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The Delta Democrat-Times from Greenville, Mississippi • Page 4

Greenville, Mississippi
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IUT.TIMES MISSISSIPPI Experts Debate Effectiveness Of'U. S. Anti Aircraft Guns DEVON FRANCIS AtKCtaied Press Avtalivn Editor ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND. Oct. 13--Tlic army has doin- ohstratcd publicly for the first time, the fire power of its clectri- colly aimed anti aircraft.

only to revive speculation over against bombiiif! planes at extreme altitudes. Targets towed by bombers al 10,000 feet, before an audience composed of Army Ordnance As- members. centered 1 now and- then in bui-siing 3-ineh siwlls yesterday, but a large proportion of the projectiles tndled tlie targets by several hundred Army bombers consistently prac- PRISON GUARDS WITH LEADED STRAP California Governor Plans 'Clean Survey 1 of Prison? As Result KAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 13 (AP) --The Chronicle.

In a copyrighted story today, said that fuur San Queutin prison guards had admitted portleipatiin! In mass Army uomoers participating In mass lice on targets from altitudes of nd lip iCU 1( 20,000 'feet and above. hat ac- mm who curacy the Buns, operated in lilko -torture" pun- teries of four and firms; en masse lrt a hunger 100 shots a minute, would be abU. i i nst bl llm nm i IIIX t6 attain a heipht, army i Thl ci i )( of'tho slate prls- licers at the proving around lie( bi 1 lv clined to estimate. The maximum range of the Runs is about 30,000 fee.t. Loss tjufslion met the performance of bombers dropping 2000- pound projectiles from 10.000 feet.

Two planes within minutes of each other planted their bombs at ai- rf most the same spot on tlie Uirgot "The bombs required 20 seconds to reach Uie ground. It -was an exhibition of "directive" bombing as asalnst widely practiced showed Ihe accuracy of tlie army's highly secret lighting which compensates Die variables such as air speed, altitude and wind. "Objective" I means Delta Transportation Company p. o. BOI Greenville, MlsslKslppi Bus Schedule BOUND TO: Ilnswlnli'.

Clarksdalo, Memphis. llnuwrlHc. Skrdls- nnil Helenn. A. M.

and I'. M. SOUTH BOUND TO: Avnll, flli'll Allan. 1 1'. M.

I't-rey I'nrk. Itcltonl, 1 ,8:15 I'. A liercy I'urk, Ilolbimliile, ATOM nod (lien Allnii-- A. M. mnl I 1 M.

BiST BOUND TO: inillnmiln, Bolzcml, Yazixi City, JiH'kmni. f)rew, Moorbeiul. I a Benii, Greenwood and Ort'iiadti A. 3:20 P.M. WJ3ST BOUND (Vltl Llllic VII- lafcc, Ark.) to: MeOcheo, I'lne BluK, l.ltlle Itoek nml points worth-- fl -AO A.

A. M. M. (Vln Ark.) to: Monroe, Alexniulrln, r.a., Siirercport, nad El Doriulo, Ark. ViOMO M.

Scbedidij HttlJJeot to cbnnpn I i BznmplK. of one way In- chaliag ferry ehnrgeB: Luke Ark Sl.OO Ark I'lne Ark Ltttto Hook. Ark Monroe, Aluxiiiuli'lii, I-a Sbrevepoil. I.n. El Dorniln, Ark Dlscoiml on IJoiinil Trip Tlcki-tn.

Llfllt KipreKrt liniullnl en i sclnxlules. Bus Station For FuHhor Iiifomiu'lon fall rhotic '137 2.SD the paper suid. but declared list nlclit they wo'jlil not quit on KING SOLOMON 'WEDDING' HELD The King Solomon wedding singed recently al the St Peter's negro church proved a success. i The brides seeking to marry King Solomon were Julia Ehnore, Gertrude Ilabzzard, Viola Blalrc Mary Allen. Jessie Harris, 1'earl- ine Hoystcr, Allen Boyd, Ruby Carter mid Orville Mitchell.

Or- Milehell was named bride and won first prize and Ituuy Carter lind prize. The following white friends intributed to event: Mrs ill Isenberg and fnmily, ihl Burgliwn SI.OU, Mr. and rs. Frank England 50 cents, and r. Sidney Moyse 25c.

Mr. and hs. Alexander also gave a do- ation. that an imvstigatiu failed to produce pmof of the egt-d Nine guards have signed state- in connection with the episode, the paper said, lour admitting taking part in the actual whip- ping and the others describing it as eye-witnesses. The Chronicle said Governor Culbert Olson "plans a clean oif the entire state prison admlnis- Iralion as a result of the beatings with Warden Court Smith of San Quentin slnled for ouster first and Warden Clyde Plunmier of Folsom prison next." The Prison board moots today in Us Angles and Saturday al San Quentin to investigate the charges, the paper said.

