but act in tima to repair Sie damage. His opponent, and son-in-law, the Prince of gained a.great victory, even if ho was not educated at Point, but far ai that goes, King James was quite aa unfortuna'o. Although tho Orangemen and the' Irish Catholics have never been'able to harmonize exactly, yet when 'it comes to celebrating the anniversary of the battle of tho Boyno they never have failed to agreis in arranging for a Joint celebra- tion, assisted usually, by: tbo locil police, and on great occasions by regular military bodies provided with, fixed ammunition.

The principal object of these rival organizations of profcsain Christians seems- to bo gee up TOPICS IX THE INTJEEIOB AUSTIN. TIic Trial of (bo Train CKUBCH AMoay MI-- Arrival of the pmrintt for the Cou-vcnilon-- Feed. tBpvcitl Totegrun to tb0 AUSTIN, July The train robber trial in the United States court ia proceeding slowly, owing to the great number of witnesses. morning when the court opened an altercation took between Evaru, tho United States attorney, and Judge Earksdale, defending, about a publication in this morning's Slataman, impeaching the integrity of Wm. Scott, the principal- witness for the tlon.

Judge Duval fined each ono fifty dollars, The most interesting testimony to-day battle that even -surpass in 'ho original' fight, and in th they have made great progress of hit Not unfrequsatly the inqui.9 'live but feeble-minded wh destitute of all pr'ejtidica, an is merely looking on for his amusement is called on to swoli tho imposing mor tuary report" thit "is sure to'follow a.12th of-July join! target excursion Yery frequently the prejudice agains Js relaxed'to such an exton that oven policemen are allowed, muc, agalnit their will, to', assist the Hibcr nian exiles in their, frolicsome en deavor -to Cast away -dull care. A though tho authorities usually inter fere, aad'pruvent tha celebration fron aasuaing ihc proportions laid down i the I rogramDic, yet. the red and th green factions do not lose hope snd giv up, but, on contrary, they proccc to drill at. leading and pla toons, 'their minds filled with happy an ticipation of th'o'Sunday school.picni they will get up or. the next annivcr sary, and this is kept up to the disgua and horror of ail true American citi zcns, native and adopted.

It is time for tho battle of the Boyne to labeled-carefully and laid away among the rubbish of the past. creditor to become a co-nropriotor at a stated time. Regarding all these conditions it may be observed that, if they sre rigorous, it seems necessary to endure them. The road is admitted to be of imperious importance to Gal- vcston. Every one Sec? and feels its necessity.

As stands It is not only useless and unprofitable, but locks up the capital invested in it so completely that the same capital had as well be cast into tho sea. To remedy this of things, to extend the road with local resources, efforts have -'been put forth that seem to have satisfied tbo most persevering spirits of the futility of hoping for relief here. These efforts were repented with like ill success in our great monetary centers. Tho fact is, here the means could not be while abroad thu influence of rival corporations successfully combated the undertaking. Then, supposing, for the sake of "argument, that a hard bargain is offered whereby the invested capital msy be utilized, and a road which Gajvestou to much may bo extended--in that cato wnat docs dictate Unquestionably, to accept the bargain.

If tho terms aro severe, it is certainly belter to close witu them than to do worse by refusing withC'Ut being able to do something effectual, and do it soon. As tc the provision that the bondholders participate in the management of affairs of the company, although unusual, we can scenotliiag absolutely repugnant in it. Pnmafade tha interests of Galvcs- ton and of the bondholders are the same, but if it be supposed they may become antagonistic this point lecms to be measurably guarded against by the provision that tho shall be mostly residents of Qalveaton. Neither do wci WITH tho interviews iad yesterday with tv7o -authorized spokesmen -Cor Gov. Hubbird, published ia the loci columns, the public have both sides of the matter at issue respecting the state mcut imputed to the governor that he declared in one of his 'speeches that th: beet bid got from homo capitalists on tho half million LJUO of state boni: was 00 cents.

If the governor usei the words, his disclaimer of having intend ed to make such a declaration n.aturally puts a quioius upon the controversy. What Is tei-mud tho complaint against him on account oC the statement ia ob viously an accusation in effect that he arrogated to himself credit which'die not belong to him in the negotiation of the bonds at a handsome figure above par in Now York, anc made for political effect. Space has been given to tho gossip in the SEWS on account of the interest it acquires from tho approaching culmination of the elate canvass. The appreciation of Texas securities was really due to causes that have nothing to do. with any issue between can didates in tho present guber natorial canvass.

One of these causes and not the least effective, was the strict limitation of the bonded debt oi tho State by tho constitution ol 1870. BY tho law of Wisconsin, if a house not worth more twelve hundred dollars is insured for two thousand, and it happens to be destroyed by fire, the law compels tho company taking tie risk to pay tbo faco oJ the policy. The law appears to bs a good one, and finds favor with almost every one except the reckless agents of careless eompauies, who look more to volume of premiums than to fair dealing with policy holders. THE colored emigrants from Charleston to Liberia suffered terribly on the voyage. A correspondent sent, by the Charleston- (jQiiTicr-Ifcws with the emigrants says it was impotsiblo to make them vakfl exercise or Ireup themselves clean; that the physician having charge of them was incompetent; and that it is doubtful whether they will bo able to provide fcr themselves during the season, as few of them have any money.

