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The Petaluma Courier from Petaluma, California • Page 2

Petaluma, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ii THE COUMER, PETALUMA, SONOMA COUNTY, CALM DCEMllEIt 17, 1890. court FreeMdlnita, an unpaid board bill, and ueglected to COMETS. The reapportionment bill, based on the representation of iiietulcrn of the I accouut for sax) of bis employer money. HibUrJ' rlteutuuiio nirup will etireyuti. rAKrvr J.

Jie went in answer 10 a telegram pur- Ktate ot kuuolntwl. bond Ihii ting to oomo from a sick wife, ben bouse of representatives, us originally promised by Frank of Missouri, was fav Tim pusUiftto Ht fin tern, Napa oouu ty Liut um diJiliimtkL in nan raucisco lie goods to orably acted upon by the house committee tlie amount or ton on Dr. iliddlea no Ji. Nitylr.For jfh1 guuU in omi- HIDES, TALLOW WOOL, GAME POULTRY, EQQS FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. Thi HIQHE8T MARKET PRICE PAID PHILIP DUNN'S, Washington St Phtaiuma count, lie has been arrested at Fresno, and will return to Healdsburg, for a bearing before its court.

The amount held against him is about 81J). The comer stone of tbe new insane asvluui at Mendocino was laid Tuesday week. Geo. Tompkins, a drunken logger at Marvsville, fell from a second story hotel window with such force as to break a plank sidewalk, but miraculously fc.til of (ivonru Orecn Krror uoiifvMtd; ID il tu amend uctiiion lor hiimmlMti. K-tiiio ol Clwrloii TIiouhm Aiuouiil gvtllt'l Mid ItlltlWtili, K-uiool Kuliln and Stewart Viikw, minora Order nktemliiiif Hum to mm imludliu iu.wuilnr S-th, to ri'- ni nniMiit bill of ciwitliiiia, Ku( of Kh.vnnirMin-OrUiir uf wis ml wuw: no additional IuiihU riilrl.

Ktut of II Priiiiinioiiil CvntliiutMl to UweinWr Jl'imI. K.t.iic of Caroline lleimon Amount wttUtl ami al- lowiil: ilutrllmtlon iinlvrul. K.liilc of John Mi'Alltii llrown et minor-On Ut iniiltmiiiiif aitle of real eabite Kituj rlwiinlTTOVlii Ki ito of Kli'haitl ComcrfurU Account tvttlnl and nllouvtl, ana decree of llnal diHclmrue K.uic of Chi let acttled ami diatrilm- turn orilcred. ou the census, and Uunnell tmbeineiitly reported the bill to tbe bouse. The report note changes, and says that from the population of tbe United States the committee subtracted tbe population of the District of Columbia, Oklahoma and Utah.

Tbe remiunder was With this numlier differeut ratios were obtained by taking as a divisor any pro-Hsed number. Each number was taken twUourry lie cnu i ut uat. Murphy' barlk-r iiUop. next door to ElUworiU' furniture store. Counterfeiter lire turning oat silver tlollnm Ht iu alarming rate iu Buu Fran-cUoo.

The Krhetor, a daily published at St-Heleua, Iiuk yiveu up tue ghost. Lack of nujHirt. Charley Mull received a nevere mlp wound by a fulling ludder Momlny nioruiiitf. Tbe niiiMiiirade ball on New Yean escaped injury. Assistant Engineer McElroy.

of the from SSti to 875. Trials were made until cruiser San Francisco, was (lining at a a nnmber was found which would give a of Julio Tlvneii Will admitted to pn.l.ute. b.liite ofSiiihroiila ArtontAiliiiiniatratoraMlnteil; I allejo restaurant recently, when a lamp, ratio which, iu application, would seen re lute nl Cook-onler cttlmc Mido Hinging alsive his head exploded, injur LAMOREAUX GOSHEN and ucrujuul eve proniice to be one of tlie.eveuU of the Kenfou. C'lirintma guotW Uefore buyinit will and examine our line at Treulioltz tlriti; store, 1'elaluma. Frank Kauirinnn of KelmHtoDol KOt'tirvd each state against any loss iu membership, ami iu no instance leave a major fraction.