A --with brahu and ambition Dial belle that al- i dunce's hal she wears, Erin O'Uritn-Moore has started up (he cumeback tra.ll. Critically burned lost Jumiary, she's preparing for stage roles. She starred In "Street Scene." MOHB COLLEGE CJKADS KEEV ON STUDYING STATE COLLEGE. I'll. A -Mure and more John and Mary Collegians are contimtlnij their college education beyond Ihe I SCAKDIKAYIANS OWN NEUTRALITY Sweden, Norway and Denmark Present Notes To Russia COPENHAGEN.

Oct. 13 (AJ --The apprehensions of neutral ty conscious a i a i a com tries were reflected today In tin newspaper and official utterance Concern centered on the Fir -----mal fmir yeai-s. accnrdiiiR to fig- i nish-Sovjet Russian oiks at Mo tires released by the Pennsylvania row mid the proximity of war rviii.on i i i i Wcsloin Europe which already li SU advanced dei'roes wer severely blighted awarded by Putin State last thiin In Ihe whole sin year per- iod from 11)23 In 11)20. the study Moscow showed. Even more striking the fad that more' than 11 times as many ju-aduato degrees were lirtlllted in ID3I1-3!) than in 1023- Of the advanced deifrevs Mivell in Ihe academic year, 113 were! master ol education de- Rices.

years there were only four slieh deuiees liriuited. dropping projectiles on a general area in explosion patterns to In- Ftire llllllili! tnrfiel. TODAY and SATURDAY TEX KITTKH III "Sundown On The Prairie" Added Thrills: "DAIir.nKVII-ti or TIIK RICH rmn.K "(TIT KI.ICKKIt" NO. A 11 ILAI'l'KN TO YOU' LAST CHANCE TODAY M.AKCII Or TIjlL. EnKlniM's EnUro nullle Flwt SATURDAY ONLY THE "DEAD END" KIDS HAVE REFORMED! Added: Cnrtooir 1 Rfl'iicrr Aim Kl'NDAY OXI.Y TAST AND FURIOUS" BOWMAN TONK IH ssEY the Scandinavia rejxii ts n' opinioi pulltical circles as Russia was hiyii IEVIVAL AT ASSEMBLY OF COD Revival services are continuing ifilnlv at the Assembly of God vitli Rev.

Kenneth Krwin, evan- jelist, laking tor bis suhjert to- i i "The Jew. God's Time iieee." The public is hca on the plac-e of tlr lew in God's program of the fu lure, to be told In tin) light coining world events. This sub iect will be of particular inferei lo students of prophecy and al yrc urged to attend the seiMCi the Assembly of God Church. B01 i'uilock strcet. Yesterday's Newspaper Boys Are Today's Leaders NOTICE TO IJIbDEKS Notice Is given tlmt the SUite Gume and Kish Commission will receive bids for the construc'tidn of a dam across Washington Bayou adjoining Lake Washing ton" in Washington County, and plans and may be seemed at the office of the Commission Jackson, Miss.

Bidt must be filed not Inter Uirui II) n. in. November 2. to opened Uivnville, Miss, a I 10 o'cluck on the morning of November 3, 1 Right lo reject any and all bids reserved. (Signed) F.

DEAHMAN', Director BEN M. STEVENS in-12-3w Sucrelary. IIG'D TAKE CARE OK VISITING UOKSEMEN COUNCIL BLUFFS, la. (AP)-Old Dobbin 1ms no place lo piu-k Council Bluffs. Cily Council- tnan Joseph ICatehhan wmita lo do something about it.

He proposed a 20-fool space on a downtown street be set aside, and a hitching post creeled wilh sign altached "For Horses Only." The of visitini! horses came to light when a farmer, arrested for parking his tc-nm in a restricted area, complained "there isn't any place in this town where you can hitch a horse. What can a man do?" Asked what would happen if two horses-canw to.towi* at'-oncc. seeking-: anehor.ce -flti post; A "That Is a horse of different color." There are 000 species of the acacia There arc four towns In the United States named Akron. DAWSON SHEET METAL WORKS 211 Main Phono 271 RU-BER-OID Roofing Company In The I a a i of VRAK I I I I HOOFS To Be Sure? About Your PLUMBING Call TERSON'J 577 before the Finnish delgation nit lined them as follows: 1. That Finland hand over small islands on the route of the Itus- sinn navy throuiih the Gulf of i a into Baltic.