THERE is a story told of a dandy highwayman and a chimney sweep being condemned to suffer death on the same gallows. The highwayman was very insolent to ths chimney sweep, who retorted with: "None of your airs, sir. I have just as. much right here as you have." The squabbles in the papers between the gubernatorial candidates remind ono of this little story. first congressional convention in Texas for nomination of a candidate for the Forty-iixth will be held at San Antonio to-day.

Indications point to the renomination c-f the present able representative from that district, the sixth, Hon. Gssty? Sctdeicher. SCHLEICIIRK, with other Texas congressmen except one, refused to vote with his party to reduce the array, and yet seven thousand people went out to meet him in San Antonio. Yerily the times are out of Joint, THE czaj slips back two steps for every on a he tikes in the direction of Constantinople, so slippery ii lie road. TimtitMt at Mijnr Tmn'nf ed tho history of the detection and cip- turd of the principals, cerrob'orat- ing Scott's testimony upon the same matter.

The govcoor, Jlajor Dora, and the jovernor'fl private secretory arrived this morning. H-indbills announce that the loyernor will -apeak Saturday night from" the court-house steps. The larger delegations of the state. Convention have engaged rooms and leadquartcrs, Gaiveaton will htve dffings at the Raycioud house. Tho Opera house will be ready to well seat fifteen hundred persons.

There will be contesting delegates 'rom four or five cqnnties.and it is feared the organization will on this attended with acrimonious debate. A secession or r.plit is predicted. The premium list of the Capital State fair is out; the aggregate purses offered in tho racing programme arc $1750, and tho fair premiums $2800 cash, and $1500 in silverware, etc. FA1ESTINE. Conclusion cf the Convention of the ICuIffhti of Honor-- thlait 1 and HonpltalHy Appreciated.

LScoclal Teloeram to the News.1 PALESTINE, July 11. This is the third and last day of the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Honor. Everything has passed off gently and harmoniously, Tho committee on' the State of the Order presented the folio-wing report: From tho of tho prand ofilcers we fine! that the order Ifl in a very healthy and Rrowinpr cncdltlon. The Increase has exceeded our roont lanffulne expectations, us the re- porc oC our aole FIQILDCO committee will Hhow. Wfch th? departure Of hard timed and Hplondld of proiperiij.

nad with Ilzbt touching the principle of our order, and tho flne oiiterial of which our or th SAN ASTOJflO. An atalMMIaxIIc Seblelencr It Waiinly Applauded Inland at a JLau to the SJJ ASTOXIO, July Schleicher spoke this evening Wolfram's Garden, to an audience of about 2000 perganj. Ireland was present, and an was sought to be made, but it as Judge Ireland's friends wanted him to speak first und to close. It being a Schleicher this was not agreed to. great deal of Col.

Schleicher speech hoi been already published in tho NEWS. After referring to the gen, croua reception that had been awarded him, he spoke of hU labors in congress and the difflOTlties he had to contend with. He had ndspted a liberal policy, and aa ho expected- assistance from the- -representatives of other he had been willing to render them his aid. He had favored extending the postal system as much as possible and had assisted in obtaining appropriations for that- purpose. This was the secret of the only reasonable request he had ever made of the postal department, ai.d he had made none other, that -had granted.

He then recounted the routes that had established in the district. CoL Schleicher'a remarks as to the frontier were very eloquent and were loudly applauded. He explained the difficulties he had to contend with in oicitisg the sympathies of the congressmen. He also paid a high tribute President Hayes for his promptness in isbuing tho order that authorizes the crossing of the Bio Grande in pursuit of raiders, a measure which congress had refused to pass. It hsd been said that congress recall the Bland dollar and a new dollar that was nut a fraud would take place.

Abandoning the serious lino of argument he took up of "thought, as he culled them, from the San Antonio Herald, and convulsed the audience with merriment. In regard to Judge Ireland's platform of more money, more currency," he wos equally sarcastic, and made many very hits. He challenged anybody to show that the Silver bill helped in any WAV the debtor class. Referring to demagogues availing themselves- 'of the pressure to excite one class against he said it reminded him' of -tho time of the plague in Home, when the innocent Christians were pointed out as having poisoned tho wells. Tho same kind of eloquence was still in Judge Ireland subsequently addressed the meeting, but too late for telegraph- tioiC will city, on uejf.

i The chief of police from Oalvtslon arrived thij nioraing in search of c- ptive from jmtcir 5ro2i Iho Island City. The Farmers Loan and Trait Company New Totk city, trustee for the bonds of the Narrow Gacge railway, ia default of its piying the interest on the ume, has Uken possession of ihe rotd and CoL G. Tracy; of tlJis city, as receiver. COJSSI'CAKA. Departure of tlie Attended the AeVEilon--Joe Hrenuan Vol Man Killed Near Waco.

