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The Petaluma Courier from Petaluma, California • Page 1

Petaluma, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



MIMUW IVtaV VWIIMMT If Publialwr and Proprietor. ur'KH'K M.ln Vint National old Bank, Terms of Snbeerlptloni ft 00 MX monllie 1 60 Three uionlhe 76 One month, wr at SuueeripUou. uiuel be paid In ad vauM. Bates of Advertising) Knocking la Vain. Tbe following sad inoidont told by eyo-wltnessof tho toone, in Philadelphia will recall to many readers tbe thrilling pioture given in tbe twentieth verse of tbe third chapter of Revelation.

Directly opposito tbe narrator's dwelling stood the home of a riob and unprincipled man. By day it was as still as a prison, but at night it was the bannt of loose ooupany and tbe toene of revelries and dissipation. Occasionally, in tbe daytime, the face of a beautiful young woman would appear at one of the windows. The window, in faot, seemed to be her loiter-ing-place, for she spent much of ber idle time tbero, sitting behind tbe partly closed blind. Thoro was no sign that she enjoyed the luxury aronnd her.

Her face bad tbe bard, drawn expression suggestive of "painted misery." Her position in Ihe rioh man's bouso was a guilty one, for she bad abandoned a pure borne to Summer Hotels. It is significant faot that each succeeding season shows that tbe large summer hotels that soore brilliant or even mediocre tuocess ere growing smaller end more widely scattered. A mere superficial analysis wiil indioato at once to tbe mind trained to business principles that tbe disease is fatal one, and we can only hope that tbe time may be extended beyond onr present anticipation when it will become nee ess ary for ns to obroniole tbe faot that well meant efforts at centralization bave culminated in bnge monuments to folly in tbe shape of large summer hotels withont guests. It is folly born of tbe grossest misconception of tbe ebaraoter and habits of tbe American people to assume that the majority of tbe summer travel is to be deflected to spots where health, recuperation, quiet, rest and enjoyment are misnomers and where in reality fashion's foibles and excesses are the rnling attraction. Tbe faot is, that the American people at olaas are possessed of sound sense.

Imbued with business principles and not inolined to pay from $3 to 5 day for any great length of time for snob questionable enjoyment. The result is -that the guest at a large fashionable -summer hotel is only a transient, remaining soaroely a week, morefequent-ly but a day. The paying season for these houses is thus rednoed to a minimum of from four to six weeks at the height of the season, tbe profits of which are likely to be offset by the losses of the commencement and end of tbe season, for the expense is abont the same whether the house be orowded to overflowing or but one-balf or one-fourth full. We are sorry for the owners and lessees of these white elephants bnt proud ef the fact that Amerioans realize and distinguish between the true health-giving rest and quiet found at tbe modest hotel of twenty-five -rooms surrounded by all that is beauti people bad named me Tbe Sacred Htaudsboty. After killing an enemy the oallrd me TaTan Ka I You Tan or Bitting Ball.

Ad Indian may be an inherited chief, but be has to make himself a obief by bis bravery. (Although several efforts were made. sod much tsot used, Sitting Ball wouu not speak of bis life beyond the age of fourtcoD.) Tbe pale faces bad things that we needed in order to bunt. We needed ammunition. Our interests were in place.

I never sold that mnob land. (Here Sitting Bull pioked np with bis thumb and forefinger a little cf the pulverized dirt in tbe lent, end holding it np let it fall and blow away.) I never made or sold a treaty with the United States. I came in to claim mr rights and tbe rights of my people. I was driven in foroe from my land and I now come back to claim it for my people. I never made war on tbe United States Oovernment.

I never stood in tbe white man's oonntry. I never oommittod any depredations in tbe white man's country. 1 never made tbe white man'a heart bloed. Tbe wbite man came on to my land and followed me. Tbe white man made fight for my bunting grounds.

Tbe wbite man made me kill him, or be would kill my friends, my women and my ohildren." Reporter "The white man admires yonr conduct in a battle. Yon showed yourself to be a great chief in the Caster fight." Sitting Bull "There was a Great Spirit who guided and controlled that battle. I could do nothing. I was sustained by the great mysterious One." (Here Sitting Bull pointed qpward with bis forefinger.) Reporter "Yon oonduoted the battle so well that many thought that yon were not an Indian, but that yon were a while man and knew tbe wbite man's ways." Sitting Bull (pointing to his wrist) I was not a white man, for the Great Spirit did not make me while skin. I did not fight the wbite man's back.