This number was found to be The ratio was The uum- I i nig nun seriousiv. The safe of the Wigwam theater was looted by masked burglars recently and if'M) in money and jewelry were stolen. The watchman wan tied and gagged, ami remained so for live hours. Harry Ilaldwin of San Francisco, a young man from the east, took chloral Wholesale and Retail Dealers In STAPLE FANCY 1GERIES Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc. Ktate of Walker, an lneomietciit Con- (lulled to Peeemlier il.

K-i He ol Carrie btcrliiiK ct minora Contlmi to Ih-ccmdrr K.trtte or Win il lteetor Continued to HeeemUr 2i I'XIMIS'AU AMUIVIL. The I'eoplc va. II I Mint Scl January 7th In re ant of retietr juaiiee court uf'i eliio totti.klii--('ourl luljuoiiia that the Justice' court Inn no and that the judgment therein' ia null and void, The i'eople Flunk diamlaacil on the ground of fnauitt 'icnt etideuce to warrant a vole letiiin. The I'eople Jaima Oiker- liclciidant plea ai f'ir I let cinder ill. I'litrn lialfcrty et al.

ta. John tilvllii Set fur lc- -4 Stanford va Luttrell Set (or January 6, lslil. IIKI'ABIMKST CIVIL nol'UIIKItir, J. irion Si.loinon -v Jl llarnharilt-Set tor trial lieccinlier 21th. ber of members obtained on an even division The additional 17 needed to make iWJ was secured by giving another member to each of the states huv-ing left to it a major fraction.

These states are: Alabama, California, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa. Kentucky. Maine, Mary-laud, Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode Island. South Carolina, South Dakota. Texas, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin, the one hundred mid tliirtv-eihtb choice in the Kxnmiunf drawing, J.

S. Hum in moving bid tin More to the place formerly occupied by the. I rna, below the First National bank. Go to the City Store for liinh-tcnt keniKcne oil. Each can liux an ExceWor tiller, which moNt convenient.

Trices low. A new skating rink i occupying the Unrters recently vacated by the Salvation Army, (iood exercise for these three times with suicidal intent, and jumped into the bay. all within a week, i but fate was against his wish and he was saved. J. G.

Kittle Co's oil and lead works were consumed by tire early last Wednesday. Loss about Insurance PETALUMA, COR MAN WASHINCTON HINSHAW BLOCK EXTRA FAiilLY "NEIV PROCESS This apportionment gives the Iiepublicau states a small advantage. This could At i -'i iv i k- FLOUR pi nil Luijfi llamieo va I) Caa-a Continued to Jauuarv Mil. John Walker I'ietro t'ottinl- t'eiuuin-r ten data to aitaaer. of Sonoma county ta Sarah Ann Ciirtia De Ililifst Market Prii-c l'aid fn Country rroiliic'.

luit First-Clas (iooils Hamllftl. bi Hie same works met a like fate last June, and were not entirely rebuilt when swept away again. The San Francisco and North Pacific Improvement company has determined to sell its property at Ukiah and abandon that town as a field of operation. The reason assigned by the company for this step is that the people of L'kia'h do not extend reasonable support iu the works proposed; but the local press declares tht the true reason is that the death of J. M.

Donahue extinguished the moving spirit of the company. Donahue was the principal stockholder, and thought he could make Ukiah one of the liveliest, most prosperous cities in tbe only lie expected from a partisan house. Tbe oscillation of the census may preclude any apportionment this time. It is to be hoped it will, as the census will not be certaiuly known for nt least a year yet. Special Correspondent to the I'ctaluma Courier.

BODEGA ITEMS. SATISFACTION GUA11ANTEED STOCKTON MILUNGCO STOCKTON. CALIFORINA, H.t.N IKCII Off; M'. I Cioolrt Exhibited and Trices Quoted With I'li'iisun1. frosty evenings.

When in San Francisco visit the panorama of the Battle of Gettysburg and museum, corner market and loth street, the only panorama on exhibition in the city. Mrs. Woodworth. tbe self-styled evan-golist, is in Indiana, throwing young women of feeble intellect into trances, and working upon their hysterical propensities. On December 20th taxes will become delinquent.