'1. Thai i a enter a military assistance paet involving no other oci-npatiun nf Finnish territory. 3. That Finland agree to i onoinlc and political bunds with "Tin Thru Finland expel Germans. Identical Notes Sweden, Xorway and Denmark identical notes to the NOTICE TO I Notice is herehy giveu that Board of Supervisors of Washington County, Mississippi, wli: receive bids up to the noon hour on Tuesday, November Mill, loo had for for the following: Certain alterations and repairs i In the Doaid of Supervisors Itoom AL JENNINGS Al Jennings, inanafer of Hotel Greenville, supported himself for four years when he was a schoolboy in Greensboro, N.

by delivering papers for the Greensboro Daily News. He even remembers today tlie number of papers he delivered--I'll over 1- mile route--which he walked. in those flays were bicycle." Manager Clean Fresh Aromatic Therrnalo Roasted And Uniform! We'll Give A Liberal Allowance, For Your Old llulli'ry On Prest-0-Lite Batteries! Automobile Owners, check jour battery! Cold weather driving causes undue strains Inn Preat-O-Lite can tnlie It Guaranteed from 0 mouths to years (according to from JSJ.DiJ to trnde-lna up to W. THOMPSONS 217 Main Hired riimitj 288 STATION of i i i i i County Court House as per now on Cl il Greenville, Mississippi specifications and plair i in ttie Chancery Icrk's olfico. The Board re; LO lilt.

Moscow government yesterday, ex- (Seal) pressing "expectation that nothing i oivttr which would rpevent Finland from continuing Indepen- denily in a i a i her a position, vhlch she a i a i with other i countries, and we wtr.h the negotiations to cement friendly between i land and Soviet liilssta." Premier Per A llansson ol Sweden last night 111 a restatement of his country's position that sure she could keep ottl of the war. He warned a nf i i i a eon- strtu-'i as i Swedish a i would not lie tolerated. His audience tlie Union of Swedish i i a circles greeted i a i the shown i October, by the United Suites in Finland's (Seal) position. The United States ambassador to MO.SCOW yesterday made reprewntations similar to those of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. eserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Given under my hand and official seal, this 12th day of October, 1B3H. Raymond Finger, right, if new carrier-salesman the Delta staff. He de- ivers Route 12, on Percy, Maple, vloore, and Starling streets. A. D.

UHOOKS, Chancery and Ex-Officlo Clerk, llo.ucl of Supervisors, Washington County, Miss. I M. K. WILSON, 10-13-1 1). C.

treated Gasoline CVlalie a i of NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that tlie of SuiHTvisors of Washington County, Mississippi, wil receive bids up to the noun hour on Tuesday. November Hth. 19311. for the following: One to two tanks il or Lead cimUtitimg an 7 0 or belter. The Board reserves tlie right to reject any or all bids.

Giwn inulei my and official seal, this tlie day of Hl.lfl. A. D. BIIOOKS, Chancery Clerk Kx-Offlclo Ch-rk, Board of Supervisors, Washington County, Miss. M.

K. WILSON, D. C. 1 1 3 5 SPECIAL MIDNITE SHOW RAYJIOND FtNOER Today's Newspaper Boys Are Tomorrow's Leaders "IT MAY BE" thfit I heti.T efitilpiwd electrical re- but nut ill tlie Deltn 1 I'll Mod my work to MOTOR AND ARMATL'RE WORKS S. Walnut PhoiM Tomorrow 11:30 P.M.

A I TO real life dory of the world's movie capital OLLYWOOD J. EDWARD ALAN STUARI BROM8ERG CURTIS ERWIN LYNN BUSTER DONALD A I A IN I Children Me Ualoonj Orclicslm Mr HAPHAZARD WAY AUDITED WAY by rumor, guesswork, and hasiY judgment by ihe facts presented in ABC REPORTS IME was when buying advertising space like groping in the ilnrlt. Vitll no fuels to serve us guide through the of you had to rely on rumor und You had to pick your puprrs liv guess-work nud hope for the resiill.i far as sales were concerned. That ilny is past. Discerning advertisers now buy bpuce with as sciiind hauls fact us they buy ton of coal or dozen of eggs.

The iotirrc enlightenment in the A.B.C. report--the complete official, audited report of circulation A.H.C. reports tevenl und aiinlyze NKT I'AII) CIKCVLATIO.N--how lurpu it is, where- It Is, how it was secured. It is your insurance that you will get whnl you pnv for. It protects the liujcr mid the li.uu^t It mndc by mcr 'JODII piihllnlirrs, HihiTliirrs nnd uin'iu-ii'M.

I i i you i Ihli liimirancr polirj. t'x- i I ou i i i i i i i it i i i un iMticli. oil! Ijr to iiitr you of "ur Inlcst containing the fuels by which you cuii judpc the luluc of this paper. EMOCRAT-TIME An A. B.

C. Fublicattem Bureau of Ji yardstick of nclvcrlising value.

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