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Independent from Long Beach, California • 21

Long Beach, California
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Vo 1 ir- -1; :.7 TV jf. 7' 'V Vr 4 'V 2 VI MmimsinmuBeiu Till j7' 7 1 ft i. 1 I jT INDEteNqENT (AAA)" i 7 PRESS-TEIE6RAM. (PW-W GEORGE ROBESON h). ireciation foibrare kind words Cp 7 i GEOFF OBLATHT a 20-yeiu7bld7 raised before r' tiut because, they.

UCLA student itood tothe middle of aeemed jtooffer sq little. hopeof a small group. of Navy officers on the -chsngingany minds. -77 Idol 7- i sayr is II JWv -TOM-COX, eommandero(LoiigTlhat he. win personally picket the two va mvma wniv (- utWVIIWliy Re -had Just come out of a free- necessary tp reduce the feverish ten.

healing discussion with SO senior. aion in the countfy, the sense of on the Issues troubling revocable division among its citizens. todays campus radi aijd.nb,And -talk- i. -fh be Military Order big- newspapers in Atlanta, As soon of the Purple Heart, set a short tele as the signs are rfeady, he will start parp to President Nixon recentlyrln- marching around the xffices.of the ronnrng the Administration -that thin Journal and the Piditzer-prizewinniiigr ovei whelming support Constitution. Those.

he of the Cambodianmcursionr' 'shouted, turritogrrto'ihe faca and Coxreceived personal note fromngingilrdeslrwithMSTistrr'have the President on Friday. Thank you been beatin on me every day since for encouragement of the countrys1 got hver here, and I'm tired oflt? goal in Southeast Ahia as well as to He does not intend to there were small beads of sweat prerequisite to change. But is. it, ulti- On his It Jud been a gruelmatelyr the'answer to what is Ailing -Jing. session j'' saidr-codld healths- But the 4ncn around biiu ill tgreep country's profound racial divisions that, notwithstanding his 'views, he, ukJ the ory of black-power took root had done himself proud.

In the shambles of abortive'discussion' Re-reaHy-beld-up-weUy-said one and-rfecenttetenttoMr Is a similar cry fated to be raised around the war j'-'-t M.M It MMM II II MmII II M.t lie when the F.H.Asavs- they MEAN it! if the rap pessionbt the naval base prowl anything, it proved that the generation-gap is ss wide and deep as many had feared, and that its REPORTERS NOTEBOOK By CHARLES SUTTON JT? JT something far more fundamental Is AND. YOU officer, who opposed the young man. He had a lot of poise. i What Oblath had held up to so well was extrawdinary verbal shelling from- the officers a-barrage of questions and assertions that might have caused another man to lose his lposureand lash irrational -anger. FOR THE OFFICERS.

theyj wereeminenfly respectful oi their, young guest, 'were stew eager to make fiieir own views fett. And they let their ideas and feelings in a aid a Navy piihlir affair nffigw, '-you can see how guys feet1 So it was not surprising teat was intended a calm and dispassionate exchange of yiews became, in the endrrcdlistott of Throughout', it all, Oblath stood fixed to the teciem, Responding as well as he could to tee challenges hurled frpm the floor. After a' while, he did more listening talking. For. tee officers began to' mix their, questions with small speeches, and lectures.

It was apparent-thatthev were TneTsdd Nixon's tetter. 1 was -pleased to hear from you, and want; you to- know- how much yourcom- ments- are appreciated." Signed "it himself, too, he did. That seems like ar lot of personal appreciation for -one short telegram, but a friend of mine Explained it this 'wayTrCertalnlyreIhsidehta predates support on Indochina from makes three people-already Nixon, Spiro Agnew and Sneaidngbf Spiro Agnew (sure, you know him. heVtho director of the. Beat the Press" program), theres a new book about him, sold locally.

elected to his first office chairman of 'Townson -FTA in Maryland hr 1949. attembtod to piece together a realistic and comprehensive por trait of tee man as statesman and thinkerr" says Dinnerstein in. the in- frcfibnPTBve aotighfc of -Mr; Agnew's. jSStatiw XllM Man, V' r. It; A fsi A SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND meth of 1 treating a hangover is de scribed in a medical journal by a doctor' affiliated with the famed Scripps Clinic- and Research foundation in La Jolla.