TeUtgram to tit Cocsicisx, July morning's trains carried miny old soldiers from our city back to their homes, with expressions from them of tteir entire satisfaction with the manner of their reception and treatment by our citizens. As the 11 o'clock train was moving out from'the depot, Gin. J. B.Robertson, Hood's three checra for Corsicana, which wsro given with a hearty good" will by all on board the train "and wai answered with hearty applause for our departing guests. Mr.

Joe Brennac, of our city, who was formerly a large contractor on the H. and T. C. II. R.

wishes it understood that he is cot the Joe Brennan who was killed near Wauo, as was supposed in your issue of the Oth inst. TRINITY. A Kczro Ilrnto Denied 1)10 Benefit of Uall. Telejcnun to tho News.1 Tiics'irv, July Burke, a negro about 25 years old, had a preliminary examination before Justice of this place, to-day, for ravishLjg a white woman named Ulanda Ecacb. He was positively identified by the woman and was sent up for trial without tLe benefit of bail.

The outrage was committed about a mile from this place last Monday eveains. dor ia composed, wo have (iT.ory to be- ltt)7e thac our.*8 will be-onward and upward; that now win be opened up n-ren to the outer walls of thU -grand empire 1 jurisdiction. Tho business tie body having been transacted, It adjourned to meet at Dallas on the third Tuesday in August, 1879. The banquet given to the order by the Palestine lodge was an enjoyable affair.

After tho tables had been cleared and toasts had been drank, the floor was cleared for dancing, which was kept up to the "wee sum" It ha9 been remarked that as a body this delegation is as flne looking as.any that ever-convened within the limits of this state. All, without exception, leave expressing the warmest regards for Palestine and its inhabitants on account of the hospitality and kindness which they havo received at the hands of the people hero. BASTBOP. A Brace of. Grand Old Barbecnoa-- Sliopard on tliu Stamp-Phil.

OalDomfl "China" Ike c'rowd-- Crop LSpecial TolcKrani to tbe BASTKOP, July was a big day in Eastrop. Two barbecues on Ao samo day. Eon. Stth 1 Shopard, Of Brenbam, spoke near Hill's Prairie, on ihe political questions of the day, and for two hours enchained the attention of the vast assemblage by his masterly review of tbe two political parties and his psrfect analysis 'of tbe financial question, which seems now to agitate the country, Tbe Democratic party ia the only party from which the people of this country expect relief. There wore Greenbackers present wbo seemed to be surprised and gratified with tho new phase in which toe question was presented.

At night Mr. Seth Shepard spoke at Bastrop to a large audience composed ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Shepard las made many warm friends by tho able and pleasing manner in which he handles the issues of the day. "liirht miles west of Bastrop, on the same day, there wa? another at which llaj Sayers and Col.

Claiborno wore Invited to speak. Tho speech of Moj. Sayers 'makes a fovorable dm- irossion on the Democracy of Bastrop and is said to be one of the hap- iest efforts of his life. Col. Cialborne up the excitement in the afternoon with a.

simon-pure speech. Crops are line in all of tho county, Bubor too much rain for cot- on, but no signs of the cotton worm yet. PARIS. The Corner Stone of an Odd jjodico JLald--An AU'alr--Gen. Mmxcy 'JI'lKire.

Telegram to Xewa.1 PARIS, July 11. (via iDdge Ko. 21, O. O. celebrated fie laying of tho corner stone of their new temple to-day.

Quito a number of 'isitors from neighboring villages were attendance, fiev. H. B. Dean offl- iated as c'-iaplain. Judge Chenowcth, Bonham, delivered the address, at the onclusion of which tbe society and its' riends, headed by a band, adjourned dinner in Carr's Grove, where (Jen.

laxey made a speech. Some four hua- red people were on tbe grounds. Tbe xerciscs passed off in good order, and wore very enjoyable to the participants. he new temple, with its lot, will cost 10,000. The dimensions are 30x00 oot, height 43 feet; materials, brick nd stone, and to be completed Octo- cr 1.

WACO. TJoro Prominent Xleildence Totally- JDMlroye'd JLoai, $3500. Telegram to tho yews.1 WACO, July residence of iov. S. A.

King, pastor of tho First 'reabyterian church, was totally de- Toyed by fire this evening, about 4 'clock. Mr. King and family were ining with CoL E. A. Jones when the re occurred.

Everything in the welling wai destroyed except the her parents, iano, which, wss saved in a very dam- Stiles. gei condition. The fire first started a building adjoining the dwelling- ouac, ta TJiiah there Sad been no fire or two months. Tbe cause in un- mowc, but- the circumstances plainly oint to incendiarism for the purpose robbery. Mr.