I came out and met him on tho grass. When I say limning Antelope is a fool I mean be made treaties and allowed the white man to come in and occupy our land. Ever sinoe that time there has been trouble. I do not want aid or assistance from tbe whites or anyone else. I wunt them to stay from my country, and allow me to hunt in my own laud.

I want no blood spilled on my land, exoept the blood of the buffalo. I want to hunt and trade for many moons. You bave asked me to come In. I wanted the white man to provide for me for several years, if I came in. You have never effored me any inducements, to come in.

I did not want to come. My friends that came got soap and ax-handles, but not enough to eat. I have come iu, and want the white man to allow me to hunt in my own oonntry. That is the way I live. I want to keep my ponies.

I oan't hunt without ponies. The buffalo runs fact. The wbite man wunted me to give up everything." Reporter" Wbat treatment do you expeot from the Government? If not satisfied, what shall you do Sitting Bull" I expeoted to stay but a few days at Buford. When I came in I did not surrender. I want the Government to let me occupy, the Little Missouri country.

There is plenty of game there. I bave damages against the Government for holding my land and game. I want the Great Father to pay me for it." The reporter here asked tbe interpreter to get an idea of what Sitting Bull meant by the Little Missouri country. Sitting Bull My hunting ground is from tbe bad lauds to the end of the Little Missouri, and I want it extended down here, where eome of my people are, so that I can trade." Reporter What do Chiefs Gall and Running Autwlope say about their treatment beie?" Sitting Bull "Antelope is a fool. I have seen Gall.

He can't tell me any thing. Ha is not a chief of my peo ple." Reporter Don't you think the Indians here are treated well Sittiug Bull" I have not had a ohanoe to talk with them. They are waiting for me to speak. They want to give me a fast and bold a council. I am not j-ulous of them.

I don't know whether we will bold a council or not." Reporter 'Tell ns all about the Ouster battle. How did it happen? Did you direct the main foroes Sitting Bull (after a Ion? silence) "I am not afraid to talk ubout that It all happened, it is past arid gone. I do not lie, but do not want to talk about it. Low Dog Buys I can't fight until some one lends me a heart. Gall says my heart is no bigger than that (plao ing one forefinger at the base of the nail of another linger.) We bave all fought bard.

We did not know Custer. When we saw him we threw up our hands and I cried, Follow me and do as I We whipped each other's horses, and it was all over. Reporter Custer's men were all killed. There is no one to tell us about the battle but you. We keep a record of our battles and study them.

We write histories of brave men. We will never fight tbe Sionx again. Tell ns more about it." Sitting Bill "There was not as many Indians as the white man says. They are all warriors. There was not more than I.vw.

Reporter Cror King says on the second day, when you were fighting lieno smen, that you asked your war riors not to kill any more, that yon had already killed enough." Sitting BuU "Crow King speaks the trutb; ldici not want to kill any more men. I did not like that kind of work. I only defended my camp. When we had killed enough, that was all that was neoessary. The art of not bearing should be taught in every well-regulated family.

It is fully as inui ortant to domestio Happiness as a cultivated ear, for which so much money and time are expended. There are so many things whioh it is painful and minrious to bear very many which, if heard, will disturb the temper, corrupt simplicity and modesty, distract from contentment and happiness that every one ehonld ba educated to take in or shut out sounds, according to their pleasure. It costs more to avenge wrongs than to pear mem. (J9 Indtappiiftable to Mothers hnvlng Sickly or trying luildreu. It Is not Narcotic.

LiMiMeNr. Pain in the linck, liurns, llruigrs, Sores, ltheumallsni, Sprains and Lameness upon Man and Beast Can bo Cared. This prcat Healing Itemedy is used throughout the habitable globe. Quick to relieve, certain lo cure, and cheap to possess. PLANING ILL! Foot of Main nd Streets, Petalamm Kt many nulos from eld depot, S.