Dr. Donald J. PalcMio. head of the lists the 'following suggestions in ihe REPOSSESSION, MEDICINE Tit stake than a -ineferaorm or It'S 0titiitedriUi1ie Vyit and WisdonToT -change4n administratiMis. Spiro T.

selected "and-aP-The student protests are 'the out- ranged with an introduction by Victor ward manifestations of a spiritual David Dihnwtein, published by Ger andjmoralcrisisin-AmericaThey- strike at the cmw of some of its val- The introduction, takes note of the ims and firmly fixed assumptions. fact the Vice President was newspapers or start heatin on" the' editors with hii Jamous -ax-hahdleL but he" threaten to' remove certain commercial advertising from the paper by executive order and personally picket other advertisers in a sec ondarjr boycott He has already banned the sate of both newspapers 'fronTalTstate property, which is notf state seizure Of the press, but forewarns of a tendency; to So far, he has a good clown act going, and I'd like to hear a little fip plause the Governor, -in pressure and street demonstration in preference to the easiermethofof slmplf hutng-itown-the-newspaperswith-1 troops and shooting the whole staff. 'U- MY FEELINGS for-extremiroi hko the BlaCk Ranthers is somhing less than, but I cannot agree with those who are appalled at the Appeals' Court reversal of the manslaughter conviction of Huey Newtoii, Minister of The high court claimed serious errors fam Newtons triaL there were such errors, 'its a bum this nations judicial system would be And in the morning, a great while fore1dayJiejose.and wenLo4o: lonely place, and there, he a lonely plat Get away from the crowd when you can- Keepmurself to yourself, if only ior few hours bane, Amerlcart newspaper, column- wiidom' ond instruction. Proverbs they never begin to live, Henry Van Dyke, Amcricaq clergyman'. (Political Advoitisaaiant) to the fundamentollongerdo- to-have.

the country spend. umpU. ot America torelea MU mMi dont foltew the rute then cl tactics nd details. With few except For all Its sincerity and good intonations, if seemed, they found ithard. to tions)'.

what took place gt the -Navy -believe that-what is going on-in' hase was a pathetically, vain ai treat hangover headache. This typej and. anti-nausea properties. American einpiia int fTnmnnmist by two equally earnest but totally dif of headache is maried by overdila- inspired, tragically wrongltoaded or ferent worlds to understand each oth- timDf blood vessels, and these drugs A SLICE OF -well spread-, plainly insane. The protests, the mas- 1 r.

-It: would be comforting to believe rtfrict blood If nauseals a withT honey, taken before bedtime af- dw amnnatra fi onV tee sporadic vio- that, in' tee potes'ean get pro these medications can be ter an evening of- heavy drinking, tesco ni tee iwwingiy rniwlwt de- together in' America but Viewi ergotemine or better yet ergotamine phis IF I READ the students correctly theyre; saying' the logic of mans survival must now fake precedence over the logic, of national, self interest, and that a -desperate effort must be made to. reach peace through peaceful means-Theyrajaying will ne ence indicales that the poUtical sys- tomor all iteidealisniroperatesnot cn miirh on ths mmrAf iwnnficiAn so much on the power persuasion as on the persuasion of power, PoUtical. commentator F. Stone recently recalled story about a "del- (Political Advartiiamsnt) token as a rectalriuppodtorynffi'gd- a simpfoDut effective remedy. Addi- of buildings not only per- taminepreparatjxMjre.prescriptioation..oLfriictoseUfruitsugarto-teepexe8.themrItinfuriatesthehell out druO.) diet burns UD alcohol futer.

A-si Mia ut nkutk Wiaw if drugs.) diet burns up alcohol faster. of them. And let Oblate know it Finally, persons who are extremely -ICE-APPLIED to tee head is a sat- sensitive to alcohol may be able to isfactory way of constricting Mood tolerate small doses, of vodka. Conse-veasds and caii reduce hangover those who. suffer severe ef-headache pain.

T-- fects hangovers would do well tov To deal with dehydration of hang investigate vodkas pbssibilitios as. they in no uncertain terms. OBLATH TRIED to articulate the studMto' feeUngs -as he understood. them And when he felt he couldnt forthe mass of students, he spoke foT himself. Hes jdainhrnot.a --but By BEN ZINSER bledicaKSdenes Editor salty beef broth can bp taken several hours later.

With replacement of salt: and watert nausea will decrease and dehydration will be corrected. Vegetable juices taken during hangover hours are helpful, in hastening ihftimetabblism of alcoholjremaihing- wm banwl" couUer.Hr tot- readers. In no drehmstances can he" offer teagnosls.) -and the world to identify the good, ba or neutral implications' of newln- SYDNEY TT AR over- tola several cups of well- a substitute for what they drink now. rafted' beef broth upon arising: Re yet' unbroken faith in -the. country's placement of water'akme will not cor-' (EDITORS NOTE: Dm to the veL Institutions.