King's loss "will mount to $3500. Ko insurance. Bev. Stuart Kobinson, preaches here night. Jtlr.

King has the of tho hole community, as he is greatly be- ved by all denominations and classes. On9 of our leading firms Hers to insure property he may JaT creator hare lomer for nothing, DALLAS. JVeellnK of-tne- S'ate Hociailon--A Singular Suicide-- IVlnor liocal DOIH. Teletram to tho News. DALLAS; July divorce case of E.

Duncan against Geo. Duncan, a New Orleans newspaper man, charging" him with harsh and cruel treatment, was granted. The proof showed that he whipped her. Tho house ot Chris Huttsberger, a dairyman, living two miles east of the city, was robbed by a tramp of -J300. No arrests.

S. T. Newton, of Tyler, is holding Register's BnKrupt court in this city. The pending cases are T. E.

Lewis, F. -if. Tucker and M. Sues. Teacher's association discussed tbo thems How 'can a deep interest in educatlon-be aroused in the state." During the morning "cause, Prof.

0. B. Batten, of Baltimore, and Prof. J. W.

Malone, of Lancaster, occupied M. with addresses. The former tho attitude of the' teacher and" school in the present social problem and tbo latter on the duty of tbo state to provide for the cduca. tion of the children. Prof.

J. P. Md- lone was elected president, Wm. H- Allen, recording secretary, and H. A.

corresponding secretary and treasurer. A't 12 tho inititutionadjourned, to meet at 3 30 I'. St. LeviDeverro, a Mexican, was found suspended from one of the poets his bed-room, a victim of Jealousy. Lizzie his Irish whom" ho adored, has toyed with his affections for the past yeiir.

Preferring a mutual friend, sue followed.him to Hot Springs, last summer, where she alleged she had a wealthy invalid uncio without cbil- dninV'Lat'er'Leri received a letter from her announcing the. death of her uncle and-her penniiessneas. remittance sufficient to pay her debts and expenses homo was sent by postomce orders. Two weeks later be received a letter from, her describing the effect of poison. had 'drank, subscribing herself, "Your dead wife." A.

telegram of inquiry was sent by Love, and tho operator's "Can't be supposed dead," confirmed Lizzie's death. It wa subsequently, learned that she was liv- hig In Texarkana, and in destitute cir- cumstaBcea. Selling a house at a friend was furnished with money to go after Returning, her deception was forgiven, and for a season happiness reigned. About a week ago lus jealousy was aroused by a boarder. Ho quarreled-with hie wife and lived apart, tbough occupying the same house.

Last night Levi, bis wife and boarders supped as -uiual. About 9 o'clock he left the house for a stroll, returned when the household was asleep, and though, four grown persons occupied tho box-house, he placed trunk upon a it, adjusted rope, kicked over the support, and swung into eternity without waking an inmate. His corpse was discvered by the cook about daybreak. The verdict of the coroner's jury has not yet been rendered. Foul play is suspected.

THE XAMNiSS IN CANADA. Excitement ntxnnlac flfulier the 12lb to'Ilaud. QUEBEC, July meeting, of 2000 Roman Catholics held lost night indorsed the action of the mayor of Montreal. Premier Joly informed a deputation that the bill prohibiting street processions would pass the provincial legislature to-morrow. Threats are made of burning the parliament-house unless the bill passes.

The premier moved an adjournment of'the house at 9 o'clock last night owing to the excitement. Tbe Excitement oa tho Incroaflc-- Sworn In. JIoXTr.HAL,' July mayor asserts that he will prevent the procession moving and is about to swear in COO specitil constables. A large body of police aro outeide the Orange Hall, while detectives are inside searching for arms. Irish catholics aro assembling to consider what action to take.

There 13 immense excitement. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Hln Speech At minftlnftlppl City on AVoducadar. Slasiosim.CrrTrJaJyJl;--The following is a continuation of the speech delivered bv Mr. Davis yesterday before the association of the Army of the Tennessee: A government must correspond to the character of tho people for which it is appropriate; it IB therefore the reason, have failed wbenevercorruption entered tho body politic and rendered the people unworthy to rule.

Then they-become the fit subjects of despotism, and a despot is always at hand to respond to the call. A Ciesar could not subjugate a people who were fit to be- free, nor could a Brutus save them if they were fit for The fortitude with which our people have borne the oppression imposed on them Binco the war was closed; the resolute 'will with which they have struggled against poverty and official pillage, is their highest THE BEfiLLV COXGBESS. yvrmfrnptr Comment" on tJoup--lleicrcicc to Julv ilaicititc Guardian'! London correspondent tzjs The fjjtcm upon which Alia Jliaor to be administered will be based on the Indian practice of denta or figcnU, These representatives of English government will be placed in most of the pashalics i'or the purpose of watching and reporting on the local administration, but will no administrative powers. The anibis sador at Constantinople will act upon the information they supply, and the machinery to enforce what may be requisite for the good govern- mtnt of the country will be manipulated by the porte. In order that tho demands of the English ambassador may receive the needful material support, there will be a large garrison permanently fixed at Cyprus; but for tho objections of France, the JJritiih occupation would have been, not in Cyprus, but in one or more towns on the mainland.