RASMUSON, Proprietor, AXl'f ACTL'BRS Ot BRACKETS, MOLDINGS, AX0 ILL IM or FINISHING WORK I BOX CHURNS, BUTTER BOXES WINE AND WATER CASKS, Etc. ool Turning and all kindi of Machine Work, wit COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL Foot of Main Street, HEINRICH MATTHIES, PROPRIETOR. New Furullurc, und Ruouis Lunge uih! Airy Board and lodging by the day, $1 00 und $1 25 Board and lodging by the week, 5 50 and 6 00 mms house has just kken entikkly I refurnished, and offers the best accommo dations in town. The Proprietor late of the Union) would rcsiicctfullv solicit a continuance of the gener ous patronage accorded him in the mat. An Omnibus will convey Passengers to and from the cars free of charge.

American Hotel, tl'lTllUIAl Conducted on European Plan. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Board and Lodging perday. $2, $2.60 Board per week $5 Board and Lodging per week. $6.50 to $10 Board and Lodging per month.

$28 to $36 Single Heals 25, 35 and 50 cents ALSO, CSKF.AT nKMJCTION IN THE BAKERY AND CONKECTIONKRY DEPARTMENT. W. B. MATZENBACH, Proprietor. I WASHINGTON HOTEL RESTAURANT, Waahliiitlon direct folit Inula SOLDATE CEREGHINO, Proprietors t'ONOVCTIill ON TIIH FREE OMNIBUS TO AND FROM THE CAMS 15U Brooklyn Hotel I KELLY TIGHE, Prop'r, Corner or Waahlnzlon and R.nlaekr HU.

PETALUMA. OKaxgres Usasono-Tole BUS WILL CONVEY PASSENGERS TO AND from the Hotel free of chance. 46 Grand Hotel, MAIM STBEET SAXTA BOS A WM. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. THE ABOVE ELEGANT BRICK HOTEL IS NOW open to the public.

The Grand Hotel has alt the modern improvements pertaining to a first-class house. Gas. Water and Elegant Furniture In every room. And having changed management, the traveling pubic may rely on the table being suppliedwrtti the best he market affords. fiT Free coach and carriage to guests of the Hotel to and from tbe cars.

38 tf SEATTtE COAL! Best and Cheapest I Use No Other ORIENTAL MILLS, Sole Agents. aitf Beautiful Elegant Are Ute eiclamatlons made by all who set THE SPLENDID STOCK GOLD BAND CHINA, CROCKERY, CLASSWARE, LAMPS, T. J. IIASKINS', Main Street Petaluma mllE STOCK IS FRESH AND ATTRACTIVE. and the largrat north of th.

bay. There an alao Books, all kinds, Choice Stationery, Gold Fens, SHeet lyEtislo OP ALL KINDS, MUSIC BOOKS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Or ALL DESCRIPTIONS. T. J. HASHXNS.

MAIN STREET, PETALUMA DR. SPINNEY, NO. II KEARNY ST BERT. Treats all Chronic and Special Diseases. WHO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM THE EF-fects of youthful follies or indiscretions, will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity.

1K. bl'INNKY will guarantee to forfeit fur every case of Seminal Weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and (ails to cure. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who aro troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or turning sensation and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy Bedimont will often be found, and Botuotiuies smnlljiarticlcs of albumen wilt appear, or the color will be of a thin milkUh hue, again changing to a dark and torpid apoaratjco. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the second Btage of Nominal weakness.

Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a hcalty restoration of the genitourinary organs. Office Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to Ua.m.

Consultation free. Thorough examination and advice, Call or address DR. hPnNKV A 80 No. 11 Kearney street, Hun Francisco. WM; L.


BUCKIUS Successor, to A. W. BARNES, DUUU IN Stoves, Ranges, ALL IINDS Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, WATER PIPE, GAS PIPE, foot of Main Street Petaluma. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, JOBBING, ETC. DAIRY WOKE A SPECIALTI I iaTAll ordora promptly and aatiafactorlly fllled.