-telMemnay-cy it nme Bf hi Jil BenJansftJrequcut-. HO-deoreethe-violencerbut-he --tetegwouldseein ssentiaL-but--since a large water-load in the ly. eanaot respond to requests from HiSnW. fime has come to try to ra would the peaceful application ot a libereLwith a. youve me.

Now go out and bring pressure, on me." stomach vomiting: If increase nausea and necessary, additional understand what moves a minority of poUtical pressure students to resort to it He said student anguish -over Vietnam finally-boiled- over- when PresidentNixou -Both the National Academy of Sd- aRerhatives die he offer? iL a a ooooa woo MpMi s. ow a enCes and the Natmnal Academyiof pf a1Mf. through days' "bf ihe sutomobite, was chatting lftigineering have agreed with Dad- tim, tion.WhO could have fanagined, he ing system" is needed by tee nation TlSSectioh of national energies -THE OTHER a friend of mifli? who goes -back to the early when Henry Ford started mau Vroduction of tee Model that would become our No. 1 air lutidn problem' ludf-century TEdiswi 7 deyetopTtee incandescentZI bulb-; that our-sodetys- need for electrical power would pose an equal ftreat-to -out-environmental -health? These" were both good, valuabte; beneficial, progressive" steps on behalf of all our citizens. 7 7" Nor needwe even go back teat fair TJust a.few years ago.

when the gent manufacturers strengthened teeir-product -to get elotees cleaner. And that introduction is followed by abouf 170 blank pages. that 'brings to mind Lester Maddox, who moved fromshort-order cookery to become Governor of Georgia, which is a sort Of lateral promotion. Lester became a respected politic id figure ing0 ern circle, wh hr a inff wanted to sit at his lunch counter and Lester didnt want thmi He vw eveivteSv jtreet demonstrations donft wnrlr Advartitomontl i astcrorce'nicn 7T Evelle Younger 7 7 They insisted tbe United States into -Vietnanl not to invade an-; other country," but to cteter aggres-! ion. -And they urged the students to waielyTMSiteiS job now.

Indeed agencies often work fogs could, by no stretchof tee hnag-at cross-purposes, or oblivious of foatioa, be equated with free speech. sent, troops into Cambodia; and the foar Kent 'State students, were killed. He said the students, are frustrated because of their toted teabiUty to influence American foreign policy. Al-most overwhelmingly said, they want1 the United States out of' Viet- -to -vital domestic and environmental i- Ibe i 1 1 1 a menraised-th8 -specter ot wwld communism. They stand that rommynisml iia mon-.

sfrous feutee that can only be dealt Trite-through- force-Tbey TxilntedrtoHungaryiCStodibsfova1 He later expressed amazement that 'Bome peoe couldlitirbelfeveTlH monolithic Communist pian to take over the world, implying teat it was too pat and too simple an explana-; tionr snd failed, to take fnto account -the changing character -of. tee Com-' munist worid in the past twenty years. Neither side, of reid anything that, hadnt before, Yet the dialogue seemed utito iiot because the arguments "had been By R- Alyers Americas 1 District-Attorney hardy anyone was aware of teeun- rtoSorous'additfyef'-ndghthave-r tbetee of upon our rivers' and lakes? Ap-fcultural-7 Department hir-xaidweraTg- clarac What others are doing fo. tee field. Oblath repUed teat he found ft diffi- i e- aeieliflgtcF.i But we 'need a totat-systenm -r "-wir piighty industrial But yre.

have hot been teaming fo time enough prevenrecbfogteidis tress; or, sometimes teat may any other segment of modern life prove far more costly to cure it And we need it evaluated bv a to avoid initially. lafive 1 mat is independent of 'Most Qualified 1 P.B.I. Agent udge District 7 Attorney Chai rman, Nixons Anti-Crime Task Force proach in technology even more' cru- cially fEaff lrisTneedCff foinduatrTrbr" teevariouii executive bodire working; oh programs they are too likely to justify for their own continued power and existence. Only by planned foresight-can we keep, from contaminating this globe by our enthusiasm for newness combined with our igno-of long-term ranee -f This, is why. I am so keen on a pro-' by Rep, Emilio Daddario ot to set up an of Assessment" at.

an inder pendent federal bureau for fog and evaluating the' probable envinmmentat consequences ot jyj Mr i. BROOMfflLDA ITS tBOLSBZamKt Kt TUB weDHSiCAY man NGO dAMB PVPR IN -rue cuuna-i The Republicans Strongest Possible Candidate 0. Lonb Beach Committee to Elect j.Bomeyn-Chairman J. fT i i .7 "7 -7 1.

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