I have rcasocs for saying that the Anglo-Turkish convention was considerably modified out of deference to the views of the French government, and that over and above tbe convention thero is an arrangement by which the interests of France in Syria arc guarded from interference. Bzr.Lnr, July is uncertain whether the subject of an Anglo-Turk- hh convention will be brought before the congress, but It.i discussion by iho latter is considered improbible. Should this be the case it is believed that the question will not raise material difliculties in the coDgreso. Ormnnr Not Object to tho Occupation of Treaty Bo Mcucd on BERLIN, July North-German Goaellc declares that the occupntion of Cyprus can not fail to be greeted with approval in the interest of civilization and progress. It believes that Germany had been previously informed' of the arrangement, without, however, being asked to pass an opinion thereon.

The Provincial (Jorrcupondtnce says all important questions connected with the San Stefano treaty are now adjusted. Tbe commission for tho settlement of frontiers has also arrived nt a satisfactory re suit. Tho treaty of peace wi 1 be signed on Saturday. The Angle- Turkiflh convention will not delay the conclusion of the congress, as it docfi not affect the treaty of San Stefano. England JnatlOed In Acting Alone.

PABIS, July Journal dm DdiaU considers that England, i unable to count upon any aiistanc-i for checking Russia in Asia, had th right to act alono. How England Toolc CypraH la Preference to Takixic LOSDOK, July of the Timts Berlin correspondents says he is at- tborizcd to deny most positively that France asked Russia whether not prefer to. give up tho idea of Asiatic annexation rather than see the An- glo-Turkifih treaty carried out. It i-j understood in France that Eaglind occupies Cyprus instead of Egypt, although strongly urged to tnke the latter course, because she did not wish to disturb her good relations with France. Preparing to Carrlnoti.

Cyprux. LAVZLLETTi, MALTA, July transport Cunar sailed for Cyprus with the commissariat staff and tbe Indian sappers to prepare for il.o reception of troops. Excitement Over tHo Alliance JTEW T6RK. Sale or antonln Held at 1O2 uCl.r.llnu Crop financial riotm, KETT July 12. Siles of $12.000 of loads of tie city of Paa Acionlo reported at and icte: cat.

Texas pension bead's arc bcld at Cotton two points, "OL closed barely y.eady. Crcp.aUm arc not so Itivgc. Liverpool quieter, cotton -wsi not preucd fo cik. Sterlbi sold at 4S4. Gold strong.

Secretary Sherman's vlnit no reil significance, and ho will return PEBMAXEXT PHOTOGRAPHS, LT TITE CAKnO.V PATENT- 1 A PcrtVt to Air. or CLAIM VTITH SOME PT.IDZ Tin-: or JL THE FLEECY STAPLE. Itcport of the Cotton ITx chance lor J'unu. July followin crop jeport hia been received (rom 13" replies of an average date of July I 10 from wcit Tennessee, C3 from north ppi, -IS from north of tho Arkansas river, aud north Ala- jama, 10. Since the close of Jane it 10.1 rained every day in this njgion, with the temperature warm iultry.

Such weather seriously increases the ccmplninu ia regard to excessive giowth and shedding of also of rust, and the growth of gnus and weeds in the crops lacking cuHiva- ion. To-day we are hiving clear, warm weather, which if continued during tnc week will place all crops in ti very Catering condition. Our region of coun- rv is to be congratulated on the favorable promise of an nbundant harvest of ill otter crops, tw that of wheat, -hich been so Ecriouily cut off by ruet. The morale of labor as shown by our report is of the most gratifying na- urc. Aggregates of 127 responses regard to condition of the cport tbe weatUcr for June very favor- blc, 33 moderately favorable, 32 unfavorable, and 1 too much rain.

Thirty epcrt cool nights. Rocurding the vcuthwr as compared with 1S7T: Kiphty- ine report the weather up to July 1 as nuch more fimiratle than for the same icrid iast yen. I. 1 about the same, favorable, 73 warmer, 80 less rain, nd 31 Cot'-on abandoned: "'ifteen from 1 Jo 10 per cent, of be acreage i.bandoned on account of xcessive rain, grass and weeds, 112 one, averaging one half per cent, of he crnp. All report no cotton lantcd in June.

Cotton stande, forms nd blooms: 13 report stands never 84 very good, 27 moderately ood, 10 not so good, 8S forming and looming very "well, 30 moderately ivcll, 81 not well. Condition of the crops: 33 report never better, 51 very good, 20 moderately good, 14 poor and badly cultivated. Condition compared with 1S77: SIS report the condition nt the crops as much better than in 1S77, 20 about the same, and 20 not so good. THE POLITICAL FIELD. est glory, of their HOUSTON.