45 tf Hides, Tallow, WOOL, CAME, IEoa.ltr37 lEgfgfs, VEGETABLES, ETC. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID AT PHILIP DUNN'S, (SUCCESSOR TO THOS. SCOTT CO.) WASHIlTGrTOlT 26 PETALUMA. tf THE PLACE TO BUY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobaccos, FOR CASH at the well known house of 3V. ER.WIIST, Waaalacton Street, above P.

6., PETALUMA. Highest Cash Prloe Paid for Country Produce. 12 tf H. NATJGHTON, Main Stmbt, abotb WAfiiirNoroir, PETALUMA. Keeps constantly on hand a fine assortment of GBOCEB1ES, PEOVISIOITS, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS.

HELPi by making money when a golden Ichance is offered, thereby always keeping poverty from your door. Those who alwayn take advantage of the rood chances for mak ing maner that are offered, irenerally become wealthy while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, omen, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. he business wiil pay more than ten times tlie ordinary wages. We furnish an expensive outfit and all you need free.

No one who engages tail to make money rery rapHiy. ion can uerou your wnois uma to ins were, or only yoor spare momenta. Full Information and all that Is needed! sjens tree. Addsses asSMes A Fororer Ike iuo Is pouiliig III gold On i bundrvd world, that beg tnd borrow; Hit waruta lis iqu.udort on (umislli co'd, III wetltb oo lbs bomri of want and furrow, To wltbkoM lil. largeti of precious light I.

to bury bliutelf lo sternal night. To glv. It lo lire. The flower thlnei not fur lUelf at .11, lie )oy the Jo It freely dlffuieij Of heamjf and balm It Is prodigal, And It lives In tbs light It freely uies. No choice for lbs ross but glory or doom, Toixhala or to wilder or bloom.

To deny Is lo dir. Tbe ittai lend silvery rayi to tbs land, The laid Its sapphire streams to tbe ocean The heart lends blood to tbs brain of com mand, Ths brain to tbs heart lis llghlulug motion; And over and over we yield our breitb, Till tbs mirror it dry snd Images death. To live It to give. Ho it dead wbois hand It not open wide To help the need of a human brother; He doublet tbe length of bit life-long ride Who gives bit fortunate plies to another; And a thouaand million lives are hit Who ctrriet lbs world In bit tympathlet, To deny It to die. Sitting BuU.

Tbe St. Paul Pioneer gives an aooount of a reporter's late interview with tbe old warrior. It is interesting to all wbo are admirers of Indian ebaraoter. Tbe writer says: Tbe face, to any one who has seen a Sionx chief, is strikingly characteristic The high, pointed, narrow forehead and the correspondingly-attenuated chin tbe prominent cheek bones and pronounced nose; the intent, wide-open eyes, afad mere than all, the Mephistophelean mouth, with its sardonic, sneering expression.conveying so much of unbelief and distrust, all goto make the tout eruemble of tbe intelligent, wily, soornf ul, suspicions savage whose barbarism has reooived obIj a lacquer of repression through attrition with civilized whites. The old man is poor that can be seen at a glanoe.

Upon bis bead are no waving plumes, save tbo indispensable ooup feather which droops ns if iu sympathy with its owner's fallen fortunes. Inatead of the fur-trimmod braids and gaudy bead and headdress of lie agency Indian is the simple safely may it be assumed it is crimed with tilth and age kuutted carelessly behind. The spectacles may strike some observers aa odd, but many Indians wear tbem, as a protection nguiost snow-blindness in winter, and the alkali dust of the plains in summer and Sitting Bull has reached the age when his eyes are "purging thiok amber and plum-tree gum," and need the covering the lenses aQord. As before stated, he is swarthy of oomplexion remarkably dark in faet and "ago has withered him," while lack of food and tbe continual trouble crowded into bis last few years, have given vigor to decay's effacing lingers. Hitting Bull gave the following ao-count of himself: Interpreter Where were you boro, and when 1 Sitting Bull" I don't know where I was born, and can not remember.

I know that I was born, though, or would not be here. I was born of a woman. I know this is a iact, because I SittiDg Bull here held a long conver sation with his uncle, Chief Four Horns, and after pointing at different augers for some time, said: "I was born tear old Fort George, on Willow Greek, below the mouth of tbe Cheyenne Iiiver. I am forty-four years old as near as I can tell. Wo count our years from tbe moons between great events, ine event from wmon date my birth is the year in which Thunder Hawks was born.

