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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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Celebrated HatS, Silk, Stiff and Soft. Spring Styles. DEWENTER, The Hatter and Furnisher. $15. WE WILL Dissolve Partnership July i.

And must have Cash for retiring partner, for that reason we make suits to order for $15, $18, $20 and choice of our Summer Suitings for $35. This is no fake, but actual facts. Tucker Tailors. $20. 3-5 Pear, Street.

APPAREL OFT PROCLAIMS THE MAN" Is tho wise handed down lo us by the bard. The well dressed, the man that procures liis stylish, exquisitely fitting well-made suit of from Hera carries with liim a mark of distinction and coin- imamfe rcspoct wherever ho goes. Tlio bk-yck'r, golfer or sportsman liltod here looks a Higher typo or man than the genevul run of Remember tlio nmmhcr '100 Market SM'Oe-l. DAILY JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 37, 1SOO. Subscribe for Tho Boys' units cheap now at Mitchell's.

Every suit a lender at Hanuii, -12-i Fdfth street, for screens. Harrison has the finest line of hammocks in the city. We can save you money on frames, us wo ray'small JL I-Iunna, 424 'Fifth street. Fifteen Italians have gouc to.Wabash from this city to work on the stone cut iu the bluffs. Mr.

and Chns. Bundy of Seventeenth street are preparing to remove to New Castle. Mr, Jolm A. Young and family of th.0 Westsido went to Roemester yesterday for a visit. Louie D.

Eiclihorn of Blui'fton, secretary of tlie State Music Teachers' association, will visit W. T. Gift'o over Sunday. a At the apUBst tonight will bo grivcu a pleasing entertainment. At the close of which will lie served light refreshments.

Insist on having just what you' call for yon go to buy Hood's Siirsa- pnrilla, One True Blood rurifiei 1 nerve tonic. E. V. and E. E.

Rice of near Yjomig America will graduate this week the hospital college of medicine Of Hie Central university of Kentucky at Louisville. Mother Superior of the Sisters Notre Dame of Milwaukee, is in. the city on an Inspection tour. is tliejgnest of the Sisters at St. Joseph's church, T.

C. JIcGovern has purchased tho ground at the Southwest corner of Seventh street and Broadway and will probably improve Jt this summer by the. erection of dwelling houses fronting on Seventh street. The lot has a frontage on Seventh street of eighty-two atid one-half feet. Awarded Highest Fair.

MOST PERFECT MADE. I yve Grnpe Cream pf Tartar Powder. Fret Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40''Years the Standard. CANADA THISTLES. Tribune: There are so many ill-natured -editors the li.ttlc towns ad- tlie city of Waliasli' that Tlie Trilmno mention subject which has been In-onglit to iw notice.

On between Market a.tul Canal 1 a healtliy crop of Canada thistles, wliic-h, if uoc soon harvested, will lie the mains of taking the city. How they eanio Ihern no one can I ell, Imt tiivy arc there to do considoraWe niischiof. Tlie city authov- it.ies should a scythe and a couple of of salt ami start the street c'oniriifcsioiner after them. My, IKJW this- neSvs wiH tickle the Peru people. They always did like to say nasty about Wabash, BICYCLE RIDEKS, READ! Frank-fort Tiriies: Arrangements liave beon made by tlio management of rhu 4th of celebration at Frankfort to make a special feature of the bicycle part of tlio big parade.

A cash vrlxc will be given to 1hc bwt decorated wheel in the for lady and one for gent. Parade starts at 0:30 a. an. All riders are invited to participate. Track races as'follows: 1 mile open, 2 mile open, mile open; 1 mile, boys der Address communications to Fred Coulter, Frankfort.

Hid. Exchanges please copy. A pracUcal woman' remarked t.hc other day that tin; most' interesting tilings in tlie newspapers to her are the advertising columns. "And long, ago," said she, "I buying of those who do not advertise. It always seems 'to me that rhe merchant- who advertises invites me to trade with him.

whilu the one who does not advertise Jmpre.sfp? me with (lie idea Hint he doesn't care enough 1'or my trade to ask for it. Then, too, I 1 found that the merchant who advertises has fresher goods for the reason, I suppose, that lie sells Peru Journal: Arthur Stutcsman and John Bender rode t-o Loganspovt yesterday on their'wheels Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leebrick, were in Logaiisport yesterday-visiting Mr. ami Mrs.

D. A. Hank SI Morgan of Loga.nsport, was town this morning going to 'Rochester and returned this C. M. FlUmorc was in Logansport today attending a inectlng of the executive committee of the Slate music teachers' association to prepare for the meeting at Terre Hugh Bigger and A.