A Receiver Appointed for the Weaiem Narrow Gauge Minor Local Telegram to the HoutToir, July Graham, the negro who has been infesting the streets for some time past, was arrested to day ai a vagrant and confined in the city lock-up. Tho San Jaciuto fles give an excur- 0n next Sunday to Patterson, on the Western Narrow Gauge. W. the driver who was arreitcd some for driving hii Hack with lamps unlighted, was today tried for theoffenso and discharged. Madam St.

Marie de Touzague, after an absence of ten years as. a professed nun in an TJrs'ullne convent, has returned to Houston on a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

The Lyceum met to-night and held their regular weekly debate. Times In Houston were never duller than at present. Tho Magnolia Histrionic club will meet this evening 'the purpose of for their, 'early contemplated dramatic performance. The Rev. Father Querat.

is. expected back to-day from Cnicago, where he bss been for several weeks receiving ocular treatment Father Querat has lost the entire sight of one or his eyes. The been set for the ily term of the County court. Miny to the Aoitin and givos the best assurance- of their final triumph. Well may we rejoice in the regained of local self- government, bringing it in the power of the people to choose their own representatives, and to legislate uncontrolled by bayonets this is the great victory, and promises another as the sequence to it, a total non-interforenca by the federal government with the domestic affairs ol the The renewal of the time-honored doctrine ol state sovereignty, and supremacy of the law, wiT secure permanent peace, freedom and prosperity.

"The constitution of the United States, interpreted was by those who made it, is the prophet's rod- to sweeten the bitler water, from which flowed the' the carnage, the misery and the shame of the past, as well "aa the- of the present. Every evil wh'ich has befallen our institutions 'is directly traceable to the perversion of the compact of union and the usurpation by the federal government of undelegated powers. Let one memorable example suffice for illustration: When Missouri naked for admission as a state into the union to which she had a two-fold right un der the constitution and usages of the United States, and also under the terms of the treaty fay which the territory was for the application was resisted, and ier admission was finally by the tional concession miscalled the Missouri Compromise." When that establishment of a politico-geographical line was announced to the Apostle of Democracy, who, full of years and honors, wss ia retirement watching wi'i profound solicitude Iho course of the government he had mainly contributed to inaugurate, his prophetic vision saw the end of which this was the beginning: The news fell upon ear like a lire bell at night. Men had differed and would differ about public measures and public policy, according to their circumstances or mental characteristics, but- such differences tended to the elucidation of truth and the triumph of jeason over error. Parties so founded will not be sectional, but when the federal government made a parallel of latitude a political line, a sectional party could not fulfill the ends for which the union was ordained and established.

If the limitations of the constitution had been observed and its purposes had directed federal- legislation, no such act couid have been passed. The lid of Pandora's box miifht have remained closed and the country might have "escaped the long train of similar aggressions which aggrandized one section and impoverished the other and, adding insult to injury, finally, destroyed the fraternity which had bound them together. was no part of my purpose, as has been already shown; to discuss the politics of the day, though, the deep interest I must ever feel in the affairs of this country has not allowed me to ignore them. Severe Mono in MADISOX, July On Tuesday eveaing a very severe storm passed over Columbia county. Considerable dsjnagd wss doEC to fences, etc, be destruction to the grain crop is reported very great, A similar jtorm July excitement regarding the Anglo-Turkish alliance has not subsided and there is muco agitation among political particn in Sag- land.

At present only a very small majority favor directly challenging the government's policy. Lord Liberal leader, will to-day in the bouse of commons call for papers and Information on the subject of the Anglo- Turkish convention, and when these ars produced, the opposition will decide what course to take. Tno Treaty Botnc Read--No Scsolon Friday, is reported from the louthern part of conven-1 Dace COllnty, BERLIN, July session of the. congress to-day lasted for four hours. Bcaconsfield wag absent.

Reading of the treaywaa completed. Only a few immaterial points are left for settlement on Saturday. There will be no sitting Friday, ia order to allow time for the preparation of copies of the treaty. Alako Paoha, Prince Yogoridez, formerly Turkish ambassador at Vienna, is again mentioned as a candidate for the throne of Bulgaria. more for tuo Occupation Crprnn.

LONDON, July Times Berlin dispatch of the 10th says the news from Italy, and especially from France, seems to indicate thit the public rc- 'gards tho Cyprus treaty as seriously effecting the private interests of these nations. On thin subject I heard one of the plenipotentiaries of Great Britain say to-day that if France and Austria, at the end of the war had declared themselves ready to act together for the maintenance of Turkey, England would have joined them. Unfortunately they could not or would not. Then Eagland, from considerations of superior interests, was Obliged to guarantee the porte's Asiatic possessions. Seizing the Dardanelles would have wounded the susceptibilities or Europe; taking or occupying the extremities of Suez would have hurt the feelings of Franco, She decided, tborefore, upon occupying Cyprus.