I am as old as he. I have always been running around. Indiana that remain on the same hunting grounds all the time can remember years better." Bsporter How many wives and ohildren have you 1 Sitting Bull (running over his fingers and then with his thumb and forefinger of one hand pinching and holding together two fingers of bis other hand) "I bave nine children and two living wives, and one wife that has gone to tbe Great Spirit. I have two pairs cf twins." Lieutenant Dowdy" Tell Sitting Bull he is more fortunate than I am. I can't get one wife." At this interruption Sitting Bull langhed.

lleporter Whioh' is your favorite wife?" Bitting Ball I think as much of one as the other. If I did not I would not keep them. I think if I had a white wife I would think more of her than the other two." Reporter "Whst are the names of your wives?" Sitting Bull (raising the side of the tent and calling a squaw to him evidently he asked her)" Was Seen By The Nation is the name of the old one. The One That Had Four Bobes is the name of the other." Reporter Are you a chief by inheritance, and if not, what deeds of bravery gave you the title? Sitting Bull My father and two uncles were chiefs. My father's name was The Jumping Bull.

My nncle that is in the teepee is called Four Horna, and my other nude was called Honting His Lodge. My father was a very rich man and owned a great many good ponies in four colors. In pouies he took much pride. They were roan, white and grey. He had great numbers, and I never wanted for a horse lo ride.

When I was ten years old I was famous as a famous hunter. My specialty was buffalo calves. (Here Bull indicated with his arms how he killed the buffalo.) I gave the calves I killed to tbe poor that bad no horses. I was considered a good man. (Here Bull again counted on his fingers and joints My father died twenty-one years ago.

For four years after I was ten years old I killed buffalo and fed his people, and thus became one of the fathers of the tribe. At tbe age of fourteen I killed an enemy, and began to make myself gnat in battle, and became a chief. Machine Works! W. H. WORTH, Proprietor, (For th.

peat tan yean foreman of the Union Iron Work Ban Fmncuco), luoceamr to C. P. Hatch, HAML'FACTt'KKR Of. All Kinds of Machinery, Including RORBE-POWUU, from on. lo fourluen lioraa.

I wlah to oall particular attention of Dalrymon to my New One-llorer, All Iron Dairy Power, tha eheapeat and beat uuuiu on th. oueat. lint Water Ileaten for Ualrlea, Cider, Wine and Choea. Pnwaea, Urano and Affile Cmalii-re, extra, for alt kind, of Plnwa, including Chilled C'aat Iron for Caat Caat'Htool Plow. at oueuarter the lirleo uaually charged in the atorea, Chum Flangua, 1'lvket ilaula, all klndaof Mower and Heaiier Extnu.Tire Ciaettera, Whoela, Urldga Uolta and Caatinira Hindu to order.

THE CHOICEST AND BEST Fresn Meats Smoked Hams and Baoon, Anil axil Flelelad. 2xC.ts, at mi Petaluma Market, POEHLMAN BROTHERS, Prop'rs. UmIi delivered to any part of the ally, and all order, promptly fllled. 1 tf JOHN CAVANACH, CITT BECOBSBI And Notary Public. DEEDS, MORTGAGES and all other Legal Inatru-meou aarof ully drawn.

Offloe In lumber Yard, Washington Street, EAST PETALUMA. JWO, DEALER IN ALL KINUU OF REDWOOD AND OREGON LUMBER, Shingles, Laths, Pickets, DOORS, WINDOWS BLINDS. 15 tf CITY LIVERY, SALE AND BOARDING BEIiCS at PI RVIVE, Proprietor Opposite City Hotel, Cornor Western Avenne and Kollor PETALUMA. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AND SADDLE DOBsCIt ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Partlaular attention given to Boarding Horsea.

13 Foxtreiit and. XjatxidLscsipe PHOTOGRAPHER -iBOOHSt-One door above Flral National Void Bank, 4 PETALUMA, CAL ly' VEALE ROACH, "TliolQeale and. Zetail DIAL.aslX.... GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, 39 MAIN STltEET PETAM N1 Opposite Odd Fellows' Block, R. VBALB, A tf TUOH.

