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The West Point News from West Point, Georgia • Page 2

West Point, Georgia
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THE WEST POINT NEWS, West Point, Ca. Kilt tht fly! REGISTERED LIBERTY BONDS ARE TOO GOOD FOR POOR ROBBERS! Heat Flashes, Dizzy, Nervous Oil that mud-hole! Tht WEST POINT NEWS Sucfeiuor to WEST rOlNT LANKTT NEWS Published wwkly by th wrst point rinusiiiNG co. BiIiJJIb Itle luy iwiitili In ry iidi i inn, I ha The-Best Insurance Against- Influenza a Prominent Educator 'Believes That Vapomentha is a Sure Preventive Th weather bulletin! hav btf maklnr pooJ rearllng matter th Ut wrek. The beautiful whlih hat obtained through this lection the pat week has seen much work on the TIPTON COFFEE, Editor. luxil li.vltra,llitV H-l sml mr.

eatnrrhnl nut-till toll. 1 onl jut biWrrnLU ft OIK) MHlltl Ix twn I (1 I WnulJ (l I. IVfo's Yk-vorile lrrorrl-tkm a tnnl. I twd dortonxl and oliuitird no rrM 6 farms. And now, friends, don't be thS th Entrrtd at Wert Point rot-of.

gin ge weak-kneed if it stays dry a little longer than you think ia best. fic cond data mall matter under th act of March 1879. Aa we've remarked before work all Dr. R. M.

Brame, discoverer of Bramt's Vapomentha Salve, hat a letter from C. C. WrlgV, Suj'erln-tendet of the Wilkes County, N. Public Schools, in which 1 he bays: Pbberg have found out that it is futile to try to realize on the proceeds of their roberriea when those proceeds consist of registered Liberty Bonds, Treasury Savings 'Certificates and War Savings Stamps. A box containing about $100 in cash and Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps recently was stolen from Mrs.

Mar Hanson, proprietress of a Hotel in north Idaho, After all hope of recovering the Valuables had been abandoned, the box was fotfnd in a fisherman's seine. The Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps were in tact as the robber evi bsd Utile MwAiVnM In anything, but found ni wt.i rful n-M in Uw rt you can and have the faith and the courage to believe it will come right. SUBSCRIPTION RATES hot lie nl 'ravoK iiri.tnn tm two year I tKk li'f Minnw nutu wwht I knt (rll Uiain condiiton wafranteel my "We have used Bramea' Vapomentha year, 12.00; Six $1.00 laklni toolr. It nie mm via anl Btnlthy tutx. I FULL GEORGIA DELEGATION FOR PALMER.

Thrta months, 75c. Salve for nearly all the Hie for which it ia prescribed and have always se rbansa in a wfll iwtnrtut I 1..1... fi)irtia( aftvr my third cured satisfactory results. Jf used rue and i diiy spell buttle tA would advi WEST POINT, CAh MAY26.1920 In accordance with the rules promulgated by th Georgia State Democratic Executive Committee before lien who ara tnkina tbla In time it has never failed to break ud colds, usually' the forerunner of medicine on with it until matum! M1US. AUCfc fcU- MIUS.

AUCL trils. Brame's Vapomentha, Salv penetrates the pores of the skin, relieving congestion, at the save time healing- vapors arise and ara breathed through the mouth and nose, loosening the Phlegm and caus-the patleat to breathe freely. It absolute reliability is evidenced by dozens of unsolicited testimonials. Brame's Vapomentha Salve will relieve pneumonia, influensa, grippe, pleurisy, bronchitis, whooping cough, catarrh, asthma, tonal itis, hay fever, ami inflamation of the skin. Vapomentha is applied externally, and it will not stain clothes, aa other aalves do.

No home should ever be without it Buy it from your dealer or direct from the Brame Drug North Wilkesboro, N. A small bottle costs 30c; a mi a larger one, containing six times much; 1.20. Adv. tfUuth." WW Grippe', Inflienz and Pneumonia. I apealc frin personal observation.

the presidential candidates had even Intimated their intention of entering TOM HABDWICK. believe thU preparation is used Th not unexpected entranct of In time it will prevent tbe develop Tom Hardwick into tht raca for Gov dently had known that he could not hope to convert them into ment of pneumonia in every In amor puta the patriotic people of Georgia on notice that the forcea which opposed the aucceaaful proat- cash without proving his ownership, and had thrown them stance, if used acording to di These strong statements are folly justicd by remarkable recoveries that follow, Brame's Vapomentha Salve is applied freely over the chest and throat and inserted in each nos into the water as Useless to him. cution of the war against Germany till persist in their efforta to get Georgia's preferential primary. Attorney A. Mitchell Palmer will have the full delegation to the San Francisco Convention he having received a purality of the County unit votes in the primary.