The new sheriff will have to collect them. Tbe present sheriff and his deputies will be collecting taxes up to the day they go out of office. This morning's passenger train from San Francisco was delayed by a slight accident to the preceeding freight train at the bridge near the I'ateut brick yard. It reached Fetaluma at twelve o'clock. Ed Ardell, the young man shot by Chas.

Worth at Cloverdale, in a trilling quarrel, died Wednesdny night from the effects of his wound. Worth, who was admitted to bail in the sum of hi, cannot be found. ALSO SOLE ACENTS FOR THE STOCKTON CROWN MILLS FL0R fault of defendant entered; Judumtnt for plaintilT for Kosa A Bchmer a John Behnier Demurrer overruled. City of I'etaluma va Conrad Pochlniann etal-Demurrer overruled; twenty days to answer. Altha iiarie Millctt va Alfred iiichani Slillett-Sub-mitted.

Henry II Holler va Laura Holler Divorce (rranteii. Welib ti Wm Webb Divorce irrantcd. in the matter of the estate of Simpson Taylor deceased Motion for a new trial denied, Frances Kidd vg F. Kidd Default of defendant entered; case referred to court commissioner. In the matter of Paul Green, insolvent Stay of execution fur thirty days.

Kachel Snyder vs Sears Stay of execution for twenty days. In re Chas Faber, insolvent debtor II HickliA appointed assicnee; bond s.VHj. John Sargent vs ktfie Sargent Motion for alimony denied without prejudice. Satita Kosa Oank vs James Licking et al Stricken from calendar. Nancy Hardin, executrix, etc vg Thomas Meagher Continued to December Catherine Tuomy vs Tuoim Continued to De- state.

Knterprue. Card From Mr. Puckttt. Bodega, December 14, lH'JO. L.

S. Goodman has gone to San Francisco to lay in his supply of holiday goods. Chick Doody, the genial proprietor of the Altaraont hotel of Occidental, was in town yesterday. Dr. J.

J. Hackett of Markham's is in town. T. B. Joy spent Saturday in Santa Ilosa.

H. Smith of Coleman valley was in town today. Editok Covhier. Will you as an act of jus lice give place to the following corrections of statements made in your last issue in regard to the shooting of rov son. Alfred J.

Puckett. by Billy Cook? First, the shooting took place after dark. Second, there was no strayed calf then or any other time, on my premises belonging to James M. Todd. Third.

I had no hired man then. I have a small boy living in my family, who used no A few weeks ago the Native Sons organized a parlor at Occidental with a HOLIDAY GOODS raincK iremuie was tnea in tue jn: membership of about thirty. There is lice court yesteruay ir assault ana was i now some taiK oi organizing a parlor centlier 22d. Thomas Kutlede vs Crawfom Continued to Deiember 15th. Geo Wilkes vs Tarleton Crane Continued to December 22d.

John Tracer vs Edwards et al Default of defendants of judgment for piaintiff for si 96; attorney fees sl30; decree of foreclosure of mortgage. Sarah vs John Fauudit et al Default found guilty. He left for Santa Kosa here, rough language to James M. Todd or his stepsons. All the bad language used was by Billy Cook and his two brothers.

-AT- this morning to spend tbe winter. Five Miss Joy was tie guest of Mrs. A. months is none too long for some slight i Fletcher, nee Knffel of Santa Kosa, last offences. week.

See notice in our advertising columns Lee Hakes and wife of Nevada are Jiillv Cook shot nt me and the bullet tl.i.l 1, .,.,.1 l. of defendant Kcser entered; continued to December 22d. Frances A Culien vs John Cullen Subm'tted. wuiBiicu UJ my ucnu, ami lie ouuv tiv Hi, i son before my son tried to disarm him. of meeting next Saturday afternoon for I visiting in reestoue.

Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr. and COWE I'S. the purpose of organizing a local Farmers NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. a move to iucor- Sausalito is making porate. "urh' Exanlinations of abplicautsfor certificates were held in San Rafael yes He fired four shots at us in all.