France, in consideration of the absolute necessity imposed on England, will soon see that the occupation of Cyprus was only suggested to England by the ardent desire to reconcile her interest with the sympathies of France. Ia the house of commons this afternoon Hon. Frederick A. Stanley, secretary of war, said ths.t 10,000 troops, consisting of the Indiins now at Ibilta and three battallions of British infantry, will occupy the island of Cyprus. Anntrla Glvei Her Anmivcr.

July Vienna dispatch to the Daily Sfews says: The request of Turkey that when Austria enters Bosnia she should declare her respect for the sultan's sovereign right has been Austria replying that she was acting upon European mandate and could not discuss a question of principle. A mining: Suit Decided. Si- FKAXCTSCO, July 1.1.--In the Qnited States court yesterday the case of the Quicksilver Mining company against the Santa Cbra Mining wsocia- of Baltimore, involving the title to Guadalape mioe, vaii decided in favor of the defendant. Tito ITIEflaonrI State Convflnllon-- A Trlioroticli Jlcmocrntic 1,1111 or tuo IVomluatlotxa. ST.

Louis, July 10, midnight. --Joe. A. Eroadhead was elected permanent president of the Democratic State convention, with a vice president from each congressional district. A.

Les- 3ar Wiis elected secretary. The b.rentb.rv the mnst thorough D'omocraiic sentiments. Th' eighth declares that in view of tho lrgi appropriations that have been made by tho federal government for works public improvement on the ecabord anc lakes, justice to the people of the ills sissippi valley demands that appropria tions shall bo made for the improvemen of tho Mississippi river and its tributaries commensurate with the commercial wants and interests of this Ecctioa of the country and believing in the constitutiona power of the government to aid in the construction of national enterprises which serve to benefit, large sections of the country, and which cun cot bo ac complished by individual enterprise or ttate we favor such legislation in this behalf as will not increase the national indebtedness or impose any additional burdens upon the people. The following nominations were made For judge of tho Supreme court, Elijuh Norton; register ol lands, J. E.

Me Henry; state superintendent of public schools, R. D. Shannon; railroad A. IL fievier. The firs'.

three are the present incumbents. The convention then adjourned. AND SHIPPING. sai to If. I CTTBE n.OrsS MADS TO Pcper ci Window Shtk-s I.

O. VARIETY STORE, THAN HERETOFORE. Amunc'ncntt, GRAND PlllC, SCHMIDT'S CMRDC.V, On S-UunUy. in, IsTS, jiid Ucii! prr AJJ Wnto of In A Very SILVAIV LEW la 103 bb'J. LOAF DEIM; LW Clmiti TEAS, la filort--A asd pk MJ Ftorr GIlOCEr.TTS.

TOBACCOS, CIOAJIS. Ew. Clayton Lynch, Architects Ciril Engineers. Pliuu, for fced for cTcrr (JiwcH lf0, fcnd CDyln deocrlptlon. of NA.

12 Rtntfid. HOT 112 of work A i Down toNet Cost, fln 1 box-toe Gulu-rn, worth Vi. ctn'fl tjow worth S-i. fo 1 1 Icn'd t'iJn AJnxli worth Tor, iifeg 1 worth K. for jji.

blipperm, worth Kid liutton tthom, worth 52 Tor I And a Utrjio ttoclc or otfatr RootU I portion. Trunks at Speclliy Low Call At WENK BROS'. Island City Shoe Store 105 WCAHKKT I Ko. Jr.t 10, Lrficir O. J.

Trwjrafw.l t. i JL kj.o» to W. I I but la. '-13 tf A I it, QESTLESA'N A. i ti jnoi A Revolt and Ulaaxacrs In Ifcw Caledonia.

July telegram from Sidney, S. says that two tribes of natives revolte-4 against tie government on ihe island of Ntw Caledonia, and massacred 12J including woolen and children. A Tin HXljae Turned Over. iis Fitixcirco, July IL--The Teme- ifial tin mine, in can Bernardino las been bonded to German capitalists 'or $1,500,000. A larre force will soon be at work.

A ttrlc: Run Down and Two Liven Lout. WASJHSGTOS, July The Signal 3ervscc station at Lewes, reports the chief signal officer as follows: The brig Kremlin, Capt. Haskell, from with a cargo of sugar, was run down and sunk in thirty fathoms of water, by the steamer Golden Grove, near ihe South shoals, yesterday, at 1 A. M. The captain's wife and a seaman, named Charles Smith, were drowned.

The Golden Grove has landed the captain and crew iere. Departnrci, Etc. LIVERPOOL, July 10. Arrived: Steamer Ithuricl, from New Orleans. The ship St.

Cloud, at this port from Orleans, has been on fire and was scuttled. IHEW YORK, July 11. Arrived: Niagara, Havana; Devon, Glasgow. Arrived out: Anna Sophia, from Mobile; Sophia, from Pensacola; Car), G. P.