ROACH. Pure Milk, CHEAP -AT THE- EMPIRE DAIRY, GREEK BROS, WILL GUARANTEE TO SELL PVRK Milk cheaper than any other dairy. Sat isfaction given in all cases. Orders left at the American Hotel will receive nromot attention. HORSE SHOEING.

CARRIAGE. ROAD and Track Horses Shod. Ho forging nor Interfering. AH work promptly attended to and done in the neatest style BY JAMES O'NEIL, Kentucky Street, above Washington. ORIENTAL FEED STORE! dronnd Feed, Day, Floor nod ilrala, Wood, I'oal and bar coal, Lower end Main op.

Plaza. $66 a week In your own town. $6outSt traa No rude Reader, if von want a buainaaa at whlee) eatker aa aaa make mat par all th. time they work, write tor perMeafcm to 57 Hauan PorMaad, Makte, Un. aquaraOOllne.

or leae), Bret Insertion 1 00 Itaeh eulrtenent Inaertltm 60 Kiwuiel reloe with reirular eilvertlaare. fT All tranelaiil advertleonionle Biiut paid lor In ad raw. BUSINESS CARDS. i. B.IBNET, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, 10 SAX RAFAEL.


PHILLIPS' food will (italic. In bli dental oUm, I n-auaetfull lullclt th. nalroluure of the uubllo. iruareo- leelng all work epuerialning to penllnr' don. In lb.

moil akllllul aad workmanlike manner. I. Im Drallat, gueceaeor to l)r. U. H.

fhillli. Jul. 1877. 4u tf rATTT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offloe, No.

it Main Street, oppoelte American Hotel. Peuluma. 8 tl jlASK W. HHATTriK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE ACENT And Notary Palillr. OOn oonur Main ud tVaahlnvton Petaluma.


lim or City Residence Property. JOHN BAUR PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER! AND DEALER IN Watcaes, Clocks and kslry. ALL GOODS SOLD AT THIS PLACE AKB WAR ranted to be aa repreaentod. Watch Repairing ipacialty. 1 tf O.

B. ACKERMAN, ARCHITECT BUILDER 1 Shop and flic on Washington Street, Near the Bridge, East Petaluma PLANS DRAWN AND ESTIMATES GIVEN, AND information furnished in regard to build logs anywhere in the city or county. Has all the machinery necessary to raiifl or remove buildings. Parties Intending to build would do well to conmlt toe before making their contracts. Satisfaction guaranteed.

6m AA1 Great chance to mite money. We uULUi need a person In every town to tike Btitocriptions for the largest, cheaper and best illustrated family publication in the world. Anyone can become a successful agent. Six elegant work of art given free to subscribers. The price in bo low that almost everybody subscribes.

One agnt reports taking 120 BUbscrlberB in a day. A lady agent reports making over I'inO clear profit In ten days. All wbo engage make money fast. You can devote all you time tothebuslnttss, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night.

You can do It aa well as others. Full directions and terms free. If you want profitable work send ub your address at once. It cohttt nothing to try the No one who engages full a to make great pay. Address Qcobqe Portland, Maine.

46-ly Eureka Dairy I W. F. BOWMAN, Proprietor. FRESH, SWEET MILK! GOOD MEASURE, LOW PRICES And completo aatiafaction glvan. it JUST GIVE THE EUREKA A TRIAL, tf J.

SNOW, Estate FARMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR SALE. Houses and Lots la Petaluma for sale and ex-ohange. Houses rented. Rents collected. Loans negotiated! Money loaned, bills, notes and accounts collected.

OFFICE In Baruh's store, adjoining American Hotel, Main street, Petaluma. 41 Outfit sent free to those who wish to engage In the moat pleasant and profitable business known, tverything new. Capital not required. We will fur-feish you everything. $10 a day and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night.

No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and irlrla make srreat nv. No one who is willine to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a week at anj ordinary employment, rnose who aniraire at once will find a short road to fortune.

Address H. Halle-it Portland, Maine. 7 ly Wellington Coal I BEST AND CHEAPEST USE NO OTHER OEIBNTAL MILLS, Sole Agency. i. o.

o. r. Bit. rETALUMALODOENO.30,l.O.O.F. iSSSV? Tuesday evening, at 7:30, at their hall.