L. Daniels, of Danville, IlL were in the city yesterday. They are on their way to Chicago to enter In tne bicycle races, and rodo here on their wheels, comics'via. ludlflnapolis, Councilman Geo. Haigh was at Converse yesterday.

eows wo oa a heir hands where if they had iKMikets 1 tlreW' gMfiej Both Sides Had, a the Poor i-T OTTOS Some New Timber Team--Natl6rfar Well, yesterday that he' Ottos-would 'em aud tifully? They-had too-many, fe.jlow<s; in the game yesterday who were-wtnt; is known among J.elBgs/j fellows' who loaf and their be pants, and look calmly scrapes the dust from.aboiit;tifej.i;..feet or past their Just two men on tlie ju the inlield who ar-iiid ihey wanted to holil of the at all', and these two have lamentable string of errors to their phy, tho short-stop, tion in tiie Infield, and put Jntp the hicb grass for some of '-I'll get It," or heard whenever a ball 1 by aiJ Otto batter, and the fans in soon dub.bed him 1C. he had "got it" every time he went 1 tor ir, there worild-not have many runs made by the locate- But Murphy had assistance -in "the error line. Anderson and 'Carbcllin had pair each, and speedy Bennett, their, crack third-baseman, had a chance to llistingnish himself and failed. But, thar was nothing 10 the chance Hanluy, of tlie liomo team. had.

He an off day evidently, for ho only made four errors. The fourth inning spoiled tlie chance of the visitors and after those six had crossed the plain, they suemed to have lost interest in the came and iho Oros had it easy. Following is 1 the kept by a fan wish four eyes aud two of arms, and all his members wore kept busy picking out points: OTTOS AB .11 PO A-E Shaver, ss -0 .1 .4 ITanley. 2b 4 2.0 2 4 Uackelt, If 2 1 3 0 0 Bruton, 0 2 3 1 2 Steraler, cf 1 1 3 0 May, rf -1 2 0 0 .0 0 Kenneally, .1 2 4 0 ib i 30 i '-o Fisher, 4 0 0 1 '3 1 Totals 42 0 0 27 '14 7. BLACKBURN AB PO A Mnrpiiy.

ss 4 1 0 3 McConncli; ....4 0 0 4 0 0 Bennett, 0 0 2 2 1 Battisle, cf, rt ...4 0 0 Tonkins, 21) ....4 2 1 3 0 0 Anderson, 0 1 0 0.2 Watt, rf 4 0 1 3 0 0 rf cf ..4 0. 0 3-0 2 Wolford 2b, 1 2 2 0 SPRING NECKWEAR, SPRING OVERCOATS. WILL SELL YOU A SPRING SUIT TODAY EOR LESS MONEY THAN ANY OTHER CLOTHIER IN fLOGANSPORT. LINE COflPLETE Buy a Lougley Hat and be up to Date 426 Broadway. P.

S. If you want a Tailor Made Suit don't forget my line of the Celebrated Stein Block Clothing, THEY'LL COME LOADED. Kokoino Has Blood in Her Eye--Some Good Timber. Totals 4 Score by innings: Ottos 1 '0 0 1 10-0 0-0 Blackburn .00011011 0-4 Earned two base. hits- Shaver! Hacket, Wolford; basu on balls -oil' Fisher off Watt.

struck out-by Fisher by Watt 3, by. Wolford. double to 1 to Hnnlo.r to Bolan: lime of game. 1 hour iJ5 miimtes. 'Umpire, Johnston.

THREW THE COLONELS. From all accounts the Kokomo base jail fans will be in Lognusport in full 'orce Sunday. They Iliiiik they have a world-neater in tin! lean) they have ihero now, but when they get through wilh Hie new Ottos, tliey wou'r be ic-arly so'handsome, but they'll' know "Huu" lias- letv-boiiufry Lyen, and i there's a bright galaxy of pitchers. Two good sometimes, and one.that never was good. tiie new man from Pennsylvania, last night and will be for practice today.

Jloi-siey-and the heaviest batters'that have liit a ball on the home grounds this-season, are also here. Crosby is a stjir p'ltclier: Horsloy was once. Rock- vill'e's Miird-liaseman, and Byers cauglit both the games (Hat club playqd here. of rhe club has been slow taking oii new men. but good ones w.erc secured when they were Let'Kokomo come; the Ottos are ready for them.