This announcement does not come either aa a surprise or a disappointment to loyal Democrats, for it it just a plain case of playing a fair game through on the rules laid down before the game started win or lose, taking their medicine like grown-up men. No one has any ground to Backache and Nervous Coluroaui, Ge. "For jrfout two yean 1 uftered aM beeania nur-duwn. 1 waa nervous and would be avweak I could not ft up in tha nxirninstiiy bark arbod all the lime and to badly that I could not stoop aa II. I aiae auflored with pains in ar awK I tried paay itwdkrinea but did not set any better.

I bad (ntten to be a phyund wrark wben I began takini Dr. Pierce's Favorite Praectirtaon and by the time I had taken two bottle I was cured of my ailment and (elt Uta a nrw woman. I have never suffered aine with this troulle. 'Favorite Preaeripwon' is the beat medicine for women I have ever taken." K3. ANNA MIDDLETON.

2W4 let Ave. Sold by druKfiate in liquid or tablet. If your dniKjnet does not keep it, eend 60e. to lr. rVrre'iJInvalide' Hotel and Burfieal luctitute, Buffalo, N.

lor UUUt, lUc for trial package. control of Georgia politica. at one time mia- GIVIUG OUT repreaented thetate in the Senate of the United States, uaed every piower and Influence given "him by The Struggle Discourages Many Atlanta and West Point Railroad anda. The Western Railroad of Alabama Arrival and Departure of Trains at West Point a tiliacn of West Point, that treat office to prevent we aeno nt BunDliea of food, clothing, complain in the Palmer arma and ammunition to the thous Around all day with an aching won, therefore Palmer ia entitled to the votea in Frisco and Palmer gets -r back, WEST BOUND 9:00 11:46 4:31 EAST BOUND 42 5:10 AM No. 38..: ...9:00 AM No.

40 11:15 AM No. No. No. Can't rest at night anda of Georgia boya then in France offericStheir Uvea aa a aacrifice to scotch the wheels of the German war 'em! Enough to make any one give out No. Alt AM PM PJf rat 35.

S3. 39. 41. S7. Mr BEAUTY IS REFLECTED' We aay: Congratulations, Doan's Kidney Pill areSre4pia4Ner 34 pm No.

Palmer, and luck to you, air! ..0:05 .:30 machine then rolling across plaina of France to the conqueat of No. 36 9:30 PM No. fork They are idjreyl backache; The statement of a prominent gro HEALTH Corrected to April 1st, 1920. J. P.

Billups, Gen. Pass- ArenL tic And other ey ills. the world. Could the brain of the Devil him aelf have conceived a more infanv cer that there ia now stored in Chi Here is Poin Atlanta, Ga. of their cago sugar to the amount of several mejrlFT "Good-Loo'-ing" Means Opposite cms.

a more diabolical acheme than million pounds bears out the opinion at WiJlrA Mrs. Jno, of "Sick-Looking." ucvuiiu arc. this? held by many that there has not been any real shortage of sugar1 merely West Toint satfs: My kidneys -4nd were weak I felt tired and lan ITS A MATTER dF VALUABLE ACRES FOR BUILDING OR FOR COTTON What do the people who had husbands, sons and brothers facing the iron hail and aeeth-fire of the Ger guid. My back waa very sore and RED BLOOD CELLS the stoppage of the movements of the supply in order to inflate the price. This ia the kind of profiteering that City, Ala-, Between Langdale and Shawmut, Ala.

lame and I was troubled with a dull (fronting on West Point Dirt Road Contains four. man trenches think of this effort of ache in the small of it. One box 'bfl Pepto-Mangan Makes Rich, Red $500.00: 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 yeaYs: six needs tows looked after, aa well as the petty thievery of corner grocery percent. Blood Builds Up People Who Lack Vitality. isoan a juaney rms relieved my trouble and fixedv me up in fine shape.

1 have used Doan's since, as stores and cross-roads dry goods venders. three and one-half acres near dirt road, $200.00. abstract for title passed by one of the best lawvera 1 preventive, and always with goocU If your body is sua results." blood is rich and re nd and your your acts and and strong. "Sam" Gompers squarely to in ijaiayette, Aia. Call upon J.