Visitine brethren are dially invited to attend. S. C. ST. JOHN, N.


All PERSONS ARE HEREBY FORBIDDEN TO treepaae or bunt on the Cotate Ranch, either with don, othenriM. All violation! of tola solloa will be proMouted to tha toll "tent of tbe law for wb aaaaa mad. ud prorldad. By order live on tbe wagos of disgraoo. Une morning, while she sat in ber nsual plaoe, a carriage stopped at the nonse.

a gray-naired man got out of it and knooked at the door. The young woman saw him with a start of surprise but she did not stir from the window. Rigid and pale, she looked down through the blind-lattice, watohing every movement, but making no sign. The old man plied tho knocker long and loudly till the neighbors noticed him and wondered. But be knooked in vain.

No servant would open the door without the distress' order. She kept ber conoealment and silently looked on, till the visitor went away. An nour later, tue same carriage stopped again. The same gray-haired man knocked tho scoond time at the door. The same unhappy face looked down npon him through the lattioe but there was no answer to his oall, and in grief he went away.

A third time that day the old man renewed his visit. The pale watoher at the window watohed him as before, withont relenting, without responding. He turned slowly away and in tears was heard to exolaim, bmily! Emily I My daughter, my poor, dear That father had traveled a long journey on his sad snd eager errand. He had traced his erring child to this house, and waiting until her destroyer was away, be had hoped that she would see him. She knew his errand.

Her heart had beaten more quickly as she looked down upon his gray hairs. Her pale cheeks and rigid mouth told of a oon-tlict within. Perhaps the old love of her pretty, wayward childhood, that had seemed dead for many a day, oanio to life again, and pleaded for him, and for God, as ho stood there at the door and knocked. Bat enslaved and helplesswith eyes from whose troubled depths looked forth a ruined soul she let him go without a word or sign. Do you pity that old man going an ay to his childless home, heart-broken and alone? Yes; bntmore to be pitied is she iu whoto soul tho horrors of a life of shame must find their home, and over whose pathway hangs the gloom of an outcast's death.

Youth's Companion. Mr. Bradlaugh makes a Sensation. Tbe honor of dividing the interest of English political circles with Mr. Parnell at present to Mr.

Brad- laugh. It will be remembered that more than a Tear ago Mr. Bradlaugh declined lo take the oath prescribed by statute for members of the House of Commons, and posed for a time as the martyr-champion of liberty of eon-science. He was afterwards admitted on his aCirmation and took his seat, but the" Courts decided that his admission was illegal. This decision entailed oh him a heavy fine for every time he had voted while illegally ocoapyiuK his seat, amounting in the aggregate to several thousand pounds.

Mr. ISrad-laugh appealed to his constituents for re-election, and was again returne I to the House. Ho then offored to take the oath as a matter of form, but as be had previously deolured that he dil not consider au oath more binding than a mere pledge, objection was made. For several months his case has stood thus. He is a regularly and legally choeen member of the House, ready to take the oath prescribed by statute, but is not allowed by the House to da so, and therefore is not a momber of that body.

Mr. Bradlaugh has entered the House several times, and "has been removed by order of the Speaker. List week he attempted to make a forcible entry, and had to be foroibly thrust out of the lobby into the street by several stalwart policemen. New York Chroniole. The shameful delays in the punishment of criminals were never better illustrated than in the case of Nathan Orlando Greenfield, who was aooused of murdering his wifo, at Orwell, Oswego Got.

21, 1875. He was tried, and tbe jury disagreed. A second trial resulted in a verdict of guilty. Then began the writs of error, appeals, and all that sort of thing, until tbe Court of Appeals ordered a uew trial on the soore of a technical error. A new trial was had.

with a change of venue to Syracuse, and a verdict of guilty was rendered again. Then came another legal battle, and in all there were five stays of proceedings and reprieves. Lwt Friday tbe man was hung, five years and nine months after the com' mission of the orime. That such a case should be permitted to drag along in this way is a disgrace to our laws, and deserves the death-penalty of nearly all its force as deterrent from orime. It is said that under the new Code Buch delays will not be possible, and every good citizen will hope that this will prove to be the fact.