The first shot went over his head, the second went through his coat and took the skin off his shoulder. The last bullet passed into his body. While Billy Cook was shooting my son, James M. Todd, his two stepsons, Melvin and Adelbert Cook, John Crilly and a man whose identity is still uncertain, were assnlting me at the same time in a most ferocious manner, which prevented me from assisting my son to the house after he was shot. Neither my son nor myself was armed -never carried arms, though we were warned over a year ago to look out for Alliance.

A large attendance is earnestly desired. State organizer, J. W. Hines. will be present.

A very perceptible earthquake shock was felt in Sebastopol last Wednesday morning at In Santa Kosa it also created a sensation. It must have been very slight here as we have heard no one speak of having felt it. The new channel being cut in the marsh below town with the proposed em-barcadero will be of value to Peta-luma's commerce. The efforts of the Mrs. P.

Koach, died very suddenly Tuesday of heart failure at their residence nenr Valley Ford. Mrs. Furlong, mother of roadmaster Furlong, died at the residence of her son John, near Tomales, last week. The body was interred in the Catholic cemetery here on Friday. Rumors reached here Saturday of a fight on a load of hay.

which took place between McCarty's saloon and Bodega Koads station. For obvious reasons the names of the participants are withheld. If the unlucky party had not imhided so KSTAIII.ISHKII ltsfi. terday. Mr.

Bennett, who designed the Sonoma county courthouse, died at Sacramento Tuesday week. A fire in Westport early Friday morning destroyed four buildings, all having some insurance. A week ago Sunday night Healdsburg was visited by the heaviest frost ever ex men who are pushing these enterprises freely of whisky he probablv would not will be duly appreciated by the citizens, have" felt frisky He gave tbe driver Billy Cook, but paid no attention to it, which was very near being fatal neglect for us. arm we nope wui result in rniicn k'mh: perienced in that locality Adolphe Flamant shipped last a carload of olive trees to an olive an uniooked for blow in the mouth, whereat the driver laid down his reins and proceeded to retaliate. The wagon and bay proved that he did his work with a vengeance, as tLey were copiously sprinkled with human claret.

Miss Gaffney is up from San Francifco on a visit to her mother. H. company in Sonoma county. Sapa Journal. Santa Rosa merchants say they are do- J.

HENRY'S FLOUR FEED AND GRAIN DEPOT. Wholesale and Retail. Upper Main Streel Petaluma, SOLE AGENT FOR THE NOTED STARR FLOUR. Render, remember bread made i Henderson, was awarded first lu-emium (o3 dollars) at our dismct fair in lss'i, and this year a special premium of 10 dollars and two liajrs of. Hour was awarded to Mrs.

Cordelia IT HAS NO ST PER TOR THY IT. Will be sold to tin; trade in 10, 20 or o0 barrel lots, at mill pri'-es. ALL KIND OF MILL STUFFS re. rived direct from the bi-mill at Valltjo, capacity barrels dailv ALL GOODS RETAILED AT WHOLESALE JOBBING PRICES. Spot Cash or prompt Payments Monthly.

Aext, Cook will be twenty years next month. Melvin's and Adelbert's i ages are eighteen and sixteen years respectively. John Crilly is also sixteen years old. He took a very active part in the affair, he and Melvin Cook telling Billy Cook to shoot old Puckett, after the shooting of my son, but either his re-1 volver would not work or he had no more bullets with him. They did their best to kill me, however.

Billy Cook and the others are out under bonds. I hope those papers that copied your article will do me the justice to copy this mg a very good business; fully one hundred per cent better than last year at this season. The steamer South Coast went ashore The First Step. Wm. H.

Jackson, iii-bt watchman for Kobler A Frnhiing's wine cellar at Windsor, fell through an open hatchway on the roof of their fermenting house into a fermenting tank. Wednesday night, and sustained injuries from which he died soon after. A man who has practiced medicine tor 40 years ought to know salt from sugar; read what he says Toledo, Jan 10. 1SS7. Messrs.

F. ,1. Cheney Co Gentleman I have been in the general practice of medicane for 40 years, and would say that in all my practise and experience have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with as much confidence of success as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times and its effect is wonderful, and would sav in conclusion at Fort Bragg during the gale of December 3rd, and the schooner Abbie went ashore at Caspar the same day. Bruce Cockrill, a horseman well known throughout the state, was thrown from his horse st Salinas on the 1st.

and died from injuries received. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning; you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic, and in Electric Bitters you will rind tbe exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surprising results follow the use of this great nerve tonic also.