Cleveland Wins from Close. Race. Cleveland throw the Colonel; down' ycterdny. It's a pity ruin prevented pime the day before, for it was ilmost a cinch for tlie Spiders and they' need every same they can get, for BaT-' is only a matter of'seven points behind them and the ball like fiends. shnj: out yesterday, but a.shut.out don't mean imich to Brooklyn any more: has had the white wash laid on so much of that a.

little dab oidre or less don't count. Follow'Iug" the jcores of yesterday's yanies: At 'Louis- rille 1. Ar Louis Cibcie- la.ti 3. At. yn 0: At York Boston Eain prevented the at.rjttsbni'ir.and she Washingtoii SVasliington." STANDING OF.THE.CLUBS;.

Clubs. Baltimore Mncimmti Boston 'hllndeiphin ashington Won Per Cf. ....27.,..20. ....30 .20. Brooklyn York St.

Lbnis ..24. ..,.20 13 '20 '21 HUMANE SOCIETY General Organization Starts the Ball Rolling Here. WORK IS WELL BEQUN The Thirty- Nine Purposes of the United Band of Hercy. Vesterday in tlie parlors of the Mur- douk 1 T. Gauze, general assi.slc-d by Mayor 'Mc- several minisiers and a few of cr'a'nsporVs' 1 lk i ixens, organized a liryudi of The DK-ctiug to order, tlie object stated, Kici! was made chairman and- the Bcfv.

T. S. Freuman Mi.s.OG.fuw.O' told of her success in br'ga riiKlrifr societies in other cities and told' 'of 'thfi" way 1 Humane oflicers are paid why a Humane organized here. The Rev. then made a short speeeli' recommending the society and iHlirig fit cruelly to animals aud chil- drpn, Tbe subject aiid'ai'tielcs of incorpora- were 'read, and adopted.

The following committee -was appoimed to draw up a constlrutlon aud by-laws: and .7. C. Kanffuiaii a'nd Mr. C. Hadley.

The i commlt.tee was ap- S. Rice and H. H. DeWolfe. and tha Rev.

D7 Putnam. held Thursday after- roo.a.. at. parlors of Jlie, Murdbck hotel, at" which, time the aiiy-laws will be adopted' and '-officers elected. The -'object of o-noble one and deserves' the hearty support of the people Logansport.

FoJIo-wijig are the objects of organisation: "We believe it to be our duly to slop: animals. learns. use of light check reins. dogs ears and tails nud docking horses. of shelter of animals.

Cows. on railroad slock mills. calves. live fowls. clipping of horses in winter and spring.

galled and disabled animals. legs of calves, sheep or fowls. "To restrain: "To introduce: roads and pavements, Meihods. of slaughtering. methods of horse-shoeing.

cattle cars. -fountains. laws in all stales. in schools and liomes. induce: Children he Jnimano.

lo loach kiudnoss to animals. to preach to write it. lo keep it before the people. and trainers of horses 10 try kindness. of animals 10 feed regularly.

"3.1—People lo protect inseciivora. not to molest birds' to hike belter care of stock, not to sell tbelr old family horse. People of all states to form Humane societies, to give money to forward the good cause. to interest themselves in the noble work. to appreciate the intelH- gencc aud virtues of animals, generally to make men and women and children better, because more human." Ladies as well as men are urged to join the Logansport branch of socferv.

For $2.98 Otto Offers Choice of Men's Tan Shoes worth up to $6.00 including the Wide Toe Ox Blood S. Shoe and Smith Stoughton's best. Choice of all $2.98 Ladies' New Shade Tans Worth $3 for $1.96 The Celebrated -Otto" $2.50 Button and Lace $1,48 The Free Distribution of WATCHES WITH SUITS Closes this Week. Otto Kraus "Of Course" MX: r-r Y-COZZEN s. Mr.

Edward Murphy of Lead. S. and Miss Mary Colons of Galena, nt married Tuesday morning St Bridget's church by tlio Rev. Father I Kroeger. Mr.

Murphy has for many lived iu tlio Black Hills, lias become .1 resident of gansporl and has purchased ihe lot'at the northeast eonierof Xorlh aud Eleventh on which he will SOOB erect a handsome homo. The lady is tho sister of Mrs. Gus Mvtrphy. south or iho city. where she has been visiting for the last: monllj.

After wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Murphy will lie at. home at rhe George Harrison uwi seeds only. Landrettrt Subscribe for The SCRATCH AND LOGANSPORT TALENT.

The law firm of Mr.Connell McConnoll is Interested in the case of William Poconga, a Miauil Indian, against the Mortgage Trust company of Pennsylvania, which is now up iu the Grant Circuit, court. The- Logansport firm is for the plaintiff. Efiie Bridewell, a teacher in tut public schools at Kokomo, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Gottlel.b Scha flier of the Nbrrhside and of her uuclo Mr. llani Hawley.


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