A law tbe execution of whioh can be avoided for eu long a time, is only half a law. New York Examiner. Raspbebby Jam. Take equal weight of red currants and raspberries, or come take one-third currants and two-thirds raspberries and of sugar, three- quarters of a pound of best loaf, to eaoh pound of fruit. Cover the fruit with tbe sugar over night, and tbe next day boil all together slowly for an hour, skimming if necessary.

Put it iu small jars, and fasten down when hot, with egg, on brandy paper. It will keep well and makes a delioious sweetmeat. Or use only raspberries, and some boil the fruit fifteen or twenty minutes, then add sugar and boil thirty or forty minutes, stirring almost constantly, ful in nature and the continuous exoitement and strain of a fashionable summer resort hotel. Traveler's Reg ister. His Honor and Bijah.

"This 'ere man," said Bijah to his Honor as he brought out Alexander Martin, tried to bribe me last night to let him out, and when that wouldn't work he threatened my life and your's too." How much did he offer you?" Two shillings." And you stood firm?" Firm as a rock, your Honor." Good 1 you may consider vonrself elevated to the top shelf of my estima tion, now easy it would nave been for you to have taken that money and skipped for Europe and passed tbe remainder of yeur days in luxurious seclusion, and yet you turned your back on the temptaiion. Bijah. your conduct thull be reported to tbe Police Commissioners in glowing terms, and next winter yon shall have the biggest pair of car-muffs of any citizen in Detroit as a personal gift from me. So, Mr. Martin, you threatened our lives, eh?" "No, sir, I simply raid that when I got out I would see about this." Are you insane?" "No, sir." Well, then, be a little careful how you make threats.

You are. charged witn drunkenness." Yes, sir, but it was for next Christmas. I always get drunk on Christ mas. Weren't you rather taking time by tbe forelock?" I couldn't tell whether I'd be alive next winter." I see. Do you call that a good line of reasoning "Yes, sir." "Well, then, because you may not be elive next winter I shall send yon to the Work House now.

Please oonsider yourself off on a summer vaoation for thirty days." The prisoner so considered, and sat down and enjoyed the sensation of having his board paid four weeks in advance Detroit Free Press. Ex-Governor Hubbard's Daughter and Her Husband. Newspaper readers will readily recall the sensation created two years ago by the elopement and marriage of a daughter of Ex-Governor Hubbard, of Connecticut, with a coachman named Shep-ard. It uaa, since that time, been reported that the oouplo were living in pinching poverty, bat this statement is not true. Soon after the marriage they wont to board with Shepartl's brother in Hartford.

Mrs. Shepard occasionally visited her father's house to see her mother and sisters, tut the presenoe of her husband in the heme of her father was strictly forbidden. Shepard has a wealthy uncle living in Conn wbo became interested in Shepard after tho elopement. The unole was somewhat nettled by insinuations that Shepard was not good enough for the young lady, and to show that his sympathy was practical made a tender of pecuniary assistance. He made deposit of the neoessary amount of money and Shepard was enabled to purchase an interest ia a well-established livery business in New Haven, Not only is the former coachman doing well in business, but he is conduoting himself iu a manly manner in other ways, and bis wife is reported to be very happy.

She is seen frequently driving in her pbaoton, and, it is understood, is kindly received by many of her old friends in New Haven. Once ia a while she goes to Hartford, and ia noticed as being in perfect health, and looking prettier than ever. She keeps up a thoroughly stylish appearance, ud has money enough from her husband to warrant it, all of whioh proves that she is not living in poverty," as thousands of people all over the country, who bave become interested in ber welfare, will bo happy to learn. Scalloped Oystbbs. Use bakers' bread at least three days old, strain your oysters, put a layer of them in the feottom of your dish, with bits of butter, salt, peeper, and a very little mace, spread over them a layer of grated bread, then a layer of oysters, and bread, fill yonr dish in ttiia way, having a layer of bread on hu top, then ponr in a cup cf the liquid 1 1 the oyster, or milk, tnd bake one hour.

Be sure and not have your layer of grated bread thick, or get in too much mace. Qtinksi, Mesne. 0ky.

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