E. H. Puckett, Vallejo Towxsmr, Decembsr 14, 18110. It CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY. J.

HENRY. BOOD-ln Santa Itosa, Decsnilmr 12, lsfjo, wife of L. E.Houd, a son. On Monday Judge Hunter sentenced Nelson W. Greenman.

the slayer of Sissul, to imprisonnent in Shu Quentin for the term of his natural lite.Rohnert'ilk Herald. It is said that the bonds on which Worth, the Cloverdale man. was allowed freedom, pending the result of Ardell's wounds, are illegal and cannnot be col il .4 it 1 1: and alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle.

Price 50 cents at S. D. Towne's drugstore. GEO. P.

MCNEAR, that I have yet to find a case of catarrh that it would not cure, if they would take it according to directions. Yours truly L. L. GORSUCH, Office L'lo St. Wi will give for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's catarrh cure.

Taken in ernallv. F. J. CHENEY C' Props. Toledo.

0. STREET DAVIS In East Oakland, December- IsftO, b.v Kev. E. C. Chapman, Waltur Street and Miss Gracie Davis, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Wm. Davis, formerly of Petal uma. Petaluma, lected. Four Chinese in Marin county, charged with illegal fishing, were discharged I I D.

The Largest Yield Ever Secured. La Grange, November 11th. Special. George Truitt brought in bis one hundredth bale of cotton today. The average weight of the hundred is 4f7 pounds.

He informed your correspondent that he would probably get two more Inursday on account of inadequate complaint; four more were arrested and held hold by all Druggists, 75c. for trial. There is reason to believe that a branch City Trustees. SITTON-ln Sacramento, December 14, 1800, Mrs Sitton, a native of Illinois, aed 47 ears and days. SCAN'XELL In Petaluma, December 10, 1890, Jeremiah Scannel, a native of Ireland, af(ed 72 years.

LAWRENCE In this city, December 16 1800, James Lawrence, a native of Tennessee, aged 58 years. KOACH Near Valley Ford, December 9, 1890, Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs 1' Roach. of the Donahue raiiroad will be built be bales. He has gathered 1.000 bushels of corn WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK IN FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, HAY, COAL, WOOD, SALT, XIIVEES. LATH, HJtC, Sperry's Flour at Mill Prices.

Proprietor of Oriental Mills, Oriental Peed Store, and jyJcNear's Warehouses. OFFICE: AT MILLS. MAIN STREET, PETALUMA, CAL from ten acres, averaging 100 bushels to the acre, and 200 bushels of potatoes from one acre. All this was done on a two-mule farm, eighty acres beinj; devoted to The trustees met Saturday evening, all present but Mr. Torr.

The minutes were read. The city clerk was instructed to read-vertise for bids for the construction of the Washington street sewer, as no size of pipe was mentioned in the former request. A communication was received from the dredger company, asking pay for work done in the creek. It was referred to the city attorney. The renort of the citv treasurer in rela- cotton.

George Truitt will make this year 7r ba'es of cotton clear of all expense, averaging 470 pounds each (9 ctB 3,848 75 1.500 bushels of picked seed 2 00 8.000 00 Premiums at Piedmont Exposition 00 Premiums at Columbus Exposition 700 00 JOO bushels of sweeE potatoes 50 eta 100 00 HELP WANTED. An imUistrious, intelligent and energftic man or woman willing to work, can secure profitable employment by applying now for the local agency for this to-vnship for that wonderful new book, LITERARY INDUSTRIES, tn the nnnortinnnient, of the mtv Profit for the year 75 moneys received from taxes, was received. The funds were replenished by the following amounts: tween Sanel and Lakeport. Five thousand dollars have already been subscribed by Lake county people without any canvas. Evans Jackson, a mill hand at Rider's sawmill near Westport, sustained injuries by getting his hand in the machinery Wednesday, wilh the result that the thumb and first three fingers had to be amputated.