Paysant, Millicant, Luiga, lladre, Nero. FKz John Poncr'i Cane. PorxT, July board has requested Gen. Pope to tend certain which Porter's counsel consider will be a step towards truth of the most valuable character. Pope telegraphs that he will send what ia in hia possession.

This testimony to-day referred to the topography of country about which the second battle of Bull Run was fought, showing it impossible for Porter to receive Pope's orders to meet his demands; also, thai Porter could no: have known the batt2e was going on at time Pope says his orders were disregarded. the Get Ammunition. July letter tbe Indian bureau mentions that D. Spaulding has been detected introdcc- ing amciuajtioa into the Indian country near Brule, -and that this has been his business for two years. Sherman Secretly 'Em.

EW YOKK, July II. Secretary Sherman ha3 been in conference with leading bQjikcrs, impoi-sib'c to say upon what subject, for the secretary peremptorily declines bcicg interviewed. THE removal of Collector Arthur and 2aTaI OEcer Cornell, of York, marks the cad of truce Between Hayes ind Coskiiac, if truce there has been, ilaster of the situation vhile the sjsatc is not in session, the president has acted not ith unseemly histe, bat with vindictive certainty. The blow wiich he has inflicted tie emu-hae defiant of- Sciils most be the riore severe for the season of security they have brca pcr- mitted to since they fell into iis power, WASHINGTON. 'al of Collector Arthur and Naval officer Coruell.

July ent to-day removed Chester A. Arhur, collector of customs of Sew and appointed -G, A. Merrill in is stead. He also removed A. B.

Ccr- cll from the naval oillco, appointing ilas W. Burl to that position. The treasury made a call to-day ho redemption of five millions of iivu- wentics coupon and registered bondi an equal proportion. UtCUU tO LAC was sentenced to be bcMadcd. His demeanor wag inaolcct anol 'IcHnt, and he continued to smile svon after sentence was pronounced.

Numerous witncsstt twore to his socialistic principles acd threats against the emperor. uly L. Dickey has been Dominated for confn-ew; by U.e Republicans of the llth Oiio district, i ST. PAVL, July of the Third district nominated for con- i grcs W. D.

Washburne, the largest 1 milling operator of Minneapolis, and brother of the late minister to France H. Durmcll was Dominated in the Fire" district. i CESCCJSATI, July following i Indiana congressional nominations were made yesterday: T. G. Cobb, by the Democrats, for congress for the Second district; Thos.

JI. Brown, by tho Republicans, for tho Fifth district; and John Studcbaker for the Twelfth clis trict, by the Grecnbackcre. FOBT SCOTT, July Greenback party bold a district convcr.tinn here yesterday, and nominated 1', Elder for congress. Cropa fn July crop report shows ihe whw yield to- be bushels per uore. The total yield of the state is buiheif.

Oat crop better than ever not more two-thirds of the tobacco crop will housed. Grasses have been damaged by too much rain. There hes never been a better proepect for corn. Colton averages fron CO to'110. The average of the peanut crop is There bus been a marked increase in shipment of fruit and vegetables to northern markets; 10,000 barrels of potatoes were shipped during tht last four months.

A.M attuKtt. D' I fill ii tnj ifi Ki bul 3 BOOTS SHOES At Haif Price New Orleans Shoe Store NEXT TO SELLING OUT On Account of Removal. A JON in v.ry -T INCH ANNOT Ii. ON'- at-; I A VKMf Fljf run. Judicial i ST.

July 10. Henry J- 1 meir, who sh'jt aud killed I Vosse, was an'igned before the Criisi- cal court yesttrday aficrcooa, jlcaded gniliy, and was Ecavesctri by LeGEHSK CO. FTHE TEX ASS Cotton Worm Destroyer August, Ked.emcinatvo.rncy was not present, and it seems an laiemiw with the prisoner after his rcturs to ail, that ie did not ksow be wss when he guilty. Il as a strange and il is nothing ca-n now save the rcan txctp'. inierventic-a of the governor.

Amerlcaii UTtibrevr Union. July IL The cccccil if tie American Iiewbrcw coEgrcgi- ion to day adopted a report meriiing that a commisiion of Lite ximpelcat be appointed by he council at each meeting, who ihii! lave general charge of all nstituuons aider control of the union. This commission to report to the council. Mr. Win.

Brown, of Louisville; Icnry of Ciadnnati, asc JL Stein, of Sew Yort, were appointed to present persona A3 members 1 I Not* thr C'otLoji 'or the to RV IT (IT B. COTTOX' IMCTOJttS Gc-ceral Commission Xerch'ts lit-- Tl power! and to 'lie the members of the Tl personally, hopes the congress wLl xn having tbe treaty il. trjllfnv I A Powerful War ShJp Launched, i j. SrzzztA, ITAI.T, July 1 Dindoio, ens cf Uic irocc'sxis in the world, been Ltuicitd. vrt- t- J-- ST Lons.Jaly The coroner's exonerate ice who killed tie deputy niinisl5, it Eu; Si.

Lotas, J'iie 30. Genuine BudweUer co..

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