F. Reid, Langdale, to see the property and close deaL Address: H. 60c at all dealers. Foster-Mil- thoughts will i quidk burn Buffalo, N. Y.

adv the point in hia call to the electorate of the country to overthrow Congress weak, and your rcwUcef Let your mm III nilTPI IVtH WvAA- fV) nnrfkvlr "kl 1 food won no ou nor your jjj aj-via Aaaivtl tJUCCVi XI CTf ai aV el, tthe present one) and elect men who SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSi sleep refresh have hearts and consciences and the Hardwick to deliver their patriotic aona into hands of the savage Hun? Hardwick's policy would have delivered them as prisoners of war to starve and die under the whip lash of Prussian taskmasters. The tattered remnant which would have remained of the American Expeditionary Forces would have returned to us with flags trailing in the dust of humiliation and defeat, had Hardwick's advice been followed. What think you, voters of Georgia, of the man who would have left your boys the trenches of France with-08t food, without clothing, without arms and without ammunition, to fall prey to tha legions of the" autocratic Too muchTiard work, an illness, or mental strain ckn thin down your highest welfare of all the people at heart. Gomeprs is not a fool, at that; and his words have not the hol I blood, and Pepto-Mangan is needed to bring it back to healthy," normaj low blatancy of the soap-box orator. Samuel Gompers words ring the condition.

Knowing this, doctors for years seriousness of truth and have in their essence the heavy weight of a direct challenge that will not be disregarded. The two highest law-making bodies in the world hw rnade the have recommended Gude's Pepto-Mangan because of its blood-building and tonic properties. Pepto-Mangan is such a simple and Lake Condy i harmless tonic, yet such a prompt government of a great nation their political play-thing; have squander builder of red blood, that its repu ed millions of dollars in money andj tation has spread all over the country. Today every druggist sells it and thousands of men and women use1 it as a restorative whenever they or their children seem to feel below par. Caesar of the Huns? While millions of bur bravest and best young manhood were in the army, and while millions on multiplied millions of true Americans were subscribing for vast sums of ''LIBERTY BONDS" to sustain the RIGHTS and the HONOR of American, this man Hardwick was skulking in the rear, hatching dark schemes to impede the successful prosecution of the war.

Will the people of Georgia vote for a man that stripe? If they do, the election of Benedict Arnold to the Pepto-Mangan agrees with the montns oi the precious time of millions of people in worthless wrangling and cheap partisan political buccaneering all to the one end (on the Republican side) of trying to discredit a great man because a Democrat. And (shame to say it!) on the part of some Democrats, an effort to "put over" the next elections for that great party, regarless. most delicate stomach, and is obtain able in either liquid or tablet form. tie sure the name "uude is on the package when you buy Pepto- Mangan. Ask the druggist for "Gucs." If "Gude's" is not on the package it is not Pepto-Mangan.

presidency of the United States after advertisement. the eRvolutionary War would not have been so surprising. Ths BEST and CHEAPEST insurance on earth Opejika Alabama Is NowA5pen To -The Public Opelikji's Most Popular Recreation Center With many improvements including enlargeci Bath Houses and everything spick and span, ready to give pleasure and enjoyment to old and young alike. Nothing more restful than a swim or a picnic party and there is xJe more ideal picnic place for an auto party thaVt THE VICTOR. "Did' you win your divorce suit?" "Well, yes, in a way.

I got the custody of the dog." Judge. The muddle in the affairs of the convict camp, wherein the thrashing of prisoners by the wardens has played a conspicuous part, is growing worse daily. Monday one convict was attacked and beaten to insensibility as a result of an interview in which he had praised the treatment accorded him at the-prison camp. It is a pity that these matters grow Into such states. Unquestionably the indiscriminate criticism of prison management tends to make it harder to manage prisoners at all; and on the other hand, indiscriminaU flog.

ging shoud not be permitted. GOING SOME. Marma "That girl is awfully fast." Duke "Do you think so?" Marma "Yes, she covered five laps last night." Cornell Widow. HOT MUCH! roUREr 7AINT mODUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY West Point Iron Works West Point, Georgia CLERKS Alice "They say Tom is an expert in the art of self-defense." Marie "Nonsense! Ethel made him propose in a week." Judge. Men, Women, 18-55, for government departments.

Salary, $110 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, examinations, write John John Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner) Equitable Building, Washington, D. C. 2t LAKE GONDY Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if yon will keep your system in order by regularly taking Wainright's Grist Mill Grinds for toll customer gets 48 pounds of meal for 56 pounds corn.

Corn chopped for feed Meal for sale--made exclsiyelyot country corn Every Courtesy Given to Our Patrons Bring Your Family Out to Cohdy. Enjoy some fun, let the youngsters have a frolic Robert Wainright I i Tha world's standard remedy for Iridnar, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the enemies of life and looks. Id nse sinew 1696. All druggists, three sizas. Look for tha nam Gold Medal oo aaary ban tad accept no imitation Near JU Old Car Shed West Point, Georgia.

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