A St Helena Chinaman has bought his bride, in the approved celestial fashion paying for her 500 and two fat hogs. They are going to have a tony wedding after which they will live in a new cottage being built for them. Over 48,600 worth of dried grapes have been shipped from Cloverdale by Cook Laugley of Riverside, this year, and the same parties bought over $48,000 worth of prunes from Miller 4 Hotchkiss of Healdsburg. Ilevublican. John Duetsch.

a Bavarian living in San Rafael, committed suicide by taking strychnine Wednesday, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Matthew Hart. He was a single man, about fifty years old, and said to be a little unsound in mind. Messrs. McKay and Flood have about mm H. BANCROFT Tub Famous Author.

MILLING COMPANY General fund, 30 cents on 100 5,507 50 Street fund, 30 cents on. 100 6,597 46 Sewer fund, 5 cents on 100 932 91 Bon fund, 20 eents on 100 3,731 64 River and Water front fund, 10 eents on SHOO 1,665 82 School fund, 25 cents on S10O. 4,664 56 Library fund, 5 cents on iflOO 932 91 MANUFACTURERS OF The Southern Farm which was established by the late Henry W. Grady, and to which he gave the best work of his life, will contain in December number a complete account of how George Truitt secured these enormous yields. Besides giving George Trnitt's method of farming, by which he has become rich, it will contain special articles from Dr.

W. L. Jones, who edits it exclusively, Uncle Remus, Bill Arp, Plnnkett. Mrs. J.

S. Ft. Thomson, Mrs. Dr. W.

H. Felton, G. J. Green, Jeff' Welborn, and scores of other well known writers too numerous too mention. Address the Southern Farm, Atlanta, for sample copy free.

What is it? Read the great daily papers everywhere for an answer, it is A VERITABLE SURPRISE to the book world. A treasure-house of brilliant literary jewels. A rami galaxy of wit and wisdom. A graphic record of TRAVEL, INCIDENT ADVENTURE The life-story of a man, who, beginning at the bottom round of the ladder, has, by determined industry, overcome every obstacle aiid reached the top. AN IMMENSE SALE assured, for all elapses arc deeply intereated in thiB powerful work; and the price the vorld over has been fixed at a phenomenally low figure.

ONE MASSIVE VOLUME 7 And Dealers in AND MILL FEED OF ALL KINDS. GRAIN OFF1CE- -Main Street, opp. Odd Fellows Building. Mill On Washington Street Postoffice Box 272. Money Loaned at Lowest Rates on Grain Stored in Our Warehouse.

Total 223,322 80 The treasurer also reported that city bonds numbers 16, 17. 18 and 19 have been called in and will be cancelled on the first Monday in January. 1891. Interest coupons on bonds numbered from 16 to 80 will be paid at the same time, which will leave less than 8300 in the bond fund. The sum of $5,500 was transferred from the street fund to tbe sewer fund.

A warrant was ordered drawn in favor of C. B- Williams for the city's half of the cost of construction of the and Post streets sewers. Over 800 paires, bound in Crimson Silk Cloth, (pit completed a system of canals to drain Bucklen's Arnica Salve. thoroughly the stretch of marsh Jand be to The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum.

Fever tween the old toll-road and the San Quentin hills, extending from San Rafael to Simms Island. This niece of fertile i Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. edges, with costly cover design, fcvery copy accom-' panieil with a fine lull pae steel plate portrait of I the distinguished author, an 1 14 exquisite half-tone I illustrations, 6x9 inches in size. I WE WANT AGENTS In every country, and in every town, county and I state in the I'tiion.

The hil of lh rrnlury. Addrei-s THE HISTORY COMPANY, 723 Market San Francisco, Cal. to oe turned to agricultural ac- Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi-! 1HIIU We Offer Special Inducements to Farmers Use Choice Clean White AUSTRALIAN WHEAT and Recleaned BLACK OATS for Hay and Grain. This Grain has beet? imported and cleaned especially for the farmer. tively cures riles, or no pay required.

It wllul- is guaranteed to (five perfect satisfaction, i One Dr. Keeler, who lias been em-or money refunded. Price 25 cents per) ployed iu Dr. Biddies office in Healds-box. For uh bv S.

D. Towne. i burg, skipped out last Thursday and left Some bills were allowed and the board adjourned till Saturday, December 20th, at 7 P. M..

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